Impact Report 2015

Post on 23-Jul-2016

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Our Impact Report shows how gifts from alumni and friends are having an impact across the University

Transcript of Impact Report 2015

Adam Sandey, Mechanical Engineering with Advanced Design and Innovation graduate

As donors you have played, and continue to play, an invaluable role in our success by helping us to nurture the brightest minds and the best ideas.”


Looking further together

In thisissue...

We are currently enjoying one of our best years – our research is recognised as world-leading, we have been ranked as the top university in the UK for student satisfaction and our graduates are some of the most sought after in the country.

As donors you have played, and continue to play, an invaluable role in our success by helping us to nurture the brightest minds and the best ideas. I hope you take pride in all that we have achieved together. It has been a real team effort. Thank you.

My particular thanks must go to alumnus Dr Jonathan Milner for his remarkable gift of £5,000,000 - the largest single gift in our history. (You can read more about Jonathan and his gift on page 16.) We simply couldn’t have asked for a better way to publicly launch our 50th anniversary fundraising campaign.

The campaign is a chance to celebrate your impact so far and to encourage your continued support for the opportunities which lie ahead. Our target is £66 million. An ambitious goal, but if there’s one thing that defines the University of Bath it’s our ambition. It was less than 50 years ago that we received our Royal Charter, and today we are a leading UK university setting the standards for others to follow.

With the same ambition that has seen us achieve so much in just five decades, I am confident that we can continue to look further together and solve problems in ways that inspire.

Professor Dame Glynis Breakwell DBE BLVice-Chancellor

Our impact at a glance 4

It’s thanks to you! 28

Looking further and seeing things differently 6Bright minds 12

£5m game changing gift for evolution 16Your Alumni Fund 20



Bath research among the best in the UK with almost 90% of our activity ranked world-leading

The remarkable differencewe make together

Our impact at a glance

In the last year alone…

£7.86m total amount raised


ost 1,


hours of vol unteering

1,756 alumni and friends donated

Over 100 new donors started supporting us



How are we using your gifts?

66% new centres for research and the arts

23% scholarships and academic prizes

6% research and discovery

5% student experience

Where do donations come from?

69% trusts and foundations 16% alumni and friends

15% companies

Nearly 800 experts and mentors joined Bath Connection

to help students and alumni get ahead in their careers

Bath Connection



Looking further



We se

e a way to detect Alzheimer’s

Some see a caterpillar.

Meet the Menduca Sexta (six fold glutton) caterpillar. We’re using it as a model for diabetes and to test a new technique for the early detection of age-related conditions such as Alzheimer’s. It’s just one of the ways your support enables us to see beyond the everyday and make a lasting impact.

Whether using some of the most advanced technology to make ground breaking discoveries or talking with communities and policy makers to affect social change, more students and researchers than ever before are choosing Bath as the place where they can look further and thrive.

Read on to discover more bright ideas and the bright minds behind them. They’re all thanks to you. It’s the difference that giving makes.



We se

e a way to detect Alzheimer’s

If a burn gets infected, it can lead to increased pain, longer hospital stays and even sudden death. Children, with more vulnerable immune systems, are even more at risk.

Clinicians currently have to remove dressings to diagnose burn infections, risking slower healing and potentially life-long scarring. We’ve been working with a clinical team to develop a wound dressing that will help, and it’s set to revolutionize the medical world.

The dressing releases dye from nano capsules when disease-causing bacteria are present, giving an early warning sign of infection. Trials are already underway and the dressing has far reaching potential, not just for treating childhood burns, but for adults and other infections too.

Paraplegics are four times more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes, and twice as likely to suffer a heart attack. Yet we still don’t understand whether this is related to disability or lifestyle factors. At the University - home to ParalympicsGB in the run up to London 2012 - our research is changing that. Our Centre for DisAbility Sport and Health has been investigating the health benefits that regular physical activity brings to disabled people. And we’re also looking at what motivates, or prevents, disabled people from taking up exercise.

Our lead in this area has brought funding for research into the rehabilitation and reintegration of military veterans - particularly lower leg amputees.

Getting information on the move is fast becoming the norm. In the past five years alone, the use of mobile devices to access the internet has grown from 0.7% to 33%. What isn’t clear is the impact that smartphones, tablets or smartwatches have at work. Does mobile technology influence how, and how well, we make decisions? Do email alerts, texts and social media messages enhance, or disrupt, productivity?

Thanks to funding from Bath alumnus Sir Julian Horn-Smith, one of the founders of Vodafone Group plc, we‘re embarking on a major research project to find out. It will include studies with employees, as well as large corporations, who want to better understand the role of mobile technology at work.

Some see a glowing bandage. We see an infection diagnosis.

Some see a workout. We see how to understand and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Some see a more convenient way to surf the web. We see a revolution in the workplace.


BD-8 BD-10

BD-13 BD-15

BD-24 BD-25



Seeing things differently

Every day, the average café produces about 10kg of coffee waste. Rather than watch baristas put the dregs into the bin, we’d prefer to see it converted into two litres of biodiesel. Dr Chris Chuck, Whorrod Research Fellow, is leading a group focusing on the development of renewable biofuels and they’re using coffee to do it.

They’ve discovered that biodiesel can be extracted from the dregs of anything from high-quality Arabica to Robusta which is used to make instant. The group’s work has the potential to make a major impact on the future of sustainable biofuels and has seen Chris working closely with industry and organisations including Airbus, Ford, BP and DEFRA.

What’s life like in a conflict zone? What are the politics, relationships and emotions that emerge in a war between the many people who live and work there? How do identity, race, and gender impact on their experiences?

These are some of the questions that Dr Althea-Maria Rivas, a researcher in our Centre for Development Studies, is looking at. She specialises in peace and conflict studies in Central Asia and Eastern Africa and her research is supported by a donor: “I would not have been able to achieve as much as I have this year without the support of the fellowship. It has provided financial support but also given me the space and time - things that are precious commodities to academics - to develop my thinking. Thank you.”

Around 40,000 people in the UK are living with spinal cord injuries and the vast majority of them will have serious loss of bladder control. That’s because the billions of nerve cells that send messages to and from the brain become damaged and start to degenerate.

PhD student Ben Metcalfe’s research, funded by alumnus Dr Brian Nicholson, aims to help. Ben is using modern engineering techniques, including electronic implants, to synthetically replicate the messages that nerve cells would normally send. His work aims to help people with spinal cord injuries regain lost functionality such as bladder control and eventually have complete sensation and motion restored.

Some see coffee dregs. We see a new source of biodiesel.

Some see a conflict. We see human impact.

Some see nanotechnology. We see a chance to regain movement and sensation.



Dr Toby Jenkins, from the Department of Chemistry at the University of Bath, and Dr Amber Young, from the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, have been working together over the past five years to develop a revolutionary dressing for burns wounds in children and babies.

Using nanotechnology, the dressing releases a special dye when a wound is infected, rather than simply inflamed, leading to faster diagnosis of life threatening infections and improving patient outcomes. It’s set to change how we treat wounds for good.

The difference we maketogether



“Two things struck me when I met Amber and some of the children at Bristol Children’s Hospital: how easily young children could be severely burned from a simple tea or coffee scald, and how difficult it is to diagnose infection accurately and quickly.

Our dressing concept is simple: it detects the presence of disease causing bacteria when a wound becomes critically infected and releases a bright green dye.

The philanthropic funding we have received from the James Tudor Foundation and the Annett Charitable Trust has made a tremendous difference to our research programme and has been critical in securing its development. It has allowed us to test the stability and performance of our dressings here at Bath and at the Children’s Hospital and also to recruit a Ph.D. student to work on the chemistry required to create our working prototypes.

In July this year we were awarded a £1 million grant from the Medical Research Council to translate our project from the lab to the clinic – it would not have been possible without the ongoing support of our donors.” Dr Toby Jenkins, University of Bath.

Dr Toby Jenkins Dr Toby Jenkins is the lead of The Biophysical Chemistry Research Group at the University of Bath and a Senior Lecturer.

“Toby and I connected over a common interest in toxic shock syndrome – a big, and potentially deadly, problem in children with small burns. It’s extremely hard to diagnose and we both wanted to make a difference so we’ve been working together ever since.

At the moment there is no scientific basis for us to make a burn infection diagnosis at the point at which a child deteriorates– it’s purely guess work until we get test results back in two days.

This dressing will allow us to make a fast and accurate diagnosis and also avoid the expense of using unnecessary and expensive drugs. Its biggest impact will be for burns patients but it has the potential for use beyond burns too, with surgical wound infections or trauma for example. We expect to start further clinical trials next Autumn and hope to get it to market within five years. It’s tremendously exciting.” Dr Amber Young, Healing Foundation Children’s Burns Research Centre, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.

Dr Amber YoungDr Amber Young leads the clinical work of the Healing Foundation Children’s Burns Research Centre. She has been a Consultant Paediatric Anaesthetist since 1999 and is Clinical Lead for the South West Children’s Burns Network. She has been a Council Member of the British Burns Association since 2006 and its Chair since April 2014.

To think of something so fundamentally ‘simple’ and unobtrusive to aid in the recovery of such damaging injuries was wondrous enough – being able to develop this into a working dressing is remarkable. As soon as we heard about the project we wanted to help and we are delighted to be a part of it.”

Nicola Fox, The Annett Trust

We are very pleased to be part of this outstanding team. The work of Toby and Amber has been a superb example of what great outcomes can be achieved by clinical and academic collaboration – together with a shared passion for potential recipients. To be able to offer them our support to get this dressing from an idea in a laboratory in Bath out into the wards nationwide is very exciting.”

Rod Shaw, The James Tudor Foundation

Toby Amber



Almost 500 students are currently benefitting from scholarships 161 new scholarships were awarded in 2014-2015 Almost 25% of our income supported scholars last year

£3,000 is the typical amount awarded for a scholarship each year

Making futures brighterEvery year more and more of the brightest students, who would otherwise have struggled to make ends meet, get a chance to study with us - and it’s all thanks to you.



