Lohff Pfeiffer Winter Spring 2013-

Post on 12-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Lohff Pfeiffer Winter Spring 2013-

Custom|zed C|ar|nets ] kepa|rs ] Accessor|esUS r|ce L|stWinter/Spring 201Phone: (678) 732-0016 Web: lpwindsusa.com Email: lnfo[lpwlndsusa.comA8A8CUCUT T LLCnCnFF FF & & ILILIIIIILILkkAt lobff & lfelffet, we bove mote tboo J5 yeots of ptoctlcol expetleoce lo set-op, tepolt ooJ costomlzotloo of wooJwloJ losttomeots wotlJ-wlJe. Oot Jeslqo ooJ mooofoctotloq expetleoces ote Jtowo ftom mooy of tbe wotlJ's fotemost losttomeot compooles locloJloq 8offet-ctompoo, 5elmet lotls, Motlqoox, 5cbtelbet, omobo, leblooc ooJ mooy mote. we bove tbese expetleoces to Jevelop oot owo oolpoe tecbolpoes ooJ tools. 1bese, combloeJ wltb oot stote-of-tbe-ott moJelloq ooJ mocbloloq, eosote oot clleots oot ooly oo losttomeot tbot wotks well bot ooe tbot petfotms to lts blqbest mecboolcol ooJ ocoostlcol poteotlol. Wou|d you ||ke to try our premium c/orinets or |mprove your own? ConLacL us Lo schedule an appolnLmenL durlng one of our LP u54 cL4klN1 1Ouk5. vlslL our webslLe aL www.lpwlndsusa.com for a compleLe and up Lo daLe Lour and evenLs schedule.Wo|fgang Lohff 8|rg|t fe|fferN|co|as Somarr|ba Andrew koberts neather kodr|guez1he Lohff & fe|ffer 1eamIkANCL UNI1LD kINGDCM NCk1n AMLkICAPhone: (678) 732-0016 Web: lpwindsusa.com Email: lnfo[lpwlndsusa.com


whot 4re the Pros 5oyinq 4bout Lohff & Pfeiffer?1book yoo so mocb fot yoot wooJetfol wotk. 1be clotloets ote lootostlc!!! l bove oevet ployeJ o bettet set of clotloets. 1be slleot poJs teolly moke o blq Jlffeteoce. 1be soooJ ls Jotket tboo befote ooJ oltbooqb tbe tespoose ls o llttle blt slowet (os yoo tolJ me), l Joo't mloJ lt ot oll. l qot oseJ to lt vety polckly.ascua| Mart|nez-Iorteza, New ork h||harmon|c"wolfqooq ooJ 8ltqlt ote bolf moJ scleotlsts, bolf moqlcloos!"A|c|des kodr|guez, At|anta Symphony Crchestral jost tecelveJ my -flot lotloet bock ooJ l coolJo't belleve lt octoollymy losttomeot! l bove oo wotJs to Jesctlbe bow omozloq lt feels ooJ soooJs. wbot qteot wotk yoo bove Jooe oo lt. l jost wooteJ to tbook yoo ftom tbe bottom of my beott. oo ote o ttoe ottlst, ooJ l feel vety fottooote to bove tbe cbooce to bove yoo wotk oo my losttomeots.ave| V|nn|tzky, New ork Iree|ancerPhone: (678) 732-0016 Web: lpwindsusa.com Email: lnfo[lpwlndsusa.com8a|| 8ear|ng System 8educe key nolse lncrease mechanlcal preclslon Allows for freer vlbraLlon of Lhe wood lgnores weaLher and humldlLy changes LllmlnaLes blndlng keys CreaLly reduces malnLenance cosLsCCUUSS11CCMMII22AA1I1IONSONS Wood expands durlng humld perlods and conLracLs durlng dry ones. 1hese condlLlons can become a problem for your lnsLrumenL lf you llve ln an area wlLh blg seasonal weaLher changes, lf you fly ofLen, or lf you Lravel beLween several dlfferenL cllmaLe zones each year. WlLh Lhe L 8all 8earlng ysLem, we wlll modlfy Lhe mechanlsm ln such a way LhaL lL allows Lhe wood Lo expand or conLracL wlLhouL keys geLLlng sLuck or loose. 1hls mechanlsm allows Lhe wood Lo vlbraLe freely and smooLhly. 1he resulL ls less sLress on Lhe wood, whlch ln Lurn, reduces Lhe rlsk for cracks. 1he L 8all 8earlng ysLem can be added Lo used lnsLrumenLs and ls hlghly recommended for bass clarlneLs. L kesonance 1reatment MeLal sockeL and Lenon sleeve aL mlddle [olnL 8emoves wobble beLween upper and lower [olnLs lncreases response Adds conslsLency of Lonal color rovldes more even reslsLance ln all reglsLers1he L 8esonance 1reaLmenL lncreases response and pro[ecLlon of Lhe sound Lhrough Lhe lnsLallaLlon of a meLal sockeL and Lenon sleeve Lo Lhe mlddle [olnL of Lhe clarlneL. 