Post on 21-Aug-2020

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Name: Suzanne Tynan Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Dear MBUSD Board Members, I understand that these are unprecedented times and difficult decisions have to be made. I wanted to address some issues regarding my spot on the seniority list. I am listed as teaching 3rd grade, however, I teach 1st grade at Pennekamp. I would also like to address a discrepancy with my tie-breaker points. I was incorrectly listed as having 5 points, however, at our hearing, the MBUSD lawyer and Dr. Webb acknowledged they had made a mistake and they changed it to 7 points. I would like to argue that I actually have 11 points. Here is a list of my credentials and the points for each: *Multiple Subject CLEAR Credential: 3 points *Reading and Literacy Leadership CLEAR Credential: 3 points *CLAD: 2 points *Supplemental Reading and Literacy Authorization: 1 point *Masters of Science: Literacy and Reading Instruction 1 point *GATE Certified: 1 point In May 2018, I received my Masters, my Reading and Literacy Leadership CLEAR Credential, and my Supplemental Reading and Literacy Authorization. My Reading Specialist Credential and my Reading and Literacy Authorization posted to the CDC 10 business days after I received my RIF letter. Due to Covid-19, the CDC's turn around time for posting credentials was substantially longer than their usual 24-48 hours. I respectfully request that the Board review my points and award me 11 tie breaker points. I appreciate you taking the time to review this. Thank you, Suzanne Tynan Name: Karen I Gebert Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I firmly believe that high school students greatly benefit from learning and performing music, both instrumental and vocal. MCHS has established a reputation of excellence in its music program, thanks to the dedicated instruction of co-laborers Hayden, McCormick, Park and Carlson. I urge the Board of Trustees to continue the music programs and make the necessary reductions in some other area. Name: Samantha Larsen Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. The school board was made aware of Michael Hayden’s retirement plans one year ago, yet they have done nothing to replace him. Choir enrollment is dropping because of this. In as few as three years, the choir program could be completely gone. This will be entirely the school board’s fault. The MCHS choir program has already been forced to drop two of the four classes being offered. If the school board had made just a little more effort to look for a replacement for Mr. Hayden, these problems would not be happening. Choir/music classes are very important in schools. Countless studies have proven that students who take a music class do better academically, and have less stress about school. Children who learn about music at a young age do better in language classes than those who don’t. Allowing the MCHS choir program to die would be an extremely irresponsible decision. I, and everybody else involved with the choir program, would advise that the school board rethinks their plans for the 2020-2021 school year. Thank you for your time.



Name: Matthew DuMont Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Mr. McCormick’s AP Music Theory class is an invaluable class that gives students both inside and outside the music department an opportunity to learn about music analysis, appreciation, and creation. I took 8 AP classes during my time at Mira Costa and none prepared me better for the test than Mr. McCormick’s. Mr. McCormick has created a classroom environment that encourages unique forms of creative expression that are accessible for students who might not have the experience or time necessary to participate in a curricular music program. Please do not cut this class. Name: Catherine Oh Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I understand we are in extraordinary times but cuts to the arts have to have a limit. I am writing on behalf of the music department and the proposed cuts to the AP Music Theory Class and to the choir program. The music program at MBUSD is the only reason my children enjoy school. It is their safe place, they look forward to it each day and keeps them in balance. The social and emotional wellness for kids have been neglected by MBUSD during this time but not by our teacher’s in the music program. They have been the reason my kids have gotten through distance learning. All the Music teachers at MBUSD need to be supported as best possible, especially for many years of service. We need to show our children that capitalism can also be compassionate, they need to see this modeled so they can move our country in the right direction. Your actions right now are teaching our children, and what are you going to teach them tonight? I will be watching with my family tonight and I am hoping you will be role models for my children and teach them how you can get through a crisis with compassion and intelligence. Thanks for listening- Cathy Oh Name: Kim Baxter Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I am writing in support of the choir program at MCHS. It is a central part of the arts program at MCHS. It is a place where students come together in a unique way. Academically gifted and academically challenged students, extroverted and introverted people, experienced vocalists and kid's who barely sing in the shower. The choir teacher brings them together as a team to create something beautiful that they could not create alone. Choir is a home and safe space for many students. A vibrant program makes MCHS better. I am grateful it was available to my 2019 student and hope it will be there for my 2022, 2024, 2027 and 2030 kids. Name: Lori Furth Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I notice that the STEM/PLTW staff has been protected from layoff due the extensive financial resources and teacher training that has taken place. I would submit that the music educators (one Band Director, 1 Choir Director and 1 Orchestra Director) also have extensive training and deserve to be equally protected. Our MCHS Music Program has already suffered up to 50% department cuts, while the district has reduced 20% of the overall music program budget. This is the largest cut to any curricular program or department! You have heard from multiple families who value and support (monetarily and with many, many volunteer hours) our district music program, which feeds into a strong high school music program. Please consider also protecting our three Directors for the benefit of our award-winning music program.



Name: Michelle Ehrhard Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Please support music and the arts and continue to provide an exceptional and necessary life changing choir program at Mira Costa High School. Name: Adrian Yu Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. To the Distinguished Board of Trustees, I am writing today on behalf of Mr. Mark McCormick and the Music Theory program at Mira Costa High School. The first time I heard of Mr. McCormick was through my sister who had decided to take his music theory class after hearing about its good reputation through other students. She loved every bit of the class and often described him as one of the best teachers she'd ever had. I followed suit and confirmed this when I took the class myself a few years later. Throughout my four years of high school, Mr. McCormick became my most present and reliable source of advice. As a student who aspired to be in music, he helped me gain clarity by making time to teach me, strategize, and connect me to some of the great composers in the South Bay. He even connected me to my first performance job and, eventually, provided me with a letter of recommendation which I gave to each of the colleges I applied to. His class also became a source of emotional safety for me. Like many others, I began to have mental health issues in high school. Mr. McCormick's AP Music Theory course provided a place where I could bond with other students and find calm through creativity. Academically, his theory course gave me a noticeable edge in UCLA's music theory program, in which I learned nothing new for my entire first year. Thanks to Mr. McCormick, I knew the material well enough to help teach it to my fellow students. I have talked to many students from other districts who vary in socio-economic status, region, and race. I have never heard of a music theory teacher like Mr. McCormick and I do not envy your responsibilities at this current time. If you layoff Mr. McCormick, it may be quite impossible to find a replacement. I am incredibly thankful for my time in his classes and beseech you to find an alternative solution. With gratitude and urgency, Adrian Yu Name: Stephanie Palencia Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I am a 2012 Mira Costa High School grad. I am very disappointed by the school board's decision to hold a surprise meeting today and pass a resolution cutting additional teacher positions, as well as included in this resolution Michael Hayden's retirement and the cutting of Mark McCormick's AP Music Theory class, as well as the shifting of the regular Music Theory class from Mr. McCormick to Peter Park. Michael Hayden and Mr. Mark McCormick's contribution's to the holistic education that helps Mira Costa students succeed is immeasurable. The attempts to cut his retirement, in the middle of a pandemic, is despicable. The choir department would be nowhere as successful were it not for the contributions from Mr. Mark McCormick. His AP Music Theory class enables Costa grads to succeed and compete in competitive college graduate music and theater programs. Mira Costa boasts of alumni who are successful professional actors, musicians, and theater actors on broadway-- the success of these alumni are the direct result of the work of Mr. Hayden and Mr. McCormick. While I am not involved in any of these professions, I was lucky enough to attend Mira Costa High School and I know that the choir department rounded out my education there. This program undoubtedly helped me stay on honor roll, graduate from Boston College, and now work in Congress. While I struggled in AP United States History, I always had a choir and the guidance of teachers like Mr. Hayden and Mr. McCormick who provided balance to my education and helped me feel like I could still succeed and challenged me in different ways. I was even



able to sing in Carnegie Hall in New York City. Today while I deal with the high stakes and high-stress daily trappings of Congress, I always turn to music and the education I received from these enormously gifted teaching professionals who are both fundamental to the success of the Mira Costa music department. I strongly oppose this resolution. A follow-up email or call is welcomed (310)-961-6539. Name: Jose Palencia Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I oppose the resolution being considered at today’s school board meeting that would cut additional teacher positions. The resolution also includes Michael Hayden's retirement, the cutting of Mark McCormick's AP Music Theory class, and the shifting of the regular Music Theory class from Mr. McCormick to Mr. Peter Park. My daughter is a Mira Costa graduate and alumni of the choir department. The consideration of this resolution is despicable. Mr. Michael Hayden and Mr. Mark McCormick's contributions to the holistic education that helps Mira Costa students succeed is immeasurable. The choir department would also be nowhere as successful were it not for Mr. Mark McCormick. His AP Music Theory class enables Costa grads to succeed and compete in competitive college graduate music and theater programs. Mira Costa boasts of alumni who are successful professional musicians, as well as film, television and theater actors-- the success of these alumni are the direct result of the work of Mr. Hayden and Mr. McCormick. And for the students who do not graduate and perform professionally, their participation in the choral department’s programs was without a doubt essential to their academic success at Mira Costa and their acceptance into top-tier universities. I strongly oppose this resolution. Further, the school board must commit to securing a replacement for Mr. Hayden following his retirement or risk the degradation of the high school’s music and choral department. Name: Francisca Paz Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I oppose the resolution being considered at today’s school board meeting that would cut additional teacher positions. The resolution also includes Michael Hayden's retirement, the cutting of Mark McCormick's AP Music Theory class, and the shifting of the regular Music Theory class from Mr. McCormick to Mr. Peter Park. My daughter is a Mira Costa graduate and alumni of the choir department. The consideration of this resolution is despicable. Mr. Michael Hayden and Mr. Mark McCormick's contributions to the holistic education that helps Mira Costa students succeed is immeasurable. The choir department would also be nowhere as successful were it not for Mr. Mark McCormick. His AP Music Theory class enables Costa grads to succeed and compete in competitive college graduate music and theater programs. Mira Costa boasts of alumni who are successful professional musicians, as well as film, television and theater actors-- the success of these alumni are the direct result of the work of Mr. Hayden and Mr. McCormick. And for the students who do not graduate and perform professionally, their participation in the choral department’s programs was without a doubt essential to their academic success at Mira Costa and their acceptance into top-tier universities. I strongly oppose this resolution. Further, the school board must commit to securing a replacement for Mr. Hayden following his retirement or risk the degradation of the high school’s music and choral department. Name: Chris Palencia Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff.



I oppose the resolution being considered at today’s school board meeting that would cut additional teacher positions. The resolution also includes Michael Hayden's retirement, the cutting of Mark McCormick's AP Music Theory class, and the shifting of the regular Music Theory class from Mr. McCormick to Mr. Peter Park. Mr. Michael Hayden and Mr. Mark McCormick's contributions to the holistic education that helps Mira Costa students succeed is immeasurable. The choir department would be nowhere as successful as it is were it not for Mr. Mark McCormick. His AP Music Theory class enables Costa grads to succeed and compete in competitive college graduate music and theater programs. Mira Costa boasts of alumni who are successful professional musicians, as well as film, television and theater actors-- the success of these alumni are the direct result of the work of Mr. Hayden and Mr. McCormick. And for the students who do not graduate and perform professionally, their participation in the choral department’s programs is without a doubt essential to their academic success at Mira Costa and their acceptance into top-tier universities. Just as importantly, the program creates an important community for students that lasts well beyond graduation. I strongly oppose this resolution. Further, the school board must commit to securing a replacement for Mr. Hayden following his retirement or risk the degradation of the high school’s music and choral department. Name: Jeri Vick Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Your creativity and flexibility are needed now more than ever before. Cutting successful and meaningful programs can not be the only means of solving our budget problem. As you have heard from our students directly, our music programs offer the primary means of delivering social and emotional support to many deserving and otherwise unsupported youth in our district. Please create options for sustaining these worthy programs through private partnership and public support. Cutting is easy. Standing up and persevering is the hard work that must now be done. Name: Murat Bayiz Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. The music program is our flagship program at MBUSD in all levels. The quality of education is superb. We should not only keep it as is, but look for ways to provide additional resources. Name: Michele Gentille Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Dear School Board Members, My name is Michele Gentille, and I am the current treasurer of the MCHS Choir Boosters, and want to make you aware of an extremely alarming situation surrounding the retirement of Choir Director Michael Hayden, the Grammy award winning, California Teacher Of The Year. Mr. Hayden has been the director of the high school choral program since 2007. During his 13 year tenure, he, together with Mark McCormick, the choir accompanist, have developed a choir program in which each of the 4 specialized choirs, year after year, have received Superior ratings at the various festivals at which they compete. Our Choral Union choir was even invited to perform at the California Choral Directors’ Association Conference, an honor that is bestowed on less than 1% of the choirs in the state. Furthermore, Mr. Hayden and Mr. McCormick created and worked with a choir of 60 students (out of the current enrollment of 92 students), who rehearsed for two years, outside of the regular school day, in order to be prepared to perform at the Vatican during Easter Week and St. Mark’s Basilica on Easter Sunday. They were the first high school or college choir that was ever granted that honor.



