BHS Key Club Newsletter

Issue 1 Ap ril-June Bayside High School Spring 2016 Newsletter


Issue 1 April-June

Transcript of BHS Key Club Newsletter

Issue 1 April-June

Bayside High Sc hoolSpring 2016 Newsletter

Tab le of Contents

Meet The Board

- Advisor: Steven Jac oby- President: Annie Liu- Vic e President: Ken Li- Sec reta ry: Ryan Gu- Sec reta ry: Sherry Yu- Ed itor: Junie Kim- Treasurer: Britney Chen- Webmistress: Luc y Qu

Event Spotlight

- Leadership Tra ining Conferenc e (Marc h 18-20) - Fight For Air Climb (April 9)- Marc h Of Dimes (April 24)- TD Bike Tour (May 1 )- Japan Day (May 8 )- AIDS Wa lk (May 15 )- Relay For Life (June 4 )- Car Wash (June 17-18)- Divisiona l Tra ining Conferenc e (June 18)

Members of the Month for May

Our Key Club Board Info and Soc ia l Med ia

Division 8 Contac t Info and Soc ia l Med ia

Events We Attended


Events We Attended

April events

- Fight for Air Climb - Vision Wa lk - Rona ld Mc Dona ld house - NYCAASC - Marc h of Dimes - Leadership Tra ining Conferenc e

May events

- TD Bike Tour - Japan Day - Rona ld Mc Dona ld House - AIDS Walk - Passport to Ta iwan - Food Sa le

June events

- Rona ld Mc Dona ld House - Relay for Life - Car Wash - Car Wash - Divisiona l Tra ining Conferenc e

Meet The 2016-2017 Board

President: Annie Liu

Vice President: Ken LiHello Key Clubbers! My name is Ken and I am your c urrent Vic e President for the 2016-2017 servic e year. To p rovide a little deta il, I'm genera lly outgoing and I love ea ting food . Other than tha t I love ta lking to peop le! To keep a long story short we're family, simp le as tha t. If you're stressed , having issues or just want to hang out, don't be a fra id to ta lk to me. Remember,,the servic e year doesn't end with sc hool but c ontinues throughout the summer, I c an't wa it to see you guys a t the events! -Kenry

Vic e President: Ken Li

Advisor: Steven Jac oby

My name is Mr. Jac oby and I have been the Key Club advisor a t Bayside High Sc hool sinc e 2006. Over the past 10 years our c lub has served thousands of servic e hours and dona ted thousands of dolla rs to va rious c harities. When I'm not a t a Key Club event, I like to kayak, ride my b ike and p lay softba ll.

Hey Key-ooties, my name is Annie Liu and I am your Bayside High Sc hool President. I'm like an owl, so if you have any questions or need c ompany 4am in the morning, I got c hu. I love ta lking to you guys, so p lease c ome up and say hi, ill welc ome you with open a rms. With the new servic e year tha t has just begun, I have set many goa ls for our remarkab le c lub . With your help , I know we c an go past our boundaries and strive for the grea test. You guys have a full yea r of servic e ahead of you, and it has yet to ever end ! If you have any questions, you c an ema il me or c a ll me.

Meet The 2016-2017 Board

Sec reta ry: Sherry Yu

Ed itor: Junie Kim

Sec reta ry: Ryan Gu

Hello loves~ it's me Sherry your c urrent Key Club sec reta ry. If you wanna know a little b it about me well here it is! I'm usua lly a c hill and c heerful person and I would say I'm p retty easy to ta lk to. I love to go out and ea t with my friends bec ause one I love my friends and two I LOVE FOOD. I would love to bec ome friends with everyone so feel free to ta lk to me !

Hey Key Clubbers, my name is Ryan and I'm your 2016-2017 Club Sec reta ry! I am so honored to be your sec reta ry and I want to get to know you guys. Besides Key Club I enjoy hang ing out with my friends, p laying games and ka raoke! I'm p retty muc h a lways on my phone so if you have any questions feel free to ask me and I will answer you to the best of my ab ilities. I look forward to serving you for the rest of the servic e year. Hope to see you guys a t events, peac e!

