
Post on 18-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Motivation


The power and ability to succeed is in all of us, all it takes is the motivation to get something happening.

Motivation is the act or process of stimulating to action or providing an incentive or motive, especially for an act.

The verb, "motivate" is believed to have been taken from the French word, "motiver" and the German word, "motivieren.”

In simple words ‘motivation is nothing but the driving force by which humans achieve their goals’.

Motivation is present in every life function. In Simple acts such as eating are motivated by

hunger. Education is motivated by desire for knowledge.

Objective of Motivation :The objective of motivation process is to know as to

where from does it starts and where does it end. This is a work that cannot be finished at one go. It is a combination of various steps. Robbins and Coulter have presented the following

‘Need-satisfying Process’:

Unsatisfied Need:



Search Behaviou


Need Satisfied

(1) Unsatisfied Need: At the first step of motivation a person feels the need of something or there is a feeling that he lacks something.(2) Tension: The person concerned gets tensed at the very idea of his need not being satisfied.(3) Drives: At this step the person concerned endeavors to fulfill his need. The fulfillment of need depends on the direction and intensity of the drive.

(4) Search Behaviour: At this step, a person tries to discover different Options to fulfill his need. He puts the best option into operation.(5) Need Satisfied: If the option really happens to be a correct one, satisfaction is obtained.

There are two main kinds of motivation :

Intrinsic and Extrinsic.  Intrinsic motivation is internal.  It

occurs when people are compelled to do something out of pleasure,  importance,  or desire. 

Achievement,  advancement,  recognition,   growth,  responsibility,  and job nature are internal motivators.  

Extrinsic motivation occurs when  external factors compel the person to do something.  

In other words: Motivation comes from two things;  you,  and other people.  There is extrinsic motivation,  which   comes from others,  and intrinsic motivation,  which comes from within you.

Rewards can also be organized as extrinsic or intrinsic.

Extrinsic rewards are external to the person;  for example,  praise or money. 

Intrinsic rewards are internal to the person; for example, satisfaction or a feeling of accomplishment.

Students are likely to be intrinsically  motivated if they :

attribute their educational results to internal factors that they can control (e.g. the amount of effort they put in).

believe they can be effective agents in reaching desired goals (i.e., the results are not determined by luck).

are  interested in mastering a topic, rather than just rote-learning to achieve good grades.

Motivatrs   (e.g.  challenging work,  recognition,  responsibility)  which give positive satisfaction.

Motivation  as a general concept can be classified in function of numerous factors. 

However, the factors that discussed here are the ones regarding self motivation or motivation achieved by other people.

Self-MotivationBeing self-motivated means being

ready for driven, focused discussion and behavior. It also means being sharp and smart enough not to be manipulated and to be open to positive learning. Being in this state of mind is the challenge!

Be confidentBe clearWork on yourselfTake criticism positivelyLook out for challengesBe persistentKeep dreaming.

Here is a simple question- "Why are you going to college?" The answer is given usually in terms of "motivation". You are going to the educational institution because you want to learn something or you need a college degree let a good job or it is a suitable place to make friends.

You are a student in the college because you think it is expected of you, and one of your goals is to conform to what is expected.

Motivation is the  set of reasons  that determines one to engage in a particular behavior.  

Internal and External factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject, or to make an effort to attain a goal.