Ifeat World Aug 2013 aw · The 2013 IFEAT Study Tour took place in southern India from ... The list...

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Transcript of Ifeat World Aug 2013 aw · The 2013 IFEAT Study Tour took place in southern India from ... The list...


N E W S F R O M A R O U N D T H E G L O B E • A U G U S T 2 0 1 3

The 2013 IFEAT Study Tour took place in southern India fromSunday 9th June to Tuesday 18th June. A packed programmesucceeded in covering a wide range of companies involved in thefloral extract, essential oil and oleoresin industries based in southernIndia. A full report on the Study Tour can be found on pages 4 and5, and a more comprehensive report will be made available on theIFEAT website soon.

This is to place on record my deep appreciation and thanks to all theparticipating companies for their co-operation and wonderfularrangements made during the visit of the Study Tour delegation.During the closing banquet I received excellent feedback from all thedelegates. Discussion and debate was intense throughout, anddelegates returned from the trip with memories of incredible sightsand smells and with much information to digest and consider.

On behalf of the IFEAT Executive Committee I should like toexpress my deep felt thanks to all those who made this tour such asuccess. These include members of the Local Organising Committee,particularly Pradeep Kapoor; the hosts and sponsors including Chennai Bioflora, Jasmine CE,

Nesstate, Encee Aromatics, Nesso, Kancor,Plant Lipids and Synthite. I should also like tothank Ravi Sanganeria, the IFEAT Secretariat,Lancy George of Govan Travels and PeterGreenhalgh for their support throughout the entireorganising process.

George PaulChairman of 2013 IFEAT Local Study Tour Committee

Member of the IFEAT Executive Committee

With less than two months to gopreparations are well under way for the

2013 IFEAT Conference to be held at theFairmont San Francisco Hotel where Ishall be welcoming delegates to the startof the conference on Sunday 29th

September. The list of speakers, updatedregularly on the IFEAT website, promises

some very interesting and topicalpresentations which will no doubt give us much to discussover the course of the conference. Some information onthe issues that will be discussed is given on page 2 of thisedition of IFEATWORLD. Abstracts of the variouspresentations are also being put on the IFEAT website asthey become available.

As well as lectures there are many other events going onduring the week. On Wednesday 2nd October the IFEATTrade Exhibition will be held at the conference hotel formembers to showcase their products and services. We stillhave some available booths for you to book. On the sameday there will also be a choice of two short courses, moreinformation on which is given on page 3, as well as a fieldtrip to Gilroy, the “Garlic Capital of the World”, to look at

organic farming practices.There will be a discussiongroup on distillation (page 6)held on Thursday 3rd Octoberduring lunch where expertsand delegates can air theirviews and opinions on triedand tested methods as well asnew ideas and issues surroundingthe distillation process.

We already have over 800people registered for the 2013IFEAT Conference, and we arehoping for around 1,000. San Francisco is the place tobe at the end of September,and I look forward very muchto welcoming you all.

Colin Ringleib 2013 IFEAT ConferenceChairman

2013 IFEAT Study Tour to IndiaMessage from the Chairman of the Local Study Tour Committee

Colin Ringleib

2013 IFEAT Conference29th September - 3rd October 2013, San Francisco, USA

George Paul

Steve Manheimer to give IFEAT Medal Lecture“Looking back over 40 years for game changers”

Hamish Taylor of Symrise AG, in a paperentitled “From Compliance to CompetitiveAdvantage - navigating your way to StrategicSustainability" will discuss the importance ofensuring sustainability is at the heart of yourbusiness. He will look at recent cases wherecompanies have suffered as the result of beingseen not to have acted with appropriatecorporate social responsibility and others wherecompanies have improved their image andinvestment ratings as a result of sustainabilityinitiatives. Collaboration between differentcompanies, or between suppliers andcustomers, also plays an important part indelivering breakthroughs in sustainability thatleave the planet a better world for futuregenerations.

