Mini Projectr

Post on 01-Oct-2015

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Transcript of Mini Projectr

  • Mini Project Briefing

    Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Centre for Foundcation Studies, PJ201309 & 2013101

  • (1) Hands on presentation (4%)

    (2) Poster presentation (4%)

    Total (8%)

    Pre run students can conduct during Pre run students can conduct during practical lab (the 2nd hour) after the weekly practical topics has been completed.


  • (1) 201309 (14 weeks)

    Hand on presentation - week 11

    during practical lab

    Poster presentation - week 12, PD011

    during practical time


  • (2) 201310 (12 weeks)

    Hand on presentation - week 10

    during practical lab

    Poster presentation - week 11, PD011, during practical time


  • (A) Hands on presentation (4%)

    Time allocation : 1 hour 15 minutes

    Marks Allocation: Material Methods 12M Results 6M Team work 2M Team work 2M Total 20M


    1) Allocation of marks are subject to change

    2) Lecturer will also give marks during the trial run preparation (weekly)


  • (B) Poster presentation (4%)

    Time allocation : 6 minutes

    Each group will be given a mobile soft board to display their poster

    Mahjung paper will be provided (in week 6) Mahjung paper will be provided (in week 6)

    Board pin/log tape will be provided

    Students may print on A4 paper and stick on to the mahjung paper


  • (B) Poster presentation (4%) Poster Format

    Title Include team members name refer sample

    Objective Introduction Materials & Methods Materials & Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Reference

    Font type Arial Font size up to the student to adjust Poster example refer to attached file


  • (B) Poster presentation (4%) Marks Allocation:

    Format (Title, Objective Introduction, Material & Methods, Results) 5M

    Discussion 5M Conclusion 1M Conclusion 1M Reference 1M Overall presentation (verbally) 6M Overall presentation (poster) 4M Team work 2M Total 24M

    Note: Allocation of marks are subject to change


  • (B) Poster presentation (4%)

    Attire Formal


  • Good luck!!!