Hey Key Clubbers!!!! My name is Junie and I'm your 2016-2017 c lub ed itor! During the few months of my term, I was ab le to bond with so many new c lubbers. Throughout events I was ab le to meet new peop le from other d ivisions and sc hools. My first impression to peop le is very short and energetic , well those tra its desc ribes me! I light up when I'm a t events and I feel so muc h happ ier. Please feel free to ta lk to me, I don't b ite, I c an p romise you tha t. I rea lly look forward to this servic e year and I hope to ta lk to you guys a t events!

Meet The 2016-2017 Board Treasurer: Britney Chen

Webmistress: Lucy Qu

HEY KEYCLUBBERS!! I am Luc y Qu your 2016-2017 webmistress. I am a freshman who loves to p lay video games and run on my free time! During these past few months, I have had the experienc e to interac t with many new peop le. I have had many opportunities to lea rn wha t Key Club ac tua lly about and how we better our c ommunity even while we a re having fun. SPEAKING of fun you should definitely approac h me bec ause I'm a p retty funny person!!! With tha t being sa id , If you haven't a lready, you should tota lly say hi to me!

Heyyy Guyss !!! It?s your treasurer and a lover of food , so if you ever need a buddy. HIT BRITNEY UP!!! I know I seem kinda c razy and sc ary sometimes but, I'm very friend ly. If you want to be friends with me, just ta lk to me and we c an go ea t one day. Come to more key c lub events and be friends with meee. Lemme know if you ever have any questions. Love ya guys ! -Britney Chen

Leadership Training Conference (LTC)This Marc h, I went to the 68th annua l Key Club Leadership Tra ining Conferenc e. LTC was a 3 day 2 night experienc e tha t you must have. At LTC we a ttended Workshops tha t is led by high sc hool students like us. I know peop le might be like "oh lea rning is so boring" tha t might be true but a t LTC we a ren't lea rning a lgebra , we a re lea rning important skills tha t c an help us in the future and the p resenters usua lly make it fun. Even though 3 days seems very little, we still make memories and friends. It was last year a t LTC I met the c urrent Cardozo President Howie Ngo and Vic e-President Shreya Mohan. We a re grea t friends and it was a ll bec ause of tha t sma ll c onferenc e tha t b rought us together. A b ig p lus, the food there is AMAZING!!! So 3 days away from your pa rents and with your friends with lots of food is not an opportunity you want to pass up . I will definitely go to LTC for the rest of my High Sc hool years and eac h will be more amazing than the last. I c erta inly hope you will jo in us next year.

-Ryan Gu , Sec reta ry

Fight For Ai r Cl imb

As the la rgest c limb fundra ising p rogram in the c ountry, the Fight for Air Climb rea lly impac ted me as an ind ividua l. The event was espec ia lly intriguing to me as I got to see how muc h peop le were willing to go to make a signific ant impac t on those a ffec ted by lung d isease. During the Fight for Air Climb I met and ta lked to many peop le. Everybody seemed inviting and nic e. The c limbers told me about their exhila ra ting sense of ac c omp lishment when they reac hed the top and I think tha t is a grea t thing .The funds they ra ise support researc h, educ a tion and pa tient p rograms to help the millions of Americ ans impac ted by asthma, COPD, lung c anc er, a ir pollution and other lung d iseases. With this sing le event, it c rea tes a p leasant mood tha t I would definitely enjoy aga in. But before tha t I would definitely suggest other Key Clubbers to take some time to volunteer for the Fight For Air Climb . Remember guys, ?Every step you take moves us forward in our fight for hea lthy lungs and c lean a ir.? -Americ an Lung Assoc ia tion.

-Wayne Zhang, Member

March Of Dimes

On April 24, I went to the Marc h of Dimes wa lk. Marc h of Dimes is a 3.5 mile wa lk. This wa lk is a wa lk for bab ies, as it ra ises funds to fight p remature b irth. On our way there, we ac tua lly got lost, however on the tra in ride, I was ab le to ta lk to other key c lubbers and Baysiders and a lso peop le from other sc hools. At this event, I met this wonderful person named, Kerrie Chung, who is c urrently a sophomore a t Cardozo High Sc hool. During this event, I was ab le to ta lk to so many peop le from d ifferent d ivisions. As we enter the line, you hear peop le c heering and kids yelling . We a ll wa lked as a whole, as they c ount down, and you see a ll these key c lubbers c hanting and yelling . This wa lk was for a good c ause for bab ies and was a bond ing time with wonderful key c lubbers. I had an awesome time as I spent my time help ing for a c ause and meeting new peop le.

