Held on Monday 11th July 2016 at 7.30pm at St Nicholas ... · Minutes of the meeting of Curdworth...

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Transcript of Held on Monday 11th July 2016 at 7.30pm at St Nicholas ... · Minutes of the meeting of Curdworth...

Minutes of the meeting of Curdworth Parish Council Held on Monday 11th July 2016 at 7.30pm at

St Nicholas Church Hall, Glebefields Cllrs present : Mark Weatherley Alan Vaughton Paulette Simkin Anne Rimmer Carole Evans George Bullivant In attendance : Louise Baudet (Clerk) 89/16 Apologies

RESOLVED : An apology for absence was received and accepted from Cllr Bill Thomas

90/16 Public participation

There was no public participation 91/16 Declarations of Interest

There were no interests declared. 92/16 Minutes of previous meeting

RESOLVED : that the minutes of the meeting held on 13th June 2016, having been circulated and read, be signed as a correct record subject to Minute No 79.6 being amended to read Cllrs Simkin, Rimmer and Vaughton.

93/16 Progress reports for information/action 93.1 Bins

The Clerk reported that she had received written communication from Kingfisher Direct Ltd confirming that they would arrange for a Courier to collect the damaged dog bin. A replacement bin should then be issued shortly afterwards.

93.2 Quote for tennis court and multi-purpose pitch

The Clerk reported that this had now been received and she would start looking for grant funding – it may be necessary to get comparable quotations.

93.3 Community Speedwatch

The Clerk reported that she had emailed Scot Ramsell at Warwickshire Police seeking clarification as to whether volunteers would be allocated to operate Speedwatch in the village of Curdworth only. Cllrs Simkin and Vaughton reported that Jane Owen, North Warwickshire PCSO had verbally confirmed that volunteers would only operate within the village and the site identified was by the Ramadan Restaurant. Volunteers already have the registration forms and need to complete these and undergo training again. Councillors requested that the Clerk invite Jane Owen to a Parish Council meeting to discuss further

93.4 Traffic matters

(a) Following the request received from Mrs Wilkins, the Clerk reported that she had received an email from Jane Pritchard at Warwickshire County Council refusing the request for a convex mirror in Farthing Lane. The request was refused as mirrors are considered an unlawful obstruction on the Highway. They can give a distorted view of the road and a misleading impression of the speed of approaching vehicles. Convex mirrors also do not give a clear view of smaller vehicles, such as motorcycles and pedal cycles and have a very limited field of view. It was also stated that mirrors can cause drivers/cyclists to feel a sense of security, to such an extent that due care may not be taken when completing a manoeuvre. It was recognised that mirrors are often erected near private accesses, normally on private land with the consent of the owner. The Clerk would write to Mrs Wilkins accordingly and it was agreed to publish the information in the next edition of the Crier. (b) With regards to the signs for the speed limit on the Kingsbury Road, a copy of the plans have been provided by Warwickshire County Council (Appendix A). An order for these signs has been placed and a date for installation and new road markings would be provided in due course. Warwickshire Council stated they were considering installing a couple of additional clearway signs along the A4097, however they are governed by guidelines as to the size and location of the signs that can be used as part of the scheme. (c) With regards to the safety concerns raised about traffic when exiting Marsh Lane, Jane Pritchard had confirmed that she was looking at installing an additional sign here to advise motorists that it is a T junction, however there is no funding for any additional signs.

93.5 Birmingham Airport

The Clerk reported that she had been in contact with Beverley Hill, Airport Liaison Officer at Solihull Council who had suggested contacting the Airport

through their website. The Clerk had explained to her that the Parish Council had already done this and also written, so she had agreed to locate a contact at the Airport who may be able to respond.

93.6 Architect plans

The Clerk would photocopy the Architect quotations for the Changing Rooms and circulate to Councillors.

96/16 Planning 96.1 PAP/2016/0360 Holte Villas – erection of single storey extension ; Councillors

considered the application as presented and had NO OBJECTION subject to neighbour consultations.

