Transcript of BOROUGH OF CLARION -;...

Page 1: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

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SEPT, 15, 1965


OCT, 4, 1977

Page 2: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

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ORDINANCE NO. 699 An Ordinance amending Ordinance 451A, approved September 15, 1965, and entitled: "Regulating the subdivision and development of land, the construction, opening and dedication of s t r ee t s , al leys, sewer drainage and other facil i t ies in connection therewith, in the Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The Borough of Clarion hereby ordains:

Section 1. The following definitions in Section 2. 2 of Ordinance 451A,

approved September 15, 1965, and entitled: Regulating the subdivision and

development of land, the construction, opening and dedication of s t r ee t s ,

al leys, sewer drainage and other facilities in connection therewith, in the

Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, a r e

hereby amended to read:

"Street plan" means the general plan of s t r ee t s of the Borough

of Clarion.

l'Subdivisionl' means the division o r redivision of a lot; t r a c t

o r parce l of land by any means into two o r m o r e lots, tracts, parce ls o r

other divisions of land including changes in existing lot line s for the pur-

pose, whether immediate o r future, of lease , t ransfer of ownership o r

building o r lot development.

f o r agr icul tural purposes into parce ls of m o r e than ten (10) a c r e s , not

Provided, however, that the division of land

involving any new s t r e e t o r eaeement of access, shal l be exempted.

"Subdivider" shall mean any landowner, agent of such landowner

o r tenant with the permiss ion of such landowner, who makes o r causes to

b e made a subdivision of land.

Section 2. Section 4. 8 of said ordinance is hereby amended to read:

4.8. Appeals. Any person aggrieved by action of the Planning

Commission m a y appeal in writing to Borough Council within thirty (30)

days of the date of action of the Planning Commission.

Page 3: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

Any person aggrieved by refusal of Council to approve a

subdivision plan may appeal by petition to the Court of Common Pleas within

thirty (30) days of receipt of notice of such refusal.

Section 3 . Parag raph - f of Section 5.6 of the said ordinance is hereby

amended to read:

f. General DeveloDment Standards



3 .


5 .

Stree t cuts shall b e provided with side slopes no

s teeper than one vertical to one horizontal and

s t r ee t s on f i l l shal l be provided with side slopes no

s teeper than one vertical to one and one-half hori-

zontal. Such slopes shal l be suitably planted with

perennial g r a s s e s o r other vegetation to prevent

gullying and erosion.

Sidewalks shall be required, and constructed to

Borough specifications, with grade and paving

continuous a c r o s s driveways.

Hedges, fences, and walls o r other obstructions

shal l not be constructed, placed o r planted within

the right of way of any s t reet .

Curbing shall be required and installed in conformity

with all provisions and specifications of this ordinance.

Mater ia l and construction standards for s t r ee t s ,

curbs , and gut ters , s t o r m and sani tary sewers , and

sidewalks shall conform to Borough specifications

and be subject to inspection by appropriate Borough

officials . Section 4. Section 5.62 of said ordinance is hereby amended to read:

5.62. Curbs. Ei ther concrete o r granite curbs and concrete

gut ters shal l b e installed, according to the dimensions given in the drawing

Page 4: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

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attached as Exhibit A and made a par t hereof.

Section 5. Section 5.63 of said ordinance is hereby amended to read:'.

5.63. Sidewalks. Sidewalks shal l be constructed on each side

of any new street , with a minimum of four (4) feet in width, five (5) inches

in depth, and shall be no closer than four (4) feet to any curb except at curb

intersections. All sidewalks shall be concrete, shall be properly finished,

and shall intercept smoothly with all driveways.

Section 6. Paragraph b of Section 5.64 of said ordinance is hereby - amended to read:

b. Provision shall be made for water service to each lot here-

The subdivider shall provide all necessary mains, taps,

- a f t e r subdivided.

valves, etc., in excess of those normally provided by the water company for

each anticipated customer.

Ordained and enacted into law by the Borough Council of Clarion in

lawful session assembled this - 4 t h day of O c t o b e r , 1 9 x .



ecretary d,.'

Approved this

BY President of Council

4 t h day of O c t o b e r 9 1 9 77.

Page 5: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are



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A?.TICLE IV . . ........... -3ROCESS OF APPLICATION. .................. -.--- -, -

-3 _ - . . . . . . . . .



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Page 7: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

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A X T C L E T TITLE AND PUPSOSE -- ---- ---- vx;C%'~r)'l - - ,..... L - L T i t l e .--.-I -- -- ...-.

This 2rd inance s h a l l be known and nqy be s i t e d a s "me ClarLqc.

30ro~.:t$- Sc3dFvisicn Re,or!la t iljn ( ? r . + i - . ~ ~ ; ~ c , 9f :. 965,

sEc'.?:~.~I*: 1 . 2 Pu-poce .--. --. --- -I-.-

ThS2 purpose of t h i s o r d i n a n c e i s a.c' foliCr.:s:

a ) ' io a s s u r e r;i.C,,?s si:itshle for l?ui3 dir,.< >Xr?-jsc..j and p,un:-.r-.

heb i t a !. ion. . .

b ) '3 prov ide f o r t h e -harmonious, o r d e r l y / , e f f i c i e n t a3d intc;..

g r a t e d development of t h e Borough.

c > To p r o v i d e f o r a d e q u a t e open s p a c e s for t r a f f l ' . c , recrect:Lort..

l i g h t and a i r .

d ) To p r c v i d e fo r t h e p r o p e r d i s t r i b u t i o n cf p c p p l a t i o n , k:.?r.>:.:-

c r e a t i n g c o n d i t i o n s f a v o r a b l e t o t h e h e a l t h , s a f e t y , ~.clra!..s,

and g e n e r a l welfare of tho, r e s i d e n t s :>f t h e Rorc.::gh.

e ) To secure equita5l.e haridlinS of subdlvislo:?. piax? >;I pro.-

v i d i n g m i f o r m prcced.:res and si ' :andarls f o r obser.vzcces bo23

by su5eivider .s sr?d by Boraugh OEficL.3:s.



. .

Page 8: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

f) To provide for t he coord ina t ion of proposeti s t reets , p a r k

and o t h e r f a c f l i t i e s wi:h the e x i s t i n g s t r e e t s an6 o the r

pub l i c f z c i l i t i e s of t he Borough.

As used i n t5is ord inance , words ex.presse2 i n th? s ing t i la r i.-..-

s l c k ihef.:: p lura; meanings and words expressed ir . t h e p lura l Lnclu2e t5eir

-irtgu:ar nzarlings. "Person" inc i cdes a corpora t ion , unincorpoia ts.2 assocl;i:ioa

ant. ~ a l - k Z 2 ~ S h i p , as w e 1 1 a s a n indivi&dal,

ger;elo?iy 2nd ~11311 be ccnStr-.!ed a s i f fol lowed >y the. phrase "or p a r t therzlli'.."

. . 4u:..,.,.!,' 2 .2 Definit i .ons ._. - --.._.--. -,- -_--

" B c ~ l ~ ~ n g " 2nd ' 'Si.reet'' a1-c u>;c,?

-I -,,-. .I -.

The fol lowing w x 4 s and ph rases , a s used i.? tF;is 9r,-;j-naacc+

s 'ra. l l have the nzanings here in ind ica t ed :

Uoz.ough -..-- menns t h e Borough of C la r ion , Pennsylvania.

h r o u q h Engj.neer means t h e duly des igna ted engineer cf t h e BQrwgk cE .I_ ---- ".- - ._.E:

Cla r ion.



2 m s t r u J t i o n P e r m i t means a pe rmi t a u t h o r i z i n g i!nprovenents t o be con.. ----- strutted i n accordance with t h z t - z m s an< cone--: .-?-.;

of approved cons t ruc t ion plan? and spec i f i c a tiosls.

Con?+ruct %on !?Ian means t h e drawings showing the 1 x 2 t ion , pro:. i le . - .,. grade and s i z e of sewers, v a t e r xa i . l s , uti i!-ty l t m 5 ,

s idewalks , pa-fements of proposed s txeLs , et?. , v i t h ' n

a proposed subdiv is ion . .

c -2-

. . n . . . . . .

Page 9: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

right-of-way, easements, l o t l i n e s , s treet l i n e s and

such o t h e r da ta a s may b e r equ i r ed by t h e Planning

Commission o r t hese subd iv i s ion r e g u l a t i o n s , i n

proper form f o r record ing i n t h e o f f i c e of t h e

Recorder of Deeds of C la r ion County, Pennsylvania .

int m a n s a F o r t i e n of a subd iv i s ion o r o t h e r pa rcn l intended for t i a n s f e r ..U

c\f ownexh ip or f o r bu i ld ing development.

P Z a n q i n g a m i s s F o n .d.--- 1. means the P lanning Commission of t h e Borough of ClarLon,


Xight-of-!hy means t h e dedica ted width of a street, highway, a l l e y , access ---e-

way or crosswalk.

? b. -:. means a right-of-wey, municipal ly or p r i v a t e l y owned, s e r v i n g as a

rocan.? of vehicu lnr and pedes t r i an t r a v e l and farn!'.shj.v.g access t o

a b u t t i n g p r o p e r t i e s .

S;r.rcet . -.. P!,jn .L means t h e general p l a n of streets of t h e Bororgh of C la r ion

maintair-ed pursuant t o Sec t ion 1660 of t h e Eorough Code of

4 I$


qi "j:Ibdi--iision m a n s the d i v i s i o n of any pa rce l of land i n t o t h r e e or more _____ ._- --. - J

l o t s or p a r c e l s of land , or t h e change of t h e 1i:le of any st i -e-t-

or l o t , for t h e purpose, whether immediate or f l i t u re , of rentl?:

or l e a s i n g o r t r a p s f e r of ownership o f bu i ld ing development- I

;u~:25\-i2e: m a n s t h e owner or owners of a parcel of land intended o r prc+.Rc;d i--__.... .-.,.-- -

to be subdivided.


Llhtnvrer an17 suhdivl.sio:i of land is proposed tn be made or wh ::.-

evLr aoy s'sree.t, S?K?"if, water main o r o t h e r f a c i l i t y i n corinection the rewi th Is


Page 10: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

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the subdiv lder f o r approva 1 02 t he proposed subdiv is ion .

SSCTION 3 . 4 Contents of I J r i t t e n App l i ca t ion

The writteq a p p l i c a t i o i l s h a l l set Zorth t h e subd iv ide r ' s i n t e n t i o n


to proceed with t h e subdiv is io t , of one or more p z r c e l s of land s i t u a t e d w i t h i n I

l a i d o u t f o r cons t ruc t i cn and b e f o r e any p a r t of t h e s a i d subd iv i s ion i s

o f f e r e d f o r s a l e or r e n t a l o r cons t zuc t ion i s commenced on such street, P e w o r ,

water main or o t h e r f a c i l i t y , t h e subdiv ider s h a l l submit t o t h e Secre tayy of

the Planning Commission a n a p p l i c a t i o n i n writing f o r approval of t h e said

subd iv i s ion , a s follows:


a) Pour (4) copies of a w r i t t e n a p p l i c a t i o n s igned by t h e sub-

divider a s ol ; t l ined i n Sec t ion 3.4.

Five ( 5 ) copies of a f i n a l subd iv i s ion p lan a s o u t l i n e d i n

Sec t ion 3.6.

Four (4) copies of a proposed cons t ruc t ioa p lan a s o u t l i n e ?

i n S e c t i o n 3.5.


c )

SECTION 3.2 No Constrxct io? t in t i1 F i n a l Subdiv is ion P lan Approved - - -.I- -- No lo t i n a subdivcs ion may be sold. no p c t n i t to e r e c t , a l t e r or

r e p a i r any b u i l d i n g upon 1ar.d i n a s cbd iv i s ion nay be i s s l e d , and no b u i l d i n g

may be e r e c t e d i n a subd iv i s ion un le s s and u n t i l t h e f i n e l subd iv i s ion p lan

has bc.en approved as h e r e i n a f t e r provided, and u n t i l t h e conp le t ion of t h e

r squ i r ed improvements has been guaranteed by t h e subdiv ider a s r equ i r ed i n

Sec t ion 4.6.

