INTELLIGENT STAFF MANAGEMENT SYSTEM · mengekalkan kehadiran dari sistem manual ke kehadiran...

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Transcript of INTELLIGENT STAFF MANAGEMENT SYSTEM · mengekalkan kehadiran dari sistem manual ke kehadiran...
















I hereby declare that this report is based on my original work except for quotations and

citations, which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not been previously

or concurrently submitted for any other degree at Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin or other



Name : Wan Raihana bt Wan Mohd Nasir

Date : …………………………….



This is to confirm that:

The research conducted and the writing of this report was under my supervision.


Name : Dato PM Dr. Mohd Hafiz B. Yusoff @

Che Abdullah

Date : ..................................................



Assalamualaikum w.b.t, firstly I would like to express my gratitude to Allah the Almighty

for his grace and the Mercy in completing my project.

Then, I would like to thank my supervisor for this Final Year Project, Dato PM Dr. Mohd

Hafiz B. Yusoff @ Che Abdullah for being a responsible and supporting lecturer to guide

and aid me towards the accomplishment of this project. Thank you for brainstorming the

ideas along the solution together for me illustrate the main idea and help in understanding

my project more.

Next, I would like to appreciate to all member of panels for their valuable feedback and

their comment on improving my project for better purpose especially during my project

presentation. All the comments and feedback help me improve a lot of my presentation

skills and my project progress.

Last but not least, a lot of thanks to my beloved mother and father, family and friends for

never ending support, encouragement and advice for brightening my spirit to complete this

final year project. Great thanks again for all of those who are involved in my Final Year




Attendance is an important factor for employees. There is a different method of

maintaining attendance from manual system to automated attendance such as biometrics.

All the methods have some disadvantages in maintaining the attendance. Nowadays there

are many punch card systems that employees use to get their presence. The automated

attendance is time concerned the employee should update their attendance before the time

else they will lose their salary. Many times, employees fail to update on time because of

queue in front of the machine. The main aim of this paper is to use the smartphones for

updating the attendance. This paper uses a mobile app which scans the QR code which acts

as a user ID.



Kehadiran adalah faktor penting untuk pekerja. Terdapat kaedah yang berbeza untuk

mengekalkan kehadiran dari sistem manual ke kehadiran automatik seperti biometrik.

Semua kaedah mempunyai kelemahan dalam mengekalkan kehadiran. Kini terdapat

banyak sistem kad punch yang digunakan oleh pekerja untuk mendapatkan kehadiran

mereka. Kehadiran automatik adalah masa yang berkenaan pekerja perlu mengemaskini

kehadiran mereka sebelum masa yang lain mereka akan kehilangan gaji mereka. Banyak

pekerja yang gagal mengemaskini tepat pada masanya kerana beratur di hadapan mesin.

Tujuan utama kertas ini adalah menggunakan telefon pintar untuk mengemaskini

kehadiran. Makalah ini menggunakan aplikasi mudah alih yang mengimbas kod QR yang

bertindak sebagai ID pengguna.



DECLARATION ................................................................................................................. i

CONFIRMATION ............................................................................................................. ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................ iii

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... iv

ABSTRAK .......................................................................................................................... v

CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ ix

LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... xi

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................... xii


1.1 Background ................................................................................................................ 1

1.2 Problem Statement ..................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Objectives ................................................................................................................... 3

1.4 Scopes ......................................................................................................................... 3

1.41 User Scope ....................................................................................................... 3

1.42 Technology Scope ............................................................................................ 4

1.5 Limitation of Work ..................................................................................................... 4

1.6 Expected Result .......................................................................................................... 4

1.7 Chapter Summary ....................................................................................................... 5


2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 6

2.2 Project and Research ................................................................................................. 7


2.2.1 Smart Mobile Attendance System for Employees Using QR Scanner .......... 7

2.2.2 Mobile Attendance System Using QR Codes Technology ............................ 8

2.2.3 QR Code Based Smart Attendance System ................................................... 9

2.2.4 QR Code Based Effective Employee Maintenance System ......................... 10

2.2.5 QR Code, Face Recognition, and Google Location as an Alternative Solution

for Attendance in Small Companies ............................................................ 11

