monthlynewsle er St. Paul Lutheran Church & School 700 ... · monthlynewsle ©er St. Paul Lutheran...

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Transcript of monthlynewsle er St. Paul Lutheran Church & School 700 ... · monthlynewsle ©er St. Paul Lutheran...

monthlynewsle er

St. Paul

Lutheran Church & School 700 Ardenlee Parkway Peachtree City, GA 30269 770-487-0339


St. Paul Lutheran Church Vision and Mission Statement St. Paul Lutheran Church is a Christ-centered, caring family with a passion for Connecting People to Jesus; Bringing Christ to the Home; and Transforming Lives with Eternal Values as we are continually developed by God into fully

devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

happeningsinmay May 31, 10am Combined Service with Luncheon

June 14th, 10am Combined VBS Celebration/Pizza Luncheon July 5th, 10am Combined Service, 4th of July Luncheon

August 30, 10am Combined Service with Luncheon November 29, 10am Combined Service with Luncheon

Traditional Service 8:15am Contemporary Service 10:45am

Fifth Sunday of the month 10am

May 7, 8:30am


Meet at the Flag pole!


“Times of our Lives”

at St. Paul in Gym

Friday, May 8, 2015

7:30pm in the Gym


frompastor Greetings in Christ, Everyone! What’s on my heart today? Thanksgiving! It’s true: words can’t express the depth of my rejoicing each day over all our gracious God is doing in our life together at St. Paul. As I thank our Lord for His goodness to us, I also want to extend a heartfelt thanks to each one of you for pulling together as a family, fixing your eyes on Jesus, and making the intentional choice to pray, praise and give thanks as we walk together in ministry. This is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus, and you are exhibiting those attributes in spades. My continuing prayer for all of you and for our school and church as a whole is that we be a local body of Christ always ready to step out in faith, always ready to seize opportunities as they come our way, and always ready to be found faithful — even if it means sharing in the sufferings of our Savior. I’ve said it before and I’ll repeat it: our best days are ahead of us, and I’m beyond excited about all that God is preparing in advance for us to do! I’ve been reading a great deal lately about church unity. Not because we lack unity here at St. Paul; rather, because our unity is growing — another thing for which we can pray, praise and give thanks. The truth remains, however, that church unity is lacking in too many of our churches today. Church splits, fights, and bickering are far too common. It’s important to me, therefore, to make sure everyone understands that one of my responsibilities as your pastor is to set our church and school on a trajectory that emphasizes and builds our unity in the Lord Jesus Christ. The more together we become, the more powerful we are in mission, and the more powerful we are in mission, the more impactful we will become in our work for the kingdom of God! In the space below, I’ve listed eight steps to church unity that my colleague, Dr. Thom Ranier, teaches in his workshops for congregations who want to be strong and focused together in mission. I try to incorporate these steps into everything I do here at St. Paul, and I invite you to join me as they apply to you:

1. Make prayer and Scripture the focus of corporate gatherings 2. Preach and teach about church unity 3. Put others before yourself 4. Talk to people, not about people 5. Be a part of the change you want to see 6. Stand up for the leadership of the church 7. Be willing to not get your way if it means advancing the mission 8. Don’t compare your church to the one down the street or across town Are these easy steps? Some of them…and yet others are more challenging, aren’t they! Still, being conscious of them is a great start to accomplishing them, and my prayer is that as God’s people here at St. Paul, these great traits will more and more define our ministry culture. Thanks for putting your hands to the plow, friends — we have a lot of great ground to work! Joined with you in prayer, praise and thanksgiving, Pastor Stark


If you would like to join Pastor Stark in a brief, daily video Bible study via the Internet (8-10 minutes, and you can watch the video or just read the text), simply send an email to and ask to sign up! It's simple, easy, and a great way to be in God's Word on a consistent, daily basis!


