of Light for the Sim…  · Web viewwise a wise man will hear and increase learning, ... A Clarion...

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Transcript of of Light for the Sim…  · Web viewwise a wise man will hear and increase learning, ... A Clarion...


– Psalm 119:130



Augusts 14, 2016, Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God.

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times

Page | 2 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com


Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End TimesZechariah 14:6-7 6It shall come to pass in that Day that there will be no Light; the glorious ones will diminish. 7It shall be one Day which is known to the Lord (The Father) – Neither Day nor Night. BUT AT EVENING TIME IT SHALL


Page | 3 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End TimesAugust 14 2016, Bible Study, A Summary from the Scriptures of Coming Events

A Very Basic Bible Study Summary ofthe Times, Days, and Hours, of the Years of the Day of the Lord

as Explained within the Fullness of His Holy Scriptures…Click this URL link for MP3 audio introduction to this Bible Study from Floyd:



This Bible Study will review most of the Key Events and their timing as they are explained within the Scriptures. We will attempt to connect the dots in an understandable way.

There are many wars and rumors of wars, and nearly everyone can discern that the Bible forewarned us of that being the case when the Time of the Lord’s Appearing comes near. Yet, there remains great confusion among His elect because of many teachings that are not based upon a firm foundation of all the Scriptures.

In this Bible Study we will point out the Scriptures in such a way that even our youth will hopefully be able to clearly see and know what the Scriptures actually reveal. We need to know His Times. The Lord told us all to Watch and be prepared.

I pray that this Bible Study on Understanding His Times, His Day, and His Hour, will be a blessing to many.Page | 4 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times

Page | 5 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on the Day of the Lord and a Prayer for Understanding:http://www.153wordsofgod.com/MP3/Keys%20of%20Light%20for%20the%20Simple,%20We%20Can%20Understand.mp3

I have often heard people say that the Bible is too difficult to read and it is hard to understand the laws and purposes of the events in the Bible. And still others say that the Book of Revelation is the hardest book of all to

read and understand. However, most people do not truly try to understand because they have heard and received as an absolute doctrine the terrible misinterpretation of the meaning of the verses where the Lord

correctly states that no one can understand the Day and the Hour except the Father. I will address the meaning of that verse in a moment, but for now I can say that this failure to rightly divide what the Lord said is the root

of the basic problem of the teachings of the End Times. It is impossible to rightly divide the Scriptures if we have not first sought the Lord and received

the Key that will unlock the Understanding of the Scriptures. As the Lord proved with the mostly uneducated disciples, the Knowledge of God’s Words that He spoke is the Key that unlocks the Understanding of the Scriptures so that even the simple and little children can rightly divide the Word of Truth.

Psalm 119:130 130“The entrance of Your Words gives Light; it gives Understanding to the simple.”

Revelation 3:7 7“And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia (This name means “love of a brother”) write, “These things says He who is holy, He who is true, “He who has the key of David, He who opens and no one shuts , and shuts and no one opens ”:Proverbs 1:23 23“TURN AT MY REPROOF: SURELY I WILL POUR OUT MY SPIRIT ON


SPOKE TO YOU WHILE I WAS STILL WITH YOU, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.” 45AND HE OPENED THEIR UNDERSTANDING, THAT THEY MIGHT

COMPREHEND THE SCRIPTURES.Page | 6 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times

TO UNDERSTAND THE END TIMES, WE MUST PERCEIVE THE PARABLES OF THE WISE!Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on All Things Come in Parables through the Wise, but by the Spirit:


To understand the End Times, we must come to the realization that the entirety of the Bible is written in Parables. In Mark 4:11 the Lord testifies that to those outside, all things come in Parables. This is true of both the Old and the New Testaments. Remember that God is God, and because of this He testifies that He can never change (Malachi 3:6). And the Words of God can never change, for they are all Truth and they are all Law (Isaiah 55:11, John 17:17, Psalm 33:4, 119:142, 160). Further, His

Words are never ending (Isaiah 55:11, Matt. 5:18, 24:35. Mark 13:31, Luke 21:33). And the Lord testified that as the Father taught Him, He so does. Therefore, if Jesus spoke the Word as the Father revealed to Him, and did the things that the Father shown Him, then clearly we should understand

that the entirety of the Works of God are not only revealed in the Scriptures, but they are revealed in the Way of Parables. These Holy Words of God are the Pure Language woven in all of the Scriptures.Mark 4:10-12 10But when He was alone, those around Him with the twelve asked Him about

the parable. 11And He said to them, “To you it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God; but to those who are outside, ALL THINGS COME IN PARABLES, 12so that ‘Seeing they may see and not perceive, and hearing

they may hear and not understand; lest they should turn, and their sins be forgiven them.’”John 3:34 34FOR HE WHOM GOD HAS SENT SPEAKS THE WORDS OF GOD, for God does not give the Spirit by measure.

John 5:36-38 36But I have a greater witness than John’s; for the works which the Father has given Me to finish—the very works that I do—bear witness of Me, THAT THE FATHER HAS SENT ME. 37And the Father Himself, who sent Me, has testified of Me. You have neither heard His Voice at any time, nor seen His form. 38But you do not have His Word

abiding in you, because whom He sent, Him you do not believe.”Isaiah 55:11 11“So shall My Word be that goes forth out of My Mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall

accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” (Solomon reveals that King David told him to get Wisdom and to get Understanding – Pr. 4:7.)

Solomon says to know Wisdom and discern Instruction, we should seek to perceive the Words of the Wise and their Riddles: Proverbs 1:1-7 1The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel: 2To know wisdom and instruction, TO

PERCEIVE THE WORDS OF UNDERSTANDING (Consider the teachings in Psalm 119:130 and Luke 24:44-45.), 3to receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, judgment, and equity; 4to give prudence to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion-- 5wise a wise man will hear and increase learning, and a man of understanding will attain wise counsel

(Jesus is the Wise Counselor.), 6TO UNDERSTAND a proverb (A wise instruction) and an enigma (A mystery of His Works,) Page | 7 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End TimesTHE WORDS OF THE WISE AND THEIR RIDDLES. (The Puzzles/Parables within the Scriptures that His Words give

understanding to the Ways of the Works of God.) 7The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge , b ut fools despise wisdom and instruction.


Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on this list of End Time Parables that are from the Scriptures:http://www.153wordsofgod.com/MP3/Keys%20of%20Light%20for%20the%20Simple,%20End%20Time%20Parables%20Summary.mp3

To be able to accurately discern the End Times we need to be able to understand at least some of the following Parables:The Mystery Riddles of the Wise (Or, we can say the Parables of the Wise): A few of the Key Related Reference Scriptures:

The Evening of His Day Zechariah 14:6-7 What about the Night Isaiah 21:10-12 The Hour of Trial Rev. 3:10, Rev. 4-5, Rev. 18:1-4, Rev. 6:12-17,

Dan. 7:9-14, Dan. 12:1-4 The Separation Judgment of the Night John 9:4-5, Luke 17:34, Isaiah 21:10-12 The Season and Time – A gap when no beast kingdom has dominion Daniel 7:9-14, Rev. 17:9-14 The Lord Dominion over the Earth for a Season and Time Daniel 7:9-14, Daniel 9:24-27, Rev. 17:9-14 The 5th beast kingdom that was, is, and will not be Dan. 7:9-14, Rev. 17:9-14 The Time, Times, and a Half a Time Rev. 12:13-14, Dan. 12:6-7 The Way of the “Hour” (The 42 Months, or 1,260 Days) Rev. 17:12, Rev. 12:5, Rev. 11:2, Gen. 9:11-17 The Way of “About a Half an Hour” Rev. 8:1-4, Isaiah 11:1-2 The Short Time of Satan Rev. 12:12-27, Dan. 9:26, Ezek. 38:7-16 The Required End Time Work given to the Elect of this Day Daniel 9:24, Joel 2:12-20 The Requirement and Times for Enabling the Father's Intervention Joel 2:12-20, Matthew 24:21-22, Mark 13:19-20 The Great Supper Luke 14:15-24, Rev. 19:1-11, Dan. 12:9-10 The Event known as the Rapture (Taking up His Eternal Kingdom) Dan. 9:27, Psalm 50:4, Dan. 12:1-4, Rev. 9:1-12 The Unnecessary Lukewarm Martyrs of the War of His Night Rev. 6:9-11, Rev. 12:17, Ezek. 38 War

Page | 8 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End TimesContinuation of the List of some of the End Time Parables (Or, we can say the Riddles of the Words of the Wise.):

The Mystery Riddles of the Wise (Or, we can say the Parables of the Wise): A few of the Key Related Reference Scriptures: The Destruction of the 5th beast kingdom Dan. 7:11-12, Dan. 11:43-45, Rev. 17:9-14 The Season before the Time Dan. 7:12, Rev. 6:12-17 The Anointing of the King Dan. 9:24, Rev. 11:16-19 The Jubilee Year Joel 2:1-11, Isaiah 61, Ezek. 36, Luke 4, Matt. 5 The New Covenant and the Lord's 7 Years Dan. 9:27, Rev. 12:10 The Two Witnesses Govern the Earth Rev. 11 The People on the Sea like Crystal all holding Harps Rev. 15:1-4 The Time of Great Troubles and the War Dan. 9:26, Ezek. 38, Rev. 12:16-17 The People of the 6th beast kingdom in captivity Rev. 17:9-16 The Destruction of the Harlot Rev. 17:16, Rev. 18, Zech. 5 The Shared Reign of One Hour of the 6th and 7th beast kingdoms Rev. 17:17 The Pure Language of One Shoulder Zeph. 3:9 The Famine of His Words Amos 8:11-14, John 9:4-5, Dan. 7:12 Where Night Goes at the End of the Millennium and Why Rev. 22:5 The basic Kingdom Work of the Evening, Night, Morning and Day From all Scriptures The Day and Hour of His Son’s Appearing that only the Father Knows Mark 13:32, Matt. 24:36 The Beginning of the Day of the Lord that only the Father knew Zech. 14:6-7, Heb. 10:24-31 The Lord’s 3 Appearances for Judgments during the Day of the Lord 2 Timothy 4:1, Rev. 19:17-21 The 1,290 days and the 1,335 days Dan. 12: The Seal, and the Meaning of the Seal Rev. 7, Dan. 12:2-3, Rev. 9:4, Eph. 1:13-14

This has been a partial list of basic Parables of the Lord from the Scriptures that reveal events of the Day of the Lord. This Bible Study will touch on all of these events while providing some basic guidance for discerning the meaning and timing of the events.

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


Click this MP3 audio URL link for comments from Floyd on the unavoidable turning to the knowledge of Truth – God’s Words:http://www.153wordsofgod.com/MP3/Keys%20of%20Light%20for%20the%20Simple,%20The%20Law%20of%20His%20Words.mp3

The Lord gave us a Parable in Zephaniah 3:8-9 that at the Appointed Day and Hour of the Separation Judgment, He will cause the people to open their eyes and finally see and hear the Words of God that He had been sent into the world to bear witness of (As is testified to in Deut. 18:18-19, John 3:26-36, John 18:37.). There is a PURE LANGUAGE of Words of God, and He will cause His Elect whom God chooses to walk in the Ways of His Words of His Language, and be allowed to call on His Holy Name.Zephaniah 3:8-9 8“Therefore wait for Me,” says the LORD, “Until the day I rise up for plunder;

My determination is to gather the nations to My assembly of kingdoms, to pour on them My indignation, all My fierce anger; all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of My jealousy.”

