Minutes -january_23_special_mtg[1]

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Transcript of Minutes -january_23_special_mtg[1]


* **rtmffiffi

Public Meeting Minutes

January 13,20157-8:30 pm

1. Meeting called to orderat 7:00 pm2- Greetings Commissioner Kathy Henderson3. Roll Call Commissioner H. Yvonne Buggs

Commissioners Present: Quorum Establisheda) Peta-Gay Lewis, 5D01 Tardy (7:15 pm)b) Keisha Shropshire,5D02 Tardy (7:08 pm)c) Adam Roberts, 5D03 Presentd) Bemice Blacknell, 5D04 Presente) Kathy Henderson, 5D05 Presentf) Yvorure Buggs, 5D06 Tardy (7:08 pm)g) Clarence Lee, 5D07 Present

4. Public Safety Report Commander Lt. Derek Gray

Officers will continue to go door-to-door d literature and will increase visible patrolsOfficer Light and Officer Smith were applauded for their heroic actions; disarmed youththat allegedly tried to commit suicide by police; youth linked to a carjacking

5. Administrative Mattersa) Treasurer's Report Commissioner Kathy Henderson

Beginning balance $48,525.02; checks cleared: 150 for $17.00, 151 for $?.10, 149 for$27.26,225 for$162.97,227 for $108.30, 146 for $44.20,226for $34.98, l44for$18.49,230for57.94,145 for$7.15,229for $7.15,228for $4.81, 147 forS4.77,223for$4.54, 222for $3.90, 224 for $1.24, 154 for $442.00,153 for $300.00, 152 for $68.90,155 for $15.95, 157 for $15.12, 156 for $14.36, 141 for $505.40, 142for254.30,148 for$82.99, 143 for$33.96, 173 for$51.63, 174for94.21,175 for 5252.05,176for $10.95Ending Balance $46,3 60.04Motion to approve Treasurer's report: Kathy Henderson, seconded by; approved 4-0-3

Motion to reimburse Henderson for $25.00 for refreshments for December meeting;Motion made by Henderson, seconded by LewisLernis; approved 4-0-3-

b) Approval of December 9,2014 Minutes Commissioner Kathy HendersonMotion to approve: Kathy Henderson, seconded by Lewis; approved 4-0-3

6. Election of Officers:

Jason Caddell Conducted Election:


Commissioner Henderson nominated by Commissioner Lewis and seconded byCommissioner Henderson. Commissioner Roberts nominated by Commissioner Blacknelland seconded by Commissioner Roberts. Nominations closed on the two candidates. Bothcandidates gave a statement as to why they believe they were best suited for the position.

After their statements, Comrnissioner Henderson arlnounced that Commissioner Robertswas not eligible to vote because he had no proof of having been swom in. CommissionerRoberts showed proof in the form of signed official swearing-in form withCouncilmember Kenyan McDuffre's and Commissioner Ro6erts' dated signatures

Commissioner Shropshire moved to postpone the elections to a later date in the month ofJanuary citing the Bylaws, Article IV, Section 2, which states, "The election shall takeplace in January of each year.o'Commissioner Henderson ruled the motion out of order.

Commissioner Lee moved to have the election moved to another date within the month ofJanuary. Commissioner Henderson denied the motion and said that the Commissionersshould read Roberts Rules of Order to gain knowledge of why their motion was out oforder. Commissioner Lee asked Commissioner Henderson when she became aware thatCommissioner Roberts had not been swom in. Commissioner Henderson responded, "Atthis time, the meeting agenda has been properly posted, everything is in order and thereare nominations on the floor. I am sorry that Mr. Roberts didnot do his due diligenceupon his return from Thailand."

Commissioner Henderson instructed Mr. Caddell to move on to nominations for ViceChairperson.

Commissioner Lee moved for a vote, "Can I ask a question? Can we move to have avoice vote for the candidacy of chairman? Can we liave a voice vote, so the public canhear how we feel about the vote?"