Newsletter Article from the President – May, 2015

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

Mary and I enjoy watching television reruns of our past, favorite shows. We are currently using

Netflix to view all episodes of The West Wing. Why did I share this information? Because most of

this article is a rerun of last month’s article. I want to share the same information so that you are

well aware of these items. God continues to do amazing things at and through St. Paul Lutheran

Ministries – through us! We have progressed well beyond where we began last summer. To God be

the thanks and glory! We want to share all of the good news with you during our May and June


Our staff and lay leaders continue discussing and designing our ministry plan for 2015‐16 as well as

the budget to support it. We will be asking you to approve this budget at our June 28th voters

meeting (following our 10:45 service). To provide a clear picture of our proposed ministry plan and

budget, we will offer three town hall meeting options in May to present and discuss this

information (May 17 – 3:00, May 18 – 7:00, and May 20 – 7:00). It is our desire to eliminate lengthy

discussion during our June meeting by providing these discussion opportunities in May.

We will elect our officers, board chairs, and elders in our June meeting. The current nominees will

be announced during our May meetings. Rather than accept nominations from the floor at our

June meeting, we are asking that any additional nominees be shared with Vice‐President Karla

Henke shortly following our May meetings. This will allow time to share specific information and

responsibilities with any additional nominees.

We may also ask you to approve some by‐law changes in our June meeting. These will be

introduced to you during our May meetings.

Finally, Daniel DeHoyos will be leaving us this summer. We will need to approve granting him a

peaceful release from his Divine Call to St. Paul.

It is important that you are informed and participate in our congregation’s affairs. Please join us

for our May and June meetings.

God bless,

Gordon Stuckert



mission&ministryfacilitator Do we believe AND have Faith?

This interesting question has been popping up in my mind lately as I read through the book of Matthew and listen to people at St. Paul.

We are praying that God will bless our school ministry with 175 students for the upcom-ing school year. Most of us believe that God CAN fill our school, but I sense we don’t have faith that He WILL.

We believe that God is in control and is all powerful. But we aren’t sure that He will use His power to bless our school with 175 students.

Lord grant us faith and help us in our unbelief!

Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:11, “If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”

God WANTS to give to us – good gifts – and certainly that would include the blessing of students in our school.

In Matthew 21: 2-22 Jesus says “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

Let us change our attitude and cling to the all powerful, all loving Creator of the universe. My prayer is that God would give us an extra measure of His Holy Spirit, granting us a faith that believes without doubt.

As you pray that God would bring families and students to St. Paul – pray also that your faith would in-crease. Pray for 175 students and believe that God will provide!

To God be the Glory.

Dr. Joel Dietrich

Check out

username: stpaulptc

password: 700ardenlee

No caps in any of it.


VBS is happening June 8th-12th and we need volunteers to help make this week be a success! The theme for this year is EVEREST. Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power. We need volunteers for Group Guides, Assistant Guides, Mountain Top Treats & Kid-Vid Cinema helpers, Glacier Games helpers, Bible Expeditions helpers, and Imagination Station helpers.

Please let Molly Millard know if you are able to help by email to Please include your name, email, phone number, & age (if middle school-high school aged). If you have a specific area where you know you’d like to help, please let us know and we will do our best to place you accordingly.

VBS volunteer training – for all volunteers.

Please come to 1 of these two times.

Wednesday June 3 at 7 pm in the cafeteria

Sunday June 7 at 12:15 pm in the cafeteria.


Vacation Bible School is JUNE 8th-12th


Need to be 3 by 6/8/2015 thru entering 5th grade.

Register today online at

(Click Church, What’s Happening, VBS)

Vacation Bible School Needs Your Support

Vacation Bible School takes a lot of time, talent, and treasure to pull off an incredible week of sharing the Gospel of Jesus with children. Many people are unable to volunteer to help due to work and life schedules but still want to help make VBS happen. Stop by the VBS booth in the lobby to check out our giving tree. You can support Vacation Bible School by making a donation to help us complete the tasks before us as we work to bring Jesus to our community through our children. All donations are excepted from little to big – stop by the display and find out how you can help!



THANK YOU DAN McCAULEY for taking the St. Paul Annual

Easter Picture!