9“For then I will restore to the peoples a Pure Language , THAT THEY ALL MAY CALL ON THE NAME OF THE LORD (The Name of the Lord that we have not known is the Work of the Kingdom to bear Witness to the Words of God – See Revelation 19:11-13), to serve Him with

One accord.” (Take note of 2 Cor. 12:1-4 and Amos 8:11-14. The wicked and the lukewarm will not be able to speak His Words in this Pure Language.)

The reason is that these are Words of unbreakable Good Works of Truth (See Isaiah 55:11, John 15:7). Jesus says that His Sacred Words of Wisdom are never ending. As an example, the Words “Evening”, “Night”, “Morning”, and “Day”, are of these Sacred Words that God set apart and made them Holy by adding greater meanings, and thus, Ways, that are manifested as Unbreakable Promises. These Words are Holy because He placed into each of them additional Promises of Good Works that bear witness to His Eternal Plan for the building of His Kingdom and of His Eternal Power (Isaiah 55:11, Rom. 1:18-25).

Isaiah 55:11 11“So shall My Word be that goes forth out of My Mouth: it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.” (His Words are Truth (Ps. 119:160,

John 17:17). His Truth is Law (Ps. 119:142, John 12:48).)When these additional meanings and promises are seen by us, it is then that the Lord is able to use these Words to enable us to understand the depth of the Scriptures. We see this testified to by what the Lord did for the disciples, as is recorded by Luke in Luke 24:44-45 (See this verse on page 4.). If we are open to hear the Truth of God, that verse should enable us to easily

Page | 10 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timesunderstand why King David testifies that the Lord’s Words are the Light to our Path (Psalm 119:105). Also: His Words are Law (Ps. 119:142), and they are Truth (Psalm 119:160, John 17:17).

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End TimesTo understand what is the Night, we must first discern that this word “NIGHT” is one of the Words that God has set apart with Greater Promises of Good Works from the beginning, as Paul testifies in Ephesians 2:10. Here is an example of what I am saying:

Page | 12 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End TimesAs can be seen from the chart on the preceding page, the Lord has given additional Good Works into certain simple and basic Words that He set apart as Holy from before the foundations of the world. As Paul bears witness in Ephesians 2:10, it was the Plan of God that these Good Works that His Words enable were prepared by God beforehand so that we would walk in them. And, in Deut. 6:4-9 and Deut. 11:18-21, Moses records that God made it a Law that we are to always seek to walk in the Ways of His Words. The Lord reveals to him that we are even to make His Words to be likened to frontlets to our eyes that we might seek to do all things in the Ways of His Words. Remember that in John 12:48 the Lord warns we will be judged by these Words. And we should also remember that in Obadiah 1:15 the Lord promises every nation shall have done to it what it has done to others.

Ephesians 2:10 10For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus FOR GOOD WORKS, WHICH GOD PREPARED BEFOREHAND THAT WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM. (God made us within Christ, and thus, our Messiah is also our Creator,

and the technical person of our Father.)Hebrews 8:6 But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better

covenant, WHICH WAS established on better promises . (Promises prepared by the Wisdom of God from before the Foundations of the world were put in place.)

When we communicate to God by the use of His Words with Understanding and with the Authority to speak His Words, then we are communicating to Him in a Pure Language that He established from the beginning before the foundations of the Creation were put in place. Before the six days of Creation. Also, God placed the full measure of His Holy Spirit in each of His Words (John 3:34). Thus, His Words can be spoken in any earthly language, and as Paul makes known in Hebrews 4:12, this Holy Spirit of God will discern the intent of your heart, as well as discern if you have the Right of God to utter His Words, and also, whether what you are asking is within the Will of God for His Appointed Times and for the Work that He has assigned for you to do. When we ask of God in the Ways of His Pure Language with the authority of His Power to do so, then what we ask will always be done for us as we desire, if it is within the Will of God. These Words are used to unlock the Father’s greatest promises and are priceless.

John 3:34 34For He whom God has sent speaks the Words of God, for God does not give the Spirit by measure. (This means nothing is as valuable.)

Hebrews 4:11-12 11Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience. 12For the Word of God is living and powerful , and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, AND IS A DISCERNER OF THE


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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End TimesJohn 15:7 “IF YOU ABIDE IN ME, AND MY WORDS ABIDE IN YOU, YOU WILL ASK WHAT YOU DESIRE, AND IT

SHALL BE DONE FOR YOU.” (There is nothing as wise and powerful as this inheritance of His Words that He so desires to bless us with the rights to call upon.)

1 John 5:14-15 14Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that IF WE ASK ANYTHING ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, HE HEARS US. 15And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that

we have asked of Him.Proverbs 4:7-8 7Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get Wisdom. And in all your getting, get Understanding. 8Exalt Her, and She will promote you; She will bring you honor, when you embrace her. (In the Bible God’s Words of Wisdom

are called as “Woman” – She is our Helper.)

Page | 14 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on the Law of Doing the Ways of His Seven Spirits in all His Works:http://www.153wordsofgod.com/MP3/Keys%20of%20Light%20for%20the%20Simple,%20The%20Law%20of%20His%20Seven%20Spirits.mp3

How do we get Wisdom and Understanding so that we can know the Way to do the Will of God to bring Him Glory and Honor? As King David told to Solomon: “Get Wisdom, for it is the principal thing, and in all your getting get Understanding”. That is done by obtaining the Spirit of Truth that will guide us into walking in the Ways of the Seven Spirits of God that stand before Him.

Isaiah 11:1-2 1There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots (Remember that the Lord is called Truth – John 14:6.). 2The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him (The Way of the 1st

Spirit of God.), the Spirit of Wisdom (The Way of the 2nd Spirit of God.) and Understanding (The Way of the 3rd Spirit of God.), the Spirit of Counsel (The Way of the 4th Spirit of God.) and Might (The Way of the 5th Spirit of God.), the Spirit of

Knowledge (The Way of the 6th Spirit of God.) and of the fear of the LORD (The Way of the 7th Spirit of God.).We are required to be set apart from the world and then ask Him for the Spirit of Truth (John 14:15-17, 17:17, Prov. 1:23). The works of God are always done by Truth (Psalm 33:4). All Works are by His Words and by His Spirit. If we ask for and receive the Spirit of Truth – Wisdom –we will be guided into understanding how all things are done by this Way of Truth (Truth is a Law of God -Ps. 119:142.). From the Creation the Lord made all things by speaking God’s Words in the Ways of His 7 Spirits.Here is an example in a requirement given to us in Daniel 9:24:Daniel 9:22-24 22And he informed me, and talked with me, and said, “O Daniel, I have now come forth to give you skill (“Spirit of Might”, for Daniel knew His Words and His Ways.) to understand. 23At the beginning of your supplications the command went out,

and I have come to tell you, for you are greatly beloved; therefore, consider the matter, and understand the vision:

24“Seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city, (1) to finish the transgression, (2) to make an end of

sins, (3) to make reconciliation for iniquity, (4) to bring in everlasting righteousness, (5) to seal up vision and prophecy, (6) and to anoint the Most Holy.” (This is the key to the Time of the

End. When these six works are fulfilled, then is completion. It becomes a Sabbath “Rest”. We are strengthened by

Page | 15 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timesremembering the Ways of the Works done. Those who do not honor and increase in knowledge on the Sabbath

appointed by God shall be punished. If they continue to harden their hearts while under punishment, they are cast out into the Abyss, like the Pharaoh.)

Page | 16 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on the Ways of His Seven Spirits in the Patterns of our Judgments:http://www.153wordsofgod.com/MP3/Keys%20of%20Light%20for%20the%20Simple,%20His%207%20Spirits%20in%20the%20Judgments.mp3

The following is a chart of the Seal, Trumpet, and Bowl Judgments. The audio reviews how they are in the Ways of His Spirits.His Seven Spirits (Eternal Spirits)

The Way of Peace and Eternal Life.

His Seal Judgments (14 Years)

Of our Choice of the Spirit we keep.

His Trumpet Judgments (7 Years)

Of our Choice of Wisdom

His Bowl Judgments (3.5 Years)

Of our Choice of Understanding

(1) The Spirit of the Lord 1st Seal – Rev. 6:1-2 The White Horse, Rider given a Bow and Crown (Offer of His Words - Arrows of God. Or satan’s

flood of roaring words.)

1st Trumpet – Rev. 8:7 The Plague of hail and fire mingled with blood. The

reward of the inheritance is sent. 1/3 of trees and all green grass.

1st Bowl – Rev. 16:1-2 (Dan. 12:11-12) The Beast Kingdoms rule unlawfully and non-repented. Plague of sores

come on all who took the mark.

(2) The Spirit of Wisdom 2nd Seal – Rev. 6:3-4 The Fiery Red Horse, Rider with great Sword – by His Words of

Wisdom we judge ourselves.

2nd Trumpet – Rev. 8:8-9 The Plague of the sea. 1/3 of sea blood, 1.3 of living sea creatures, 1/3 of ships.

2nd Bowl – Rev. 16:3 Sea turns to blood (Warning for rejecting the

inheritance of His Words of Wisdom.)

(3) The Spirit of Understanding 3rd Seal – Rev. 6:5-6 The Black Horse, Rider given a pair of Scales. The fruit of

our Understanding is judged.

3rd Trumpet – Rev. 8:10-11 The Great star – Wormwood - on rivers

and streams. 1/3 men die.

3rd Bowl – Rev. 16:4-7 Water turns to blood. (Warning of their rejecting the

inheritance of Understanding.)

(4) The Spirit of Counsel 4th Seal – Rev. 6:7-8 The Pale Horse, Riders are Death and Hades. Word to

destroy ¼ of people with their counsel.

4th Trumpet – Rev. 8:12-13 Plague of darkness. 1/3 sun, 1/3 moon, and

1/3 stars, 3 Woe warning.

4th Bowl – Rev. 16:8-9 Men are scorched by the sun (Warning for

rejecting Counsel of Righteousness.)

(5) The Spirit of Might 5th Seal – Rev. 6:9-11 Souls to yet be Martyred (Rev. 12:17). The War - Great

Tribulation (Ezek. 38, Deut. 18:19.)

5th Trumpet – Rev. 9:1-12 Plague of locusts from Pit torments unsealed

for 5 months. (Then Rapture(?))

5th Bowl – Rev. 16:10-11 Plague of Darkness and pain – diseases (Warning of Abyss likeness.).

(6) The Spirit of Knowledge 6th Seal – Rev. 6:12-17 The Judgment Decrees Rendered. The War is ended by God’s intervention. Wait for His Plagues.

6th Trumpet – Rev. 9:13-21, 11:3-14 Plague of a day when 1/3 killed. His

two witnesses govern 42 months.

6th Bowl – Rev. 16:12-16 The Euphrates River dries up. People

gather together. (Likeness of Babel).

(7) The Spirit of Fear (Life) 7th Seal – Rev. 8:1-6 The Famine of His Light. Silence in Heaven for ~½ Hour Only prayers of “Saints” are heard.

7th Trumpet – Rev. 11:15-19 Lord Anointed Eternal King. The Ark is seen. Lord will now fight worldly.