-Junie Kim, Ed itor

TD Bike Tour

The day of the TD Bike Tour was c loudy, but desp ite the ra in, we saw thousands of b ikers, with a va riety of ages rang ing from kids to even elderly peop le. Our loc a tion was a t the Commodore Barry Park, a rest stop , where we handed out bananas, app les, and p retzels to a ll the b ikers tha t c ame through. We worked through the whole morning, it was fun and tiring , but knowing we helped out the b ikers tha t have worked even harder made it worthwhile. The b ikers had worked exc ep tiona lly ha rd to ride through three of the five boroughs, it was exhausting for many, but they were a lso persistent, and a fter taking a little b reak, they rode the rest and finished the five borough b ike tour, strong, in Sta ten Island .

-Rac hael Tien, Member

Japan Day

Japan Day was spec ia l in a way tha t it rea lly got you interested in c ulture. In this c ase, it was the c ulture of the Japanese and this festiva l rea lly intrigued me. While I was d irec ting peop le on a line for a Yakisoba stand , I was fasc ina ted by how many peop le were interested in Japanese c ulture and I immed ia tely wanted to lea rn more. Watc hing a lot of anime in the past d idn?t rea lly teac h me muc h about Japan as muc h as Japan Day d id . Through the c ommunic a tion with numerous Japanese sta ff, I was ab le to lea rn about where food like Yakisoba c ame from. I was a lso ab le to lea rn d irec ting as a leadership qua lity and I lea rned how to keep a massive c rowd of peop le under c ontrol. Overa ll, it was an exhila ra ting experienc e and I c an?t wa it to go bac k next year!

- Steven Wang, Member

AIDS WalkAIDS wa lk was a wonderful event. It was strenuous, but I was doing something grea t. I was ra ising money to c ombat the AIDS ep idemic . I wa lked six miles with two of my friends. We c omp la ined a lot and wanted to stop . Thankfully, there were peop le a long the way to c heer us on and g ive us food . (And a rea lly good looking guy, lo l). A wa lker even went up to my friend to c omp liment her ha ir. We were surrounded by so muc h positivity. -Vivien Cheng, Member

This was a spec ia l event. Not only were you wa lking 6.2 miles through Centra l Park and the streets of Manha ttan, you were a lso ra ising money in awareness of AIDs through motiva tion and insp ira tion. Desp ite my experienc e not being a ll too wonderful, due to the fac t tha t I basic a lly held a sign with a Key Club Division 8 T-Shirt dang ling on it the entire wa lk with my hands having a few b listers, a lso the fac t tha t I was wa lking 6.2 miles for about more than 2 hours, it was a ll c ompensa ted for through the sa tisfac tion of c omp leting those 6.2 miles and knowing tha t I have a grea t amount of enduranc e and tha t I?ve done a grea t deed in ra ising the awareness of AIDs. Also being ab le to meet many peop le tha t have suffered from AIDs rea lly insp ired me to better the c ommunity and help out more peop le in need as the stories they told were insp ira tiona l on every level. In add ition, AIDs Wa lk in New York ended up ra ising $3,783,141 as a result, and hearing tha t c an get anyone up lifted .

-Steven Wang, Member

Relay For Li fe

On June 4th, I volunteered a t my third Relay for Life event a t Fort Totten. Throughout my time there, I met Key Clubbers from d ifferent sc hools. We spent the ma jority of the ea rly a fternoon setting up the luminaria bags. The purpose of the luminaria bags is to honor anyone who has been touc hed by c anc er. Afterward , I was p lac ed a t the ?Make a sign for your team? tab le with Shirley and Steven. Sinc e no one wanted to make a team sign, Shirley and I dec ided to make one for our NYC Key Club team. Unfortuna tely, a fter the survivors? wa lk, it sta rted to pour. Due to the ra in, the luminaria bags c ould not be lit. This was extremely sad bec ause some of the pa rtic ipants wanted to experienc e their first luminaria c eremony. However, the ra in b rought the survivors and their families c loser. While under the tent, we got to hear the stories of the survivors and their loved ones. Overa ll, I had a lot of fun a t this event and I hope to see everyone aga in next year!