May 10th


Middle School Events & High School Events

5/13 7:00-8:30pm Final Midweek Cookout

5/17 9:30am Final Breakfast Club

5/24 No Sunday School

5/27 6:00p m Senior Dinner, at Carrabba’s Italian Grill

5/31 Summer at the Movies Begins May 31st...See next page for all the movies….

youthministry May is a season of “overs”. School is over. Tutoring is over. Class is over. As my physical time at St. Paul comes to an “over” there is only one thing that matters. That students see Jesus more clearly and savor him more sweetly. He is the only thing in our lives which does not come to an “over”. He is our only constant. Therefore, the month of May will be used to focus on the fundamental truth of the Scripture. The Gospel. As one of my favorite authors John Piper puts it… "Forgiveness of sins and justification are good news because they remove obstacles to the only lasting, all-satisfying source of joy: Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is not merely the

means of our rescue from damnation; he is the goal of our salvation. If he is not satisfying to be with, there is no salvation. He is not merely the rope that pulls us from the threatening waves; he is the solid beach under our feet, and the air in our lungs,

and the beat of our heart, and the warm sun on our skin, and the song in our ears, and the arms of our beloved.

The gospel is the good news that the everlasting and ever-increasing joy of the never-boring, ever-satisfying Christ is ours freely and eternally by faith in the sin-forgiving death and hope-giving resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

Seniorhighbiblestudy 9:30-10:30am in the Youth Room. Lead by Mrs. Rochner

& Mrs. Behnke. Students will be looking at the Life of Jesus and His response to important areas of our lives. Topics include Friendships, Responsibility, and Life on Mission."

middleschoolbiblestudy 9:30-10:30am Meet in the Youth Room. Led by Daniel DeHoyos, DCE



French Fries and Peddling It’s been said that getting old is not for sissies; most senior citizens would agree. But the word “old” is really a word which is open to interpretation. Some mornings one’s body can feel much older than their birth certificate would indicate. The rain and/or other types of life’s storm clouds can certainly affect the type of day which they may anticipate. Weather has a way of affecting our bones and clouding our thinking. Our chronological age is something which we can hide behind and use as an excuse for a shady performance; or it can be utilized as an asset to be used to the glory of God. Make no mistake. Our bodies, these earthly shells, require copious maintenance. Consequently they do ‘age’. At times correction and/or replacement is in order. All too often, however, these ailing parts are out of warranty and are no longer in production. In that case, “old” may be a proper assessment. We marvel at those folks in the Old Testament who lived to be hundreds of years old. They either sinned less than we do, or else they shared ALL of their French fries. But there can also be a positive side of the story for the elderly. Just look at but a small piece of history which one “old person” has experienced firsthand. Let’s take the case of a boy child who was born in the year of our Lord 1924. On Sunday afternoon, December 7, 1941, he remembers hearing the radio news flash that Japan had attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor. The next day in his high school assembly, he sat with his friends and heard a live radio message from President Franklin D. Roosevelt in which he declared the United States to be at war. Then just a few years later, courtesy of the U.S. Marine Corps, this same son was privileged to observe history being made during the invasion of Iwo Jima in the South Pacific early in the spring of 1945. In August of the same year, he observed the awesome destructive power of the atomic bomb’s explosion in the country of Japan. Certainly another once-in-a-life-time experience! There are other vivid recollections; two concerning the life of President John F. Kennedy. Our 90 year young WWII vet recalls that he was airborne in a military jet on the afternoon when the radio flashed the heart-wrenching news that President JFK had been assassinated! This historical event came on the heels of our Commander-in-Chief’s memorable statement in his inaugural address: “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” Centuries earlier, the apostle Paul issued a similar call to Christians in the opening verses of Romans 12. Here he urges us to, “Ask not what our Church can do for us; ask rather what we can do for our Church”. (Paraphrased) At St. Paul Lutheran Church/School in Peachtree City, Pastor Paul is challenging us with the very same question concerning our Christian lives. A good Lutheran question, “what does this challenge mean?” Martin Luther would probably say, “Pray, praise and give thanks.” In response, this “old” boy-child promises that he will continue sharing his French fries all the while keeping his eyes on The Man on the front seat of the bike and peddling like crazy! To God be the glory!