Dr Gennadiy Kolomeyer of RenessenzLLC, USA, will give a paper entitled “Infiniteshades of green: a chemist’s perspective onsustainability and greenness”. One of Dr Kolomeyer’s biggest achievements is thedevelopment and implementation of anenvironmentally friendly, green process for themanufacture of l-carvone on a large commercialscale. He will discuss this work as a case studyalong with a discussion on the definition andoverview of sustainability and green chemistry,the importance of acceptance of sustainabilityas a business and personal philosophy, thedistinction between green chemistry and cleanchemistry, a comparison of processes todetermine their efficiency and greenness andfuture development of green and sustainableprocesses in the flavour and fragrance industries.

Scott May of Givaudan Flavours will give a presentation entitled“Sustainable supply of naturalspecialties for the flavour andfragrance industries”. This willhighlight the need for the entireindustry to ensure a sustainablesupply of natural specialties forgenerations to come. He willdiscuss the drivers of naturalspecialty ingredients, focusing on thefood industry, and look at potentialshort to medium term solutions as wellas longer-term solutions that will requireleverage and biotechnology.

Jonpaul Howarth of ABP Pty Ltd, Australia, will discuss “Liquid gold: Australia, the heart of the sustainable sandalwoodindustry?” Both Indian and West Australiansandalwood are under threat due to overharvesting. Efforts are under way in Australia toreplace the use of wild harvesting with managedplantations to help protect the wild wood andmove the sandalwood industry into a newphase of sustainability.

Andrea Francés of Nobs Hidrofusion, El Salvador, will give a perspective on currentwork in progress with regard to improvingsustainability credentials. She will give apresentation entitled “A case study of PeruBalsam” which will discuss Peru Balsamproduction in El Salvador. This will include ananalysis of the changes in the supply chain thathave been undertaken to increase processing at

origin, as well as outlining the opportunities andchallenges that are being created as a result.

2 0 1 3 I F E A T C O N F E R E N C E P R O G R A M M E

We are pleased to announce that Steve Manheimer of the Kerry Group, USA, will givethis year’s IFEAT Medal Lecture on Tuesday 1st October at the San Francisco Conference.This promises to be a fascinating insight into the essential oils and aroma chemicalsindustry from someone who has been involved in the business all his life.

Based on this lifetime experience, Steve will give a personal view on some of the keychanges that have taken place since the Essential Oils Association hosted the 1974Conference at the Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco. Such changes include developments inthe structure of the business and the role of family companies, the legislative andregulatory onslaught, the impact of rapid economic growth, sourcing and growingglobalisation, better science and changing technologies, the increased sophistication andgrowth of the F&F industries and the role and influence of industry associations.

IFEAT Trade ExhibitionThere are still some boothsavailable for the 2013 IFEATTrade Exhibition to be held in the Grand Ballroom of theFairmont San Francisco Hotel on Wednesday 2nd October.Full details and bookinginstructions are available on the San Francisco Conferencesection of the IFEAT website(www.ifeat.org).

Steve Manheimer receiving the IFEAT Founder'sMedal at the 2011 IFEAT Conference in Barcelona

Sustainable Growth – A key themeThe programme for the San Francisco Conference includes a range of presentations which cover the theme “Sustainable Growth”.

Short course -

“International shippingconsiderations for hazardousmaterials”This one-day course will be led by RennieAlston, CEO of ARI Ltd (American RiverInternational), a 31-year-old logisticsconsulting and logistics organisation helpingcompanies move products internationally. The company specialises in chemicals,pharma and other products that requirespecialised handling.

The course has been designed to providean in-depth introduction to shippinghazardous materials with specific referenceto flavour and fragrance ingredients andproducts.

Members should note that some essential oilsand aroma chemicals are "hazardousmaterials". This short course provides vitalinternational regulatory information that coversthe packaging, labelling, handling anddocumentation relating to the transport of suchgoods by sea or air.

Since compliance with these regulations isthe sole responsibility of the shipper,anyone that transports hazardous materialby sea or air must become familiar withthese rules and regulations as there arevery severe penalties for violations.

Tickets (including lunch) are USD 270 perperson for IFEAT members and USD 300for non-members.

Rennie Alston will give a presentation on Tuesday 1stOctober at the IFEAT Conference entitled “Successfullyshipping hazardous samples worldwide”. This is animportant topic for IFEAT members as failure to

comply with the shipping regulations relating topackaging, labelling and transport of essential oil andaroma chemical samples can create major problemsand costs for companies.