-Sandra Wong,

Car Wash

On June 17th and 18th Bayside High Sc hool Key Club held it's 10th annua l Car Wash a t the Athletic Field . This year for the first time we offered free c a r washes and only ac c ep ted dona tions. We washed over 20 c a rs and made $255d and d idn't even have their c a r washed ! They money ra ised will be used to help pay for our upc oming ICON trip to Atlanta .

-Steven Jac oby, Advisor

This June I went to the Bayside High Sc hool Key Club annua l Car Wash on the 17th and 18th. The Car Wash was for 3 hours,both days. At the Car Wash, we basic a lly just wash c a rs for free, but dona tions a re ac c ep ted . I know some peop le may say ?oh washing c a rs a re boring .? Tha t may be true, however, doing this g ives you a taste of experienc e in how modern day peop le c lean c a rs. Although it is a 2 day thing , we still made memories. Sinc e it is a free c a r wash, we get more c a rs and more dona tions. I c erta inly hope you will jo in us next year.

-Preston Lee, Member

Divi sional Training Conference

Divisiona l Tra ining Conferenc e (DTC) was held on June 18, 2016 a t Stuyvesant High Sc hool. Essentia lly being a minia ture Leadership Tra ining Conferenc e, there were tons of workshops rang ing from lea rning new skills both inside and outside of Key Club . However, the most spec ia l aspec t of DTC were the peop le who held these workshops- many were members!! It was awesome seeing a ll these members teac h about skills tha t they have outside of Key Club , suc h as photography. This just c omes to show tha t a lthough everyone is unique in their own way, we're a ll united by Key Club . After workshops, we had K-Fa ir a t the sc hool's c a feteria where we held sp irit ba ttles and ic e b reakers! And just throwing this out there, but I think the side with the most Division 8'ers won the Sp irit Ba ttle (wink wink). At the end , we were ab le to ra ise $1138 for an adorab le little g irl named Sophie and her Cerebra l Pa lsy trea tment! She will a lso be c oming to our Buffet Fundra iser this June 30th, where we will be p resenting the c hec k to her. Thank you a ll for c oming to DTC, and we hope to see you on June 30th!

-Gavin Li, LTG of Division 8

Members of The Month (May)

Anita Dong Tiffany Yeh

Thank you for c ontributing your time to help Key Club and the c ommunity!

Our Key Club Board Contact I nfo

- President Annie Liu (212)-285-6101 [email protected] om- Vic e President Ken Li (347)-459-6870 Kc [email protected] om- Sec reta ry Ryan Gu (646)-226-5174 [email protected] om- Sec reta ry Sherry Yu (347)-599-3803 [email protected] om- Treasurer Britney Chen (718)-568-4138 wha [email protected] om- Ed itor Junie Kim (718)-704-7801 [email protected] om- Webmistress Luc y Qu Luc [email protected] om

Social Media

https:/ / www.fac ebook.c om/ groups/ 1483858108497406/

https:/ / www.instagram.c om/ baysidehskeyc lub / ?hl=en

http :/ / baysidehighsc hoolkeyc lub .weeb ly.c om/

Divi sion 8 Cabinet Contact I nfo

- Lieutenant Governor- Gavin Li (646) 436-3340 gavinli.ltg@nydkc .c om

- Exec utive Assistant- Annie Liu (212) 285-6101 a [email protected] om

- Sec reta ry - Flora Kwok: (917) 361-09908 flora [email protected] om

- Ed itor - Luc y Li: (917) 392-6070 b [email protected] om

- Webmistress - Angelina Huang: (917) 288-2605 angelina .huang.c [email protected] om

Social Media

https:/ / www.fac ebook.c om/ groups/ NYD.Division8KeyClub /

https:/ / www.instagram.c om/ nydkc d8/ ?hl=en

http :/ / nydkc d iv8.weeb ly.c om/