I tell you this, so that you understand the quality of the current choir program that has been built from the elementary school level through the high school level over the most recent 13 year period. In addition, MBEF, MBUSD, and the Manhattan Beach community at large all praise this choir program for the excellence with which it performs. That is why recent events during the recent 18 months are heartbreaking, yet avoidable. (continued on next letter) Name: Andrea Custer Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Dear Board of Trustees, On page 36 of Dr. Benham’s Report on Music in MBUSD, he states: Two interesting things happen during a financial crisis in education. 1) The decision-making process exposes the underlying philosophy of those in leadership, and 2) The decision-making process moves from one that is student-centered to one that is adult-centered. In reading the Resolution before you today, I was devastated by the brutality of the layoff process. Teacher against teacher. The apparent pitting of one department against another, all fighting for the a dwindling share of the pie. Here is what is clear: This method of meeting our budget challenges isn’t serving our students. Repeating this layoff process in August will revisit the pain and trauma of the last few months on every aspect of our community - the staff, teachers, parents, students, and board members. We have an opportunity - right now in this difficult moment - to reflect on the effectiveness of this strategy. Did making these cuts to FTE net out the promised savings? Or, are the economics as Dr. Benham alluded to in his Report: an ever-increasing downward spiral? There is another way. 1) Focus on Expanding Enrollment - Making the pie bigger will go a long way to easing the detrimental scarcity mindset that has taken hold. We used to have to turn away transfer and permit students. Now our enrollment is dropping (according to the District’s presentation during the last several board meetings) and it is Redondo that people are clamoring to permit into. We have a lot to offer transfer students - an award willing music program, excellent STEM opportunities, quality faculty in all departments, a renowned theater arts program, and a wide variety of athletics just to name a few. Why is it that families no longer want to send their kids to school in MBUSD? A concerted and sustained effort to boost enrollment, and appeal to out-of-district students must be made. 2) Create a Full Time, Permanent Grant Writing Position - Members of the Music Subcommittee have done some work looking into what grants might be available. There are grants out there specifically for VAPA, including ones that could potentially fund a critical recommendation of Dr. Benham’s report - a full time Music Coordinator. What other programs could benefit from a consistent and concerted effort to obtain as many grants as possible? Foreign languages? Additional funding for STEM and sciences? Makerspace? Elementary PE? Don’t we owe it to these valued programs to try and obtain every grant dollar we qualify for? 3) MBEF & MBX - Right now all eyes must be on these two organizations that exist solely to support our students and ensure the quality of education in MBUSD. During the last round of budget cuts, Dr Matthews spoke against larger MBEF grants for the sake of balancing current needs against the health of the endowment. But, if the District’s projections are correct, we are facing an unprecedented financial crisis, one that justifies larger grants than normal. If we continue to gut our programs and fire high-quality faculty, all in the name of preserving MBEF’s endowment, what does that say about our priorities? The approach we take from here on out will speak to our philosophy, our commitment to our students, and whether we are willing to live up to both the Vision and Mission of our district. Right now is the time for innovative thinking for the sake of our community, and most importantly, the students whom we are here to serve.



Name: Michele Gentille Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. On Wednesday, it was confirmed that to date, less than 4 months from the start of the 2020/2021 school year and over a year since Mr. Hayden’s retirement notice, this position has not yet been posted, nor has a search of any type been initiated. Largely, as a result of this lack of certainty about the direction of the choir program, coupled with the failure to hire a qualified Choir Director, thereby denying prospective choir students with assurances that the excellent Mira Costa Choir program would indeed continue, the current choir enrollment is down significantly. Based on the cuts proposed in the resolution being voted upon today, the 4 choirs that we had for the 2019/2020 school year will be reduced to 3, or even 2. The resolution is written in a way that it presents an ambiguity as to the number of choir classes actually being cut, itself an indictment of the process This lack of attention to the one of the most prominent choir programs in the state and, based on the district’s and MBEF’s advertising, the program that MBUSD considers one of its crown jewels, will inevitably lead to the demise of this amazing program that took years to build. I implore the members of this school board to address this matter immediately and take the necessary steps to fill the Choir Director position with a person who has the experience befitting this stellar and essential program...Or alternatively, have the courage to face this community and tell them explicitly that you no longer value the choral program, and each of you are choosing to eliminate it from the district’s curriculum. It is my sincere hope that you select the former, and take the quick action needed. Thank you, Michele Gentille Name: Lata Owen Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Music and creativity are the things which have continued to bring joy to the kids/families during the pandemic. The schools need to foster these skills not compromise them further. Name: Torah Noah Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Please keep Ms. Hutchinson. I am an incoming senior and have experienced how the campus has benefited from Link Crew. She has hundreds of juniors and seniors coming to her for this program–willing to help freshmen– something Costa could never imagine 5 years ago. When I was a freshman transferring from a different district, a Link Leader gave me a small tour and helped me open my locker. If I didn't have that experience, I'd be completely lost considering I joined school late and everyone was too busy to help. Ms. Hutchinson and her Link Leaders are a needed service on this campus, I hope that I've helped you realize that. Name: Libby Speciale Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Link crew is probably one of the best things to happen to Mira Costa. I’m a senior and Link Crew didn’t start until my sophomore year. This is a program that I wish I had when I was a freshman. I knew very few people and had no clue where I was going on campus. I sat alone for the whole first semester until I found out that I could sit in my 5th period class for lunch. This program has helped so many people find their place in campus. This program gives students a friend



that they can sit at with for lunch or a source of I formation when they need help opening a locker or just finding there way around campus. This is my second year in this program and everything at costa has changed since helping freshman and even new students get use to the campus is super important. This program and a Link Leader has taught me so much and I wouldn’t be where I am without this program and Ms. Hutchinson. This program gave me a place on campus and I know 100% that if you take this program away nothing will be the same. This program is here for the students putting on movie nights as a fun after school even and being role models on campus. It is horrible that you might take something away that has made a positive impact on campus. This program would not be where is it without Ms. Hutchinson this program gives hope to so many scared freshman and people who don’t have there place. This program gives someone a friend a peer someone that they can go to when they need help. Keep this program going or Costa Will change for the worse. Thx Name: Ryan Dugdale Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I’m a junior and a member of the Mira Costa choirs. I’ve been a member of music programs throughout MBUSD since 3rd grade. When I heard the news that the school board finally decided to cut funding for the Mira Costa choirs, I was devastated. This morning our choir shared the speeches we normally share every year about how important choir is to each of us. Each member of Vocal Ensemble shared messages that were heartfelt and emotional. Immediately following the speeches, Mr. Hayden shared the news with us that these cuts were happening, and they were happening fast. Choir is all about having a shared experience, and everyone on the call was shocked by this news. Every day while we were all still at school, we came together under a single roof to create something beautiful. It wasn’t always about the music, however. We struggled together, laughed together, and learned together. I know I’m not just speaking for myself when I say that I’ve learned more about life in the choir room than in any of my other classes. I wish everybody on the board could have a chance to sit in the choir room to hear not just our music, but the discussions we have and the life lessons we learn every day. These past few months have been the ultimate test and have demonstrated how choir is all about working together. While most of my other classes have become more disconnected during this phase of at-home learning, choir has surprisingly been just the opposite. Through this all, we’ve seemingly pushed the boundaries of what it means to be a choir. Although we aren’t living in a normal time and budget cuts are imminent, taking away from this group during these unfortunate times would be a huge mistake. We’ve known of Mr. Hayden’s approaching retirement for a very long time, and our choirs have taken action to give him the sendoff he deserves, while the school board has, unfortunately, done just the opposite. The delayed response in searching for a new choir director is unacceptable and there is no reasonable excuse for this action. I know of at least a dozen current members of choir who have considered leaving or are planning on leaving due to our district administration’s incompetence. As a junior, it’s heart breaking know that my best days in choir are already behind me. Name: Emily Guerra Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Coming into MBUSD, I knew no one. I was sad, I only had two friends, and I was never involved in school. It wasn’t until I sat in Ms. Hutchinson’s English Class my Sophomore year that I realized how much I could bring to Mira Costa. Because of her, I was motivated to join sports, to join clubs, and to succeed in school. I have been her student for three years, and a Link Leader for two. She believed in me when no one else would, and because of that push, I became so involved in school and regained my confidence. I met so many wonderful people through the process. Joining ASB, for me, is a popularity contest. Link Crew is nothing of that sort because Ms. Hutchinson sees potential in so many students. Becoming a Link Leader is not based on how many people you know in school, rather it is meant to give students, like me, the opportunity to be a part of something so great. Please do not remove this program. I can’t imagine how my high school experience would be without Link Crew. Ms. Hutchinson believes in all of her students and Link Leaders. She is



passionate about doing both roles, and my three years of knowing her, have only shown me the kind of leader I yearn to be in college and beyond. Please reconsider the decision you are about to make. This will affect hundreds of students on campus. This organization and Ms. Hutchinson alone are the reason why Mira Costa is coming together. It is rare to see this with such a low percentage of diversity on campus. It is challenging to be the minority, and I’ve always felt that I never belonged to Mira Costa. With Link Crew, I knew that I was made for this institution. My eyes have opened up so much because of the amazing people I met through the years. My perspective totally changed because of how much hope Ms. Hutchinson gave me. Thank you for your time. I hope you make the right decision. Name: Sean Syed Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. To the Board of Trustees, I'm writing on behalf of Mark McCormick and the MBUSD music program as a whole. To get straight to the point, Mr. McCormick is one of the greatest music educators I have ever had the honor and privilege of knowing. Relinquishing him of his teaching duties would be a massive disservice to your students and your community. The music program at Mira Costa High School has impacted me to the extent that it's still my pleasure to defend it years after I have left the program, which is why I'm writing to you all today. Mr. McCormick is one of a kind and one of the most accommodating and understanding music teachers I have ever had. For some context, I took part in his pit orchestra for 2 years and took AP Music Theory with him during my senior year. His drive to have a tangible impact on his students is unparalleled, and that deserves recognition and acknowledgement. Mira Costa has succeeded so much in its arts programs because of the continued understanding that the staff comprising the program are prestigious and have consistently led their students to pursue excellence. Removing one or multiple members of that team tarnishes the reputation that the music program has strived so hard to achieve. You can argue that the reduction in music enrollment justifies a reduction in the budget of the program, but it's actually these budget reductions that have led to diminished enrollment. The sooner that that fact is acknowledged, the sooner we can work towards remedying the situation. The students of Mira Costa deserve a space where they can meet and grow with other individuals they would not necessarily meet in their academic classes. It is my hope that Mira Costa students will still have the opportunity to grow and develop invaluable life skills and develop support networks and communities that simply cannot be created in a standard academic setting. I don't know where I would be without all that the music program gave me during my time in high school. All the best, Sean Syed Name: Emma Crain Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Choir has always been a huge part of my life and I personally believe that the cutting of our program will not benefit the community. Many people love attending choir concerts and listening to the beautiful music. We need to have a director in place for next year so that students can begin to look forward to having a new choir. Some of my classmates in choir have chosen not to continue in choir next year which is unfortunate. This is largely a result of the fact that there is no replacement yet for our director. I believe that my classmates and I would be much happier with a decision made about who our director will be next year. I also believe that the cutting of two choirs is a poor decision because that will ultimately lead to the dissolving of the choir program entirely. Many people in our choir love this choir program and want to keep it alive. Please make a decision about our director because I love this department so very much.