Short course -

“The science of essential oils”This one-day course will be led by Dr BrianLawrence, who has had over 50 years’experience in the flavours and fragrancesindustry. Since 1976 he has been ScientificEditor and Natural Products Editor of thePerfumer and Flavorist and in 1989 hefounded the Journal of Essential OilResearch, for which he was Editor-in-Chiefuntil 2010. Dr Lawrence has published 13books and 18 book chapters on essentialoils, and was the first recipient of the IFEATRonald Neal Founders Award for SpecialAchievement and Service to the Flavoursand Fragrances Industry. This short coursehas been developed to include a number ofdifferent areas of information such as:

• A discussion on the existence, development and importance of botanical

nomenclature including details about essential oil glands

• The procedures (distillation and extraction) used in the production of aromatic isolates used in the flavour and fragrances industry

• An introduction to the structures of the compounds found in essential oils and extracts and their reactivity

• The isolation of sclareol from clary sage and menthol from cornmint along with a discussion on the other mint oils of India

• The reasons why the composition of eachspecific essential oil is not annually identical, and the existence of adulterationand how to determine it

• Examination of the compositions of coniferous oils and exotic/complex oils (including oud, kaempferia, kewda, rose, sandalwood, vetiver etc)

• A discussion on citrus oils, their

production methods and their compositions

• A discussion on the essential oils of Indonesia

• A pictorial review of the essential oil world (excluding Indonesia) including production statistics

• An eclectic list of analytical techniques andother essential oil discussion points

Discussion on these various points willdepend on the audience on the day as Dr Lawrence will structure the coursearound the needs and knowledge of theparticipants. Tickets (including lunch) areUSD 375 per person for IFEAT membersand USD 400 for non-members.

In addition to the IFEAT Trade Exhibition and the field trip to Gilroy, there will be two short courses held onWednesday 2nd October at the Fairmont Hotel. Both courses have been structured to ensure participants willhave time to attend the Trade Exhibition. Please contact the secretariat for more information on these courses.

Two short courses on Wednesday 2nd October, 2013

IFEAT India Study Tour 9 T H – 1 8 T H J U N E 2 0 1 3

On June 9th some 33 IFEATmembers from 17 countries metup in Madurai, South India for thestart of the 6th IFEAT Study Tour.

The group was a good mixture of first timeand regular Study Tour attendees, fromdifferent sectors of the F&F industry.Everyone was there to learn and get abetter understanding and a closer view ofF&F ingredient supplies coming from SouthIndia. It proved to be another superb tourthanks to the support, excellent hospitalityand commitment of the Indian companiesthat were visited - all of which were IFEATmembers.

Early on Sunday morning some of the earlyarrivals visited two local flower marketsfollowed by an afternoon visit to theMeenakshi Temple, Madurai, amongst themost revered temples of India with over a1,000 year history. Then followed theWelcome Dinner where George Paul, theChairman of the Local IFEAT OrganisingCommittee, welcomed delegates.

For the next seven days, delegates travelledby luxury coach through southern Indiafrom Madurai to Coimbatore, Ooty, Mysoreand Bangalore. Then followed a flight fromBangalore to Kochi (Cochin) for a furtherthree days. During the Tour delegates visitedflower markets at Madurai and Mysore anda number of floral extract, essential oil andoleoresin production and processing units.The floral extract units visited (namelyChennai Bioflora, Jasmine CE, Nesstate,Encee Aromatics, NESSO and Synthite),were both large and small, processing arange of naturals including jasmine (sambacand grandiflorum), tuberose, mimosa andchampaca. Some extraction units alsomanufactured nutraceutical and bio-ingredients. A major disappointment of theTour was that we were unable to see flowercollection and extraction because ofseasonal delays in flowering. Also, nosandalwood was available for distillation.

During the visit to Ooty, the highest hillstation in South India, the previous excellentweather turned colder and wetter andsweaters and raincoats came out. NearOoty we visited an NGO, HOPE, which wasgrowing and distilling a wide range ofessential oils. Women and some 300 familieswere the beneficiaries of these operations.At Mysore, the centre of Indian incensemaking, we visited incense manufacturingoperations, as well as the old sandalwood oilfactory, which was more a relic and a livingmuseum of India’s largest sandalwood facility.

