mei 03 19 001access

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Transcript of mei 03 19 001access

/ . I I I


( '

· O Dr ti~t·= i] no ;;~ 11, fEWl to the ra.r anese empero~-~e~;e:~; 1;: ?-_\ - - .:. other fureign so-vere i gnty, power ·,

0 0/p ~\'. 0 0 0 ::: / i~ ?r organi~~tion'?" Questi on =::c3, .ii ·.:: • · 11.R.A., Rov.

· "Fix u:p the g_uestionnaire for the Je.:p conc-entre.tion .camps ; ask them i:t' they're loyal to th·e u.s. 11 --and so the form must have been wri t·~en in IO seconds of an ' afternoon in an office in Washington D. C., te.lety'J:)ed and sent to the 10 · rel·jcat ion comps in the West. .Ul$g±~e---United. States--. Did the I person uho p1u•Q.3ed that q_ttes i:,i,c n ask h' i .mself rui:.d r .eo.ll. y try. . to understand wnat he was asl<;;i:i:i.g·: Did h e a~ :hi~e .. lf wnat allegiance means, what Untcd StF'..,.t@os' mee.n&:? rt li;e did, h e could not .have a,sked this qlie:lltiou ligh tlr·,. f .~r - '&ltis q;wcia-ti on c'J.Il only be ll.skad humbly, nnd o:c.l(i<-. to cne' s Cr"Q'.l'.

Loyalty doesn't metin' S0.~'lllg 11 :y'\S:i?;i Or Hi:.0 11 > Cl' ~tending one's hand to the flag, or ;mti~;i.·llg a hc:.t or stn~•ding up nhon one hears the "3tnr_ 8.:pangl.ed 3nnr·e:v"; ai1yone ca.n do these things. No, loyalty has t o be in our h..e&rts our

I .t.neoories; it has to be iri our fi h+e .a::d in our bmos . Loy-alty c rrom having lived i r.. .A.;n.orica, ...and .llav'..Jlf; l.f\fed deeply.

Loyalty lies in our mom.Gries of having gc.irn to schoo l cc.rrying our lm1chcs in cut p lug cm::.s; i n the boyhood or shinny and marbles .nnd Indian fights; cf baseball in tho sprin.g and :football in the rail; cf fights o.ftcr sch ~: ol in-side tense hus...J.ied Circles; Of the joys Of VO.leritin e s gi VOil burning checks. It lie::; in tho memories of a.lgcbrc. c.nd, oi' uor.k shop ond pc.rticiplcs :,nd gerunds.

Loyalty c cmes from ·tho i'riendG i1C in our h&."'.rts, ( Ccn t. en Page J 9 )



(()\ 0 lfJ . 4. !/}~ !v~f;!g11~116~~~-~. ~~~~--:;e p'etite ni(!/ VOL. I NO . 9 _- APRI L , 1 ?43

'i:rni miss on ~'Publ ishe d monthl y by the Infor mation the cover i s

, .. . ,_,;,., the ere-a ti ort ~·· ~, ·{'Jt of ~ {ygoalicr_ i f'/l .. ,c_"iii:~ yu}- i o C"'dl'"i f'.;~~~! "T~;re ' ; ~o~ 1 1 thi n g I c ant

d.o ," he s peaks modest -l y of h i mself • . Hi s dy-nwriic V'3 r S:3.tili ty r 3:s.-s oh abl y justifies his self- confidence .

Cur write s que ntly

pr odi gy draws , col umns frd-

quot e d, aud frS.s -~.:tolen s cefo-: s in

. one of · r e cent Li t t l0 Theater Produ~ti cns .

If anyt riing is mor e intrigu i ng and i nt e r -esting t taL proce~ and

_poems of men a:id wome n, i t YS a p2r sonnlity ·.Jke t ch o~ s omeor..e close to us.. ·we picke d f or t he n isa i Of t he oont~ Micke y Tanaka , Tule an swing mas s tro .

To vvr i t e ·· abou t the band 10ader , we assign -e d h'j_s admiring pr o t s -ge , s cft - spoken , dr um-mer Bryan Maye da .

dept ., \'J', R. A., N0 v;e ll , Cal i f. George Nakamura , aditor; Dick Kurihara , a r t odi-:; or; Mas I nada , J arras ~.iatsuo and Yu.:.:i o Ozak i , art s taff and -_ .: .rl'y !=:'~-:: .i£:£'~~:~~ti· !::_-.. .. ~t;r'.4'.i•J.< :=;;;;.:;::====== ~ . A PR i L SH 0 W E J<. S .. . "

Yuid o Ozaki (Cov e r)

''QUESTION 28 "' Shuji Ki ;nura

M-A N D Y 'S DP.. E A M F'cm1L Hi j i l:::ata .. • .• 2

YOPl-"\ E R 5 IN CA MP Ym·t Kobukat a 1hry } Sakai Lorra ine Takayama .• 4

BAND LE.4DE !~ Bryan Mayeda . •••••• 9

BACHELOJ<S ' QUA.RTE.~ . GBorga N~kamura . • • 11

POULTRY FARM Makot o Kobukat a •• • 12

l OC I< I NG 13 A C J< Toko Fu jii. . . ••. . • 15

Cc incidence do h appe n ! I t Mary Sa~ai dir0cts clothing c l asse s i n the Adult i:duca tion O.e :;)t. Lorra ine Tal:ayc-... :na is Block 1 6 manage r ' s s Pcr e tary .

wa s t o our sur~ri~~ tb l~ ..:;.rn · tln t t::. Kobukat a of the ppul-try farm is Yuri 7 s dad .

_,,,.. .. TH£ S lCJRY Of A. N'EG RO .,!OMAN A f';tD HER G L 10PS ::

fi·~ f ' F--0 ~~UR E

....,,;;;.. ·a •,e c·''E····h-' ""fo ,. """·r: ,., . .., .• ...,l'i "'A f:' lo,...-1"' 1f;.r: r· l... J.. CJ....Q...J. .i. ... :;..t l..,i..v"-' ~ \ _..'J:'.""V..:. .... , ... ).u ...,_ ...,. f.-..1-;j .