Name: Joanna Padilla Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I have had two children of mine who futures, both as students and developing adults, were changed by their Choir experiences at Mira Costa High School. They both began as timid, confused, and rather immature kids, but they both left school as outgoing, confident young adults ready to conquer their next challenges. The difference for both wasn’t sitting in a traditional classroom. It was the chance to express themselves in song, both as a part of a group, and as individuals. The act of singing allowed for the unique chance to grow in confidence and become inspired to bigger and better aspirations for themselves, allowing them to view themselves as more than just capable in college and beyond. We owe it all to their Choir experiences at Mira Costa. Please continue funding for the fine program so as to continue to change many more lives in the years to come. Name: Carolyn Mukai Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Dear MBUSD Board of Trustees, I have three sons, 12th, 10th and 7th graders, who attend MCHS and MBMS. It has been difficult to see how cutting 3.6 million dollars out of the budget can impact our schools; reduced hours for PE, science specialists and librarians, no more Makerspace, cuts to the music programs, and the loss of many amazing teachers from our schools. When the board votes today, the decision to lay off teachers will be finalized. The last page of the resolution had the list of teachers who will not be employed or with reduced hours for the 2020-2021 school year; this was the hardest to read as there are teachers who currently teach my 7th grader, and others who have taught my older two boys. These are teachers who have been a part of my sons’ educational journey and it breaks my heart that they will no longer be a part of our district. What a loss for future students. One layoff that was rescinded was for the STEM/Project Lead the Way teacher, Ms. Weaver, as the district had invested financial resources and extensive training into this position. The STEM program at Mira Costa is an important part of the curriculum for many students including my senior and it has inspired him to pursue a degree in civil engineering. By keeping this specialized position, I am sure that other Costa students, such as my sophomore and hopefully my 7th grader, will benefit from the classes that Ms. Weaver teaches. The budget cuts have deeply affected the Music Program at MCHS. There is one Choir, one Orchestra, and one Band Directors who are each specialized to teach their subject similar to the STEM/PLTW teacher. Further cuts are coming and I hope that the music program will not experience more cuts. The Music Program is the reason my family moved to this district, and with the added bonus of STEM Program, I am confident we made the right decision. I am indebted to the MBUSD teachers who have shaped my sons into music playing, science-minded and math loving students. I thank you, the MBUSD school board members, for overseeing the interests and needs of all MBUSD students. Sincerely, Carolyn Mukai Name: Kieran Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. To Whom It May Concern: My name is Kieran and I’m a junior at Mira Costa High School. Right now I’m wracking my brain for what I can tell you to make you believe that the choir program at the high school is essential. But I don’t know what I can say that will encapsulate the last 3 years of my time singing in the Mira Costa Choirs, which have also been the best years of my life. If you’re on the school board for MBUSD, you must know that our choir department is as distinguished as they come. We regularly score top marks at festivals and are often asked to close the program, we’ve sung at American Choral



Directors’ Association conferences, and this year we were invited to sing at St. Mark’s cathedral in Venice, the first high school or collegiate choir to be given that honor. Of course, we weren’t able to do so because of the pandemic, and for the same reason you are now faced with a lack of state funding and the unfortunate decision to make budget cuts. I know that this isn’t something that anyone in our community wants, least all you. But the immediate cuts to the choir program in March and the further gouges to it now make it clear that music is not a priority for the district. And that is so unfortunate, because this district happens to have some of the best music programs in the country. I’ve experienced wonderful things in my three years of choir at Mira Costa. I’ve helped create music that I never dreamed high school kids were capable of making, I’ve learned valuable life lessons that will never leave me, I’ve been surrounded by family even when I lacked a consistent group of friends. This program is so, so special. If you don’t see that then you haven’t been paying attention. Because of this program I’ve found a passion, one singular place where I know I will always belong. This March I had the incredible opportunity to sing with an interstate honor choir in the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, one of the best experiences of my life, all because of the training I received in the choirs at Costa. When the pandemic reached our shores and the schools were closed and I was more sad and confused and scared than I’ve ever been, I turned to music, and because of the skills I learned in choir I’ve been able to pour myself into three virtual choral projects. The reason I have the skills and ability I do today is because the choir department at Costa consists of four choirs. There are two entry-level choirs that are sex-segregated in order to provide targeted instruction for technique for the male and female voice, there is an advanced choir for female voices, and there is a coed chamber choir. When being placed into the first choir I would sing with in high school, I was given the opportunity to sing with the advanced women’s choir as a freshman. To be able to sing with such inspiring women, some of whom were several years older than I was, as an insecure freshman navigating the turbulent waters of high school was a gift I will never be able to quantify. And my time in the two years that followed singing with our chamber choir, Vocal Ensemble, have been just as fulfilling. The reason that I was able to have the invaluable experience of singing with such advanced choirs is that the two choirs I didn’t sing with prepare students so well to be truly professional choral singers. The best part about being a Costa student was singing with the Mira Costa Choirs. That, along with my favorite teachers, several of whom are being laid off, is the one reason that I can call my high school experience an overall positive one. And the thing is that these cuts won’t really affect me. I’ve been so lucky to have three years in this amazing program. No, the true damage is to the future Mira Costa students, the ones who won’t have the choral experience that I was so fortunate to have. So whatever you decide for the future of the choir program, you have to know that it will decide their futures as well. Because god knows it did mine. Name: Nell Turley Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Hello, My name is Nell Turley from the Mira Costa class of 2018 and I took AP Music Theory with Mr. McCormick in the 2017-2018 school year. It was my favorite class that year, the only AP test I ever got a score of 5 on, and Mr. McCormick is to thank for all of that. He was a great teacher, clearly extremely knowledgeable about music theory and always willing to answer questions (even the weird and dumb questions, of which I had many). Most of all, he was a source of comfort for me in what was a rather rough senior year of high school. I had my fair share of breakdowns in Mr. McCormick’s class room, and every time he was there to offer support— which was rare and wonderful thing for a teacher to do. One of my regrets from my time at Costa is that I never got the opportunity to take more classes from Mr. McCormick, but I am extremely thankful for the short year I did get with him. It would be truly sad for future generations of Mira Costa students to miss out entirely on having such a insightful, compassionate, and caring person as their teacher. Thank you for your time, Nell Turley P.S. — While I personally was not enrolled in the choir program, I had many friends who were and for whom choir was clearly an important part of their lives.



Name: Lucas Chen Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Members of the Board: I am writing to you today to urge you to rescind the RIF issued to Ms. Hutchinson at Mira Costa High. The district continues to push out surveys asking if “students have an adult on campus they can trust/can go to in a dilemma”; without Ms. Hutchinson on campus, many students (myself included) will check “no” on that box instead of “yes”. Though I never had her as a teacher, she was one of the most influential shapers of my life during high school, evidence of her reach and care for students on campus. Her passion and care for students is unmatched; not only was she a mentor during the spring musical, but I’m one of the students who was fortunate to work in her Link Crew program. In the few years it’s been around on campus, the Link Crew program has become an institution, and it’s one of the most valuable areas of community building that crosses grade boundaries. I know that I certainly would not be on a first name basis with a handful of freshman students, nor a group of my peers in the class of 2020 without her and this program. As I completed my college applications this past fall, I continually returned to the theme of community built on our campus, and again, it was only possible because of this program. I remember specifically writing about my experience at the Hometown Fair with the Link Crew program. There, the work of students on campus was spread across the “larger” community, our town. I wrote about interactions with kids in the middle school and elementary school who were excited about coming to the high school after brief conversations with Ms. H and other student leaders. All this is to say, the reach of Link Crew goes far beyond freshman and seniors, and if preserving and creating any sense of community on our campus (or between our campus and our town) is important to you, rescinding Ms. H’s RIF is the first step you must take. Of course, when I began receiving my college acceptances, Ms. Hutchinson was the first person I told. Next year, I’ll be entering a service oriented major in the UCLA School of Public Affairs—my love for community building and my sense to “give back” was created on this campus, in this program. I’m not alone in being cheered on by Ms. Hutchinson. Visit the @miracostaseniors instagram and scroll through the comments and you will see that Ms. Hutchinson is omnipresent in her support. Make the right move for Mira Costa students’ futures and to keep the sense of community alive; keep Ms. H on campus this fall. Name: Matthew Nelson Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. To the Distinguished Board of Trustees, I am writing today on behalf of Mr. Mark McCormick and the Music Theory program at Mira Costa High School. I remember going into my freshman year of high school with a broken ankle and a bright orange cast that covered my entire leg. At the time, I didn't know of any classes that I had to take nor did I know of any particular plan that I had to follow. I had pursued music in middle school, and I had since then discovered a love for music. I knew that I wanted to continue this in high school, and when I found out that music theory was a class option, I immediately signed up for it. Mr. McCormick's class is essential for the music students at Mira Costa. Within his class, students gain knowledge that make them better theorists and musicians. While taking this class, I was given the opportunity to expand my knowledge of music, which ultimately allowed me to test out of 6 classes in college. There was an emotional support system that was in place for the students of the class. Whenever a student felt an emotional burden, Mr. McCormick put the effort forth to address the issue and provide a solution. From casual conversations to impromptu piano lessons, Mr. McCormick has given himself selflessly to his students and colleagues. Mr. McCormick has served the Manhattan Beach community in a way that no other teacher has. He simultaneously serves as a piano accompanist and a music theory teacher, and he excels at both. I speak for myself and my peers when I say that it will be a significant disservice to the community if he is not able to continue his work within the Mira Costa music program. I ask that the Board of Trustees find an alternative solution. With gratitude and urgency, Matthew Nelson



Name: Chandler Carey Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Ms. Hutchinson has been the only teacher that has genuinely cared about me. She was my sophomore English teacher and she actually made learning after lunch something to look forward to. She made literature, stories, and etc. come to life. She is such an amazing person who genuinely cares about teaching kids and making them feel like they belong. Out of all of the teachers that I’ve had at Mira Costa, Ms. Hutchinson is the ONLY one who has actually cared about me, the way I learn, and the only teacher that has taught me life lessons that matter. I think you guys are going to lose a lot from losing Ms. Hutchinson because every single one of my classmates and everyone on this campus loves her because of her good heart. She has also created an AMAZING program called Link Crew. I joined link crew my junior year because I enjoyed Ms. Hutchinson’s English class so much and I wanted to be a leader on this campus. Link Crew has given me a purpose and I’ve met 35 new friends in the Link Crew class that are literally going to be life long friends. Ms. Hutchinson created these relationships. She genuinely wanted to make the campus a better, welcoming, and nonjudgmental place because that’s what Costa is to a lot of kids. She started Link crew and gave myself and so many other kids a belonging on this campus. She has accepted so many amazing souls to her program because so many kids on the costa campus want to be a part of something because ASB is so selective and a popularity contest. Ms. Hutchinson has made me feel safe at school which I can’t say for many other teachers. She makes her students feel like they can fail without being judged. She understands the pressures of what kids my age go through at Mira Costa high school because she was once a student here. I’ve never met someone who is more passionate about teaching kids. I understand that budget cuts are a big deal but hear me out. If you let Ms. Hutchinson go, you will lose a vital PIECE of Mira Costa High School, you will lose kids engagement because they have lost their place on campus, you will lose a leader, and a great human being. Letting Ms. Hutchinson go is honestly an embarrassment to the Mira Costa community because she is one of the only teachers that has ACTUALLY created relationships and trust with her students. I truly can’t say that any of my teachers throughout my years at costa have actually created a relationship with me or any of my peers. Losing Ms. Hutchinson is the absolute worst thing for Costa. Link Crew is one of my favorite things at costa and 236 kids tried out to be in the program THIS YEAR! Link Crew is an all inclusive group that makes kids feel like they can belong and be a leader. If you let go of Ms. Hutchinson then you are letting go of a whole program that she built on her own. Ms. Hutchinson is the only person who can lead link crew because of her determination, hope, optimism, and inclusiveness. She makes kids feel like they BELONG which not many kids feel on the Mira Costa Campus. I’m a junior and throughout my 3 years at Mira Costa, Ms. Hutchinson is the only teacher I trust at Mira Costa. She has been the only teacher that has interacted with her students on zoom during the pandemic. She has been the only teacher that has communicated to her students to make sure they are okay and so is their mental health. None of my other teachers have zoomed or reached out ONCE to any of my classmates and I. I think you should reconsider your decision about Ms. Hutchinson because losing her will only cause a domino effect and you WILL see kids lose their belonging on campus. Please reconsider your decision and think deeply about how you might affect the Mira Costa student body. Thank you for your time. Name: Brooke McMurrey Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Link Crew is a wonderful program that should not be cut. It gives students the opportunity to plan events and work together in groups to accomplish big things. I learned so much from that class, and I would recommend it to anyone at costa who wanted to be involved. This is a great opportunity for students and I believe it is an extraordinary program. Name: Maddie Misch Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff.