SK,TION 3.3 Y r i t t e n Appl ica t ion , F i n a l Subdiv is ion Plar. and Const ruc t ioq P lan ---.-- ---- --.-_I.--._- t o be Submitted Together. -

The writteii a p p l i c a t i o n , f i n a l subd iv i s ion p lan and constru-!"dn

2lan: t o g e t h e r , when submit ted shall be ckemed to cons t i2u to the apF l i ca t iBa of


Page 11: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

9 .- c-

1. .

t h e 0orough of C l a r i o n and h i s reques t for approval of t>? Planning Cor;lllissL?n

axd Council 0: t h e subdivis?.on p l an , and i - r a d d i t i o n , s h a l l con ta in th.2 f o l -

iowing, and such o t h e r data a s may be requl rcd :

a ) The proposec name, l o c a t i o n and a r e a of t h e subdiv is ion .

b) Re names and sddres ses of any agent or agen t s who may b?

r ep resen t ing t h e subdivider i n connect ion crith t h e sub-

d iv is ior ; , inc luding eng inee r s , a r c h i t e c t s or surveyors I . T.2

t h e subd iv idz r i s a corpora t ion , t h e appl ica2ion s h a l l r;z t

f o r t h t h e names and addresses of t h e off t he reo f .

The d is t r ' , c t o r d i s t r i c t s i n which t h e p r q o s e d S1ii.:,--

d i v i s i o n i s s i . iuated.

C )

C) "ne names and addresses of t h e owners of a l l real properL,,r

abutt?-ng upcn t h e proposed subd iv i s ion .

A d e s c r i p t i o n of connect ioss prcposed t o be made wi th c x i s t h g e)

sources of water supply.

f ) A d e s c r i p t i o n of connections proposed t o be nade wi th ';hs

e x i s t i n g s a n i t a r y sewerage systetrt.

g) A d e s c r i p t i o n of provis ions f o r c o l l e c t i n g and d i scha rg ing

storm dra inage.

h ) A s t z k a e n t oE t he na tu re and e x t e n t of t he street improve-

w c r l t s , Lncieding sewer. water anu u t i i i t y i i n e s , t ? i a t th?

subeiv ider F Y O ~ O S C U t o i m t a l l .

i j A a e s c r i p t i o n o f any rccrezt ior .a l Fea tdres , parks o r p:"y-

grounds t o b e ?rovid&ci, axd c::;ethci- o r riot and wideL. what

c o n d i t i m s they a r e t o be Zedicated t o t h e Boroagh.



. .

Page 12: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

3) A s t a t emen t t h a t t h e subd iv ide r r:i.ll ir.sta11 arid i n d f c a t e 07 ,

the fi?al . subCivis ion p l an such nonumer.ts (for sur-=.'(";m) as *n;;r

b e requiro,d by t h e Borough Ecgineer.



A d z s c r i p t i o n oL t h e aul:di:.visiorr by metss and bounds.

s te temat i n r'catail of 211 r e s t r i c t i m s e g r i n n t t h :-ea!.

prope r ty i n quest ion.

A E ' i ; i t e W ; i t . t i t a t t h subdivider w i l l I i u t a l l a l l re.qxirc.1

ii+.i.llties befcire paving ar.y street, and 5 c f o t e imz. ta l l ing


f e e t tc: th? inch on plai; and p r a f i l e and a t 2 verticzil scale.

of four fee.: tc the inch on Frc'fk.,



It s h z l l show the. EDllowing: s

.- . :.: -s__

1) . Sub$.ivision name or i d e a t i f y k g tit].?.

2) North P o i n t , s c a l e and date .

3) N a m e of t h e record owr:er arid subd iv idz r .

4) Name and seal 02 t h e . r e g i s t e r e d p r 5 f e s s i o c a l ?.nginc.,er oz

surveyor r e spons ib l e f o r .the ? h r i .

Fz.'d,? (Streets > -- The. p lan shall show d e t p i l s cf tSe h o r i c f a t a l (street.! laycu::


Page 13: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

. . , . C . . ' .

2) Right-of-way aiid cur5 l i n e s with a v a i l a b l e c x n e r r a d i i a t

interse2.2 ions.

3) BegLnnLr-g aad end of proposed coas t ruc t ion .

4) Tie- ins by coucBes and d i s t a n c e s t o p u b l i c roads , w i th t h e i r

names ead wieths,

5 ) Location of r , l l survey monuments with refere.nces t o than.

6 ) Proper ty l i n e s and ownership of a b u t t i n g p rope r t i e s .

i ) Contour l i n e s a t i n t e r v a l s n o t t o c - e e d f i v c f e e t .

8 ) -Location an?. s i z e of a l l drai.nage_ s t r u c t i i r c s , pub l i c i : L l l i t i ? c : ,

and shade trees i n excess of 0'' diamo,ter.

3 F I L E ( S t r e e t s ) .. -e.- 1) P r o f i l e oi e x i s t i n g ground s u r f a c e a long proposed street

c e n t e r line.

2) Proposed c e n t e r l i n e grade with perccnt of grade oc t a n g e a t s

and e l e v a t i o n s a t t e n f o o t i n t e r v a l s , and at street i n t e r -

s e c t ions.

S:.:;"S-EECTION ( S t r e e t s ) - --.- 1) RLght-of-way width and l o c a t i o n and width of paved carWay.

2) Type, t h i c k n e s s , and crown of paving.

-3) T y p ~ acd S L Z L of cbrb with L t a i l c d GLmnslms.

f!: Grading of s'idewalk are;.

S) Locat ion, w id th , rype , and th i ckness of oLdawa3ks.

6) Typicai 1ocaLAoG a i d s i z e of sewet and u t i l i t , i i n e s .

- PL'.N (S';:.rm D:ains, S a n i t a r y Sewers, Water Lin?s)

11 L x a t i o n ancl s i z e CE Xirte v i t h s t a r i n n s coruespondiag t o

t h e p r o f i l e -

Page 14: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

.. : 1

* .

F -

I . .

2 ) Locat ion of manholes or i n l e t s wi th grade be%een, ele-

v a t i o n cf f low l i n e , and top of each manhole or i n l e t .

P rope r ty l ine; and ownership, K i th d e t a i l s 2n any ease- 3 )



5 )

Ecginning and end of proposed cons t ruc t ion .

Locat ion of l a t e r a l s , Y's, e t c .

61 Locat io3 oE a l l . c t h e r drainage f a c i l i t i e s and pablic uti!.-

i t ies.

SFILE ( S t o r n Drains, S a n i t a r y Seve r s , \ l a t e r L i n e s ) -- 1) F r o f i l e of e x i s t i n g grourd su r face .

2: P r o f i l e of propose$. d r a i r A , sewer or l i n e sh0wir.g e i eva t ioco

a t f low l i n e anC 3t t op 02 manholes or i n l e t s , s i z e of ?i?e

and Tenhole or i n l e t l oca t ions .

. - r . i-,bT'iOl.i 3.6 Fina 1 EubdivLs ion P 1211 .. ..-- -- The f i n a l subd iv i s ion p l a n s h a l l con ta in t h e following:

a ) The proposed name, l o c a t i o n and a r e a of the subdiv is ion ,

b) The names of t h e subdiv ider or subdiv iders .

c ) The name and s e a l of t h e r e g i s t e r e d engineer or l i censed su--

veyor des igning t h e s i ibdivis ion plan.

Courses and d i s t a n c e s s u f f i c i e n t for a l ega l e e s c r i p t i o n oE d)

a l l p rope r ty ; I x s shown on t h e ~ 1 2 : .

N s m e s of t he cvrters oE a b u t t k g proper'iy, e)

2) Na.nes, l o c a t i o n s a widths , cezfer l i n e s , courses , C s t a n c e s ,

curve d e t e , i'aving :.:idths, curb : l ines , and right-of-way and

curb l i p 2 r a d i i a t i n t e r s e c t i o a s of a i : ex i s t i r t g , p l o t t e d

ar-d appr?-#el s t reets , a l l e y s , cro?swalks and easemznts ,


Page 15: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

,: . '

and p a r k s and other p u b l i c p l a c e s w i t h i n t h e subdivisioi:.

g:: L o c a t i m , s i z e aad m a t e r i a l of a l l monunents.

h) Layout and d i n e n s i o c s of l o t s w i t h l o t e r e a t o z-ight-02-wag

l i n e of street .

i) E u i l l i n g set-back l i n e s w i t h d i s t a n c e s from t h e right-of..way

l i n e .

j! Loca t ion an.d size 02 s a n i t a r y and s t x m sewers i n c l u d i n g

manholes and inlets.

k) P i n i s h grades f o r a l l p a r t s of t h e s u b d i v i s i o n .

1) C e r t i f i c a t l o a by r e g i s t c r c d eng!'.r.eer o r surirt5yor t h a t t h e

f i n t l s u b 3 i v i ; i s c p l a n rqresents a su rvey mado, b;, h i n ,


S3CTION 4 .1 P r e i i m i n a r y Sketch and P re -App l i ca t ion Procedure

Idhen a s u b d i v i d e r i s ready to s u b d i v i d e h i s p r o p e r t y , he sh.aJ.1

^___- -- --->.-- ---

prepars, p z n c i l e d s k e t c h e s or drawings which s h a l l show t h e fo l lowing :

a > The t r a c t i n r e l a t i o n t o t h e rest of t h e community and t h z

n e a r e s t community f a c i l i t i e s such a s s c h o o l s and p l a y g r o u n i s .

b) The t rac t i n r e l a t i o n t o a d j a c e n t p r o p e r t i e s .

c) Ex2stir:g trse c l u s t e r s , wa te r co'c;rses, mter , s a n i t a r y a3d

s torm traitis and n a t a r a l Grainage p a t t e r n s , a l l w i t h i n twcl

hundred (2GO) f e e t of t h e t r a c t .

d ) Topography w i t h con tour i n t e r v a l s of f i v e ( 5 ) f e e t .

c ) The approximate l a y o u t of proposed l o t s , streets and o t h e r

improvements .

- 9-

Page 16: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

I ' c


1. .

The s u b d i v i d e r s h a l l then r e q u e s t a n i n 2 o r m : review by t h e

R2rough Engineer , Up i~n c o n p i e t i o n of t h i s rev iew t h e s k e t c h e s and t h e

ertgLncer's r e p o r t s h a l l be t r a 9 s n i t t e d t o t h e P l a n n i r g Corrmission for i t s

ln€ormel rzvicw.

Zzvts ions to t h e s k e t c h e s end more t h a n one i n f o r m a l review may b e n e c e s s a r y

'3c:fore !he s c b d i v i + e r and P l a n n i n g Cornrnission cap. a g r e e on a c o u r s e of

nciiqn l e a d i n g t o a formal a p p l i c a t i o n €or s u b d i v i s i o n approval .

t h i s p r c ? i n i n a r y a p e e m e n t s h a l l b e t e n t a t i v e o n l y and s h a l l n o t cornnit

+he P i a m i c e Commission s r Borough Council in any way.

The s u b d i v i d e r is encourage2 t o a t t e n d t h i s review sessicn.


The s u b d i v i d e r s h a i i ther. s u b i t h i s formal a ? p l i c r t i o n ,

Te2tin;. t h e r e q u i r e a e n t s o f A r t i c l e III? S e c t i o n I of t h i s Ordinance , t o

+,hc p :xu;:h Secrecary who shal:.:

a > Eorward one copy of each of t h e t h r e e documents submit.te;' '.r

the Borough Engineer.

b > Forward one copy of e a c h of t h e t h r e e documents t o t h e

. . S e c r e t a r y of t h e P l a n n i n g Commission, p l u s one a d d i t i o n a l

copy of t h e f i n a l s u b d i v i s i o n plan.

c > Reta in one copy of each of t h e t h r e e documents f o r his/h--:.

We 3orough Engineer s h a l l spprove the c o n s t r u c t i o n piarl crhe.1 i:

Page 17: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

... 'C

If t h e p l a n ;s disapproved by t h e 3orodgl; P l a n n i n g Commissior, t<c

st:bdi*TiZer s h a l l D e so noi : i f ied and t h e r c a s G n s ' t h e r e f o r g iven t o him i n

cvr i t ing . SECT?,>?J I ! - . 5 Approval by Borough Counci l -----I_- --- ---

Upon r e c e i p t of a p p r o v a l from t h e P lanning Commission, t h e w b - s h a l l submit t o Eorough Counci l f o r i t s approval t h e f o l l o w i n g :

. 1 ) One t r a c i n g of t h e f i n a l s u b d i v i s i o n p l a n as appro-ed l.7

t h e P l a n n i n g Commission.

The approved paper copy of t h e f i n a l s u b d i v i s i o n p lan . 2 )

3) Th&' approved c o n s t r u c t i o n plan.