“My father has battled cancer, two strokes and a heart attack, and his mental and physical health is now deteriorating. Your support reduces my need for paid work, giving me more time with my father, as well as concentrating on my studies at Bath. I was told that University was ‘not an option’ for me when I was at school. Thank you for giving me this opportunity.”

Steph is in her first year of a BSc (Hons) Psychology.

“A lot of people underestimate what students get out of university, beyond the degree: a sense of self-worth and accomplishment, knowledge of what they truly stand for, and the ability to face and overcome challenges. That is what I have been able to gain only because of David and Jane’s immense support, both financial and non-financial. I am extremely grateful!”

Jordan completed his MEng (Hons) Civil Engineering with first-class honours this year.

“This year has truly been incredible, I have made many new friends and my future career path is certainly feeling more credible as I improve my work - I can’t wait to start my placement next year. I sincerely thank you for your kind support and all it has allowed me to achieve. My family are extremely proud of my achievements this year and I owe that to you.”

Sam is his first year of a BSc (Hons) Architecture.

Steph Calley - Lloyds Scholar

Jordan Ogle - Atterbury Scholar

Sam Pierce - Anonymous Scholar

Bright minds

We support scholars across the board:

from science and engineering to

humanities and management

By supporting a scholarship or giving to our Alumni Fund you are ensuring that those with little opportunity get the biggest chance to realise their potential here at Bath.

For more information contact Stephanie, Head of Individual Philanthropy, at



“The support I have received has changed my life. It has given me the confidence to believe in myself and whatever I want to do in the future. As donors you are making such a big difference in helping people like me develop into the people we are meant to be. I can’t thank you enough.”

Becky is in her final year of a PhD Research Programme in Biology.

“Without your help, I wouldn’t have been able to afford such a wonderful opportunity and I am honoured to have been selected from among thousands of equally deserving candidates to pursue my Masters this year.”

Taonga is in the first year of a MSc International Development.

“I know that I will never be able to express my gratitude to everyone who has contributed to my scholarship, but I want those of you who give to the Alumni Fund to know that your kindness means the absolute world to me. Thank you.”

Melissa is in her first year of her a BSc (Hons) Social Sciences.

Becky Mead - Evolution Education Trust Scholar

Taonga Silungwe -Commonwealth Shared Scholars and International Development Postgraduate Scholar

Melissa Jones -Alumni Fund Scholar


If anyone is considering supporting the University of Bath we would say, don’t hesitate. It is well worth doing even if it is only a small amount each month - it all helps. It is part of staying connected to a community that plays an important part in the lives of individuals and the life of the nation.”


Andrew and Joy Fraser met whilst studying at Bath: Andrew graduated in 1972 in Applied Biology and Joy in 1973 in Horticulture.

Andrew was awarded the Chancellor’s Medal for his service to the University in 2012 for roles including University Council Member and chair of the Graduate Liaison Board. Joy worked at the University for more than a decade, as both the manager of the Travel Shop and in the UK Office for Library and Information Networking. Since retiring, she has been a Scholarship Assessor and a member of the Alumni Fund Panel. They have supported the Alumni Fund for almost twenty years.

“We both enjoyed our years at the University of Bath and value the education we received there. We are proud of its achievements in recent years and want to support its ongoing success. Our own experience was very significant for our personal development and careers and it seems only right to play our part in enhancing that of others.

“We are not able to give much to the Alumni Fund, but collectively we make a great difference to many students: from investing in great academic projects to improving student life through supporting the clubs and societies. For us the most important difference is helping those

who are less well-off to maximize their experience at Bath through the scholarships awarded each year.

“When we were first involved, alumni organisations in British universities were not well understood. Bath has taken on this important area rigorously and become a sector leader in it. The benefit to students and the reputation of the University is considerable.

“We wish all the students who are supported by the Alumni Fund well with their studies and encourage them to get the most out of University life. It is a unique experience that is not easily matched.”

The support I have received from the Alumni Fund has been life changing. It has given me the opportunityto makethe absolutemost of my time here.”

The difference we make together

“I cannot count the ways that I have developed, both as a person and as an economist, whilst being at Bath. Knowing an institution as respected and prestigious as Bath was willing to financially support me was a massive confidence boost and the benefit this scholarship provided to my study and wider participation at the University cannot be overstated. It is fair to say I am a totally different person than when I started four years ago.

“I’m now in China to develop my Mandarin to that of working fluency. Upon my return to the UK, I will be looking to work within the Foreign Office or Bank of England, within an economist-related capacity.

“I absolutely plan to stay in touch with the Uni and look forward to receiving a call from one of the telethon fundraisers at some point in the future (needless to say, I’ll make them work hard to get a donation from me!!)”

Joe PeisselAlumni Fund ScholarWhilst at Bath Joe was awarded a BP Centurion Award for his contribution to the life, academic reputation and general work of the University. He was also a Student Telethon Caller for the Alumni Fund. He completed his BSc (Hons) Economics with first class honours this year and is now at Hangzhou University studying Chinese.



Thanks a million…and some!On a sunny summer’s eve, the University of Bath was feeling on top of the world, and on top of the London skyline too, as it received its largest ever donation: a £5m gift that’s set to be a game changer for evolutionary research.



Success breeds success. As a philanthropist you want your money to have as much impact as you can possibly get - that’s why I’m so pleased that the University is the home for my gift.”

Why do we have the same number of genes as a worm but many fewer than rice?

Why, as pine trees age, do they keep reproducing but we don’t?

How do we account for there being 500,000 species of beetle but only 16 species of priapauld worm?

Why do we have so much DNA?

Joining a reception to unveil our 50th anniversary fundraising campaign, Dr Jonathan Milner, Biology graduate, announced his astonishing donation to launch the Milner Centre for Evolution. Based on our Claverton campus, the Centre will be the first of its kind in the UK and only the second in the world to focus on evolutionary research. It builds on Bath’s enviable track record in answering blue sky evolutionary questions and will turbo charge our understanding in this area, sharing and applying what we learn to the benefit of everyone.

The Centre will be home to a core research group of award-winning academics and students who will concentrate on three areas:

Fundamental research into how life evolved from investigating the evolution of genes to studying fossil records and animal behaviour.

Applied researchsuch as the genetic tracking of MRSA infections and using evolutionary insights to improve medical diagnostics and therapies.

Sharing evolution researchincluding improving the teaching of evolution in schools, running online courses and improving public health messaging.



Dr Milner graduated in Applied Biology at Bath in 1988. Following his PhD at Leicester University, he returned to Bath in 1995 as a Research Fellow for pharmaceutical company, Pfizer, on a project involving antibody engineering. He later went on to found Abcam, one of the major suppliers in the world of antibodies for scientific research.

He is a long-term philanthropist to higher education with a particular interest in evolution, setting up the Evolution Education Trust in 2011 and helping to establish and fund GEVOteach, a research initiative at the University which aims to improve the teaching of genetics and evolution in primary and secondary schools in the UK. Dr Milner was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University in 2013 for his services to Life Sciences.

The difference we make together

“Finding a good home for my money where I know it can do good in the world is really important to me. Having made enough to pursue my passion for evolution, I started to gift money into projects that I thought would have an impact. Bath is where my scientific career began – it’s where I got excited about evolution. I’d already sponsored three PhD studentships which were very successful and with the world-leading research into evolution already going on here, it was the natural place to choose for the Centre. The University’s enthusiasm and ambition for bringing evolutionary science to the University was infectious - and bold too! I just thought ‘Together we can do this!’.

Evolution and evolutionary biology is something I’m really passionate about. It is not just about the history of life on Earth but about us, it’s the foundation of everything and how we came to be as we are, touching on issues of philosophy as much as biology. The whole field still has so much to discover,

especially around epigenetics and it’s tremendously exciting. We are still proving that Darwin was absolutely correct but there are still little bits of incremental knowledge that we are gleaning about how natural selection variation and descent into the next generation actually works.

I feel it’s a moral responsibility for scientists to share our knowledge with the rest of the world; it’s simply too important to keep this work for the academic community.

Applied evolutionary research can help us develop better health policies, advance medical treatments and even improve public health messaging. No other world centre combines outreach with research and so our Centre will not only provide world-class evolution research, it will also engage the public so that everyone can learn and benefit. The big vision is that we have a centre that is going to be the best in Europe – and we hope the best in the world.”

I think it’s very important that you give back if you are in a position to do so. If you can, then you can follow your passions.”




Professor Laurence HurstDirector of the Milner Centre for Evolution

Professor Hurst is an elected member of EMBO, winner of the Genetics Society Medal, The Scientific Medal of the Zoological Society of London and the Darwin Prize of the British Association. He has recently been elected as a Fellow of the Medical Sciences and, following in Darwin’s footsteps, a Fellow of the Royal Society.

He serves on numerous editorial boards and prize committees, has published over 200 papers and is one of the most highly cited evolutionary biologists in Europe. He also founded and directs the GeVo teaching project.

“With this gift, Jonathan is putting something quite extraordinary back into the very place where he began his career. For us the Centre is a step change. It unlocks our ability to apply and share evolutionary knowledge around the world so that everyone can benefit.

We already have a wealth of evolutionary science expertise here at Bath, including describing a new species of dinosaur, tracking bacterial epidemics in real time and, from asking questions about how genes evolve, we identified the “holy grail” of human stem cells. This gift will take our work to another level entirely. It is our vision that the new Centre will strengthen us as the national, if not international, focus for evolution-related research and outreach.

From understanding resistance to antibiotics and developing crops that can adapt to climate change, to providing lesson plans for teachers and open access online

learning courses about evolution, the potential is enormous. And it’s extremely exciting too.