I have been lucky to be a part of Link Crew run by Ms. Hutchinson for the past 2 years and have learned so many incredible life lessons. Link Crew should be available for everyone to be a part of for many years to come and Ms. Hutchinson is the perfect person to run that program. Name: Lydia Johnson Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Link Crew is one of my favorite things to be involved in. I love spending time with friends, being in Ms. Hutchinson's classroom, and being involved in school events. I love to feel involved and that I am doing something to contribute to my school. Furthermore, Ms. Hutchinson is one of my favorite teachers. Arguably, she is the best teacher I have ever had. She made everyday at school fun for us, and make each book we read fun and interesting. She puts a special twist on each unit to keep us interested. Her classroom is where I can go and sit during lunch if I am feeling down, want to be alone, or want someone to talk to and keep my mind off of other things. I hold my club meetings in her room. I try to be in there at least once a week even though she is not my English teacher this year because her classroom is a place I feel safe. I legitimately burst into tears upon hearing that she may be fired and not be a teacher at Costa next year. Please. Please do not fire her and take this away from me and the other students at Mira Costa Name: Molly Isip Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. We need teacher more than ever, how can u possibly think about making class sizes bigger it is absurd. All of the desks are filled in my classes and if you were to add anymore it would be a fire hazard. Also concerning corona moving forward how u can make class sizes bigger social distancing will become impossible at school if you do that. I know that i have connected with many of the teachers that you choose to cut, and it is heart breaking as a student to see the adults that you trust on campus to no longer be there. It makes school 20 times harder to attend and my motivation will only decrease. Name: Jordan Bailey Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Mrs. Hutchinson is THE MOST amazing, dedicated, and hard working teachers at Mira Costa. She truly cares about all of her students and makes learning fun. She has truly impacted my high school experience and many others in such a positive way. I have had the honor of being apart of her sophomore english class and her Link Crew program. If Mrs. Hutchinson no longer works at Costa next year than Link Crew is will no longer exist. This program is NECESSARY for freshman to be welcomed into high school. This program has helped so many students find friends and learn who they are at Costa. The removal of Mrs. H and the Link Crew Program will be devastating to Costa. Also, There is no other teacher who has the skills to run this program like Mrs. H. No one will EVER be able to step up and replace her. My heart and many other students hearts will break if she does not return next year. I hope you realize the mistake you are making if you decide she will no longer work at Costa. Name: Elizabeth Krause Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Link Crew has been a game changer for Mira Costa. It has shaped the freshmen class into charismatic individuals who look up to upperclassmen leaders to take them on their journey through the rough patches of high school. I believe Ms. Hutchinson deserves to stay at Costa, and unsure why one of the most involved teachers on campus was pink slipped,



she must stay. She has made such a difference to our campus, improving it more than Dr. Dale ever could. Link Crew has given students opportunities to make something of themselves, become powerful and selfless individuals, with learning the strengths it takes to be a leader. Ms. Hutchinson has served as my English teacher, assistant director, head of Link Crew, and someone I feel safe going to when I feel down at school. Hutchinson is a bubble of joy and happiness who wants the best for everyone and to succeed in their crafts. A teacher who encourages a students passion is rare. Hutchinson is one of the few who does and understands students on another level. So please, take into consideration who you’re letting go. You might as well regret it for the rest of your lives. Think about the kids, and how much our school will fumble without the support of an inclusive program like Link Crew, with a badass leader like no other. Hutchinson stays. Thank you. Name: Sharmila Arora Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Music programs deserve the same status as any core subject. We have an elite class of music teachers and a superlative music program that is MBUSD’s USP. Please think long term. There are investment s made in the program, in our brand , in our teachers and most importantly what it means to our students. Please please please preserve our Music Programs and our teachers! For the sake of our students- our future! Name: Lemony David Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I understand that there is a need for budget cuts at Mira Costa, but with letting go Ms. Hutchinson, it will also end the amazing Link Crew program. If you aren’t a high school student, there is no way you’d understand the benefits that Link Crew brings to Costa, but as a direct source and member, I can attest that this organization is the last hope for school spirit at this school. Over the years, students have become more cliquey and isolated, and the presence of ASB hasn’t helped. Link Crew has been able to bring together all kinds of outgoing and influential students to bring back the spirit of the student body, while also leading freshmen in the right direction. I am advocating for this class and program to be protected in this decision, and I hope the Board will make the right choices in how things will proceed. Name: Doami Family Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. This music program has changed our lives. It has filled our hearts with joy, brought friends and families together, introduced us to beautiful countries like China and Spain, gave us a new appreciation for teachers, and taught us how to express ourselves through art. We as a family, will always be indebted to the music program for the hardworking teachers and staff who have shown nothing but love to us and our children. Name: Aidan Velleca Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Link Crew has been one of my favorite experiences. I met a lot of fun people in Link Crew, and it really helped me open up. It builds a sense of community at Costa because Link Crew helps with all the spirit days and social events. Link Crew is also necessary for freshman, and it really helps them get accustomed to the school. The value of Link Crew cannot be



understated. Link Crew has a profound impact on all students in all grades, and Costa would be worse off not having it around. Costa would not be Costa without the Link Crew club and class taught by Mrs. Hutchinson. Name: Casey Meyer Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Link Crew has proved to be a very useful tool for the school ranging from school events to walking potential incoming students around campus. We have gotten acquainted with many freshman and showed them the ropes. None of this would have happened without the help of our instructor Maddie Hutchinson. Link Crew is not Link Crew without her as an advisor. She has given us the ability to help people in times of trouble and help remove the jitters of becoming a high schooler. On top of this, she is an incredible English teacher in which many students can rely on and can confirm that statement. Keep Maddie Hutchinson. Name: Natalie Collicutt Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Hello I am a junior at MCHS. I joined Link Crew this year because I wanted to make a difference on campus. We are a group of over 150 upperclassmen and our only leader is Ms. Hutchinson. She coordinates every single event in Link Crew from planning two movie nights set with tickets, treats, and drinks to planning freshman orientation for the entire freshmen class and the link crew to get the new students comfortable on campus. Ms. Hutchinson’s program is like no other. We are not associated student body or a publication. She created a group of diverse individuals from all corners of the campus to create a welcoming and supportive environment for anyone on campus. She instills positivity in her students and created a vita organization to Mira Costa. Her Link Crew is the school’s backbone. This organization is an add-on to the amazing scholars and athletes to support the campus and generate a spirited group for any need one might have. Ms. Hutchinson is beyond valuable and it is in your best interest to keep a person like her on campus. Thank you. Name: Ryan Thatch Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I can say with confidence that Link Crew is the best program I’ve have been lucky enough to be apart of during my 4 years at Costa. Not only does it help incoming freshmen and new students with their transition to Costa (which is a very new and scary experience) but it also teaches leadership skills to the upper class that they can use throughout the rest of their life. Ms. H. is the best person to be running this program hands down. A Costa without Link Crew is not a Costa I would have wanted to attend. Please save Link Crew!!! Name: Holly Misley Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I’d like to say something regarding Ms. Hutchinson and the wonderful program called Link Crew that she started at our school. Without her and this program, our incoming freshmen would be scared out of their minds on their first day coming to this big and new school. Us upperclassmen know what it was like to come into a new place where everyone is bigger than you and you don’t really know what’s going on. We just want to help our incoming freshmen feel welcomed and comfortable at a place that can scare them. Without Ms. Hutch, we may not have that chance and these young freshmen will be scared and uncomfortable coming into high school. My freshmen year, there was no one that made me



feel more comfortable than Ms. Hutch and my link leaders, as I was very scared of this new school but they made me feel welcomed and safe. Please keep our teachers like Ms. Hutch who change students lives and help them succeed through the scariness of life. Name: Wendy Cubillos Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. To Whom It May Concern: I am a parent of a senior in choir and drama at Mira Costa. Hearing the news of what the school district has planned for next year for these programs is appalling. Mr Hayden and Mr McCormick have spent years creating this Grammy Award program that so many children have thrived in academically and emotionally. To have it reduced two choirs is unthinkable. My daughter chose Mira Costa over Redondo Union for this amazing choir program. This program along with Mr. McCormick's Music theory class have prepared her for her college experience at Berklee School of Music in the fall. Without them I do not know what her future would hold. She has learned so much from them. These high school students need all the extra curricular classes in music to prepare them for college more then elementary students . Mr. McCormick would be such an asset to run the choir department . He is an amazing teacher and the students love him. These programs help make Mira Costa the award winning school it is, not just sports. Mr Westerburg is also an amazing teacher and helped my daughter with acting . He helped change the dynamics from playing favorites to actually giving students with talent a chance regardless of there status in grade level or how much their parents contribute. He is about true equality. To make his class sizes bigger at a time when social distance learning is happening is absurd . Please reconsider your thoughts on these programs. You are doing a disservice to so many students who have amazing singing, acting ,and music talent . You will be losing them to other schools. Remember all the amazing students who have already graduated and returned to visit as alumni. My daughter was in a play at Costa last fall and the actress alumni Rachel Blooom came to opening night because she had been in the same play when she was there. She gave the whole cast flowers signed by her. Then later she was at the local Kettle restaurant chatting with the cast. These programs helped Rachel Bloom and so many others . I am asking please do not cut these programs or Mr . McCormick from music theory in high school. Thank you Wendy Cubillos Name: Charlee Wickemeyer Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Name: Brooke McMurrey Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Link Crew is a wonderful program that should not be cut. It gives students the opportunity to plan events and work together in groups to accomplish big things. I learned so much from that class, and I would recommend it to anyone at costa who wanted to be involved. This is a great opportunity for students and I believe it is an extraordinary program. Name: Lindsey Valbuena Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff.



I want to take a moment to advocate for the Link Crew Program at Mira Costa High School. I have worked closely with the Link Crew teacher Maddie Hutchinson since she took on the program and have witnessed first-hand the amazing work done by this group and how inspiring it truly is. The dedication, compassion, inclusivity, and reflection shown by the hundreds of students who are in and have gone through this program are what we, as educators, strive to cultivate in our school. I think it should be clear that Maddie Hutchinson is a crucial reason that this program is as impactful as it is. I have witnessed the countless hours she has happily sacrificed to build this program to what it is. I am awestruck by her dedication and I realize that the issues are complex, and that it is not an easy ask, but if at all possible, I truly hope that there is a way that she can continue to do this important work next year. Name: Lauren Mittleman Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Ms. Hutchinson and Link Crew are 2 of the main reasons that I have really enjoyed my experience at Costa so far. She is one of the sweetest, most caring teachers I have ever had and is such an amazing teacher and person to be around. She started the Link Crew program at Costa which helps so many people every year and helps promote unity across the campus by getting everyone involved in spirit days and fun events, all while providing resources to students who need help. Being a student of Ms. Hutchinson a year ago and a Link Leader this past year, I got to see not only how hard Ms. Hutchinson works to make the campus community a better place for everyone in it, but also how significant Link Crew’s presence on campus is. It can be really intimidating when you’re a freshman at a big school and don’t know anyone or how things work, and Link Crew leaders alleviate that stress for so many students. Speaking from my own experience, it is so much easier to ask for help from a fellow student than from some authority figure you don’t know on your first day of school. Without Link Crew, new students to Costa would not be able to do that, so please don’t take that away from them. Both Ms. Hutchinson and Link Crew are invaluable to the learning environment at Mira Costa, and taking them away would do nothing but hurt students. Name: Henry Driscoll Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Please keep link crew at costa! It has been a great experience. Name: Katherine Dugdale Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. My name is Katherine Dugdale, and I write in response to the district's decision to essentially put an end to the high school choir program. I am the parent of a junior and freshman at Mira Costa and a 6th grader at MBMS. While I am aware that the district faces a new budgetary crisis in light of Covid19, the district's continued failure to support the arts cannot be blamed on the pandemic. Mr. Hayden announced his retirement over a year ago, and since that time the district has made no effort to fill his position. Now, the the district is using the pandemic as an excuse to gut the choir program. With such a stated emphasis on the mental health of our students, cutting a necessary program like the choir program is the wrong thing to do, and trying to blame the decision on a global pandemic is cowardly. The district is doing itself a great disservice. The arts are what sets Mira Costa apart. Private schools have the ability and resources to offer STEM programs that public schools simply cant compete with, but Mira Costa's commitment to the arts is what I believe has kept many families from leaving. I am saddened by the district's actions.