2.2.6 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Based Employee Attendance

Management System ............................................................................................. 12

2.2.7 FaceTime - Deep Learning Based Face Recognition Attendance System ... 13

2.2.8 A Review Paper on Geolocation Based Employee Attendance Monitoring

System Using Geotagging ........................................................................... 14

2.3 Summary on Research Paper ................................................................................. 15-17

2.4 Existing System .......................................................................................................... 18

2.4.1 Employee Attendance System-Leave, Salary Etc ......................................... 18

2.4.2 EMS - Attendance Manager ......................................................................... 19

2.4.3 Summary of Existing System ........................................................................ 20

2.4 Chapter Summary ....................................................................................................... 21


3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................. 22

3.2 Incremental Prototyping ..................................................................................... 22-23

3.2.1 Initial and Planning Phase ............................................................................. 23

3.2.2 Requirement Phase ........................................................................................ 24

3.2.3 Analysis and Design Phase ........................................................................... 24

3.2.4 Implementation Phase ................................................................................... 24


3.2.5 Testing Phase ................................................................................................ 25

3.2.6 Evaluation Phase ........................................................................................... 25

3.2.7 Deployment Phase ........................................................................................ 25

3.3 System Requirement and Specification ................................................................... 26

3.3.1 Hardware Requirement ................................................................................. 26

3.3.2 Software Requirement................................................................................... 27

3.4 Framework ................................................................................................................ 28

3.5 Process Model .......................................................................................................... 29

3.5.1 Context Diagram (CD) ............................................................................. 29-30

3.5.2 Data Flow Diagram Level 0 ..................................................................... 31-32

3.5.3 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 .......................................................................... 33 Manage Salary ................................................................................... 33 Manage Leave .................................................................................... 34 Manage Warning ............................................................................... 35 Manage Training ................................................................................ 36

3.5.4 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) ............................................................. 37

3.6 Data Dictionary .................................................................................................. 38-41

3.7 Proof of Concept ..................................................................................................... 42

3.7.1 Interface for Admin .................................................................................. 42-45

3.7.2 Interface for User ..................................................................................... 46-48

3.8 Chapter Summary .................................................................................................... 49

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ 50-52

GANTT CHART .............................................................................................................. 53



Figure Title Page

2.1 QR code 6

2.2 Employee Attendance System App 18

2.3 EMS - Attendance Manager App 19

3.1 Incremental Prototyping 23

3.2 Framework 28

3.3 Context Diagram 29

3.4 DFD Level 0 31

3.5 DFD Level 1 for Manage Salary 33

3.6 DFD Level 1 for Manage Leave 34

3.7 DFD Level 1 for Manage Warning 35

3.8 DFD Level 1 for Training 36

3.9 Entity Relationship Diagram 37

3.10 Prototype Menu Bar 42

3.11 Prototype Employee page for Admin 43

3.12 Prototype Attendance page for Admin 43

3.13 Prototype Leave Report page for Admin 44

3.14 Prototype Salary page for Admin 44

3.15 Prototype Training Info page for Admin 45

3.16 Prototype Warning page for Admin 45

3.17 Login and Menu Bar interface for User 46


3.18 QR Code interface for User to scan 47

3.19 Attendance interface for User 47

3.20 Training interface for User 48

3.21 Warning interface for User 48




2.1 Summary of research paper 15-17

2.2 Comparison of existing system 20

3.1 List of hardware requirements 26

3.2 List of software requirements 27

3.3 Data Dictionary for Admin 38

3.4 Data Dictionary for User 38

3.6 Data Dictionary for Leave 39

3.7 Data Dictionary for Salary 39

3.8 Data Dictionary for Attendance 40

3.9 Data Dictionary for Training 40



QR Quick Response

CD Context Diagram

DFD Data Flow Diagram

ERD Entity Relationship Diagram

FYP Final Year Project




1.1 Background

Nowadays, the use of smartphones has been increasing day by day. A

significant number of our everyday work is done through smartphone. In any case, the

utilization of smartphone as an attendance device has been rarely utilized. These days

attendance has turned into something important thing in our life. Every employee has

to update their attendance every day. The attendance helps the company to check the

employee's consistency and the salary that should credited. But attendance systems that

have been used in many places require separate tools to update attendance and workers

must stand in line for check-in and check-out. If the employee does not check-in within

the time frame, he may lose one day's salary. To overcome these difficulties the

proposed system is used. QR Code started popular among people, and it has made user

life easier when everything can be accessed by scanning the QR Code. Employee only

need to scan QR code to record their presence. System then stores all the employees’

attendance records.


