In what ways does your media project use,

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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Transcript of In what ways does your media project use,

In what ways does your media project use, challenge or develop forms and conventions or real media products?

My album cover could be seen as unconventional in mainstream terms. Ironically due to the genre of ‘indie’ in which I am aiming both my video and products at it works well due to the individuality and ‘indie genre in which I tried to put into the cover. Despite my first comment I also believe it is conventional at the same time the laid back yet professional look works well and due to the quality of the product I believe it could be classed as conventional.

The album back contrasts greatly to the front yet still holds the link to put the two images together yet this could be classed as a challenge to other forms of media products because of the layout. Yet once more it could be further argued that due to the target audience of my music video this ‘unconventional’ brand given to the products is in fact what the ‘indie’ genre view

The back of the album cover shows some conventional aspects with the use of a clear focus point of the image (in this case the fire). Along side this typicality the background also has an even presentation which is typical in most covers.

My poster holds the theme once more which I have put across in my project. The nature theme can be seen due to the image of a sunset. The theme of contrasts which works well on my CD covers. The contrasting text of black and white also is linked to my other products.

The Poster does show typicality's of Tour posters I have studied, a random yet linked image to the other products. (such as the Kooks poster)

The layout of the poster is also typical of most tour posters. With dates on the bottom and the artists name on the top.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

• I feel this aspect is one of my greatest achievements as all my products including video all hold close enough aspects to be linked together but a difference which allows the products to be individual. This gives off a more professional feel.

• They both hold the same theme which I stated from the start and that is the nature aspect to represent feelings and thoughts.

• The lighting and settings also match but still give off a professional feel perhaps due separate images used for both the CD covers and the poster.

• The negative points I feel which could be raised are that the actor doesn’t appear on any of the covers used. Despite this possible criticism it was never in my interests, as this could give off the feel of to desperate to make it look professional. Research also shows that this isn’t common or a necessity.

Microsoft Word

• Basic yet very affective.

• I used this to sum up ideas and write notes prior to planning to gain a greater understanding of what to do before making my products

• I also used this as a spell check before posting on to blogger to ensure that my posts kept the professional style. As well as keeping them neat and proper

PowerPoint Presentation

• PowerPoint has been one of the key technologies throughout the project

• Alongside Slideshare it allows me to post my work on to blogger in a neat way so topics can be seen under one title

• helps to create an effective visual way of looking at my coursework

• In the planning, research and evaluation stages of my work it allowed me to keep ideas and intentions in one place.


• The experience which I gained from the AS products made it a lot easier to work Fireworks and I did so efficiently.

• The image editing software did serve me well and allowed me to insert fonts from ‘dafont’ and edit the text to the colour in which I wished due to the standard black only being offered by ‘dafont’

• It did result in a lengthy process but was made worth it when the final products were seen.

• I used Fireworks for both CD covers and the Final poster


• Slideshare worked brilliantly alongside PowerPoint

• Slideshare allowed me to upload PowerPoint presentations and make them accessible from my blog

• In doing this process it makes the blog a lot more neater and easier that searching through pages of work

• to do this I inserted an embed code on my blog

Camera/Video Camera

• I used a Camera to capture the images for my CD covers as well as my poster

• I used a basic video camera in all my filming of my music video

• I used a built in laptop camera to respond to a questionnaire on my blog simply because it was quick and simplistic to use

• The camera is obviously a necessity in filming a music video, without this the whole project could not happen


• All editing skills were used on pinnacle

• I played around and did short snippets of my film until I was happy with the different editing in which I used

• This was tricky to use at first having no prior experience of using this programme.

• Pinnacle allowed me to also edit and time the music to match certain point of the film to give a greater finish to the project

• I used Vimeo to upload my cuts and my final music video to the internet and then posted the links to my blog.

• I used Youtube to upload my feed back on products questionnaire but uploading time was long and I would use vimeo next time if I were to upload more footage

• is a website in where you can use a range of different types of texts

• I used dafont to pick texts rather than your standard types on word

• In doing this it gave a fresh feel to my work and took away the amateurish look


• Blogger is the main key of all the technologies discussed

• It is the hub of all my work and allows all my project to be viewed on website

• I used all the other technologies discussed to add features on to my blogger acount

• It is a very simple website and is used in all aspects of my work

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

• My feedback was fairly positive however some aspects which were blind to my biased view were raised and corrected

• The use of tolls is a quick easy way to collect data on products and to get an overall idea on which is the best product

• The change due to feed back from the 1st draft to the 2nd was high noticeable and this was down to audience feedback

• Audience feedback has also taught me how I would improve if I was to do the whole project again

• I have learnt that you should credit audience feedback whether that be feedback of people who you are directing the video at or even of a wide range of people.

- this allows you to correct general faults as well as individual changes