Introduction/Overview Focus Group Discussion Affinity Diagram Collective Wondering Agenda.

Post on 15-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Introduction/Overview Focus Group Discussion Affinity Diagram Collective Wondering Agenda.

Introduction/OverviewFocus Group DiscussionAffinity Diagram Collective Wondering


We will cover one question with your introduction embedded during the Round Robin portion. Each of you will have one shot – uninterrupted – at this question.

When each of you has had 3-4 minutes (or less) to say what you want about the first question, we'll move on to our next agenda item.

Ground Rules for Round Robin

As facilitators, we are going to stay neutral.I may ask a couple questions that will stimulate the discussion and bring out concerns or views that need to be considered.

Please know I am not trying to put you on the spot. Our questions are just trying to get as much information from you as I can.


You are convinced that principled change is needed at Buffalo Seminary and that the focus should be on curriculum that leverages 21st Century constructs (such as student directed inquiry, global collaboration, projects and exploration and connected learning)What are the challenges you will face and you start to transform your school into a place that will prepare your girls for the future that awaits them?

Discussion Prompt

Now that we have discussed the challenges that have or could possibly prevent us from achieving the goal, let’s start to brainstorm some possible solutions to over coming these challenges.

Think in terms of: “What’s working now?”“What actions can be put into place to overcome the barriers mentioned?” “What can individuals do?” “Or what innovative ideas can you suggest that aren’t related to overcoming barriers?”

Using the Post Its you have on the table, put one idea per sticky for potential solutions to the problems we have discussed, or innovations/ideas you have that help implement change or shift.

You will have 10 minutes to generate ideas– one per sticky note.

Generating Proactive Solutions

Ok. Stop writing. Now I would like for you to get into pairs, working with the person next to you, and looking at your combined Post It notes start to categorize the ideas into chunks under 5-6 overarching topics.

You have 10 minutes

Sharing Ideas

Look around the room at the charts we have created. If you do not see a heading you have created while organizing your ideas please call it out.

The rest of you come put your Post It notes under the right topic heading. Some of you will have the same categories– this is intended.

The work you have done is amazing! Your ideas are incredible! We have 2-3 minutes to get your Post Its organized on the big charts.

Decide which topics you are most passionate about that you possibly would like to see developed into a collaborative action research plan.

Have someone from your group bring that chart to your table.

Voting your Passion

Get into groups. Take one chart per table.

As a group they look at the ideas represented on the chart discuss them and their potential for a possible action research project/topic.

You have 20 minutes.

Action Statements