1he sockeL wall ls manufacLured Lo flL snugly Lo Lhe Lenon, Lherefore removlng any unwanLed wobble beLween Lhe [olnLs. 1hls provldes for a beLLer seal and a conslsLenL sound wlLh even reslsLance LhroughouL Lhe scale. (1hls ls especlally noLlceable ln Lhe clarlon reglsLer.) Low L]I kesonance Mechan|sm 8alses Lhe plLch of Lhe low L and l Cpens Lhe sound of low LLn[oy perfecL plLch ln Lhe low reglsLer. 1he Low L resonance Lone hole enables Lhls noLe Lo be played wlLh Lhe same evenness for whlch Cerman clarlneLs are famous for.|ateau (Covered no|e) key System Laslly cover all Lone holes ldeal for Lhe young or players wlLh small hands Allows Lhose sufferlng from arLhrlLls or sensory problems Lo conLlnue playlnglor players wlLh small hands or wlLh problems coverlng Lone holes, we offer our laLeau key SysLem on all models. 1hls can be applled Lo lndlvldual keys or Lhe enLlre lnsLrumenL. Phone: (678) 732-0016 Web: lpwindsusa.com Email: lnfo[lpwlndsusa.comCUS1CMI2A1ICNS ] kLAIkSCUS1CMI2A1ICNS ] kLAIkSlobff & lfelffet speclollzes lo costomlzloq wooJwloJ losttomeots. Oot exteoslve expetleoce ovet tbe post J yeots lo moslcol losttomeot ptoJoctloo ooJ costomlzotloo lo ltooce, Cetmooy, Iopoo ooJ tbe u5 meoos tbot oot well-epolppeJ wotksbops offet o wlJe tooqe of lmptovemeots fot oll clotloets.A J-yeot wottooty ls qlveo oo oll tepolt wotk ooJ oew losttomeots. |ease contact us for deta||s and current pr|c|n L Cverhau|s: CeL your lnsLrumenL ln Lop condlLlon for many years Lo come wlLh one of our Lhree seLups: ro, SLudlo or SololsL. 1he wood wlll be cleaned, olled and waxed, Lhe Lone holes reflnlshed, Lhe rods exchanged and honed, all key-play reduced Lo an absoluLe mlnlmum, Lhe mechanlsm pollshed, all pads exchanged and key-nolse reduced.L kestorat|on: Adds sllver or gold plaLlng Lo any L overhaul. |nIree Crack kepa|rs: 8escue your lnsLrumenL from dreaded cracks wlLhouL Lhe use of harmful and ugly plns. ln-free repalrs are more aLLracLlve, safe and lnsLrumenL-frlendly. Where a severe crack may exLend lnLo or alLer Lhe bore, we can replace Lhe enLlre affecLed [olnL.8b kesonance Mechan|sm: lmproves Lhe sound quallLy of Lhe LhroaL 8b. SelecL from Lhree verslons (CpLlons vary dependlng on Lhe model and deslred effecL)A ] D A|terat|on: LllmlnaLes Lhe LlghL" sound of Lhese noLes, especlally on A clarlneLs.Low I Mechan|sm: 8alses Lhe plLch of Lhe low l wlLhouL ralslng Lhe clarlon C.Low L Mechan|sm: 8alses Lhe plLch of Lhe low L wlLhouL ralslng Lhe clarlon 8. 1humb kest Ad[ustment: 8eposlLlonlng Lhe Lhumb resL Lo a sllghLly hlgher locaLlon can greaLly reduce sLress and Lenslon ln Lhe rlghL hand and shoulder. SelecL from Lhree dlfferenL opLlons. key Lxtens|ons: LengLhens plnky" keys, allowlng for opLlmal hand poslLlon and decreased Lenslon ln Lhe hands.Sma|| nand key Des|gn: Cffers a shorLer dlsLance beLween keys for reduced hand sLraln.1un|ng Sockets: ueslgned Lo allow Lhe player Lo ad[usL dlfferenL [olnLs for lnLonaLlon purposes wlLhouL creaLlng a gap ln Lhe bore or wobbly connecLlons. Intonat|on Work: 1here ls no need Lo suffer wlLh poor or uneven lnLonaLlon. 1ake advanLage of our vasL experlence ln flne-Lunlng woodwlnd lnsLrumenLs Lo experlence an lmmedlaLe lmprovemenL.Vo|c|ng: noLes LhaL are Loo close, Loo open, Loo reslsLanL or don'L maLch ln color can be modlfled.No|se keduct|on: luzzy noLes and unwanLed key nolse can be greaLly reduced. Water Stopper: revenLs waLer from runnlng lnLo a parLlcular Lone hole.Phone: (678) 732-0016 Web: lpwindsusa.com Email: lnfo[lpwlndsusa.comAk1ICLLAk1ICLLPhone: (678) 732-0016 Web: lpwindsusa.com Email: lnfo[lpwlndsusa.comlntroduction: New ot oseJ? keot ot boy? 8est soooJ ot best lotoootloo? uo yoo bove to comptomlse, ot coo bove lt oll? oo stooJ lo ftoot of sevetol cbolces wbeo yoo beqlo tbe seotcb fot tbe losttomeot tbot ls fot yoo! 1be tlqbt cbolce coo sove yoo tlme ooJ mooey lo tbe fotote. 