Commissioner Henderson conducted a roll call vote. The votes were cast as follows:

Lewis 'oI vote for Commissioner Henderson"Shropshire "f abstain"Blacknell "Abstain"Henderson "Enthusiastic yes"Buggs: "Abstain"Lee o'I abstain"

Commissioner Henderson called on Commissioner Roberts and then replied"Commissioner Roberts? Oh, I'm sorryo you can't vote. Sorry."

Vice Chairperson:

Henderson nominated Peta-Gay Lewis, seconded by LewisClarence Lee nominated himself, Buggs seconded

Nominations closed on two candidates: Lewis received 2 votes, Lee received 4 votes


Henderson nominated herself, Buggs seconded

Keisha Shropshire nominated herself, seconded by Blacknell; Henderson received 2

votes; Shropshire received 4 votes


Henderson nominated Blacknell, she declinedHenderson nominated Buggs, seconded by Lewis; received 6 votes


Bernice Blacknell nominated by Henderson, seconded by Lewis; received 6 votes

New Officers:

Chairperson Kathy HendersonVice Chairperson Clarence LeeTreasurer Keisha ShropshireSecretary H. Yvonne BuggsParliamentarian Bernice Blacknell

7. Pepco/Exelon Merger Pepco Vice President, Marc Battle (arrived aftermeeting adjourned)

People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous Frye

People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous Frye gave presentation: Exelon/Pepco merger willlikely result in rate increase for consumers; 6-8 billion dollar acquisition; all4jurisdictions must approve before merger can be actualized; merger will result inExelon/Pepco having 10 million customers; shareholders will receive a25Yo premium onthe shares they own; Pepco has received 4 rate increasss within 7 years; Exelon has been

active in blocking solar energy initiatives by consumers

Henderson made a motion to oppose the merger, seconded by Lewis; passed 6-0

8- Level2 Development Presentation Todd Christensen and TeamGave overview of project; asked for guidance regarding inclusion of a parkHenderson asked for a "sen$e of the Commission" vote regarding inclusion of a parkLee opposed park; 5 support inclusion of a park; Henderson asked developer to return tothe Commission with development plans

9. Announcements10. Adjournmut: 8:48 pm



Public Meeting Minutes

January 13,20157-8:30 pm

1. Meeting called to orderat 7:00 pm2- Greetings Commissioner Kathy Henderson3. Roll Call Commissioner H. Yvonne Buggs

Commissioners Present: Quorum Establisheda) Peta-Gay Lewis, 5D01 Tardy (7:15 pm)b) Keisha Shropshire,5D02 Tardy (7:08 pm)c) Adam Roberts, 5D03 Presentd) Bemice Blacknell, 5D04 Presente) Kathy Henderson, 5D05 Presentf) Yvonne Buggs, 5D06 Tardy (7:08 pm)g) Clarence Lee, 5D07 Present

4. Public Safety Report Commander Lt. Derek Gray

Officers will continue to go door-to-door w/ literature and will increase visible patrolsOfficer Light and Officer Smith were applauded for their heroic actions; disarmed youththat allegedly tried to commit suicide by police; youth linked to a carjacking

5. Administrative Mattersa) Treasurer's Report Commissioner Kathy Henderson

Beginning balance $48,525.02; checks cleared: 150 for $17.00, 151 for $?.10, 149 for527 .26, 225 for $162.97, 227 for $ 1 08.30, | 46 for $44.20, 226 for $34.98, I 44 for$18.49,230for$7.94,145 for$7.15,229for $7.15,228for $4.81, 147 for$.4.77,223for$4.54, 222for $3.90, 224 for $1.24, 154 for 9442.00,153 for $300.00, 152for $68.90,155 for $15.95, 157 for $15.12, 156 for $14.36, 141 for $505.40, 142 for 254.30,148 for$82.99, 143 for$33.96, 173 for$51.63, 174for94.21,175 for 5252.05,176for $10.95Ending Balance $46,3 60.04Motion to approve Treasurer's report: Kathy Henderson, seconded by; approved 4-0-3

Motion to reimburse Henderson for $25.00 for refreshments for December meeting;Motion made by Henderson, seconded by LewisLernis; approved 4-0-3-

b) Approval of December 9,2A14 Minutes Commissioner Kathy HendersonMotion to approve: Kathy Henderson, seconded by Lewis; approved 4-0-3

6. Election of Officers:

Jason Caddell Conducted Election:


Commissioner Henderson nominated by Commissioner Lewis and seconded byCommissioner Henderson. Commissioner Roberts nominated by Commissioner Blacknelland seconded by Commissioner Roberts. Nominations closed on the two candidates. Bothcandidates gave a statement as to why they believe they were best suited for the position.