3 e f o r e a c t i n g on a s u b d i v i s i o n p l a n , Counci l may a r r a n g e for a

p u b l i c h e a r i n g , g i v i n g such n o t i c e a s i t may deem a d v i s a b l e i n e a c h case .

i f Borough Counci l approves t h e f ina l . s u b d i v i s i o n p l a n , t h e

P-esi-Cent of Council s h a l l so s i g n i f y on t h e l i n e n t r a c i n g , a s wel l as on

t h e ?aper copy p r e v i o u s l y approved by t h e P lanning Commission.

The epproved l i n e n t r a c i n g s h a l l be r e t u n e d t o the s u b d i v j d e x

?gr f i l i n g w i t h t h e Recorder of D e e & i n C l a r i o n County. Such f i l i n g s h a l i

he TIICE w i t h i n 30 days of t h e d a t e of approval by Borough Counci l .

The approved paper copy s h a l l be f i l e d i n Borough Ha11 a s T

x h l l c record .

The Borough Council may disapprove t h e p l a n i f i t f i n d s t h a t

"_e T l a n s do not conform t o o t h e r Borough o r d i n a n c e s , s t a n d a r d s and s p e c i -

E i c a t i o t s l e g a l l y i n e f f e c t a t t h e time of P lanning Commission approval or

i f a waiver of one o r more of t h o s e s t a n d a r d s or s p e c i f i c a t i o n s by t h e

Plartnizg Commission would b e p r e j c d i c i a l to t h e i n t e n t of t h i s ord inance .

Lf d i s s p p r o v e d , t h e Counci l s h a l l r e t u r n t h e p l a n s ' t o t h e s u b d i v i d e r and

n o t i f y him i n w r i t i n g of t h e r e a s o n s t h e r e f o r .

-1 1-

Page 18: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

r .. '. .

tee -- D

V i t h i n th i r t ; ? (30) days a f t e r approva l of a subdi -J i s ion by

~ i c r o u ~ h Counc i l , t h c s u b d i v i d e r s h a l l d e l i u e r t o t h e Borwgh S x r e t a r y a

pe r fo raance gua ran tee i n a n amount s u f f i c i e n t t o cover t h e c o s t of a l l

Imprcvamnts r e q u i r e d by t h i s o rd inance a s e s t i m a t e d by t h e Borough

Ecg inee r , i n a form approved by t h e Forough S o l i c i t o r an2 wi th s u r e t y

r e p r e s e n t e d by a bond o r a d e p o s i t of f cnds or s e c u r i t i e s i n escrow,

g m r a n t e e i n g the c o n s t r u c t i o n and i n s t a l l a t i o n of a l l such improvercents

wi!:hiZ a s t a t e d p e r i o d which s h a l l n o t be longe r t h a n t h r e e y e a r s from

t h e d z t e of s u b d i v i s i o n i a p p r o v a l ; and if such performance gLizrantec i s

;lot s o c?e!Luered t h e approval s h a l l e x p i r e t h i r t y (30) days a f t e r the

d a t e cf s u b d i v i s i o n approva l .


Upon w r i t t e n a p p l i c a t i o n s igned by bo th t h e o b l i g o r and s u r e t y

of a perfor-lance gua ran tee i n a form approxred by t h e Borough S o l i c i t o r ,

Bnrovgh Counci l may a t i t s d i s c r e t i o n ex tend s a i d p e r i o d and/or when t h e

i:.provements have been p a r t i a l l y completed reduce t h e amount of t h e

performance S z i r a n t e e by formal r e s o l u t i o n .

I n t h e e v e n t o f d e f a u l t under a performance gua ran tee , t h e

Zroceeds of t h e performance g u a r a n t e e r ece ived by t h e Borough s h a l l b e

ysed to c o n s t r u c t and i n s t a l l t he , improvements, a s d i r e c t e d by t h e BorocZli

ZBCTICY 4 . 7 P e n a l t c e s I .- --. L- -

I f , b e f o r e approval o f t h e P l a n n i n g Commission and of Borough

Courx i l has been o b t a i n e d , any p e r s o n t r a n s f e r s , se l ls , o r agrees t o s e l l , a s

~* o r a g e n t , ar?y land which forms p a r t of a s u b d i v i s i o n , such pe r son s h a l l

Se SIJlbiect to a fine n o t to exceed $1,000 or t o imprisonment f o r n o t more

two y 2 ? r s . Each p a r c e l 02 l and s o d i sposed of s h a l l be deemed t o c 0 n s t i t u l . e a !


Page 19: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

s e p a r a t e v i o l a t i o n . 0

SECTION 4.8 Appea 1 s ..-"-a __ _I-

Any person aggr i eved by a c t i o n of t h e P lanning Commission may

appes l i n w r i t i n g t o Borough Counci l w i t h i n 30 days of t h e d a t e of a c t i o n of

t h e P 1 anning Commission.

Any person aggr i eved by r e f u s a l of Council t o approve a sub-

d i v i s i o n p l a n may appeal by p e t i t i o n t o t h e C o u r t of Quar t e r Sessions

v i t h l n 90 days.

SECTION 4.9 Waivers .-- -- Uhere t h e s t r i c t a p p l i c a t i o n of t h e s t a n d a r d s and s p e c i f i c a t i 5 x i

conta ined i n t h i s Ordinance would p r e s e n t a n undue ha rdsh ip on t h e deve lope r ,

upon recommendation of t h e P lanning Cotmission and i n t h e i n t e r e s t of t h e

cotrmunity, the Borough &unci: may waive c e r t a i n of t h e s t anda rds and

s ? e c i f i c a t i o n s , which waiver s h a l l be c l e a r l y de f ined and approved on t h e

2i.nal subd iv i s ion p l a t s igned by t h e P r e s i d e n t of t h e Borough Counci l ,


SECTIOh 5.1 App l i ca t ion -.e -

The fo l lowing s t a n d a r d s s h a l l app ly t o proposed subdivisior. . , -

SECTIOG 5.2 land and Use Requirements -L

a ) Proposed l and uses s h a l l conform t o t h e r e g u l a t i o n s out ' . i r~?d

i n t h e Borough Zoning Ordinance. .

b) Land s u b j e c t t o hazards t o l i f e , h e a l t h or prope r ty , such a s

may a r i s e f r o m f i r e , f l o o d s , d i s e a s e , or o t h e r c a u s e , s h a l l

n o t be subdiv ided for b u i l d i n g purposes un le s s t h e hazards

have been e l i m i n a t e d or unless t h e p l an shows adequa te

sa fegua rds a g a i n s t them.


Page 20: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

- - , I 4 ( ' .

c ) Pro?osed s u b d i v i 3 i c n s h a l l be coord ina ted w i t h exis:::,i.g

nssrby neighborhoods so t h a t t h e cozmu9itg a s a whole mc:l

rkve lop hcrmoniously.

CZ3TIO!I 5 - 3 Strcle: P e t t e r a

a )

-.---. e.-..

The proposed street p a t t e r z s h a l l be proper ly relate6 t o ex-

i s t i n g s t ree ts , t o t h e aorough p l a n of s t ree ts , t h e ?lc:! of

streets oC ar.y z d j a c e c t m u n i c i p a l i t y and t3 s\ich C o m t y and

StaLe road and highway p lans a s have been duly adopted.

52 The strezt p?-t:ern s h a l l be r e l a t e d to tGpoSi-3Shy s o a s t-

produce usuable lots s.nd c e a s o n s b l e strce:. grndes.

c > Access s h a ? ? be given to a l l l o t s 2nd portion:; OF t h c t r a c t i n

t h e s u b d i v i s i o n and t o ad jacer l t iJnsuhdj.:*ide,: t e r r i t c r y .

S t r e c t s giv-ing such a c c e s s s h a l l be i?.pr--3e2 t o the l i m f . is

of the s u b d i v i s i o n . R e m a n t s , r e s e r v e s t r i p s ~ and larid-

locketi a r e a s s h a l l not be c r e a t e d .

S t r e e t s s h a l l be c l a s s i f i e d acco rd ing t o their f u n c t i o n ,

S t r e e t s s h a l l be l a i d o u t to preserve t h e i n t z i z i t y of t::e:r

ciesign. f.!ir.or s t ree ts s h a l l be j z i d oc: t o d i scoc rage 2h:c.:-

use by thrpush t r a f f i c a n d , wherz p o s s t b l e ~ wajor s t r ee . . s

s h a l l be T r o t s c t e d fc r u s e by tt..rc:.:~!l t r a f f j - : by margir,--:

a c c e s s S t i e Z t : ~ th roq$ l o t s 07 other msans.

The prcvisioa c.f k ? L ' s5reets i s ' p r o h i b i t z d , excc.?t to c?rnpI.ct-.*:

existing hn1.f strests.

d )




Page 21: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

6 ) Dead-end c t r c e t s are p r o h i b i t e d , u n l e s s i e s i p s d a s cI!ls-ti?-

sa2 or designed f o r a c c e s s e x c l u s i v e l y t o ne ighbor i3g tra,.'ls.

h j Ccls-de.-,sec s h 1 1 hal.2 a p v e d t u r n around having a mini@::.m

e a d i u s of t:hirty-Live f e e t t o t h e o u t s i d e curb l i n e .

of culs-de-sac s h a l l p re . f e rab ly be towards t h e open end.

NCLC s t r e e t s - s h a l l b e l a i d o u t t c coii t inuc e x i s t i n g st:ee;ls et



equa l or g r e a t e r width, a s r ega rds b o t h cartway and ri$::..<lL-

way: where such c o n t i n u a t i o n s a r e r easonzb le and p r a c t i c a l .

Ccn:in*Jations of: e x i s t i n s strcets s h a l l h e known by t h e sax?

name. N a m s f o r new streets s h a l l not d u p l l c a t e o r closc.1:

resemble names of e x i s t i n g streets.


k) Where a s u b d i v i s i o n a b u t s a r a i l r o a d right-of-way, stre.3:~

c r o s s i n g t h e r a i l r o a d s h a l l be k e p t t o a rnini.mum and sha l l . be

l o c a t e d t o f a c i l i t a t e grade s e p a r a t i o n .

1) S t r e e t s s h a l l be o f f e r e d for d e d i c a t i o n under any o r a l l ;f

t h e fo l lowing c o n d i t i o n s :

1) The proposed street i s a minor or r e s i d e n t i a l s e r v i c e

s t ree t s e r v i n g more t h a n f i v e l o t s .

2 ) The proposed street i s o t h e r t h a n a minor o r r e s i d e r . : ' 1

service s t r ee t , j .e., c o l l e c t o r s t r e e t , major t r a f E i c

s t ree t , o r marginal a c c e s s street.

3 ) Extension of t h e proposed street i s necessa ry t o provj.,3e

a c c e s s t o ad jacen t s u b d i v i d a b l e l and .

The proposed street i s l a i d o u t between any e x i s t i n g

streets and m m e c t i n g them. _ .

4 . )

-1 5-

. .

Page 22: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

SSCTIOI.; 5.14 Blocks and Lots - _--- a ) Biocks may vary between 400 and 900 feet i n i e n g t h , excep t

t h a t b locks a l o n g major t r a f f i c s t r e e t s s h a l l n o t b e l e -s

t han SO0 f e e t i n length .

b ) Blocks s h a l l n o t be less than 2 0 0 f e e t wide between street

right-of-way l i n e s and s h a l l p rovide g e n e r a l l y for two

t i e rs ot‘ l o t s , excep t where new blocks or l o t s a b u t

p r e v i o u s l y developed lots i n which case t h e minimum depth

of such new l o t s s h a l l be 150 f e e t .

c ) Crosswalks may be r e q u i r e d i n blocks more than 800 f e e t i w g .

Such walks s h a l l no t be less than 15 feet wide with a

minimum paved walkway of 6 feet connec t ing through streets.

d ) Blocks and l o t s s h a l l b e graded t o s e c u r e proper d ra inage

away from b u i l d i n g s and t o prevent t he c o l l e c t i o n of st?rrr

water i n pools . Top s o i l s h a l l be r e d i s t r i b u t e d as co-Fer

and s h a l l be s t a b i l i z e d by seeding or p l a n t i n g ,

e ) Lot l i n e s s h a l l be s u b s t a n t i a l l y a t r i g h t ang le s or pzrpzik

d i c u l a r t o street l i n e s .

f) House numbers s h a l l be ass igned t o each l o t by t h e BOrCl::ii

Engineer .

g) Blocks f o r commercial and i n d u s t r i a l a r e a s may vary frcr?

t h e elements of des ign conta ined i n t h i s s e c t i o n if t h e

n a t u r e of t h e use r e q u i r e s o t h e r t rea tment . I n such cases,

o f f - s t r e e t pa rk ing f o r employees and customers s h a l l b e

provided (as noted i n t h e Z o n i n i Ordinance) a l o n g v i t h

s a f e and convenient l i m i t e d access t o t h e street system.