96.2 PAP/2016/0301 – amendment to response to Crida House, Kingsbury Road.

Following consideration of additional information after the last meeting of the Parish Council, Councillors had agreed to OBJECT to the application and the Chair had submitted a response accordingly. Councillors supported and ratified the response on the basis of the noise impact in a residential area and the intensification of traffic and vehicles waiting in an industrial area on a main busy road.

96.3 PAP/2016/0372 Reindeer Park Lodge Hotel, Kingsbury Road – retention of 2

static caravans for staff and storage ; the application was considered as presented and Councillors had NO OBJECTION.

96.4 Development of Land at Hams Hall National Distribution Park from Rolton

Kilbride Ltd for the construction and operation of a Renewable Energy Centre (use Class sui generis) for the recovery of energy (heat and electricity) from non-hazardous residual waste using an Advanced Conversion Technology (gasification) with the associated plant and infrastructure, vehicular access and landscaping. Deadline for comments 7th July 2016. Councillors referred to the communication from Cllr David Reilly (Lea Marston Parish Council) (Appendix B) and agreed that the Clerk should write expressing the same observations. Councillors wished to express concerns regarding the short timescales for the consultation, given the size of the proposal and overwhelming amount of information within the application. They were also concerned about the lack of information in the public domain about the evidence and research on theprocedures. The Parish Council offered the use of the Village Hall for an exhibition giving more information and asked the Clerk to pass this information on to Mr Williams at Warwickshire County Council.

96.5 PAP/2016/0394 56 The Mount – Single storey side facing garage. Councillors

agreed to look at the application and forward any comments to the Clerk.

96.6 Public consultation on revised Statement of Community Involvement by Warwickshire County Council – this had been circulated to Councillors with a deadline for comments by 12th August 2016. Councillors agreed to read and bring any comments to the August meeting.

96.7 It was reported that Express Despatch on the Kingsbury Road were

constructing a steel frame to build a warehouse on site. Councillors were concerned that it would reduce the availability of parking at the premises and generate an increase in HGV’s on the Kingsbury Road, exacerbating the existing problem. Councillors asked the Clerk to email Mr Gittins at North Warwickshire Borough Council Planning to request a site visit and to confirm that planning consent was in order.

97/16 Finance 97.1 Accounts for payment

RESOLVED : that the accounts for payment (Appendix C) be approved.

The Clerk reported that the contract for the Photocopier hire had now been terminated with a final bill being issued. The Clerk had also been informed that the copier did not have to be returned to Ace Copying and is now the property of the Parish Council, and would therefore be added to the Asset Register. Due to limited space at the Clerks home, it was agreed that the copier could be located in the meeting room at the Village Hall as a community facility, and the Clerk would order toner and paper.

97.2 Bank Reconciliation

The Clerk circulated a reconciliation of £21,521.60 and it was noted that the balance of the two bank accounts totalled £23,747.22. Councillors noted the earmarked reserves.

RESOLVED : that the bank reconciliation to 30th June 2016 (Appendix D) be approved.

97.3 Purchase of Village Telephone Box

Following the Chair’s attendance at the recent meeting of volunteers for the Village Defibrillator Scheme, it had been suggested that the most suitable location for the Defibrillator would be the Village Telephone Box. This could be purchased by the Parish Council for £1 as an unused Box and BT would cover the cost of the electricity. The Box could also have a multi-function as a free village book depository/library. It had come to the attention of the Parish Council that the village Post Office still sells a number of telephone cards (as the box no longer accepts coins), who felt that there may still be a use for it to remain as a phone box. It was agreed to seek the views of residents through the September edition of the Crier, prior to making a decision whether to buy the Telephone Box.

97.4 Pitch Hire The Clerk updated on the following :

(a) Tom McGrath, Smith’s Wood Firs FC were no longer interested in hiring the pitch

(b) Adam Rorcolla had made a request through the Lea Marston PC email to hire the pitch – this was considered by the Parish Council and refused.