With plans to open our doors in 2017, we are already moving ahead at speed: designs for the building, including an exhibition space and a unique walk-through evolution garden are well underway and our core research team is already in place, drawing together top-flight academics in sciences, health and education.Papers in Nature and Science (on mutation rate evolution and four legged snakes respectively) have already been published under the Centre’s name. The Milner Centre is well and truly evolving.”

If you would like to find out more about the Centre, or to support its development and work, please contact Stephanie Lear: 01225 384835

The Centre cements Jonathan’s long standing relationship with his University and his determination to give something back where he can make a significant impact. It is a truly remarkable opportunity for us all.”




Team Alumni: pulling together

The beauty of Bath is that we make a difference right across the board. It’s not just the £5m gifts that count – sometimes the smallest support can make the biggest change. For more than a decade, our Alumni Fund has kick-started ideas, (big and small) secured grants for research and given support to students where and when they need it most.

Caring for children in China

“I walked in never having played rugby and leave with international honours” Flooding to help

In China, very few services exist to support children who are at risk of, or who are, being neglected or abused. In the manufacturing centre of Guangzhou, where there are a high proportion of migrants with few resources, families often struggle. With Alumni Fund support and translation help from a volunteer graduate, we set up a pilot project to support them. Working in partnership with local organisations we delivered public lectures, met with government officials and trained social workers so that families at risk could be helped. The project is going from strength to strength and we’ve just received funding to set up our second centre.

Combining a sporting passion with study at University can be tough. Aside from the physical challenges, the demands of finding the time, and money, to do both are hard. That’s why we award grants to some of our sporting enthusiasts to enable them to pursue their dreams. Students like Gavin Grant, who was spotted playing rugby at the end of his first year and before long was playing nationally and internationally, including captaining Scotland in the student four nations. Your donations made the difference, enabling him to attend competitions as far spread as Wales, Ireland and South Africa.

The failure of the seawall defending the South Devon railway line left passengers without trains for two months at an estimated cost of £20 million a day. That’s on top of the £35 million repair bill. It’s just one example of the devastation that floods can cause. Whilst scientific methods exist to assess flood risk from rivers, there is little in place for coastal analysis. Your donations paid for a student to join our research team looking at ways to provide improved predictions of extreme sea levels and in turn help to prevent future flood devastation.



Stimulating spaces for students

First past the fundraising post for the fastest boat

Jungle CCTV and rehabilitating rhinos

It’s so important for students to have somewhere to work and socialise outside of lecture rooms and labs. With an Alumni Fund grant, we helped to change an unused locker area in our science department into a bright, communal work space with new carpet, chairs, large tables and new lighting. It’s amazing how a little bit of thought – and a bit of money – can transform a room. It’s now a flexible hub where students can work in groups or individually. And because students are staying in the department after lectures now, it gives an added buzz to the area, with academics using it to hold informal tutorials too.

A fast boat can save you 10 seconds over a 20 minute course. Thanks to a donation from the Fund to the University’s Boat Club, we’re all set for speed with the purchase of a top quality boat that will be the Club’s flagship craft. The Hudson S8.41 Hammerhead Super Predator Eight was originally owned by the Polish national team, winning two silver medals at world cups. It has already propelled our rowers to their best performances yet and looks set to be a sound investment! The rest of the club can use the existing boats too, meaning that everyone benefits.

Time spent at University should be enriching, in and out of the classroom. Your donations allow students to take up professional placements that enhance their studies and their own development too. Biology student Jack Rossiter applied for support and found himself spending a year in Nepal, working for the National Trust for Nature Conservation. His work included setting up jungle CCTV to monitor tiger numbers and spreading the word about conservation to schools. “The grant enabled me to mature greatly. I was able to increase my scientific knowledge, experience the wonder of a different culture and network with international organisations too. Thank you!”

To find out more check out the Alumni Fund website at: or email Adale, our Alumni Fund Manager, at

Giving to the Alumni Fund means being part of something exciting. Join us and you’ll be joining thousands of others supporting hundreds of inspiring projects.



The difference we make together

“Chris and I regard ourselves as both fortunate and grateful to have benefited from our time at the University and it seemed natural to try to give something back in return. As someone with a career in Finance, and a personal and academic interest in the Arts, I was delighted to be asked to join the Alumni Fund Panel and lend a broad perspective to the decision making process.

Over the past year, I have seen, at first hand, the extent to which the generosity of former students influences and benefits so many aspects of University life and how much the assistance is truly appreciated. I am always impressed by the wide range of high quality funding applications that come before the Panel. Each one affords an exciting insight into the living passion, creativity and enterprise that reverberates throughout the University.

I am always very conscious and mindful of the fact that my role on the Panel is to represent the views of all donors. Alumni give generously to build the Fund and it is right that they should feel confident that their philanthropy and kindness is reflected in meaningful projects that are consistent with increasing opportunities for current and future students and also support the world class research and teaching of the University.

Jack [opposite] powerfully illustrates how placements like his simply wouldn’t happen without help from the Alumni Fund. The personal and academic benefit derived is wonderful to witness.

Alumni Fund donations play a crucial part in the growth of the University of Bath.”

Chris and Sally Jones are longstanding supporters of the University. They have generously supported The Edge (our new Centre for the Arts and Management) and are delighted that the Buchan Music Room is now being used by many students. Since graduating from Bath, Dr Jones has been a staunch supporter and advocate for our university, and he is presently a member of the University’s Ventures Board. Sally joined the Alumni Fund Panel in 2014 and has helped the committee award gifts made by our supporters to projects across the university.

Chris and Sally

I would assure anyone considering offering support that their goodwill really will make a difference.”



It was the Alumni Fund grant that made this all possible. Without it, I simply wouldn’t have been able to fund the placement.”

“My placement year in Nepal was truly invaluable to me. I was based with the National Trust for Nature Conservation in Chitwan National park, a UNESCO world heritage site for biodiversity. The park maintains some of the world’s highest local populations of greater one-horned rhinos and Bengal tigers, which is what attracted me to go there.

My work was primarily focused on monitoring tiger populations. Using elephants to transport us about safely, we set up cameras along a forest corridor for one month to monitor tiger numbers. The data

collected was essential to discover whether current conservation initiatives are successful or not and our research showed that they’re working - tiger numbers are stable and on the increase.

I managed to find time to get lots more experience too. I produced displays for the local education centre to inform groups and schools about the importance of maintaining tiger habitats, supported a project focused on the welfare of domestic elephants, gave presentations to community leaders with the aid of translators, furthered my data

handling skills and even helped to rehabilitate a wounded rhino calf! These skills are all important to a prospective scientist and the whole year was such a valuable experience.

It was the Alumni Fund grant that made this all possible. Without it, I simply wouldn’t have been able to fund the placement. I was able to increase my scientific knowledge, experience the wonder of a different culture and network with international organisations too. For this I would like to thank people like Sally and Chris for all they have done. Thank you very much!!”

Jack Rossiter graduated this summer with a degree in Biology. Thanks to a placement grant from the Alumni Fund he was able to spend a year of his studies working in Nepal. He is now in South Africa working as a research volunteer in association with The Cape Leopard Trust.




“Studying for a BSc (Hons) Mathematics is a demanding task, and my Modern Pentathlon training requires significant time - sometimes up to 24hrs a week! The support I receive helps ease the financial pressures and provides me with the confidence to commit to studies and my sport.

I have a learnt a lot in my first year at Bath - juggling training for five sports with a Mathematics degree has been challenging but very rewarding. Above all, I have learnt to take each day as it comes and be happy.

“My objectives are to gain a first class honours degree and to progress from a Junior to a Senior athlete, and ultimately make the Olympic selection and compete at Tokyo 2020. My scholarship has given me the best possible chance of doing this. Thank you.”

Some see sporty students. We see future olympians.

Combining a degree with intensive sports training is hard work, and bright, talented young sportsmen and women sometimes struggle to hold down a part-time job needed to make ends meet. A sporting scholarship from the University of Bath can take that worry away.

But it’s not just the financial support that helps these sporting scholars reach their academic and sporting potential, it’s the encouragement our donors give them that really sees them excel.

The support I receive helps ease the financial pressures and provides me with the confidence to commit to studies and my sport.”


Eilidh Prise - Modern Pentathlon and Mathematics

Eilidh recently won gold in the Women’s Relay at the Union International de Pentathlon Moderne (UIPM) Junior World Championships. She is being supported by alumnus Bill Whiteley to study Mathematics whilst training for future medal success.




Tom Edwards - Fencer and Sport & Exercise Science

Tom is the Commonwealth bronze and silver medallist and competes for Great Britain and Wales internationally. He is a Santander Sports Scholar studying Sport and Exercise Science whilst training and competing as a fencer.

We host around 250 international level athletes and national and regional squads across 10 sports

Some of the country’s finest athletes use us as their training base, including London 2012 medallists Paul Blake (athletics), Michael Jamieson (swimming) and Samantha Murray (modern pentathlon)

The Modern Pentathlon European Championships were held on campus this summer

Our partners include the English Institute of Sport, the Lawn Tennis Association, England Netball, British Swimming, British Athletics and the Talented Athlete Support Scheme

Over one million people visit our Olympic standard sports facilities every year

“I am an international fencer for Great Britain and Wales. I have competed around much of Europe for the past six years. This season I became the Men’s Epeé British Champion and backed this title up by winning the Welsh National Championships as well.

The course I am completing at the moment is certainly demanding, but I greatly enjoy it because it teaches me how to apply various aspects of science to sport, which I hope will have a positive effect on my fencing.

I hope to leave University with a first class honours in my integrated Masters of Sport and Exercise Science, as well as continue competing at the highest level.

I would like to express my gratitude for the generous scholarship you have provided me with to continue pursuing a successful sports career while studying at University.”



Our corporate partnerships

The business community provides us with a growing proportion of our charitable income. But it’s not just financial support that makes companies such valued partners: many offer mentoring and work placements to students, as well as the possibility of a career.

Here are just some of the ways in which corporate partners help us to support the brightest minds and the best ideas.