-1 6-

Page 23: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are


. - '! ' \


SDacR for off -s t ree t loadin,: s h a l l a l s o bc provided ( a s r e q u i r e d i n t h e

yonin$ Ordinance) w l th s i r r i l a r access .

a c c e s s , right-of-way, and u t i l i t i e s s h a l l b e provided.

! v i i n i ~ x ~ l o t s i z e s h a l l be a s governed by t h e Borough Zoning Ordinance.

'Lots s h a l l be conven ien t ly shaped , and t h e dep th of lots s h a l l g e n e r a l l y

Extension of streets, r a i l r o a d

:lot exceed t h e i r wid th by more than 2% t ims provided t h e width f o r

r e s i d e n t i a l u se i s a t l e a s t 60 fee t a t t h e b u i l d i n g l i n e , or less a s

J r c - i d e d i n t h e Zoning Ordinance f o r commercial uses. Each l o t s h a l l

w e a t l e a s t twenty f e e t of f r o n t a g e on a street f o r a l l uses.

'.re a c c e s s from o f f - s t r e e t park ing space i s to a m h o r .street, adequate

!-around space s h a l l b e provided w i t h i n . t h e boundar ies of t h e l o t .

O t h e r Pub1 i c F a c i l i t i e s and Monuments

~g upon s u b d i v i s i o n p l a n s , c o n s i d e r a t i o n s h a l l be given to t h e

of e x i s t i n g or proposed community f a c i l i t i e s t o serve t h e I

dwel l ings proposed by t h e s u b d i v i s i o n .

; ide for r e c r e a t i o n a l o r school purposes s h a l l be r easonab ly

lis, placed t o serve a l l p a r t s of the s u b d i v i s i o n , w i t h no t

'n,- i ''(1

\ f e e t of f r o n t a g e on a p u b l i c street, and n o t e x c e s s i v e l y '1

\, ' r r a i n .

' , s u b d i v i d e r s s h a l l p r e s e r v e trees more than s i x

. a t t h e base of t h e t r u n k , g roves , waterways, s cen ic , / I ' L,. 3ts , and other community a s s e t s and landmarks,

'I\ c 1 . -1 7-

Page 24: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

- ’ ‘ ‘ * . . . .

. . ._ . ‘ C . .

d) Monuments of s t o n e , conc re t e or i r o n p ipe s h a l l be p laced t lro-Jgh

o u t t h e s u b d i v i s i o n , s u b j e c t t o t h e approval of the Borough , ,

Engineer, t o give f u l l su rvey ing c o n t r o l f o r each b l o c k , l o t ,

and a l l a r e a s of proposed d e d i c a t i o n o r p u b l i c easements.

Monuments s h a l l no t be p l aced i n t h e ground u n t i l f i n a l g rad ing

is completed.

S t r e e t Design

a ) Widths. Minumum widths f o r each type of pub - i c street s h a l l b e

as fo l lows: 0

Distance Between Curbs - Type of S t r e e t R i gh t-o €-;.Jay !Ji d t h

C o l l e c t o r (Major Use) 60 f e e t Local S t r e e t 50 f e e t

36 feet 30 f e e t

Cartway Vidth - 30 f e e t 24 f e e t Local S t r e e t

Col1,ector (Vi j o r Use)

1) Where a new s u b d i v i s i o n a b u t s o r con ta ins an e x i s t i n g street

of inadequate wid th , s u f f i c i e n t a d d i t i o n a l width s h a l l be

r e q u i r e d . to meet t h e above s t anda rds .

2 ) Addi t iona l r ights-of-way and cartway widths MY be r e q u i r e d

by the Borough t o promote p u b l i c s a f e t y and convenience when

s p e c i a l c o n d i t i o n s r e q u i r e i t and t o provide pa rk ing space i n

a r e a s of i n t e n s i v e u s e .

5 ) P.! l ignment

1) C5anges i n street d i r e c t i o n s h a l l be.made by t torizonta:

curves wi th minimum c e n t e r l i n e r a d i i as follows: minor

streets - 150 f e e t ; c o l l e c t o r streets - 300 f e e t , Minimwn -18-

.. .

Page 25: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

. - . . r: .

r a d i u s curves s h a l l be avoided, i f poss ib l e . 4

2 j Except on minor streets, a tangent s h a l l be r equ i r ed between

cu rves : however, a long r a d i u s curve s h a l l be p r e f e r r e d i n

a l l c a s e s t o a series of curves and tangents , Minimum tan-

gents of 100 feet s h a l l be r equ i r ed between reverse cu rves .

3 ) C l e a r s i g h t d i s t a n c e s s h a l l be maintained a long t h e c e n t e r

l i n e of streets as fol lows: . Minor streets, 200 f e e t ; and

c o l l e c t o r s treets, 530 f e e t .

c ) Grades s h a l l be s u b j e c t t o t h e d e c i s i o n of the Borough Engineer ,

d ) I n t e r s n c t i o n s

- 1) NO more than two streets s h a l l c r o s s a t t he same po in t .

2) S t r e e t i n t e r s e c t i o n s s h a l l be a t r i g h t ang le s vherever

p o s s i b l e and i n t e r s e c t i o n s of less than 70 degrees (measurcd

a t t h e c e n t e r l i c e s ) s h a l l no t be permi t ted .

3 ) I n t e r s e c t i n g streets s h a l l no t enter i n t o a major t r a f f i c

street a t i n t e r v a l s of less than 400 f e e t (measured from

c e n t e r l i n e t o c e n t e r l i n e . )

G I S t r e e t s e n t e r i n g t h e o p p o s i t e s i d e s of ano the r street s h a l l

e i t h e r be d i r e c t l y oppos i t e each o t h e r o r o f f - s e t ,by a t l e a s t

200 f e e t from c e n t e r l i n e t o c e n t e r l i n e . (See i t e m 3 above!,

5) Idhere t h e grade of any street a t t h e approach t o a n in t e r sec t i -o l l

exceeds seven p e r c e n t , a l e v e l l i n g a r e a s h a l l be provided

having n o t g r e a t e r than fou r pe rcen t grades f o r a d i s t a n c e

of twenty-f ive fee t measured from the n e a r e s t right-of-way

l i n e of t h e i n t e r s e c t i n g s t reet . ;



Page 26: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

5; Ndxiaum grade w i t h i n any i n t c r s e c t i o n s h a l l n c t excced Lwo


,/ fl-

I. \


percen t a r d apprDachcs t o a n i n t e r s e c t i o n s h a l l fol!ow a

s t r a i g h t cour sc for 100 feet .

7) Curb r a d i i a t i n t e r s e c t i o n s s h a l l be acco rd ing t o t h e 1 d;-.! 0<7c? fo l lowing schedule o f minimum l e n g t h s ; minor streets ,- ~

feet; c o l l e c t o r s treets, 25 f e e t .

f e r e n t c a t e z o r i e s i n t e r s e c t , t h e requi rements f o r t he more

‘here streets of d i f -

impor tan t one s h a l l hold.

E ) The right-of-way r a d c i a t i n t e r s e c t i o n s s h a l l 1-le a t l e a s t

f i f t e e n f e e t .

9) A t i n t e r s e c t i o n s t h e street right.-of-way l iw s t a l l be F a r a l l e l

t o t h e curb lice.

l o ) A t a l l i n t e r s e c t i o n s a c leer s i g h t t r i a n g l e OF 75 feet s b a l l

be requi red .

e > DrainPge -_._._ __-

1) Storm d ra inage f a c i l i t i e s s h a l l be provided to permit in-

impeded f l o v of n a t u r a l wa te r c o u r s e s , to d r a i n a l l low

p o i n t s a long streets, and t o i n t e r c e p t storm water run-off

a l o n g streets a t i n t e r v a l s reasonably r e l a t e d t o t h e e x t e n t

and grade of t h e a r e a dra ined .

2 ) Storm water s h a l l n o t be des igned t o flow on to ne ighbor ing

t r a c t s i n l a y i n g o u t subd iv i s ions .

3 ) T h e . s l o p e of t h e crown of minor and c o l l e c t o r streets s h a l l

be a s d i r e c t e d by t h e Borough Engineer . Where d ra inage i s

provided i n t h e c e n t a r of t h e car tway, slopes s h a l l also

be a s d i r e c t e d by t h e Borough Englneet .


Page 27: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

. .. .

4) Storm sewers, a s r e q u i r e d ] s h a l l be p l aced i n f r o n t of t h e

cu rb when l o c a t e d i n a s t ree t right-of-way. !hen 1c.cate.d

i n undedica ted l a n d , they s h a l l be p l aced w i t h i n , a n easement

n o t less than 15 f e e t ' w i d e , as approved by t h e Borough Engineer ,

Opsn d i t c h e s s h a l l be avoided.

5) In le t s and manhole covers and frames s h a l l conform t o Borough

s t anda rds . o r a s r equ i r ed by t h e aorough Engineer.

6 ) Storm water roof d r a i n s s h a l l n o t d i scha rge water d i r e c t l y

over a s idewalk bu t s h a l l connect w i th t h e g u t t e r o r s t o r m


Genera 1 Ikvelopment S tandards

1) S t r e e t s c u t s s h a l l be provided wi th s i d e s l o p e s no steeper

than one v e r t i c a l t o one h o r i z o n t a l and streets on f i l l s h a l l

be provided wi th s i d e s l o p e s no steeper than one v e r t i c a l t o

one-and-one-half h o r i z o n t a l . Such s l o p e s s h a l l be s u i t a b l y

p l an ted wi th pe renn ia l g ra s ses o r o t h e r v e g e t a t i o n t o p re -

vent g u l l e y i n g and e r o s i o n .

2) Sideva lks ( c o n c r e t e ) s h a l l gene ra l ly be r e q u i r e d i n commercial

a r e a s . Sidewalks s h a l l be l oca t ed a s r e q u i r e d by the Borough

i n t h e street right-of-way w i t h g rade aad paving con t inuous

zcross diiveways. Xes iden t i a l s idewalks a r e o p t i o n a l and

s u b j e c t t o a11 e x i s t i n g s idewalk o rd icances .

3 ) Eedges, f e n c e s , and w a l l s o r o t h e r o b s t r u c t i o n s s h a l l n o t

b e p laced o r p l a n t e d wi th in t h e right-of-way of any street.


. .

Page 28: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

,: .

4) CurSing s h a l l be o p t i o n a l .with t h e subd iv ide r b u t i f i n s t a l l e d ,

s h a l l conform to a l l p r o v i s i o n s and s p e c i f i c a t i o n s of t h i s

o r d i na lice.

5 ) Mate r i a l and c o n s t r u c t i o n s t a n d a r d s f o r streets, c u r b s , and

g u t t e r s , storm and s a n i t a r y se.iers , and s idewalks s h a l l conform

to Borough s p e c i f i c a t i o n s and be s u b j e c t t o i n s p e c t i o n by

a p p r o p r i a t e Borough o f f i c i a l s .

5.61 S t r e e t s :

a . I n t h e p r e p a r a t i o n of new s t reets , a l l top s o i l s h a l l b e

removed and t h e sub-grade p rope r ly contoured f o r d ra inage i n

p r e p a r a t i o n €or p l a c i n g base of s t reet o r road.

b. Such streets s h a l l have s a t i s f a c t o r y subsu r face d r a i n a g e , and

where a n u n s a t i s f a c t o r y subgrade i s encountered , borrow o r f i l l

may be r e q u i r e d a t t h e d i s c r e t i o n of the.Borough Engineer .

c . A minimum dep th of S inch Number 4 l imes tone base s h a l l be

r equ i r ed f o r a l l l o c a l or r e s i d e n t i a l streets. I f such a

street i s des igna ted t o c a r r y e x c e s s i v e t r a f f i c , o r i s

c l a s s i C i e d a s a n a r t e r i a l s t r ee t , e i t h e r a minimum depth

of 10 i n c h Number 4 l imes tone base or a 6 i n c h r e i r - fo rced

conc re t e b a s e , may be r equ i r ed a s de te rmined by t h e Borough

Engineer .

d. A minimum one i n c h a s p h a l t b i n d e r c o u r s e and a minimum one

and one h a l f i n c h s u r f a c e c o u r s e , p r o p e r l y crocmed, s h a l l be

a p p l i e d to a l l local o r r e s i d e n t i a l streets. I n accordance

wi th "c" above! t h e s u r f a c e course may be i n x e s s e d t o a

rnaximm of two 2nd one ha l f inches f o r a r t e r i a l streets or

those lc,:ai s t : . -ee ts o-.'tr which hea-/y t r a f f i c i s a n t i c i p e t e d , -22-

Page 29: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

. . .

a g a i n ;t t h e d i s c r e t i o n of t h e Borough Engineer .

e ) t.11 s t ree ts sha l l . bc acc? rd ing t o Pennsylvania D e p a r m e n t of

IIighway s p e c i f i c a t i Q n s .