1.2 Problem Statement

The problem that occurs makes this application develop which are:

i. Employee have to queue up for check-in and check-out which can cause

them to miss check-in at a set time.

ii. Employees can cheat about their attendance by asking other people to

punch their card.

iii. The attendance for employee is taken manually using a piece of paper that

needed the employee to punch their card at the right place as a proof of their


Because of this problem, a system and an application may be needed in order to record

the attendance of the employee more accurately without have to record it manually. No

more use of paper. This system will record the attendance of the employees

automatically and saved into the databases when the employees are scanning the QR

code using their smartphone. This system saved time, more efficient and also



1.3 Objectives

The objective is important to achieve the goal. The main objectives for this project are:

i. To study the technology that suitable to use in attendance system.

ii. To evaluate current situation of attendance system among employee.

iii. To develop an attendance system in mobile application that can help

people save their time.

1.4 Scope

1.4.1 User Scope

The scopes of this project are as follows:

1) Admin

· Can add new employee.

· View registered employee and their information.

· View all attendance history.

· Get notification if employee is absent.

· Can issue a warning to employee that are not present regularly.


2) User

· Has to register to use this application.

· Can update their information.

· Can see all their attendance history.

· Can view salary that they will earn according to their working hours.

1.4.2 Technology Scope

· QR code

· Android Platform

1.5 Limitation of Work

a) Internet Connection.

· The smartphone need to be connected to internet so it can send data

to the company’s database.

b) This application can be use by registered user

· User need to registered before use this application.

c) Cannot track Employee

· This system does not function to track employee whereabout.

1.6 Expected Result

i. A mobile app that can be used in Intelligent Staff Management System using

QR Code for company.

ii. Employee able to scan the QR code as their proof attending the work.


1.7 Chapter Summary

For Chapter 1, Introduction are discussing about the project background and the problems

that occur in the existing system. The objectives and the scopes of the new application that

will be builds are also explained in this chapter.




2.1 Introduction

This section discusses and portrays about literature review for Employee

Attendance System Using QR Code that being developed. The purpose of this literature

review is to provide the readers with a general overview about this project. Literature

review involves the process of reading journal, articles, books and research paper and later

on analyzing, summarize and evaluate the reading based on connection to the project. It is

a guideline for establishes the credibility for the better project. There are few research has

been reviewed to get some overview about existing application and related technique

involved. The QR code image is shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1. QR Code


2.2 Project and Research

2.2.1 Smart Mobile Attendance System for Employees Using QR Scanner

This paper discussed about the problem that the employee faced. This app works

where users should login using QR code which is easy compared to login using user id.

The QR code will be on employee’s ID card. When the employee check-in using the app,

it is verified with the database and updates the attendance. Once the verification is done the

date, time, GPS, smartphone number are sent to the database along with the user ID. For

login verification, it is done by fingerprint or voice recognition.

The QR code is processed using Reed-Solomon error connection until the image

can be appropriately interpreted. The required data is then extracted from patterns that are

present in both horizontal and vertical components of image. Once the QR scanned, the

user id is directly logged in. So, for this proposed system, the smartphone need an internet

connection. So, it can send data to the company’s database. This app is easy to maintain

employee’s record and also helpful for employee who work outside the office to update

their attendance. QR code can store large number of data so, it can also store another

employee information. [B. Dinesh Kumar and S. Kareemulla, 2017]


2.2.2 Mobile Attendance System Using QR Codes Technology

Taking attendance is one of the process that occurs before or after the lecture, which

time consuming activity. It is essential for the educators, yet the process is taking a lot of

time that can impact on teaching and learning process. This study aims to automate the

attendance system using QR codes. The cost of implementation of mobile application using

QR codes technology is much cheaper compared to Radio-frequency identification (RFID)

or other technology.