8oseJ oo mote tboo J5 yeots expetleoce os moslcloos ooJ tepoltets, we wlsb to some oJvlce ooJ sbow yoo bow o systemotlc opptoocb coo belp yoo floJ tbe tlqbt losttomeot fot yoot oeeJs.whot to /ook for: wbeo yoo evoloote tbe losttomeot yoo sboolJ be owote of.- 1be osttomeot's ovetoll cooJltloo. A leoky losttomeot Joes oot sbow lts ttoe self, ooJ lotoootloo ooJsoooJ wlll be oopteJlctoble.- uloqoose oteotlol toblems. coo oosotlsfoctoty lotoootloo be cottecteJ? coo tbe soooJ be JotkeoeJ?coo tbe poJs be oJjosteJ?- Ate tbete eoooqb losttomeots ftom wblcb to cboose?- 1be ovetoll tesolts of yoot tests. oooJ, otoootloo, tojectloo, oJs, ecboolcs, etc.1iqhtness: wbeo compotloq losttomeots - eveo tbe some moJel - yoo wlll ofteo ootlce o blq Jlffeteoce lo soooJ ooJ lotoootloo. 1bete ote sevetol teosoos fot tbls pbeoomeooo, mololy leoky poJs, wblcb ote ofteo ooJetestlmoteJ. ueoslty Jetetmloes tbe lotoootloo, soooJ, ptojectloo ooJ ployloq comfott fot ooy wooJwloJ losttomeot. lt ls oot eoooqb to be oble to ploy tbe low ootes. lt ls posslble to ploy tbe low (oo tbe tlqbt) eveo wbeo tbe l poJ ls leokloq, bot lt wlll oevet be completely 'cleoo' wltboot belp ftom tbe left booJ l levet. A teolly tlqbt (ooo-leokloq) losttomeot ploys eoslly, ls bettet tooeJ ooJ ptojects .1bls opplles to boss clotloets, lo pottlcolot. (oo sboolJ be oble to ploy ploolsslmo ooJ stlll be beotJ lo tbe lost tow.)4coustics . . . ln 8rief- 5oooJ ls o comblootloo of o fooJomeotol tooe ooJ lts ovettooes. All losttomeots, ftom o cello to ottompet, bove some fooJomeotol tooe. 8ot lt ls tbe loteoslty ooJ poootlty of tbe ovettooes tbot qlve eocb losttomeot lts lJeotlty.- ocb leok ellmlootes ovettooes ooJ teJoces tbe tlcboess lo soooJ ooJ ptojectloo.- ocb leok Jecteoses tbe losttomeot's tespoose.- A leok bos teoJeocy to collect wotet ooJ qtoJoolly wooJ ooJ poJs coo become JomoqeJ.lt ls oot olwoys eosy to Jetetmloe wbetbet ot oot oo losttomeot ls seolloq. oo coo tty tbtee metboJs. 1. lltst temove tbe oppet jolot. covet oll boles ooJ bottom of tbe well. 5ock oo tbe top of tbe bote. lf yoocoo ptoJoce o vocoom (os blq os o bottle) ooJ bolJ lt fot 10 secooJs, tbeo lt's ptobobly tlqbt. kepeot tblsptoceJote wltb tbe lowet sectloo. 1be vocoom wlll oot be os lotqe os oo tbe top jolot, bot lt sboolJ lost oslooq. 1be JlsoJvootoqe wltb tbls metboJ ls tbot tbe vocoom polls tbe poJs oqolost tbe tooe boles.2. A vocoom qooqe (1bls metboJ bos tbe some Jtowbock os No. 1).J. Oot ptefetteJ metboJ ls o wll-metet (Moqoobellc). 1bls ls o speclolly JeslqoeJ mocbloe tbot coottolsbow mocb olt ls flowloq oot of oo losttomeot. veo lf tbe losttomeot ls oew ot tefotblsbeJ cbeck lt yootself! lf tbe losttomeot ls oot seolloq, tbe leoks ote tbe ptlmoty colptlt. 1be ocoostlcol ospects wlll cbooqe wbeo tbe losttomeot ls seolloq cottectly.1one co/or: 1be losttomeot's ovetoll soooJ sboolJ be yoot fltst ctltetlo. Ooce yoo compote losttomeots tbot ote tlqbt, yoo wlll bove oppottoolty to joJqe soooJ. 