Malala Yousoufzai

Post on 07-Oct-2015

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Presents a short bio of Malala

Transcript of Malala Yousoufzai

Malala Yousoufzai

Malala Yousoufzai

Environment Swat Valley, PakistanFrom 2006 onwards the Taliban control the region, imposing their version of Sharia LawWomen were not allowed to be educatedWomen were not allowed to workWomen were forced to wear the burqa at all times in publicThe Taliban allowed and in some cases encouraged marriage for girls under the age of 16Public flogging and execution for violations of the Taliban's lawsMalalas Activism

When she was 11, Malala wrote a blog under a pseudonym for the BBC detailing her life under Taliban occupationMalala dared to stand up for herself and other girls and used national and international media to let the world know girls should also have the right to go to schoolI think of it often and imagine the scene clearly. Even if they come to kill me, I will tell them what they are trying to do is wrong, that education is our basic right.Malalas Activism

As Malala became more recognized, the dangers facing her became more acuteDeath threats against her were published in newspapers and slipped under her doorOn 9 October 2012, a Taliban gunman shot Malala as she rode home on a bus after taking an exam in Pakistan's Swat ValleyMalalas quotesEducation went from being a right to being a crimeI had two options, one was to remain silent and wait to be killed. And the second was to speak up and then be killed. I chose the second one. I decided to speak upIt is for those forgotten children who want education. It is for those frightened children who want peace. It is for those voiceless children who want changeLet us wage a global struggle against illiteracy, poverty and terrorismLessons from MalalaAn Inspiration

She fought with words when they fought with guns.She spoke for education when they spread ignorance.She stared death in the face and walked away.She changed the world...