7th Bowl – Rev. 16:17-21, 19:11-21 The Great Earthquake, Hailstones,

Battle of Armageddon, Lord’s Return

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on the Day and Hour known by the Father:http://www.153wordsofgod.com/MP3/Keys%20of%20Light%20for%20the%20Simple,%20The%20Day%20and%20Hour%20No%20One%20Knows.mp3

Yes, it is completely correct that the Lord said in such verses as Matthew 24:36 “But of ‘THAT’ Day and Hour no one knows, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” But, what Day and Hour of His Day was the Lord referring to? If we pay careful attention, we should see that the Lord also reveals in Mark 13:32-37 that He is speaking of a particular event that will occur on a particular Day and Hour within the years of the many days and hours of the fullness of the Day of the Lord. The beginning of His Day was a separate event. (Remember that He says to “Watch”.)

Mark 13:32-37 32“But of THAT day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 33Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is. 34It is like a man going to a far country, who left His house and

gave authority to His servants, and to each His work, and commanded the doorkeeper to watch. 35Watch therefore, for you do not know when the Master of the house is coming—

in the evening, at midnight, at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning— 36lest, coming suddenly, He find you sleeping. 37And what I say to you, I say to all: WATCH!” (A

COMMAND!)The Lord is saying that during the years that are known as the years of the Day of the Lord, there will be a particular moment when the Father will tell Him to go forth with the Father’s Holy Angels and execute the Separation Judgment on each person in accordance to the Judgment Decrees that are written in the Books of Heaven (As it is written in Matthew 25:31-34.). This is easy to understand if we will carefully discern how the Lord describes that particular Day and Hour, and that it will occur at some point within the Day of the Lord. And during the years of that Day, the Father could choose a Day and Hour that could be anytime in the years of the Evening to the Morning. The key is that He reveals very clearly that we will know we are in the years of His Day. AND, He reveals we are REQUIRED to know His Day has started. It starts with the entrance of His Words that will judge us. In Zech. 14:7 it says His Day begins with the entrance of Light, which is the opening of His Words (Ps. 119:130, Hosea 6:5). His Day begins with the right being given to

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timesreceive His Words (Rev. 6:1-2). In Isaiah 49:2 we can see that the Words of our Lord are God’s arrows that we are to use in our bow.

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on the Discerning the Day of the Lord from other Days:http://www.153wordsofgod.com/MP3/Keys%20of%20Light%20for%20the%20Simple,%20His%20Meaning%20of%20Day.mp3

To identify that Day and Hour only the Father knows, should we not first discern what description of a Day it is? Also, there are many years of Days involved in the Day of the Lord, so how do we know which Day is that one?

One of the most damaging works from the mouth of satan through all the generations has been his destruction of reason in regard to “time”. This is especially true regarding our being able to see the Appointed Days of the Father even when the Father has fulfilled events that identify His Day(s). Instead of seeking out His Words we accept traditions of men.In Job 24:1 we are told a riddle that reveals the Way of God regarding His Days. It gives us a promise of the Way by which we will not mistake in identifying the Days of the Lord. Simply it is telling us that if we see what was foretold, and that was rightly divided by the Words of Truth, then we have seen His Day. We cannot see His Days if we do not hear His Riddles. Below is a description of Job 24:1 and we should discern that He desires us to see by what the Lord has done.

Job 24:1 1“Since times are not hidden from the Almighty, why do those who know Him see not His days?” (When what He said occurs its true.)

Job 24:1 1“Why were the times not hidden from the Almighty? And He Who knows Him should not SEE His days.” (Proverbs 1:1-7 reveals the wise discern the riddles of “the wise”.)

לא( וידעו כתיב )וידעיו עתים נצפנו לא משדי אמדוע

ימיו חזו :

This [wording “See not”] ימיו, His days, denotes the way He acted in His time, like: “my heart will not reproach me because of my days.” (Job 27:6). Meaning that if we discern what the Father HAS DONE and what was foretold by His

Promises, then we should be able to identify the Works of God that He does in His Appointed Days. This is like when the Lord tells us in Zechariah 14:7 that the Evening of the full Day of the Lord would begin with the entrance of Light. We should then know that event has begun when the Father causes the knowledge of His Words to be received on earth

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timesbecause it is the entrance of His Words that gives Light (Psalm 119:130). In Hosea 6:5 we are also told that the Day of

Judgment comes by Light. And further, our Lord Jesus Christ said in John 12:48 that in the Day of Judgment we would be judged by the Words that He was sent to bear witness of.

(Next we will discuss the meaning of “The Time of the End” and how it applies to “opening His Words” and the Lord’s Coming.)

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on the Parable of the Time of the End:http://www.153wordsofgod.com/MP3/Keys%20of%20Light%20for%20the%20Simple,%20Discerning%20the%20Time%20of%20the%20End.mp3

One of the great riddles of the wise is that of the phrase “Time of the End”. When is the Time of the End, and why is the opening of His Words tied to the Time of the End? We know from Daniel 12:4 that the Words are closed up until the Time of the End. And as I have pointed out earlier, in Luke 24:44-45 the Lord returned from the Father and opened His Words to the disciples. So, was that the Time of the End? And He tells us that it will be when Knowledge increases. What is that?

Daniel 12:4 4“But you, Daniel, shut up the Words, and seal the book until THE TIME OF THE END; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” (Why do

they run to and fro first?)Yes… But…. That was the “Appointed” “Time of the End” for “The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel”. The Lord Jesus Christ made that statement to Daniel in Daniel 12:4. The Father foretold in Deut. 18:18-19 that at some point He would send One who would be born in the nation of Israel to bear witness to His (“God’s”) Words and to His Great Promises that those Words unlock.

Matthew 15:24 24But He answered and said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (He came to bear witness of God’s Words that are both

Law and Eternal Life (John 6:63, 18:37).)Deuteronomy 18:18-19 18“I will raise up for them a Prophet from among their brethren,

and will put My Words in His mouth, and He shall speak to them all that I command Him. 19And it shall be that WHOEVER WILL NOT HEAR MY WORDS , which He speaks in My Name, I WILL REQUIRE IT OF HIM.” (Verified in John 3:34,

John 8:43-47, John 12:48, John 18:37.)Jesus came to the house of Israel (Matt. 15:24), and the Good News of the Words of God was rejected by the house of Israel. God had specifically warned that if the people to whom the Words are sent reject the testimony of the One Whom He will send, then they shall be held into account. Thus, the Kingdom was taken away from the nation of Israel (Matt. 21:43-44, Acts 28:28).

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End TimesMatthew 21:43-44 43“Therefore I say to you, THE KINGDOM OF GOD WILL BE TAKEN FROM YOU AND GIVEN TO A NATION (Gentiles and the Remnant.) BEARING THE FRUITS OF IT. 44And whoever falls on this stone (On this Word of

Promise.), will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder (It will refine him for the purposes of His Kingdom (Daniel 12:9-10, Rev. 19:1-10).).” (The Kingdom was sent to the Gentiles (Acts 28:28), but their Appointed

Time TO BE CAUSED TO HEAR was not until the Day chosen by the Father (Zech. 14:6-7).)IT IS READY!!! HOW AND WHY DID THE TIME OF THE END CONTINUE TO THIS DAY?

THOUGH THE TIME OF THE END CONTINUED BY GRACE, THERE IS AN APPOINTED TIME OF CONCLUSION!The key to understanding the Time of the End is discerning that the Father is waiting on the people to turn to Him and obey His instructions given to them in Daniel 9:24 (See Page 11). In Numbers 14:20-23 the Lord explains that the Father is waiting on a people who will hear His call to set themselves apart from the world by hearing His Words and believing in His Truth, so that He can enable them to enter His Kingdom. In Joel 2:3 and Ezekiel 36:35 He makes it known that to those people He will enable them to overcome the world and enter into the Promise of the likeness of the Garden of Eden. In Titus 2:11-15 the apostle Paul proclaims the same instruction, but we do not discern the great truth of what the Lord is saying. When a people hears and obeys Him to do this, it is the Time of the End. Since the death of Jesus, it has been ready!Numbers 14:20-23 20Then the LORD said: “I have pardoned, according to your Word; 21BUT TRULY, (Means: “But, by the Way of Truth”.), as I live, ALL THE EARTH SHALL BE FILLED WITH THE GLORY OF THE LORD— 22because all these men who have seen My Glory and the signs which I did in Egypt and in the wilderness, and have put Me to the test now these ten times, AND HAVE NOT HEEDED MY VOICE (His Voice speaks the Pure Words of the Kingdom.), 23they certainly shall not see the land of which I swore to their fathers, NOR SHALL ANY OF THOSE

WHO REJECTED ME SEE IT.” (Also those who reject the Good News of His Words today!)Titus 2:11-15 11For the Grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, 12teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly

in the present age, 13looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, 14who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless

deed and purify for Himself His own special people , ZEALOUS for Good Works . 15Speak these things, exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no one despise you. (Get His Words!!!!!!)

When the House of Israel rejected to receive the Good News of the Words of God that they had been warned of within the writings of Moses (John 5:46, Deut. 18:18-19), they lost the right to enter into His Kingdom (Matt. 21:43-44). They lost the sole right to be the set apart nation to overcome the

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timesworld and enter the likeness of the Garden of Eden before it (Joel 2:3, Ezek. 36:35). This Gift passed to the Gentiles, and of course the promised remnant of Israel (Matt. 21:43-44, Act 28:28). He set aside Words with greater Promises of Good Works that are able to overcome all things. He prepared these from before the Creation.

Acts 28:28 28“Therefore let it be known to you that the salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will hear it!” (He sent His Words!)

Ephesians 2:10 10For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus FOR GOOD WORKS, WHICH GOD PREPARED BEFOREHAND THAT WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM. (Paul is saying that the people who “see” this have a right to receive

the authority to call on these Good Works.)


As I believe that we can now understand, the meaning of the Time of the End has two applicable timings. There was an Appointed Time established by the Father for the people of Israel to be given the opportunity to receive the Good News, and there was an Appointed Time established by the Father for the Gentiles to receive the Good News. But, from the Time of the Lord until now, the set apart Sacred Words that access His Greater Good Works were not sealed and closed by God. Rather, they were first lost by the Jews and then lost by the Gentiles. However, the Appointed Time of the Jews ended in Rome with Paul’s confirmation revealed in Acts 28:28. He confirmed what the Lord foretold in Matt. 21:43-44. During the days of Jesus’ ministry God, in multiple times, had called out via a voice from Heaven to tell the people of Israel to hear Him, but they would not even heed God’s Voice.The message of the Good News of His Words that unlock the Great Good Works prepared for His people who will hear Him and come out, and that were prepared from before the foundations, was sent by the Lord to the Gentiles by Paul. God was always ready for them to hear and receive His Words. But, for nearly 2,000 years there was no leaders, Gentile or Jew, who would hear and discern the Words of the Lord (Neither the popes, nor Mohammed, or any other leader of the masses have heard Him and have discerned His Words. Thus, they have born witness that they did not know God – John 8:47, 14:23-24 .). Following the

generation of the disciples the knowledge of His Holy Words was lost by the world. This is why the Lord foretold in Malachi 3:1, Heb. 10:26-27, and Rev. 6:1-2, that at the Appointed Time of the Gentiles established and known by the Father, He would have to raise up a messenger and cause him to receive the knowledge of His Words on the earth (Not a woman, for it is like the sign of the prophet Jonah and the message of Elijah.). This is well documented to have occurred in April

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times2003. We can officially say that the final Time of the End has come upon the earth. The phrase “Time of the End”, is the same as “The Latter Days”, or as “The Last Days”, such as in the famous proclamation of Jacob in Genesis 49:1. He was always waiting on us! Sadly, we would not hear and seek to discern His Words. Now, even after 13 years and 5 months, we have not tried to turn and discern. And more terrible, He is giving Prophetic Words in great number warning that we will be destroyed by His promised global civil war if we will not hear, repent, turn, and seek Him for the knowledge of Truth by which His people will be delivered.