This study has shown that the use of mobile technology has influenced on teaching

and learning process. It also enables the university to improve the academic management

system, which can eliminate the fraud and cheating among the student. Moreover, this app

is much easier and faster for student. [Bazilah A.Talip, 2018]


2.2.3 QR Code Based Smart Attendance System

This paper discussed about attendance monitoring system that is very important in

our daily life. The purpose of the smartphone-based attendance system is to computerize

the traditional way of recording attendance and provide smart way to track attendance in

institution nowadays.

This app is a combination of two android applications develop for taking and storing

the attendance of the student on the daily basis in college. The methodology that has been

followed are develop a QR code generator android app using the detail of student such as

student ID and develop an Android app that can take attendance with respect to specific

subject and generate student attendance sheet as per attendance details. So, it is an efficient

method to store the attendance in the smartphone rather than wasting paper. [Xiong Wei et

al, 2017]


2.2.4 QR Code Based Effective Employee Maintenance System

This QR code Based Effective Employee Maintenance System is to automate the

employee monitoring process in company. There are two parts in this system. For the first

part, employee will scan their QR based identity card and server system enables some

services like car parking slot allocation, canteen service, etc. In second part, employee scan

his same unique QR code-based identity card the attendance of employee will be marked

in administrator database and start his personal computer with help of wake on LAN

(WOL) protocol.

In this system, they implement the employee monitoring system to meet the

organization requirements. By using this system, employee can concentrate on their work

and with the help of QR code, authentication can be done. [Gaurav Ravindra Bole, 2016]


2.2.5 QR Code, Face Recognition, and Google Location as an Alternative Solution

for Attendance in Small Companies

This paper proposed attendance system using QR code, Face Recognition and

Google Location technologies in mobile applications on Android smartphone. For the

system process, employee use their phone to check-in after get to client’s places and check-

out when they finished teaching, while the web services collect attendances data from

smartphones and put them in database server. To minimize the cheating among employees,

some features are developed like QR Code Error Log and Employee’s Attendance Log that

can only be used by the owner of the companies.

From the developed attendance system, QR Code and Google Location shown good

results as alternative solution in collecting and gathering employee’s attendance data.

While Face Recognition doesn’t show much results in fields and implementation. [Oscar



2.2.6 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Based Employee Attendance

Management System

This paper discussed about using the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for

Employee Attendance. This technology itself consists of a tag in the form of a special chip

where the chip has a unique code of information and a reader that serves to read the codes

in the tag. The use of RFID technology has been used widely in such ways for automatic

attendance system. The employee absence process using RFID technology to ensures

information security from attendance data. Next, the existence of databases in storage

facilitate the search data so that it can help the institution or company to improve the

effectiveness in performing data absenteeism of employees. So, the system overall

increases the efficiency of reporting and evaluating the performance of the employee and

the discipline of the employee itself. [G D P Maramis & P T D Rompas, 2018]


2.2.7 FaceTime - Deep Learning Based Face Recognition Attendance System

In this paper, a deep learning-based face recognition attendance system is proposed.

The entire procedure of developing a face recognition component by combining state of the

art methods and advances in deep learning described. It is determined that with the smaller

number of face images along with the proposed method of augmentation high accuracy can

be achieved, 95.02% in overall.

These results are enabling further research for the purpose of obtaining even higher

accuracy on smaller datasets, which is crucial for making this solution production ready.

One of the unexplored areas of this research is the analysis of additional solution for

classifying face embedding vectors. This deep learning-based solution does not depend on

GPU in runtime. Thus, it could be applicable in many other systems as a main or a side

component that could run on a cheaper and low-capacity hardware, even as a general-

purpose Internet of things (IoT) device. [Marko Arsenovic et al, 2017]


2.2.8 A Review Paper on Geolocation Based Employee Attendance Monitoring

System Using Geotagging

This paper proposed an Employee Attendance Monitoring System using

Geotagging. Geolocation is a technology that uses data acquired from an individual’s

computer or mobile device (any type of radio or network connection enabled device) to

identify person actual physical location. For Geotagging is an adding geographic

information to an object such as a photograph, by incorporating the geolocation data in the

photograph’s metadata.