"Get ur , nis;g~r~n A.rJ:i.ia..l l Rallk:>J y<:•1_:_,;;it . ~Go~ tl,P r n d co;:ue l.) r ... \,.... ~~. 'n p~. ,, _Li_.. __ ._, •

Mi:md.y ge t · __ .:p slo;;rl y ... :t:er ;:·1hi:·<.?. t~id:/ "t;:£~ 1 :t-a f:.~;:::.~ :ful. ex-· i:1ectctio:r. . S0\1b j_ng 8fl:t"tL7, &he ... ~ .0'.efl. tei;.-;.;,~4 11e:i." l4ds·Lc ~, . !".er ritops c.e:w hesi t :e1t allil unstea"l.y , £-Let' head wa bowed er-d .h3r frightene d eyes \mre f h:c.<l. ·t,.tpou the :floui'~

"I ' r.i !'lere to i7arn you , !ifG..U.'1y. If I ever o.atch you loa:t'ing u-e;ain , I 1 11 glv3 :;cu a:.ic tl-~01" beJ.·!;i n.g . roxt time ) I 1 l l t?21 ycn::r :rj_-~;erabl0 l~lack ak i n Ll u:.:i . L'fet it?" Tho sn:.all , d.ila.!:Jidr~tod shuck .shook ~nd s:Ceol( a .g c::t th JU s angry mrds . ·

"Yo.sBul: , t:a:Jca :::i.a.:11~L~ , 1::.1 g e ts it, tut A,.11 didn ' t moan t o loo:f t odc.y . Ah gots so tlrou , Ah jes 1 hadd.(!' res ' a ;11Lils . 1Jl dic:lL't rr.:.CC }l t o lon.f . ilc:ieG 1 i\1cs---a

11Shut up ! I clon!t TiCJ1t an y 6f your c" •. "mn excuses . You ' re cin e ar;.d ·:;hen ycu'ro s up::; o sod to nark , I -;p,::~1t you to -;;.nrk . _.Und.c:c.stnd?a

11Yassull , but r,:n.s sc. , .Ah 1 s such o. po 1 , ol ' ---11

Mandy hc.d stopped spoo1:. i ng for hor rr.8.::.;tor hnd s tc.r ·;;ed for the door .. T:t.e door closed ;Tl fu iJJl resounding o::rne:; . L~ru;.dy turned 2-"1.d v<lkod tm:~n·d her lrnd .

~~he sun ha.d j gu1f the d o.Ld t he d c.rlrne;;s

surroundi rig&.. 'Iho chirpL1g of 1-.,2d. cor.:ir:.iencod .. to· en -C Ti cl:;:o t .:J

• • H J Ol.J~Gu. tho

, ._ ' I

l ., ;i;:I).. !

·- •7 ,f ello , your name , · p l ease?" . IJ J; r<>n rhr """' -. ,., 'l- ;- 1 }· ~; l i·~ -fi,.·. ·u·.:·. ~.\ . -.... ... ~., .:.>C." . u u c.1.. - ., ""-'-'- - ..J.O .• . • "''' ._-c·, 1 b o-" 'J' e l··r-." . ' ~ ~, ':' ..L v.1. .... ~. : _,, .lV.L • ,

_ .-~ : ~ar:a.s ... ----1v~o.ndJ'r, Jor1_..e·s, D-Lll'l . tr

troe3 i n a boouti.ful 1 qcr-:i'0rti::i 1:: e~w­rus, but Iv'c..ndy 113_y k:.!...".:· .. ;,<; :.:: ·,:1 . • :,:· it . ~.lw.'1iiy.bock,~ r...: ·l .-i'1.d l:·c.:: .J::.;:-od .c:gain .for sl c::;p ~ :: . :::(Ji:'(l , i)~~ ~ it would not c cmo . S~c stirred , sb.o g1~02:r"'o<l , sho. e;ri r.:o c cd • . H ~r strong , :;fu.;i. te. tooth cou l d be seen cl_cn.cl1od. da.rknGSS .

in.:r:in i n tho .

; :1 J ¢ s.h , :ploc..s~_..gO-'GDd find r:c."::..'tl;;· Jones ' r e c o r d . Hurry now. u

n-fos zlr,,;. S:l.i ·n·t ·pctOr ,~;~ Jo s n _ 1'C>pli0d . . . , . . . .. . : . .

n-:;~-:..:.ul , :plec. s e e;o an d· find. t to L::rd . 11

~-\ ; ... •. ~; . . ·,. .~

il y~., s sir , Po't·c-'r:," 11 Pc:..ul~' f

~skod .

~ ho :-_ iD t . l:o. d ::.lroo..dy c1:6- · 1i:Sc::. dis is. :r-:o b'.)i n , s l.±t ?" l1 plated :t1:J.lf of i tS j atiril_6·~~ ~ 0 ~1a:t,tS r i gh-t , iv?.:xid::r •;i"r __ ~; .~ ··: I .A strc:nt;o , nobl11.cus si1onco .. h::ul sott l cJ. o-ror t:10 l.n:-1d.. Tho !f /ldf!c :!-13. l.1C!lrdy ;'o r: i'o co .:'d , : wind o.nd _.trio. crick ets h a.d s ·e t- ~'i:fl ii;r;.1nrL~·ycu , 'Josh .' 1 . : .- .c:: tlo9. do7.'E: f o r . t~-:8 night . Sleop' -- fj 1 · iicc::i c. · d o:i, · .. Snii'i.t ~ Pe-t·8r , ~ii fina lly_ r. o~o _to Iv1G.:-1dy . J;;.1 you ' r o locl-:i 1ig migllty 1tf:i l l' eerie, $.:..sft of light its yourself . it 1;0..y fr cm t.10 i-~oc.vons n.n d co.ctcd · ''Tl1c:.nk yo u. Pc..ul said . t h n. t o. :u. ho.19 about M:::.ndy ' s . A y·:u 110.ntGd t c sco l'Cc , " t l10 .Lo.rd smile of ho.p:p i~:.oss u:id '~oh -be­ing flic};ered on her cou...'1.tonunce ·

s2id. " Yes , lord ~ ·I -v1ant you · .to,

(Continued on Po.go l?)



' Filly jabots and flounces to wel c oine Spring


IlN klNArP /J-lr yuri kobukata ~-~PRING •••• _.T ha't magic w o.rd 1!)) brings. a connotation to the mind rP · ~of things green,. budded treBs and flow~rs ••••• and. above all, a young WGmen's fancy tUrn.s to the thought of ne\'f olothes ••••• el~thes that are :f::i;-e$, crisp, colorful and gay. iio61.en dres:ses, dark swea. tE3rs and ~kirts do a <iecided fade eut

EVE RY YOUNG ~.lV\J'S and in the!J: place come :pastel shades, coal rayons, and colorf'ul

fA --.4('( TURNS T.Q· ·• .. . cotton prints. We dig through :Pa1'.-1"' t' tern books,. select new materials

and the sewing machine is on full tiilli3 duty. With a little ingenui-

i ty) imagination, a flare ror design and what have you, we blossom out some '.fine spring mo.ming in a creation that wins many praising glances.. And we go arou..'ld with that :feeling of having really accomplished something.- ·

It seems fuat two-piece t-ailo·roo frocks are ~oing to be quite the thing this spring. 'Ihe top is tailored with buttons dow.n the front, big pockets and an cpen neck. '.Ihe skirt can have knife pleats or box ploo ts. Rayon poplin is good ••••• and so is seersucker •.

'Ihen there's the popular and colorful dirndl skirt :in large, ,gay prints ••••• topped this year m th' crisp and frilly blouses. 'Ihese blouses are usually seen filth puff sleeves.

