Research for Ancillary Tasks


Transcript of Research for Ancillary Tasks

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George Lucas in love is a 9 min parody about a man struggling to create a screenplay. It is a film literally, based on Shakespeare in love. He finds inspiration of a stoner roommate, who is a familiar character and believes in a cosmic force also a attractive women who is wearing a distinctive bun hairstyle. Star wars and Shakespeare fans related to the short film and it went viral and everyone loved it. Winning several awards, including the Canal Plus Short film Award, given at the Deauville Film Festival, the Audience Award during the Florida Film Festival and the San Sebastian Horror and Fantasy Film Festival. It also grabbed the Best Short Film award at the U.S. Comedy Arts Festival.

Its main story line is hat he is a writer that has writers block and who falls in love with a women which turns out to be his sister which leaves him distraught. Starting off Lucas is shown on the poster as the biggest and main character that is why he is the largest. His love interest is the women which shows that she is also important and this is a typical way to show both the main character and who he loves. Star wars also used this technique as the head is normally shown of the main character in their posters too. With the posters photography is not used like in other posters, it is drawn. This shows that short films are more creative and inventive than going with the mainstream. It doesn’t need high tech and editing. However, it does sow that it is professional due to the name and the credits also shown on the poster. Also light is drawn on the poster, this is because they are trying to show that it is professional. This is quirk and different than mainstream and star wars posters again. Short films can be more creative because they have a different audience to the mainstream films so they don’t need to follow the same set of rules so to speak. They do want it to look professional so people watch it though. We see that the genre of this film looks sci- fi which is shown by the layout and how the villains are in the corners of the page, like the star wars ones. The background colours differ which shows that a different perspective is shown from Lucas in love and that may be that it is also a love story.

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I'm Here is a 2010 sci-fi romance short film written and directed by Spike Jonze. The film is a love story about two robots living in a Los Angeles where humans and robots coexist. The plot is based on The Giving Tree, and the main character is named after Shel Silverstein.

It is a love story about 2 robots, that are in love in a unconventional world. The women I the relationship keeps loosing her body parts and the man robot is helping her and giving her his. The poster shows them both together straight away, with the male robot in front of her, this shows that she is being protected ad looked after by him. They are sat on a abandoned hill which looked peaceful and romantic and quite, this could suggest they only need each other and no one else. He lighting is also light and dream like, which is typical in a romance. Which will also attract people that watch this genre. It also shows a professional look because of the credits at the bottom and other features such as the couple being the main focus. This type of poster is similar to the likes of dear john or the notebook, which is shown above, where the 2 lovers are the main focus. The title of the film in all 3 are big and simple, but they do not take any attention away from the couple. Most romance films only have 2 main characters anyway. Pastel colours and simple tones are used with love story's to present a typical love and how magical it is.

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It is a 2 part thriller and a mam must attempt to defuse a tense situation because his friend is camped out with a gun in the hotel room across from his cheating lover. This film is all about hope and is done so with a professional slickness about it, and keeps you gripped. This is a good story and is good, and all elements are put into the film. This thriller is amazingly Alex Merkin’s virgin effort, though he has been active with videos and other projects. I say amazing because it oozes with the kind of professional slickness which made the announcement that he was going to direct a feature film version easy to swallow. Lining up big talent like Brittany Murphy, the feature version of Across the Hall shot last year.

We can see from the film poster that it is a thriller. This can also be known by the plot and the low key lighting that is used on this poster as well as other thrillers, imposing a threat or lurking of some sort. We see a medium shot of half a man hiding behind a wall with a threat of someone behind it. This is typical of a thriller. We can get from this that something bad is going to happen or a twist is. The credits at the bottom create the professional poster look and this is shown in all of the posters even though one is mainstream and one is a short film. We see a large impacted title, showing that something bold and affective is going to happen in the film. We see a caption that is a room number which makes the audience think about what does it mean. On the left of the screen there are 2 film posters, one is main stream and one is the short film. The short film isn't as laid out as the professional one the mainstreamed version is more theatrical and reflects the genre more than the other, this may be because of the photography and how it looked bolder and more suspicious. We see in that film poster also that there isn't a clear message as to who the threat is. He names on he top is more spaced out and better to look at. Unlike the short film one, were the names are cramped. . The mainstream version does things better and professional because it is against competitors at te box office, where as he short film isn't against anyone , its just showcasing their ideas.