Maslows Heirarchy And Values Based Financial Planning

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Transcript of Maslows Heirarchy And Values Based Financial Planning

Maslow's Heirarchy and Values Based Financial planning

Oxygen, Water, Nourishment, Sleep etc.Level 1: Physiological Needs

How a values based financial planner can add value

Support client in achieving challenging things that have profound personal meaningunmotivated by material outcomes and no guarantee of success (e.g.. first marathon at age65, dream business, working without remuneration in an underprivileged community etc.)

Focus on life goals progress ('I said it, I did it')encourage personal project planning and achievement

Provide support and build a relationship of trust through coaching,education, communication (personal letters, reviews, webinars/seminars

Focus on Cashflow, Assets,Liabilities, Insurance

Security from perceived threats (includingthreats to financial security)

Feeling disconnected from people around them (E.G. whengoing through social transitions such as retirement

Client Needs

Level 2: Safety and Security Needs

Level 3: Love and Security Needs

Level 5: Self Actualisation

Self respect and the respect of others

Growth and self actualisation

Maslow's Heirarchy

Level 4: Self Esteem Needs

Maslow's Heirarchy and Values Based Financial planning.mmap - 24/07/2011 - Mindjet