Daniel 10:14 “Now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people IN THE LATTER DAYS, for the vision refers to many days yet to come.” (God knew our hard hearts and ears!)

Genesis 49:1 And Jacob called his sons and said, “GATHER TOGETHER, that I may tell you what SHALL BEFALL YOU IN THE LAST DAYS:” (In John 17:17 and Joel 2:12-20, you will see His command to gather.)

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on Discerning a Riddle of His Times and His Clock for us:http://www.153wordsofgod.com/MP3/Keys%20of%20Light%20for%20the%20Simple,%20Our%20Need%20for%20Knowledge.mp3

How do we rightly divide the Word of Truth and make sense out of these riddles of the Day of the Lord? The Lord makes it very clear that in the Day of the Lord is a Day of Judgment (See Obadiah 1:15, Isa. 13:6-9) and that sinners will be destroyed. That is a rather serious fact. Are we sinners and do not know it? In this Bible Study we are considering the various terms utilized to describe His Day. We must increase in knowledge to rightly divide these words so that we can increase in understanding. We will also need to rightly discern phrases like: “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible Day of the LORD come” (Joel 2:31, Acts 2:20). We should see that we have a serious lack of the Knowledge of Truth – His Truth. And we are being destroyed because we are not zealous to seek out His Truth. As Jesus bore witness on the Cross, sinners do not know what they do, for if they did they would not have killed the Lord, nor would they be rejecting to hear and receive the Knowledge of Truth – the knowledge of His Words. We should take a minute and be careful to consider that in Hosea 4:6 the Lord revealed His people are always destroyed because of a lack of Knowledge. ( In the audio I will explain this Truth.)Hosea 4:6 6“MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE (But, when are they destroyed because of a lack of knowledge. It they have it are they destroyed?) Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; BECAUSE YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN THE LAW OF YOUR GOD, (There is a Law of

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End TimesGod in Deut. 6:4-9 and Deut. 11:18-21 that we are to teach His Words to our household to those of our household every

Evening. This is also spoken on in Psalm 78:5-6.) I also will forget your children.”

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on the Lord’s Covenant of a Time, Times, and half a Time:http://www.153wordsofgod.com/MP3/Keys%20of%20Light%20for%20the%20Simple,%20A%20Time,%20Times,%20and%20a%20Half%20Time.mp3

In Dan. 12:7 the Lord makes a Covenant in the Name of God that the entirety of the fulfillment of the Words of God shall be an Appointed Time of a Time, Times, and half a Time. This is revealing the entirety of the Day of the Lord from the beginning of the Evening of His Day until the ending of His Day that brings in the Millennium. This is confirmed again in Rev. 12:14 where it explains the Wisdom of God is protected on the earth during the entire time Satan is on the earth. (Please listen to the audio.)

Daniel 12:5-10 5Then I, Daniel, looked; and there stood two others, one on this riverbank and the other on that riverbank. 6And one said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, “How long shall the

fulfillment of these wonders be?” 7Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river , when He held up His right hand and his left hand to heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever, that “I t shall

be for a Time , Times, and half a Time ; and when the power of the holy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished.” 8Although I heard, I did not understand. Then I said, “My Lord, what shall be the end of these things ?” 9And He said, “Go your way , Daniel, for the Words are closed up and sealed till the Time of the End . 10Many shall be purified, made white, and refined, but the wicked shall do wickedly; and

none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand.” 11“And from the time that the daily sacrifice is taken away , and the

abomination of desolation is set up, there shall be one thousand two hundred and ninety days. 12Blessed is he who waits , and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days. 13“But you, go your way till the end; for you shall rest, and will arise to your inheritance at the end of

the days.”Revelation 12:13-17 13Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the male Child . 14But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness to her place, where she is nourished for a Time and

Times and half a Time, from the presence of the serpent. 15So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth like a flood after the woman that he might

cause her to be carried away by the flood. 16But the earth helped the Page | 28 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timeswoman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.

17And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd explaining the 5th through the 8th beast kingdoms from the Bible:http://www.153wordsofgod.com/MP3/Keys%20of%20Light%20for%20the%20Simple,%20The%20Beast%20Kingdoms%20and%20the%20Antichrist.mp3

In Daniel 7:9-12 we are taught that the 5th beast kingdom is destroyed by the verdict of the Judgment of the Father. There are two beast kingdoms of His Day - the Time, Times, and a Half Time of the Lord, that remain. But, as it says in verse 12 they do not receive their dominion until after a Season and Time. Then they hold dominion unlawfully. This Important “Gap” of a Season and Time has been not understood by the End Time Scholars. (Please listen to the audio as I explain these verses and add clarity.)Daniel 7:9-14 9“I watched till thrones were put in place, and the Ancient of Days was seated; His garment was white as

snow, and the hair of His head was like pure wool. His throne was a fiery flame, its wheels a burning fire; 10a fiery stream issued and came forth from before Him. A thousand thousands ministered to Him; ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him. The court was seated, and the books were opened. 11“I watched then because of the

sound of the pompous words which the horn was speaking; I watched till the beast was slain, and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame.” 12“As for the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away, yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time.” 13“I was watching in the night

visions, and behold, One like the Son of Man, coming with the clouds of heaven! He came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought Him near before Him. 14Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom that all peoples,

nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion , which shall not pass away (For it is taken up in the Rapture and will return to the earth.), and His kingdom the one w hich shall not be destroyed .”

Revelation 17:9-14 9“Here is the mind which has wisdom: The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits. 10There are also seven kings. Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come (Notice that this verse does

say the 5th beast is now destroyed, but it does not say that the 6th beast has dominion. It only says that it exists. Then in verse 12 it is clarified that 6th beast does not have dominion yet, and will not receive dominion until the same moment as the 7th beast kingdom, for they reign for one Hour (42 months) together.). And when he comes, he must

continue a short time (This is speaking of the 7th beast kingdom. And when we see this verse, and then look at verse 12, we see that this is clarifying that a short Time and an Hour are one in the same thing. And in Rev. 13:5 we are told that this 7th beast kingdom will reign for 42 months. Therefore we can now confirm that a Short Time and an Hour are the same as 42 months. And of course 42 months is equal to 1,260 days and also it is equal to 3.5 years.). 11The beast that was, and is not (This is satan, and note that he has no power during the Season and Time of the Lords dominion.

He is punished, or powerless, during that Season and Time as well.), is himself also the eighth, and is of the seven, and is going to perdition.” (Take note that his destruction is not even a question mark. He is destroyed by the Words of

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End TimesGod, and is powerless against the Words of God. Receive God’s Words and speak them, and as promised by the Lord in

John 5:24 you will safely pass through these Judgments.) 12“The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have received no kingdom as yet, but they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast. 13These are of one mind,

and they will give their power and authority to the beast. 14These will make war with the Lamb (This refers to the Battle of Armageddon at the 7th Bowl Judgment.), and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings;

and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.”

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times

WHAT IS THE MEANING OF AN HOUR IN THE DAY OF THE LORD?WHY DID THE FATHER STRUCTURE THE DAY OF THE LORD USING HOURS OF 42 MONTHS IN LENGTH?Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on the Lord’s Hidden, but Visible, Covenant of Seven 42 Month Hours:


The Father does nothing without it representing the Way of Truth. Thus, we should seek to discern His purposes, for He is God and He never changes His Words or His Ways. Rather He expands upon the foundation that He established so that we are able to increase in knowledge and be enabled to understand the great scope of His Works.From Ephesians 2:10 it is revealed that the Father prepared not only the schedule of the Day of the Lord from before the foundations of the world, but He also prepared the Greater Works that He desires His Elect to possess and enable His Glory to be made manifest. Therefore we should be able to know that everything revealed in the Day of the Lord is bearing witness to His Way of His Plan, to the Wisdom of His Words and Works of Truth, and to the Understanding of Life. And since Jesus teaches us that no King prepares for a battle unless he is assured that he has the ability for complete victory, we can know that if we discern the knowledge of what is bring revealed to us, then we will be able to not only overcome all things, but will be able to enter into His Kingdom and receive the free gift of Eternal Life. And we also see that the Day of the Lord is focused on usages of various clock terms. Surely, should we not desire to know why?This brings us to the very interesting fact that the Day of the Lord is structured into a Time, a Times, and Half a Time, which we have seen is equal to 24.5 years. And we have seen that a Half a Time is the same as an Hour of 3.5 years. And the Hour is also revealed to always be equivalent to 42 months in the Day of the Lord. So, why is it that the Lord’s Hours in the Day of the Lord are 42 months in length? Why did God choose to structure the Day of the Lord with this framework?The first clue that we have is that there are 7 Hours in a Time, Times, and half a Time. Further, there are 7 six month segments in 42 months. Seven is of course the number of the fullness of the Spirit of the Lord. And six is the number of the knowledge of our Work for the Kingdom that each of us were given to do from the beginning in the blessing that He spoke on the 6 th Day over our elements that were woven in the earth and established to come forth in their appointed season and time. As the Lord reveals in Matt. 25:14-30 a part of our Judgment in the Hour of Trial will be on the use of those Talents he gave to us on the 6 th

Day of Creation. The Lord’s Generational Plan provided 42 generations from Abraham to Jesus. The Lord also led the Israelites

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timesin the Wilderness through a total of 42 Camps before they entered the Promised Land. 42 is the number of “Great” as in Great Lights.

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


The Lord’s use of the 42 Month Hours is to Him and to us a reminder of His Covenant He made with all of us in Genesis 9:11-17. That Promise is He will not allow the great dragon to destroy the earth and all flesh. The white light of the Sun reflected through Rain Drops back to our eyes occurs at a 42 degree angle. This testifies of God’s Covenant given to us in the days of Noah that He will not allow this Flood from the Dragon’s Mouth to destroy us. He did this to remind those with Faith to hear Him!

Genesis 9:11-17 11“Thus I establish My covenant with you: Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood; never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.” 12And

God said: “This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with

you, for perpetual generations: 13I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth. 14It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth,

that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud; 15and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and

every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh. 16The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.” 17And God said to Noah, “This is the

sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth.” (See Rev. 6:16, John 5:24)Ezekiel 1:28 28Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all

around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. So when I saw it, I fell on my face, and I heard a voice of One speaking.

Matthew 24:20-22 20“And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on THE SABBATH (“The Sabbath” is His Jubilee Year – It is a Jubilee year when He rises and intervenes to set the captives free and to reclaim the earth – as is revealed

in Daniel 7:12, etc.). 21For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. 22And unless those days were shortened, NO FLESH WOULD BE SAVED; but for the

elect's sake those days will be shortened.”Page | 34 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End TimesMark 13:18-20 18“And pray that your flight may not be in winter. 19For in those days there will be tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the creation which God created until this time, nor ever shall be. 20And unless the

Lord had shortened those days, no flesh would be saved; BUT FOR THE ELECT'S SAKE, WHOM HE CHOSE, HE SHORTENED THE DAYS.”