5 . 6 2 C c r b s

a . When t h e o p t i o n t o i n s t a l l 'curbs i s e x e r c i s e d , e i t h e r c o n c r e t e o r

g r a n i t e cu rbs and c o n c r e t e g u t t e r s s h a l l be i n s t a l l e d , a c c o r d i n g

t o t h e d i m n s i o n s given i n t h e drawing a t t a c h e d a s E x h i b i t "A"

and made a p a r t he reo f .

j.63 Sidcwallcs --.--

a . !&en r e q u i r e d s idewalks s h a l l be c o n s t r u c t e d on each s i d e of any

new street , s u c h s idewalks s h a l l be a minimum of

f o u r f e e t i n wid th , f i v e i n c h e s i n dep th and s h a l l b e no c l o s e r

/- t h a n f o u r feet t o any cu rb excep t a t c u r b i n t e r s e c t i o n s . A l l i

sidewalks s h a l l be c o n c r e t e , s h a l l b e p r o p e r l y f i n i s h e d , and

s h a l l i n t e r s e c t smoothly with a l l driveways.

I L .:& 9 :L l i t i e s (Sewer and !Jater) . --

a . The s u b d i v i d e r s h a l l be r e s p o n s i b l e f o r the i n s t a l l a t i o n of a l l

necessa ry s to rm and s a n i t a r y sewer mains, t h e diamcters of r e q u i r e d

s torm sewers t o b e provided by t h e Borou$i I h g i m e r and t h e


diamete r s of t h e r e q u i r e d S a n i t a r y sewers t o be provide? by t h e

C l a r i o n Area Au thor i ty .

b . P r o v i s i o n s h a l l be mL3.e for water s e r v i c e t o each l o t h e r e a f t e r sub-

cltvided. The s r r t e iv ide r skis11 p r o v i d e a l l w c c s s a r y m a i n s , t a p s ~

vp lves , e t c . , i n C X C ~ S S o f those ro rma l ly provided ?'y the C l a r i o n

\ l a t e r Compar.y for aach a n t i c i p a t e d c u s t o n z r .


Page 30: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

c. L a t e r s e r v i c e sIwi1 hc ptcviliccl fo - - 211 1,i:- r e g a r d l e s s C T t i io -7g 'n-

~,-31ved i n s31c, r e s a l e o r o t h e r l i s p n s i t i o n of t i e s u b d i v i s i o n .

d . !!ater meins provided by dcveloFcrs 01- s u b d i v i d e r s s h a l l i n no c a s c

be i o c a t e d w i t h i n the same t r e n c h , c o n d u i t , o r withiri G f e e t of any

e x i s t i n g o r propose6 s a n i t a r y o r s t o r x sewer. Ease ren t s f o r water

mains s h a l l be e s t a b l i s h e d w i t h i n t h e minimum f a r f o o t s t r i p

r e q u i r e d between s idewalk and cu rb l i n e s , on e i t h e r s i& of a

r i gh t -0 f -way.

T::CTIC'I: 5.7 A l l e y s and Driveways - . .. I__-

3 ) A l l e y s s h a l l n o t bc p e r m i t t e d i n r e s i d e n t i a l deq-eloprnents excep t

by pe rmis s ion of t h e Borough Counci l upon the expres s recornrcen-

d a t i o n o f t h e P l a n n i n g Commission. :here a l l e y s zre p e r x i t t e d

i n r e s i d e n t i a l develoFmertts, they s h a l l be 20 f e e t wide, paved

f o r t he f u l l width.

b ) A l l e y s s e r v i n g comrrcrcial and i n d u s t r i a l e s t a b l i s h m e n t s a r e

r e q u i r e d u n l e s s other p r o v i s i o n s f o r service a r e approved by

the Borough Council upon the recommendation of t h e Planning

Cornmissinn. Such a l l e y s s h a l l have a paved cartrroy 3f a t 1eZs-t

22 f e e t . Allel. i n t e r s e c t i o n s and s h a r p changes ir . a l ignment s h a l l

be avo ided . Vhere n e c e s s a r y , c o r n e r s s h a l l be rounded o r c u t

back t o pe rmi t s a f e u s e by l a r g e vehic!.es. I f it is i tLpossible

for a n a l l e y t o sc throiigh a b i o c k , che a l l e y s h a l l be provided

wi th an adequa te turnaroiind a t i t s c l o s e d end.

SESTIOX 5.8 Easements anc! Ut i l i t ies uIc-- --_--

e ) Easements with a TLni..num width of 15 feet ; h a l l br- prov i jed f o r

I i

Page 31: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

u n d e d i c a t e d l a n d (.

Dra inage r igh t s -o f -way s h a l l b e r e q u i r e d a l o n g n a t u r a l w a t e r


A l l p r o p e r t i e s s h a l l be c o n n e c t e d t o a common p i p e d w a t e r supply

sys t em i f a c c e s s i b l e . N o p r o v i s i o n f o r o n - l o t w a t e r or sewer

b )

c )

f a c i l i t i e s s h a l l be made w i t h o u t t h e e x p r e s s p e r m i s s i o n of t h e

Borough C o u n c i l upon t h e recornmendation of t h e P l a n n i n g Corn-


d ) The i n s t a l l a t i o n of a l l sewer, w a t e r , s t ree t l i g h t s , and o t h e r

u t i l i t i e s s h a l l be in s t r i c t a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e e c g i n e e r i n g

s t a n d a r d s and s p e c i f i c a t i o n s of t h e Borccgh E n g i n e e r , mun ic ipa l

a u t h o r i t y , or o t h e r u t i l i t y conce rned . I

e > F i r e h y d r a n t s s h a l l be l o c a t e d so t h a t t!ieir d i s t a n c e from t h e

p r o j e c t i o n of a n y b u i l d i n g frontage t o t h e curb i s n o t more than

6CO feet tr. .cas#~red a l o n g t h e c u r b . The Borough Counci l may

r e q u i r e closer s p a c i n g o f - h y d r a n t s . I n commercial a n d i n d u s t r i a l

a r e a s t h e Borough Courici l s h a l l p r e s c r i b e t h e l o c a t i o n of h y d r a n t s .


'ION 6 , 1 R e s p o n s i b i l i t y - ._.-...---- c

The s u b d i v i d e r s h a l l complete a l l improvements r e q u i r e d by any

3.. ougti o r d i n a n c e , i n c l u d i n g t h e f o l l o w i n g :

SSCTION 6 .2 Grad ing ._--..*---- - S t r e e t s . A l l s t ree ts c h a l i be &r.?dcd t h e f u l l x i d t h of t h e ------

r lgh t -of -way t o the =;redeq ~ ; ~ a w n O T ~ t h e approved c o r t r a c t i m ??ar!,

-2 5-

Page 32: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are


Lots , A l l -- (3es shown on t h e a p p r

1 G t S s h a l l b e graded over t h e i r f u l l e x t e n t t o t h e

vcd f i na 1 s u b d i v i s i o n p l a n .

SECTION 6 . 3 Drainage F a c i l i t i e s

I n s t a l l a t i o n of a l l storm d r a i n a g e f a c i l i t i e s as shown on t h e

approved p l a n i n c l u d i n g n e c e s s a r y g r a d i n g t o channel water run-of€ s h a l l be

i n s t a l l e d by t h e s u b d i v i d e r .

S'r'CTION 6.4 P a v i n g , Curbs and S idewa lks - A l l pavement, i n c l u d i n g minimum macadam pavement of s t reets

,?rd c o n c r e t e s i d e w a l k s , s h a l l b e i n s t a l l e d a s shown on t h e approved f i n a l

r - zbd iv i s ion p l a n .

, ' iJ 'TIOIJ 6.5 Water and S a n i t a r y Sewer F a c i l i t i e s --_. -- _--- \.hen w a t e r and/or sewer s e r v i c e i s proposed i n a s u b d i v i s i o n

arid t h e p l a n is apprcved s u b j e c t t o t h e f u r n i s h i n g of s u c h s e r v i c e , t h e

dzve?opment of s a i d s u b d i v i s i o n s h a l l n o t proceed wi thou t such s e r v i c e ,

?::cept f o r t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n of a sample house n o t o f f e r e d . f o r s a l e .

SECTION 6 - 6 S p e c i f i c a t i o n . -- --.-

A l l improvements s h a l l be c o n s t r u c t e d i n acco rdance w i t h t h e

, . ?< . I....-,-. . i f i ca t j . o .n s of t h e Borough of C l a r i o n o r a s r e q u i r e d by t h e Borough Engineer


: ' Y ' I O N 7 . 1 F i l i n g Fecs . ---- I

A t t h e t i n e of f i l i n g t h e p r e l i m i n a r y s u b d i v i s i o n p l a n

, t I < _ s u b d i v i d e r s h a l l pay t o t h e Borough a f e e a t t h e r a t e of t w o ($2.00)

/ #

d o l l e r s p e r l o t , d w e l l i n g u r i i t i n a m u l t i p l e d w e l l i n g b u i l d i n g or s t o r e i n \

\ ' a commercial b u i i d i n g o r a f l a t fez of t e n ($10.00) d o l l a r s , whichever i s

e r e 2 t e r .

c 1 -26-

Page 33: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are


Figure 1.

I '


l n t e q r a l Curb & Gut ter o r Opt ional 5eparate Curb & Separate Gut te r .

b. Minimum radius f o r curbs a t in te rsec ' ing s r r e e t s s h a l l be f i f t e e i i

f e e t . Where i n t e r s e c t i n g streets a r e not paved. curbs s h a l l be ca r -

r i e d a t leas t th ree f e e t beyond the p r i n t o f tangency w i t h the i n t e r -

sected s t r e e t . Ccrb cu ts f o r driveways s h a l l not exceed twenty f e e t

per s i x t y f e e t o f l o t w id th .

c . Only b y permission o f the Eorouqh Engineer s h a ' l the above r c q u i r e -

ments be waived i n l i e u o f V-Type g u t t e r s , o r any o ther type now i n

ex is tence. However, cons idera t ion sh;;! be g iven t o the c o n t i n u a t i o n

of an e x i s t i n g curb and g u t t e r type i n t o d new subd iv i s ion when con-

s t r u c t i o n o f the requ i red type i s not f e a s i b l e .

i I

i \


. f .,. \ .' 7 ,

. . . .+

. . . .

. ... . -_

' ... ' I . -


I' . , .

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Chapter 190


ARTICLE I Title and Purpose

3 190-1. Title. 0 190-2. Purpose.

ARTICLE 11 Definitions

0 190-3. Inclusions. 0 190-4. Definitions.

ARTICLE 111 Procedures

0 190-5.

0 190-6.

0 190-7. Written application, final

Application for approval of subdivision. No construction until final subdivision plan approved.

subdivision plan and construction plan to be submitted together.

0 190-8. Contents of written application. 0 190-9. Construction plan. 0 190-10. Final subdivision plan.

ARTICLE IV Process of Application

0 190-11. Preliminary sketch and

0 190-12. Formal application. 0 190-13. Approval of the construction

plan. 0 190-14. Approval of final subdivision

plan by Planning Commission. 0 190-15. Approval by Borough Council.

preapplication procedure.

0 190-16. Performance guaranty. 0 190-17. Violations and penalties;

enforcement remedies and preventive remedies.

5 190-18. Appeals. 0 190-19. Waivers.

ARTICLE V Design Standards

5 190-20. 0 190-21. 8 190-22. 0 190-23. 8 190-24.

0 190-25. 0 190-26. 0 190-27.

Application. Land and use requirements. Street pattern. Blocks and lots. Other public facilities and monuments. Street design. Alleys and driveways. Easement and utilities.