. ' '3


Navy victory cuff cla.'11diggers w i t h chartreuse shirt to catch his eyes.

.6 are f u l _;_ y gathered, huv.o square 1 .. &cks and are adorned with I·i bbon ·or embr9idery t rim.

You know, with shbe ration -ing .: now i n e:tJe?t, why not have t hat :·worn- o u t pair o:e

. shoe's wl t;h · '~erfectly good up-pe r s ·1,8 s0le.d !· at the s hoe sho:p with wood s.oles. You've p;ro-ba bl y a.l :J . . ·seen t h e " Dutch i1

s h oes. mru::y of tho r.or t h west f:,irls have · been u earinr: . Wood-en- s ol ed sho es ·a r f' becoming popul a r all ovGr t he cour:. t ry • • •''•.and t te shoe s hop really cfoe's a :c eat j ob for a t.ori...inal :price . We 've seen some our-s elve s and. '.they are ·r eally nice ~

Here 1 a a popular style a-d cip t ed C:rom t h e rcale fashion ·.vorld. I t ' s the box y b e.fer jacke t • • •• • very nice in be i g e

\"T.i. th ·br ov.n saddle stitching , o r .styled wi t h contr~sting

back and s l e ev es as illustr a t -e d .

Ir: t h u line of s is:iI·ts ue think ihe knife :pl e a ted or one nay plea t ed ski r t is about t he nicest ~ould · be . Make i t ou t of popl i n , ·. sharkskin or t h e sh e e r spring wo ol ens in pa stel shades ;:-..nd in ....-hite too . Then you'll h a ye a n e v e r endi ng va.:.. ri e 'iiy to i:nix and ma tcli i1i th .

t f "' -:-

_b . ,

~~ . ~f: \\ _; */l ~ '

; l -~(

l~ :/~r::~

~f~tSf1~ b:···f 1 /~: YA'~·:l ':;:;; :·.:\/

I i I . ' " ( i .

L i t t 1 e · ~eater 5ees · i nf ormal s ui ts with ,our hero ' s bow-

. tie.

, ·,


T-s h i::ts in a l l c ol ors and Ther (f s s ome t hing about a _ ski r ts · n ell froc·k • • ••• a g ay c o;tt 0u

Tl:ley• pri nt i ll a sh ec<r ma:te!'i al, ·'f.l_fu , ":iay of a v.hi t o if r iJ.lf collar , tha t is

strip e s i7.1.t h s l a c k s and ara good :ror c amp l ife . ' re practical a.nd o~e

introducing varie t y . ~ · a grea-:t..;.frplif t io one 's s pb,i.te. 4 . . . , . t . .

' I

' .... ~


11.1, inrra1ne v,,, , 1.~

- i

taka;tyama :;

·8· now about .a 1oW 1lai..eted one w1 th · ·lot• ct :rullness in the skirt~ and a square o:.C white :t'till about the neck? . .

Suits 8lli1 coats ~re ~lwars associated 1f i th Spring. o:t course, they ~ into more, mo--,.ey mu\ for camp li:fe maybe w '11 ~ck tci the moffl" or l~ss inm::pentdve apparel. B'Ut ••••• :mi ts are practical for stret.r;hing the "Ja'.rtirobe by

·WliAI Dl'fl I DO IO DER<;. f.RVF.

mixi11g · ·-tµid -~'Ilg. 1Je like those tailo:red suits · in blue~ · aid ta~. J.rul. thos~ rec} boy-I coats ••••• ~i-e they n'irtyi ·

,.Spri:o.g tashi ons are end l ~ eo wet 1i l~ve you here Wi~ these -rew· ideas~· · Yo u k:npw · yotµ" tY)?e, · ivid ,.jus1; what ybu ~ -wear, . ~ yom· likes' and di8likes ••••• so here's tO a happy hunting for your n&~

Sp ring cJ othes at Tult: 1·· , -~rr.)


·~ t W!S\.f I HAI} . fO-t)R. I . MOR.£:. LIKE '(ov, ;::JD_,!

when mickey blows hi s'"horn, r -. I

you'J I for get it's raining . . I J ·. R I

BAN})~~) ·-·--- ,I. ....---

by bryan rnayeda

AJ,f· 1~key ~1anaka-sa:::o:phone con -11 bl na.tion was lai; l- ed on the ~iJ, up to t h e

ill:' t 1 i g b t s --when , as a young swing fan barely in his teens 1 he bought a ticl:e t to a bond session in Sacramento t s · Senator .theat er , one · afternoon late .in t lifl t-:mnties .

Li(?;hts .drifted. a deep .... er hue as the percussionist sounded a tak e-off beat. Spot-lig,.1.ts flashed. on the sta nding figure of the · se.x solci3•;;;. The reed artis t 's head· wa8 ti l ted back as he coaxed his ho r:ri through a series of sci.ntillat-ing runs. •IJOTI$rh ouse moans •• and finally in to the lo. s t stretch in hor:rse s :pasms. Tne · :r::-.n sat g lued t o the edg e of

·his seat-m th a v e r y ro.:pt ·ex-pression.-••••

"Terrific.! 11

himself, · as he he reJ!ea tod t o

trudged out o:t

f ·. the thea.tGr and onto K street that nigh t. The next day he walked i nto a music store with h is 'Tiolin--which he had been doggedly chinning for the past f ew non ths---and proudly stroll--ed ou.t m th :an alto se:lx .

Ii1tent uu~n ' l~arning the bo.sic, angles to · the business.

· of t oo ting t h e horn, he put in long .r.ours, a.fter classes and on ;reek ends ,_ . earning. money for · . . pri vc.:te les.sons.;..-w hi c h lastod a.."'1 houi· · o<;. ch , ;-;hi sked mro.y :)5 per , and -flattened :nis :pock;6ts to nothingness. But the e~ger student r:o.s h c.ppy in the .fironc:L:-.1 predi cc.ment , for his t1.1 tor

(Cent . on Pa&e l~ )


. ---.J.,

\~~ f : CJ{:;\ - I\ 9 • ----J.'i \ ') __ , u-- . - ,___. . . -~-.,- ""< \ '?-- -- - -':\ -----\ ' 0.. 'r~ \' --\ _// ,.,? -~ i\ I ,"'LJ r - / I '-::7. / ' --!!:/ -_;;,---, \ ) _, .,../ [ ! - -. _ , '..---/ \-- "----- l - ~I j ..-·---,--.,..__ _ ___,_,,,-J .. --- ___ I ' - -~ l ____ _ ...,.--,_

I .. ...:..· t, ,..• j i 1U.J . .Ci ____ .:_ ___ _

l \ . i I · 1

- ~ '--·-\ 1 I )_... i

\ L

. 12. ~ arly part Of last '1 Sep t ember,_ Har-#~# r y :Ma l..:inb ,_ h ead ~ of poultry divi-sion · of this Prc-j ec t, came a l1d asked me t o j s in -bis ix::ul--try' crew nhich h e w a s organizing . I r _osigned fron r:i:;1 War-don' s j ob and became ·cne Cf t he n eu creu ..