The Pioneers will meet for a luncheon on May 13, 11:30, at the Broadway Diner in Fayetteville. The address is 535 S. Glynn St. Fayetteville. Join us and catch up with

what we all have been doing during April. Please let Camilla know by Sun. May 10

if you plan on attending. Camilla Reeves or 770 389-9175

Looking forward to seeing everyone.



May 25, 2014

May 17 at 10:45am Service


outreach God gave each of us a little bit of evangelism…..

Can you share your faith confidently with others? Are you just not able to speak when you have the opportunity? Many of us are intimidated about sharing our faith. Jesus told us to go and make disciples of all nations – the Great Commission. But, He did not intend for this to be a burden. God wants us to be witnesses for Jesus by the way we live our lives. We try to complicate things by thinking that we need a 12-week class on evangelism. Maybe you think that evangelism is just not your spiritual gift. But, God gave each of us a little bit of evangelism. And all He asks each of us to do is to let others see Jesus in you. People are watching how we handle the day-to-day problems, the major illnesses, the loss of a loved one. People aren’t so interested in what you say as much as they are in seeing how you apply Christian principles in your life. In other words, do you walk the talk? One very simple thing we can do is to stay positive and have a good attitude even in the middle of a crisis in our lives. Do you remember the story in the Bible about Peter walking on the water? Peter kept walking on the water as long as he stayed focused on Jesus. Once Peter looked down at the water and took his eyes off Jesus, he started to sink. If we are at peace during the storms in our own lives, people want to know how to get what we’ve got! Another example of sharing your faith is to treat people with respect no matter the circumstances. Jesus treated people with love even when they mistreated Him. Once again, people will want to know how you do it. What will you say if they ask? Forgiving others is very difficult to do. We want to hold a grudge against someone or even hope that harm may come their way. There will be times when we know that we’re right; but, being right is no reason to hurt or embarrass someone else. So, be an example. People will ask how you can be positive and calm in the midst of a storm, how your marriage is so great and strong, why your children behave so well – you’ll be ready to share! Keep a Bible or daily devotional on your desk at work. Or put candy in a St. Paul Lutheran Church mug and keep it on your desk to share with your co-workers. Ask someone to come to church with you this Sunday. The majority of unchurched people would attend a church if someone just asked them. So will you be that some-one? Lutheran Hour Ministries is offering a Personal Outreach Experience on Friday, June 19 – Sunday, June 21 at Living Faith Lutheran Church in Cumming, Georgia. This is a 3-day intensive, hands-on approach that includes Biblical study, casual role-play and optional real life experience. We can commute each day from St. Paul! And of course, there are plenty of hotels in the area, too! Welcome and orientation begins on Friday at 2:30 p.m. There is a special closing worship at noon on Sunday. The $25 early-bird registration fee covers all materials and food. Let’s learn together how to share our faith Biblically, simply and confidently. If you want more information or would like to sign up, call Billie Nichols at 770-301-0475 or email at (More info on the next page) Submitted by Billie Nichols, Co-chairman of the Outreach Committee




Ages are 4-5, 6-11 & 12-15. Weeks here at St. Paul are

June 22nd, July 6th, July 13th Contact or call 678-493-5651


May 5, 2015

Dear St. Paul Lutheran Church and School Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we close the 2014-2015 academic school year, I’d like to share some of my thoughts and impressions. It truly has been an outstanding school year! It is clearly evident we have grown as an organization, as a family, and as individuals. The students demonstrated a significant and meaningful response in understanding and responding to our theme: “I am a Child of God.” St. Paul Lutheran School is a great place to grow in faith and learn, and we have the potential for even greater success. Our goal is to provide an excellent Christian education and partner with families in becoming “more fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.” I thank God for the many blessings we have and I pray as we move forward in striving for excellence in all that we do. I also pray, we learn from our mistakes and we move forward with passion and boldness as we reach out to others, spread the Good News of Jesus Christ, and learn how to put our faith into action.