Name: Olivia Arensdorf Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I do not think it is right to be firing teachers that MAKE the school like Mrs. Hutchinson and Mr. Piper. Costa will just not be the same and it is so sad. I did not personally have Mrs. Hutchinson as my English teacher but all of my friends that had her always raved about what an amazing, engaging, and inspiring English teacher she was. However, she was my Link Crew Teacher and I got to see just how dedicated she was to this program. I cannot believe Link Crew is at risk of discontinuing next year, it is unbelievable. When I think of Costa I think of what sets our school apart from the others and it is programs like Link Crew. How can we deny the scared incoming freshman this unique opportunity to become more accustomed and comfortable to the school. I really feel like I found my place at Costa this year by being involved with this amazing program. And let me tell you that it doesn’t get any better than Mrs. Hutchinson. Everyone who knows her knows that she is the most passionate, engaging, and hardworking teacher out there. It is so wrong that she does not have a spot at Costa next year and it really is a shame. As for Mr. Piper, I have never heard a bad word about him either, only love. As his AP Psych student this year, I can say that he was one of my favorite teachers and I could tell how passionate about AP Psych he is and I know how passionate he is about AP HUG as well. He is so connected to the students, everyone loves him. I am speaking for all of the frustrated students at Mira Costa when I say they are just two of the many amazing, loved teachers at the school being given this pink slip and it is horrible. Teachers are what make a good school great. These teachers like Mrs. Hutchinson and Mr. Piper are so well-loved at the school and are a huge part of our experiences. Costa will just not be the same without them. Name: Margaret Cubillos Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Every year in choir our final is to answer the prompt "For me choir is.." and each person shares to their choir what choir means to them. For me, choir is a place to grow. I can positively say I would not be the person or musician I am today without this program and the people in it. I’ve always heard people say that senior year is the year for fun and that it’s not as stressful as the other years of high school. I came into this year fully expecting that, but that was not the case. The majority of this year was me being stressed about college applications, college auditions, school work, and the rest of my extracurriculars while also trying to enjoy the time I had left in highschool. Throughout this time of me stressing about my future, one of the things that always brought me back to the present was singing with my choir. Choir always allowed me to forget about the chaos in my life and allowed me to be fully present with the people and the music. Although I am sad that I lost almost half of this year of being in person with my choir, this time apart has made me grateful for the time we had together. Everyone in choir’s willingness to take risks and put themselves out there, really pushed me to always do my best and to never doubt what I’m passionate about. I cannot thank Mr. Hayden and Mr. McCormick enough, for inspiring me everyday to be a better person and for helping shape me into the singer I am. This choir department is the reason I'm pursuing a career in music. Without Mr. Hayden and Mr. McCormick I would not be going to Berklee College of Music in the fall; one of the best music schools in the country. Even though I know I will sing in countless more ensembles I know that none of them will be anything like this one. I have never met such incredible people and got to learn from teachers who care SO much about their students. I hope to carry a piece of the magic that is the Mira Costa choirs with me to Boston in the fall and I hope that other people get to experience the magic Mr. Hayden and Mr. McCormick bring for years to come. Name: Clare Arnold Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Save our teachers. Costa has gained the reputation that it has because of amazing teachers like Hutchinson, Piper, Kofahl, and Houterman, just to name a few. I am embarrassed to see that their jobs are at stake due to administration. If



you care about students, you will do whatever it takes to help save these teachers. I have had the privilege to have some of these teachers through out my 4 years here. They have shaped me into who I am today and have nurtured hundreds of students into discovering their passions. I doubt someone from the board of trustees actually reads these public comments, but if they do, SAVE OUR TEACHERS. Costa will not be what it is today without them. Period. Name: milla solnicki Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I was a new kid when I came to costa, coming from a whole different school district. I didn’t know anyone at the school and I was so anxious to face that alone. But then I realized I didn’t have to. Link Crew gave me around 10 automatic new friends and 2 upperclassmen to help me navigate the scary beginnings of high school. Link Crew is what saved me. One of my best friends now was in my Link Crew group and I don’t think I would know her today if it wasn’t for Link Crew. Because of this I have been super enthusiastic about Link Crew and giving this sense of security to the intimidated freshman. I feel that it is a crucial program at Costa and it is absolutely necessary to keep it. Name: Bianca Laurita Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I strongly believe that we must not fire Ms. Hutchinson, an outstanding english teacher and role model at Mira Costa High School. I had the privilege of being one of her students sophomore year, and I can confidently say that it was my favorite english class that I have ever taken at Costa. Ms. Hutchinson is not only an amazing teacher who makes education fun, she is also runs the Link Crew program at Mira Costa. After hearing her tell us about Link Crew and how it helps transition freshmen smoothly into Costa, I knew I had to be apart of it. I was accepted into this program and have loved everything about being a link leader this past year. As Link Leaders, we are able to connect with freshmen and peers from every part of the school. We show school spirit and encourage kindness, positivity, and inclusion throughout the campus. As active community members, we volunteer at the Hometown Fair, give advice to freshmen, organization events, and much more. By laying off Ms. Hutchinson, the district will be depriving the the student body of this amazing program that offers peer-to-peer connection, guidance and advice pertaining to one’s high school career, fun events, and boosts school spirit. I believe wholeheartedly that this program is essential, especially in this time of uncertainty because Link Leaders will be able to ease this rocky transition into high school amongst the pandemic as well as promote a sense of togetherness amongst the students of Costa as a whole. Ms. Hutchinson is the best choice to lead this program because she absolutely loves and encompasses everything Link Crew is about; friendship, respect, school pride, inclusion, and dedication. I am asking that you not take away this amazing teacher and program that so many people hold close to their hearts. Name: Shane Schwarz Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Going into sophomore year I was planning on switching out of Ms. Hutchinson’s English class, mainly because I wanted to be with a bunch of my friends in another class. After 2 weeks I had completely changed my mind because I realized how awesome of a teacher she was. Throughout the year it was a class I enjoyed going to because she made it fun. Everyday she came prepared and was someone that could always help you. Before her class I was not a very strong writer, and now I will be speaking at graduation for Costa. I know that she played a big roll in that because she helped strengthen my writing skills tremendously. I also had Ms. Hutchison for Link Crew for 2 years, I admired her will to always help others and make this school a better place. Never before have I seen such a dedicated, helping, and caring



teacher like Ms. Hutchinson. I hope you make the right decision and keep her, because Costa would not be the same school without her. Name: Sene Gray Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Dear MBUSD School Board, I am the current Mira Costa Choirs booster president, first assuming the position in the 2013-2014 school year. Over the past seven years, I have been fortunate to work with Michael Hayden, Mark McCormick, and the parent boosters to help run a program that is award winning, nationally renowned, and internationally traveled and recognized. Over this time, the excellence of our amazing choral program has continued despite significant cuts which have been made to the district music program that directly affect the viability of the high school choirs. Concerns have been brought to the district’s attention on numerous occasions by teachers and parents over the years regarding the structuring of the music program and the devastating cuts that have been made to it. Last summer, a group of concerned parents also brought this to the attention of the school board, at which time we cautioned that the high school choral program was in extreme jeopardy because of the decisions the district and school board had already made. A commitment was made at the time to work with parents and concerned constituents to understand the underlying issues and to work toward getting our choral program back on track. That commitment was unrealized, as no efforts were made by the district or school board at the time to move forward with their promise. I personally met with Katherine Whitaker Stopp and tried to arrange a meeting on more than one occasion with superintendent Mike Matthews and Dawnalyn Murakawa-Leopard, but I was told they were too busy to meet with me. Fast forward to this spring when a group of music parents finally got the attention of the district and school board by bringing in a national consultant to study the state of our district music program. Due to extreme pressure from hundreds of concerned music parents, students, and community members, within the past two months, district admin and the school board have acquiesced and moved forward to create a subcommittee to study the overall music program and present a report no later than this December. In the meantime, however, the damage that has already been done to the high school choral program is clearly evident in the decreased number of students enrolled in the high school choirs over the past few years. (Continued in next letter…) Name: Margaret Cubillos Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I was lucky enough to have Ms. Hutchinson as my freshman year English teacher. Coming from the hermosa school district, the first day of freshman year was terrifying being at a bigger school but as soon as I entered her 6th period class I knew I would be ok. Ms. Hutchinson is the type of teacher who goes above and beyond to get to know her students and to provide them with a safe learning environment. I have never had a teacher care so much about what she was teaching and for the well being of her students. Her assignments and projects were always so creative and she made such a huge effort to make her class enjoyable. I have also been lucky enough to work with Ms. H in numerous Drama productions and in Link Crew. In everything I have worked with her on she ALWAYS supports the students 100% and inspires us to continue to do our best and follow our passions. She does whatever it takes to support her students and having a teacher like that in high school has been so life changing. Ms. H is an inspiration to all her students to always believe in what you're passionate about and to do what makes you happy. Losing her from Mira Costa would be a HUGE loss to the lives of current and future mustangs.



Name: Henry Driscoll Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Please keep link crew at costa! It has been a great experience. Name: Brooke Tuppan Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Dear MBUSD Board: I love hearing my child sing as she goes about her day. The skills she has learned as a student of Mrs. Gold Pollak and Mr. Glor at MBMS will be with her forever. When I tell people that she attends MBUSD schools I always hear from them about the strong music and arts programs that are legendary. I like that there is a home for all types of students in the music and arts programs. The music programs help children in many positive ways. I am opposed to the further gutting of the choir programs. Recently learning of the fact that the choirmaster position at MCHS has not been held open for interviews makes me sad and confused. It does not seem like the Board believes in the children who are artistic creators yet I have a feeling that every one of you have sung a song out loud or in your head this week alone. Please support those who need to be in a choir and be with others like themselves. By not growing the program you are causing it to wither away and with that the dreams of many hardworking, talented children. Why wait for the time when there are no songs to sing? To go from an award winning program with a legend at the helm to a leaderless, much smaller group is maddening. I encourage you to change course and support the choirs in our schools. Please do not support "The Day The Music Died" in Manhattan Beach schools. Respectfully, Brooke Tuppan Name: Theresa Healy Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Comment About Music Program, MCHS Choir Program in Particular. One very troubling thing is clear here and that is the complete lack of transparency from MBUSD District officials about its lack of effort to maintain an award winning Choir Program at Mira Costa High School. As a result, damage is being done to the district's highly regarded music education program. Said program is well known and it attracts students to our district and to remain in school at the high school level. District officials were aware of Mr. Hayden's retirement over a year ago. Yet, despite being asked repeatedly and long before COVID-19, to date, they have not taken any steps to hire or even begin the search for his replacement. By not having a choir director in place for next school year, the confidence in the choir program has already diminished significantly. This lack of confidence has resulted in a 42% drop in enrollment for the 2020/2021 school year. This drop has allowed for the district to reduce the number of Mira Costa choir classes for the 2020/2021 school year to only 2 (we're losing 2 choirs next year due to cuts). This lack of attention to the choir program, if allowed to continue, will likely result in the decimation of the choir program within 3 years. Our students deserve better than this from MBUSD District officials. The school board needs to take immediate steps to protect the students, Choir program and the reputation of MBUSD. Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter.



Name: Stephan Oliveira Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. With the teacher layoffs, having Maddie Hutchinson as one of the teachers who will be removed means that the Link Crew program at Mira Costa will be discontinued. As we’ve strive for reforming campus’s attitudes regarding diversity and inclusion, she has come up in conversations multiple times as a model for allyship that teachers should strive to be. She has always advocated for student inclusivity and has contributed significantly to the success of our students. For many students, she’s inspired and encouraged people to be involved in community events and has laid a foundation for students to succeed not only at Costa but throughout their communities as well, be it through her instruction as an English teacher or as the Link Crew coordinator, we attribute a significant amount of our strength to her. I know that personally, as an LGBT+ student on campus I haven’t always felt safe or accepted. When I was a sophomore, this was especially true and I was in a really difficult position in my life. Ms. Hutchinson was incredibly supportive and I knew that she was someone who I could turn to as a trusted adult on campus and I know that I’m not the only student who shares this sentiment. No matter what, she is always providing unconditional love and support to students, which is a difficult quality to find in teachers. We need to have our budgeting looked at, because it doesn’t feel as if funds are being properly allocated towards the most pressing issues. Our teachers should be a priority; we can have a successful school with limited physical materials, but not without the teachers that are largely responsible for our success. Name: Kaya Hanks Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. One of the teachers that was pink slipped, is Ms. Hutchinson. I have had Ms. H as a teacher for two years now, both as a Link Crew Class teacher. Ms. H was the first teacher I knew that truly cared about her students and actually cared about teaching. She has a true passion for teaching and you can really tell when she is speaking to you and teaching you. Because of Link Crew I was able to create so many connections with people I would have never met. If we lose Ms. H we won’t have Link Crew. Ms. H is the only one who knows how to run something like Link Crew. She has put several hours and hours of work in to Link Crew and would truly do anything for Link Crew. Ms. Hutchinson has taught me what caring for someone is because she has genuinely cared for me for my friends for all of her students. She has shown me so many life lessons that no other person has or will ever be able to. In the Link Crew class, she taught us how to care for Freshman and new students and has taken time out of her days to work with us as a group and teach us how to mentor others. Ms. H is a very special person to me and every person she has ever taught. She has created such a safe space for each and every person even if she never taught them. Ms Hutchinson was always so kind loving and caring for everyone. It never mattered who you were, she always made sure you felt loved and cared for at all times. Ms. H has also been there for me whenever I needed her and made sure I was always happy and would help me through everything and anything. She has prioritized her students and all students before her self always. As a senior, her class was the only class I enjoyed going to every day. She always knew how to put a smile on my face if i was down. Ms. H. does not deserve this. Ms. H is the one teacher that truly cares and has an actual passion for teaching. She is the reason many students have enjoyed high school including me. Link Crew is also the only thing that helps freshman and new students feel welcomed into Costa, which was brought to Costa because of Ms Hutchinson, which shows how much she actually cares for all students. Name: Aidan Velleca Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Link Crew has been one of my favorite experiences. I met a lot of fun people in Link Crew, and it really helped me open up. It builds a sense of community at Costa because Link Crew helps with all the spirit days and social events. Link Crew is also necessary for freshman, and it really helps them get accustomed to the school. The value of Link Crew cannot be