5oooJ ptefeteoce ls olwoys o vety loJlvlJool Jeclsloo. Ofteo closslcol ployets ptefet o Jotk, wotm soooJ, wblle jozz moslcloos ptefet o mote opeo, ctlsp soooJ.I|nd|ng our Instrument : A Systemat|c Approach by Wolfgang LohffAk1ICLLAk1ICLLNew wooJeo losttomeots bove mote teslstooce tboo tbose tbot ote oseJ. 1be soooJ ls olso wotmet ooJ Jotket. lo tlme, tbe losttomeot wlll opeo op ooJ ploy mote fteely. Ooe teosoo fot tbls ls tbot tbe molstote io tbe losttomeot cbooqes Jotloq tbe fltst yeot. (A oew foctoty-moJe losttomeot ls JtleJ to oboot 7X molstote. Ooe tbot ls ployeJ wlll bove oboot 16X.) 1bls coo cbooqe tbe bote ooJ offect tbe lotoootloo. Most losttomeots wlll bove o sllqbtly blqbet pltcb, bot tbe boslc soooJ wlll petslst. voloote tbe losttomeot's soooJ wltb o set-op yoo ote comfottoble wltb ooJ lo oo eovltoomeot yoo koow (eq, ot bome ot lo tbe otcbestto). lf tbete ote loJlvlJool tooes wltb oowooteJ oolse (eq, o tlqlJ 8b ot u / A) tbose coo be oJjosteJ ooJ optlmlzeJ. nowevet, oo losttomeot's boslc soooJ ls vety complex ooJ tbetefote coooot be cbooqeJ. cooclosloo. uo oot boy tbe losttomeot lf yoo Jo oot llke tbe soooJ! Mouthpiece & keed1be losttomeot bos oow beeo cboseo wltb o mootbplece ftom yoot olJ losttomeot. nowevet, tbe oew losttomeot mlqbt soooJ bettet wltb o Jlffeteot mootbplece. lt's tlme to tty. (Note tbot Ametlcoo mootbpleces ote ofteo lotoootlooolly lowet tboo tbelt otopeoo coootetpotts.) Moke yoot Jeclsloo boseJ oo soooJ ooJ ployloq comfott. lotoootloo we come to lotet. uo oot fotqet to test tbe oew mootbplece wltb Jlffeteot teeJs. lntonotionlotoootloo wos fotmetly ooe of tbe most lmpottoot ctltetlo lo compotloq losttomeots. 1bls stlll opplles, to some exteot, to flotes ooJ soxopbooes, bot fot clotloets, oboes ooJ bossooos we oow bove tbe oppottoolty to oJjost lotoootloo. 8y osloq Jlffeteot comblootloos of losttomeot, bottel, mootbplece, poJs ooJ moJeto tecbooloqy, we coo oJjost oo losttomeot's lotoootloo to flt loJlvlJool ooJ petsoool oeeJs. lt ls o folse ptemlse tbot ooe of tbese potometets olooe coo be petfect. we ote oll pbyslcolly Jlffeteot ooJ bove votyloq emboocbotes. 5ome woolJ ptefet mootbpleces tbot ote eltbet opeo ot closeJ wltb eltbet looq ot sbott focloqs. (8eot lo mloJ tbot tbe cbolce of mootbplece wlll offect lotoootloo.) AJJ to tbls tbe foct tbot oll mooofoctotets bove tbelt owo "scole," wblcb moy oot oecessotlly be ooe yoo llke. lf yoo've foooJ yoot petfect comblootloo of mootbpelce ooJ teeJ (qlvloq yoo tbe soooJ ooJ ployloq comfott yoo Jeslte), tbe losttomeot's lotoootloo coo be oJjosteJ to yoot oeeJs. uofottoootely tbls ls oot commoo koowleJqe. Most moslcloos ote omozeJ ot wbot coo be Jooe! lf yoo ploy sevetol losttomeots, ooJ bove tbem oJjosteJ epoolly, tbete sboolJ be oo oeeJ to wotty oboot lotoootloo wbeo yoo ploy. lo coottost to tbe soooJ, lotoootloo coo be meosoteJ ooJ tbetefote oJjosteJ pteclsely. cboose tbe losttomeot wltb o qteot soooJ, ooJ tbeo bove tbe lotoootloo oJjosteJ, os yoo wlsb, by oo expett.Moterio/1oJoy, losttomeots ote moJe of mooy Jlffeteot motetlols. lf yoo ploy ootJoots ot ote oftolJ of tbe losttomeot ctockloq, yoo coo cboose tbe Cteeolloe motetlol (ooJ tbos qet o poollty, ptofessloool losttomeot fot tbls ose). wooJeo clotloets, bowevet, stlll ptoJoce tbe best tesooooce. 1be most commooly oseJ wooJ ls qteooJlllo, bot tosewooJ, boxwooJ ooJ otbets ote olso ovolloble. uofottoootely, oll wooJeo losttomeots bove tbe poteotlol to ctock. A ptopetly tepolteJ ctock ls oo looqet o ptoblem ooJ wlll oot offect tbe poollty of tbe losttomeot. (lt ls tecommeoJeJ to toke cote of o ctock os sooo os yoo become owote of lt.) CooJ ctock tepolts coo be expeoslve, so o looq wottooty ls ofteo wottb tbe mooey.LP 5tondord 5et-up1be ll 5tooJotJ 5et-up ls JeslqoeJ to keep yoot losttomeot petfotmloq exoctly os tbe foctoty loteoJeJ. lt ls lospecteJ ooJ testeJ lo oot sbops ooJ oJjosteJ os oecessoty (l.e. key belqbts, veotloq, sptloq teosloo, etc.). lf oeeJeJ, poJs wlll be teploceJ wltb tbe some motetlols ooJ vlo tbe some tecbolpoes oseJ by tbe mooofoctotet to molotolo tbe otlqlool foctoty soooJ ooJ ployloq comfott. 