Mentor Masterclass Self-Discovery Week... Self-Discovery Worksheet #4 Mentor Masterclass...

Post on 14-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Mentor Masterclass Self-Discovery Week... Self-Discovery Worksheet #4 Mentor Masterclass... Self-Discovery Worksheet #4

Mentor Masterclass Self-Discovery Week Worksheet for Day 4 – The “V” of R.S.V.P., Verify & Validate

Part 1: Getting Started Today you’re going to verify & validate what you’ve learned so far.

One of the ways to do this is to put yourself out there and share what you’ve learned with even more people. We spend a lot of time working on this in Mentor Masterclass because it’s one of the most important steps you can take to grow your business.

Another way to validate what you’ve learned is to look for role models and examples of other people who are doing the very same thing. By doing this, you can compare notes and nurture the learning process even more. And that’s what you’re going to do today.

Today’s self-discovery exercise is going to introduce you to a few of the mentors inside Mentor Masterclass. You’re going to validate what you’ve already learned this week by looking at how these mentors are doing the very same things themselves.

You’ll be visiting their websites and taking a first-hand look at who they are, and how they’re engaging the world as coaches sharing their unique gifts. And, more importantly, you’ll see how they’re showing up as their full, authentic selves using the very same tools you’ve worked with this week.

After you visit their websites, you’ll use today’s worksheet to help you reflect on your experience meeting them. This will help you verify what you’ve already learned because you’ll see how the mentors are doing the very same thing, in their own unique ways. Self-Discovery Worksheet #4

Part 2: Today’s Self-Discovery Activity Learn from Role Models & Validate Your Own Great Work

You’re about to meet three exceptional mentors and role models. They’re part of the twelve core mentors inside my signature coach training program, Mentor Masterclass. (Which I’ll tell you more about soon.)

All three of these mentors are practicing what you’ve learned so far this week:

• Self-Care: Taking care of yourself is one of the most important habits you can have. Especially if you want to become successful as a coach (or mother, or teacher, or business owner, or leader, etc.). It’s important to make self-care a top priority. Otherwise, over the long run, you’ll have very little left to give.

• The “R” of RSVP – Reflect & Restore: The most important relationship you can have as a coach is a relationship with yourself. Inside the signature coach training program, we call this “Walking Your Talk.” When we use the coaching tools like a mirror to reflect the focus onto ourselves, we go through the personal growth and transformation that turns us into better coaches, better business owners, and better leaders. When we do this, we restore our true potential.

• The “S” of RSVP – Share: Through the act of sharing and being of service, we give others the chance to discover new and meaningful insights about their lives. When we do this, we often discover more about ourselves as well. Sharing is a great confidence builder because the more confident we feel about our coaching skills, the easier it gets to show up as our authentic selves, get more clients, and be of even greater service. Self-Discovery Worksheet #4

You may recognize Kate because she is the best-selling author of Money: A Love Story, Untangle Your Financial Woes and Create the Life You Really Want. Her work has been featured by The Today Show, Yahoo! Finance, Women’s Health, Glamour, and The Huffington Post and she’s spoken to audiences of thousands with Hay House, Wanderlust, USANA Health Sciences, and more.

Kate built her thriving business on the same important habit you learned about on day one – self-care. According to Kate, to reach the level of success she has achieved, she stays grounded and takes care of herself first. She even teaches mothers and busy women how to “Do Less to Achieve More”.

Kate has a great way of “connecting the dots” between self-care and financial success as a coach. She says you have to be energetically full in order to have something wholesome to give to your clients.

We’re not living in truth when we tell our clients to “take good care of themselves” but we don’t give ourselves the same nurturing and care.

Visit Kate Northrup’s website here.

Danielle LaPorte is an invited member of Oprah’s Super Soul 100, a group who, in Oprah Winfrey’s words, “is uniquely connecting the world together with a spiritual energy that matters.” She is author of White Hot Truth: Clarity for keeping it real on your spiritual path—from one seeker to another. The Fire Starter Sessions, and The Desire Map: A Guide To Creating Goals With Soul—the book that has been translated into 8 languages, evolved into a yearly day planner system, a top 10 iTunes app, and an international workshop program with licensed facilitators in 15 countries.