(c) Matt White, Walmley Tigers had expressed an interest in hiring the pitch for an Under 15’s team to play on Sunday afternoons, and this was approved by the Council.

(d) Concorde – wish to continue to hire the pitch for Sunday morning games which was approved by the Council.

Councillors discussed at length the fee pitch and it was RESOLVED : that pitch fee’s be paid her game for both friendly and league

matches. Under 16 games to be £30 per game and other games to be £60 per game.

It was noted that the pitch would not be ready in time for all the dates that Concorde had asked for as pre-season matches due to ongoing maintenance ie it had just been re-seeded, the pitch needed marking out, goal posts still need to be painted. It was agreed that Concorde be informed accordingly – pre-season friendly dates on 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th August would be no problem.

98/16 HS2

Cllr Vaughton reported that Warwickshire County Council were still working on the assumption that HS2 would be starting in 2017, however the new Government might see this reviewed. The Federation of Action Groups against HS2 would be speaking to MP’s and also seeking the views of the new Prime Minister, Teresa May. There would be a meeting of the Railhead Working Group on 21st July 2017.

99/16 Information items 99.1 Communications

Councillors received details of communications received (Appendix E) and discussed the following items : Item 10 – enquiry from resident regarding the Site Allocation Plan which highlighted land for development. The Parish Council had been consulted on this document c2014 and any development is still subject to approval of a planning application Item 12 – letter from Mr Tyler requesting letter of support, the Clerk had responded on behalf of the Parish Council explaining the legal remit of Councillors

Item 15 – job vacancy adverts had been placed on the Parish Council noticeboard for Cembre due to there not being an August Crier Item 17 – North Warwickshire Community Partnership Plan 2016/17 – agreed to carry this item forward to allow Councillors an opportunity to read and comment if they wished Item 36 – the Clerk confirmed that she had provided the additional information requested by Grant Thornton Item 46 – Cllr Vaughton was interested in attending the CPRE AGM on 8th September 2016 at Sutton Coldfield Town Hall Item 48 – the Clerk reported on the communications from Mr Ross in Farthing Lane. Discussing the village volunteers, it was agreed to start producing a ‘Roll on Honour’ in recognition of the volunteers in the Crier. Delivery times for the Crier had now improved Item 51 – Mr Kibilski, PIRMS had not installed the bushes due to bad weather and would do so upon his return from holiday. Item 56 – Cllr Vaughton had informed Jane Pritchard that the Parish Council had de-whiskered 6 lime trees at low level in Glebefields between no’s 20 and 26. Request for Warwickshire County Council to collect brash, to stock out and resurface a 20m length of footwa Complimentary membership of the Association of Local Council Clerks (ALCC - new body) submitted for all SLCC members.

The Clerk reported she had received an email that day from a resident regarding the trees overhanging the road on the Kingsbury Road (playing fields side from Coleshill Road towards fields). It was agreed that a request be sent to Warwickshire County Council to cut back, if this does not happen Town and Country Maintenance could be requested to do the work.

99.2 Planning matters

It was noted that the planning application for 26 Glebefields had been approved.

100/16 Village maintenance matters 100.1 Update on work undertaken

It was noted that the works to the Village Green had now been completed and that the area now looked a lot better, and that the path was now accessible.

100.2 Village signage

It was noted that the overgrowth covering the sign to the playing fields needed cutting back and the sign needed cleaning ; Cllr Vaughton agreed to arrange for this to be done. The Clerk would also email Jane Pritchard at Warwickshire County Council to request that they do a village inspection and

cut back any overhanging foliage that is blocking traffic signs around the village.

100.3 Category A matters on playground inspection, including litter

Councillors had received copies of the playground inspection and would review this in September once they had time to read report.