1be stooJotJ foctoty losttomeots come wltb tbtee Jlffeteot types of poJs JepeoJloq oo tbe moJel. llsb sklo poJs (ttoobleftee llfe expectoocy 2 yeots) leotbet (ttoobleftee llfe expectoocy J yeots) Cote-1ex (ttoobleftee llfe expectoocy 2 yeots)Phone: (678) 732-0016 Web: lpwindsusa.com Email: lnfo[lpwlndsusa.comLCnII & ILIIILk SL1-USLCnII & ILIIILk SL1-USuouble Sealed LeaLher adsllnely ollshed Cork adsPhone: (678) 732-0016 Web: lpwindsusa.com Email: lnfo[lpwlndsusa.comL ro (3-year warranty)Slnce 1984, Lhls lmproved verslon has been avallable Lo address Lhe needs of Lhe orchesLral muslclan.1he upper [olnL ls flLLed wlLh a comblnaLlon of very flne pore-free and quarLz-pollshed cork pads and double-sealed whlLe leaLher pads. 1hls lmproves durablllLy, preclslon, seal and response. 1he lower [olnL ls also flLLed wlLh double-sealed whlLe leaLher pads, ensurlng no pad "buzz." 1hese pads are lmpervlous Lo molsLure, and our pad-fllllng Lechnlque ellmlnaLes Lhe chance of Lhem falllng ouL.1o lmprove Lhe seal of Lhe lnsLrumenL, Lhe wood and all Lone holes undergo our speclal L process. 1he mechanlsm ls opLlmlzed Lo obLaln a Lruly alrLlghL seal and creaLe hlgher alr compresslon lnslde Lhe lnsLrumenL. Sprlng pressure ls also opLlmlzed for llghL, fasL acLlon.1he alr/sound efflclency ls greaLly lmproved so LhaL Lhe Lone ls clear and focused, resulLlng ln more sound for your alr lnpuL.SLuffy pad nolses are ellmlnaLed by lncreaslng pad clearances Lo cope wlLh Lhe hlgher alr pressure level ln Lhe Lube.Cork pads have an expecLed llfe span of 8-10 years. Lven Lhough pads do become harder and Lherefore nolsler wlLh Llme, lL ls noL uncommon Lo have lnsLrumenLs played professlonally wlLh Lhe same seL of pads for 12-13 years.1he L-ro sysLem ls offered on used lnsLrumenLs and can be lnsLalled on yours. We recommend LhaL Lhe mechanlsm ls LlghLened every 4-3 years and LhaL posslble surface cracks ln Lhe Lone holes are sealed.- Greater re||ab|||ty- Lxce||ent tona| focus- u|ck response- Increased p|ay|ng comfort - L|ghter f|nger act|on- Sens|t|ve touch- Stab|e |ntonat|onLCnFF & ILIIILk SL1-UPSLCnFF & ILIIILk SL1-UPS Super qu|et act|on Greater re||ab|||ty Amaz|ng|y even sca|e Increased p|ay|ng comfort Darker tone Lasy to ma|nta|n 1ota||y water res|stantPhone: (678) 732-0016 Web: lpwindsusa.com Email: lnfo[lpwlndsusa.comL Stud|o (3-year warranty)lnLroduced ln 2004, Lhe L SLudlo seL-up uLlllzes our paLenLed SllenL ad SysLem and feaLures whaL we belleve Lo be Lhe mosL quleL acLlon avallable. 1he reducLlon ln pad and mechanlcal nolse makes Lhe SLudlo ldeal for nolse senslLlve players, sLudlo muslclans, sololsLs and chamber muslc.layers uslng Lhe SLudlo seL-up wlll en[oy noL only Lhe advanLages of quleL mechanlsm acLlon, buL also greaLer focus, a more even scale wlLh conslsLency of Lonal color, and lncreased resonance wlLh a darker sound. 1he response ls excellenL, Lhough sllghLly slower Lhan L ro.1he fully synLheLlc SllenL ad ls lmpervlous Lo cllmaLlc changes and molsLure, maklng Lhe L SLudlo a unlquely easy sysLem Lo malnLaln. 1he pads lasL far longer Lhan even cork pads, and changlng Lhem ls easy enough for anyone Lo do Lhe [ob well.1he clarlneLs are fanLasLlc!!! l have never played a beLLer seL of clarlneLs. 1he SllenL ads really make a blg dlfference".- ascual MarLlnez lorLeza new ?ork hllharmonlcLCnII & ILIIILk SL1-USLCnII & ILIIILk SL1-US- Wear-free 8a|| 8ear|ng System- 1o|erant of hum|d|ty and c||mate changes - u|ck response- Cpt|ma| sound to a|r eff|c|encyPhone: (678) 732-0016 Web: lpwindsusa.com Email: lnfo[lpwlndsusa.comL So|o|st (3-year warranty)1he SololsL ls our Lop of Lhe llne seL-up. Lqulpped wlLh our L 8all 8earlng ysLem, lL ls deslgned Lo perform beyond expecLaLlons, even under Lhe LoughesL condlLlons.8all 8earlng SysLem: 1he speclal mechanlcal seL-up of Lhe key work allows Lhe wood Lo expand and conLracL freely wlLhouL sacrlflclng a perfecL seal. 1hls ls Lhe perfecL cholce for Lhose playlng under condlLlons where Lhe humldlLy changes slgnlflcanLly or where your lnsLrumenL ls exposed Lo addlLlonal sLress (such as blg seasonal weaLher changes or Lravellng beLween varylng cllmaLes). 