Page | 35 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times

THE TIMES AND HOURS OF THE DAY OF THE LORD (TO THE BEST WE CAN DISCERN)Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on this Chart of the Clock of the Days and Hours of the Day of the Lord:



(Sunset to Midnight)Night

(Midnight to Sunrise)Morning

(Sunrise to Noon)Day

(Noon to Sunset)1st Watch 2nd Watch 3rd Watch 4th Watch 1st Hour 3rd Hour 6th Hour 9th Hour


42 Months(3.5 years)

42 Months(3.5 years)

42 Months(3.5 years)

We are living in this Hour.

42 Months(3.5 years)

42 Months(3.5 years)

42 Months(3.5 years)

This Hour is after the Millennium.

42 Months(3.5 years)

A Clarion Call made by God to all world to be saved and delivered.

A Time(7 Years)

A Times(14 Years)

A Half a Time(3.5 Years)

A Half a Time(~42 months)

The Lord promised in Zech. 14:7 that the Day of the Lord would

begin with Light. It is the entrance of the Words of God that gives Light and Understanding to the

simple – Psalm 119:130.

The Lord poured out the prophetic Words to come out and harvest His people, but was not heard.

Hour of TrialDaniel 9:26

Ends w/Judgment

Hour of Light (Day) and Hour of Darkness (Night).

The Left Behind are tested to be zealous for Him.

The 10 kings of the 6th beast kingdom take dominion and

give their Crowns to serve the Antichrist who also emerges.

Satan’s Last Hour that is also an

Hour of Trial on those born during the Millennium. This is the ~3.5 years that are

added at the end of Millennium for

satan to test those on the

earth, born in the Millennium and

who are not sealed. After this last test satan is cast out. Great White Throne

Judgment occurs.

Satan’s short time to try to kill all flesh.

Lord has Dominion for Season & Time(Season + 7 Years) Daniel 7:9-14, 9:27(Testimony to His Generational Plan.)

5th beast kingdom unlawfully has dominion because His Elect allow it. (No beast kingdom has dominion) 6th & 7th beast kingdoms take

unlawful dominion over the earth.

The Calling of the Lord for the bride to come out from the world. The

5th beast kingdom continues to reign because His elect will not

hear and do not discern it is their Appointed Time to receive the

Kingdom of God on earth as it is in Heaven. The shepherds and the

theologians would not hear. They are like the Scribes and Pharisees of Jesus day were not ready, and God is angry at them (Zech. 10:3).

The Lord warns us in Zech. 14:6 that in the Night the Light of the Glorious Ones

will diminish. He is saying that He

will begin to cause the sins of

leaders to be seen.

Lord’s 1st HourThe 5th beast

kingdom comes forth in the

Ezekiel 38 War and they kill

many, but the Lord intervenes and destroys 5th

beast. He keeps His Covenant to

Noah and us.

His 7 Year Covenant w/ManyThe 7 year of

the Lord starts(Daniel 9:27).Punishes the wicked with

plagues, but He gives the

Kingdom to the Elect and they

become refined, then raptured.

Hour of His Witness.

The 2 witnesses come forth to

bear witness of His Truth. Many left behind are repent and are saved. Others

are punished by God’s Words.

After 30 days the antichrist sets the

Mark of the beast in place. Those who resist and seek the Lord and fast, will

receive His blessing after 45 days more.

As revealed in Revelation chapter 5, as well as Revelation 6;1 and Revelation 18:1-7, it is clear that from the beginning of the Day of the Lord the Father has given the Lord Jesus Christ the authority as King and given Him Dominion over all the earth. The right to hold dominion was also removed from the leaders of the 5 th, 6th and 7th beast

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timeskingdoms, but His elect has not heard His Words, and do not see His Truth in the Bible. (There is a gap of 1,000 years after the Bowl Judgments to the end of Millennium.)

ACTUAL TIMES AND HOURS OF THE DAY OF THE LORD (TO THE BEST WE CAN DISCERN)Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on this Chart of the Clock of the Day of the Lord and what has been revealed:

http://www.153wordsofgod.com/MP3/Keys%20of%20Light%20for%20the%20Simple,%20Discerning%20Events%20of%20His%20Day.mp3This Chart of His Day is what the Lord showed to me first in 2004. Over the following 12 years the Lord has clarified various timings as they have become more clear. However, the one sad point to the Calendar is that from 2003 onward the Lord has been waiting on His people to hear and call on Him so that He could bring forth the Judgment of all the people and set apart the ones who did turn to Him and give them the inheritance of His Kingdom. For this sad reason the chart is fulfilling all the timings. This chart has remained the most accurate of any that has been provided.

Here is what we do not yet know:The Actual Day and Hour of the Separation Judgment. (We are told in Scriptures that it will be in the Night, and it is fleeting.)

The Actual Day and Hour of the Kingdom Inspection. (The Lord has given Prophetic Word that it will be in April 2019.)The Actual Day and Hour of the Rapture. (This is revealed by Scriptures to occur before, or just before the 2 Witnesses come.)

Here is what has been attested to by the Lord:The Words of God began to be received on April 6, 2003 and this bore witness of the beginning of the Day of the Lord.

The Midnight of the Day of the Lord came ~ Passover in April 2010 (This was confirmed by several Prophetic Words given by the Lord.)The Hour of the Lord – the Hour of our Trial – began ~Feast of Tabernacles 2013. (This was also confirmed by several Prophetic Words.)CHART SHOWING THE ACTUAL CLOCK OF THE HOURS OF THE FULL DAY OF THE LORD (As we know it at this Time)

Evening(Sunset to Midnight)

Night(Midnight to Sunrise)

Morning(Sunrise to Noon)

Day(Noon to Sunset)

1st Watch 2nd Watch 3rd Watch 4th Watch 1st Hour 3rd Hour 6th Hour 9th Hour1st Half a Time 2nd Half a Time 3rd Half a Time 4th Half a Time 5th Half a Time 6th Half a Time 7th Half a Time 8th Half a Time


42 Months(3.5 years)

42 Months(3.5 years)

42 Months(3.5 years)

We are living in this Hour.

42 Months(3.5 years)

(Rapture could be after 40th Month?)

42 Months(3.5 years)

42 Months(3.5 years)

This Hour is after the Millennium.

42 Months(3.5 years)

A Clarion Call made by God to all world to be saved and delivered.

A Time(7 Years)

A Times(14 Years)

A Half a Time(3.5 Years)

A Half a Time(~42 months)

7 years of Light to all those on the Earth are invited.

14 years of Separation Judgment - Diminishing Lights of those who will not be set apart by the Words of His Voice. But, rising Lights of those who are

Refined and then taken up.3.5 Years

Of Darkness3.5 Years of Diminishing


~Passover 2003 to ~Passover 2010

~Passover 2010 to ~Passover 2017

~Passover 2017 to ~Passover 2024

~Passover 2024 to ~Rosh

Hashanah 2027

~Rosh Hashanah 3027 to ~Passover


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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times~Passover 2003

to Feast of Tabernacles


Feast of Tabernacles

2006 to ~Passover


~Passover 2010 to Feast of

Tabernacles 2013

Feast of Tabernacles

2013 to ~Passover 2017

~Passover 2017 to Feast of

Tabernacles 2020

Feast of Tabernacles

2020 to ~Passover 2024

~Passover 2024 to Feast of

Tabernacles 2027

Feast of Tabernacles 2006

to ~Passover 3010

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on Requirement to be chosen by God before He will intervene for their sake:http://www.153wordsofgod.com/MP3/Keys%20of%20Light%20for%20the%20Simple,%20Separation%20Judgment%20of%20the%20Night.mp3

We need to be careful when we are interpreting what Jesus said, and do our best to discern His instructions of how we are to receive instructions on the Way to find the key to understand what He is specifically referring to in His instructions that He gives to us. Further, when He tells us to rightly divide the Word of Truth, it means that we are to rightly put together the Parables of the Words of the Wise (See Proverbs 1:1-7). That is so we can increase in Understanding. Such is the case of what the Lord is saying in Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32. This is the same Lord who gives us the teaching in Luke 17:34 and John 9:4-5 that the Separation Judgment will come in the Night of His Day. He is not speaking lies. He is revealing important Wise Instructions to us in a Parable of the Appointed Times of God. Consider these Parables of the Night of His Day in Luke 17:34 and John 9:4-5.Luke 17:34-35 34“I tell you, IN THAT NIGHT there will be two men in one bed: the one will be taken and the other will be left. 35Two women will be grinding together: the one will be taken and the other left.” (Take note that this Teaching bears witness that this “Night” is utilized by the Lord to describe the years of the Night of the full Day of the Lord, while the Day and Hour utilized in His description in Mt. 24:36 and Mk. 13:32 is referring only to a particular Appointed Day and Hour that is related to a single Day of the thousands of days within the full Day of the

Lord.)John 9:4-5 4I must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is Day; THE NIGHT IS

COMING WHEN NO ONE CAN WORK. 5As long as I am in the world, I am the Light of the world.” (Please notice that this “Night” is completely different in description verses Luke

17:34.)The Separation Judgment event referred to in Luke 17:34 and John 9:4-5 is the same event the Lord is speaking of in Mt. 24:36 and Mk. 13:32. I am saying our interpretation of what “Day and Hour” the Lord is referring to in Mt. 24:36 and Mk. 13:32 is incorrect, and that it has caused many to stumble in the Way. There are thousands of days and hours during the years of Day of the Lord. So, we need to understand which one of those Days and which one of those Hours is the Lord referring to. In Mark 12:35-37 He is saying that we will know He is returning during the Day of the Lord. But, we do not know the single Day and Hour when the Father will act, for there is something that we are missing. He said that if we would hear and turn and call upon Him as instructed in Joel 2:12-20 that He would Page | 39 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timesintervene. Yet we have not heard His Call to turn, nor did we discern how to turn. So He has waited for us! BUT, the Father will not wait on us forever. He has also established “Set Times” for Judgment.


Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on Requirement to be chosen by God before He will intervene for their sake:http://www.153wordsofgod.com/MP3/Keys%20of%20Light%20for%20the%20Simple,%20The%20Tragedy%20of%20His%20Leaders.mp3

In Mark 13:20 (And this is echoed in Matthew 24:22.), the Lord reveals that the Father will intervene in the Great Troubles for the Elect whom He has chosen. This is a very true statement, which seems to be completely disregarded by the shepherds. It is in part likely why He says in Zechariah 10:3 that He is angry with them, for they have not set His people apart from the goatherds. The Bible clearly teaches us in Daniel 9:26-27 that the Great Troubles and the War comes BEFORE the Separation Judgment and before the Lord can enter into His 7-year Covenant (This is in no ways a 7-year Peace Treaty with the world and Israel .). In Joel 2:12-20 the Father says that He WILL NOT chose the elect and intervene for their sake UNTIL they do as He has instructed. That starts by hearing His Words so the congregation can be sanctified apart from the world (See also Jesus’s instruction of John 17:17). The watchmen and shepherds have been looking for the wrong event. (Paul warned in Heb. 10:26-27, the Law of sins changed when His Words were received.)