Vfuen I first wont into poultry raising over tuen ty years a--go, I r ead all the beaks and farm bul-letin s I could Jay my

-h ands on and thought I knetr all there u-as t;J b 1ow ab:-ut :poul-try , but I :rooli:p.ed t he l cnger I - s i:;ayed !'(.. _ in thi_s work , _ t!1e . .I) LI le~s I K!lew about it~ V l

rn a 1<-o to ~ap. I re:portQd _ to my -_ ne-a:

jo:t , :there was ·only an empty warehouse to wc rk i n .. Harry

-' Jjia:;--;!J:o o).'ganized a cre w ar Cal-it0rnians a n~d _ H o.r t b:rrester-n ers. Tue California boys we r e accust omed _::. t() live i n t he f ,a-~6'13 _ Cal;ifohia _clinate _ -~ h d

_·had _no -c:x:porience - i n ·suezero ueut her, while t he Nc-:i;-tl:rmst boys f'elt t!oro at L .OLlC i n the c cld and rain .

a smoki ng car t ha t i n Scut hern Cali.forni a t l::.o p c:ul t rynen -f eed cl1·:2pped ice t o t r.JC h.ens to ke ep t hmn from l a yi::ig h ard-boi l -ed eg gs . Tiell , th e b::j ys f'r cm t wo different l ocali t ies ga-t her ed tcgetLe1~ and s t a r t ed t o build t h e 'l'ulelak e :pc u l try f a:rn. Tn e t ea l s and !'.la ter i als ;-;er e assenbl ed and we b og::m t-o 11or k and s oon a :::id enp t y :mre-

- h cuse becane a bcetive cf acti-I n stJrl...tier it is r a t h er vro.rn- vi t y .

i n the Nor t,l-.::7est , bu t no t a s · The f i rst shipnent of da y-·ho.:t as tn: ·Cali:f\ :arnia• 'Th;is old Single Co1-;ib Vit.ite Legh ;:;rn rerlin~s- r..e bf ; a -renarl: ~nde in ' bi~ by -'chicks arrived &bout the

\ I


Lrtta~~ ~ fcr·The-"Ol.~ Ht. a.1.-ohic.ks tot the att'e"'htion of ways OOrrioo a sharp pocket mrwly born babies. ~e knife with h~ ~:perform poo"tr ature lll1Cer -the hover had to mortem exanunation on· sick be just ~'t. It was e~aen- •irds. I~u K\mimatsu, Henrr tia1 to keep an EtVen tempera- - Kc;dama, Alq.ra Hin) ta and o~.r~

-, tur~ in ib.e brooder ti.ouse ~- but a.i!El the few of th ~ first it ~ d:U':ficult to main- crew &ft4 they all eaeer tti -"t-ain it. ~use .'l"ule Lake mm ; learn poultry raising.. Miss :iocated on a b.igh_ altitude and Hoi:nma is the only :temal.e (~­the te.mpera:t~ o:f warm after- .cept the :pullets} at the plept J;1-6f-ns &E-4 cold nights -and ear- and she keeps tha reoorqs. 11.' murning varied as nmch as Her ch~rful perso:o.ali ty e~i· 40 - or more · - :t :Co-wlr v~ns e:ur plaoo. She s:tUdiei1 needs about- se"Ven ti.nle$" mnre poUl. try husbc.oort st DQ.Vis, fresh ai'r than human · beings Ca;lifornia and -her suggestions (in pro:pc}rtion to the rreig'ht).; on care o:i' bird-s are aluayi;3 iirJ. it ~~- vexy im.POlltant tn- help:t'ul.. We have very' goo4, have g0Q·d ' v®'5ib'n:.. - . C"oopemti,on froltl -the Caurio.sia.ti. ,

~e :r:t.rst 'ten days .are the· stc.rt of the di' ti9 · ~s-t- ' eti troa! o,f . a .. ··· Chick ' s it is very plE;lasan t to \J{j~ 11.fe-. ..ui · the · boys rea1i-zed here. The n;umher of crew.' .-e.l( their· :resp0r.sibillty an'1 did · i'.l'cm a fan- at the ste.rit to--~ 'f.heir bes-t to tnakb the chicks ve:t forty-five at present timd.

" con;i:f'or1;:3ble.- When ohicks need- · A a!I'ocdel' house was complat:-f}d ws..m: water tltcy went to ed the 1at:ter Part ct' Octot!er the nearest laund,ry room, and and the chicks uere mov:ed :rrom to0r_ the greens they went to · tti.e. warciloUsc to. oUl" ne;;: )'oca-" th~ packing shed- f or t4·em. t-ion .. vest ct tlie Relacati:Qll · With good c-are tho racrtali ty Centsr. No\7 the. pu:llats. ar~ was ·low. in · their ne~ laying how:ies.

Jmong t hfjr personnelt Harry T'ne birds have cast 6-t;t their Makino is -~ l::uQie~t r'.lan_ o:f baby :fea:thel's an~ are gromng a.11; he 1J/Qrks alr:ios t day ~d a new coat; their c oohs ari~· .night. Mr. s. ·Uyeda is a quiet are getting red a.~· they

· c;nd a. very _ keen obser-..rar. 11blocm11 into I!laturity. We- Mr. Ka.Ilda is very handy With expecting eggs f'ron theI:l 1Pon. toqls and is alooys oaking It is difficult to keep tra~lt things i'ax tbc. chicks' comfort~ of ' -rn:tfoh of the 3100 birda mjll Mr;;, J"ohn Mashihara is using lay the :first egg~, *> t:l;te -th.Er knowledge acquired at the boys ,~~If§, the. next ~tl U.r;i.iversi t.~r o:f Calif>oi:niiJ' in ')~,.,_.,., ~,., .iv:; t : 1 - . ......-~:\w .. ~~ ' . .,

. ta.