Following the excellent weather in TamilNadu and Karnataka, most of the group flewdown to Kochi (Cochin), where we met upwith the monsoons. Fortunately the godshad been appeased and we were able totour the world-class spice extraction facilitiesof Kancor, Plant Lipids and Synthite in dryconditions, despite torrential downpours atother times. Each of the companies providedsuperb tours of their extensive facilities and show-cased a range of traditional andnew products

Throughout the Tour, each companyprovided excellent introductions and videosto explain their operations. Each companyhad put in a lot of work to provide detailedanalysis of their production and processingoperations – leading to all the delegatesbecoming much wiser regarding the specificproduction and processing operations.Moreover the companies often providedgifts as mementoes of the visits, as well assponsoring various meals and entertainment,which showcased India’s rich mix of cuisinesas well as its cultural heritage of music,dance, drama, and historical buildings. The days were long and full, starting with thewake up calls, followed by the company visitsand then the meals, music, concerts anddancing in the evening. In addition, the drivesthrough the reserve forests provided anopportunity to view various fauna and floraincluding wild elephants and oxen.

Following the Tour, a shorter trip wasarranged to the sandalwood forest anddistillation near Munnar. Delegates learnt firsthand how difficult it has become tosafeguard sandalwood trees from illegalfelling since the whole area of over 1,000hectares is enclosed in a 3 metre high wirefence in highly difficult terrain.

Another outstanding feature of the Tour was the level of intra group discussionsamongst the participants and companyrepresentatives, each one willing to shareinformation about what is perceived to be avery secretive industry. This is a very healthysign for our industry.

Thanks to the local committee and IFEATStudy Tour Committee and particularly tothe companies who hosted and sponsoredthe Tour as well as Govan Travels, the touragency in India and to Jairaj, our veryknowledgeable tour guide.

Make sure you book up early for the China Study Tour from 31st August to 8th September 2014.


These are just some of thecomments from the participantsfollowing another excellent IFEAT Study Tour to South India:

“Thank you for the inspiring StudyTour! Congratulations! Youorganized impressively well!!! Forsure, I will never forget the smell offresh jasmine sambac, jasminegrandiflorum, tuberose andsandalwood for the rest of my lifeand intend to use them more thanever in my creations!”

“I really enjoyed it and lookingforward to China...”

“The Tour was once again, a great moment of discovery and


“It was my first studytour and one of my first experiences within

the IFEAT world and Ihave to say that I had a

great time!”

“Congrats to those who put theirsouls and energy in this fantastictour, this tour was great learningagain and the extraction methodswere also very interesting...”

“… a fantastic twoweeks, with themost delightfulbunch of peoplein the F&Findustry”

Asia Forestry Distillery Co., Ltd.54 B.B.Building, 7th Floor, Office #3705Sukhumvit 21 Rd., (Asoke), KlongtoeynuaWattana, Bangkok 10110ThailandTel: +662 259 6455Fax: +662 259 6456E-mail: marketing@asiaforestry.comWebsite: www.asiaforestry.comContact: Mr. Worravit Chantaraviroj

Mt Sapola (Singapore) Pte Ltd.19 Tai Seng Ave#06-10 Home-Fix Building, 534054SingaporeTel: +65 6671 9009E-mail: enquiry@mountsapola.comWebsite: www.mountsapola.comContact: Ms. Cheryl Gan

Nice Aromatics SARLEspace Jacques- Louis Lions4 Traverse Dupont, Grasse 06130 FranceTel: +33 4 8985 6024 Fax: +33 4 8985 6001 E-mail: jmmolin@nicearomatics.comWebsite: www.nicearomatics.comContact: Mr. Jean-Michel Molin

Odowell Co., LimitedRM501, 10#Bld. Lane 209 Zhennan Road, Shanghai 200333P.R. ChinaTel: +86 21 56410859Fax: +86 21 56410759E-mail: info@odowell.comWebsite: www.odowell.comContact: Mrs. Xu Li