ARTICLE VI Required Improvements

0 190-28. Responsibility. 0 190-29. Grading. 6 190-30. Drainage facilities. 0 190-31. Paving, curbs and sidewalks. 0 190-32. Water and sanitary sewer

facilities. 0 190-33. Specification.


0 190-34. Filing fees. 0 190-35. Inspection fees.


Page 35: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are

0 190-1

9 190-36. 0 190-37.

0 190-38. 6 190-39.


ARTICLE VI11 9 190-40. Appeals. Simple Subdivision 0 190-41. Waivers.

0 190-42. Filing fees. Application.


Approval of simple subdivision plan by Planning Commission. Approval by Borough Council.

ARTICLE IX General Provisions

Violations and penalties. 0 190-43. Notice to Borough Engineer.

[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Clarion 9-1-1981 as Ch. XXII of the 1981 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]


Construction standards -See Ch. 80. Zoning - See Ch. 210. Floodplain management -See Ch. 110.

ARTICLE I Title and Purpose

0 190-1. Title.

This chapter shall bk known and may be cited as the “Clarion Borough Subdivision Regulation Ordinance of 1965.”

0 190-2. Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is as follows:



C. D.



To assure sites suitable for building purposes and human habitation.

To provide for the harmonious, orderly, efficient and integrated development of the borough.

To provide for adequate open spaces for traffic, recreation, light and air.

To provide for the proper distribution of population, thereby creating conditions favorable to the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the residents of the borough.

To secure equitable handling of subdivision plans by providing uniform procedures and standards for observances both by subdividers and by borough officials.

To provide for the coordination of proposed streets, parks and other facilities with existing streets and other public facilities of the borough.

, - -. . ?

: ’ r . . . . . I


Page 36: BOROUGH OF CLARION -; Clarion... · Borough of Clarion, Clarion County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are


ARTICLE I1 Definitions

0 190-3. Inclusions.

As used in this chapter, words expressed in the singular include their plural meanings and words expressed in the plural include their singular meanings. “Person” includes a corporation, unincorporated association and partnership, as well as an individual. “Building” and “street” are used generally and shall be construed as if followed by the phrase “or any part thereof’.

0 190-4. Definitions.

The following words and phrases, as used in this chapter, shall have the meanings herein indicated:

BOROUGH - The Borough of Clarion, Pennsylvania.

BOROUGH ENGINEER - The duly designated Engineer of the Borough of Clarion.

CONSTRUCTION PERMIT - A permit authorizing improvements to be constructed in accordance with the terms and conditions of approved construction plans and specifications.

CONSTRUCTION PLAN - The drawings showing the location, profile, grade and size of sewers, water mains, utility lines, sidewalks, pavements of proposed streets, etc., within a proposed subdivision.

FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAN- A properly certified subdivision plan prepared by a registered engineer or surveyor showing right-of-way, easements, lot lines, street lines and such other data as may be required by the Planning Commission or this chapter, in proper form for recording in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Clarion County, Pennsylvania.

LOT - A portion of a subdivision or other parcel intended for transfer of ownership or for building development.

PLANNING COMMISSION- The Planning Commission of the Borough of Clarion, Pennsylvania.

RIGHT-OF-WAY - The dedicated width of a street, highway, alley, accessway or crosswalk.

SIMPLE SUBDIVISION - A subdivision containing no more than three lots all of which have frontage on an improved public street and not involving any new street or road or the extension or creation of any municipal facilities or public improvements and which does not adversely affect the future development of the remainder of the parcel or any adjoining property. All lots shall meet the minimum size requirements applicable to the Zoning District in which they are located. [Added 12-4-1990 by Ord. No. 90-6561

STREET- A right-of-way, municipally or privately owned, serving as a means of vehicular and pedestrian travel and furnishing access to abutting properties.

STREET PLAN - The general plan of streets of the Borough of Clarion.


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0 190-4 CLARION CODE 0 190-8

SUBDIVIDER - Any landowner, agent of such landowner or tenant with the permission of such landowner, who makes or causes to be made a subdivision of land.

SUBDIVISION - The division or redivision of a lot, tract or parcel of land by any means into four or more lots, tracts or parcels or other divisions of land including changes in existing lot lines for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of lease, partition by the Court for distribution to heirs or devisees, transfer of ownership or building or lot development; provided, however, that the subdivision by lease of land for agricultural purposes into parcels of more than 10 acres, not involving any new street or easement of access or any residential dwelling shall be exempted. [Added 12-4-1990 by Ord. No. 90-6561

ARTICLE III Procedures

0 190-5. Application for approval of subdivision.

Whenever any subdivision of land is proposed to be made or whenever any street, sewer, water main or other facility in connection therewith is laid out for construction and before any part of the said subdivision is offered for sale or rental or construction is commenced on such street, sewer, water main or other facility, the subdivider shall submit to the secretary of the Planning Commission an application in writing for approval of the said subdivision, as follows:

A. Four copies of a written application signed by the subdivider as outlined in 9 190-8.

B. Five copies of a final subdivision plan as outlined in 0 190-10.

C. Four copies of a proposed construction plan as outlined in 0 190-9.

0 190-6. No construction until final subdivision plan approved.

No lot in a subdivision may be sold, no permit to erect, alter or repair any building upon land in a subdivision may be issued, and no building may be erected in a subdivision unless and until the find subdivision plan has been approved as hereinafter provided, and until the completion of the required improvements has been guaranteed by the subdivider as required in 0 190-16.

8 190-7. Written application, final subdivision plan and construction plan to be submitted

The written application, final subdivision plan and construction plan, together, when submitted shall be deemed to constitute the application of the subdivider for approval of the proposed subdivision.


0 190-8. . Contents of written application.

The written application shall set forth the subdivider is intention to proceed with the subdivision of one or more parcels of land situated within the Borough of Clarion and his


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request for approval of the Planning Commission and Council of the subdivision plan, and in addition, shall contain the following, and such other data as may be required:







G. H.



K. L.


The proposed name, location and area of the subdivision.

The names and addresses of any agent or agents who may be representing the subdivider in connection with the subdivision, including engineers, architects or surveyors. If the subdivider is a corporation, the application shall set forth the names and addresses of the officers thereof.

The zoning district or districts in which the proposed subdivision is situated.

The names and addresses of the owners of all real property abutting upon the proposed subdivision.

A description of connections proposed to be made with existing sources of water supply.

A description of connections proposed to be made with the existing sanitary sewerage system.

A description of provisions for collecting and discharging storm drainage.

A statement of the nature and extent of the street improvements, including sewer, water and utility lines, that the subdivider proposes to install.

A description of any recreational features, parks or playgrounds to be provided, and whether or not and under what conditions they are to be dedicated to the borough.

A statement that the subdivider will install and indicate on the final subdivision plan such monuments (for surveys) as may be required by the Borough Engineer.

A description of the subdivision by metes and bounds.

A statement in detail of all restrictions against the real property in question.

A statement that the subdivider will install all required utilities before paving any street, and before installing curbs or sidewalks.

0 190-9. Construction plan.

A. The construction plan shall be at a horizontal scale of 40 feet to the inch on plan and profile and at a vertical scale of four feet to the inch on profile.

B. It shall show the following:

(1) General.

(a) Subdivision name or identifying title.

(b) North point, scale and date.

(c) Name of the record owner and subdivider.

(d) Name and seal of the registered professional engineer or surveyor responsible for the plan.


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3 190-9 CLARION CODE 0 190-9

(2) Plan (streets). The plan shall show details of the horizontal (street) layout including:

(a) Center line with bearings, distances, curve data and stations corresponding to the profile.

(b) Right-of-way and curblines with available comer radii at intersections.

(c) Beginning and end of proposed construction.

(d) Tie-ins by courses and distances to public roads, with their names and widths.

(e) Location of all survey monuments with references to them.

(f) Property lines and ownership of abutting properties.

(g) Contour lines at intervals not to exceed five feet.

(h) Location and size of all drainage structures, public utilities, and shade trees in excess of six inch diameter.

(3) Profile (streets).

(a) Profile of existing ground surface along proposed street center line.

(b) Proposed centerline grade with percent of grade on tangents and elevations at ten-foot intervals, and at street intersections.

(4) Cross-section (streets).

(a) Right-of-way width and location and width of paved cartway.

(b) Type, thickness, and crown of paving.

(c) Type and size of curb with detailed dimensions.

(d) Grading of sidewalk area.

(e) Location, width, type, and thickness of sidewalks.

(f) Typical location and size of sewer and utility lines.

(5) Plan (storm drains, sanitary sewers, water lines).

(a) Location and size of line with stations corresponding to the profile.

(b) Location of manholes or inlets with grade between, elevation of flow line, and top of each manhole or inlet.

(c) Property lines and ownership, with details on any easements.

(d) Beginning and end of proposed construction.

(e) Location of laterals, Y's, etc.

(f) Location of all other drainage facilities and public utilities.

(6) Profile (storm drains, sanitary sewers, water lines).

(a) Profile of existing ground surface.


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(b) Profile of proposed drain, sewer or line showing elevations at flow line and at top of manholes or inlets, size of pipe and manhole or inlet locations.

0 190-10. Final subdivision plan.

The final subdivision plan shall contain the following:








H. I.




The proposed name, location and area of the subdivision.

The names of the subdivider or subdividers.

The name and seal of the registered engineer or licensed surveyor designing the subdivision plan.

Courses and distances sufficient for a legal description of all property lines shown on the plat.

Names of the owners of abutting property.

Names, locations, widths, center lines, courses, distances, curve data, paving widths, curblines, and right-of-way and curbline radii at intersections of all existing, plotted and approved streets, alleys, crosswalks and easements, and parks and other public places within the subdivision.

Location, size and material of all monuments.

Layout and dimensions of lots with lot area to right-of-way line of street.

Building setback lines with distances from the right-of-way line.

Location and size of sanitary and storm sewers including manholes and inlets.

Finish grades for all parts of the subdivision.

Certification by registered engineer or surveyor that the final subdivision plan represents a survey made by him.

ARTICLE IV Process of Application

0 190-11. Preliminary sketch and preapplication procedure.

A. When a subdivider is ready to subdivide his property, he shall prepare penciled sketches or drawings which shall show the following:

(1) The tract in relation to the rest of the community and the nearest community facilities such as schools and playgrounds.

(2) The tract in relation to adjacent properties.

(3) Existing tree clusters, watercourses, water, sanitary and storm mains and natural drainage patterns, all within 200 feet of the tract.

(4) Topography with contour intervals of five feet.


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3 190-11 CLARION CODE 3 190-15

(5) The approximate layout of proposed lots, streets and other improvements.

B. The subdivider shall then request an informal review by the Borough Engineer. Upon completion of this review, the sketches and the Engineer’s report shall be transmitted to the Planning Commission for its informal review. The subdivider is encouraged to attend this review session. Revisions to the sketches and more than one informal review may be necessary before the subdivider and Planning Commission can agree on a course of action leading to a formal application for subdivision approval. However, this preliminary agreement shall be tentative only and shall not commit the Planning Commission or Borough Council in any way.

Q 190-12. Formal application.

The subdivider shall then submit his formal application meeting the requirements of Article 111, !j 190-5, of this chapter, to the Borough Secretary who shall:

A. Forward one copy of each of the three documents submitted to the Borough En,‘ weer.

B. Forward one copy of each of the three documents to the secretary of the Planning Commission, plus one additional copy of the final subdivision plan.

C. Retain one copy of each of the three documents for his or her files.


Q 190-13. Approval of the construction plan.

The Borough Engineer shall approve the construction plan when it meets all borough standards and specification applicable to the improvements called for herein.

0 190-14. Approval of final subdivision plan by Planning Commission.

A. The Planning Commission, in consultation with the Borough Engineer, or other interested officials, shall approve or disapprove the final subdivision plan.

B. If the plan is disapproved by the Borough Planning Commission, the subdivider shall be so notified and the reasons therefor given to him in writing.

0 190-15. Approval by Borough Council.

A. Upon receipt of approval from the Planning Commission, the subdivider shall submit to Borough Council for its approval the following:

(1) One tracing of the final subdivision plan as approved by the Planning Commission.

(2) The approved paper copy of the final subdivision plan.

(3) The approved construction plan.

B. Before acting on a subdivision plan, the Council may arrange for a public hearing, giving such notice as it may deem advisable in each case.


