Lorne Park Secondary Schoolschools.peelschools.org/sec/lornepark...College Pathways Workplace level...

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Transcript of Lorne Park Secondary Schoolschools.peelschools.org/sec/lornepark...College Pathways Workplace level...

Lorne Park Secondary School Grade 11 Course Selection Presentation


Review of OSSD Requirements

O.S.S. Diploma Requirements 30 Credits (18 Compulsory, 12 Optional) 40 Hours of Community Involvement Successful completion of the Literacy Test

Have you completed your Community Involvement hours?

Have you completed the Literacy Test?

Will you have all OSSD requirements met

by the end of June next year?

An asterisk (*) indicates a failure

College Pathways Workplace level programs are not recognized by the

colleges as acceptable preparation Students need a majority of grade 11 and 12

courses offered at the college (C) preparation or university/college (M) preparation level

Math and English marks of 65% or higher are preferred by the colleges

No special consideration is given to a student taking courses at the university (U) level

Be sure to research college program requirements before you select your courses

College Information

- OCAS website www.ontariocolleges.ca

-Ontario College Handbook

- Individual college sites and view books

University Pathways

Students must present six grade 12 university (U) preparation or college/university (M) preparation courses to qualify for university admission

Be prepared, you should already know

program requirements so that you can select the appropriate courses

*Plan to attend summer school for missed prerequisites

University Pathways (cont'd)

Admission average calculations are not consistent for all universities:

-some use best six 4U or 4M level courses -others include required courses in their calculation For specific information about admission

average calculations check university admissions publications, websites and electronicinfo.ca

University Information

- eInfo website www.electronicinfo.ca -OUAC website www.ouac.on.ca -individual university sites and view books

Career Planning / Assessments

www.myBlueprint.ca www.careercruising.com www.peelschools.org access Making My

Way in the student stuff information

Choosing Your Courses Research all of your options carefully Talk to teachers who teach the course Talk to students who have taken the course Get information regarding workload and the type of

projects you will do Select courses in which you will likely experience

success Have a back-up plan in case things do not work out

as expected Pay attention to post-secondary program


Math Pathways

Course Prerequisite Recommended Courses

Standard for taking course

SCH 4UO SCH 3UO Level 3+ in SCH 3UO


biochemistry unit

Level 2+ in SBI 3UO

SPH 4UO SPH 3UO Level 3 in SPH 3UO



Cooperative Education

To select Co-op, choose the code COP4XC under Guidance

Co-op is offered as a 4 credit package. If you select COP4XC you will then choose 4 other courses for an eight credit program.

Students interested in applying for the co-op program must submit an application form to the Guidance Office.

Students must also arrange a meeting with the co-op teacher to discuss job placement options.

Applications are available in the Guidance Office or on the Lorne Park website.

Grade 12 Literacy Course If you have been unsuccessful on the

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test you qualify to take the Ontario Literacy Course (OLC4O0)

Earning a credit in this course will satisfy the Literacy requirement on your diploma so that you can graduate

See your Guidance Counsellor if you are interested in taking the OLC. It is offered at Summer School so be sure to sign up early as seats are limited.

Course Changes "Change of mind" changes may be made

anytime before June 1st (This means for any reason!)

Changes will be allowed based on course

availability "Change of mind" changes will not be done

in September

Valid Reasons for September Course Changes

The only timetable changes that are done in September are for students who have issues such as:

- no prerequisite for a timetabled course due to a course failure in June - an unforeseen health issue

Accessing the Online Course Selection Program

Follow the instructions outlined in the handout titled “Lorne Park Course Selection Process 2012/2013”

The “Courses at a Glance” sheet is on the Lorne Park website

Access to the Course Selection Program is available December 12 to January 12


All students will use their birth date as their initial password (YYMMDD)

All students will create their own password during the initial session

The new password will then be used to gain access to the course selection program for all future logins

If you forget your new password see the Counselling secretary to have your password reset

What if the Computer Won't Let Me…?!?

Don't panic Make an appointment with your

Guidance Counsellor to discuss your concerns

Print the Student Course List 2012

Discuss your choices with your parents and have them sign the form to indicate that they agree with your selections

Return the signed and completed Student Course List 2012 to your home form teacher by January 13

What if I forgot to print the letter before I logged out?

QUESTIONS? A Guidance Counsellor will be available in

the Guidance Office during the lunch period to answer quick questions

Make an appointment with your Counsellor if the question is more involved