I am very proud to call myself a Lloyds scholar and I am extremely grateful for the fantastic opportunities it has given me.”

Angie Fuller, Lloyds Scholar

Lloyds offers financial support, paid internships and skills development to ensure that students from lower income households get the best chance to realise their potential. Scholars are asked to do 100 hours of volunteering in return, giving them the opportunity to face fresh challenges, develop new skills and make a difference to their local community. Over the past year, Lloyds has supported 15 scholars, with plans for many more.

I would like to thank EY for both the substantial scholarship support and the summer and third year placements which are invaluable and provide an exciting opportunity to work in the real world at a highly regarded firm.”

Ryan Jafri, EY Scholar

EY has supported our Accounting & Finance students since 2008. Along with financial support, it offers a summer placement and a paid year-long industrial placement at an EY office, giving students the chance to work with global clients, learn from senior staff and build professional networks. EY also offers the possibility of a full-time job when students graduate and provides additional support to students from low income households or those with a disability.

Santander Universities has worked with Bath for over ten years. They have supported everything from a student dyslexia centre to a languages library, as well as international scholarships, scholarships in the arts and sports, and postgraduate research. Santander also funds work placements to support local businesses, and mobility awards to enable our students to study at partner universities around the world.

Being awarded the Santander music scholarship presented me with new opportunities such as the work skills placement within a Santander branch, and allowed me to explore further career options for the future. I am hoping to do the graduate scheme in banking next year.”

Rose White, Santander Arts Scholar for Piano and Voice



Racing to be best in the world”

Team Bath Racing, sponsored by BP, are now ranked best in the UK and 15th in the world in the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Formula Student competition.

If you think you would benefit from a corporate partnership with Bath, or you would like to find out more about how our corporate partners support us, contact the Head of Corporate Partnerships, Kirsten Buckley

BP is in the third year of a four year £1m scholarship scheme for students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects and in its first year for Business/Economics. It funds the Centurion Awards for academic achievement and contributions to university life, and the BP Outreach Awards

for student ambassadors who promote STEM subjects to children and young people. BP also funds Team Bath Racing’s student society, the Racing Submarine Team as well as research at our Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies.

We are really proud to support these talented individuals and look forward to hearing how they progress over the coming years.”

Siobhan Evans, BP’s Early Engagement Manager



It’s thanks to you!

It’s thanks to you that lives are transformed. And not just the lives of the students and researchers you support today, but the lives that their future achievements will transform tomorrow. We hope you’ll want to remain a part of our success and help us look further together. Thank you.”

Professor Dame Glynis Breakwell DBE BL, Vice-Chancellor

It would be a challenge to name everybody who has supported us in some way since we opened our doors almost 50 years ago. The following pages include our Rolls of Honour - a permanent record of those who have made exceptional gifts to the University - and a list of those who have provided us with financial support in the 12 months to the end of July this year.

Whether you fund scholarships or research, volunteer your time and expertise or simply provide words of encouragement, we are grateful for every single gift and act of support. We thank you all!



Rolls of Honour members

Our Rolls of Honour hold a permanent record of exceptional philanthropic support. A warm welcome to our new members this year.

Chancellor’s Roll of Honour

Mr Michael AshworthDr Michael FroggattMr Raoul Hughes & Mrs Catherine HughesMr Martyn Ratcliffe & Mrs Fiona RatcliffeMr Brian Roper* & Mrs Margaret RoperProfessor Raymond F. SchinaziMr Roger Whorrod & Mrs Sue WhorrodThe Enid Linder FoundationThe Medlock Charitable TrustSantander UniversitiesThe Wolfson Foundation

Vice-Chancellor’s Roll of Honour

Mr Michael Dickson CBE & Ms Effie GalletlyDr Stephen HuckvaleMr Kuldip SalhMr Bharat ShahMrs Hiroko Sherwin & Mr Jim Sherwin Mr Ian TarrShane Francis Aherne Trust The Happold Trust

Dean’s Roll of Honour

Mr Stuart AppletonProfessor Sara ArberMr Nick BerryMr Robert BurgessMr John CottonMr Robert DrewMr David EmbletonMs Sharon Flood & Mr Jon LeeMr Tim FordMr Dino FuschilloMr Tony HallDr Graham Hill & Mrs Sheila HillMr David HopeMr Nick HynesMr John MayMr Neil McLeishMr Mitch Moore & Mrs Alison MooreEur Ing Dr Brian NicholsonDr Richard PalmerMr Laurie Powell & Mr Thomas DinsdaleMr Richard RobertsProfessor Anthony SmithMr Nigel SmithMr Constantine ThanassoulasThe Trendell FamilyMr Peter Troughton CBEMr Stephen VakilMr Hubert VelgeProfessor Wang WangMr Alastair Watson & Mrs Nathalie WatsonMr Nick WoodMr Peter Wyman CBE DLThe Annett Trust RW Barnes Educational Fund BLDA ArchitectsCrop-InnovationsEde & Ravenscroft LtdIbstock Brick LtdThe Johnsons Group LtdMoog IncPfizerRolls-Royce Group plcSchlumberger Stonehouse Technology CentreThriplow Charitable TrustThe James Tudor Foundation Windle Trust International

1966 Society

Mr Stuart AppletonMrs Sarah BevanMr Alan BowsherDr Jayne CarringtonDr Peter CaveMr Dave Chapman & Mrs Elaine ChapmanProfessor Richard ConderMr Michael CornellMr Robert CottaMs Rosemary DaviesMr Bernard DokelmanMr Rashid Domingo MBEMs Sue DuncanMr Peter DyceMr Phillips EhizojieMr Fernando Flores-NewMr Tim FordMr Laurie GoldsmithMr Robert GoodhandMr Richard HallDr Hylton HardistyDr Graham Hill & Mrs Sheila HillVice Admiral Sir Robert Hill KBEMr Tony Kerpel MBEMiss Tina KokkinosProfessor Richard Mawditt OBEMs Barbara NunnMr Leonard Pearcey & Mr Peter ChildMr Leslie Perrett & Mrs Mary PerrettMr Laurie Powell & Mr Thomas DinsdaleMr Adrian Rham & Mrs Joy RhamMr Hugh SchoenemannMr Jim SherwinMr Paul Sladen & Mrs Gillian SladenMr Greg SlayMiss Valerie SmithProfessor Anthony SmithProfessor Michael SwantonMr Paul ThomasLord TugendhatMiss Elizabeth WarrenMr Dyson Wilkes & Mrs Kay Preston-WilkesMr Stephen WoolvenEleven anonymous pledges





It’s thanks to you!

Leadership Giving Circles:

Our Leadership Giving Circles celebrate those who have donated over £1,000 or £5,000 in the last financial year.

Sulis Minerva

Mr Michael AshworthMr Nick BerryMr Robert BurgessSir CK ChowMr Chris ColesDr Alan CottonMr John CottonMr Jon CratonMr Ian Hay Davison CBEMr Michael Dickson CBE & Ms Effie GalletlyMr David EmbletonMr Mark FarmerMs Sharon Flood & Mr Jon LeeMr Tim FordHis Excellency Khalil FoulathiDr Michael FroggattMr Dino FuschilloMrs Christine Gibbons & Mr Mike GibbonsVice Admiral Sir Robert Hill KBE & Lady HillMr David HopeSir Julian Horn-SmithMr Jack KeenanMr Pete Keevill & Mrs Sharon KeevillMr Justin King CBEMr David MedlockMr James MendelssohnProfessor Jane Millar OBEEur Ing Dr Brian NicholsonMiss Mandy NortonMr Laurie Powell & Mr Thomas DinsdaleMr Richard RobertsMr Brian Roper* and Mrs Margaret RoperMr Kuldip SalhProfessor Raymond F. Schinazi

Mrs Hiroko SherwinMr Ian TarrDr Rod Timbrell-Whittle & Mrs Sue Timbrell-WhittleThe Trendell FamilyMr Peter Troughton CBEMr Stephen Vakil & Mrs Laura VakilMr Roger Whorrod & Mrs Sue WhorrodThe Annett TrustBLDA ArchitectsBP PlcCommonwealth Scholarship CommissionCrop-InnovationsThe Dunhill Medical TrustThe James Dyson FounationErnst & YoungThe Evolution Education TrustFord Motor Company LtdThe Gerber FoundationThe Enid Linder FoundationLloyds Banking Group plcM + W Group Moog IncThe Ogden TrustThe Royal SocietyRUH Bath Charitable FundsSantander UniversitiesSchlumberger Foundation IncSchlumberger Stonehouse Technology CentreThe SME Education FoundationThriplow Charitable TrustThe James Tudor FoundationThe Wolfson FoundationTwo anonymous donors


Mr Georges Amer & Mrs Maya AmerMrs Kathryn Arnold & Mr Simon ArnoldMiss Erika BertinMr Steven BirdDr Edmund BradleyProfessor Peter CleggMr Kevin DangerfieldMr Hitesh Dodhia & Mrs Rajula DodhiaMr James D’SouzaProfessor Kevin EdgeMr David EvansMr Mark FeaseyMr Laurie GoldsmithMrs Diana Goold-Adams*Dr Hylton HardistyMr Mark HawkesworthMr Nick HynesDr Chris Jones & Mrs Sally JonesDr Nicky KempDr Awn KhashlokMr Gary LilleyMr Siôn Lutley & Ms Isobel MichaelMr Gavin MaggsMr Larry MagorMr John MayMr Neil McLeishMr Robin MiddletonMr Tom MinicMr Howard NicholsonDr Robert OddyMr John PerryMr Tom Seddon

Mr Philip ShawMr Thomas SheppardMr Greg SlayMr Nigel SmithProfessor Sarah SpringmanMr Michael Taylor & Mrs Dee TaylorMr Nic Van ZwanenbergMr David VigarDr Joseph WangMr Alastair Watson & Mrs Nathalie WatsonMr Geoff WildMrs Elly & Mrs Meri WilliamsMr David WingMs Kirsten WolfMr Nick WoodMr Steve WoodBDPBMT Sigma LtdEde & Ravenscroft LtdThe Ray Harris Charitable TrustIbstock Brick LtdOculus Building ConsultancyL’Oreal PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPProperty Solutions LtdRoyal Commonwealth Society Bath and DistrictSagentia LimitedThe Thompson Educational TrustBaily Thomas Charitable Fund TTP Group plcFive anonymous donors




We are grateful to receive significant, and growing support from companies, charitable trusts and foundations.