Meet Danielle LaPorte

Meet Kate Northrup Self-Discovery Worksheet #4

Named one of the “Top 100 Websites for Women” by Forbes, millions of visitors click to her website every month for her daily #Truthbombs and what’s been called “the best place online for kickass spirituality.”

A speaker, a poet, a painter, and a former business strategist and Washington-DC think tank exec, Entrepreneur Magazine calls Danielle, “equal parts poet and entrepreneurial badass…edgy, contrarian…loving and inspired.” She lives in Vancouver, BC with her favorite philosopher, her son.

The women inside Mentor Masterclass love Danielle’s approach to coaching and leadership because it’s based on self-acceptance. Loving yourself and valuing your unique talent, energy, and way of doing things.

In fact, one of the things Danielle teaches inside the program is that finding and loving your own personal uniqueness is one of the keys to becoming a great coach. Because once we find and know the core of who we are, we can then more clearly see and help the clients we’re meant to serve.

But there’s only one way this can happen. What is it? It’s by using what you learned on day two. The “R” of the RSVP process – to Reflect & Restore. Danielle took what she discovered about herself and used it for personal growth and transformation. This made her a better writer, better business owner, and better leader. By doing this, she restored her true potential.

Visit Danielle’s website here.

Nisha is a very special person in my life because she is my OWN personal mentor, turned soul sister and close friend.

Danielle LaPorte, says, "Nisha brings a feminine twist to everything she teaches and touches — an inclusive, sensual kind of wisdom that’s just what we need to round out our ambitions."

Meet Nisha Moodley Self-Discovery Worksheet #4

Nisha’s approach is based in her belief that the world will be set free by women who are ALREADY FREE themselves – and that sisterhood is the key to women helping other women become free.

Nisha is my role model because she took her own struggles with emotional eating, shopping addiction, and workaholism and turned them into her own unique approach to supporting other ambitious women so they can find true freedom in their lives.

This is the core essence of what you learned on day three. The “S” of RSVP – to Share. Nisha took what she learned and then built a business around sharing it with others.

Visit Nisha’s website here.

Validate Your Self-Discovery Work Spend some time on each of the mentors’ websites.

Read their Home pages and their About pages. Scroll through the testimonials. Maybe read a few blog posts, or click on any links you feel drawn to.

Definitely look at the pictures throughout their websites so you can see how their personalities shine through.

Now answer these questions:

How does the concept of self-care show up in these mentors’ lives and businesses?

Each of the mentors needed to reflect on her own life so she could use new insights to help her clients. From your perspective, how has each of the mentors done this in her own unique way? Self-Discovery Worksheet #4

Each of the mentors shares her gifts and insights from a place of authenticity. As you look at the three different examples, describe what really stands out for you with each mentor. What resonates with you in the way she shares her gifts? How does this inspire you to find your own unique way to share your gifts while being of service to others?

How would working with these mentors inside Mentor Masterclass help you become more confident and effective as a coach and business owner?

Right on, Sister! Well done!

Today’s self-discovery activity is one you can share and experience in sisterhood. If you desire to lean into sisterhood and mentor support today, with a fully open heart, I invite you to join us in The Self-Discovery & Wake Up Wednesday Sisterhood private FB group. Everyone goes through the Self-Discovery Week at their own pace and this process at different times in their lives. In this group, you'll have access to me and other sisters who have gone through this process. Tag me @JeannineYoder if you'd like me to witness you on your self-discovery journey. When you open up to receptivity, you increase your ability to be seen and supported. I look forward to hearing about your experience with today’s self-discovery activity inside our sisterhood. Tomorrow’s self-discovery activity is fun (and easy!). Make sure to watch your inbox! Self-Discovery Worksheet #4

Just a Gentle Nudge…

You know what’s coming next, don’t you. ;-) Just a gentle nudge to make sure and give yourself a dose of self-care today.

à Spend at least 5 minutes in stillness. à For added benefit, chose another loving self-care activity from the list.