100.4 Any other items

It was agreed that the post to be erected at the gap into Breeden Drive would be done once the grass cutting had finished for the season. There was currently water leaking from the changing rooms (away team room)

101/16 The Crier and Website

(a) Councillors considered the request to play an advert from Coleshill Playgroup and agreed that this should be declined as priority should be given to promoting the Curdworth Playgroup to ensure it remained a viable service within the community. The Clerk would write to Marie Stephenson who was placing the advert on their behalf and give a £5 refund (b) The Clerk reported that she had received a communication from Mr Ross in Farthing Lane regarding the late delivery of the Crier and that many of the dates had gone by the time he had received it. The Clerk reported that since this she had received a further email saying that delivery had improved. He had also highlighted that his partner had not been included in the list of volunteers. The Chair stated that he wished to have a monthly ‘roll of honour’ for all residents volunteering their time and that the Parish Council should seek ways of recognising their work. All Councillors agreed with this suggestion, and that the next edition of the Crier should start with the ‘Roll of Honour’.

(c) Cembre had sought to place an advert recruiting to vacancies, but as the next edition of the Crier would not be until September, it was agreed the vacancies could be posted on the noticeboard.

102/16 Councillors reports

Cllr Vaughton reported that Jacqueline Sale and her daughter had volunteered to join the team of village volunteers doing litter picking etc.. He would do an up to date list of volunteers and circulate – a Roll of Honour to go in the Crier. Cllr Evans stated that new bags needed to be ordered for the bins – it was thought the bin bag capacity was 25-30 litre, but would check. Cllr Bullivant highlighted the ongoing problems of parking within the village ; residents should be encouraged to report to the Police and reminders placed in The Crier.

103/16 Date of next meeting

It was agreed that the next meeting of the Parish Council would be held on 8th August 2016 to do planning matters and cheques only, at the Village Hall. Signed ………………………………………………………. (Chair) Date …………………………………………………………


Recognising that the consultation period formally closed on 7 July I would like to

make initial representations on behalf of Lea Marston Parish Council that we may

add to as our understanding improves prior to your reporting to the Regulatory

Committee on this application.

Lea Marston Parish Council would like to register the following concerns about

the application.

1. Ecological Impact. We understand that there will be two harmful bi-

products of the gasification process. The first is the production of lime and the

second is the production of hot water at a constant 90’ plus.

Lime. At a meeting with the developer I was told that all lime will be

collected and stored on site and that arrangements will be made for its

safe removal off site. Can you please ensure this happens and that

arrangements are in place before any permission is granted to ensure that

WCC have the skill and capacity to take any regulatory or enforcement

activity as necessary.

Hot Water, I am concerned that the discharge of hot water into the local

ecosystem will have a harmful effect. The proposed development site sits

within close proximity to the River Tame, which is currently benefiting from

some excellent Heritage Lottery funded restoration work to rectify man-

made damage to its ecosystem and natural structure. We are concerned

that any arrangements to discharge hot or warm water into the local

ecosystem with have a harmful and detrimental impact.

2. Health Impact. As this is a new technology that does not currently operate

with the United Kingdom I am concerned that we do not have any direct

experience of the health impacts of the gasification process. As a parish council

we do not have the expertise or funds to undertake a review of the health impacts

upon local residential and business communities and we therefore ask WCC

Regulatory Committee to ensure that it shares a full explanation of the nature of

the the health risks it identifies and the mitigating actions that it directs the

developer to undertake.

3. Diesel Powered Back Up Generator. We understand that the developer

intends to erect a diesel powered back up generator at the site. We object in the

strongest terms to this proposal and any application. The diesel fuel is not a

renewable energy source and will have harmful impacts in terms of pollution and


4. Visual Appearance. We are exceptional concerned that with a build hight of

25 meters for the gasification unit and 50 meters for the chimney the

construction will be the tallest construction on Hams Hall Distribution Park have a

significant visual impact Lea Marston Parish communities and also those

communities who adjoin the other three sides of the Hams Hall site.