Accenture plcThe Annett Charitable TrustBDPBLDA ArchitectsBMT Hi-Q SigmBP FoundationBurofourCommonwealth Scholarship CommissionCrop-InnovationsDanoneThe Dunhill Medical TrustThe James Dyson FounationEde & Ravenscroft LtdErnst & YoungThe Evolution Education TrustDag Haugli Memorial FundFord Motor Company LtdThe Gerber FoundationGrant Thornton UK LLPThe Ray Harris Charitable TrustIbstock Brick LtdKPMGThe Enid Linder FoundationLloyds Baning Group plcL’OrealM + W Group

Merck Sharp & DohmeMoog IncOculus Building ConsultancyThe Ogden TrustPricewaterhouseCoopers LLPProctor & GambleProperty Solutions LtdRohde & SchwartzRoyal Commonwealth Society Bath and DistrictThe Royal SocietyRUH Bath Charitable FundsSagentia LimitedSantander UK plcSchlumberger Foundation IncSchlumberger Stonehouse Technology CentreThe SME Education FoundationBaily Thomas Charitable FundThe Thompson Educational TrustThriplow Charitable TrustTTP Group plcThe James Tudor FoundationUBS Investment BankZurich Financial Services



Pre 1966Mr Wilfred AinsworthMr Terry BleakmanMr Patrick BoothroydMr Michael BrewardMr Andrew BurchillDr David Bush & Mrs Maureen BushMr Graham ButlerMr Roger ColeMr Richard FlatmanMs Nerys GriffithsMr Kenneth HarrisonDr Martin HortonMrs Frances LesterMr David MicoDr John MurdochDr Ray WardMr Matt WestleyMr Roger Whorrod & Mrs Sue Whorrodtwo anonymous donors

1967Dr Rob AnsteeMr James BallMr John BurgessMr John CurnowProfessor Laurence HurleyMrs Mary JamesMr Derek KeefeMrs Carolyn Okell-JonesMr Roger PriceMr Peter RosewarnDr Michael RossMr Ray VillisDr Chris Warrentwo anonymous donors

1968Dr Robert BanksDr Norman BiddingtonMr David FletcherMr Rob JamisonMr Melvyn NewberyMr Brian NicholsMr Leslie Perrett & Mrs Mary PerrettDr Peter QuiltMr Roger Winchestertwo anonymous donors

1969Mr Frank AhearnMr Les BakerMr Mike CollinsMr John CrookesMr Geoff GlasgowMrs Janet JenkinsMr Henri Lloyd DaviesDr Keith Melford & Mrs Heather MelfordMr Robert ParkerMrs Patricia PhillipsDr Stephen Vincent-DaviesMr Richard Whitfieldfour anonymous donors

1970Ms June AbbottDr Rosamund BairdMr Richard BakerMr Clive BaronsMr Eric BottomleyMr Michael BoultonMr Mike CarrMr Robert DeanMr Roy EdgarMr Roger EllimanMr Roger EllmoreMs Evelyn GodleyMr Paul GreenProfessor Grant E HearnMrs Pauline HempseyMr James HillierMr Lyndon Hughes

Dr Alan LeggeMr John MayDr Stephen MossMr Alan PearceMr Martin PobjoyDr Steve RichardsMr Chris SalterMr Mike ShortenMr Ivor SpectorMr Barry StoteMr Edward WalMr Ray Westonthree anonymous donors

1971Mr John Bone & Mrs Penelope BoneMr Michael BriggsMr Phil ChambersDr Godfrey DraperDr George DyerProfessor Kevin EdgeMr John FrankelMr Cyril Golding (Deceased)Mrs Thelma HooperMr Paul KetchleyMr Ian LongworthMrs Annabel MasonMs Sarah PalmerMr Ken RileyMrs Iona RobertsMr Adrian SchwalbMr Peter SeaborneMrs Mary SykesMr Bryan ThomasMr Eric WallaceMr Peter Williamseight anonymous donors

1972Mr Jim AldisMrs Anne BodyMr Dave Chapman & Mrs Elaine ChapmanMr Roger EarlMr Andrew FraserMr Robert GoodhandDr Stephen HuckvaleMr Kewal Kathuria & Miss Hasumati ParekhMrs Lyn KirkbrightMr John PalmerProfessor Raymond F. SchinaziMr Richard SchooleyDr Neil StarsmoreMr Paul ThomasMrs Emma WagnerMr Stuart WarburtonMr Steve Woodsix anonymous donors

1973Mr Roger Baker & Mrs Jackie BakerProfessor Derek BissellMr Robert CatherDr Peter ChannonMr Timothy CorbishleyMr Michael DarbyMr James D’SouzaMr Keith EbbelsMr Bob FisherEur Ing Gareth Hamilton-FletcherMr Steve JohnsonMiss Hilary JoyceMrs Vivienne Kriefman & Mr Brian KriefmanMr Jim MercyDr Jane MorganMrs Sue NoyceMr Robert PardyMr Philip ParnellMr Ramesh PatelMr John PerryMr Redvers PerryMiss Alison ReedMr Tony StarkMr John TuckerDr Stephen Tullett

Dr Barrie Wellsseven anonymous donors

1974Mr Terence ArmstrongDr Cathy BassMr Peter BoormanMr David BoyesMr David BrazzingtonDr Paul Chard-TuckeyMr Howard ChetwinDr Sally ClodeMr Nigel EatonMr Martin Ewbank-SmithMr Robert FyfeMr Geoffrey Gill & Mrs Karen GillMr Laurie GoldsmithMr Antony HaileMs Elizabeth HollisDr Michael MartinDr Alan McCallMr Harish NarothamDr Chris NobleMr John NormanMrs Danuta OrsiMr Christopher OziemMr Rodney PriestMr Rob ReesMrs Jill Scragg & Mr Raymond ScraggMr Paul SealeyMr Dennis SeisunMr Chandrakant ShahMr Donald SimpsonMr Keith TaylorMs Christine TrehaneDr Biddy UnsworthMr Colin WesbroomMr Michael WilliamsMr Stephen Wolfffour anonymous donors

1975Mr Jon BarrickMr Peter BentleyMr Stephen BowsherMs Della CanningsMrs Hilary EdmondsonMr Richard FordHis Excellency Khalil FoulathiMr Colin GambleMr Doug HardyMr Michael HigginsEur Ing John HuxtableMr Steve JacksonMr Keith JonesMrs Susan KeelingMrs Angela KilenyiMr Raymond Laidler & Mrs Joy LaidlerMr Marc MatzaMr Suryakant PatelMr Mik PeachMr Ken PercivalMr Bob PriddleMr Neville RobertsEur Ing David SaffinMr Gerry SansomMr Geri Swann-PriceMr Steve WardMs Stephanie WatkinsMr Rees WithersMrs Teresa Woodburn (née Corning)five anonymous donors

1976Mr Piers Baker & Mrs Margaret BakerMr Steven BaleMr Stephen BazireMrs Christina BrownMr Colin BurgessProfessor Deborah BuszardMr Nick CarterMr Andrew Cavanna & Mrs Margaret CavannaMr Uttamlal ChouhanMr Jeffrey Clark & Mrs Carol Clark

Mr Peter DibbenMrs Beverley ElliottMr Timothy EmanuelMr John EvesMrs Kathy FarrellMr Julian FelsteadMr Michael J R Free & Mr Michael P B FreeMr Colin GardinerMr Ian GraceMr Iain GrayMr Paul HamletMr Derek HatherellMr Mark HawkesworthMr Christopher Hiett & Ms Paula HiettDr Lynn JeppesenMr Graham JoyceMrs Patricia KingMrs Sonia KnightDr Andrew LloydMr Jim Milburn & Mrs Anne MilburnMr John MoorleyMr Paul MorganMrs Patricia NeedesMr Neil PalfreemanMrs Cecilia PortMr Geoffrey PorterMr John RoseMr Brian SaundersMr David Stam & Dr Chris StamDr Paul StanleyMr Nigel StevensonMrs Catherine StoddartMr David TaylorMr Malcolm Tebbutt & Mrs Margaret TebbuttMr Simon Tyler & Mrs Heather TylerDr Tony WarwickProfessor Reza ZiaratiMr Ian Zimmermanone anonymous donor

1977Mr Nick AlgarMr Alan BuckmanMr Dennis CroweMr David ElliottMr Peter FlowerMr Christopher GibbonsMs Lucy HamnettMr Paul HardingDr Hylton HardistyDr Kathleen HillMr Ian HooperMr Richard LoweMr Larry MagorMr Jonathan MairMrs Hazel MathesonMr Alan NelsonMr Martin NewmanMr Stephen ParsonsMrs Ann PughMr Tony SawyerDr Robin SwanDr Husnu TokmenMr Andrew WigginMr Jim Woodeight anonymous donors

1978Mr Pritam BasuitaMr Geoffrey BatyMrs Penny BiggEur Ing Martin BlakeDr John BondMr Mike BurrowsMr Robert ButlerMs Sarah CanneyMr Peter CleggDr Ray CoxMrs Sue DunsterMr Tim DurhamMr Mike EdwardsDr Phil EvansMr Rob FurberMrs Christine Gibbons & Mr Mike GibbonsMr Stephen Jones

It’s thanks to you!With huge gratitude to all our donors who have given to us in the last financial year, thank you!