After their statements, Comrnissioner Henderson arlnounced that Commissioner Robertswas not eligible to vote because he had no proof of having been swom in. CommissionerRoberts showed proof in the form of signed official swearing-in form withCouncilmember Kenyan McDuffre's and Commissioner Ro6erts' dated signatures

Commissioner Shropshire moved to postpone the elections to a later date in the month ofJanuary citing the Bylaws, Article IV, Section 2, which states, "The election shall takeplace in January of each year.o'Commissioner Henderson ruled the motion out of order.

Commissioner Lee moved to have the election moved to another date within the month ofJanuary. Commissioner Henderson denied the motion and said that the Commissionersshould read Roberts Rules of Orderto gain knowledge of why their motion was out oforder. Commissioner Lee asked Commissioner Henderson when she became aware thatCommissioner Roberts had not been swom in. Commissioner Henderson responded, "Atthis time, the meeting agenda has been properly posted, everything is in order and thereare nominations on the floor. I am sorry that Mr. Roberts didnot do his due diligenceupon his return from Thailand."

Commissioner Henderson instructed Mr. Caddell to move on to nominations for ViceChairperson.

Commissioner Lee moved for a vote, "Can I ask a question? Can we move to have avoice vote for the candidacy of chairman? Can we liave a voice vote, so the public canhear how we feel about the vote?"

Commissioner Henderson conducted a roll call vote. The votes were cast as follows:

Lewis 'oI vote for Commissioner Henderson"Shropshire "f abstain"Blacknell "Abstain"Henderson "Enthusiastic yes"Buggs: "Abstain"Lee o'I abstain"

Commissioner Henderson called on Commissioner Roberts and then replied"Commissioner Roberts? Oh, I'm sorrlto you can't vote. Sorry."

Vice Chairperson:

Henderson nominated Peta-Gay Lewis, seconded by LewisClarence Lee nominated himself, Buggs seconded

Nominations closed on two candidates: Lewis received 2 votes, Lee received 4 votes


Henderson nominated herself, Buggs seconded

Keisha Shropshire nominated hersele seconded by Blacknell; Henderson received 2

votes; Shropshire received 4 votes


Henderson nominated Blacknell, she declinedHenderson nominated Buggs, seconded by Lewis; received 6 votes


Bernice Blacknell nominated by Henderson, seconded by Lewis; received 6 votes

New Officers:

Chairperson Kathy HendersonVice Chairperson Clarence LeeTreasurer Keisha ShropshireSecretary H. Yvonne BuggsParliamentarian Bernice Blacknell

7. Pepco/Exelon Merger Pepco Vice President, Marc Battle (arrived aftermeeting adjoumed)

People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous Frye

People's Counsel Sandra Mattavous Frye gave presentation: Exelon/Pepco merger willlikely result in rate increase for consumers; 6-8 billion dollar acquisition; all4jurisdictions must approve before merger can be actualized; merger will result inExelon/Pepco having 10 million customers; shareholders will receive a25Yo premium onthe shares they own; Pepco has received 4 rate increasss within 7 years; Exelon has been

active in blocking solar energy initiatives by consumers

Henderson made a motion to oppose the merger, seconded by Lewis; passed 6-0


8. LeveD DevelopmentFrescntation Todd Christen*en and TesmGave overview of project; asked for guidanee regarding inslusion o-f a parkHondersCIn asked for a "sense of the C.ommisgiorrl''wte regarding inelu*ion o.f a @tee opposed pad<; S gup?prt inclusiron of a pa*; Herderson a*d developer to ref,rn tothe Comriis,sion wrth dwelopment plens

