Making the Connection - Bellini Chapters 6 and 7

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This presentation is in alignment with the Bellini text, covering chapters 6 and 7.

Transcript of Making the Connection - Bellini Chapters 6 and 7

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Distinguishing Between Skill Acquisition Deficits and Performance Deficits

Chapter 6

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Why Important? The success of social skills programming

depends on distinguishing between Skill acquisition deficits

and Performance deficits

The distinction between the two kinds of deficits guides the selection of intervention strategies

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Skill Acquisition Deficits Absence of a specific skill or behavior Child or adolescent needs to be taught

the skill or behavior

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Performance Deficit Skill or behavior is present, but not

displayed Child or adolescent needs to be

supported; factor impeding implementation needs to be addressed Motivation Anxiety Sensory sensitivities, etc.

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Important Note Being able to recite how to perform a

skill or behavior and actually being able to perform the skill or behavior are two different things

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Skill Acquisition-Performance Deficit Dichotomy: Link to Intervention

Guides selection of intervention strategies Skill acquisition deficit

Teach new skills Performance deficit

Enhance existing skills Remove barriers to success

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Skill Acquisition Continuum Novice Intermediate Mastery

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Factors Affecting Performance Motivation Sensory sensitivities Anxiety Attention and impulsivity Memory Self-efficacy Movement differences

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Factors Affecting Performance Can impact mastered skills, too

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Motivation Possible reasons for lack of motivation

Experienced peer failure and rejection Lack of common interests with peers

Strategies Expose to positive peer interactions Provide reinforcement for peer

interactions (only if needed)

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Sensory Sensitivities Can involve any of the senses Can lead to social withdrawal,

avoidance, diminished social performance

Strategies Sensory integration Self-relaxation Environmental modifications

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Anxiety Can range from mild to high levels Strategies

Determine how the anxiety impacts performance (e.g., withdrawal, social phobias)

Implement plan to reduce anxiety

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Attention and Impulsivity Can impede social reciprocity and turn

taking Strategies

Self-monitoring Self-regulation Planning

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Memory Memory to do something (versus how

to do something) Strategies

Prompts Behavior repetitions

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Self-Efficacy Confidence Possible consequences of low self-

efficacy Fear and/or avoidance of social

interactions Giving up easily Viewing failure as confirmation of

shortcomings Anxiety Depression

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Strategies That EnhanceSelf-Efficacy (Bandura, 1994)

Mastery Experiences Experience personal success and

accomplishment Avoid failure

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Strategies That EnhanceSelf-Efficacy (Bandura, 1994)

Successful Models Observe model similar to self “If she can do it, I can do it”

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Strategies That EnhanceSelf-Efficacy (Bandura, 1994)

Social Persuasion Encouragement Positive feedback

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Strategies That EnhanceSelf-Efficacy (Bandura, 1994)

Manage Anxious Responses Teach children to recognize and

understand their physiological responses Teach regulation strategies

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Movement Differences Starting

Initiating movements Possible need: a simple prompt to start

Stopping Terminating activities Possible need: a cue to end

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Movement Differences Switching

Transitioning from one thought, activity, or emotion to another

Combining Processing multiple sensory inputs at


S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Skill Acquisition Deficit or Performance Deficit:

Distinguishing Between the Two

Five Questions to Ask

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Question #1 Does the child perform the skill across

multiple settings and persons? If no: probably a skill acquisition deficit

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Question #2 Does the child perform the skill without

support or assistance? If no: typically a skill acquisition deficit

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Question #3 Does the child perform the skill fluently

and effortlessly? If yes: probably a performance deficit

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Question #4 Does the child perform the skill when

reinforcement is provided? If yes: performance deficit

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Question #5 Does the child perform the skill when

environmental modifications are made? If yes: performance deficit

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

References Bandura, A. (1994). Self-efficacy. In V. S.

Ramachaudran (Ed.), Encyclopedia of human behavior, (Vol. 4, pp. 71-81). New York: Academic Press. (Reprinted in H. Friedman [Ed.], Encyclopedia of mental health. San Diego: Academic Press, 1998).

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

SelectingIntervention Strategies

Chapter 7

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

There is no single intervention that will help all children and adolescents with ASD strengthen their social skills

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Need to use a combination of strategies that prove most effective for a given child’s or adolescent’s needs What works well for one child or

adolescent may not work well for another

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Matching Strategies Match strategies with the type of skill

deficit Skill acquisition Social performance

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Questions to Answer When Selecting Intervention Strategies Which specific social skills will be targeted? Does the strategy match the type of skill deficit

demonstrated (for each skill)?

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Questions to Answer When Selecting Intervention Strategies What is the child’s developmental level (language

and cognitive functioning)? Is the strategy supported by research?

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Questions to Answer When Selecting Intervention Strategies If the strategy is not supported by research, what

is the rationale/logic for using it? Which components of social interaction skills (i.e.,

thinking, feeling, doing) does the strategy address?

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Social Accommodation vs. Social Assimilation Important to consider prior to selecting

intervention strategies The key is to address both

Teach skills and modify the environment Balance based on the child’s or

adolescent’s developmental skills (what is appropriate for him and his areas of strength and challenge)

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Accommodation Modifies the physical or social

environment to promote positive social interactions For example: training peer mentors,

conducting autism awareness training Emphasizes changing the environment Enhances social performance

S. Bellini ©2008 AAPC

Assimilation Instruction that facilitates skill

development that allows the child to be more successful in social interactions

Emphasis is on changing the behavior of the child or adolescent with ASD

Enhances skill acquisition