Mr William JonesMr Martin JonesMr Gerard KellyMr Nigel KeysMr Tony KnightMr Richard Lee & Mrs Stephanie LeeMr Trevor MarshallMr Richard May-MillerMr John MonksMrs Susan MulvennaMr Mark NeveMrs Ruth NichollsMs Barbara NunnMr Balu PatelMr Andrew PeakeMr David Pearse & Mrs Sharon PearseDr Bill ReesMs Eve SalomonMr Neil ShortMr Peter SimpsonMr Graeme SnowMr Paul StaniforthMs Deborah StephensMrs Ann StewartMr Michael Taylor & Mrs Dee TaylorMrs Christine WardMr Patrick WattsMr Mark WellsMr Dave WicksMr Geoff Wildfive anonymous donors

1979Dr Colin AldisMrs Kathryn Arnold & Mr Simon ArnoldMr Steve ArnoldMr John AyresMr Alan BakerMr Martyn BaleMr Dave BannisterMr John BatemanMr Jonathan Battershill & Mrs Theresa BattershillMr Nicholas BuddenMr Neil Burns & Mrs Susan BurnsMr Bill BurtMr David BushMrs Helen CampbellMr Gary CartlidgeMrs Elizabeth ChowienczykMr Virasak ChuamanochanMr James CrawMr Gary DelanyMr Hitesh Dodhia & Mrs Rajula DodhiaDr Chris DorlingMr Ronald EsainMr Chris Evans & Mrs Judy EvansMr John FordeMr Martin GadsbyMr David GladwinDr Paul GowerMs Jacqueline HannisMr George HawkinsDr Shelley HinsleySir Julian Horn-SmithMr Richard HughesMr Peter InmanMr Rolf JonesMs Jane JoynerDr Jacinta Keogh-BennettMr Russell LaneMr Derek LightMs Wendy NeathMr Philip PattersonMr Mark PattisonMr Phil PerryMr Mark PerryEur Ing Kevin PhillipsDr Alastair PringleMr Julian PullenMrs Elizabeth Riminton-DruryDr Joy Rooney BennettMr Thomas SaltielMr Philip SampeyMrs Andrea SinclairMs Mary SpohnMr Allen Swift & Mrs Jacqueline SwiftDr Derek TateDr Rod Timbrell-Whittle & Mrs Sue Timbrell-WhittleDr Mark WainwrightMr Jim WaterworthMr Peter Wisethree anonymous donors

1980Dr Abdelrahman AhmedMr John AllanDr Michael AllenDr Andrew BellMr Neil BostockMrs Jane Boyce

Professor Ann BuchananMrs Fiona CandlerMr Mark ChampionMiss Helen ColeMs Judith CopeMr John DowdenMrs Helen GranvilleMr Robert GreenhillMrs Isabel Gregg & Dr Evan GreggMr Simon Hanna & Mrs Jean HannaMrs Kay HarleyDr Ralph HarrisMr Nicholas HoughMs Jane HoughProfessor Geraint JohnesMr Cyril JohnsonDr Chris Jones & Mrs Sally JonesMr Peter LambertMr John Law & Mrs Catherine LawMrs Linda MasonEur Ing Graham OrchardMr Rash PatelMr Kuldip SalhDr Graeme ScottMiss Valerie SmithMrs Valerie SnellDr Steven SwainDr Clare WhiteheadMr Byron Williamsfour anonymous donors

1981Mr Christopher BellMr Ian BickertonMr Jonathan BillingerMr Brian BondMr Chas BoysMr Bill CarlyleMr Andy ColesMrs Penny CopeMr Asko CroftMs Elaine DaleMr Paul DaveyMr Courtney DehnMr Andy Dixon & Ms Julia SamulakMr Kevin DriscollMr John ElyMr Tim FordMr Clive GregoryMr David HempsteadMr Steven HickingbottomMr Dave HowardDr David LeganDr Brian LipscombeMs Jane McCluskeyMiss Anna McQuaidMr Alan MillichampMr Tony MillsMrs Janice NicholsMr Anthony OwenProfessor Gareth PriceMrs Linda RawlingsMr Martin Tupper & Mrs Audrey TupperMr David VerneyMr Andrew WatsonDr Ian WhitingMr Brian WilliamsMr Neil Wrigglesworthfive anonymous donors

1982Mrs Anne BenhamMr Andrew BirdMs Angela BowdenMs Charmian BoydDr Edmund BradleyMiss Diane BrayMr Stephen BrooksMr Stephen BuddMrs Louisa CoatesDr Roberto Desimone & Mrs Alison DesimoneMr Elton D’SouzaMr Peter DyceMr Jeremy EastaughMr David GillardMs Charlotte Hanfling & Mr Mark PerritonMrs Mary InchMr Ian Jenkins & Mrs Celia JenkinsMr Christopher JonesMr Gary LilleyMrs Susan McLeodMr Matt Mills & Mrs Susan MillsMr Bob MitchellMr Simon NobbsMrs Jane Roberts & Mr Michael RobertsMr Adrian SeagerMr Nigel SmithMs Sarah SmithMr Robert SmithMr Mike SmithMr James SpencerMrs Sally Stephens

Mrs Wendy SweetMiss Sandra TalbotMr Andrew TalkowskiMr Ian TarrMr John Tranter & Mrs Carin TranterMr Alan TruesdaleMs Gillian WheatleyMr Michael WhitesideDr David Woodlandeight anonymous donors

1983Mr Rodger AndrewsMrs Anne AyresMr Nick BerryMs Anna ChanDr Simon ChandlerMrs Trudi Chatwin & Mr Richard ChatwinMrs Celia Comber & Mr Alan ComberMr Alan CosslettMrs Catherine CrowleyMr Tim CurtisMiss Jenny DavieMr Mark FarmerMrs Cathy Flint & Mr Michael FlintMr Kevin FreemanDr David HicksMiss Amanda JonesMrs Janet KearnsDr Nicky KempMr Justin King CBEMr Peter LaceyMr Steve LarterDr Bernard MillardDr Ann Mills-DugganMrs Nicola NeedhamDr Julie OverthrowDr Teresa Pole-Baker GouveiaMr Laurie Powell & Mr Thomas DinsdaleDr Ann PullenMr Matthew RodgersMr Philip ShawMr Michael Thompson & Dr Sue ThompsonMr Stephen Vakil & Mrs Laura VakilMr David VigarDr Joseph WangMr Jon Wickham & Mrs Karen WickhamMr Hamish WilkieMr David WingMrs Christine Woodfinefour anonymous donors

1984Mrs Anna AlboroughMr Russell AndersonMr Roland AsbridgeMr Simon BakerMr Nicholas BlakeDr Malcolm BurgessMr Nigel CameronMr Pete ClaydonMr Trevor Davies & Mrs Susan DaviesMrs Alison Durbin & Mr Ian DurbinMr Andy Gilson & Mrs Cathy GilsonMs Sarah GroverDr David HarrisMr Clive HornettDr Jonathan Lacy & Mrs Helen LacyMr Richard LaurenceMr Floyd LazareDr Andrew Nesbitt & Mrs Sarah NesbittMr Philip OckwellMr David OvendenMr Graham PickupMr Derek PullemMr Stephen RobertsMr Andrew SayerMrs Jane SimpsonMr Peter SpellerProfessor Koen Steemers & Professor Jeanette SteemersDr Graeme ThomsonMr Hubert VelgeMr Jim WhitehouseMr Chris WilsonMr David WoolfMr Stephen Woolvenfour anonymous donors

1985Mr Paul BaxterMr Ian BloxhamMrs Jo BrookesMrs Melanie CalverMr David Casale & Mrs Sally CasaleMrs Susan ChaneyMiss Nicola ChegwiddenDr Nick CosfordMs Hilary CrossDr Paddy DouglasMr Richard EdwardsMr Chris Glass

Mr Richard GraingerMr Stephen HarrisMr Gary HawkinsMr Paul HazlehurstMr Charlie HillMr Graham HillierMr Phil HutsonMs Nerys JonesMr Pete Keevill & Mrs Sharon KeevillMrs Alison LedwardDr Paul MarshallMr John MolloyMr Michael NicholasMr David OutramMr Tony PowellMrs Liz Rodwell & Mr Paul RodwellMr Richard ShielMiss Amanda ShoebridgeDr Tanya StaggMr Adrian SummerfieldDr Alan TealeMr Nic Van ZwanenbergMr Gino VivianiMr Tony WardMr Rob Wortham & Mrs Melanie WorthamMrs Tracy Zimmermansix anonymous donors

1986Mr Michael AshworthMrs Anna BatchelorMrs Vanessa BaxterDr Rosemary BrysonMr Stephen Calder-SmithMr Timothy CaseMr Stephen ChildsDr Sarah ClarkeMr Jon CratonDr Carl DolmanMr David EdwardsMr David EvansMs Caroline FrankMr Dino FuschilloMr Mike GengeDr Richard HarrisMr Geoffrey HillMr Lawrence HoweMrs Jane JonesMr Russell JulierMr Peter KeemerMr David McQuigganMiss Amanda MillichopeMr Tom MinicMr Euripides Ornitharis & Mrs Anthi OrnithariMr Richard PellingMrs Justina PepperMr Clive ReaderMrs Cathy RecordMr Christopher Selwyn & Mrs Brenda SelwynMr Peter SheppardMr Greg SlayMr Christopher SmartMr Stephen Westwoodfive anonymous donors

1987Mrs Penny BaillieMrs Julie BamforthDr Susan BanburyMr Nicholas BatherMrs Marianne BerginMr Stuart Bird & Mrs Katie BirdMr Matthew BrearleyDr Jeremy Bright & Mrs Ruth BrightMr Christopher Bright & Mrs Fiona BrightMr Philip ButsonMr Christopher CarterMs Irene ChapmanMr Andrew CliftonMr Howard CooperMrs Claire DallozMr Ian DavidsonMr Gary DavisMrs Teresa Down & Mr Timothy DownMr Mike EllisMrs Claire GaramponMrs Viviane GarbeMrs Katherine GlassMrs Heather GoodenoughMr Timothy HallMr Jules HigmanDr Frank HopeMs Ifeyinwa Jibunoh & Dr Mark PoulterMrs Alison Kyle-Henney & Mr Peter Kyle-HenneyProfessor Alan MacCormackMs Alison MalfattoMr Paul MorrisonMr Alexander MossMrs Anna PadgetMr Geoffrey PalmerDr Anthony RennisonMrs Miranda Rossiter-Doel