The territory management enables the organization to manage the complex team

structures along geographical locations. Geo-Tagging and Territory Management allows

businesses to effortlessly allocate the territories to employees for faster turnaround time,

better coverage and lower operational cost.


2.3 Summary of Research Paper

Tittle Method Advantages Disadvantages

Smart Mobile

Attendance System for

Employees Using QR

Scanner [1]

- QR Code




● Easily scanned by

the smartphone

● Can keeps the

employee’s location


● Uses of fingerprint

and voice

verification for

authentication will

avoid proxy of


● Slow


Mobile Attendance

System Using QR Codes

Technology [2]

QR Code ● Generate results


● Student

unable to

manage or

update their


QR Code Based Smart

Attendance System [3]

QR Code ● Provide accurate and

efficient data

● Maintenance of the

● Poor



system is easy and

cost effective

● User friendly

QR Code Based

Effective Employee

Maintenance System [4]

QR Code ● Efficient data

● Quick generate

● Difficult to

detect Qr


QR Code, Face

Recognition, and Google

Location as an

Alternative Solution for

Attendance in Small

Companies [5]

- QR Code



● Vulnerability in


● Cannot detect

face detection


● Location not

found easily

Radio Frequency

Identification (RFID)

Based Employee

Attendance Management

System [10]

RFID ● Supports tag reading

with no line-of-sight

● More



FaceTime - Deep

Learning Based Face

Recognition Attendance

System [11]



● Automation of


● Slow


● Depends on


camera and


A Review Paper on

Geolocation Based

Employee Attendance

Monitoring System

Using Geotagging [12]

Geotagging ● Manage complexity

with ease

● Improve territory-

based customer


● Operational efficacy

● Greater compliance

● Exposes

users to



knowing their


Table 2.1 Summary of research paper


2.4 Existing System

Existing system is the example of the functional online system that are related to this system.

2.4.1 Employee Attendance System-Leave, Salary Etc

Figure 2.2 Employee Attendance System App


2.4.2 EMS - Attendance Manager

Figure 2.3 EMS - Attendance Manager App


2.4.3 Summary of Existing System







SENSOR QR code QR code


DATABASE TYPE Online/Local Online/Local





Yes No

Table 2.2 Comparison of existing system




2.5 Chapter Summary

In Chapter 2 of Literature Review, it explains the research about an existing system.

Methods and techniques are studied to develop and implement in the application.




3.1 Introduction

The methodology is the set of the complete guideline that includes the models of

tools to carry out activities in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). SDLC splits

the work into phases of activity for better planning and management of the system

development. In order to achieve the objective of the project, a good planning and

methodology must be done before the later stage of the process began.

3.2 Incremental Prototyping

The methodology that will be used in this project is Incremental Prototyping.

Incremental Prototyping is an approach which is the final product is decimated into

different small prototypes and develop individually. Eventually, the different prototypes

are merged into a single product. This method is helpful to reduce the feedback time

between the user and the application development team.


Figure 3.1 Incremental Prototyping

3.2.1 Initial and Planning Phase

During this phase, all the activities will be planned according to the given period to

complete the proposal of the system. Intelligent Staff Management System (i-SMS) has

been selected as the title of the project besides deciding the added value that wants to be

used. The planning phase is the most important phase since during this phased all the

planning on project development is properly planned. In the planning phase, the detailed

about this proposed system was discussed. Problem statements, objectives, system’s scope

and limitation of work were defined as well. The background analysis of the Intelligent

Staff Management System (i-SMS) was conducted by reviewing the journal.


3.2.2 Requirement Phase

In requirement phase, the user and system requirements are identified in order to

develop a complete system. All the data related to the topic is collecting by referring to the

related system. Some research has been done to get an overview about QR code techniques

by referring to the article and books.

