NBTHS Key Club - June 2012 Newsletter

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NBTHS Key Club - June 2012 Newsletter

Transcript of NBTHS Key Club - June 2012 Newsletter

Au revoir Key Club! TABLE OF CONTENTS

Official newsletter of the NBTHS Key Club PAGE 1

• Volume 1, Issue 1

French: A beautiful

language, spoken

widely in African

countries. The Eliminate

Project, a mission set by

Kiwanis and Unicef,

targets neonatal

tetanus in more than 20

countries. So far, Burkina

Faso, Ghana, Guinea

Bissau, Liberia and

Senegal have said ‘au

revoir’ to this disease.

Lets all help to get rid of

this illness in all the other

countries as well!

Who’s Writing This?

Hello everyone, I’m Sai

Ramesh, editor for the

North Brunswick

Township Key Club

2012-2013. Key Club

June 2, 2012

has always served as a

source of entertainment

for me, ever since I

joined. It’s a place away

from giant math

textbooks and research

papers, in school! A

place where we help the

community, while having

lots of fun! A place

where we get together

with our friends, and

make a change. I want

to show my dedication

to you all through my

newsletters, which

highlights all the events

that have occurred so

far, and events to come.

Wow, this is the first

newsletter I’ve ever

written… Well, here it


Page 1: Sai’s Section

Page 2: This years highlights

Page 3: Key Club 2012-2013

Page 4: Inspirational person

of the month

Page 5: Our Key Club

Key Club was

founded in

Sacremento in 1925.

Former President Bill

Clinton and Elvis

Presley were part of

its initiation.

What a year!

What a year our Key Club has had… The Beach Clean Up, The Carnival, Children Specialized Hospitals, the March of Dimes walk, Disabilities awareness night, Judd tutoring, District Convention, and many other events!


Ocean Place Resort: A

place where dedicated

Key Clubbers gather

around from all over the

state to have a weekend

of their lifetime. Come to

Long Branch, NJ next

year, and don’t miss out

on all the fun you can

have at District


The Carnival

Now if you missed out on

the carnival, that’s

something that you must

catch up on next year.

After all ,it’s the biggest

event Key Club holds all

year! One of the biggest

events the school holds all

year! Have fun, help out,

and just enjoy the night

with all your friends at the


Courtesy of

Ibanca Anand

Look at that! Looks

like so much fun

right? I wish I was

there… DCON is

definitely worth a

visit next year!

Courtesy of Ibanca Anand

Courtesy of Ibanca


Key Club 2012-2013 Important Information

Roller Coasters,

motivational programs, an

opportunity to meet new

people and a chance to

express your key club

spirit, all in one place!

3000 key clubbers will be

there. Thirteen thrilling

roller coasters are waiting

for you. All of this in 1 Fall


Fall Rally is held at Six Flags

every year. Why would you

want to miss out on riding

on the best roller coasters

in America, while having

thousands of Key Clubbers

cheer you on?

Fall Rally is a historic

event, and is one of the

biggest events held by

Key Club in the world! For

more information on this

event and other

important Key Club stuff,

check out njkeyclub.org.

It has detailed

information on initiatives

by New Jersey key



If you don’t already

know, Key Club is an

enormous organization.

Once a year 2000 Key

Clubbers get together in

a room, all to contribute

to the same cause. The

69th annual Key Club

International Convention

will be held in Orlando,

Florida. Enjoy the

magical performances

given by speakers and

entertainers, and make

friends from all over the


Check keyclub.org for forms

to go to ICON. Its easiest

online, but you can do

so by email to


or by mailing it to Kiwanis

International 3636

Woodview Trace,

Indianapolis, IN 46268.

You can also fax it to 1-


If you have any questions

concerning any events in

the upcoming year, feel

free to contact any of

the board members.

Their contact information

will always be posted on

the last page.

The awesome person

that organizes our

meetings and manages

our Key Club is Mrs.

Passner! She is very

helpful as she goes out

of her way to help us.

Her email is


Influential person of the month

It’s great to watch the news and

see people who make a change

in society. People are always

commended for their good

deeds they commit. Key Club is

all about good deeds and

making a difference, so let’s look

at one man who has made a

change in society; Derreck


Approximately 2 million people

die a year because of diarrheal

disease. If you can’t picture that

in your head, think about all of

San Antonio’s population dying.

Sounds bad right?

Kayongo has an Atlanta based

soap project, which collects used

hotel soap from all around

America. The soap is valueless in

our eyes, but Kayongo had a

different vision. He came to

America and saw how the soap

was discarded without even

having anyone use it. He wished

to make a difference

immediately. Due to lack of

sanitation, people in

impoverished countries face

deathly diseases. He wished to

then distribute the soap to assist

those who couldn’t afford the

gift of life. So far, Kayongo

managed to deliver 100,000 bars

of soap for communities in 9

countries. This is why, Kayongo

has been nominated to be the

2012 CNN hero. People like him

show us what initiative is, and

how we should step up and find

small things that can lead to

large impacts. Let’s take this

man as a role model for the next

service year!

Thousands of children,

such as this one, are

suffering in

impoverished nations.

Catch up with the latest news

about Derreck Kayongo and

his goal to cure diseases

through his soap


Farewell and thank you!

Key Club went by really

successfully last year,

and we must say farewell

to the wonderful board

members that made Key

Club such a success!

Thanks to Akshat Podar,

who worked efficiently as

our treasurer! Another

thanks to Spencer Lin,

who was a phenomenal

web-master! Their efforts

made a great impact in

our community,

Our Key Club

and they made the

service year very


Mo Haji!

He is truly inspirational, and

displays what a true Key Club

leader should aim for.

Mohammad Haji is the new

Lieutenant Governor for District

10 Key Club. It’s pretty cool that

he’s from our school, which will

benefit us greatly next year! He

plans “to make major

contributions to the Key Club

community.” He also plans on

exceeding his own expectations,

while making this a great service

year. Mo’s efforts and

experience throughout the past

years in Key Club should

motivate us to dedicate

ourselves to service, just as he


Next year, I plan on making a

Key Clubber of the month

section to acknowledge those

who are truly dedicated to Key

Club! Let’s see if you can get

your face on here next time!

Contact Information

Mo Haji: mohaji.ltgdiv10@gmail.com

Jon Lin: jonathanlinnj@gmail.com

Ibanca Anand: Ibanca.anand@hotmail.com

Pavitra Vetriselvan: pavithra.selvan@gmail.com

Nehi Patel: nehipatel12@aol.com

Sai Ramesh: saikrishna2696@gmail.com

Alisa Adwaney: alisa.adwaney@gmail.com