How to Use Google Calendar:€¦  · Web viewHow to Use Google Calendar: . Make . A New Calendar:...

Post on 16-Sep-2020

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Transcript of How to Use Google Calendar:€¦  · Web viewHow to Use Google Calendar: . Make . A New Calendar:...

How to Use Google Calendar:  

Make A New Calendar:  1) Sign-in to Google Account.  2) Click on Calendar (should be the last option across the top of the page before “more”).

        a.) If not, click on the more (also along the top of the page) and find the Calendar option and click on it.  3) Weekly calendar will appear. On the left-hand side, there will be a list of My Calendars including all the calendars created so far. Click on the drop down box next to My Calendars and click create new calendar.

 4) Now the Create New Calendar forum should be up. Begin filling out the boxed areas: Calendar Name, Description, Location, whether the calendar will be public or not, if you'd like to share the calendar with others, etc.

 5) Click Create Calendar – See above image.

6) Now you are ready to add events (see instructions below).  

Add an Event:  1) Locate the date corresponding with the date of the Event.  2) Click and hold the time slot that corresponds with the start time of the event and drag down to the end time of the event. When you let go, an Event template box will appear. (see image below)Note: If you have selected the wrong date and/or time just click the X and start again at the top of step 2.

 3) Fill in what the Event is and click the dropdown box to choose the appropriate calendar.  4) Click Create Event and it will show up on the calendar. 5) To add other information about the event, click on Edit Event.

 6) Fill in the appropriate information and click Save.