3.2.3 Analysis and Design Phase

The requirement gathering information will help to gain an inspiration for design in

the analysis and design phase. Design phase is the phase where identify how to build the

system. The Context Diagram (CD), Data Flow Diagram (DFD) and Entity Relation

Diagram (ERD) and framework model are designed to represent the detail in order to

describe the operation and flow of the system.

3.2.4 Implementation Phase

The implementation phase is to make overall improvements to the entire application

modules. The logic of the application and the interface will be coded based on the previous

design phase. This phase is critical and most challenging phase where the user requirement

needs to be developed.


3.2.5 Testing Phase

In testing phase needs to be done to ensure that the system runs correctly. It is

important to ensure that the functionality of the system is meet the user requirement. If the

error found will be referred back to the background analysis, modeling and implementation

phase in order to understand the problem better and improve to make a better system. Then

the cycle of methodology is repeated until the project is well functioning.

3.2.6 Evaluation Phase

During this phase, the system must be evaluated before deploying it to the end user.

A group of users will be asked to use the system and it is hoped that it will be user friendly

system. However, the problems occurred during the implementation phase was affected the

system which the system was not be evaluated until the last.

3.2.7 Deployment Phase

In this phase, the complete system is approved to release to the end user to

implement either the system correct functioning or not. Any changing or missed

requirements may force to redesign the system. This phase also failed to carry out if the

system is not fulfilled the requirement.


3.3 System Requirement and Specification

System requirement is needed to achieve this project and assist the development of

the project that involves system requirement in hardware and software. All of these

elements are important in the process of development.

3.3.1 Hardware Requirement

Hardware Description

Laptop Model : Lenovo ideapad 320s

Processor : Intel(R) Core(™) i5-8250U CPU @

1.60GHz 1.80 GHz

RAM : 16.0 GB

OS : Windows 10

Smartphone Brand : Vivo V11i

Model Number : vivo 1806

Android Version : 9

RAM : 4.00 GB

Printer Canon MP280

USB Apacer 8GB

Table 3.1 List of hardware requirements


3.3.2 Software Requirement

Software Description

Android Studio IDE Android platform, design for Android development

Firebase Database Database for the application

Microsoft Word 2016 Platform for report writing

Notepad++ Developing code for function

Java JDK Developing Java application

Google Chrome Find previous research paper and download other


MySQL Database System database application

Table 3.2 List of software requirements


3.4 Framework

Figure 3.2 Framework


3.5 Process Model

3.5.1 Context Diagram (CD)

Figure 3.3 Context Diagram

As shown in Figure 3.3, there are two entities involved which are admin and user.

The admin and user must register and login into the application. Admin must login with

admin profile into the application. If the login session success, all of the information that

admin key in will be saved in the database. Before that, for the user who did not register

yet, they have to request for a registration first before they can login into their interfaces.

Once all the entities success login, they can start all the processes in the application.

For Admin part, admin can add new user and can view all history attendance of all

employees. Moreover, admin can update user salary based on their working hours. Admin


also respond status leave that requested by user. Lastly, admin can get notification if an

employee is absent and can issue a warning to employees that are not present regularly.

For User, there is user attendance. The user attendance is based on the QR code that

will be scan by user. User can view their attendance history and salary history based on

their working hours. The last one is, user can request for leave and it will be approved by

an admin.


3.5.2 Data Flow Diagram Level 0

Figure 3.4 DFD Level 0

Figure 3.4 show the data flow diagram level 0 for this application. In this figure,

there are two entities and six processes involved. The two entities are admin and user. For

the first process, manage registration. Admin and User have to register to login into the

application. After admin and user registers, their profile and information will be saved.

Admin will get the user details. Second process, is User Attendance. All the attendance

database will have stored in the data store for authentication. Third process is Manage

Salary. Admin can update the salary of employees according to their working hours and


user can view their salary details. Next process is Manage Leave. Once the user request for

leave, it will send data to the Admin and Admin will respond to the request. Next process

is Manage Warning. Only Admin will involve in this process. Admin will issue a warning

to employees that are not presented regularly. Last but not least is Training process. Admin

will send the training details to user for user to attend the training.