I cannot possibly thank everyone who has volunteered, contributed, or supported our school in this letter. Whether it serving on a board, volunteering in the office, coordinating and selling Scrip, coaching, leading the Frostbite 5K, organizing our annual Auction, chaperoning, serving as Room Parent, or helping out in any capacity…. I sincerely thank everyone who was able to share their time, talents, and treasures in supporting and improving our school. We simply could not operate without the support or our parents and volunteers who give with a generous and loving heart. I especially thank Mr. Gary Conlon for his unbelievable commitment. Once again, Mr. Conlon gave an incredible amount of sincere dedication to our school while serving as our PTL President. I am confident that I speak for all of us, “Gary, Job Well Done! Thank you.” I also in particular thank the parents who served with Mr. Conlon on the PTL Executive Board and all the committee chairs.

St. Paul Lutheran Church and School remain united as one ministry. It is our goal to continue to grow in harmony as we seek opportunities to grow even closer. The importance of operating as one ministry dedicated to serving God by serving each other cannot and will never be taken for granted. Please know that our school could not exist without the sacrificial giving of the members of St. Paul Lutheran Church. In addition to the gifts given towards our tuition assistance, the members of our church and school families who are not members of our church, gave over $120,000 (and increasing) toward our School Enrichment Fund. This incredible blessing has already helped us fund many of our goals and will fund significant remodeling projects this coming Summer. We also rely on the moral support and prayers of our members who believe our school is a crucial ministry of our church. Pastor Paul Stark continues to lead us in ministry as he shares his love for our staff and school consistently and sincerely. We are also thankful for our entire church and school staff, as everyone has contributed in meaningful ways. We will truly miss the following staff members who are leaving us and beginning new chapters in their lives: Mr. Daniel and Mrs. Becca DeHoyos, Mrs. Jennifer Goode, Mrs. Sheri Schaefer and Mrs. Tammy Bjugson. We pray for smooth transitions and God’s blessings to all.

We also must say farewell and God’s blessing to one of the absolute best 8th grade graduating class. As a group, they have shined bright throughout all their years at St. Paul. We will miss our 8th grade as we pray for them and say goodbye and God bless to Katelyn, Nona, Madeline, Dekoa, Casey, Merrielle, Daniel, Kelly, Blake, Nicholas, Kyle, Matthew, Alexandria, Jack, Catherine, Grace Anne, Carly, Ethan, Cameron, Tyler, and Tyler. Our 8th graders provided leadership in and outside of the classroom. God’s richest blessing to all of you and your families and thank you for making this school such a great success.

Please know that everyone who had the honor of teaching and working with the students at St. Paul Lutheran School are sincerely thankful for your commitment to Christian education. We thank you for trusting us to teach the academic lessons and to partner with you in the spiritual and moral development of your child.

I pray you have an incredible summer and find time to spend quality time with your friends and family.

In His Service,

James K. Richards




Good news from my brother, Michael. The treatment is working and there is no trace of the virus in his bloodstream! He gets to go home on Monday, the same day he begins Electrician School. He had the Flu a month ago which went into pneumonia, leaving his immune system open to the meningitis. Very thankful for all the prayers. Gianna is doing very well and has made a close friend at school. She was invited to her friend’s birthday party this weekend which she has been talking about for a month! We don’t realize how difficult moving is on our children, but God is good. Our Preschool has nearly doubled its enrollment since I arrived, from 26 to 42 and we are preparing for Summer Camp. We fed 32 families last week at our little food bank, about 85 people. This is a weekly minis-try. We have taken in 11 new members since October with other regular visitors—okay, 3 were the Maulellas! Also, the young lady who tried to commit suicide has recommitted her life to Jesus, is doing very well and will be moving closer to family soon. Linda and I walk each AM and we have cultivated relationships with many in our neighborhood. God is giving us the ability to encourage and uplift. We receive handshakes, hugs, kisses and shoulder rubs each morning. Even the canines and cats come up to us. God’s favor! We are reaching out to Jewish neighbors across the street from the church. Friendships are coming and take time. The circuit pastors are very supportive. I took the Master Gardeners’ Class and am a Certified MG in FL. What was I thinking taking a 60 hour class during Lent? Linda was patient with me and I passed with flying colors!!! Our garden is doing well with tomatoes, onions, car-rots, garlic, peppers, basil, oregano, eggplant, strawberries, etc. At home we planted banana trees, pineapples, mangoes, grapefruit, guava, and papayas. Linda is doing a great job leading our Praise Team. She helps me plan worship also and attends Beth Moore Classes at the church. She helped put together a Passover Seder Dinner which fed 180 people, many from our community. It was fabu-lous. Missed Chef Preble, but the meal was still delicious. We are not without struggle. My Administrative Assistant had surgery yesterday and is undergoing treatment for her liv-er. Many of the Snowbirds have flown north for the winter. Our head elder broke his neck about a month ago, and his wife has osteoporosis and a broken foot that is slow to heal. There is no paralysis, praise the Lord. My Gold Clergy Cross was stolen from the church vestry. It was a gift from my first congregation, about 18 years ago. We are reminded we live in a broken world and that Jesus is our only hope. We are so grateful for your prayers. God is responding according to his will. Still, we miss you all. Much Love, Pastor Rob Robert J. Maulella 713 Golfside Lane Sebring, FL 33870 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to

give hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11


Birthdays 1

Brenda Spieler


Kiara Denholm

Janice Pinkepank


Don Webb


Mike Prestidge


Chris Breeden

Debbie White

Rachel White


Seth Dietrich

Jamie Richards


Daniel DeHoyos

Dorothy Harms


Karla Henke

Steven Miller


Brenda Flegler


Randi Pinkepank


Jim Bode

Konnor Fetherston


Paul Van’t Hof


Lucas Weber


Jim & Randi Pinkepank


Joe & Jennifer Burley


Joel & Pamela Dietrich


Dan & Laura Addabbo


Randy & Lori Pinter

Don & Becky Clemens

Altar Flowers 3



By Chuck, Kelli, & Jake

Barber in celebration of

Riley’s baptismal birthday


By Randi & Jim Pinkepank in

Celebration of their 29th

Wedding anniversary


By Donna Clark, Susan & Dana Hopkins in memory of their

Beloved husband & father, Randy Clark


By Rita Janssen in memory of

Dr. Rev. Ronald H Janssen


Shauna Robertson

Natalie Spellman


Jacob Stark

Lily Tran

Ryan Yarri


Bradley Robertson


Kent Jones

Zania Meier

Heather Stroud


Jeff Steinwedel


Stephanie Meier

Kara Leigh Senger


Shelby Harwell

Ronda Schwartz


Jennifer Rochner


Pamela Dietrich

Anniversaries 11

Gary & Joanne Mellgren

Rich & Cindy Robertson


Mike & Taryn Prestidge


Paul & Jan Hudson


boardofdirectors President Gordon Stuckert

Vice-Pres. Karla Henke Secretary Andreia Chapman Treasurer Steven Miller Stewardship Jim Ruane Youth Brooke Moore Outreach Billie Nichols, Co-Chair Chris Schwartz, Co-Chair School Board Open Fellowship, Kathy Sullivan

elders Nathan Anderson John Beckman Greg Bickhart Jim Bode Brian Chapman Rick Maloney Allen Vehrs

staffleaders Paul Stark, Pastor


Dr. Joel Dietrich, Mission & Ministry Facilitator


Daniel DeHoyos, DCE , Minister to Youth


Jim Richards, School Principal


Donna Fornito, Accounting


Tammy Bjugson, Church Office Manager


Joanne Poole, School Office Manager


Bill Bonds, Custodian


Kim Langner, Eagles Landing After School Care


Lisa Cover, Marketing & Admissions Director


worshiptimes Sunday, 8:15am, Traditional Worship Sunday School/Bible Class for all ages, 9:30am Sunday, 10:45am, Contemporary Worship

contactus Church Office……………………………..770-487-0339 School Office……………………………...770-486-3545 School/Church Fax ……………………..770-692-6389 Website………………………………


CALLING ALL ST. PAUL BUSINESSES!! If you have a business, Let St. Paul

advertise for you. Call the church office at 770-487-0339 or email at

St. Paul’s Members Business Directory