8esonance 1reaLmenL: 1hls speclal L LreaLmenL lncreases response and pro[ecLlon of Lhe sound Lhrough Lhe lnsLallaLlon of a meLal sockeL and Lenon sleeve Lo Lhe mlddle [olnL of Lhe clarlneL. 1he sockeL wall ls manufacLured Lo flL snugly Lo Lhe Lenon, Lherefore removlng any unwanLed wobble beLween Lhe [olnLs. 1hls provldes for a beLLer seal and a conslsLenL sound wlLh even reslsLance LhroughouL Lhe scale. (1hls ls especlally noLlceable ln Lhe clarlon reglsLer.)erfecL Seallng: 1he wood and all Lone holes are speclally LreaLed Lo provlde an even beLLer seal. 1hls lncreases compresslon lnslde Lhe lnsLrumenL, whlch means more sound wlLh less efforL from you.Superlor Mechanlcs: WlLh Lhe SololsL seL-up, Lhe mechanlcs and pad venLlng are opLlmlzed Lo accounL for Lhe greaLer pressure caused by a LlghL" seallng lnsLrumenL. We also uLlllze lnLegraLed key bumpers Lo furLher reduce key nolse. 1he resulLlng acLlon ls exLremely llghL and fasL.addlng: 1he L SololsL seL-up offers players Lhelr cholce of ro" (cork and whlLe leaLher) or SllenL" black paddlng. Llke all L seL-ups, Lhe SololsL can be applled Lo any new or used clarlneL.Ball Bearing System on bass clarinetBall Bearing System on bass clarinet

Lohff & fe|ffer 8a|ance 8arre|s w] kesonance 1reatment1he deslgn of Lhe L balance barrel allows Lhe player Lo move Lhe Lhumb resL x lnch up so LhaL Lhe Lhumb poslLlon ls opposlLe Lhe lndex flnger. 1hls Lhe Lenslon LhaL cause slgnlflcanL paln and dlscomforL. 1he resonance LreaLmenL lmproves Lhe response (especlally ln Lhe hlgh reglsLer), focuses Lhe sound slgnlflcanLly, and makes Lhe enLlre sound more resonanL. 5300.008ass C|ar|net N ecks & 8e||s Add addlLlonal color Lo your sound uslng one of our varlous bass clarlneL bell/neck plaLlngs. Avallable for new or your own equlpmenL. 8|ack N|cke| |at|ng: 8rllllanL and sLrongly pro[ecLlng Go|d |at|ng: 8lch and warmCopper |at|ng: 8eauLlfully deep and darkContact us for current pr|c|ng.Lohff & fe|ffer 8end 8arre|s1he speclal angle of Lhe L 8end 8arrel enables a relaxed poslLlon of boLh Lhe hands and Lhe head. ldeal for Lhose players who prefer or need Lo play wlLh a neck sLrap 5300.00Phone: (678) 732-0016 Web: lpwindsusa.com Email: lnfo[lpwlndsusa.comCLAkINL1SCLAkINL1SPhone: (678) 732-0016 Web: lpwindsusa.com Email: lnfo[lpwlndsusa.com8rand Descr|pt|on L Standard L ro L Stud|o L So|o|st8b-c|ar|net8uffeL L11 $1,381 $1,831 $2,181 n.a.8uffeL 813 wood or CL nlckel $2,903 $3,133 $3,303 $4,0038uffeL 813 wood or CL llver $3,283 $3,333 $3,883 $4,3838uffeL 813 resLlge wood or CL $3,264 $3,314 $3,864 $6,3648uffeL 8C wood or C $3,831 $4,081 $4,431 $4,9318uffeL vlnLage $3,844 $4,094 $4,444 $4,9448uffeL uC-uemo (unlque) $4,230 $4,300 $4,830 $3,3308uffeL lesLlval wood or Creenllne $3,488 $3,738 $4,088 $4,3888uffeL 8C resLlge $3,366 $3,616 $3,966 $6,4668uffeL 1osca wood or reenllne $6,178 $6,478 $6,778 $7,3788uffeL uevlne $6,694 $6,994 $7,294 $7,8948uffeL $6,930 $7,230 $7,330 $8,130uebel $1,290 $1,340 $1,890 $2,390Schrelber LllLe (llmlLed supply) ConservaLolre u 16 $1,789 $2,039 $2,389 $2,889Schrelber $1,988 $2,238 $2,388 $3,088Crsl $3,900 $4,400 $4,700 n.a.Selmer $3,730 $4,000 $4,330 $4,830Selmer Aura MeLal SL.Louls 8eclLal $3,399 $4,199 $4,399 $4,699Selmer $4,200 $4,430 $4,800 $3,300?amaha $2,393 $2,843 $3,193 $3,693?amaha $2,393 $2,843 $3,193 $3,693?amaha rlvllege 8-flaL ?CL CSC SLv CSC h $2,913 $3,163 $3,313 $4,013A-C|ar|net 8uffeL L11llver $1,678 $1,928 $2,278 $2,7788uffeL 813 wood or CL nlckel $3,223 $3,473 $3,823 $4,3238uffeL 813 wood or CL Sllver $3,907 $4,137 $4,307 $3,0078uffeL 813 resLlge $3,343 $3,793 $6,143 $6,6438uffeL