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C. If the Borough Council approves the final subdivision plan, the President of Council shall so signify on the linen tracing, as well as on the paper copy previously approved by the Planning Commission.

D. The approved linen tracing shall be returned to the subdivider for filing with the Recorder of Deeds in Clarion County. Such filing shall be made within 30 days of the date of approval by Borough Council.

E. The approved paper copy shall be filed in Borough Hall as a public record.

F. The Borough Council may disapprove the plan if it finds that the plans do not conform to other borough ordinances, standards and specifications legally in effect at the time of Planning Commission approval or if a waiver of one or more of those standards or specifications by the Planning Commission would be prejudicial to the intent of this chapter. If disapproved, the Council shall return the plans to the subdivider and notify him in writing of the reasons therefor.


0 190-16. Performance guaranty.

A. Within 30 days after approval of a subdivision by Borough Council, the subdivider shall deliver to the Borough Secretary a performance guaranty in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of all improvements required by this chapter as estimated by the Borough Engineer, in a form approved by the Borough Solicitor and with surety represented by a bond or a deposit of funds or securities in escrow, guaranteeing the construction and installation of all such improvements within a stated period which shall not be longer than three years from the date of subdivision approval; and if such performance guaranty is not so delivered, the approval shall expire 30 days after the date of subdivision approval.

B. Upon written application signed by both the obligor and surety of a performance guaranty in a form approved by the Borough Solicitor, Borough Council may at its discretion extend said period andor when the improvements have been partially completed reduce the amount of the performance guaranty by formal resolution.

C. In the event of default under a performance guaranty, the proceeds of the performance guaranty received by the borough shall be used to construct and install the improvements, as directed by the Borough Engineer.

0 190-17. Violations and penalties; enforcement remedies and preventive remedies.

A. Any person, partnership or corporation who or which has violated the provisions of this chapter shall, upon being found liable therefor in a civil enforcement proceeding commenced by Borough Council, pay a judgment of not more than $500 plus all court costs, including reasonable attorney fees incurred by Borough Council as a result thereof. No judgment shall commence or be imposed, levied or be payable until the date of the determination of a violation by the District Justice. If the defendant neither pays nor timely appeals the judgment, Borough Council may enforce the judgment pursuant to the applicable rules of civil procedure. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation, unless the District Justice determining that there has been a violation

[Amended 12-4-1990 by Ord. No. 90-6561


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0 19 CLARION CODE 0 190-17

further determines that there was a good-faith basis for the person, partnership or corporation violating this chapter to have believed that there was no such violation, in which event there shall be deemed to have been only one such violation until the fifth day following the date of the determination of a violation by the District Justice, and thereafter each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation.

(1) The Court of Common Pleas, upon petition, may grant an order of stay, upon cause shown, tolling the per diem judgment pending final adjudication of the violation and judgment.

(2) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed or interpreted to grant to any person or entity other than Borough Council the right to commence any action for enforcement pursuant to this section.

B. Additional remedies.

(1) In addition to other remedies, Borough Council may institute and maintain appropriate actions by law or in equity to restrain, correct or abate violations, to prevent unlawful construction, to recover damages and to prevent illegal occupancy of a building, structure or premises. The description by metes and bounds in the instrument of transfer or other documents used in the process of selling or transfemng shall not exempt the seller or transferor from such penalties or from the remedies herein provided. Borough Council or their authorized agents may refuse to issue any permit or grant any approval necessary to further improve or develop any real property which has been developed or which has resulted from a subdivision of real property in violation of this chapter. The authority to deny such a permit or approval shall apply to any of the following applicants:

(a) The owner of record at the time of such violation.

(b) The vendee or lessee of the owner of record at the time of such violation without regard as to whether such vendee or lessee had actual or constructive knowledge of the violation.

(c) The current owner of record who acquired the property subsequent to the time of violation without regard as to whether such current owner had actual or constructive knowledge of the violation.

(d) The vendee or lessee of the current owner of record who acquired the property subsequent to the time of violation without regard as to whether such vendee or lessee had actual or constructive knowledge of the violation.

(2) As an additional condition for issuance of a permit or the granting of an approval to any such owner, current owner, vendee or lessee for the development of any such real property, Borough Council or their authorized agents may require compliance with the conditions that would have been applicable to the property at the time the applicant acquired an interest in such real property.


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0 190-18. Appeals.

A. Any person aggrieved by action of the Planning Commission may appeal in writing to Borough Council within 30 days of the date of action of the Planning Commission.

B. Any person aggrieved by refusal of Council to approve a subdivision plan may appeal by petition to the Court of Common Pleas within 30 days of receipt of notice of such refusal.

0 190-19. Waivers.

Where the strict application of the standards and specifications contained in this chapter would present an undue hardship on the developer, upon recommendation of the Planning Commission and in the interest of the community, the Borough Councii may waive certain of the standards and specifications, which waiver shall be clearly defined and approved on the final subdivision plat signed by the President of the Borough Council.

ARTICLE V Design Standards

0 190-20. Application.

The following standards shall apply to proposed subdivisions.

0 190-21. Land and use requirements.

A. Proposed land uses shall conform to the regulations outlined in Chapter 210, Zoning.

B. Land subject to hazards to life, health or property, such as may arise from fire, floods, disease, or other cause, shall not be subdivided for building purposes unless the hazards have been eliminated or unless the plan shows adequate safeguards against them.'

C. The proposed subdivision shall be coordinated with existing nearby neighborhoods so that the community as a whole may develop harmoniously.

0 190-22. Street pattern.

A. The proposed street pattern shall be properly related to existing streets, to the borough plan of streets, the plan of streets of any adjacent municipality and to such county and state road and highway plans as have been duly adopted.

B. The street pattern shall be related to topography so as to produce usable lots and reasonable street grades.

C. Access shall be given to all lots and portions of the tract in the subdivision and to adjacent unsubdivided territory. Streets giving such access shall be improved to the limits of the subdivision. Remnants, reserve strips and landlocked areas shall not be created.

' Editor's Note: See Ch. 110, Floodplain Management.

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190-22 CLARION CODE 190-23



F. G.






Streets shall be classified according to their function. i*-) Streets shall be laid out to preserve the integrity of their design. Minor streets shall be laid out to discourage their use by through traffic, and, where possible, major streets shall be protected for use by through traffic marginal access streets, through lots or other means.

The provision of half streets is prohibited, except to complete existing half streets.

Dead-end streets are prohibited, unless designed as cul-de-sac or designed for access exclusively to neighboring tracts.

Culs-de-sac shall have a paved turnaround having a minimum radius of 35 feet to the outside curbline. Drainage of culs-de-sac shall preferably be towards the open end.

New streets shall be laid out to continue existing streets at equal or greater width, as regards both cartway and right-of-way, where such continuations are reasonable and practical.

Continuations of existing streets shall be known by the same name. Names for new streets shall not duplicate or closely resemble names of existing streets.

Where a subdivision abuts a railroad right-of-way, streets crossing the railroad shall be kept to a minimum and shall be located to facilitate grade separation.

Streets shall be offered for dedication under any or all of the following conditions:

(1) The proposed street is a minor or residential service street serving more than five lots.

(2) The proposed street is other than a minor or residential service street, i.e., collector street, major traffic street, or marginal access street.

(3) Extension of the proposed street is necessary to provide access to adjacent subdividable land.

(4) The proposed street is laid out between any existing streets and connecting them.

0 190-23. Blocks and lots.






Blocks may vary between 400 and 900 feet in length, except that blocks along major traffic streets shall not be less than 500 feet in length.

Blocks shall not be less than 200 feet wide between street right-of-way lines and shall provide generally for two tiers of lots, except where new blocks or lots abut previously developed lots, in which case the minimum depth of such new lots shall be 150 feet.

Crosswalks may be required in blocks more than 800 feet long. Such walks shall not be less than 15 feet wide with a minimum paved walkway of six feet connecting through streets.

Blocks and lots shall be graded to secure.proper drainage away from buildings and to prevent the collection of stormwater in pools. Topsoil shall be redistributed as cover and shall be stabilized by seeding or planting.

Lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or perpendicular to street lines.


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I .







House numbers shall be assigned to each lot by the Borough Engineer.

Blocks for commercial and industrial areas may vary from the elements of design contained in this section if the nature of the use requires other treatment. In such cases, off-street parking for employees and customers shall be provided (as noted in Chapter 210, Zoning) along with safe and convenient limited access to the street system. Space for off- street loading shall also be provided (as required in Chapter 210, Zoning) with similar access. Extension of streets, railroad access, right-of-way, and utilities shall be provided.

Minimum lot size shall be as governed by Chapter 210, Zoning.

Lots shall be conveniently shaped, and the depth of lots shall generally not exceed their width by more than 2Y2 times, provided that the width for residential use is at least 60 feet at the building line, or less as provided in Chapter 210, Zoning for commercial uses. Each lot shall have at least 20 feet of frontage on a street for all uses.

Where access from off-street parking space is to a minor street, adequate turnaround space shall be provided within the boundaries of the lot.

0 190-24. Other public facilities and monuments.





In acting upon subdivision plans, consideration shall be given to the adequacy of existing or proposed community facilities to serve the additional dwellings proposed by the subdivision.

Areas set aside for recreational or school purposes shall be reasonably compact parcels, placed to serve all parts of the subdivision, with not less than 100 feet of frontage on a public street, and not excessively irregular in terrain.

Wherever possible, subdividers shall preserve trees more than six inches in diameter at the base of the trunk, groves, waterways, scenic points, historic spots, and other community assets and landmarks.

Monuments of stone, concrete or iron pipe shall be placed throughout the subdivision, subject to the approval of the Borough Engineer, to give full surveying control for each block, lot, and all areas of proposed dedication or public easements. Monuments shall not be placed in the ground until final grading is completed.

0 190-25. Street design.

A. Widths. Minimum widths for each type of public street shall be as follows:

Distance Right-of-way Between Cartway

Width Curbs Width Type of Street (feet) (feet) (feet)

Collector (major use) 60 36 Local 50 30

30 24


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0 190-25 CLARION CODE 0 190-25

(1) Where a new subdivision abuts or contains an existing street of inadequate width, sufficient additional width shall be required to meet the above standards.

(2) Additional rights-of-way and cartway widths may be required by the borough to promote public safety and convenience when special conditions require it and to provide parking space in areas of intensive use.

B. Alignment.

(1) Changes in street direction.

(a) Changes in street direction shall be made by horizontal curves with minimum centerline radii as follows:

[l] Minor streets: 150 feet.

[2] Collector streets: 300 feet. .

(b) Minimum radius curves shall be avoided, if possible.

(2) Except on minor streets, a tangent shall be required between curves; however, a long radius curve shall be preferred in all cases to a series of curves and tangents. Minimum tangents of 100 feet shall be required between reverse curves.

(3) Clear sight distances shall be maintained along the center line of streets as follows:

(a) Minor streets: 200 feet.

(b) Collector streets: 500 feet.

C. Grades shall be subject to the decision of the Borough Engineer.

D. Intersections.


(1) No more than two streets shall cross at the same point.

(2) Street intersections shall be at right angles wherever possible, and intersections of less than 70' (measured at the center lines) shall not be permitted.

(3) Intersecting streets shall not enter into a major traffic street at intervals of less than 400 feet (measured from center line to center line).

(4) Streets entering the opposite sides of another street shall either be directly opposite each other or offset by at least 200 feet from center line to center line. [See Subsection D(3) above.]

(5) Where the grade of any street at the approach to an intersection exceeds 7%, a leveling area shall be provided having not greater than 4% grades for a distance of 25 feet measured from the nearest right-of-way line of the intersecting street.

(6) Maximum grade within any intersection shall not exceed 2%, and approaches to an intersection shall follow a straight course for 100 feet.

(7) Curb radii at intersections.

(a) Curb radii at intersections shall be according to the following schedule of minimum lengths:


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[I] Minor streets: 15 feet.

[2] Collector streets: 25 feet.

(b) Where streets of different categories intersect, the requirements for the more important one shall hold.

(8) The right-of-way radii at intersections shall be at least 15 feet.

(9) At intersections, the street right-of-way line shall be parallel the curbline.

(10) At all intersections, a clear sight triangle of 75 feet shall be required.

E. Drainage.

Storm drainage facilitie? shall be provided to permit unimpeded flow of natural watercourses, to drain all low points along streets, and to intercept stormwater runoff along streets at intervals reasonably related to the extent and grade of the area drained.

Stormwater shall not be designed to flow onto neighboring tracts in laying out subdivisions.