Mark 13:18-20 18“And PRAY THAT YOUR FLIGHT MAY NOT BE IN WINTER . 19For in those days there will be tribulation , such as has not been since

the beginning of the creation which God created until THIS TIME , nor ever shall be. 20And unless the Lord had shortened (To dock or to curtail.) those days, no flesh would be saved; BUT FOR THE ELECT’S SAKE,

WHOM HE CHOSE, HE SHORTENED THE DAYS.”Matthew 24:20 20“And pray that your flight may not be in Winter or on THE Sabbath.”

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End TimesHosea 4:6 6“MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. Because you have

rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; BECAUSE YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN THE LAW OF YOUR GOD, (There is a Law of God in Deut. 6:4-9 and Deut. 11:18-21 that we are to teach His Words to

our household to those of our household every Evening. This is also spoken on in Psalm 78:5-6.) I also will forget your children.” (Please wake up before it’s too late!)

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


God is going to intervene if we obey and call upon Him. In Joel 2:12-20 the Father God clearly reveals that if these specific instructions are met, then He will take pity on the Congregations and intervene for their sake!Joel 2:12-20 12“Now, therefore,” says the Lord, “Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with

mourning.” 13So rend your heart, and not your garments; return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness; and He relents from doing harm.

14Who knows if He will turn and relent, and leave a blessing behind Him -- a grain offering (The grain is the instruction of His Words.) and a drink offering

(The Water is a sign of being enabled to be corrected and guided by His calling to ask to receive the Spirit of Truth that will cause us to be washed

clean.) for the Lord your God? 15Blow the trumpet in Zion, consecrate a fast, call a sacred assembly; 16gather the people, sanctify the congregation

(Sanctify means to set them free from the world – set apart from the world. To no longer be a bonded slave to satan, to the world, and to its leaders, and its unjust merchants and unlawful authorities.), assemble the elders, gather the children and nursing babes; let the bridegroom go out from His

Chamber, and the bride from her dressing room. 17Let the priests, who minister to the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar; let them say,

“Spare Your people, O Lord, and do not give Your heritage to reproach, that the nations should rule over them. Why should they say among the

peoples, ‘Where is their God?’” 18THEN THE LORD WILL BE ZEALOUS FOR HIS LAND, AND PITY HIS PEOPLE. 19The Lord will answer and say to His people, “Behold, I will send you grain and new wine and oil, and you

will be satisfied by them; I will no longer make you a reproach among the nations.” 20“But I will remove far from you the northern army , a nd will drive him away into a barren and desolate land , with his face toward the eastern sea and his

back toward the western sea (Note that this is in the sea – a place He will prepare.); his stench will come up, and his foul odor will rise , because he has done monstrous things .” (Take careful and great attention to His Promise of Joel 2:18. For the Father says that He will BECOME ZEALOUS for HIS LAND. That means He will take back the earth, for all the earth is

His Land. In Daniel 7:11-12 the Father points out that He will be zealous to destroy this present 5th beast kingdom of leaders who are destroying the earth. And that He will take the right to hold dominion from them and will not give it

back to them for a Season and a Time (That is a Season which is ~3 months, and a Time which is 7 Years.). He is going

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timesto take dominion over the earth for a Season and Time. He will give to His Son to reign over the earth during that

Season and Time. It does not mean He is making any form of Peace Treaty with those of the world.)John 8:47 47“HE WHO IS OF GOD HEARS GOD'S WORDS; therefore, you do not hear, because you are not of God.” (Jesus makes it clear in John 14:23-24 that if we will not hear His Words, then we do not Love Him; and He will

not intercede with the Father for us.)

Page | 43 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on the Way of the Lord’s Three Judgment Events in the Day of the Lord:http://www.153wordsofgod.com/MP3/Keys%20of%20Light%20for%20the%20Simple,%20Why%20the%20Lord%20Comes%20Multiple%20Times.mp3

What is meant by the disciples’ question to the Lord of His coming at the end of the age in Matthew 24:3? When is the End of the Age, and why does the Lord explain it as He does in Matthew 24 and Mark 13? The question can be answered when we are able to identify from the Scriptures the number of visitations by the Lord that will occur during the Day of the Lord?

The Scriptures record in Revelation 6:1 that it is the Lord, as the newly Appointed King over all those in the world, who opened the First Seal Judgment and caused the knowledge of Truth to be received on the earth. The appearance of God’s Sacred Words that have the full

measure of His Spirit within them, should be counted as an appearing of the Lord. For the Words of God cannot be given on the earth through anyone except by Jesus Christ. And He could not, and would not, cause the Sacred Words of God to be received on the earth without it being in the Will of the Father (See John 14:15-17, 2 Corinthians 12:1-4. These verses reveal that the Words of God cannot be given to those of the world. It can only be received by those who set themselves apart from the world.). However, there are THREE other specific times that the Lord will make His presence known during the Day of the Lord. Take note that these three events is not including the Lord calling His Saints up in the clouds in the “Rapture” event.2 Timothy 4:1-5 1I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ , WHO WILL JUDGE THE LIVING AND THE DEAD AT HIS APPEARING AND HIS KINGDOM : 2PREACH THE WORD! Be ready in season and out of season . Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 3For the time will come when they will

not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears , they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4and they will turn their ears away from the Truth , and be turned aside to fables. 5But you be

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timeswatchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. (Many shepherds are living

like kings and generals of the world, eating the riches of profits; yet, their people will soon starve for His Words.)

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on the Night:http://www.153wordsofgod.com/MP3/Keys%20of%20Light%20for%20the%20Simple,%20Why%20He%20says%20Separation%20Judgment%20is%20in%20the%20Night.mp3

We are required to Watch and to rightly discern what to Watch for. That means we must pull the Parable of the Night together from within all the Scriptures. Then we are able to rightly (Accurately) identify the acts of God regarding the Night as to when they are to occur. This enables us to identify when a specific event of God’s Appointed Time has come, or has occurred. Let us consider the Parable of the Night in Isaiah 21:10-12, and attempt to rightly divide its meaning. Over the next several pages I will provide a brief written summary of key points regarding this Parable of the Night for your consideration.

Isaiah 21:10-12 10Oh, my threshing and the grain of my floor! That which I have heard from the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, I have

declared to you. 11The burden AGAINST Dumah (Dumah means those who keep silent.) He (The Lord) calls to me out of Seir (This means “Hairy”; as applied to those of whom He had called to hear, to see,



INQUIRE, INQUIRE! RETURN! COME BACK!”(All the elect need to return. But, they do not know why this is so!)

Page | 46 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times

Let us discern a deeper Review of Isaiah 21:10-12 AND the Separation Judgment of the Night:Isaiah 21:10-12 10Oh, my threshing and the grain of my floor! That which I have heard from the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, I have declared to you. 11The burden against Dumah He calls to me out of

Seir: “Watchman, what of the Night? Watchman, what of the Night?” 12The watchman said, “THE MORNING COMES, AND ALSO THE NIGHT. If you will inquire, inquire! Return! Come back!” (Why does

everyone need to return? Because they do not know Him – Rev. 19:11-13.)Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on the Lord’s Isaiah 21:10-12 Warnings about the Night of His Day:


MY THRESHING AND THE GRAIN OF MY FLOOR: This is a very important statement, for it is followed with the declaration that this messenger has been faithful. He is saying that He has told the Congregation the Words of God that the Lord of hosts declares to His people. We are not speaking of Prophetic Word(s). We are speaking about those Words of God that enable the people to be set apart as sons of God if they will hear and receive the message (See John 10:32-37, John 15:7). We can understand this because this messenger rightly divides the message of the Lord that is given in verses Isaiah 21:11-12. That is a parable explained via the use of the Lord’s Words and Ways. The messenger is saying that it is the people – the grain – that have to decide if they will be gathered together with the Righteous, or will they be blown by the wind to be cast among the wicked to be burned.

BURDEN ON DUMAH: This is the warning of the Lord to the complacent shepherds who do not see. Or, to a warning to those who do not want to speak of what they see for fear of loss, etc.: This meaning of the name “Dumah” is “to be silent”. Meaning this is a warning to those who are silent because they were either were not taught, or they were taught but chose to be silent for they do not want to upset their program that they have that they believe is working. This is very much like the first group the Lord refers to in the Parable of the Great Supper. The fact that it is disclosed to be a message to be as a WARNING against these who choose to be silent should raise alarm bells. For the verse is described as a “burden” against Dumah – against those who choose to be silent. This burden means that these are held into account by God and will experience the wrath of God if they do not change. The Prophetic Word reveals, and the Scriptures bear witness, that we are living in the years of the Hour of Trial of the Day of the Lord. Thus, the verse is a warning to those who choose not to be zealous to seek out the knowledge of Truth – the knowledge of His Words. And it is a warning to those who shepherds and would not hear of His Words and therefore did not teach His Words to His congregations. The people are being judged by His Words ( John 12:48), and it was the

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timesjob of the shepherds to sanctify the congregations by setting them apart from those of the world by His Truth – His Words (John 17:17, Joel 2:16). John 17:17 17“Sanctify them by Your Truth. Your Word is Truth.” (The Name of the Lord is “The Word”. A name the people do not know because they are not allowed due to their rejection of His Words, (Rev. 19:11-13, 2 Corinthians 12:1-4). Thus, sanctification is only by His “Name” - the “Word”.)

THE LORD’S CALL OUT OF SEIR: For the Lord to call a messenger out of Seir, gives the meaning that the Lord is giving a Wake-Up Call – a clear warning call to take heed to not disregard the inheritance of God – His Sacred Words and His Great Promises that the knowledge of His Words will unlock This is a clear warning that is directly from the Lord to the End Time Teachers and Prophets. The meaning of the name “Seir” is “Area of the he-goats”, or the area of the “Hairy ones”. The foundational meaning of “Seir” is that it is the place of those born with the calling of God to receive the inheritance of His Truth and to bear witness of His Truth to His people. They are those to whom the Lord would make known His knowledge and His Ways to them if they would set themselves apart from the world. The shepherds of “Seir” lose their blessing because they did not value God’s Plan, nor did they zealously honor God’s Word. The most famous inhabitant of Seir is of course, Esau, the first born of Isaac who sold his birthright for a bowl of red pottage – red lentil bean soup. He settled in Seir, and his descendants, the Edomites come from there.

(Take note that the warning of Seir is rejecting the Good News of His Words is similar to the Lord’s warning of the Blood Red Moon of Revelation 6:12 which is also warning that the people will be judged for rejection of valuing the purchase price of the blood of Christ that

enabled us to have the right to seek to enter the Holy of Holies and receive the right to the inheritance of the Kingdom which is the Holy Words of God that are inside of us (Luke 17:21, Isaiah 51:16). If we do not value seeking and getting His Words, then we leave as God’s unclaimed, the blessing of God. And we will have waited until it will be too late to turn and receive it (Proverbs 1:23, Matthew 25:8-10). The warning of Seir is also symbolic of not receiving the Words of God from the Voice of the Lord (Proverbs 1:20-33, John 5:24, John 8:43-47). In

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End TimesRevelation 12:12 we are told the sun will be like it is covered with black hair in the time that the Lord judges us for our works and the use of His talents that He had given to us. I have explained in other writings that the hair is symbolic of an antenna to receive the Words of God’s Wisdom and Understanding of how to enable His Promises to do Good Works that Glorify the Father. We see this plainly in the testimony of the Good Works of Samson whom the Lord raised from his youth and was not to cut his hair. The Scriptures makes it clear that his strength was in his hair, for the hair was braided in seven strands from his youth and it was a symbol of the Knowledge of the Words of God and the knowledge of the Ways of the Lord that always are done in the Way of the Seven Spirits of the Lord that are always before Him. Our judgment, either reward or punishment, is going to be by the Words of God that the Lord bore witness to (John 12:48). And we are told that He is rising as the Sun of Righteousness – the Ways of His Words is made known in the morning. But, when the Lord arises in the Morning, it is too late for the complacent.).

