HubSpot International Group Demonstration

Post on 30-Nov-2014

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Please join us for an overview of best practices on inbound marketing, as well as a deep-dive into the tools that help make over 7,000 clients worldwide successful with their online presence.

Transcript of HubSpot International Group Demonstration

HubSpot All-in-one inbound marketing software



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Social Media Content


Email & Lead







HubSpot simplifies your

marketing by pulling

together everything you

need to grow your




INTEGRATED The fact that HubSpot is all-in-one makes your marketing easier. The fact that it’s integrated, makes it more effective.

Multi-channel analytics

Closed loop reporting

SEO driven content tools


Image source: Eric Skiff


WEBSITE MANAGEMENT Send your IT guys out to coffee.

Website management made simpler.

Content Management System Create website pages in moments (and without a computer science degree).

See how effective your website is at driving visits & leads.

Easy Page


Easily edit pages --

no coding needed.

Keep track of how

your website is

doing each month.

Dynamic messages

advise you on what

to do next.

SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION Optimize your content so leads find you.

What are our “sweet spot”

keywords and how do we take

action to increase our rank?

The Keyword App

What keywords brought

us the greatest # of leads?

What keywords are driving

traffic but not conversions?

How do I fix that?

Questions it answers:

Where are my competitors

out-ranking me?

What keywords should I stop

wasting time & money on?

No need to hire an SEO expert. Get clear action steps to improve your rank.

See inbound links for competitors too.

Link Grader See what websites are linking to you and how valuable those link are

in improving your search engine optimization.

Pages Track the effectiveness of individual pages, get clear instructions on how to improve them.

BLOGGING & SOCIAL MEDIA Attract leads with useful and engaging content.

Blogging Platform Get as-you-type advice on how to improve your blog posts and draw leads in.

Easy blogging


Dynamic advice on

improving your posts

Search engine


Social Media Publishing Schedule out social media posts across multiple accounts

and see how many clicks each generated.

Social Media Monitoring Easily monitor social media mentions across networks on your keywords,

company name and competitors.

Social Media Analytics See which channels are bringing in the most traffic and leads.

LEAD INTELLIGENCE Understand the timing and motivations of your leads.

Dunder Mifflin Paper

Prospect Intelligence Track what companies are visiting your website and see what content

brought them in. Make more informed sales calls and marketing decisions.

All visitors


Individual company


Identified person


See the complete history of interactions for a lead or customer across channels.

Understand their interest in your company and level of engagement.

Lead Intelligence

LEAD ACQUISITION Attract quality leads and increase conversions

Landing Pages Easily create landing pages and measure their effectiveness over time.

Build landing

pages in moments.

Track conversion rates,

new leads and customers.

A/B Testing Create multiple variations of a landing page and test which version does better. HubSpot will

automatically tell you when the test becomes statistically significant. Then just disable the

less effective pages.

LEAD NURTURING Help your leads navigate the decision process.

Email Marketing Use one of HubSpot’s templates or customize your own.

Segment leads and target your emails based on website events.

Integrated Email Analytics Get detailed analytics for each send. Create segments of subscribers based on their behavior.

Lead Nurturing & Marketing Automation Trigger emails and other communications based on customer behavior on and off of your site.

Let the lead activity dictate email timing and content, rather than an arbitrary marketing schedule.

ANALYTICS Get smarter about your marketing investments.

Sources See what originally brought your leads and customers into your site.

Landing Page Analytics Compare the effectiveness of different landing pages.

Conversion Assists See what pages were important to people who ended up converting and buying.

Return on Investment Tie all of your analytics to what really matters: How many customers you earned.

Competitors and Benchmarks Use our Marketing Grader to keep an eye on your competitors’ performance.

Closed Loop Marketing See how specific marketing efforts & channels are contributing to the bottom line.

$ Marketing



Brought in


Results by Channel


Sales Team

One End-to-End System


Social Media Facebook. Twitter.

Support Support software

Billing Payment software

Web Analysts Google Analytics etc.

Marketing Email software

Because it shouldn’t take 15 log-ins to execute on your marketing strategy.

A Monthly Report Sent Directly To You Just click save and you’re ready to present on your marketing progress.

INTEGRATIONS We play nice with others.

Our Ever-Expanding List of Integrations

CRM Systems Salesforce, Sugar CRM, Microsoft

Dynamics and more

eCommerce Magento, Shopify, and more

Email Service Providers Mailchimp, Constant Contact,

Campaign Monitor, Silverpop

Webinar Providers Go To Webinar


Billing Systems Recurly, Chargify

Help Desks Zendesk, Assistly

Social Media Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and more.

Mobile SMS and Apps

The App Marketplace Community-bred solutions that multiply like gremlins

Search & install apps in

the app marketplace.

Read user reviews

and submit your own.

The Service Marketplace No time? Have a service-provider do it for you. HubSpot Certified.

HubSpot API The HubSpot API makes it possible to integrate with anything (except maybe, a toaster).

Blog API Keywords API Leads API Lead Nurturing API

Marketing Events API Prospects API Settings API


"If I look at the new customers we've won this year, more than half of them can be attributed to the inbound marketing efforts that HubSpot has helped us put into place.” -- Bob Apollo, Managing Director

Since using HubSpot, Inflexion-Point has experienced tremendous success in terms of traffic, leads,

and customers, particularly in the past year. Most notably, the company has attributed more than

50% of its new sales to inbound marketing practices.


• Experienced a 5-fold increase in monthly organic

traffic and organic leads since February 2010

• Achieved a 31% overall conversion rate on all

website landing pages

"We're a smaller marketing department, and so we really have to efficiently use our resources, and HubSpot has really fulfilled that need for us. It's definitely had a noticeable impact on the volume [of quotes] that we're getting in, and an impact on the organization.” - Ryan Dixon Online Marketing Manager


• Increased quote requests generated

online by more than 412%

• Increased total inquiries to the Lynden

Call Center by 93%

• Improved its small marketing team's

efficiency in serving a large organization

The primary metrics Lynden uses to track its success with inbound marketing and HubSpot is

both the number of qualified quote requests it generates plus its call center volume. Since

implementing HubSpot, Lynden has increased its total quote requests by 270%.



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Funded Sequoia Capital, Google Ventures & Salesforce

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Founded by MIT Sloan Graduates

6,500 customers worldwide

HubSpot growth rate of 6015%




lead growth:


Over three years