understated. Link Crew has a profound impact on all students in all grades, and Costa would be worse off not having it around. Costa would not be Costa without the Link Crew club and class taught by Mrs. Hutchinson. Name: Jade Gill Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I have been a part of Mira Costa’s Link Crew for the last two years and I was unfortunately not able to experience this lovely service when I was a freshman. I would hate to see this program go to waste after three years. Ms. Hutchinson has worked so hard to make this successful and I would hate for the lower class men to not have the support. The program is amazing filled with amazing people and Ms. Hutchinson deserves to run link crew. Name: Donovan Wright Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Entering high school, I did not have a place on campus. However, when Ms.Hutchinson approached me about a leadership opportunity, a light had formed at the end of the tunnel. When I was freshmen, I really could have used Link Crew, so I figured this is an opportunity to help those in need. Without Link Crew, I would still be the scared little freshman I was a few years ago. I have grown so much as a person and, more importantly, as a leader. I enjoyed getting to know my freshman and helping them get acclimated to Mira Costa. Ms. Hutchinson and Link Crew as a whole have genuinely helped me discover who I am, and I cannot think of a better way to pay them back by writing this message. I beg you to allow Ms. Hutchinson to stay at Mira Costa as not only a fantastic English teacher but also the dedicated and fantastic coordinator of one of the best programs on campus. Laying off, Ms. Hutchinson will discontinue Link Crew. Without Link Crew, the upcoming freshmen every year will have a hard time finding their place on campus. Mira Costa is a big campus filled with hundreds of opportunities, so without a Link Leader's present, first-year students will not know what to do. This program means a lot to the rest of the dedicated Link Leaders and Ms. Hutchinson. Name: Ava O’Hara Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I do not think teachers like Ms. Hutchinson and Mr. Kofahl should be laid off because they are two of the most genuine people I have met. I went on Costa’s Spain trip with both of them, and they were nothing but nice to me the whole time. During this trip, I got to know them as people, and not just teachers. We didn’t even talk about school! They may have the least experience teaching at Costa, but that does not mean they are bad at teaching. I know many students who would love for both of these teachers to teach another year because they related to students on not just a teacher level, but a friend level too. Also, Mira Costa would be losing a program such as Link Crew, which is important in acclimating the freshmen to high school, and has been very effective the past couple years. As a student, I value the way my teachers are outside of school, because that builds who they are in school. Thank you! Name: Isabelle Youngson Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. The link crew class led by Ms. Hutchinson is extremely important and supports thousands of new students at Mira Costa. It allows them to meet upperclassman and have people in their corner ready to help them acclimate to high school life. The class has supported thousands of new students and has made them more comfortable to join new clubs, sports and



make the most out of their high school experience. Please continue Link Crew, and Ms. Hutchinson has been an incredible, impactful teacher - the best I have had at my 4 years at Costa. Name: Andrea Custer Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Dear Board of Trustees, During today’s Board meeting please inquire directly and specifically as to what further cuts are envisioned for the high school VAPA programs, both in terms of the variety AND number of courses offered. Name: Maddie Hutchinson Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I am writing today on behalf of Link Crew, the program I run at Mira Costa. Link Crew is a mentorship program that empowers juniors and seniors to utilize their own experiences to help guide freshmen and new students as they transition to our campus. It was originally brought up in the Social Emotional Wellness Committee and has since been supported by PTSA and administration. We run Freshmen and New Student Orientations, as well as events designed to cultivate inclusivity, social connectedness, and school spirit. Leaders are “linked” with freshmen and new students for the entire year—offering guidance, checking in during stressful times, celebrating victories, and answering questions. In the 3 years we have been on campus, we have consistently and significantly grown in size, popularity, and impact. Even during a pandemic, over 200 students applied for coveted Link Leader positions. Even during quarantine, we have found ways to share positivity posts with students and create virtual experiences. As I told the students: we remain leaders even/especially when things get tough. Link Crew serves HUNDREDS of students every year, from the 150 Leaders to the 500+ freshmen to the many new students who join MCHS each semester. The class is beloved by those who take it, and our enrollment has climbed each year. We are a group that people rely on: counselors on behalf of struggling students, parents looking for mentors for their kid(s), and being called upon by administration to run assemblies, lead student tours, and support other programs on campus. It is not fun asking to be spared or saved, especially when I feel my performance, reputation, and contributions speak for themselves. However, as I’ve told students, it is important to reach out and advocate for what we believe in. So, I am doing just that: Please allow me to stay on and continue this work. If my position is terminated, it is highly likely that Link Crew will need to be disbanded. Losing Link Crew would be devastating to the Leaders (many of whom find their place and sense of value through Link Crew), freshmen, new students, and our campus culture. It would truly be a shame to say goodbye to all of the work put in by hundreds of students over the last 3 years. Thank you for your time and consideration. I realize you are in a difficult position. Name: Shawn Chen Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Over the years the relationship between MBEF and MBUSD has increased the control that MBEF exerts over programming in the public schools—while the foundation maintains that their complete autonomy allows them to direct giving in accordance with the intention of their donors. Hilary Mahan expressed concerns earlier this year with “selling” the public on the notion that MBEF has a $20 million endowment and will donate over $6 million dollars to the general fund of MBUSD—as the district simultaneously guts the programs which Ed Foundation ostensibly raises money to fund. By ignoring the wishes of those who have donated to the foundation, they risk losing the support of donors.



For year a banner outside the MCHS library has bold proclaimed, “WITHOUT US IT’S THE LIBRARIES THAT WOULD BE CLOSED” And now we see that even those the Beach Reporter earlier this year announced that MBEF gave a record $6.5 Million—a “contribution represent[ing] 8 percent of the MBUSD's total budget and a $300,000 increase from last year. “ the very programs that MBEF raised this money to support will be eliminated. Blaming this fiasco on Covid is an opportunistic move as the district was preparing the public for these cuts starting in November. It seems that some of the old fundraising tactics were set to be implemented—RIF key programs, run a supplemental campaign and paddle raise for library/music/PE/small classes in history, math, English, and Foreign Language—then announce to the donating public that their contributions “SAVED TEACHERS” The Beach Reporter announced that MBEF's annual contribution represents 8 percent of the MBUSD's total budget and a $300,000 increase from last year. “ With programs such as Link Crew which shepherds 100s of freshmen through the emotional adjustment to high school (and offers a trained adult teacher to help the mentor students develop skills in various aspects of mental health work themselves), and class size and LIBRARIES at all school sites on the chopping block, how can Ed Foundation sit on $20 Million dollars? Even with a goal of giving back $1 million per year from the endowment, now would be the time to selectively support the programs needed by the district—or realize that the support of Ed Foundation is merely serving as a crutch which allows mis-management of state funding. Has MBUSD gotten “too big for our britches”? If we cannot afford to run the programs we have with the money provided by the state, rather than look at revenue, why not analyze expenditures? When searching the board documents for legal fees, there are hundreds of thousands of dollars being spent to handle poor administrative decisions—the “asbestos case” and a Jane Doe rape case are still being investigated (and legal fees incurred by the district to represent MBUSD administrators) When the time comes to furlough employees as Jen Cochran recently suggested she is lobbying the federal legislature to allow, make sure those furloughs are proportional for administrators. Every teacher and staff furlough day should have 4-5 furlough days for MBUSD administrators. Cuts should impact those who have COST the district, both through their incompetence and as a result of their higher salaries. Name: Olivia Stanley Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I am in shock about what is to happen to the choir department. It is of the best parts of Mira Costa. It got me through a lot over the past years. It set me up to go to college for Music Theatre and has helped me to choose a career path in the arts. Mr. Mccormick is one of the best teachers I have ever had the opportunity to learn from. He has been one of the teachers that cared and was kind amongst many teachers who don’t and treat students poorly. The choir department taught me so much about music and provided me a family on campus. It seems to me that only the music and arts programs suffer cuts. Only the teachers and programs that really help kids are suffering. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without choir and those involved. Name: John Dargan Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. The President of the Board stated in a recent Board meeting that: “It’s my firm belief that students will be able to - anyone who wants to take any of these music classes in MBUSD in the future will be able to take these classes. So, I mean it’s, we’re by no means, you know, making cuts to an overall program. So, you know, I loved all of the comments about what music means to all these students and I believe that you’ll all be able to continue to take all of those music classes.” Does she still stand by this statement?



Especially given all the previously announced cuts to the Music Program which amount to a 20+% reduction in both funding and FTE for the Music Program as a whole, facts recently confirmed by the District Superintendent, and the new information in this Resolution that HS Music Theory is being reduced to just one course from the current two (either CP/AP Music Theory will be eliminated), HS Orchestra is being reduced from 4 courses to 3 and HS Choir is being reduced from 4 courses to 3 or probably fewer given that no Choir Director has currently been appointed or even sought despite the Administration knowing for over a year that the current Choir Director, Michael Hayden, is retiring. Furthermore, the current Choir Accompanist is losing his 2 Music Theory classes (0.4 FTE) and is supposedly now only teaching 0.2 FTE of the Elementary Choir position thereby representing another heretofore undisclosed 0.2 FTE cut to the Music Program. If so, would she honestly say the same about the Math program, for example, if the only HS Math courses being offered were Geometry and Algebra with no Honors course in Algebra 2 or AP courses in Statistics or Calculus? Name: milla solnicki Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I was a new kid when I came to costa, coming from a whole different school district. I didn’t know anyone at the school and I was so anxious to face that alone. But then I realized I didn’t have to. Link Crew gave me around 10 automatic new friends and 2 upperclassmen to help me navigate the scary beginnings of high school. Link Crew is what saved me. One of my best friends now was in my Link Crew group and I don’t think I would know her today if it wasn’t for Link Crew. Because of this I have been super enthusiastic about Link Crew and giving this sense of security to the intimidated freshman. I feel that it is a crucial program at Costa and it is absolutely necessary to keep it. Name: sina moein jahromi Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. plz dont change miss jewett becuse i need her and she really help me Name: Olivia Stanley Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. It is so upsetting to see incredible teachers like Ms. Hutchinson, Mrs. Houterman, Ms. Chang, and Mr. Kohfahl being considered for lay-off. These teachers have had such a positive impact on my high school experience. These are some of the teachers that truly go above and beyond for their students. The work Ms. Hutchinson does for Link Crew AND the Drama Department AND student trips is insane. She works so hard and cares so much about the kids.There aren’t many teachers that are willing to put so much work into their classroom, and outside the classroom as well. Mrs. Houterman was one of the few adults I really trusted on campus. I know that she would be there for me if I needed it. Ms. Chang helped me so much with Chinese. It was hard for me to pickup sometimes, but I always felt supported by her. It is unbelievable that teachers like that are being considered for this when there are plenty of teachers with bad attitudes that create a negative environment on campus. Name: Clare Arnold Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Save our teachers. Costa has gained the reputation that it has because of amazing teachers like Hutchinson, Piper, Kofahl, and Houterman, just to name a few. I am embarrassed to see that their jobs are at stake due to administration. If



you care about students, you will do whatever it takes to help save these teachers. I have had the privilege to have some of these teachers through out my 4 years here. They have shaped me into who I am today and have nurtured hundreds of students into discovering their passions. I doubt someone from the board of trustees actually reads these public comments, but if they do, SAVE OUR TEACHERS. Costa will not be what it is today without them. Period. Name: Michele Gentille Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Dear Board of Trustees, During today’s Board meeting please inquire as to what further cuts are envisioned for the high school VAPA programs, specifically in terms of the variety AND number of courses offered. Name: Raymond Sun Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. 5/22/20 RE: Need More cuts in Special education due to losses in LOCAL REVENUE, city of MB Dear Dr Matthew,Jen Fenton, Dr Lepord, Hilary Manhan, and Dan Rogoff I want to let you know that the city of Manhatthan beach has lost revenue due to the retail store closings which means the Manhatthan Village Mall is halfly shut down. We are also seeing Losses in MBEF Revenue for the 2021-2022 school year from its business, and indival donations. So the cuts from the city of Manhatthan beach is $2,261,448 from the city of Manhatthan beach and Other renters. Please note that MBEF could also loose revenue because many people losses their jobs and can not afford the increases. Also, I would Recommedding reucting 5.0 FTE for the EDP and 8.0FTE for the child nutrition because the Redondo Beach Unified school district is voting to layoffs on 5/26 Board of Education Metting. I also want to let you know that I have withdrawn from Mira Costa High School due to these budget cuts and Notices that i have to issue such as rent increases. Right know by the 2021-2022 School MBUSD will have a $13,140,384 with a increase of $2.2 Million Dollar a year in deficit spending due to loss local revenue. Many places such as tesla is moving to texas to avoid any tax hikes. Also, Voters in california will stop approving tax hikes because as you saw in the March 3rd 2020 election many bonds and parcel taxes have FAILED. Including Measure FD which was a parcel tax for my family. But their is a way that i might be able to help. I am planning on opening some franchise stores that give to non profits. So i think that that may help. So right know the Manhatthan Beach unified School District is facing a State take over if they do not make cuts in special education due to the $13,140,384 Dollar defict or even higher which was caused by loss local revenue. I would Love to schedule a meeting with Dr Lepord, and Jen Fenton to discuss about this so please reach out to them so we can schudle a meeting. Finally, I recommended that you make a $13,140,384 cut into special education moving forward. I would recommened when the Manhatthan Beach Unfied school district shops on amazon then 5% of revenue can go back to our schools. Please rember that Gavin newsoms education cut is spilt in 2 years so please expect another 10% decrease in State revenue. Please note that this letter will also be posted in public comments for 6/3 Board meeting for the Manhatthan Beach Unified School district. Sincerly Sun,Raymond



