Lily Legend

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Lily Legend

Lily Legend

Legend says that once lived a very bad witch and strong.

It was everything that it touches the witch pretends to change into rock. But if it reached by a child, he was panting in a flower.

In that time, lived two children, brother and sister, who had no parents and had left in the wide world to find a family.

The two children come to the castle and the witch is coming much of the castle, the girl is panting in a flower.

Boy trying to save sister asked Zane Flower aid, giving a flowerto help save her sister.

It seems that the flower reached ifan object of a witch elf breaks thespell get in him.

By using the flowers, the boy managed to exorcise and sister and to transform it back into girl.

The two try to escape, but caught by the witch, they exchange two lilies, two white flowers which smell does not go near them.

The idea was that one can not approach them with flower fairyland to save.

Lily Language

Lily is generally a flower that is present in formal contexts, without involving strong relationships.

The gift that makes a woman a lily on this one respect, and the man who gives a sweet lily deem it perfect and it is considered unworthy of her and love her.

The woman who likes lilies has much care for her physical appearance and respected very much, considering that very few things are good enough for her.

The name “Lily” suggests a person with great self-reliance, proud, a little vain.

A person named Lily is very self-critical and wishes very much the best in many domains.This has very high standards and is generally very strong.

This has very high standards and is generally very strong.