· 14. 14

prize to th<:; holder 01· "the 11UTIL- ,chicks arriv<hd but they did not . I . .

ber cor r esponding to· t h e nest cre<1.te as .tliuc!l- e:x:ci tement ·as r e c eiving the first· agg . t::le first ch1cks did . The loss

Po11l try is subject to almost 'dui'ing tJieit fi1·st two w&eks as na.ny cl lmcn ts as h UIJ~n .,.we.s v e r y . ~igb . T he h i gh bGi!,; Eer edi t c ry dis eo.r:0::> n:or~f-l:l. ty, }?.a~, da.::;poned the en-ars ' beyond o r c~ o:r1tr0l . Ac --. . - .t hu"$ia'Sm of -~: ; 3 wo:r:.C:ors . qui.rod c1i c e:.s:::r::, such as intos:_ 'l'n'o pcult:t,r inclu.stry- is d i-

• - ~ . • I ' -t:Lr:a.l wd ext8rnal parusi t os · in ·cwo i :;f'1e.sss ; namely--o~re tmco.:::uilon harG , bec&'\13e f.110 ;:br·8edin{~ > a :::~cl ha tc_:;11:ng , en d loc e,ti~-::n and buildings new trooding c...n.d c ;:;g _prcG.uc t icm . and l12vo no t as yet been co n- the breeder cf these.; i-:-to.v tUJ.ina. t cd . :;:~c-:1ev0·r ;,-;-e fStu:rld a hqvc: f e.:i. l cu to ::::ej:ec t \"j go;r.:ou~ toHoh o:f c:occidic-sis a:~oa·tock birds :f:rc8 frc: .. i trc~·:: s:~iss.:l.1110 i.t~r::-edi .ate action ; ~r.Jt- rreocG-i a ~1 disea r:;-...., ~ c .. ~, c;;"} au l:1-Gllo:;.."QO a.:nd unclo:r cvntr,)l . so that tJior o - l e ucc .,.;ir; ,, It D.UY t.o.v0 been T'!W nor::cr tali ty fron "!ih is t'.:i f~... the ::·: 1·Jt ~:Z" incu~:~thm or ear;o . pcn:~f! <::: ;.;; -1.~'.0 ; i c:l:s ha.d been

In "ch~ ' e£...~ly ~'!: cf .aanu:::- ch i l .. ·.:/' .. ~, · .. :·.-, ~\: l'U:.i:::'ii ·l.:0; their L~cgrcir£ t i on :r~~rc '? Tfil:.a 4:0-r·(.:.;.~ ~,·~;a .. ·i,i~::~ ~ .o..u se c f .tJ..1c ~ ~-::~~22 j,~(,_:r !·~n-

the ~~:~o 't;:t}c~..n· s.. ,i.:¥{~9 a~·-t.~ ~.:. ·:::r~- ~:} ,.:: :~.:. .-;..:~;

nw:i.;,r ;xi~ b·~ b7 0hicb1 t .ron f"& e · e _;:·; - ,-~"'" U::-::;11~ t;:~cy fll"G of, ~ttr.::•.L- ·~111c .. li -~~ta

- l 1

. L 9.0i<tN G i /.\( !~ ; , ( ..

°:h- r~~ ti ~lA . ~tr'f ... b;~,Cil~ ... ~ .• ! , ·T k f C> , .. 0

. 0 0 .:>U j 11

ers in J'olmny Kaiiliiwabara, Boli ... Hayashida. and Shig .Takuma, tl:reo Waks could not top their cross-_; tci;m rivals. Unmentioned .Pla-cer All-Stars, c om:posed . {f".;

former Foot h ilJ,,, :glayers rrom the ·Newcastl e GoJ.den. · Raiders and the Pl acer '• Green Devils, made -a strong showing by .. 'l.rop.-;-ping o'nly two games and comillft in ·third.

With the . "'swishi' · of' · the nefs again ~ heard, _ .Ameri~ ca' s favorite · .. winter pas-

ti.rue, · basketb::~ll, ihvaded the ranks ~f . Tuie Lak~ 's ports ear-ly last December~ Despite tho ha:ndicc p of lackof ~ciuipnient and dirt coul-ts, b~sketbali gained 'popular~ ty unpre~edeµt- nnarysvi-i_le~ st a r .ted:. · ~ u t ed •. · · · · · · strong ' nth · two . s:t:imitt.,h t .

J"U.dging fr9in the sport pa- >tins ,but couldn t t keep the ges of the · D~spatch just be-:. pace up nhen they lost star forf) the star~ of th~ season, player Tom · Takeda to the U.~. the Sacramen tolMiks ~ wl, th tb. eir Arny a n d " t

.· a;J..l-star . line~p "'ere a · cinch slipped domi. ~- ... ..~~' - ;? ualkaway for .. the City casaba t o fourth· '!IM~) (J~ -.~.J : .-ti t·l~ ~ · Led . by. such stll,hmrts _posi tfon i n ~--(~"" _·;;;_,. -t-<.( as - . .hif\h scoring Tak · Ts~tsd·.; the :fi n a 1 ~ "f{ /) ·.;.-. Kenji .. Hos~ktir..a and Mas Hara; ? a·urt t iing': \1~- · -~:( ·::_:\ the high flying i ndoponderits Dark h orso · ,,.,. _. :c from Califo:n~a's cap~tc,~ : city Ogufe,~ the lea:... ·' . _,..:_,~:") ... n· .. ::. caine t bro u g h UllEicathe d . in

·· their eigh~game s.cb.euule to mu+a Cli p-be cromed the first ti tlists pers f r- o m of. --our project. S a. c ramen to, , As predictJd in the column came in a S .. . .,...., · 0 >

n. portli te11 , the Wakabo.s Ca.."Ue tic for fif- . -~·

in: a elo·se secfond ;with but one th, al though ' . ' t I 1 1 , 1 •. •

. setback--at · the hand.s . of the . gt. ving mun·y_. a :tirst di Yisi'on . · . cham.JJS. Al th~ugll p foking , up ~ foam plenty · ol rmrry . C:)..i :;:i-

several:- more 1fan capable pla:i-- pei· 's Slo]?p,v ·a.shi ta, former


. ' '

. . , .'_:_.Wakab.a mainstay, took third 1 6'·· '),. l ~ h . +h . , . ,. _, . ~ •. J? ace~ ~ onors i n u e scoring

• · ' • 0 Grace despite £.is second di vi-1 .. ~-: J().L

si on ou tfi t. 'J.'.'he C 1 i p p e r s :; ) ~r ~~: r f" - . • - ' .

'" "·" O'··: ~ere not at ~11 strength du~ · .. · · .: illE' most of the season with

- :' ~_,..,~,c~uch first string :per:forners '· .. ~ ; .. ;, ; .,. ' ;."1 .

· ,.,~ .,~ ~.Y,,.s Buster Hayashi of the UC. .... ·_ :.) 3tudents,. George Mayeda of

·. '"''. Grant Union High and George : ·,~-.-- '1'suchiya o:r Alameda taid off ·· - - during Pail'ts of the season .. . ..

. L. . ' Shaved up :from th.e class B ·- :_:· · ra:Ilk:s, the sharpshooting Q.ues-

._:_ · · "~ion !!arks landed in a tie :for · 1 ·: ;.:. : 1'.ri:fth ta make a goo·d shcrID.~

• ' · · c·:ror the sea son. The nortt ern '' lads were led by J'a.Ck fion Ta-

, .. ' ··sr< Dai be Fujii and Tom Iia-

~ -, ji.