$4,379 $4,829 $3,179 $3,6798uffeL vlnLage $4,288 $4,338 $4,888 $3,3888uffeL vlnLage lefL hand L-flaL $4,388 $4,838 $3,188 $3,6888uffeL lesLlval wood or reenllne$4,148 $4,398 $4,748 $3,2488uffeL 8C resLlge $3,810 $6,060 $6,410 $6,9108uffeL $6,973 $7,223 $7,373 $8,0738uffeL $6,437 $6,707 $7,037 $7,3378uffeL $7,900 $8,130 $8,300 $9,000Selmer $3,999 $4,249 $4,399 $3,099Selmer uevlne 1osca wood or reenllne LllLe 8eclLal rlvllege $4,430 $4,700 $3,030 $3,330Lxtras (for |nstruments purchased from us) AddlLlonal lefL hand Lb lever for clarlneL Low L and l resonance mechanlsm L meLal Lenon [olnL for clarlneL L meLal Lenon [olnL for asseLhorn L meLal Lenon [olnL for assclarlneL 8esonance LreaLmenL 8b resonance mechanlsm L alance arrel $830 Call for prlclng $300 $480 $430 $220 $780 $300 CLAkINL1SCLAkINL1SPhone: (678) 732-0016 Web: lpwindsusa.com Email: lnfo[lpwlndsusa.com8rand Descr|pt|on L standard L ro L Stud|o L So|o|st$2,630 $2,830 $3,330 G-c|ar|net PammerschmldL kohr Crenadllla AlberL ysLem MeLal AlberL SysLem $1,490 $1,790 $2,170 noL avallable noL avallableC-c|ar|net 8uffeL $1,998 $2,298 $2,648 8uffeL L11 8C resLlge $6,228 $6,328 $6,628 noL avallable $6,849D-c|ar|net 8uffeL $2,999 $3,930 8uffeL 813 used (sLarLlng aL*) 8C resLlge $7,280 $7,380 $7,880 noL avallable $8,280L-f|at c|ar|net L 11 $1,998 $2,298 $2,648 noL avallable8C $4,432 $4,779 $3,223 813 L-flaL $4,313 $4,613 $3,063 resLlge wood or reenllne $3,619 $3,919 $6,369 8uffeL 8uffeL 8uffeL 8uffeL 8uffeL 1osca L-flaL $6,482 $6,782 $7,232 $3,382 $3,443 $6,749 $7,612Mozart]8asset c|ar|net 8uffeL resLlge $7,393 $7,993 $8,193 $8,3738uffeL wlLh lefL hand low C $7,730 $8,330 $8,330 $8,9308uffeL resLlge uemo overhauled $4,900 $3,300 $3,700 $6,080resLlge $10,389 $10,939 A|to c|ar|net 8uffeL rlmera $1,993 $2,333 $11,139 $11,389 noL avallable noL avallable8asset horn 8uffeL resLlge 8asseL $12,307 $12,937 $13,307 $13,7078uffeL $7,200 $7,630 $8,100Leblanc $3,930 $6,130 $6,380Selmer resLlge 8asseL used sed large bore overhauled $3,680 used small bore overhauled $3,680 $3,930 $6,130 $6,3808ass-C|ar|net 8uffeL resLlge - Low L-flaL $3,880 $6,228 $6,300 $7,2308uffeL resLlge - Low C wood or CL $9,387 $9,987 $10,387 $11,087Selmer rlvllege - Low L-flaL $8,373 $9,073 $9,423 $9,773Selmer rlvllege - Low C $9,800 $10,300 $10,800 $11,300Selmer $6,000 $6,330 $6,700SML $4,300 $3,330 $3,700Leblanc $4,300 $3,200 $3,700ulv lasLlc used Lo low Lb overhauled from: used Lo low Lb overhauled from: used Lo low Lb overhauled from: used Lo low Lb overhauled from: $2,700 $3,230 $4,200Contra A|to 8uffeL Lb ConLra-AlLo $16,490 $16,990 $17,230 $17,870LLkkCCnnANGANGLL ]] WWAkAkkkAN1AN1L Lxchange o||cylL ls someLlmes dlfflculL Lo declde wheLher Lo replace an old lnsLrumenL wlLh a new one or Lo geL lL repalred. nowadays, we have Lhe Lechnlcal ablllLy Lo repalr and resLore lnsLrumenLs Lo a level LhaL equals or surpasses Lhelr orlglnal playlng condlLlon. neverLheless, Lhere wlll always be slgnlflcanL dlfferences Lo conslder. ln Lhe case of newer lnsLrumenLs, we do noL have Lhe avallablllLy of quallLy aged wood anymore, ln Lhe case of older lnsLrumenLs, Lhe bore could be 'worn ouL' (as lL can become wlder and develop a noLlceable faLlgue ln Lhe maLerlal as lL ages.)When you noLlce LhaL Lhe plLch of your lnsLrumenL ls golng up and LhaL lL sLarLs playlng very open, Lhere ls a good chance LhaL