Name: Karni Syed Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Dear Board of Trustees, Please inquire as to what further cuts are envisioned for the high school VAPA programs, specifically in terms of the variety AND number of courses offered. Name: Lauren Mittleman Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Ms. Hutchinson and Link Crew are 2 of the main reasons that I have really enjoyed my experience at Costa so far. She is one of the sweetest, most caring teachers I have ever had and is such an amazing teacher and person to be around. She started the Link Crew program at Costa which helps so many people every year and helps promote unity across the campus by getting everyone involved in spirit days and fun events, all while providing resources to students who need help. Being a student of Ms. Hutchinson a year ago and a Link Leader this past year, I got to see not only how hard Ms. Hutchinson works to make the campus community a better place for everyone in it, but also how significant Link Crew’s presence on campus is. It can be really intimidating when you’re a freshman at a big school and don’t know anyone or how things work, and Link Crew leaders alleviate that stress for so many students. Speaking from my own experience, it is so much easier to ask for help from a fellow student than from some authority figure you don’t know on your first day of school. Without Link Crew, new students to Costa would not be able to do that, so please don’t take that away from them. Both Ms. Hutchinson and Link Crew are invaluable to the learning environment at Mira Costa, and taking them away would do nothing but hurt students. Name: Brigitte Clark Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Choir saved my life. Literally. I was in an abusive home environment and I often would become extremely depressed not knowing what my future was. Until I met Mr. Hayden, and Mr. McCormick. Over the 4 years I was in choir, they grew to be my family, and Mr. Hayden grew to be like my second dad. He taught us all lessons far beyond the choir room that I still carry today. We sang beautiful music and choir gave us the chance to travel places with people I loved, to show complete strangers what beauty and grace could feel like if they just listened. Choir taught us how to get along with people from different backgrounds and lifestyles. Math and history may have taught me how the world is factually, but choir gave my soul and heart purpose. Please allow other kids to have that chance too. Name: Laura Kiely Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I am concerned that the District may not have hired a Costa choir director replacement for Mr. Hayden. I hope the District replaces Mr. Hayden with a well qualified Choir director. Also, I notice that the Board has some discretion when giving pink slips. In the same way that a STEM teacher with low seniority was skipped from being pink slipped because of a “specialization” of knowledge and training, I hope Music Directors with specialized training will also be given that same consideration if making cuts to the Music programs. The. Choir program is essential for Students’ SOcial Emotional Wellness, even during Distance Learning. Do not take away this lifeline for so many kids. And please do all you can to maintain the level of excellence the Costa Choir program has achieved. I’m afraid the lack of District support will eventually destroy the music program at Costa . Thank you



Name: priyanka ghosh choudhuri Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Link Crew has been an amazing experience for me. My freshmen year, the program was not up yet and now I always think back and imagine how differently my year would have gone with Link Crew. To have a support system right from the get go is so so important especially during the start of high school. Being a part of Link Crew has made me see how beneficial it is to so many students and it should be a stable program. Name: Janet Dargan Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. In reading through your Resolution presented to you today, it is commendable that the District has recognized the need to protect its one qualified Project Lead the Way teacher. Mrs. Weaver has revolutionized MBUSD’s approach and offerings in the STEM field, launched annual STEM Nights for the South Bay community for students of all grades, and is clearly critical to preparing our students for a bright future. We feel the same about our Music Teachers. There is only one orchestra, one band and one choral director for each of high school, middle school and elementaries (though only one director for both band and orchestra in the middle school). They also meet the criteria applied in exempting PLTW, specifically, “the amount of financial resources and extensive teacher training the District has already invested in building the program.” In fact, MBEF was originally founded to enrich art and music programs and a few years ago helped to secure more instruments for elementary music education to implement the third grade music wheel program (but sadly now only allocates less than 10% of its funding for music). In the “Every Student Succeeds Act” (ESSA), arts and music are included in the definition of a “well-rounded education” – a term that has replaced the definition of “core academic subjects”. We urge the Board to recognize and acknowledge the uniqueness of the music program in having such sparse faculty that the current 22% reduction - a higher budget cut than any other curricular subject - is devastating to the future of the program. In an educational system where we all value equity, access and inclusiveness for all our students and encourage academic achievement and social emotional wellness which the music education provides, the music program’s strength, continuing success and opportunity to grow are highly dependent on your actions and support today. It is abundantly clear that our community values music education, with over 300 letters and public comments from students, parents, supporters submitted to the Board and the District Administration for the April 15th Board meeting alone. Please apply the same rationale to the music faculty as you have in protecting the PLTW teacher and help ensure all our students have the opportunity and access to a quality music education that would be critical to their well-rounded education. Thank you for your support. Name: milla solnicki Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. I was a new kid when I came to costa, coming from a whole different school district. I didn’t know anyone at the school and I was so anxious to face that alone. But then I realized I didn’t have to. Link Crew gave me around 10 automatic new friends and 2 upperclassmen to help me navigate the scary beginnings of high school. Link Crew is what saved me. One of my best friends now was in my Link Crew group and I don’t think I would know her today if it wasn’t for Link Crew. Because of this I have been super enthusiastic about Link Crew and giving this sense of security to the intimidated freshman. I feel that it is a crucial program at Costa and it is absolutely necessary to keep it.



Name: John Dargan Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. By what process did the District determine that 0.7 FTE of Support Teacher - Science did not need to be eliminated? Why was a 0.7 FTE Elementary PE position, for example, or a 0.5 FTE Elementary Music position plus 0.2 FTE Support Teacher – Reading position not rescinded as a result? These positions were eliminated by the Board on February 26 along with the Support Teacher – Science positions after much discussion. Was a 0.7 or even 1.0 K-5 Elementary position rescinded instead? If so, that position was actually eliminated under the different criteria - Reduce Staffing for Enrollment – after minimal discussion on March 4. Who decided what the Board’s priorities were in the ordering of rescinding positions or does the Administration just get to decide that on its own? I fully support protecting Project Lead The Way and the excellent work that Leanne Weaver is doing. But is the Administration the sole arbiter of who gets protection and who doesn’t? Like Pre-K positions. Taken to its logical conclusion, the Administration could easily manipulate these protections to eliminate those positions that it chooses and protect others that would logically be eliminated otherwise. Shouldn’t the Board and, by extension, the Community get to decide what it values? It’s the Board’s will that should be followed, and the Administration’s job is to implement those priorities. What happens to the HS Link Crew now that its coordinator has been laid-off? How does a 0.8 FTE HS position get bumped by 0.5 FTE by a MS teacher and 0.3 FTE by a TOSA. Since each class/period is HS is 0.2 FTE, is the MS and TOSA going to teach half a class each? Name: Alexandra Chase Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. The amount of dedication, passion, and hard work that Mrs. Hutchinson puts in every single day deserves to be recognized. She has done so much to make Mira Costa an overall more loving family and welcoming community, and because of her I am so proud to be a Mustang. She is the life and spirit of the wonderful Link Crew family that I am so honored to be a part of. I can confidently say that this organization she created has made such a huge and positive impact on the relationships between students at Costa. It’s incredible that I’ve been able to meet so many amazing freshmen when I was a junior and a senior that I never would’ve known without Link Crew. Normally there’s a divide between upperclassmen and lower classmen which I was able to see when I was a freshman and Link Crew was not around then... This program needs to stay and so does she. I can’t imagine Mira Costa without Mrs. Hutchinson. She is seriously insane and one of the most amazing people I’ve met. She’s an inspiration and is a perfect example for all the wonderful things Costa embodies. We love you Mrs. Hutch xx - Alex Chase Name: Jenna Ortega Board Agenda Item: C.1 (Action): Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. Dear board of trustees, My name is Jenna Ortega and I’ve recently just found out that my favorite teacher, Ms.Hutchinson, has received a pink slip. This breaks my heart because I know there is nothing I can do about it. She has been my teacher for 3 out of my 4 years at Costa and it’s safe to say that she is the only teacher, that I’ve had, who genuinely cares about her students. Ms.H makes school feel like an amusement park. She’s so energetic and makes everything that we learn FUN and exciting. Obviously school shouldn’t feel like that and no one usually wakes up and is excited to go to school, but I did because Ms.H made me realize that learning can take me to new places and show me what the world has to offer. She has not only changed my life, but has impacted others as well. Ms. Hutchinson has brought opportunities, hope, courage and happiness in my life not only because of her teaching, but because of Link Crew. Link Crew has made me the person I am today. It has brought me many friendships that I will forever maintain in my life and it has brought me different



quality traits that I can now say I have. I’ve learned to stand up for myself, to take leadership in certain roles, to give back to my community and to believe in myself. Link Crew has encouraged me to stay positive even when times get tough, like for instance COVID-19. Obviously the situation that we are in sucks, but being in Link Crew, and in the class, has taught me to keep pushing and keep fighting because everything will soon become better. Ms.Hutchinson is a dedicated, enthusiastic, great teacher and although there’s no guarantee she can have her job back next year, I know that she nor I would want Link Crew to be taken away. Link Crew has so much to offer to our school, so please give it a chance. I promise you, you won’t regret it! Name: Sene Gray Board Agenda Item: None of the above: Adoption of Administrative Law Judge’s Decision – Certificated Layoff. (… continued from previous letter.) Additionally, the district was notified more than a year ago about the retirement of our choir director, Michael Hayden, and we have asked repeatedly what is happening to replace him, and repeatedly, we have been told that nothing has been done. This is inexcusable. With the retirement of a beloved director and no plans to replace him, the high school choir program has been left in a state of unending uncertainty and confusion. Students have been asked to sign up for choir next year without being told what classes might be offered and certainly not knowing who might teach them. As a result, high school choir enrollment for the 2020-2021 school year has been diminished even further to the point where, today, the school board will be asked to vote to on reducing the number of choir classes at Mira Costa from 4 to at most 3, and possibly even 2. And of course, without a choir director, that number is essentially 0. The district’s handling of our choir program over the past several years is unconscionable. While purporting to appreciate this award winning, extraordinarily valuable program, in fact, very little effort has been made to support it. Today, I ask the district to 1) make a decision about who will be teaching choir this fall, and 2) reevaluate the decision to cut the program in half. If immediate steps are not taken to shore up the damage that has already been done, this program will very likely be gone by next fall or the year after. I leave my position of choir booster president this spring with the high school graduation of my youngest daughter, and it is my sincere hope that the school board and district admin will make the right decisions going forward to maintain the excellence of the choir program, specifically, as well as the general music and performing arts programs in our district. Thank you, Sene Gray Name: Erica Shankle Board Agenda Item: None of the above MIra Costa High School has continued the most stellar reputation in the performing arts arena… Including the most amazing choir program anywhere. It would be absolutely ridiculous to cut any part of the music program or make any of the mentioned shifts. An individual retiring should have no impact to the existence of that position and the amazing choirs thriving under their direction. Personally… My daughter has soared in her years in the Mira Costa choirs; Unbelievable confidence building, friendship building, skills building in this family wouldn’t trade it for the world. Every kid that attends the school deserves a chance to be a part of this amazing program If they wanted to. I can’t even imagine one of the most amazing programs… To the best of my knowledge… In the United States... Threatened to be cut little by little. Completely unacceptable.