PT. Gorom KencanaJl. Tanjungsari Mas No: 1, SurabayaIndonesiaTel: +62 31 748 0667Fax: +62 31 749 5165E-mail: winarto@hotmail.com.hkContact: Mr. Winarto

Anyue Andre Lemon Co. Ltd.No 889 Xincheng RoadMuping District, YantaiShandong Province 264100P.R. ChinaTel: +86 535 4283135Fax: +86 535 3396029E-mail: peter@northandre.comContact: Mr. Peter Cox

Geschmack Food Ingredient Solutions P Ltd.Soukya Building, Pattimattom - 683 562, Ernakulam District , Kerala IndiaTel: +91 9447 403968E-mail: geschmack@geschmackfood.comWebsite: www.geschmackfood.comContact: Dr K V Balakrishnan

Haldin Pacific SemestaJl. Irian v Blok Mm-2. Kawasan Industri MM2100 , Cibitung, Bekasi 17520 IndonesiaTel: +62 21 8998 1788 Fax: +61 21 8998 1789 E-mail: sales@haldin-natural.commWebsite: www.haldin-natural.comContact: Mr. Alisjahbana Haliman

Miltitz Aromatics GmbHP-D Chemie Park, Bitterfeld-WolfenAreal B / BT Ost, OT Wofen 06766GermanyTel: +49 3493 76155Fax: +49 3493 76156E-mail: info@miltitz-aromatics.deWebsite: www.miltitz-aromatics.deContact: Dr. Peter Mueller

RKL Ltd.20 Plovdiv str. ap. 6, Varna 9000BulgariaTel: +359 884 361 244Fax: +359 882 655 115E-mail: sales@rkl.bgWebsite: www.rkl.bgContact: Mr. Alexander Salambashev

Distillation Forum at SanFrancisco Conference, 3rd October, 2013During the lunch break on the final day(Thursday 3rd October) of the IFEATConference in San Francisco, we shall beorganising a Distillation Forum from 12.15to 13.45. Lunch will be available.

The aim is to review various aspects ofdistillation and to establish whetherIFEAT can play a role in establishing amore permanent group. If the formatproves successful then we can considerestablishing other topic specific groups.

Please contact the secretariat if you areinterested in joining this forum.

New IFEAT committee undertakes socio-economic impact studyIFEAT, together with IFRA, is currently undertaking a socio-economicimpact study of the "naturals" with the aim of understanding, quantifyingand communicating the beneficial impact of the naturals on thelivelihoods of those who produce them. IFRA has already conducted asocio-economic impact study of the fragrance industry value chaindownstream*, and the aim now is to complete this study upstreamconducting a similar study on the naturals.

In order to manage and move the study forward, the IFEAT ExecutiveCommittee set up, at its last meeting in May 2013, a dedicated Socio-Economic Committee, chaired by Jorge Miralles. Since its creation,this committee has been working mainly on the selection of the 12"naturals" which would be part of the study, choosing from thoseproducts that have a high impact on the lives of those involved insourcing them. With the 12 products now identified, the committee hasalready initiated the data collection for each product and with this data itwill draft a data sheet per product. The Committee will review thisinformation at its next meeting in San Francisco in September.

We shall keep you posted on the development of this project which willbe very valuable for our industry. Aspects of the study will be presentedat the San Francisco Conference.

*"The socio-economic impact of fragrance technologies in Europe" IFRA, September 2012


Anhui Ever-Developing Perfume and Chemical Co., Ltd.No. 7 Yan'an RoadBaohe Industrial Zone, Hefei, Anhui 230051P.R. ChinaTel: +86 551 6335 9180Fax: +86 551 6335 9191E-mail: marcus5206@163.comWebsite: www.edcperfume.comContact: Mr. He Guanglin

Drom Fragrances GmbH & Co. KGOberdiller Str. 18Baierbrunn D82065GermanyTel: +49 89 744 25 127Fax: +49 89 744 25 418E-mail: bernd.bersch@drom.comWebsite: www.drom.comContact: Mr. Bernd Bersch

