How did my ancillary tasks challenge or follow conventions

Post on 02-Aug-2015

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Transcript of How did my ancillary tasks challenge or follow conventions

Ade Aiyedun

For my magazine cover I noticed most magazine cover conventions including having : A skyline An effective main image A masthead A puff A footer A main cover line that is usually put next to the image it

is talking about Secondary cover lines/ other cover lines. Website, issue number/date and price Barcode

I have included a masthead and skyline to my magazine cover and the other conventions listed. Similarly to ‘Scream’ magazine I have given an indication of what the magazine issue is about through my skyline. I wanted the audience to be aware that the magazine was doing a horror special as it was supposed to be a general magazine.

I also noticed when other film franchises were being featured; the font of that film is used. Similarly as I wanted Friday 13th to be featured in my magazine- I included the logo as I felt this would attract people who enjoyed the franchise and also made my magazine more professional looking. I have also done this for my own film as I found in the magazines researched the logo of the film was also used as a means to create brand image.

I also noticed that is was conventional to use a set colour pallet when producing a film cover, as I wanted the genre of the films being featured to be obvious. I used conventional horror colours red, white, and black. However I decided to add a twist I would add silver as I felt this had links to something modern and new which is how I wanted my magazine to come across.

I initially wanted to go with a plain black background for my magazine cover, however after researching magazine covers I realised that textures could be used to make my image stand out more and draw more attention to the audience.

Overall I decided to follow magazine cover conventions such as that of Empire and Total film which are primarily for my chosen target audience and these inspired me to follow typical magazine conventions, due to the success of these magazines

Use of texture

When doing my research I found that most posters had:

A main image

The film title

Release date

Tag line

Production company

List of actor(s)/ actress(es)

After looking at this research I decided to add all of these things to my film poster, as I wanted to promote the film in a professional manner. The eye was my main inspiration for my poster as it was attention grabbing and simple. Similarly I wanted to create an interesting poster so I added textures and used a handprint brush set on photo shop to create a background with a creepy mise en scene reflecting a sense of violence.

However I wanted to create a modern poster, I had seen example of film posters with newspaper and magazine reviews, however I felt for my particular target audience 15-22 year olds this would be an ineffective way to grab audience attention and sell the product. Instead I decided to challenge usual convention and instead add an advertisement to follow the social media instead. This was because during my research, I found that social media is a great way to generate interest for a film. I felt that since a poster was used to generate interest for a film it would be a good option to add a hash tag and a reminder to follow the film on twitter and Facebook the main social media sites used by those age 15-22.