Mood Board - Ideas for an opening sequence

Post on 17-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Mood Board - Ideas for an opening sequence

Mood Board – Opening sequence idea

Sub-genre: Psychological horror – the storyline should be open to interpretation yet have a strong structure, for example if a character is murdered the audience would be able to whittle it down to a handful of suspects and eliminate others, yet, they are still unable to figure out who the killer is. By using the conventions of horror that I have researched, this could be achieved by various camera angles, lighting, makeup etc.


▪ Suburban street in Vancouver, Canada.

▪ The street is part of a new housing complex. Middle class families inhabit this street.

▪ The houses are all nearly identical to one another, dull in colour, with long concrete driveways.

▪ The street has minimal greenery, a few trees planted in patches of grass on the curb.

Costumes and Props

All costumes should be casual and ordinary, in order to create a realistic viewing for example: Jeans and a t-shirt.

The phone: 2000’s style landline

Living room area



Characters in the opening sequence

Molly, 30, mother to James, married

The silhouette and the voice

Sara, good friend of Molly’s, a gossip, single, James’ godmother

James, 3, Molly’s only son

Opening Sequence Idea

A mother (Molly) is alone downstairs, her 3 year old son asleep upstairs. As she sits down on the sofa to watch the television, she hears a unfamiliar creak. Looking behind her, there is nothing. She then resumes watching the television, turning the sound up by 7 bars. A loud laugh on the television makes her jump, she appears to have dozed off for a few minutes. Straining her eyes to focus on the bright television again, something moves out of the corner of her eye. The curtain is still slightly drawn, and the amber glow from a street light blips out for a few seconds, as if someone is obstructing the light’s entrance through the window. Feeling slightly uncomfortable, she believes it’s just her tired eyes playing tricks on her. The phone begins to ring, she picks it up and it is her friend Sara on the phone. Sara babbles on for 10 minutes about her relatives coming for Christmas dinner, Molly zones out after a while, not really listening to what Sara has to say, adding the occasional “oh really” and “oh how terrible” sarcastically into the conversation. Sara is suddenly cut off and a long beep sounds from the phone. James says “Mummy” from his bedroom, this comes through on the baby monitor downstairs, Molly begins to make her way towards the stairs, out of the lounge, along the short hallway to the bottom of the stairs. She takes one step onto the stairs as the phone begins to ring again, she roles her eyes at the thought of it being Sara again, apologising for accidently disconnecting. Molly steps down from the step and makes her way back to the lounge, picking up the phone on its last ring. “Hello again Sara” Molly says sarcastically…Silence. “Sara? Sara?”. *Heavy breathing*. “Hello, who is this?” asks Molly. The phone is cut off again. At this point Molly is slightly scared as the phone call did not sound like Sara playing a prank. Concerned, Molly dials the number back. A ringtone faintly comes through the baby monitor that is in James’ room, Molly turns around and stares at the monitor as the ringing continues. She suddenly slams the phone down and runs along the hallway, stumbling up the stairs, along the landing and pushing the door open to James’ room…QUEUE TITLES AND CREEPY MUSIC.

Titles & Fonts

These are all potential fonts that I would consider using for my titles in the opening sequence. The bottom one would most probably be used for the actual name of the film, and then either the first or second one would be used as the font for the general titles.

Soundtrack for the titles

Aims: To have a suspenseful, uncomfortable, soundtrack playing as the titles are shown. In the hope that it will create an uneasy feel. I was inspired by the soundtrack from the film ‘Gravity’, I like the way the it begins extremely calmly, and builds up to create this intense, dramatic sound.