9. Announcments10. Adjcurnment 8;48 pm"


***mrwEnPublic Special Meeting Minutes

January 23,20157-7:30 pm

1. Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.2. Greetings Chairperson Henderson3. Roll Call Chairperson Henderson

Commissioners Present: Quorum established with 4 commissioners present

r Peta-Gay Lewis - 5D01 Tardy (7:03 pm)r Keisha Shropshire , Treasurer - 5D02 Presento Adam Roberts - 5D03 Presento Bernice Blacknell, Parliamentarian - 5D04 Present. Kathy Henderson, Chairperson - 5D05 Presento Yvonne Buggs, Secretary - 5D06 Absento Clarence Lee, Vice Chairperson * 5D07 Tardy (7:14 pm)

4. ANC Securify Fund Participation

Commissioner Henderson asked Commissioner Shropshire to, as the Treasurer, make amotion to support the ANC Security Fund ("Fund"). Commissioner Shropshire made amotion to vote on whether to support the Fund. Chairperson Henderson seconded themotion. Commissioner Roberts made a point of order asking the Chairperson to restatethe motion before voting. Commissioner Henderson stated "the motion is for the ANC5D to participate in the ANC Security Fund", and voting then proceeded. The motionfailed 2-3-0, with Commissioners Henderson and Lewis voting for and CommissionersShropshire, Roberts and Blacknell voting against. Commissioner Lee arrived at7:14 pmafter the vote and Commissioner Buggs was absent.

5. Adjournment at 7:09 p.m.

Following adjournment of the meeting, community members in attendance asked a seriesof questions. The meetingwas not fficially re-convened, but Commissioners andcommunity members held a brief discussion, as outlined below.

o Former Commissioner Elise Bernard, 5808, asked for additional discussionregarding participation in the Fund, commenting on its importance and thealternative surety bond. Bernard went on to express her view that the "default

should be to participate", that "you have some othor stuffthat you're trying todeal with" and that'othere is not enough time to schedule another meeting beforethe deadline".

Commissioner Henderson replied "we will not be able to spend any money at thistime, there is an opportunity for this commission to revisit this issue at anothertime, but since we did not meet the deadline we will not have the opportunity tocall a special meeting with enough time to adhere to the January 30th deadline, sowe will not be able to write any checks.'

Commissioner Roberts replied "I wanted to clear up the question about theJanuary 30e deadline; it ii an administrative deadline, there is no statutoryrequirement that we participate in the fund by the 30tr. It is my intention ihat,once a number of other things have been cleared up, that I would like to see usparticipate in the fund. At this point I'rn uncomfortable voting for that given aquestionable vote for the position of chair, and probably more importantly thetransition process from the old treasurer to the new treasurer that is currentlypending. Part of that process is that the new treasurer has the opporfunity toreview past financial statements; part of participating in the security fund isaccepting liability for activity that is currently pending."

Commissioner Lewis replied."I'm not kying to be combative at all, but I got anemail saying that January 30tr was the deadiine to have the paperwork in. I'm notcleat on any other issues saying that we shouldn't have our paperwork in by thatdate...we need to participate in the security fund."

Ms. Mann shared that the meeting had been previously adjourned", and thatanything that happens here is not official. Mann then asked what upcomingchecks we need to write, or what checks are pending.

Commissioner Henderson replied "what you have heard today are inferences thatare not based on fact, what you're hearing is based on a personal agenda ofindividual(s) that are looking for leadership positions...there are no issues ofmalfeasance. As the outgoing treasurer,I was supposed to hand ofldocuments tothe DC Auditoros office today at4pmthat has been rescheduled to Monday at4pm. The auditor's office will schedule a meeting with Ms. Shropshire, train her,and give her the documents. Everything is in order, there are no problems, there isno malfeasance...thank you for coming out, this has been an interestingdiscussion...I look forward to the new commissioners, no, rather, all thecommissioners getting hained...I understand the new treasurer has taken on aposition about which she knows nothing about, she's not been trained, she has noidea of what's been going on."

r Commissioner Honderson recapped that there was no other business before thebody, and th,at the motion to participate in the Security Fund had failed.

Respectftrlly Submitted By,