3.5.3 Data Flow Diagram Level 1

The Data Flow Diagram (DFD) level 1 shows how the system is divided into the subsystem,

each of which deals with one or more of the data flow to or from an external agent, and

which together contribute all of the functionality of the system as a whole. Manage Salary

Figure 3.5 DFD Level 1 for Manage Salary

Figure 3.5 show data flow diagram level 1 for admin manage salary. There are two

processes involved which are view salary and update salary.

34 Manage Leave

Figure 3.6 DFD Level 1 for Manage Leave

Figure 3.6 show data flow diagram level 1 for admin manage leave. Admin can

view, respond and delete leave. The leave info will be saved in the database.

35 Manage Warning

Figure 3.7 DFD Level 1 for Manage Warning

Figure 3.7 show data flow diagram level 1 for admin manage warning. Admin will

view the attendance of the employee and send a warning to those who are not presented


36 Training

Figure 3.8 DFD Level 1 for Training

Figure 3.8 show data flow diagram level 1 for admin manage training. Admin can

view the past and future record of training and update the training.


3.5.4 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Figure 3.9 Entity Relationship Diagram

An Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a data modelling technique that creates a

graphical representation of the entities and the relationship between the entities in a system.

On the other hand, ERD is graphical representations that illustrate the logical structure of

database. ERD has four different components which are entities, relationships, attributes,

and cardinalities.


3.6 Data Dictionary


No Attribute Type Length Key Description

1 admin_id Varchar 10 Primary Admin ID for login

2 admin_pass Varchar 10 Admin password for login

Table 3.3 Data Dictionary for Admin


No Attribute Type Length Key Description

1 user_id Varchar 10 Primary User ID when register

2 user_pass Varchar 10 User password

3 user_name Varchar 50 The user name

4 mobile_no Varchar 30 User mobile phone number

5 position Varchar 50 User position in department

6 user_email Varchar 50 User email

7 address Varchar 100 User address

Table 3.4 Data Dictionary for User



No Attribute Type Length Key Description

1 lv_id Varchar 10 Primary Leave ID

2 lv_date Varchar 10 Leave Date

3 lv_desc Varchar 100 Leave Description

4 lv_type Varchar 10 Leave Type

Table 3.5 Data Dictionary for Leave


No Attribute Type Length Key Description

1 sal_id Varchar 10 Primary Salary ID

2 sal_amount Int Salary Amount

3 sal_desc Varchar 10 Salary Description

Table 3.6 Data Dictionary for Salary



No Attribute Type Length Key Description

1 at_id Varchar 10 Primary Attendance ID

2 at_desc Varchar 10 Attendance Description

3 time Varchar 10 Attendance Time

4 at_date Varchar 10 Attendance Time

Table 3.7 Data Dictionary for Attendance


No Attribute Type Length Key Description

1 training_id Varchar 10 Primary Training ID

2 passed_training Varchar 30 Passed Training

3 future_training Varchar 30 Future Training

Table 3.8 Data Dictionary for Training


3.7 Proof of Concept

Figures below show the prototype for the Online Study group application using real

time technologies.

3.7.1 Interface for Admin

Figure 3.10 Prototype Menu Bar


Figure 3.11 Prototype Employee page for Admin

Figure 3.12 Prototype Attendance page for Admin


Figure 3.13 Prototype Leave Report page for Admin

Figure 3.14 Prototype Salary page for Admin


Figure 3.15 Prototype Training Info page for Admin

Figure 3.16 Prototype Warning page for Admin


3.7.2 Interface for User

Figure 3.17 Login and Menu Bar interface for User


Figure 3.18 QR Code interface for User to scan

Figure 3.19 Attendance interface for User


Figure 3.20 Training interface for User

Figure 3.21 Warning interface for User


3.8 Chapter Summary

In this chapter, the methodology chosen is Incremental Prototyping Model which is

suitable for my project. System requirement includes hardware and software which are

needed and fulfills the project requirement. Android studios as a platform to develop an

application. Java Language is the universal language used in this project. System Design is

fundamental in building the project to clearer about the system. This project accompanied

by documentation for each requirement, which enables to review it for validation.



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