Manage Your Food Cravings & Conquer Your Weight Loss Fears

Post on 09-Jun-2015

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Holistic health and wellness coach Jovanka Ciares will teach you to: - Face your reality in a compassionate way and get clarity about what you want - Understand the real reason behind your constant feelings of hunger - Understand the difference between true and false hunger - Learn about the #1 food that will help you manage cravings INSTANTLY - Basic process to help reboot your system

Transcript of Manage Your Food Cravings & Conquer Your Weight Loss Fears

Manage Your Food Cravings And Conquer

Your Weight Loss Fears

Today You Will LearnFace your reality in a compassionate way and get clarity about what you wantUnderstand the real reason behind your constant feelings of hunger Understand the difference between true and false hunger Learn about the #1 food that will help you manage cravings INSTANTLY Basic process to help reboot your system

Fear Creeps In….


Because diets don't work

According to the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Americans spent an

estimated $30 billion a year in 1992 on all types of diet programs and products, including

diet foods and drinks.

It is now estimated to have reached over $60 Billion.

The National Institute of Health has estimated that dieters can expect to regain two-thirds of their lost weight within a year of completing their diet plan. These dieters can expect to

regain all of their weight, and possibly more, within 5 years.

Fortunately, there is a perfect recipe for lasting weight loss.

3 Keys To Manage 3 Keys To Manage Cravings and Cravings and

Losing Weight Losing Weight

Key #1 – Stop The FearKey #1 – Stop The Fear• Our bodies are very smart, and it sends

us signals all the time. • Hunger is a signal that is supposed to

tell us when we need to re-fuel. • A craving is a signal that our body

wants a food to overcome a discomfort.• Face your reality in a compassionate

way and get clarity about what you want

Key #2 – Understand Key #2 – Understand HungerHunger

• It’s not you, it’s not your fault, it’s not lack of will power.

• When serotonin levels are low, you crave sugars in order to raise serotonin levels

• Some cravings have to do with nutritional deficiencies

• But some issues are deeper, perhaps about self worth and self love

What is Hunger?What is Hunger?True Hunger False Hunger

• Appears at regular time.• Appears at least four

hours after previous meal• All healthy whole foods

can satisfy hunger• It is true hunger if you

are craving unrefined or whole foods

• It is true hunger if a sweet craving is satisfied by rice, sweet potato or dates

• Appears at irregular times

• Appears shortly after eating

• There are only specific foods that can satisfy it

• There is constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating

• You crave refined, highly sweetened or fatty foods

• Your hunger is due to emotional state and/or fatigue

Key #3 - RebootKey #3 - Reboot• The diet works great for a while but you always feel

hungry and your food cravings make it very tempting to cheat or even binge.

WHAT HAS REALLY HAPPENED…• You haven’t uncovered the foods that trigger you as

an individual. You don’t know how much or how often you can eat certain foods without hindering your success or feeling deprived without them.

• Just eliminating the foods you consider “bad” isn’t enough to stop the cravings from coming back.

Key #3 - RebootKey #3 - Reboot• Identify what your trigger foods are and what symptoms they

cause in your body that will eventually lead to cravings.• Eat a clean diet, especially after 3pm. Primarily a plant-

based diet, some healthy oils, some fish.• Carbs should come from fruits and raw veggies and some

raw grains like hemp or quinoa• No salt in the evening. Salt will make you crave carbs and

sugars!• Learn to be present and aware. • If you have a snack, enjoy every single mouthful• Distract yourself: read a book, play with kids, find something

that makes you feel whole and satisfied• Make a list of things that make you really happy.

If Craving Sets InIf Craving Sets In• Find something else satisfying, like a

cup of tea or a shower. • Try a piece of fruit instead of

processed sugar• Try warm almond milk with

cinnamon • Read a page of a inspiring book• Meditate

#1 Food to Manage #1 Food to Manage CravingsCravings

• Cromium supplement –helps get sugar in and out of cells faster

• Gymnema in tea form – It’s a little bitter and it has the power to dull the taste buds to the sense of sweet, thus it is known as the ‘killer of sweet’.

One last critical step to One last critical step to speeding up weight lossspeeding up weight loss

Removing trigger, toxicity-inducing foods

How to remove trigger, How to remove trigger, toxicity-inducing foodstoxicity-inducing foods

You can’t remove your trigger foods until you identify them.

The best way to identify The best way to identify them…them…

Elimination diet or a cleansing diet

Clean Foods Diet MethodClean Foods Diet Method• Slowly start removing the junk foods from your

diet and add in whole foods.

• Stay completely away from the junk foods for a period of time.

• Once all your symptoms are gone, slowly start adding back foods that you miss and see how your body reacts to them. o Notice if you gain weight, start having cravings, or feel tired.

This is information about how well your body is digesting food and absorbing nutrients.

Bottom line, the best way for you to kick start your weight loss is to focus on improving how your body absorbs

nutrients, so that you need less food to keep you energized.

This will improve your health, increase your energy and eliminate your cravings

Clean Foods Diet Clean Foods Diet MethodMethod

Lose 3-5 pounds in the first weekUp to 10% of toxic fat in 4-5 weeksNourish your body to prevent life-threatening diseasesLook younger and sexierFeel fabulous and happyKeep the weight off for the rest of your life

Clean Foods Diet Clean Foods Diet MethodMethod

Never count calories again, ever!

Learn what proteins, carbs and fats are best for toxic fat loss and for proper nourishment

Eat real, clean delicious foods

Clean Foods Diet Clean Foods Diet MethodMethod

Eat delicious foodsNot worry about portion sizeLose weight fastNot feel hungry, ever!Get results and the body you’ve always wanted

Clean Foods Diet Clean Foods Diet MethodMethod

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