These of “Seir” are those who were given the office of a teacher and the calling to receive the knowledge of Truth, but they ignored that seeking and receiving the knowledge of the Words of God is the inheritance of the sons of God (As is made known in John 10:32-37.), so they did not receive the Spirit of Truth that makes known His Words so that they can receive understanding that is Good for His people. The result is the congregations have not been taught the knowledge of Truth, and therefore the congregations are not prepared for the coming of the war and the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ for the Separation Judgment. This is why the Lord has called out of Seir, but the Good News of His Sacred Words was not valued the by His Shepherds. And they will not cry out until they realize that they are too late to receive the blessing, and the door to the Kingdom will be closed to them (Luke 14:24, Matt. 7:21-23, Matt. 25:8-10).

WHAT OF THE NIGHT? In Luke 17:34 and John 9:4-5 it says the Separation Judgment will come in the Night. But, how is that possible if no one knows the Day and the Hour? We will review that question more; but, consider this verse of Isaiah 21:11, for there is a wonderful mystery hidden within this verse of this great parable of Isaiah 21:10-12. When the Lord speaks forth from Seir, He is really giving us a huge clue as to what He desires from us. It is written that the Lord told Rebecca that before the two sons of Isaac were born, that the older will serve the younger (Genesis 25:23). And He said that He hated Esau, but He loved Jacob (Romans 9:10-13, Malachi 1:1-3). Why? It is because Jacob greatly Page | 49 August 14, 2016 Bible Study, with Floyd, of the family of Taylor, of the House of God; See More At: www.153WordsofGod.com, www.HisPureLanguage.com

Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timesvalued the inheritance right to the Words of God, and was greatly zealous to fulfill the Lord’s desires for the establishment of His Kingdom on Earth in accordance to God’s Eternal Plan and His Authority.Romans 9:10-13 10And not only this, but when Rebecca also had conceived by one man, even by our father Isaac 11(for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to “election” might stand, not of works but of Him who calls), 12it was said to her, “The older shall serve the younger.” (Genesis 25:23) 13As

it is written, “Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated.” (Malachi 1:2-3)Malachi 1:1-3 1The burden of the Word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi (This name means “my messenger”, or “my

angel”). Israel Beloved of God 2“I have loved you,” says the LORD. “Yet you say, ‘In what way have You loved us?’ Was not Esau Jacob's brother?” Says the Lord. “Yet Jacob I have loved; 3but Esau I have hated, and laid waste his mountains

and his heritage for the jackals of the wilderness.”In the wording of Romans 9:10-13 the apostle Paul reveals the Truth of what type of “Elect” that the Lord is looking for today. For He reveals that Esau and Jacob were born for the purpose of revealing to us “the Way of the Elect” whom God loves. And at the same time He is revealing the way of those that He hates and will remove from His Kingdom in the Hour of Trial – the Time when we are all judged by His Words (John 12:48, Hosea 6:5). The purpose of the Lord is also testified to in the meanings of the names of Jacob and Esau. In the Bible the name reveals the Work for the kingdom of God that one is given to do. If we are doer of His Words, then we will fulfill that Kingdom work, for the Spirit of Truth will guide us and make known – bear witness to – the Words of His Word (Isaiah 55:11). The name Jacob was given the Kingdom work of being a “Supplanter”, which also has the meaning of ‘to be an overcomer”. which was the work for the Kingdom that he was given to do. And he wrestled with Esau in the womb, and he came out of the womb with his hand holding onto the heal of Esau (Genesis 25:26). Jacob was a humble and mild man, whom the Bible reveals dwelt in tents. Means he was more interested in learning the knowledge of the Words of God from his father and the Lord than seeking the favor of man.

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End TimesThe Bible reveals that Esau was the opposite. He was the first born, and he was truly blessed by God. He was born with red hair and reddish skin. From his birth he was covered with hair (Genesis 25:25). Means he was blessed by God to hear His Words, and to take dominion on the earth wherever God leads.The Scriptures reveal that Esau would also be called by two nicknames: Edom (Red, earthy, blood) and Seir (Hairy). Experts attest to the fact that the proper meaning of the name Esau is not so easy to be discerned. The consensus is that Esau has the meaning of one shown to be called to do the kingdom work by being “a doer” (James 1:13-26). Clearly that is his birthright position that God gave to him, and his physical appearance testified that Esau was blessed with the rights to receive from God all that was needed to accomplish the work of his birthright position. This means it was confirmed by his name given to him by his parents, that Esau would be set apart to God to be a hearer and a doer of the Words of God to bring forth the foretold nation of God. Genesis 25:21-28 21Now Isaac pleaded with the LORD for his wife, because she was barren; and the LORD granted his plea, and Rebekah his wife conceived. 22But the children struggled together within her; and she said, “If all is well , why

am I like this ?” So she went to inquire of the LORD. 23And the LORD said to her: “Two nations are in your womb, two peoples shall be separated from your body; one people shall be stronger than the other, and the older shall serve the younger.” 24So when her days were fulfilled for her to give birth, indeed there were twins in her womb. 25And the first

came out red. He was like a hairy garment all over ; so they called his name Esau. 26Afterward his brother came out, and his hand took hold of Esau’s heel; so his name was called Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when she bore them. 27So the

boys grew. And Esau was a skillful hunter, a man of the field; but Jacob was a mild man, dwelling in tents. 28And Isaac loved Esau because he ate of his game , but

Rebekah loved Jacob.The Scriptures bear witness that Esau was greatly loved by his father Isaac; but, his arrogant attitude of entitlement, and his complacency towards valuing the blessing of the Word of God, made him hated by God. Esau of course thought so little of his birthright, that he sold the right to it for a bowl of red bean soup. ( Notice Jacob used the grain (humble red lentil bean) soup slowly cooked by fire, to make known his desire to God. He asked the Lord to test Esau’s heart, whether it was either proud or righteous, in relation to the inheritance right that he was in line to receive. Thus, enabling the Spirit to make known to Esau that he was indeed pledging his Inheritance Right to another. But, Esau, with an arrogant entitled heart, ate the soup knowing

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timeswhat he had pledged to Jacob. Esau saw no reason to uphold his own word, for he was indeed arrogant and full of the believe that nothing can separate him from his perceived entitlements.) A leader of God’s kingdom should be a doer of the Words in the Ways of Righteousness. Esau’s birthright him placed him in line to seek and receive the blessing of God (Which is the authority of His Words to complete the work given to his name by God. ) to enable him to put in place the foundation of the kingdom of God to be brought forth on earth. We of course know from history that Jacob, the zealous overcomer for God’s purposes, would do this through his twelve sons. Why is this important? It is because the Elect of this Night are required to overcome satan and his beast kingdom (Rev. 15:1-4, Rev. 12:16).

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on the Lord’s Promise to make Knowledge known:http://www.153wordsofgod.com/MP3/Keys%20of%20Light%20for%20the%20Simple,%20The%20Ways%20and%20Promises%20of%20Kingdom%20Knowledge.mp3

The Lord makes it very clear in Zephaniah 1:14-15 that the Day of the Lord is a Day of Judgment, and in Isaiah 13:6 He adds that we should howl for it is a Day of destruction

that comes from the Almighty God. In Hosea 4:6 the Lord clarifies His people we will be destroyed because of a lack of Knowledge. The Lord is not talking about the worldly, He is

talking about His own people who will be destroyed for a lack of knowledge.Hosea 4:6 6“MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE.

Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; because you have forgotten the Law of your God, I also will forget your children.”

In Matt. 7:21-23 He clarifies that many of these who are without knowledge are going to be shepherds who had called on His Name to heal people, to cast out demons, and who spoke Words of Prophesy from Him. So how is it possible that these who will have appeared to be so Spirit-filled are going to be cast out because He says that they did not know Him and were lawless? What Law did they not have knowledge of? It is the knowledge of His Words that have the right to access the Greater Promises that God prepared for this Day from before the foundations of the world (Eph. 2:10, Dan. 12:4).

Psalm 119:142 Your Law is Truth. Psalm 119:160 The entirety of Your Word is Truth. (Eccl. 8:4)

Psalm 33:4 For the Word of the Lord is right, and all His Work is in Truth. (A Law of Living Words.)

Psalm 119:72 The Law of Your mouth is better to me than thousands of coins of gold and silver.

The Lord gives us His Law for receiving knowledge in Isaiah 28:9-13, and He warns that He does not give His knowledge to those breast feeding, or those just weaned on milk. Will we finally be the ones who will hear?

Isaiah 28:9-13 9“Whom will He teach knowledge? And whom will He make to understand the message? Those just weaned from milk? Those just drawn from the breasts? 10For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept, line

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timesupon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little.” 11For with stammering lips and another tongue He will speak to this

people. 12To whom He said, “This is the REST with which you may cause the weary to rest,” and, “This is the refreshing”; yet they would not hear. 13But the Word of the Lord was to them, “Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line, here a little, there a little,” That they might go and fall backward, and be broken

and snared and caught.”

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on the Lord’s Promise to make Knowledge known:

Why are the shepherds not preparing His people with His Arrows instead of just waiting on the Lord to do something? In Rev. 6:1-2 we are shown that the beginning of the Day of our Judgment began with the Lord causing the Spirit to be loosed to call the people to receive the Words of God to utilize in their bow. Those who hear these Sacred Words that Jesus speaks and who believe on the Greater Promises prepared by the Father for these very times shall pass through these Judgments and receive the Right to Eternal Life (John 5:24). This is why the rider of the White Horse is given a bow and a Crown. In Zech. 14:7 it is told that the Day of the Lord would begin with the entrance of Light. It is the entrance of His Sacred Words that gives us Light and Understanding (Psalm 119:130). And in Heb. 10:26-27 we are warned that the Day of the Lord would come with the Knowledge of Truth being received. It is the speaking of and/or the doing of the Ways of His Set Apart Holy Words that enables the Greater Works of the Father to be released, and they never come back void, but will accomplish the greater Good Works that He has prepared for this Day of the Lord. He sent forth the Spirit to give us the right to receive His Words. We must turn from hearing and doing the words of the great dragon who was also cast down to the earth at the same time.Revelation 12:7-9 7And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, 8but they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. 9So the great dragon was cast out, that

serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Revelation 12:10-12 10Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come (His Power is found in the Words of God that He speaks and does (Eccl. 8:4, John

15:7).), for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. 11AND THEY OVERCAME HIM BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB AND BY THE WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY, and they did not love their lives to the Death. 12Therefore rejoice, O heavens,

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timesand you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you,

having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.”John 5:24 “Most assuredly, I say to you, HE WHO HEARS MY WORD AND BELIEVES IN HIM WHO SENT ME HAS

EVERLASTING LIFE (This is why the Crown is given.), AND SHALL NOT COME INTO JUDGMENT , but has passed from death INTO EVERLASTING LIFE;”

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


3Hair (Salvation Antenna) 94

Number (Count) 125

Stand (Lampstand)

2 Arm/Shoulder 33 Dust (Clay) 64 Hand 95 Offering (Offer) 12

6Star (Shine)