Name: Tom Warren Board Agenda Item: None of the above Mark McCormick is a valued faculty member and his AP Music Theory Class has been an inspirational to his students. He does a very good job in communicating the concepts and relates well to the students. He is one of the teachers who makes students better by creating an environment conducive to learning. It is rare to find this match in teaching and inspiration and I would urge you to reconsider eliminating this class. My daughter is considering a career in Opera and is benefitting significantly from what she is learning in his class. Please reconsider making this change. Sincerely, Tom Warren Name: Paige Pickett Board Agenda Item: None of the above This is about the choir program cuts that are being proposed and decided on. Dear Board, this is my final plea. Please do not cut the choir program down to 2 choirs. This is not how young singers can learn. Me and my fellow peers have tried taking the route of telling all the things that choir has done for us but we are not being heard. I know you guys keep saying that this is out of your hands and cuts need to be done but this is not the way. I'm telling you, it just isn't. This program being destroyed as soon as there is a change in power with Mr. Hayden leaving feels really sneaky and like the board does not really have the arts students back. I have see cuts happen to art programs in the movies but never in a million years did I think it would happen to me. We have given you the evidence, we have sent to endless comments, we have shown you all the things we can do and have even won a Grammy for this school to show off. I understand that most of you have just not experienced choir at Costa and do not get just how impactful it is but I can guarantee that cutting the choirs in half WILL do more hurt than help. I don't know what else I can say to you guys other than please listen. Please support us. The arts is everything to the people that are in it and right now we feel like our home, our safespace, our one good thing in high school is being taken away. I know making these hard decisions is something that comes with your job but I promise you there are other solutions. So for the last time and hopefully the one that is the loudest, please keep this program at the place it is in now. Thank you for your time. Name: Alison Gerber Board Agenda Item: None of the above Why? Why is the district killing the only performing arts program that gives all students a chance to be on stage, regardless of ability? Choir has a no cut policy. A senior, with no previous musical experience can join choir and perform in 2 concerts. Being comfortable performing in front of people is a skill that will serve these students well in life. Kids need their pack in high school. Choir had a profoundly positive impact on my son the entire 4 years he was a student at Mira Costa. While some students enjoy school strictly for the academics, most do not. Programs like choir get kids to school and keep them engaged. The Mira Costa musicals are the gold standard of high school musicals. Many kids choose Costa over private school specifically to be in the musicals. Without the choir program the quality of the musicals will suffer tremendously. I am truly mystified that the district would end a program that gives so much to the students and community.



Name: Itsuko Miyoshi Board Agenda Item: None of the above Mira Costa Choir program taught my daughter tremendous values, not only singing but also blending/working with others and life lessons. She is now a professional musical theater actress and still uses the skills she learned in 4 years of Choirs at Costa. Though understand the extremely difficult time we are going through, it’d be a shame to take away such a valuable program from the students. In a tough time like this, the healing power of Performing Arts should be emphasized, instead of deprived. Please do keep the Choirs program for your students! Thank you. Name: Kate Malik Board Agenda Item: None of the above Please do not consider elimination of the AP Music Theory Class at MCHS. I understand the current crisis, but reducing our high school programming to "the three Rs" is not going to keep our district or our students competitive. Name: Carlotta Invrea-Lizcano Board Agenda Item: None of the above I was recently informed that Ms. Hutchinson, the teacher in charge of link crew, will most likely not be teaching in the fall due to teacher layoffs. Link crew is one of the best programs in this school and being a part of it has really helped me feel as if I can help people throughout campus. I did not have access to this program when I was a freshman at Mira Costa, and I wish I had. Link Crew helps freshmen and all students, and I believe we really have facilitated the transition to high school. This program has to continue, and I believe it would be best under the leadership of Ms. Hutchinson, but if that’s impossible, I hope the school board does everything it can to maintain link crew. Name: Malcolm cutler Board Agenda Item: None of the above I will first start of by stating how crucial link crew is to this school. It provides a basis of friendship and support that incoming freshman can build off of. My freshman year I was very intimidated by the size of the school. My link crew leaders made it much much much easier for me to adapt to it by guiding us through the school and making Friendships that I made and kept. On a personal note, Ms. Hutchinson has been a crucial leader to link crew. She is the head of the organization and a very important person to me and the entire school. Do not fire Ms. Hutchinson and do not make link crew fall due to that wake. Name: Tyler Smith Board Agenda Item: None of the above I am writing about LINK CREW at MCHS. I feel that it is a HUGE mistake to discontinue This course. It has brought so many people from my grade to gather as well as teaching us the skills to be able to help connect the incoming generations with others in their grade to help them adjust to the high school setting. It is a great program that helps others to meet new people in a not so awkward kind of way. Getting rid of this program would hurt more than the people already in the course, but those trying to become the next set of leaders as well as the many generations of kids to follow both trying to become leaders and those trying to make friends.



Name: Zoe Nicole Moreland Board Agenda Item: None of the above Going into high school as a freshmen, Link Crew did not exist at the time. I did not have an upperclassman who I could ask for help, whether it came to choosing classes or even being able to find my own classes. I remember asking strangers for help for where my classes were on the first day of school, and yes, it was terrifying to ask. Link Crew can not be taken away. Yes it can be improved on, but it provides a guidance for the freshman who are able to trust the upperclassmen. It also is able to teach the upperclassmen about leadership which is needed in life after high school in order to be successful. I was also able to bond with many other students from Link Crew. Link Crew is needed for the freshmen and the upperclassmen. Name: Sam Rapier Board Agenda Item: None of the above Music is such an essential part of my children’s education and social development. With the music budget reduction being proposed, it will be difficult for my children to continue their learning, and love, of music outside of the MBUSD music program. Music helps define who they are as children and members of our community. I would like to encourage you to reconsider the proposal to reduce the MBUSD music department budget. Name: chloe gerrans Board Agenda Item: None of the above I believe that link crew is an amazing program for the school. It is very unrecognized and the work that ms hutch is unmatched. She the most amazing teacher and she puts her absolute soul into her work. Name: Michael Cubillos Board Agenda Item: None of the above I urge you to reconsider the resolutions regarding Mr Hayden’s retirement and Mr McCormick. Both teachers have been instrumental to the success of my daughter Maggie’s time while at Costa. Their dedication to the choirs and music theory is perhaps the thing we will remember most of her high school experience. We honestly don’t believe she would be where she is today without their leadership and guidance. Keeping the choir program intact is a must and allowing McCormick to continue at Costa should be a priority. I know I speak for many when I say the choir program and it’s stellar reputation is what factored in to our decision to have Maggie attend Costa. This would be a devastating blow to the school, the program and the community. Name: Abbey Allen Board Agenda Item: None of the above Link Crew has changed my high school experience and outlook on life in many positive ways. I have grown so much as a person from being in Ms. Hutchinson’s class, listening to the valuable life lessons she has taught me. This program is not only beneficial to leaders, but new students as well. It allows for freshmen and new students from out of the district to have a safe place at their new school. Ms. Hutchinson and Link Crew should remain at costa so we can continue the positive messages Link Crew radiates throughout our school.



Name: Debra Smothernan Board Agenda Item: None of the above Don't take away performing arts!!! It is vital for so many of our students. Name: Tyler Smith Board Agenda Item: None of the above I am writing about LINK CREW at MCHS. I feel that it is a HUGE mistake to discontinue This course. It has brought so many people from my grade to gather as well as teaching us the skills to be able to help connect the incoming generations with others in their grade to help them adjust to the high school setting. It is a great program that helps others to meet new people in a not so awkward kind of way. Getting rid of this program would hurt more than the people already in the course, but those trying to become the next set of leaders as well as the many generations of kids to follow both trying to become leaders and those trying to make friends. Name: Tamara Walker Panzarella Board Agenda Item: None of the above MCHS gets more accolades from the undeniable choirs that Mr. Hayden has built. It must be that you have not attended a concert Of MCHS, but the choirs are brilliant!!! I was deeply involved in my music program at my public school. I went on to Miss America , sold 5 million records and before that I was on Broadway. I have gotten more press for my high school and college than any athlete. I love athletics, I am just pointing out the arts are ALSO everywhere. I think it's a disgrace to let this happen. Music is a gift . I have seen the district do this before and it breaks my heart. To watch students cry about vocal music at Costa being disrespected is just beyond so sad to see. Tamara Walker (Gigi Panzarella's Mom) Name: Kerryn Kelly Board Agenda Item: None of the above I joined Link Crew last year as a Junior and hope to continue as a Leader in my Senior year. This program has helped many incoming freshman and transfer students feel invited and welcomed into a new environment where it is frightening to have to make new friends on their own. Link Crew Leaders have had the privilege and ability to help these students feel more comfortable and accepted at Mira Costa and introduce them to activities they may not have known were available to them such as clubs, sports, or other after-school activities. Mrs. Hutchinson has worked hard to run this program, along with Mr. Kofahl, and many Link Crew Leaders would hate to see this inspiring program disintegrate. Name: Faith Bolin Board Agenda Item: None of the above please keep link crew as a program at costa!!!!



Name: Raymond Sun Board Agenda Item: None of the above Date: 5/22/20 Dear Jen Fenton, Dr Leopard, This Is Raymond Sun and I want to let you know that your revenue in MBUSD is going down each year until 2026. So the budget with the LCFF revenue will be going down each year until year 2026. But by the 2021-2022 school year MBUSD LCFF is $45,807,990.75. Some Local Revenue is also declining due to the retail store closings and by 2025 Massive Layoffs are happening in retail stores and restaurants which means that State Revenue could go down by $104 Billion Dollars. Next, The City of Manhattan Beach has also Losses Revenue because of the losses from the Manhattan Village mall and Some retail stores like pier 1 imports, Macys, GAP and other retail stores. Which could mean that the city will have to write a termination letter to the Manhattan Beach Unified School District. We could also lose revenue to the Lawsuits that Many school districts are suing vaping companies for teen vaping use. A company called walgreens, and other smoke shops are also involved in this lawsuit. Then, With regards to the Vaping criss MBUSD could see losses in LCFF to $0. It's Mainly because Vaping companies and pharmacies like CVS, Walgreens, and Rite-Aid have received a Lawsuit about teen Vaping You can watch it on the news. Also, The Asbestos that happened Last School year is Costing about $216 Billion- 4.8e+12 or even higher. So the following reductions/Revenue sources to cover the asbestos are requested to be made for the Manhattan Beach USD over the next 20 years. Services/ Materials, and supplies $309,288,080 , Special education $480,000,000, Insurance Bill $1,200,000,000, My Plan to raise dollars to pay the Asbestos Litigation $1,375,000,000, MBUSD business program (Threw the amazon 5% give back) where families will open at least 2 big business 1,300 locations max $9.1B.Mira Costa Students that are starting their business $2,957,500,000, 15% Increase to Special education $2,500,000,000 So That's the revenue that I am asking to be cut or increased to pay for the Asbestos Litigation. Please email me at if you have any questions. I would also like to schedule a meeting to discuss this future. Please also remember that the citizens of california may not pass a tax hike because many californians want to see refinanced bonds because when you refinanced bonds then you get more students into schools. This Letter will also be on the public comments for the 6/3 Board meeting. Sincerely Raymond Sun Name: Julie Spore Board Agenda Item: None of the above All high achieving high schools have well rounded performing arts programs. It is important that students who have no previous experience (I.e. expensive private lessons) have an opportunity to learn about music. Choral singing is a very easy entry to learning to read music, music history & classical repertoire. It also teaches kids who aren’t athletic how to play on a team. My son graduated from MCHS ten years ago & continued to college where he receive a BM in Voice Performance. His best friends until today are ones he met in the choir program. Please reconsider your decision to abolish this. It takes years to rebuild. Thank you. Name: Anna O'Brien Board Agenda Item: None of the above As a parent of a third year choir student, I cannot express enough how saddened we are to learn of the lack of support the MCHS choir and music program has received throughout the years. With upcoming budget cuts, we are forced to expect even the worst. I strongly urge the school board to redirect their efforts or lack there of, and help support the program by hiring a replacement for Mr. Hayden, creating a full scale marketing program to tout the immense benefits



of arts education, and give the award winning Choir and Music programs at Mira Costa High School the financial and administrative support it so deservingly merits. Name: Tony Nguyen Board Agenda Item: None of the above Please do not eliminate the choir program and MCHS. I am an alumni of that program and being in the choirs was integral to my personal and academic development. It taught me skills that I use in my day to day professional and personal life: teamwork, attention to detail, always striving for the very best when the very best is a moving target. To cut this program would mean to cut what gets so many students out of bed every say to go to school. High school is really rough on kids, but the choirs gave me a community that validated me and made me feel like I had a family at school. Please do not cut this program, it is so so so so important, the arts are so so so important. Name: Shawn Chen Board Agenda Item: None of the Above When reviewing the document which was submitted to the board agenda--please make note that the document was crafted by the district lawyers-the firm of Fagan Friedman and Fulfrost. Feel free to search the board docs for their firm and for Andelson, Atkins and Loya. The dollar figure paid to attorney's in our district could easily pay for 6 teachers a year. Why we pay $10,000 to a law firm to craft a document which a competent HR department should be able to pull together speaks to the ad hoc nature of "leadership" in MBUSD. The details of this document defy logic. Teachers identified in the document for reassignment to the middle school from high school assignments have not been notified by admin that their names are even part of the RIF discussion. Is that legal? Yes. Is it good management practice? No. Until the RIF hearing last Friday, this document did not exist. A team of lawyers put together the suggested teaching assignments of MBUSD staff. Split assignments between high school and middle school where the class periods do not even align make zero sense. How the board questions "staff" about the mechanics of implementing this document will show the public how seriously board members take their duties. It is your job, members of the board, to hold admin accountable for the work they do. Let's see if you can get answers that make sense before destroying the integrity of instruction at MBUSD schools. More than ever we need the expertise of caring, experienced teachers to help guide students through the academic and emotional landscape ahead. Try to implement a vision here rather than merely following a blueprint created by lawyers