Implementing integrated working Hilary Thompson OPM (Office for Public Management) Developing the...

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Implementing integrated working Hilary ThompsonOPM (Office for Public Management)

Developing the childcare workforce4th Annual ConferenceMarch 2008

‘….more than ever before families will be at the centre of excellent, integrated services that put their needs first, regardless of traditional institutional and professional structures.’

Source: ‘The Children’s Plan: Building brighter futures’, DCSF December 2007

Integration is a means to an endnot an end in itself

Blake Campbell /sxc

Source: ‘Co-production in Children’s Services’, Clive Miller and Sue Stirling, OPM, 2004

…… about co-production of outcomes

Individualised purchasing

Building individual capacity and social capital

Integration of services around individuals

Personalisation of universal services

….. and personalisation

BHLP and individual budgets

Children’s centres

Family group conferences

Personalised learning in schools

Integration is a change journey …with lots of elements

The Integration Blizzard

Culture and skills


Lead professionals

Key workers

Common language

Common Core skills

Shared values

Joint training

Local service


Customer contact centres

Common contact points


Children’s centres


Extended services

Integrated servicesInformation



holding and individual budgetsIntegrated

service pathways


CYP Plan

Children’s Trust

Commissioning frameworks


We’ve supported some changes

• Championing Children– knowledge, skills and behaviours for leaders of integrated


• Children and young people’s strategic partnerships– plans, governance etc

• Individual level commissioning – Lead Professional and Budget Holding Lead Professional – individual budgets for children with disabilities.

• Operational level commissioning– locality based, for children with additional needs

• Strategic commissioning– seminars for IDeA and DCSF – local commissioning frameworks and processes

Strong joint commissioning – key steps

1. Agree local commissioning standards

2. Have one shared strategy

3. Decide governance structures

4. Set up unified performance measurement

5. Agree local provider policy

6. Form small central team

Agree local commissioning standards

• Safe from harm• Involvement of C&YP• Equality • Holding to account for achieving CYP Plan• Good governance• Compliance with statutory requirements• Integrated training• Shared process – ISA, CAF, LP• ……………

Have one shared strategy

The CYP Plan:• integrated picture• clear local priorities• involvement and commitment• inspiration for all commissioning• prevention and early intervention

Agree local provider policy

• How to decide which providers • How different levers are used eg

– budget reallocation– contestability– competition

• How providers are – involved– accredited

• Level playing fields• Influencing the market

Positive integration – key steps

1. Leadership2. Cultural change at the frontline3. Systems and process – CAF, LP4. Bringing budgets together5. Workforce development

Workforce development – what worked for BHLP pilots

• What– tailor material to local circumstances

– ground in real life experiences of achieving better outcomes

• How– across staff groups, including schools

– peer to peer

– modelling the language

– involving children, young people and families

– connect with individual performance review

Workforce development – what worked for BHLP pilots

• Who– include work with middle and senior managers

– how they support and supervise new ways of working

• When– planned alongside wider change process –

integration as change

– keeping up with rapidly changing roles

– recognising dynamics – changing training requirements

Narrowing the Gap – golden threads

‘Unite to succeed (sanity not vanity)

Multi disciplinary working, which genuinely enables effective early intervention (at low cost) can make significant and long lasting differences to children’s outcomes.’

Narrowing the Gap

Interim Findings


Feb 2008

020 7239 7800

Implementing integrated services … for better outcomes

Photos credits:Rahul WakadeBlake CampbellNorbert MachinekDuane_EllisonGokhan Okur Gisela WrightBonnie JacobsIsaac StottBernd KlumppWouter van CaspelCarsten MadsenKenneth C Zirkel