Mr Andrew SkinnerDr Paul SteadMr Andy StrongMr John TurnerMr Roger TweedaleDr Marianne VakalisDr Nigel WalkerMr Martin WilesDr Paul Yates & Ms Sara Yatesthree anonymous donors

1988Mr Andrew BickleyMr Simon Blackmore & Dr Karen BlackmoreDr Stephen BleayMr Derek BrewerMs Moira BrophyDr Paul BuryMs Scarlet ChanMr Pete CookMr Mark CunninghamMr Hui Feng DaiMr Roger DuthieMr Martin Elton & Miss Erica StenfaltMs Sharon Flood & Mr Jon LeeMr Matthew GottMrs Judith HallMrs Helen HarveyMr Jeremy HaywardMs Judith HilditchMr Andrew Hockley & Mrs Christine HockleyMs Jane HorrexMrs Andrea LightfootMr Stuart LongDr Ian MarshallMr Graham Massey & Mrs Sian MasseyMr Graham Massey & Mrs Sian MasseyMrs Janet McCullochMrs Mary-Louise MinardsMr Gavin Munnery & Mrs Catriona MunneryMrs Jane NealMr Thorsten OrrMr Paul O’SullivanMr Keith PageMr Guy PartridgeDr Hass PatelMr Ian SalusburyMr Martin ShirleyMr Keith TalbotMr Angus WardMr David WebbDr Gethin WilliamsMr Nick WoodMr David Youngten anonymous donors

1989Mr Andy BellMrs Emma ClarkMr Nick CognevichMr David DaltonMr Kevin DangerfieldMr Mark DaviesMiss Lynne DawsonMrs Andrea FirkinsMr Rob GarrattDr Caroline GilbyMrs Olga Gomez-CashMr David GrantMr Julian HallMr Percy LeaMr Robert LinnegarMrs Sue McKendrickMr Andrew Milner & Mrs Samantha MilnerMr James NickollsMiss Mandy NortonMr Kevin O’DonnellMr John OuldMr Michael PeddellMr Andrew Robertson & Mrs Theresa RobertsonDr Katherine Ruffle & Dr Stuart RuffleMrs Andrea SamuelsonMr Simon StevensMr Mark StoweMr Nick SumnerMr Nigel TaylorMr Carlos Tracey-AgueraMr Paul VosperDr Paula WatersMr Bruce WhitehornMr Andrew WilliamsMr Neil Woodtwo anonymous donors

1990Mr Gordon AndersonMr Howard BakerMrs Jayne BarrettMr Alec Bejian

Dr Niall BowenMr Gavin Busuttil-ReynaudMs Claire Carré JonesMr Adam CarswellMr Brian ClarkeMr James DuthieProfessor Julien ForderMs Wendy FoyDr George GoreMr Adrian GregoryMr Andrew HardingMrs Sue HarlingMr Todd HowellDr Gerald HuntMr Shailesh KatiraMr Tim Lee-FosterMr Gable PangDr Simon PhillipsMr Michael PritchardDr Julia ReidMrs Anne RendersDr Stephen RichardsMr Tom SeddonMs Elizabeth ShawMr Roger SmithMiss Sarah-Jane StephensMr Michael StewartDr Sharon StrattonMr Alan WilsonMr Niall Woodheadtwo anonymous donors

1991Mrs Rachel AndersonDr Carol AustinDr Sue BaigentMr Ian CleggMr Nick HynesMiss Tina KokkinosMrs Sarah LawrenceDr Emma LenzMr Fredrik Lie-NielsenMr Neil McLeishMr Robert MeadMr Siôn Lutley & Ms Isobel MichaelMr Robert O’LearyDr Mesh PatelMr Leif PuddefootMrs Alison RobertsMrs Stephanie RogersMrs Julia SherwenDr Richard StratfordDr Rebecca StratlingMr Aria TaheriMr Andrew TrowbridgeMr Alastair Watson & Mrs Nathalie WatsonMr Adam WickendenDr Chris Williamsfour anonymous donors

1992Miss Nicola BellinghamMr Steven BirdDr Yvonne BrownMr Chris CampkinDr Paul CrookMr Jonathan CroweDr Nic DoyeMr Jeremy FonsecaMr Donald Haddock JrDr Elizabeth HarperMr Siôn Lutley & Ms Isobel MichaelMrs Joanne MinionMr David NottinghamDr Robin OakleyDr Robert OddyMrs Anne PhillipsMr Dave SmithMr David WestcottMr Robert WiseMr Michael WrigleyMr John Yatesone anonymous donor

1993Dr Abdul BasitMr Paul BrownMrs Julie CodlingMr Steve CooperMr Morten Damm & Mrs Mette DammMiss Ali HarrisDr Paul HaydenMr Andy HowardMr Tony JamesMr John KinsonDr Dethard LampeMr Andrew Lawley & Dr Wendy LawleyMr Peter LordMrs Justine McNeilMr Zoltan Rikker

Mrs Rachael RobertsDr David SimmondsMr Shane SullivanDr Thomas SzaboMr Anthony TomkinsMr Steve TrinerMr Andy Watkins & Mrs Sarah Watkinsone anonymous donor

1994Mr Lee BoytonMs Jo BridgerMr Quentin BrookMr Robert BurgessMr Steve CastMr John CottonMr Robert DicksonMr Emmanuel DrayMr Mark FeaseyMrs Milica Gay & Mr Daniel GayDr Neil HavardMr Trevor JefferiesMr Louis MacDonaldMr James MacfarlaneMr Robin MiddletonMr Simon MuderackMiss Anne O’BrienMr Alan OdekuMr Piaw Wah OngMr Kevin PedigoMr Rajender RavalMr Richard RutterMrs Heidi TrencherMr Garth Waythree anonymous donors

1995Dr Mehdi AsghariMiss Erika BertinMr Jason BlightMr Dominic BrennanMiss Kim ChowMr Garrett CotterMr Ian CroweMiss Elizabeth DurellMiss Vicky EdwardsMrs Sarah Fielder & Mr Paul FielderMr Trevor FordMrs Vicky GibsonMr John Harrison & Mrs Sarah HarrisonMrs Suzanne HartMr Stephen HinleyMrs Tamara JacobMr Richard LanderMr Philip McComish & Mrs Vicki McComishEur Ing Dr Brian NicholsonMrs Pam PennefatherMr Duncan ShielMr Jonathan SleightholmeMr Matthew SmithMr Tim SpicerMr David TriceMr Richard Watson & Mrs Emma Watsonone anonymous donor

1996Mrs Rebecca AddisMr Mariusz Bielaszewski & Mrs Siren KnudsenMr Matthew BoxMrs Kate BuckleyMrs Louise CohuMiss Karen HancockMr Henrik HarmerMrs Jill HayDr Rachel HopkinsDr Owen LyneDr Richard PannettMrs Caroline PopeMr Mike PowisMrs Victoria PriceMiss Karin RidgersMr James SimpsonMs Cia SjetnanMr Dave WilliamsMs Kirsten Wolfone anonymous donor

1997Mrs Sophia BateMr Simon BushellMrs Michele Coghlan & Mr Stephen CoghlanMr Tim CoulingMrs Lee-Anne CoxMr Simon Depoix & Mrs Karen DepoixMr Paul FergusonMr Christopher GreenfieldMrs Jacqueline HarrisMr Nigel HaymanMr David Hope

Dr Akif KhanMrs Grainne PattonDr Rhian PhillipsMr Richard RobertsDr Philip TollintonMrs Janet VernaglioneMr Andrew WarrenMr Matthew Webb & Mrs Claire WebbMiss Sumudu WijeratneDr Anne Wilsonone anonymous donor

1998Mr Graeme AndersonMr Stuart BainbridgeMr Michael BellMiss Rosi BuscombeMr Ian DavisonDr Fergus DignanMr Mike EyreDr Roger Guevara HernandezMr Peter HarrisonMr Juan Miguel AzcarragaMr Jonathan RoweMr Andrew TarverMr Chris VarneyDr Ahmer WadeeMrs Sophie Websterfour anonymous donors

1999Miss Gillian BarwellMr Ian BellamyMrs Lucy BerksMrs Carrie Cameron-SmithMr Matt ChamberlainMr Adrian ChampMrs Susie ConnollyDr Adam GerrardMr Daniel GrantProfessor Margaret GreenfieldsMr Chris HarveyMr Nigel HeightMiss Elizabeth HeseltineMrs Jennifer HillMiss Emma LawMr Norbert Martinez ClaveraMrs Philippa MooreMr Matthew NewsonMr Bruce PorteousDr Ryan Potts & Mrs Sarah PottsMrs Anna Ritchie & Mr Iain RitchieMrs Fiona RobertsMr Erskine ThompsonMr Thomas Underwood & Mrs Alexandra UnderwoodMrs Catherine VickeryMrs Lucy Wheeler2 anonymous donors

2000Mrs Catherine BoulterMrs Rachel CarsonMiss Annie ChowMr James CongramDr Elliott DaviesMr Matthew DavisMr David GraceEur Ing Ed HopperMs Abiola JohnsonMr Emilio Lastra GilMr Calvin LinfieldMr Mark LoweMrs Jennifer McLoughlinDr Ray O’GormanMr Peter OwenMr Jonathan Payne & Mrs Nadine PayneMr Steven PeggMiss Rosie PfauDr Rosalind PolleyMrs Graciela Salazar DiazMr Craig ScordellisMr David WatsonDr Jack WhiteheadDr Tricia Woodheadsix anonymous donors