I. · · : '.. ': 1 ;..,~e~e ;;:'.!h=d 0!0:~ '· · ·· ·- J en from Cal brol::-e·. -, ' ., " "l into the mn coll.ll'.lln and se:voo·

·' .. -···I . ., .. ·;'themselves :from the

·+ . • .i: spot · m th a mn over t.."1e '; -, ._ :'.··, ... ~ BUsseis. Although landing ~;·,..',;~;'-'-·: .... the bottom rune' o r : the lea-f ~. -- - J;ue lander,- the Tacoma .BUssoi I:" . ·;- · .-:_gav~ -the tro t op; the , , ... ;~ .. ' 1\uks a.nd Waks~ the toughest

. ~-=- --'.~gruncs of t heir sked. In t he ~ . 'i ~·, .f; "opener t l: e Wa.kabas har ezy· ~ ,.;, ·~ . . " ·,,.,.sq_ueezed a lG-15 win frJ::J. ihem. . r " .... _.. ' The overc :.;nf'ident Miks v.ere ~- .. ::·· . ·;.~.,., trailing in t..lieir encounter : ' · ~ uith the Tric<)mans until the

-,. ·'I . .S th"rd . d . 1 , ... ~ ·=·, 1 1 ·:perio s un.en :p e. yor-~ ,, ,. •. ' • r , coach Mas Ham saved .t he day

· · -- with timely baskets. Tte cl~ss B lea ps e do~

inated by the ~ 'i'ersa.:ti. :Le.: iWaka.;.. be Zephyrs and '.:.) eti,~e '~ r:.::tic~<J'rs . f) the Zephyrs .coinI'ft' !.i:"©urtj ~ top .. in the pla:io:rr &r.~stett·i"fly unan.;.. Imous most valiiafile.r IPJJa yer, Hi toshi Ot~ . aii.d 'h 'U.;S!tUng.;Kint 1!i shimura, t he:<.i -Z~1Jhyrs ~<-: mn t through, i:h ei:r- i::li@Yt~a<R1El'1· ache­dule and pl~rQ.f'f;;rJgliJOO "Without · a loss... Ivii k ·.rrs: .. :,,~ mo' 1-whlked o'f:f m th thei):;, Q:'.i"Vis·icn~ were spark ed by ID) st 'if&:'J:tral Jil:e;_ -play-er· Ilns :r.iend<1 ;.· '.:Lou ' •.$-e::t-o .-0 and J'unie Tsujis'1!:·~a:~ :::; Ba'bu r·JSrokawa and his CroC1c-0rV.J.lle : .~;ermitGs fin·isht?d a clo s'b--: s ecun'U ·to the Zqphyrs , l osing' "3\'to .tho.'.:· champs in- e, ·t-i _g.htly :ro' t .gw.lile'e :

'lhe t wo clivisi·:meih ; girls•' 1ocp 'Saw the Blcc1lv2'3 i Tcenet-

. tes and the d "&h:ly· ~tn'tl.,t-.ed Mi-ke ttos d"®inate' 'the:Lri il-o'BP ec t-ive. le-~U,es •. " J;n : an: <::;v:Et,rtime uu~~t t he·- · Tocnat t'a<s nc!sed the Mt~ttd:S' t t ? 'the p..b;:r:n.; f :fi . title •. Inaust ll'ial lpdgUtfl.'!.>l'JU.'$ c om-plote runa-.7ay: for thc-':iP.cste r Arti stcs as t lle :t-' :·a'vemwd some;.. th ing like oo:, :pci itts'..~;PJ;b:s f or eac.h of tl:10ir s ·!1'!Xt --gOOn,9Ei.4$ '.I

'. .... ~~ " .::: -.;.ro.t-.r t11~1·=·~~~. i..::: - ,-, .... .... 1 · ~(1 . ;;, t.'\: ]'.L.:" 8