The slope of the crown of minor and collector streets shall be as directed by the Borough Engineer. Where drainage is provided in the center of the cartway, slopes shall also be as directed by the Borough Engineer.

Storm sewers, as required, shall be placed in front of the curb when located in a street right-of-way. When located in undedicated land, they shall be placed within an easement not less than 15 feet wide, as approved by the Borough Engineer. Open ditches shall be avoided.

Inlets and manhole covers and frames shall conform to borough standards, or as required by the Borough Engineer.

Stormwater roof drains shall not discharge water directly over a sidewalk, but shall connect with the gutter or storm sewer.

F. General development standards.

(1) General standards.

Street cuts shall be provided with side slopes no steeper than one vertical to one horizontal, and streets on fill shall be provided with side slopes no steeper than one vertical to 1Y2 horizontal. Such slopes shall be suitably planted with perennial grasses or other vegetation to prevent gullying and erosion.

Sidewalks shall be required, and constructed to borough specifications, with grade and paving continuous across driveways.

Hedges, fences, and walls or other obstructions shall not be constructed, placed or planted within the right-of-way of any street.

Curbing shall be required and installed in conformity with all provisions and specifications of this chapter.


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0 190-25 CLARION CODE Q 190-25

(e) Material and construction standards for streets, curbs, and gutters, storm and sanitary sewers, and sidewalks shall conform to borough specifications and be subject to inspection by appropriate borough officials.

(2) Streets.

, (a) In tlie preparation of new streets, all topsoil shall be removed and the subgrade prdperly contoured for drainage in preparation for placing base of street or road.

(b) Such streets shall have satisfactory subsurface drainage, and where an unsatisfactory subgrade is encountered, borrow or fill may be required at the discretion of the Borough Engineer.

(c) A minimum depth of eight-inch Number 4 limestone base shall be required for all local or residential streets. If such a street is designated to carry excessive traffic, or is classified as an arterial street, either a minimum depth of ten-inch Number 4 limestone base or a six-inch reinforced concrete base may be required as determined by the Borough Engineer.

(d) A minimum one-inch asphalt binder course and a minimum 1V2 inch surface course, properly crowned, shall be applied to all local or residential streets. In accordance with Subsection F(2)(c) above, the surface course may be increased to a maximum of 2112 inches for arterial streets or those local streets over which heavy traffic is anticipated, again at the discretion of the Borough Engineer.

(e) All streets shall be according to Pennsylvania Department of Highway specifications.

(f) The Clarion Borough Council may permit the substitution of construction material and construction standards other than those specified in this chapter when, in the opinion of the-Clarion Borough Council, such substituted material or standards are adequate for the streets to be constructed in the particular area involved, either because of the terrain, subsurface or other features in the particular area involved.

(3) Curbs. Either concrete or granite curbs and concrete gutters shall be installed, according to the dimensions given in the drawing attached as Exhibit A and made a part hereof.2

(4) Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be constructed on each side of any new street, with a minimum of four feet in width, five inches in depth, and shall be no closer than four feet to any curb except at curb intersections. All sidewalks shall be concrete, shall be properly finished, and shall intercept smoothly with all driveways.

(5) Utilities (sewer and water).

(a) The subdivider shall be responsible for the installation of all necessary storm and sanitary sewer mains, the diameters of required storm sewers to be provided by the Borough Engineer and the diameters of the required sanitary sewers to be provided by the Clarion Area Authority.

. r = t . F ... ,

Editor’s Note: Exhibit A is on file in the borough offices.

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Provision shall be made for water service to each lot hereafter subdivided. The subdivider shall provide all necessary mains, taps, valves, etc., in excess of those normally provided by the water company for each anticipated customer.

Water service provided for all lots regardless of timing involved in sale, resale or other disposition of the subdivision.

Water mains provided by developers or subdividers shall in no case be located within the same trench, conduit, or within six feet of any existing or proposed sanitary or storm sewer. Easements for water mains shall be established within the minimum four-foot strip required between sidewalk and curblines, on either side of a right-of-way.

0 190-26. Alleys and driveways.

A. Alleys shall not be permitted in residential developments except by permission of the Borough Council upon the express recommendation of the Planning Commission. Where alleys are permitted in residential developments, they shall be 20 feet wide, paved for the full width.

B. Alleys serving commercial and industrial establishments are required unless other provisions for service are approved by the Borough Council upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Such alleys shall have a paved cartway of at least 22 feet. Alley intersections and sharp changes in alignment shall be avoided. Where necessary, comers shall be rounded or cut back to permit safe use by large vehicles. If it is impossible for an alley to go through a block, the alley shall be provided with an adequate turnaround at its closed end.

0 190-27. Easement and utilities.






Easements with a minimum width of 15 feet shall be provided for common utilities and drainage when provided in, or over, undedicated land.

Drainage rights-of-way shall be required along natural watercourses.

All properties shall be connected to a common piped water supply system if accessible. No provision for on-lot water or sewer facilities shall be made without the express permission of the Borough Council upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission.

The installation of all sewer, water, streetlights, and other utilities shall be in strict accordance with the engineering standards and specifications of the Borough Engineer, Municipal Authority, or other utility concerned.

Fire hydrants shall be located so that their distance from the projection of any building frontage to the curb is not more than 600 feet measured along the curb. The Borough Council may require closer spacing of hydrants. In commercial and industrial areas the Borough Council shall prescribe the location of hydrants.


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0 190-30. Drainage facilities.

Installation of all storm drainage facilities as shown on the approved plan including necessary grading to channel water runoff shall be installed by the subdivider.

Q 190-31. Paving, curbs and sidewalks.

All pavement, including minimum macadam pavement of streets and concrete sidewalks, shall be installed as shown on the approved final subdivision plan.

8 190-32. Water and sanitary sewer facilities.

When water andor sewer service is proposed in a subdivision and the plan is approved subject to the furnishing of such service, the development of said subdivision shall not proceed without such service, except for the construction of a sample house not offered for sale.

0 190-33. Specification.

All improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the specifications of the Borough of Clarion or as required by the Borough Engineer.

0 190-34. Filing fees.

At the time of filing the preliminary subdivision plan, the subdivider shall pay to the borough a fee, at the rate as set from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council, per lot, dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling building or store in a commercial building, or a flat fee as set from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council, whichever is greater.




ARTICLE VI Required Improvements

6 190-28. Responsibility.

The subdivider shall complete all improvements required by any borough ordinance, including the following:

Q 190-29. Grading.

A. Streets. All streets shall be graded the full width of the right-of-way to the grades shown on the approved construction plan.

B. Lots. All lots shall be graded over their full extent to the grades sh'own on the approved final subdivision plan.


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0 190-35. Inspection fees.

The subdivider shall pay to the borough all other fees required by law for the opening of roads, connecting to borough sewers and water mains, construction and occupancy of buildings, etc.

ARTICLE VIII Simple Subdivision

[Added 12-4-1990 by Ord. No. 90-6561

0 190-36. Application.

A. Whenever a simple subdivision of land is proposed, the subdivider shall submit to the Zoning Ofiicer an application in writing which consists of 11 copies of the simple subdivision plan having the following elements:

The proposed name, location and area of the subdivision.

The names of the subdivider or subdividers.

The name and seal of the registered engineer or licensed surveyor designing the subdivision plan.

Courses and distances sufficient for a legal description of all property lines shown on the plan.

Names of the owners of abutting property.

Location, size and material of all monuments.

Layout and dimensions of lots with lot area to right-of-way line of street.

Building setback lines with distances from the right-of-way line.

Certification by registered engineer or surveyor that the simple subdivision plan represents a survey made by him.

B. Upon receipt of the simple subdivision plan, the Zoning Officer will contact the Chairman of the Planning Commission and place the plan on the agenda of the next monthly meeting of the Planning Commission; provided, however, that all advertising requirements are met.

0 190-37. Approval of simple subdivision plan by Planning Commission.

The Planning Commission, in consultation with the Borough Engineer or other interested officials, shall approve or disapprove the simple subdivision plan. If the plan is disapproved, the subdivider shall be so notified, in writing, and the reasons so specified, in writing. If approved, the Chairman and Secretary of the Planning Commission will sign and date an official file copy of the plan.


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0 190-38 CLAFUON CODE Q 190-39

0 190-38. Approval by Borough Council.

A. After a decision by the Planning Commission is rendered, the subdivider shall submit the simple subdivision plan to the Zoning Officer, who will place the plan on the next Council Agenda; provided, however, that all advertising requirements are met. Also, the Zoning Officer shall send by regular U.S. Mail a notification to all owners of property which abut or are directly across the street from a proposed simple subdivision. The notice shall advise the property owners of when and where Council will act upon the simple subdivision.

B. Before acting on a simple subdivision plan, Council may arrange for a public hearing, giving such notice as it may deem advisable in each case.

C. If Borough Council approves the simple subdivision plan, the Council President will so signify on the Planning Commission’s official file copy, an official file copy and developer’s-copy for borough records with the approval date.

D. If disapproved, Council shall return the plan to the subdivider and specify in writing the reasons for the denial.

E. If approved, the simple subdivision plan shall be filed with the Recorder of Deeds within 30 days of the date of approval by Borough Council.

0 190-39. Violations and penalties.

A.. Any person, partnership or corporation who or which has violated the provisions of this chapter shall, upon being found liable therefor in a civil enforcement proceeding commenced by Borough Council, pay a judgment of not more than $500 plus all court costs, including reasonable attorney fees incurred by Borough Council as a result thereof. No judgment shall commence or be levied or be payable until the date of the determination of a violation by the District Justice. If the defendant neither pays nor timely appeals the judgment, Borough Council may enforce the judgment pursuant to the applicable rules of civil procedure. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation unless the District Justice determining that there has been a violation further determines that there was a good-faith basis for the person, partnership or corporation violating this chapter to have believed that there was no such violation, in which event there shall be deemed to have been only one such violation until the fifth day following the date of the determination of a violation by the District Justice, and thereafter each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate violation.

(1) The Court of Common Pleas, upon petition, may grant an order of stay, upon cause shown, tolling the per diem judgment pending a final adjudication of the violation and judgment.

(2) Nothing contained in this section shall be construed or interpreted to grant to any person or entity other than Borough Council the right to commence any action for enforcement pursuant to this section.

B. Additional remedies.

(1) In addition to other remedies, Borough Council may institute and maintain appropriate actions by law or in equity to restrain, correct or abate violations, to


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prevent unlawful construction, to recover damages and to prevent illegal occupancy of a building, structure or premises. The description by metes and bounds in the instrument of transfer or other documents used in the process of selling or transferring shall not exempt the seller or transferor from such penalties or from the remedies herein provided.

(2) Borough Council or their authorized agents may refuse to issue any permit or grant any approval necessary to further improve or develop any real property which has been developed or which has resulted from a subdivision of real property in violation of this chapter. The authority to deny such a permit or approval shall apply to any of the following applicants:

(a) The owner of record at the time of such violation.

(b) The vendee or lessee of the owner of record at the time of such violation without regard as to whether such vendee or lessee had actual or constructive knowledge of the violation.

(c) The current owner of record who acquired the property subsequent to the time of violation without regard as to whether such current owner had actual or constructive knowledge of the violation.

(d) The vendee or lessee of the current owner of record who acquired the property subsequent to the time of violation without regard as to whether such vendee or lessee had actual or constructive knowledge of the violation.

(3) As an additional condition for issuance of a permit or the granting of an approval to any such owner, current owner, vendee or lessee for the development of any such real property, Borough Council or their authorized agents may require compliance with the conditions that would have been applicable to the property at the time the applicant acquired an interest in such real property.

0 190-40. Appeals.

Any person aggrieved by refusal of Council to approve a simple subdivision plan has the same recourse as those available to major subdivider.

6 190-41. Waivers.

Where the strict application of the standards and specifications contained in this chapter would present an undue hardship on the subdivider, upon recommendation of the Planning Commission and in the interest of the community, the Borough Council may waive certain of the standards and specifications, which waiver shall be clearly defined approved on the simple subdivision plan signed by the President of the Borough Council.

0 190-42. Filing fees.

At the time of filing the preliminary simple subdivision plan, the subdivider shall pay to the borough a fee as set from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council.

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ARTICLE IX General Provisions

8 190-43

0 190-43. Notice to Borough Engineer.

The Borough Engineer shall be notified at least 72 hours in advance of any construction operation, such as sewer installation paving etc., which requires inspection by the borough.

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