2001Mr Emad Al AdhalMiss Claire BedfordDr Sue BowenMrs Rut Castanera-TronconiMr Matthew ChappellSir CK ChowMrs Catherine ClarkMr James Convey & Mrs Jennifer ConveyMr James CoyleMr Simon Critchley



Miss Jessica DavidMr Mark DonovanMr Richard FerrisMr Chris GageMr Christopher GonzalezMr Christopher GwilliamMr Steve HammondMr Gareth HumphriesMiss Frances MayesMr Viresh PatelMr Christopher PittmanMr Philip RobertsonMr Adnan SiddiquiMr David SmithMr Stuart WilsonMiss Jane Woodtwo anonymous donors

2002Dr Alfred AgyemanMr Thomas AllisonMrs Anna BellMr Simon BessantMr Paul BullockMr James Cole & Miss Nancy CollingeMiss Rhianne CoxMrs Kate GunnDr Jono Hey & Mrs Maria HeyVice Admiral Sir Robert Hill KBEMiss Jennifer HollyMrs Kate Johnson & Mr Chris CampbellMr Ben Le HurayMr John LeachMr James MendelssohnMr Richard MerrettMr Tim NgaiMr Rob PalmerMiss Victoria PetrieMs Cathy RussellMr Leslie SellickMr Gregory SharpMs Jennifer SmithMr Simon SnowMr Tom StanleyMr Tim SurzynMr James WheatleyMr Conor WilsonMr Michael Wisson & Mrs Louise Wissonfive anonymous donors

2003Mr Karim AmyuniMiss Sarah BlundellMr Christopher BrookingMiss Emma BurtonMs Kim GellingMr Mark HarrisonMr Ian JohnstonMiss Helen KhorMr David Lee SeifertMrs Sarah LeversonMr Gethin LukeMr Asmus OhleMr Matthew PrestonMr David ShinkinsMrs Molly SouthwoodMr Colin TameMiss Catherine ToddMiss Lyndsey WhiteMrs Eleanor WilkinsonDr Graham Willisthree anonymous donors

2004Mr Neil AllanMr Ian BowcockMr Nick BurnettDr Malcolm ConnollyMr Marc DaviesMr Arash FatemianMr William Froud & Miss Didi PengMr Timothy GangeMrs Laura GibbonsMr Bruce HedgeMr Tom HolleyMr Adam Michallat-CoxMiss Alexandra RickhamMs Sarah TelfordMrs Terri WaiyakiMiss Sara WardMr Vegas WhiteDr May YeowMr Glen Youngthree anonymous donors

2005Mrs Frances BrownMr Rich HayMr Greg KaneMr Ross Palmer

Mr Thomas PlayerMrs Bee ThakoreMiss Claire-Louise ValslerMrs Elly & Mrs Meri Williamstwo anonymous donors

2006Ms Gemma AllenMr Scott BeasleyMr Harry EllisMr Martyn EsseryDr Paul GoozeeMr Richard HowellMiss Sabah HussainMiss Camilla MathoulinMr Alfred Ng & Miss Tinny NgMr Andrew NichollsDr Joanna PrenticeMs Nerys ShahMr Gareth Slaterone anonymous donors

2007Mr Terry AstridgeDr Graham BlackmanDr Kieren BoardmanMr Luke BrodieMr Francis ClarkeMr Anthony CleggMrs Maris ColeMr Chris ColesMiss Penelope CourtMrs Sam DawsonMr Michael Dickson CBE & Ms Effie GalletlyMiss Sophie ForrestDr Alan GeorgeMr Adam GibsonMr Andrew GoodwinMr Nick HallMr Karl HardyMr Valisher IbragimovMiss Kimberly JonesMiss Alfreda MafeMr Timothy MarkhamMrs Sarah McCartneyMr Darren MorganMr Stuart NashMr Alan NewmanMr Francis ReardonMrs Cheryl ScottMr Adam SpencerMiss Ann StainforthMr Peter Walker-SmithDr Xuecheng Zhangsix anonymous donors

2008Mr Mark AtterburyMrs Julia BalstonMr Kenan BoztasMr David BrealeyMr David CartwrightMr Ruiwen ChenMr Melvyn CookMr Andrew DixMiss Eloise GoldstrawMiss Gona KhalidMiss Catherine LuckinMr Stuart MackenzieMr Tom MajorMr Jordan Nixon-LukeMiss Katie NormanMr Francisco Oliva-Velez CancelMrs Michelle PereraMrs Kathy QuintMr Christos SavvaMiss Emma ShacklefordMr Allen SmithMr Iain StensonMiss Jennifer SwindenMr Barrie WhiteMr Carl Williamstwo anonymous donors

2009Mr David AustinMiss Sarah-Jane BaileyMiss Carly BryantMiss Maddy ElvinMr Artis FrankovicsMrs Patricia Ghivarello-StuessyMr Jamie Gray & Mrs Jessica GrayMr Thomas HarmanMr James HoodMiss Lindi KleuMr Robert Lo BueMiss Pauline LyMr Jason MaloneMr Daniel NightingaleMr Helder Ogunfowora

Mrs Alison OsadzinskiMr Chris ReesMrs Sarah RussellMr Michael SeligMiss Joanna SochackaMr Chris TamsMiss Hayley ToddMiss Jennifer ToonenMr Adam TurnerMr Jesus Villanueva Peralestwo anonymous donors

2010Mr David AkporeheMr Andrew BaconMr Andrew BellinghamMr Paul ClarkeMiss Charlotte ColmanMr Benjamin DeavinMiss Isabelle DunnettMr Simon FishMiss Kate GrayMr Tim KrausMr James LamMr Jonathan LemonMiss Margarita MillereMiss Rehana NanjiMr Mark ParkinsonMr Martin PhillipsMr Bryn Pugh-JonesMr Peter ScullMr Matt SpragueMr Hugo StatonMr David StirtonMr Nicholas TyrrellMiss Natasha Watson & Mr Matthew Canningtwo anonymous donors

2011Miss Katherine MarlandMr Roy Harris & Mrs Tess NewmanMr Iain CarsonMr Nicholas McMullanMr Rory HawkinsMr Philip HineMr John MitchellMr Sam WarrenMr James RichardsMs Coralie EggelingMr Chris ClementsMr Paul GhoshMr Michael AshiruMr Oliver HorncastleMiss Rebecca Kellaghertwo anonymous donors

2012Miss Kate AldridgeMrs Graciela Artola De WilliamsMr Carl Coppernoll-HoustonMr Gabriel Ellison-SmithMr David EmbletonMr Colin FieldMr Ieuan HenryMr Alex HuttunenMr Zahir KasmaniMr Samuel LawesMiss Carie MartinMr Robert McDougallMiss Regina Medeiros ArnoldMr Howard NicholsonMiss Aisling O’NeillMr Craig PerlMiss Claudia PhilpsMs Barbara RemediosMiss Corinne ShawMiss Becky SteerMr Christopher Sykes MScDr SallyAnn Wakeford

2013Miss Louise AikenMr Joe AndrewMr Andy CaiMiss Abi CarterDr Huw DaviesMr Timothy HelliwellDr Ellen HendersonMiss Bethany KershawMiss Susan LiuMr Simon McConnellMiss Janine MorrisMr Richard NutterMr Firtina OzbalikciMiss Sally PhillipsProfessor Sarah SpringmanMr Guy SteemsonMiss Lydia TheakerMrs Sally Thorogoodtwo anonymous donors

2014Mr Rob BanyardMiss Charlotte DarlingtonMr Alec GilesMr Philip GrayMiss Livvi HarrisMiss Abigail IrvinMr Siôn JonesMr William PikeMiss Rebecca PlazaMiss Lilian Tranone anonymous donor

2015Miss Hermione BiltonMiss Kirsten BuckleyMr Jack GiffordMiss Lizzy Pearsonone anonymous donor

2016Mr Alexander JosephMr Fintan O’BrienMr Jonty UsborneMr Nicholas WestMiss Zoe WrightMs Louise Wylie

2017Miss Izzy CumminsMiss Madison Rogers

2018Miss Jia FoongMr Ivan Liono

2019Miss Amy Lock

Parents and Friends Library FundMr Georges Amer & Mrs Maya AmerMr Edward C N ArcherMrs Alison BanhamMr Philip BrownN.J. & C.J. ClarkeMr David Hallen & Mrs Catherine HallenFinancial Intergroup LtdMr Martyn Isaac & Mrs Sue IsaacMr Glenn JarvisMr & Dr JayasooriyaDr Awn KhashlokMr Rafael Rubio GarciaDr Anna SigurdardottirMrs Julia Webbfour anonymous donors

Other FriendsMrs Chris AndrewsMrs Graciela Artola De WilliamsMrs Pam BatterhamMiss Sally BennettMiss Kirsten BuckleyMrs Ruth BurnipMr Matthew ChappellProfessor Peter CleggMr Thom CrawleyMr Laurie Powell & Mr Thomas DinsdaleDr Michael FroggattMr Andrew GoodwinMrs Fiona GourleyProfessor Helen HasteMr Bruce HedgeMr Jack KeenanMrs Stephanie LearMr Gavin MaggsMr John MayMr David MedlockProfessor Jane Millar OBEMr Andrew MonkMiss Philippa NeaversonDr Beatrice Purser-HallardMiss Adale RobertsonMr Thomas SheppardMrs Karen SheppardMrs Hiroko SherwinMrs Molly SouthwoodMr Kit StoneThe Trendell FamilyMr Peter Troughton CBEMr David Witty in memory of Mrs Pat WittySix anonymous donors



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“It’s thanks to you that lives are transformed. And not just the lives of the students and researchers you support today, but the lives that their future achievements will transform tomorrow.”

Professor Dame Glynis Breakwell DBE DL Vice-Chancellor