Godavari Biorefineries Ltd.Somaiya Bhavan, 45/47, M.G. RoadFort, Mumbai 400001IndiaTel: +91 22 2204 8272Fax: +91 22 2204 7297E-mail: sales@somaiya.comWebsite: www.somaiya.comContact: Mr. Lu Hong

Jiangyin Baihui Fragrance Co. Ltd.No 151, Yongan Road, ChangshouZhouzhuang Town, Jiangyin, Jiangsu 114424P.R. ChinaTel: +86 512 863 8866Fax: +86 512 8636 3888E-mail: lh@jade-chem.comWebsite: www.jade-chem.comContact: Mr. Lu Hong

Aafud Industry Zhu Hai Co., Ltd.No. 28, Jinding industrial ParkNational Hi-Tech Industrial DevelopmentZone, Zhuhai, Guangdong ProvinceP.R. ChinaTel: +86 756 3370121Fax: +86 756 3370131E-mail: office@aafud.comContact: Mr. Chen Wentian

Bell Flavors & Fragrances, Inc.500 Academy DriveNorthbrook, IL 60062USATel: +1 847 291 8300Fax: +1 847 291 1217E-mail: jheinz@bellff.comWebsite: www.bellff.comContact: Mr. James Heinz

Chengdu Jianzhong Flavors & Fragrances Co., Ltd.Block B of Xinjin Industrial Park Chengdu City, Sichuan Province 611430 P.R. ChinaTel: +86 28 68619760Fax: +86 28 68619758 E-mail: cdjzff@163.comWebsite: www.jianzhong-perfume.comContact: Ms. Shi Yanxia

D.V. Deo IndustriesPlot No. 9 of 15Major Industrial Estate, South KalamasseryCochin 683109IndiaTel: +91 484 255 6892Fax: +91 484 255 8498E-mail: adityadeo007@gmail.comContact: Mr. Aditya Deo

Lazurin Ltd.Stancionnaya str., 60/5Novosibirsk City 630071RussiaTel: +7 383 3000 777Fax: +7 383 3000 444E-mail: foreign-trade@lazurin.ruWebsite: lazurin-oil.comContact: Mr. Zurab Antadze

Nesstate FloraNo. 4 Veerapandi Coimbatore 641 019 IndiaTel: +91 422 2692 587 Fax: +91 422 2698 351 E-mail: nesstateindia@dataone.inContact: Mr. Loganathan Kandasamy

Universal Oleoresins8/ 946 Jawahar RoadNavaratna House, Kochi 682002IndiaTel: +91 484 222 6673Fax: +91 484 222 6542Email: chetanshah@

universaloleoresins.comWebsite: www.universaloleoresins.comContact: Mr. Chetan Shah

Cooperativa Chortitzer LtdaAvenida Artigas 2006 c/ Altos Asuncion 883 ParaguayTel: +595 21 293 301 Fax: +595 21 293 934E-mail: export@chortitzer.com.pyWebsite: www.chortitzer.com.pyContact: Mrs Hedwig Giesbrecht de


Cvista4333 Garden Vista DriveRiverview, Florida 33578USATel: +1 813 405 3000Fax: +1 813 405 3001 E-mail: martin@cvista.comWebsite: www.cvista.comContact: Mr. Martin von Paleske

Enscent International LimitedRoom 12A07, BLDCI, Yiland Center, No. 11 Changchunqiao RoadHaidian District, Beijing 100089P.R. ChinaTel: +86 10 825 76719Fax: +86 10 825 76710E-mail: enping.zheng@enscent.cnWebsite: www.enscent.cnContact: Mr. Enping Zheng

Teawolf, LLC25 Riverside DrivePine Brook, NJ 07058USATel: +1 973 575 4600Fax: +1 973 575 4601E-mail: grobertson@teawolf.comWebsite: www.teawolf.comContact: Mr. Greg Robertson

Associate MemberJimmy's Trucking Inc.140 South AvenueSouth Plainfield, New Jersey 07080USATel: +1 908 753 1770Fax: +1 908 753 4922E-mail: mmercurio@jimmy'strucking.comWebsite: www.jimmystrucking.comContact: Mr. Matthew Mercurio