I • ) .I. j_) J'-1:..; D~'"::.1..1

.. ~ ~ _:_j- :J B .. .IC:~ 8"[ J -·

'1-' '. t :JlJ.;.":ic·d trl

~~~i:r; tifvlfili%/:s-irne~~g~~a_y, t his is the Lord. ;r

"Hello, Mandy, welc 9me to Heaven . I've been expecting you."

"Rowdy, 11.Ah been too."

Lord, 11 Mandy said. WD.ntin' to meet you,

11 Now, lot me see ," Saint Pe-ter said as he glanced furoq:;h Mandy 1 s re cord. nyou have a mig'.h ty fine record, :r,:andy. I wish vre had more people like you down on eec rth. ''

"Thank you , suh." "Paul, please take Mandy to

1525 Fifth Street. That •7.i ll be your ner: home,.. Ma.YJ.dy ~~;r

"Thank you, su..11," Mandy ro id. itsa:~ nt Peter,'_i the Lord said.

11If y-ou don't Il1ind, I' 11 take -M!lndy there myself."

"But,. Lord-u Saint Peter

11C ome a.long> Mendy," t h e Lord

1he Lord a.11dMo.ndy mJlccd si-lently, side by side. Mandy stared in astonishment at

tho things she sar.. Hooven 's beauty w::i.s beyond description, beyond the comprehension of mor-tal man. Mendy ho.d often pie.:.. turcd to herself the splendor, the magnificence of ilea. vm, but this-why she hadn '"t done it justice,. o.t all.

They came to 1526 Fifth _ Street • Ma.ndy sn u th.a. t it was

an i.rn:p.osing piece or work, spa- ·L7· cious and g rand.

"This wa s built just for you, Mandy, 11 fu Q Lord said.

aBuil I jest _ fa I me? It can't be. I t 's to o g o o d fo • _ a po ' colored - lady lak me • You k now , La wd ,_ .Ah thi nl: da t Sain' Peter done gone an' make a big mistake_. 1;,h don' des erbe a place lak di,s."

uNo, - Mandy, n the Inrd sc,, id~

llSai n t Peter did not make a mis-take. This is your hom:::."

The Lord and Iviundy mmt into the house.


"Lich, glory be, ho>r bECuti-ful t 11 Mendy exclnimed ••

She coulcl mt believe her eyos. Mandy - rEmetnbered th::i. t,_ once long cgot she had been al-lowed to core into Rankin's house for u feri minutes.. She had never anything so el e-gc.n t, so fine .. But,_ this house:,.

18 her new home 'iffi.S much better , very much better. But , :rrhy TID. s it h ers? How did she c ome t o :possess it? Sl:J 'tricd·.~to answer t hose i ntorrogo.ti ons . '.Ihe ans~ers were not f orth c om-ing . '.Ihoy rinally t o n room which uas located· i n the r oo.r of the hcuso . · Looking · fr::>n tho '::indo:; , she sarr i~~ auaze11011 t, i n t~:Qst , ;,., _ H .ttie

strc.11g o co:rl-s~1cbby shack ,

.so alik e thnt sho.c~ d ie ::m co . .

lmerr so 1.011 . It . ronoved but a ·s i-.'..Clrt dis to.:::ic o frc::i hor hone .

n7ih o · 1· s. l~ b. i· n ' d:;,,~,e· · :r .,.:...7rl <;- 11 • · - - • - · - -- . -.J ...... ' ..L,.rU f•....... • .

sbe c.slccd •. it i:rnall Rar.J.<:: i n , nui~y . •1

"Massa Re~-:itir. , Lc";;'d? Non, i·.:.1 lc1~c-~-:-s. da.t S-:tirl '· ?cter dd~i:c~·· ccne qp. ~ n ake a b i g i~Lst-:ike. ~-7l~ ~T' ~J!~ssa Rc.nfci :: ' c a r·:!.-C~ :i ~.:tiri . Ii~ ni1ould be here ~ .il.i1 ! s -j o s 1

a s l ave , \ a nigger at dat. Dis cc.n ' t be :'loll tc:-.10 . Lh . tell::; you, J,a.:<d , s or.i_otttlrs·. 11

dero ' s o. r.ri.stal:e

"No , Mundy , there is ri.o ::iis-tc..,.\:e , 11 · tho Lord said . " Ycu sec , r/Io.ndy , just becc.use a rr.m

( llo.d ro1-;-er , nor:oy , and j)ros ti go on earth·, · t h n t doosn ' t nean ihn t t:o '11 huve p.:i-;;cr , nor..oy , cmd Drosti ge i n ne[nre ;;,, ~ W:Len o.Tiyono c ones t o Heo.ven , . cvory-t l: ii1&- c. b ::mt J::·i n is :o,-..c·c·"-t"',.; l-J _ - ~ - :.L.. ...,J;,: Q V V-~

oxco:pt h is deeds . \lo den' t ca re Tiho~:or ·ho nas r i cb. o'r peer,. ·v;het:1er ho ms er >rLi to• i.:11 TI'O intorostoC. in h is doodc . · You. mnt t c, 1.-,, ,,....:....... J ' . .J.... .L • .i..-. \Jlt -,7J..1y· yc11 go v n r-1c.::-:si c::·, Riiln .ilrt_ O.ll Ran k: i ~: got a ~-l ·, '"") n'1; ' ;. \A~-t,, T f , , +· l' u .1. __ ""..._.... r~v ...LL , i ..L..L v O· ~ :/cu; 'I~ ie .i.'.~1us e s ir. · Eoavo~ · nrE': built b v ··<::1t. nr~ "'l. :s'· . 1-'!-- ;o"'I- . nnr r· . "''''"· + . u~ J 1-- •....r --LA ._i. _ ... .,_.. V - f V "-"' UV'!...i: ..; l!

( Co11 t. to Pace 2 o)

B ti ,., , D. l r.: A D cf) . . ~.-.. " c ,~ _, ;' lo... · ·~ • 11 IC I< E Y T .td-.J At<l~ ( f'cr '-i·· nr h u." 1~~ .---,.·1 ~_,,.,_ 7 0 9) v .... ~ ... _~ ....... .J__..~J.- ~uo

h~d".' r'gnitbd t~:. o fi:i·e, ·i.n h~.o ; '-'.N'oxt to clarinets'. a nd saxc.:;. .• . . ·-~ ·-th'.:3. t. c.ftcr-~:c -::n: ~ t·t:.lo thont9r . r:l:,..r.o«:i , ·~1is pot d'eJ:igtt is _

f i-is f'ir~t tro~ ~c:ar:re . in t 19~0 1l1"8"1 1""" ..,,,.o-i S i "" -:V-ri ..;.·nd v ' . .1~- J. ~~~ . "-:- ·, . "· - \,<:;

. t o :;,. .11 it n t h e · .,":;.l-. .'.'.1'~·. + .'"~w':-:"' n . ··t b·e ·b" '' d: n i·i· de ;. ~'i 0-• V--.~_ • ._.._.._ lo.J .,. , ..... : . ~--:- "'"; , .l:;:

.~s. ·--tho: n isei ucrld, ~ i'ill a Z~'Q.'ctnt sub' chair . No t ~p;i&; -:e.rterrtc.rds ho cli.o.bed up fie· a. r egular birth in t he bo.i.'ld and l:old t:'.lc. t chair_· .Jn e. 11 of t hose succeeding -~.Y:~; whon t.~e nggregation hit pro.oinence

_ gc :)..f ; cften re:1inisci::ig cf yo~ ole do.ys ·en tlre Sacrunento

: Golf' Club greens >7::-:oro · ~ie tiscd • to ~nack .· out a lul.l1dicc.p . cf ·six new ·c..n'd t..' . l..cco rdi:iag to

· the :r~ti~ b oys , te usod t c be o. stnr short stop ui t h · tho club . ni~c ' do ing. sone f ancy· be:se-- . balling along -5.he years ' 35

· and '36 ·especially · uten tile wttfredn ~ Hiroshima, and Tor.yo te:::r:is co.r1e into torm.

S incer:i ·/; ,~ . ; .,. .. ~P r~f:;ri_,,(~ i _n -

for mal i t y and his coli d sense of good i:rnmor are redeeming q_' t i as tha t nake h i m the :i:,opular -i ndividual , he j_ s • Connected with the Recreati on Dc~artment ns an instruc-'.;..~r in sax ,- c lo.ri net , ;t r u mp e t and trombone techn iques , h is un-derst::mling , po.tient w:iys anc1 h i s firm belief- in c.ombining r Ldinent3ry and self interpre-