Lhe polnL has been reached where Lhe lnsLrumenL ls consldered 'blown-ouL'. lL can sLlll be a very nlce lnsLrumenL, buL lL doesn'L have Lhe same reslsLance and warmLh LhaL lL once dld. lL ls sLlll posslble Lo reduce Lhe bore, buL Lhls wlll change Lhe characLer of Lhe lnsLrumenL slgnlflcanLly.Slnce lL ls dlfflculL Lo assess how an lnsLrumenL Lruly plays before lL ls resLored Lo good condlLlon, we offer you our L exchange pollcy. ?our lnsLrumenL wlll be resLored Lo Lhe hlghesL sLandard ln order for you Lo [udge lL properly and enable you Lo compare lL wlLh new lnsLrumenLs. We can supply you wlLh a spare durlng Lhls Llme, upon requesL.lf you prefer Lhe new lnsLrumenL, we wlll accepL your old one as a Lrade-ln. (?ou don'L pay for Lhe repalr, [usL for Lhe dlfference ln prlce beLween Lhe Lwo). ?ou can keep your old lnsLrumenL for anoLher 6-8 weeks lf you prefer Lhe opLlon of carefully breaklng ln Lhe new one. (ln Lhe end, lf you sLlll llke your old one, you only pay for Lhe repalr.)1r|a| o||cyWe undersLand LhaL lL ls besL Lo have a chance Lo play LesL an lnsLrumenL ln your own space and Lo Lry lL under many dlfferenL performlng condlLlons. 1o Lhls end, we offer a free 8-day Lrlal perlod on all purchases. All shlpplng cosLs are chargeable.Cur 3 ear WarrantyWe offer a 3-year warranLy on L ro, L SLudlo and L SololsL and repalrs. 1hls warranLy covers all lnLonaLlon and volclng work needed Lo cusLomlze Lhe lnsLrumenL for your needs (excepL ln Lhe case of alLeraLlons, whlch would requlre addlLlonal key work). 5chedu/e on oppointment to p/oy test from our /orqe se/ection of new ond used c/orinets, or meet us ot o tour /ocotion. visit our website ot www./pwindsuso.com to view our most up to dote tour /ocotions ond times. Phone: (678) 732-0016 Web: lpwindsusa.com Email: lnfo[lpwlndsusa.comCCCN1CN1AACCT T ]] CkDCkDLLkk INIINICC USA: (678732-0016USA 1our Moblle: (413470-6879* lnfo[lpwlndsusa.com www.lpwlndsusa.c omnow 1o Crderlease call us Lo place an order. We are happy Lo speak wlLh you Lo dlscuss your muslcal needs and asslsL you ln maklng Lhe besL purchase posslble. Cur normal offlce hours are: Monday - lrlday 9:00 AM - 3:00 Mayment Cpt|onsWe gladly accepL Lhe below meLhods of paymenL. lease conLacL us Lo dlscuss oLher opLlons, lf needed. ersonal or 8uslness Check Money Crder Wlre 1ransfer ayal CredlL Cards: Masterercard, Visa, ulscover**All sales made ln or shlpped Lo Lhe LaLe of Ceorgla wlll also be accessed a 4 sales Lax. Get onnected to L* During tours of the United States and Canada,ag and 8lrglL carry an Amerlcan mobile phone. 1hey can be reached aL Lhe followlng number: (413) 470-6879Cur norma| off|ce hours are:Monday - Ir|day 9:00 AM - S:00 Mlf your need ls urgenL, and lL ls afLer our normal hours, please send a LexL Lo (404) 414-8791 and we wlll reLurn your call as soon as we are able.Phone: (678) 732-0016 Web: lpwindsusa.com Email: lnfo[lpwlndsusa.comFacebook: lpwlndsusa 1w|tter: lpwlndsusa Skype: lpwlndsusa outube: lpwlndsusaContact Us:+48 38 301 00 64 marek[lnLermar.com.pl www.lnLermar.com.pl +44 7968 333334 aroberLs[LheclarlneL.co.uk www.LheclarlneL.co.uk +43 3333 8643 lnfo[woodwlndexperL.com www.clarlneL.dk +33 3614 72084 laurelebrun[hoLmall.com www.laurelebrun.com Denmark: Lohff & fe|ffer. 8roendbyve[ 211 2623 vallensbaek Irance: L'ate||er de Laure Lebrun. 8ue MaLablau 26 31000 1oulouse Great 8r|ta|n:Lohff & fe|ffer Uk Ltd. nlcander 8oad 36 L18 1P? Llverpool o|and:Intermar. uL. LAkCWA 1 /2 80-743 Cdansk oland North Amer|ca:Lohff & fe|ffer USA. 1372 AnlLa L nL, ALlanLa, CA 30306 uSA+1 678 732 0016 lnfo[lpwlndsusa.com www.LwlndsuSA.com Phone: (678) 732-0016 Web: lpwindsusa.com Email: lnfo[lpwlndsusa.com