Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam · 6 Unit operations/ processes for wastewater treatment:...

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Transcript of Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam · 6 Unit operations/ processes for wastewater treatment:...

Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam

Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad






Type of course: Core Subject in Civil Engineering

Prerequisite: Study of basic Environmental Engineering

Rationale: The water is basic requirement for humans and should be available in pure and potable form to keep the community away from waterborne diseases and treatment of wastewater is absolutely needed to

protect the health of people .

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total Marks L T P C Theory Marks Practical Marks





3 0 2 5 70 20 10 20 10 20 150


Sr. No. Content Total


% Weightage

1 Water treatment plant: Layout plan and section of water treatment plant, Estimation of raw

water discharge for treatment plant, Design period, and factors

considered for selection of design period. Treatment plant site selection, factors considered, future stages of expansion, selection of treatment train.

6 15

2 Collection and conveyance of raw water from source:

Intakes, types of intakes, conveyance of water, design of pumps and

gravity and rising mains

6 10

3 Water treatment processes and treatment units: Plain sedimentation, aeration, sedimentation tank & its design,

sedimentation with coagulation, types of coagulants, optimum dose of

coagulants, mixing devices, design of flocculation unit. theory of

filtration, types of filters and their comparison, design of rapid sand filter, washing of filter, methods of disinfection, methods of removing hardness Computation of dose of chemicals for removal of hardness

8 20

4 Distribution system: Layouts of distribution networks, Components of distribution system, Newton’s and Hardy cross methods for network analysis, storage

capacity of ESR and underground reservoir, determination of location

and height of ESR.

4 10

Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam

Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad

5 Collection of sewage &estimation of its discharge: Different types of sewers, sewerage systems, variation in sewage flow, sewer appurtenance, estimation of wastewater discharge in a sewer in

sewerage system, estimation of storm water discharge in urban area,

separate and combined sewerage systems, laying and testing of sewers.

4 10

6 Unit operations/ processes for wastewater treatment: Layout plan and section of municipal wastewater treatment plant, Physical unit operation screening, flow equalization, mixing, flocculation, sedimentation. Chemical unit processes-chemical precipitation. Biological unit processes: Aerobic attached growth and aerobic suspended growth treatment processes, anaerobic suspended growth treatment processes, an aerobic suspended growth treatment processes, low cost sanitation systems, septic tanks, soak pit, stabilization ponds.

8 20

7 Design of wastewater treatment units: Design of racks, screens, grit chamber, aeration units, primary & secondary clarifiers, activated sludge plant and trickling filter units, rotating biological contactors, sludge dewatering units, sludge digesters and drying beds.

6 15

Suggested Specification table with Marks (Theory):

Distribution of Theory Marks

R Level U Level A Level N Level E Level C Level

40 20 20 10 5 5

Legends: R: Remembrance; U: Understanding; A: Application, N: Analyze and E: Evaluate C: Create

and above Levels (Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy)

Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual

distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.

Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam

Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad

Reference Books:

1. Environmental engineering volume 1 and 2 by S.K.Garg, Khanna publisher 2. Environmental engineering volume 1 and 2 by B.C.Punamia, laxmi publication

3. Environmental engineering volume 1 and 2 by Dr.P.M.Modi

4. Water supply and sanitary engineering by G.S.Birdie and J.S.Birdie 5. Environmental pollution engineering by C.S. Rao wiley eastern

6. Water supply and wastewater engineering by B.S.N Raju, Tata McGraw hill, New Delhi 7. H.S. Peavy, D.R.Row & G.Tchobanoglous, environmental engineering,Mc Graw Hill Intranational


8. Viesman, Hammer and Chadik, water supply and pollution control, PHI Publication.

9. M.L.Devis and D.A.Cornwell,Introdution to environmental engineering:-2nd edition-1997,Mc Graw

Hill Intranational Edition

10. Metcalf and eddy,(revised by G.Tchobanoglous) Wastewater Engineering:Treatment,disposal

reuse,Tata-Mc Graw Hill,New Delhi

11. Waste water treatment plants, Planning Design and Operation, Syed Qasim, CRC Press. 12. Water Works Engineering: Planning, Design and Operation, Syed R. Qasim, Edward M. Motley,

Guang Zhu, CRC Press

Course Outcome:

After learning the course the students should be able to:

1. Design the water supply and wastewater treatment systems.

2. Determine the treatment efficiency of treatment units

List of Experiments:

1. Introduction to standards, collection and preservation of samples, sampling techniques and

laboratory equipment

2. Determination of turbidity and jar test

3. Determination of DO and BOD

4. Determination of COD

5. Treatability study of domestic wastewater

6. Determination of langelier’s saturation index

7. Determination of dose of chemicals for removal of hardness of given water sample

Design based Problems (DP)/Open Ended Problem:

1. Design and preparation of layout plan and section of water treatment plant for a given town with

water level shown in each unit in section. The student shall compute water levels in each unit,

prepare design report and drawing.

Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam

Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad

2. Design and preparation of layout plan and section of wastewater treatment plant for a given town

with wastewater levels shown in different units in sections the student shall compute wastewater

levels in different units and prepare design report and drawing

3. Analyze the pipe network by Hardy cross and Newton’s method and compare both methods

4. Design of sewerage system for proposed extension area of a town.

5. Measurement of efficiency of trickling filters, ASP etc by field observation in existing wastewater

treatment plant.

6. In campus constructions of model treatment plant for water with guidance from teacher

7. In campus construction of model treatment plant for wastewater with guidance for teacher.

Major Equipment:

1. BOD incubator

2. COD Apparatus

3. Jar test Apparatus

4. Auto zero set Burette

5. Digital DO meter

6. Top Loading Electronic balance

7. Aerator

List of Open Source Software/learning website:

Epanet, relevant websites of IIT’s

Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam

Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad

ACTIVE LEARNING ASSIGNMENTS: Preparation of power-point slides, which include videos,

animations, pictures, graphics for better understanding theory and practical work – The faculty will allocate

chapters/ parts of chapters to groups of students so that the entire syllabus to be covered. The power-point

slides should be put up on the web-site of the College/ Institute, along with the names of the students of the

group, the name of the faculty, Department and College on the first slide. The best three works should

submit to GTU.

Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam

Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad



No. Name of Question Remarks

1 Enlist the population for casting methods and describe any two of them. A

2 Describe various factor of affecting per capita demand of water. A


Write a short note on:

(1) Domestic water demand

(2) Industrial water demand

(3) fire demand

(4) institutional demand


4 How will you estimate the quantity of water required by town while designing a

water supply scheme for the same? C


The population record for a city is as under:

Year 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001

Population 30000 33000 39000 47000 52000

fore cast the population of city in 2021 using

(1) Arithmetical increased method

(2) Geometrical increased method

(3) Incremental increased method


Date of Submission: - 07/01/2019

Name & Sign of Subject In-charge: UNNATI TAILOR


Name of Subject: - Water and Waste Water Engineering Subject Code: - 2160604


Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam

Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad



No. Name of Question Remarks

1 What is an intake structure? Sketch and explain construction and working of a river

intake. A

2 What are the different types of pipes used for water supply? Discuss Cast iron pipes and

Concrete pipes in details. A

3 What is the economic diameter of pumping mains? Give step wise procedure for finding

BHP of pumps.


4 How will you estimate the quantity of water required by town while designing a water

supply scheme for the same? B

5 Enlist different types of pipes used for water supply. Explain any two in detail. A

6 Explain the factors affecting the site selection for an intake structure. B

7 Describe various means of conveying water from intake to treatment plant. C

8 Write a short note on: reservoir intake and canal intake B


A city with 1.5 lakh population is to be supplied water at 100 lpcd from a river 1km

away. The difference in water level of sump and reservoir is 30m. If the demand has to

be supplied in 8 hours, determine the size of the main and B.H.P. of the pumps required.

Assume maximum demand as 1.5 times the average demand. Take f =0.0075, velocity in

the pipe as2.00 m/s and efficiency of pump as 75%.


Date of Submission: - 21/01/2019

Name & Sign of Subject In-charge: UNNATI TAILOR


Name of Subject: - Water and Waste Water Engineering Subject Code: - 2160604


Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam

Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad



Name of Subject: - Water and Waste Water Engineering Subject Code: - 2160604



No. Name of Question Remarks

1 Objective of treatment plant. Draw a complete water treatment plant. A

2 What is sedimentation? Explain sedimentation type-1 discrete particles settling B

3 Give the different types of sedimentation tank. Explain continuous flow tank

and hopper bottom settling tank with vertical flow B

4 Ex[lain efficiency of an ideal settling basin A

5 What objectives are achieved by aerators? Sketch and discuss different types of

aerators. C

6 Explain coagulation and flocculation? Discuss any one type of coagulant and any

one method of feeding coagulant B

7 Discuss and draw a neat sketch of clariflocculator and show its various parts. A

8 discuss various rapid and slow sand filter A

9 sketch and explain working of rapid sand filter A

10 What is filtration? Explain the theory of filtration. Discuss filter media C

11 Short note on disinfection of water. A


Explain briefly the following process:

(1) Brake point chlorination

(2) Super chlorination (3) Treatment with zone


13 Describe the methods of softening of water by zeolite process B

Date of Submission: Name & Sign of Subject In-charge:

Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam

Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad



Name of Subject: - Water and Waste Water Engineering Subject Code: - 2160604



No. Name of Question Remarks

1 Requirements of ideal distribution system. Write methods of water

distribution. A

2 Merits and demerits of continuous and intermittent system of water supply B

3 How will u decide storage capacity of ESR? B


Short note on:

(1) Dead end method of water supply system

(2) Grid iron method

(3) Mass curve method to determine storage capacity



Date of Submission: Name & Sign of Subject In-charge:

Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam

Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad



No. Name of Question Remarks

1 Compare conservancy system and water carriage system with benefits and

drawbacks. B


Explain the following terms (1) Detention period (2) Surface loading (3) Coagulation (4) hydraulic loading

(5)activated sludge plant (6) design period (7)sludge (8) flow sheet (9) sullage

(10) sanitation (11)Bio chemical oxygen demand (12)shock loading


3 Write a short not on: (1) dry weather flow (2) design period of sewage

treatment works A

4 Discuss about following sewers: concrete sewer, verified clay or stone

sewer pipes, bricks pipes, B

5 What are the various sewage systems? Describe the merits and demerits of each.


6 Explain the estimation of design sanitary sewage discharge B

Date of Submission: Name & Sign of Subject In-charge:


Name of Subject: - Water and Waste Water Engineering Subject Code: - 2160604


Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam

Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad



Name of Subject: - Water and Waste Water Engineering Subject Code: - 2160604



No. Name of Question Remarks

1 What is the difference in the design of water supply pipes and sewer pipes? C

2 Minimum and Maximum velocity in sewer line. Derive shields formula for self-

cleansing velocity. A

3 A 45cm diameter sewer having a slope of 1 in 150 was flowing full. What would be velocity of flow and discharge? (N= 0.013). Is the velocity self-

cleansing velocity?


4 Describe various hydraulic formulas. B

5 Write a note on testing of sewer line A

6 Describe the laying of sewer line in trench B


Write a short note on: (draw all necessary sketches)

(1) Inlets

(2) Catch basins

(3) Flushing tank

(4) Oil and grease traps (5) Inverted siphons


8 Enumerate sewer appurtenances and describe all type of manhole with sketch A


Design a sewer to serve a population of 50,000, the daily per capita water

supply allowance being 135 liters, of which 80 percent find its way into the

sewer. The slope available for the sewer to be laid as 1 in 625 and the sewer

to should be designed to carry four times the dry weather flow when running

full. What would be the velocity of flow in sewers when running full. Assume N=0.012 in chezy’s formula


Date of Submission: Name & Sign of Subject In-charge:

Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam

Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad



Name of Subject: - Water and Waste Water Engineering Subject Code: - 2160604




No. Name of Question Remarks

1 Preliminary treatment of waste water? Enlist various unit operation falling

under this also describe it B

2 write a short note on screens and disposal of screening B

3 draw a complete flow diagram of waste water treatment p0lant and describe

the function of each unit A

4 write a short note on chemical precipitation C

5 what do you understand by sedimentation of waste water C

6 sketch and explain contraction and working of trickling filter A

7 discuss aerobic suspended growth of domestic waste water A

8 Sketch and discuss septic tank and soak pit arrangement as a low cost

sanitation system for a house A

9 explain sludge digestion process B

10 write a short note on oxidation pond B

11 Describe activated sludge process B


Design a circular sedimentation tank for a town having population of 50,000.

The average water demand is 140 liters per capita par day. Assume that 70%

water reaches at treatment unit and maximum demand is 2.5 times the

average demand.


13 design a sludge digestion tank with the following data: average flow of sewage= 60 MLD

total suspended solids in the raw sewage= 350 mg/liter

volatile suspended solid= 250 mg/liter


Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam

Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad


moister content of the digested sludge= 87% assume data not given suitable

14 Design circular trickling filter unit (standard rate) for treating 4 million liter

of swage per day, having a 5- day BOD of 160 mg/l. Also design rotary distribution system and understanding system. Assume suitable data of



Date of Submission: Name & Sign of Subject In-charge:

Laxmi Institute of Technology , Sarigam Approved by AICTE, New Delhi; Affiliated to Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad

Academic Year 2018-19 Centre Code: 086 Examination : Mid Semester -1 Examination Branch: Civil Engineering Semester: 6th Sub Code: 2160604

Sub: Water and Waste Water

Engineering Date: 28/01/2019 Time:9:00-10:00 Marks: 20

Attempt any 5 questions:

Q.1 Components of a water supply schemes. 4

Q.2 Enlist nine population forecast methods. Explain master plane method, graphical

extension method.


Q.3 Design procedure for intakes. 4

Q.4 Design of pumps. 4

Q.5 Derivation of equation of settling velocity. 4

Q.6 What is aeration? Explain types of aerators 4

Q.7 Explain shapes of sedimentation tanks. 4