students on t o re1oubl ed ef-for ts . In his spare , he c omposes 1 a rr.::!nges , a:-1d r e-vamps the scorec f or his band , a..'1.d del i berates futu_r e plans .

When Mi ckey picks 1.rp · a reed i nstrument a n d b1ows , t he boys all s i t '.J.round wi th very r '1:p t expre3sicns --you ' ll f o:r-ge t i t ' s rai ning out side . They l:avc drernns too- - of being ID"S -

? ii ,,. _o



:fron t he Dor.:crios of _picni c s i !l the hills, the fi shi ng tri p s , tile s pilled bc. c c•n gr and :porlc [(Dd bee ns ; of s ouJ. f oun-tains o.f tor bnsko-tboll f_; ClJ:lOs ; of f;io.i.-it S:::Jl(lTii chos and :pic-


I I l

J:,oyc l~~y lies ir; t:.v:L:e loved a. por.s ~n vt'.o. l i vod bonec. t :'.l these s:_i .:.;.J ; i n:, tl:o :::of.lori os ct' f l ov;ors gn tl-;_orod -;-;i tl~ o. s i ng-ing hear t , of a Slnile tro::: sm·ed a.nd -r ememberod , of ,,_-,1::i.keni ng to n ne-:7 ~nd r ;-:-orld ; nnd. tco , i n t he rn.e=iories of pcin c:nd l oneli ness . ·-

IJoyal ty- c one·s f ro.m t h e r o.ngos of t µ e Vus t blcc!:c · -;-;i th f irs - i 11 tl1e ococ.:i , tho sky slc wly

k nowing t~e boQuti es of the country : t;h i tG rit.'1 S .'.J.CW i n t1;.e ui n-l: cr , blUG-Slli':t~,ar ; seeing t h o sun slip i n to the

g rc;:i::'.g dir::t-_'.or , t:to li f:;'.:1 t t-,ouse blink-i ng i n . foe duslc . It c c::1os f r cr.: c liGbing ncunt ::.ins t:1rcug_."fi fog t::- t he c lo'.:'.r -sun nbcvo , fron smn:J.i l1g i n the cold r ivers fr .::.T1 ::noi.1- fod lakes , f'!'::n · st:.r::. r.g :-. cr :::<:;s t:1 e c ~~ c. 0ns c.n:i c c u-lces of tho greet 1-;-o_s torn i-1_ -~s . It coDeG ffith tLe thri l l

I,' cf t he fir2t c.rocus , -:{.;.'le d::t't'ity lo.~ves c-f sur.:.r,cr , t he do.r.1p a~ n-•.1'8 " f' -~ 1---e· 1° UIJ 't l. D ,... "' - .-, -I -- ~ ' - v---L - - i · -b utl'-· "-"


J_,oy2.lty rio:::.n3 :':nvL1.:_; \Tcrl.:od i n .!i.c,orycc : :plo-:ll :1g t ho siDan-i ng earth i n th<? sprilig , choppi ng ti.10 1-:oods and s p rayi ng · t he

(Continued on 1' 21 ) __.___


to {Cont . from Page 18)

t r oth tho En.rth. Ma ter:i.als thu t were new w1d good and strong were scr::~ ~ Ul) , wher.ever, yO'U did a go od de~d ~ On tho other nanu , rf.c1enev er, you <lid an.y..:.. t hi :ig t hC. t W<::.s ·be.d or wrong , you s.:.m t J.p IL.::::.t21i C:ls t~1;::.t Y/(;:t•e poor &nJ o 1 d ·and ueak ~

Th'.X~ 7IC, G t .'..!o k i nd Ci' rn:::. t0ri2 l, Rc.nkin sent up . Do you r 2i.;.e~:1-ber what · seint Peter snid to ycu n · :-.t ... i le ai::;o'? Ee so. i d , 1 You huve a mi &;h ty :Cao :;·oeorcl , 1,~!:!.T'd:'' · I 1.' i s±1 ITG r:1ore :peo-ple l i ke JtOU do·;m en eurt12 . 1

You wore a fine uomun . You c o:n t:!.n~ially sent u:p · rat erials that r:cl'e gGcd , So , -;;e 'tu:i 1 t a mansion for you. Wo r uilt a .she.c~:- · :for .P...rn:::l l :B;::nk i n f or who.t el:::. " could r."::: (~ :; -.~th th:. kind o f :rr.a t erials that 1;e :r3

sent up by r.ay· \78 do

him. tH.ngs

'Ihat Is the :i.n Hoe.ven .

Do you. unJ.orstc~nd , L:a:..J.c:;(i' a •ncas , La1;d , .Ah understnnrls

r1cr: . tt

Tho darlrnoss gavo nay to t:b.o lie:ht . Tlrn iie'J.Ye n s , Iviandy ·sun, uero brilliant

rt t h ·tho r usa ct str,ko'3 r.ia tch-l c s 3ly pain te;d; t th 0

bo.ckgr ound of blue , 'Ihe dami. ·nc.s the t :1inc of b oo.nt:r ) but h o ;; muc.::~ rrDxe ·~ .:.,JGtifJl ·;m.s Heo:ve::l., ~/iendy tto •Jght, . J i.wt as the dert·n.Gc .3 J1 c. :1 gi i.rnn ~3._:r to the lig.Y.; , tho s i clGy , :i:.'r.:ilcd , des1,10.i,ring lo 6 k o:n IvI-::m.d;; ' fl fac·e g:;.ye. -r:u;,;- to an i~doscri ·i_, -

.::l l :/ i:f~tn< t-iful · smile---c cmilo <Jf ~o ~ f,.'1.0 · ;:tton a g1im!)SQ c>:t -me :f"U:tt1r;s , ::. 1ld. r...c ; cc-u.::.f.. locL 4'.l;i:e~ ~~ ::i -::h much h ope . - END

l j


~ouESJION '2~,,,, the insects, and harvesting late into. the chili dusk of aut-umn; it means banging IJaper bags in the fruit sta nds; it means pitching_ fish late into the night in the canneries, heaving the rails on the main line, grabbing the moving river of lumber '-in the ~nlls; it means having cleared an a cre of cednr stun::ps with d yn e.mite a nd ca:p. and fuse .

Loyalty in our t earts I'.'lO!\Uls 2c.aving l<;novm t he bi tternoss of contempt: the lie, as orry, we're f:Ull r igh t now;1 ; having. known t h e povorty cf t h o fo.rr:~s, t h e s qunlor o.r.d the smells of t he city ; t he :·10l plossn.ass a gainst ;~1cr1 ~-bo .si t hi 11 logi s -la t ur_cs pass i ng laws to drive us fr;;P.l our f_c r r.1 s , fr0n our j ob 3 . r ·c n enns r emembering t l1e pain of aucti ons bofo :;:>o I'i t ...

j i l ds s spectator s • . ,.

But ~ bo-Ic. al l ,' loy:~ l ty Do::::n s c. f fir· anp. r •3-echo i ng i n I our llocorts tho Anori c::\ n droru:i t.11.a t no shnll try to li vo so t hat t ::o blo ck c.nd rili.i to and red r.:nd yellow men a.-W.l be con-sidqrod oq_unl us "'on; that it is t h o n m, a nd not llis color I or his \7-0~~ t~- or :1is nncestry that no shall _._r ? sp.o c~.It

I weens ec.~h- ?orso::i ± 0 br-~c thes (,tis nir ~s a , par-i; of .Anoricr.. , nnd ill.l.L oe o. s .Kod t o gi vc and share alike_,_ I noi t h er t o bo· pi~oud or . ·

r ·' Loyo.l ty lies in all the so, in ~~Qving boon a . part of Ar:icriccn ·t life,, -. _but son0ho11, if s or:ic9n"

, .:: . c. sks us · about it, ·:;o don 't -m:nt · t o to.lke a.bout it; ·::e d on 1 t mit

:to be ::rnk:od about it. It i s as if a nnn v~ro t o ask c.nctl:er, 11 D;-;.

, you love your uife?n Tt.ere is ansuor b~~euse the ans11er rrust ccne t oo deop, and no t houghtful h e: n 11ould nsk such a question. We I.ill have to fight for the do.y ·when no .Anerico.n of a.>J.other rc.ce, ".iu-e ye u lo~l to the U .S ,?11


.r ~·~ ·~- . . , ... . ' ,.

\. I .



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