Global MemberGSL Naturals Pvt Ltd.Moonvalley Estate Kundasale, Kandy , Central Province 20168 Sri LankaTel: +91 9946294789Fax: +94 81 242 0584 E-mail: sunny@gslnaturals.comWebsite: www.gslnaturals.comContact: Mr. T.P. Sunny


The 2014 IFEAT Study Tour will take place insouthern China from Sunday 31st August toMonday 8th September. Participants willmeet in Guangzhou, the bustling andimportant capital of Guangdong Province onSunday 31st August, where a cruise on thePearl River will be followed by a WelcomeBanquet. The cruise is an ideal way to take in the sights and gain some perspective onthe huge and highly prosperous city ofGuangzhou with its important waterway linksto the rest of the world and inland China.

From Guangzhou participants will drive toDeqing County and Luoding City. They willalso have some time in the beautiful city ofZhaoqing, which is highly popular withtourists to China. In Guangdong they willvisit manufacturers and processors of gumturpentine and terpineol serial products aswell as cassia oil distilleries, a star aniseed oildistillery and a processor of essential oilderivatives such as natural cinnamic aldehydeand benzal aldehyde.

Participants will then fly to Kunming, capitalof Yunnan Province, on the evening ofTuesday 2nd September. Yunnan, in thesouth-west of China, is renowned for its

natural beauty, including its mountainousarea in the north-west, of the province andits biodiversity. In Yunnan participants willvisit processors of eucalyptus and geraniumoil, a company specialising in turpentineprocessing, eucalyptus and citronellaplantations as well as a citronella distilleryand a local citronella factory. A visit toFirmenich in Kunming, which offers a widerange of essential oils and their derivativeshas also been organised. A cultural highlightwill be the “Show of Images” in Lijiang, aspectacular show with a cast of over 500against a mountainous backdrop designed to show the traditions and lifestyles of theethnic people in this area.

Members are advised to book their placeson this Study Tour in good time as numberswill be limited. Visas are required for mostvisitors to China, and participants shouldmake their own arrangements with regardto ensuring they have valid visas for theduration of the tour. In addition, participantsmust be prepared for hard travelling bycoach for long distances and a hotel changeevery day. This tour is for the dedicatedindustry enthusiast.



The International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades Limited9 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3BP, UK

T: +44 20 7729 5904 F: +44 20 7814 8383 E: secretariat@ifeat.org www.ifeat.orgRegistered in England & Wales with liability limited by guarantee under Company no. 01369368

2 0 1 4 I F E A T S T U D Y T O U RGuangdong and Yunnan Provinces, ChinaSunday 31st August to Monday 8th September, 2014

Message from theChairman of the LocalStudy Tour CommitteeI am looking forwardvery much tomeeting mycolleagues fromthe essential oiland aroma tradesindustry in southernChina next year.

Participants on the 2014Study Tour will visit companies involvedin the production of some of China’smost important essential oils at anexciting time for our domestic industrywhich is seeing annual growthexceeding 10% on a regular basis.

The two provinces that we shall visitare good examples of the incrediblediversity within China itself. Guangdongis an industrial province on the SouthChina Sea coast which has shown rapideconomic growth in recent years and ishome to production facilities andoffices of numerous multinational andChinese corporations. Yunnan, on theother hand, is a relatively undevelopedprovince rich in natural resources andwith one of the most diverse ranges ofplant life in China.

Please have a look at the informationabout the 2014 Study Tour on theIFEAT website (www.ifeat.org),which includes details on booking your place. Contact the IFEATsecretariat (secretariat@ifeat.org)if you have any questions concerningthe tour.

Winnie YeungChairman of 2014 IFEAT Local StudyTour CommitteeMember of the IFEAT Executive


Winnie Yeung

Sponsorship and advertising opportunities in San FranciscoThere are plenty of sponsorship and advertising opportunities available to members at theSan Francisco Conference. Please take a look at page 17 of the registration booklet or call

the IFEAT secretariat to discuss ways to raise your company’s profile during the conference.

2014 IFEAT Conference to be held in RomeThe 2014 IFEAT Conference will take place in the beautiful city ofRome. More information will be madeavailable at the 2013 IFEATConference in September.