3 Arrow 34 Ear (Hear) 65 Heart (Will) 96

Oil (Knowledge) 127


4 Ask (Way of Wise) 35 Earth (Substance) 6

6 Herb 97Ox (Leader of Way) 12

8Street (Daily Life)

5 Believe (Understand) 36 East (Holy Heaven) 6

7 Hill 98Peace (Eternal Life, Couch)


Sword (Set Apart)

6 Bird (Self-Control) 37 Evening 6

8 Hold (Net) 99Pillar (Law of Word)


Table (Eat/Share)

7 Blood (Accounting) 38 Eye (See, Look) 6

9 Honey (Honeycomb) 100

Plant (To Flower) 131

Time (Opportunity)

8 Body (Temple, House) 39 Face (Holy

Authority)70 Hope (Trust) 10

1Praise (To Set Apart)


Tower/Watch (High)

9 Bone (Rib, Back) 40 Faith (Shield) 71 Horn (Judgment) 10

2Pray (Language) 13

3Treasure (Pearl)


Book (Scroll, Roll) 41 Feast (Appointed) 7

2Horse (Authority Spirit)


Priest (Knowledge) 134



Border (Coast, Hem) 42 Feet (Way Chosen) 7

3 Host (All Parts) 104

Rain (Blessings) 135



Bow (Work Tool) 43 Field (World) 74 House (Storehouse) 10

5River (Provision) 13

6Truth (Waist)


Bowl/Pot/Basket 44 Finger (Authority) 75 Incense (Smell) 10

6Rock 13



Branch (Friend) 45 Fire (Revelation) 76

Iron (Strong by Fire)


Root 138



Brass/Copper (Form) 46 Fish (Catch, Teach) 7

7 King (Wisdom) 108

Sabbath (Rest) 139



Bread (Instruction) 47 Flesh 7

8 Lamp (Candlestick) 109

Seal (Protection) 140

Voice (Speak)


Build (Put) 48 Follow (Witness) 79 Leaves (Healing) 11

0Season (Plan) 14

1Wait (Tarry)


Cattle/Beast 49 Food (Meat, Knowledge)

80 Life 11

1Seat (Sit, Set) 14

2Walk (Thigh. Leg)


Chamber/Room 50 Foundation 81 Light (Path) 11

2Seed (Grain) 14

3Wall/Heaven (Veil/Wisdom)

20 City 51 Fruit (Obey) 8

2 Lion (Roar/Thunder) 113

Seek (Search Out) 144

Wash (Purify)

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times21 Cloud 52 Garden (Supply) 8

3 Love (To be a Doer) 114

Sent (Go) 145

Water (Waters)


Come (Wings) 53 Garment 84 Measure (Weigh) 11

5Servant (Serve) 14

6Way (Joy)

23 Cord/Rope/Chain 54 Gate (Work) 8

5 Mercy (Sacrifice) 116

Shadow (Under, Wing)


Well (Fountain)


Corner (Puzzles) 55 Gather (Harvest) 86 Milk (Beginning) 11

7Sheep (Obedience) 14



Covenant 56 Gird/Girdle (Belt) 87 Morning (Promise) 11

8Silver (Precepts) 14

9Wind (Breath)


Cover/Tent 57 Give (Gift) 88 Mountain/Island 11

9Sleep 15



Crown 58 Glory (Promise) 89 Mouth (Pure Lip) 12

0Snow/Cold 15



Cup (Chosen Walk) 59 Gold (Refining) 9

0Nail (Tent Peg/Plow)


South (Double Bless)


Womb (Egg/Generation)


Day 60 Good (Works) 91 Name (Given Work) 12

2Sow (To Plant) 15

3Word (Power)


Deep (Corrections) 61 Grace (Overcome) 9

2Night (Growth Time)


Spring (Overflow)


Donkey (Carrier) 62 Grass (Green) 93 North (Resources) 12

4Staff (Rod)

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times

THE LORD SAID THAT HE WOULD RESTORE JUDGES AS IN THE BEGINNING (Isaiah 1:26):Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on the Lord’s Isaiah 21:10-12 Warnings about the Night of His Day:

The Judges of old had Understanding of His Holy Words. By this they were able to teach the Way of Righteousness. And by the Power of the Spirit in the Words that they spoke, the people feared the Lord and obey His Words. The LORD confirms in Isaiah 1:26 that He is going to remove all the Law Systems of the world and replace it with His Law of the Scriptures that is of His Words (Psalm 119:142, 160, 130, 9).Isaiah 1:24-26 24Therefore the Lord says, the LORD of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel, “Ah, I will rid Myself of My adversaries, and take vengeance on My enemies. 25I will turn My hand against you, and thoroughly purge away your dross, and take away all your alloy. 26I


City of Righteousness, the Faithful City.” (Faith comes by hearing the Words of God (Romans 10:17).)

In John 12:48 the Lord said that in this Day, all people on the earth will be judged by IN His Words. It is impossible to be an acceptable judge on earth on the earth at this time when this is The Hour of Trial, if the Judge does not hear the Words of God that all those in the world are being judged by at this very Time. They are disqualified from being able to hold a position of office. All judges need to carefully read Luke 16:1-13, for God has judged them.John 12:48 48“He who rejects Me, and does not receive My Words, has that which judges him—the Word that I have spoken will judge him in

the last Day;”Such blind judges will be removed for being Lawless. They will go into the destruction because of their blindness to His Law of Truth. All law makers, prosecutors, lawyers, legal assistants, and even court recorders, who follow after these blind judges will also go into the darkness and receive their share of the sins of their leaders, and also their share of the

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timesplagues of God’s Wrath that will be poured out upon them at the rising of the Sun of Righteousness ( Malachi 4:2). All should have resigned in 2003 when His Words opened.

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times


Click this URL link MP3 audio for comments from Floyd on the Faming of His Words that is as a Thief in the Night:

In Matthew 24 and Mark 13 the Lord tells us that when our eyes are opened to see the Abomination of Desolation standing where it ought naught be, that we are to go and take nothing from our house. Why? In Isaiah 51:16 we learn that from the beginning His Holy Words were put in us. But, the right to call on His Words is to be taken away from the lukewarm like a Night’s thief.Remember the Lord tells His Watchmen to explain the Night! In 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Paul reveals that those who walk in darkness and are without the Light (The Light comes by the entrance of His Words – Psalm 119:130, 105 .), are of the “Night”. But, all those who walk in the Light without the Darkness, are of the “Day”. If we will consider what the great apostle Paul reveals to us in 1 Thess. 5:1-11, a wonderful mystery of God could jump off the page and kiss us with a great and marvelous shock. Please read this passage with opened eyes seeking the Lord to open to you His great free gift to all those who elected as sons of God. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 1But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should

write to you. 2For you yourselves know perfectly that the Day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the Night. 3For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. 4But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should

overtake you as a thief. 5You are all sons of Light and sons of the Day. We are not of the Night nor of darkness.

6Therefore let us not sleep, as others do, but let us watch and be sober. 7For those who sleep, sleep at Night, and those who get drunk are drunk at night. 8But let us who

are of the Day be sober, putting on the Breastplate of Faith and Love, and as a Helmet the Hope of Salvation. 9For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through

our Lord Jesus Christ, 10who died for us, that whether we

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Timeswake or sleep, we should live together with Him. 11Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as

you also are doing.Isaiah 13:9 Behold, the day of the LORD comes, Cruel, with both wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate; And

He will destroy its sinners from it.Zechariah 5:4 4"I will send out the curse," says the Lord of hosts; "It shall enter the house of the thief and the house of the one who swears falsely by My Name. It shall remain in the midst of his house and consume it, with its timber and

stones." (Carefully consider Mal. 3:8. We must all repent.)

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End TimesAv 5776 (July / August 2016): (This is likely Calendar. It could be 30 days off, but if it is right the Elect are in trouble. Also this is a Shemitah Year and Jubilee Year is coming.)

1st Day of Week


2nd Day of Week


3rd Day of Week


4th Day of Week


5th Day of Week


6th Day of Week


7th Day of Week (New Moon and the 4 Sabbaths)


1 Av New MoonJuly 6 Rosh Chodesh Av

2 AvJuly 7

3 AvJuly 8

4 AvJuly 9

5 AvJuly 10

6 AvJuly 11

7 AvJuly 12

8 AvJuly 13

9 AvJuly 14

10 AvJuly 15

11 AvJuly 16

12 AvJuly 17

13 AvJuly 18

14 AvJuly 19

15 AvJuly 20

16 AvJuly 21

17 AvJuly 22

18 AvJuly 23

19 AvJuly 24

20 AvJuly 25

21 AvJuly 26

22 AvJuly 27

23 AvJuly 28

24 AvJuly 29

25 AvJuly 30

26 AvJuly 31

27 AvAugust 1

28 AvAugust 2

29 AvAugust 3

Elul 5776 (August / September 2016):1st Day of


2nd Day of Week


3rd Day of Week


4th Day of Week


5th Day of Week


6th Day of Week


7th Day of Week (New Moon and the 4 Sabbaths)(Thursday)

1 Elul New MoonAugust 4 Rosh Chodesh Elul

2 ElulAugust 5

3 ElulAugust 6

4 ElulAugust 7

5 ElulAugust 8

6 ElulAugust 9

7 ElulAugust 10

8 ElulAugust 11

9 ElulAugust 12

10 ElulAugust 13

11 ElulAugust 14

12 ElulAugust 15

13 ElulAugust 16

14 ElulAugust 17

15 ElulAugust 18

16 ElulAugust 19

17 ElulAugust 20

18 ElulAugust 21

19 ElulAugust 22

20 ElulAugust 23

21 ElulAugust 24

22 ElulAugust 25

23 ElulAugust 26

24 ElulAugust 27

25 ElulAugust 28

26 ElulAugust 29

27 ElulAugust 30

28 ElulAugust 31

29 ElulSeptember 1

29 ElulSeptember 2

Tishri 5777 (September / October 2016) (The Jubilee Year):

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Keys of Light for the Simple, Amazing Truths that Unlock End Times

1st Day of Week


2nd Day of Week


3rd Day of Week


4th Day of Week


5th Day of Week


6th Day of Week


7th Day of Week (New Moon and the 4 Sabbaths)


1 Tishri New MoonSeptember 3 ,Rosh Chodesh Tishri

2 TishriSeptember 4

3 TishriSeptember 5

4 TishriSeptember 6

5 TishriSeptember 7

6 TishriSeptember 8

7 TishriSeptember 9

8 TishriSeptember 10

9 TishriSeptember


10 TishriSeptember 12

Yom Kippur11 Tishri

September 1312 Tishri

September 1413 Tishri

September 1514 Tishri

September 1615 Tishri

September 17Day 1 Feast of Tents

16 TishriSeptember

18Day 2

Feast of Tents

17 TishriSeptember 19

Day 3Feast of Tents

18 TishriSeptember 20

Day 4Feast of Tents

19 TishriSeptember 21

Day 5Feast of Tents

20 TishriSeptember 22

Day 6Feast of Tents

21 TishriSeptember 23

Day 7Feast of Tents

22 TishriSeptember 24Shemini AtzeretSimchat Torah

23 TishriSeptember

2524 Tishri

September 2625 Tishri

September 2726 Tishri

September 2827 Tishri

September 2928 Tishri

September 3029 Tishri

October 130 Tishri

October 2

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