5. HGV and vehicular movements. You are hopefully aware that WCC,

together with NWBC, Lea Marston parish Council, Warwickshire Police, Eon,

Sainsbury’s and BMW are actively engaged in joint works under the name of the

Hams Hall Bid Group to try and mitigate the impact of HGV parking and

movements both on and off site that arise from business processes on the Hams

Hall site. We are therefore keen to ensure that all of the proposed 35 HGV

movements to and from the gasification site and all commuter and visitor traffic

movements can be accommodated within the site for which planning application

has been applied for. Lea Marston Parish Council shares the view of the Bid

Group partners that the public spaces on the Hams Hall site are now saturated

with vehicle parking and that this not only results in danger to road users within

the site but also results in anti-social behaviour from those drivers who park up

on the site and urinate and excrete in the roadside vegetation, litter, and cause

damage to all grass verges around the site therefore making it visually

unattractive. We do not expect the applicant to solve current problems, rather

we seek a binding assurance that this application will not add to them and that all

road traffic arising from the operation and employment of the site can be

contained within the development.

In addition Lea Marston Parish Council are very concerned that operational or

commuter vehicles arising from this development will further impact on the

volumes of traffic using Hams Lane and entering the village. This route is subject

to a 7.5 tonne weight limit that is not enforced and during commuting hours is

subject to traffic congestion as Lea Marston sits at the heart of a ‘rat-run’ to the

Hams hall site. The Automatic Number Plate Recognition camera on Faraday

Avenue recorded 980,581 vehicle reads from July to October 2015, this equates to

10,895 vehicle movements a day. Local experience now proved that at critical

periods the A446 can not accommodate traffic flows if there is any sort of

congestion on either on site at Hams Hall or along Faraday Avenue or on the

M42, M6 motorways, or at Dunton Hall Junction 9 traffic island. We now find that

because of the volume of vehicle movements we reach grid lock almost

immediately. We are concerned that this presents a safeguarding risk for the

movement of emergency vehicles accessing our and surrounding communities.

6. Excessive Development. Lea Marston Parish Council believe that we are

being subject to excessive development within our community that is having a

detrimental impact on the quality of life of our residents and bio-diversity within

our community. We are currently face five years construction work on Faraday

Avenue and Hams Lane to enable the construction of HS2, we are listed as Site 9

for the proposed extraction of sand and gravel under the WCC Minerals Strategy

2017 - 2032 site consultation strategy, and we are subject of further development

at the Hams Hall Site B site by Pro Logis which is currently being considered by

NWBC Planning and Development Board.

7. Planning Obligations - Section 106 and Biodiversity Offsetting.

Recognising that there is a likelihood that this development might be approved

by the Regulatory Committee and the need to meet the relevancy to the

proposed development Lea Marston Parish Council would like to state our

intention to seek Section 106 support and to ensure that appropriate biodiversity

offsetting is undertaken as a condition of this development both in the

development site and within the immediate community of the Parish. In addition

to ecological mitigation Lea Marston Parish Council would like to explore

potential environmentally sound uses locally for the hot water byproduct.




Curdworth PC – communications reported at July 2016 meeting

Date From : Purpose Action 1 8.7.16 E Matt White, Football Req for date for goalposts to be

installed to arrange friendly game For action

2 8.7.16 E Amanda Tonks, NWBC Community & Environment Board For info

3 8.7.16 E Cllr Joan Lea (and 6.7.16 from CSW Broadband)

Fibre broadband now live – Cabinet No 3

For Sept Crier

4 8.7.16 E Anne Arkell Additional volunteer for Defib Committee

For info

5 4.7.16 E John Crossling, WALC NALC ‘Working across all levels of Local Govt’ - circulated

For info

6 8.7.16 E Jaki Douglas, NWBC Play Area Inspection reports For action

7 8.7.16 E Ace Copying Equipment Photocopier now deemed to belong to the Parish Council following termination of contract

For action

8 7.7.16 E SLCC New Bulletin – new trade union ALCC – free membership, 2016 Annual Conference, digital version of Clerk,

For info

9 7.7.16 E Claire, White Horse Thanks to Parish Council for use of car park. Will organise raffle for local community

For info

10 7.7.16 E Michelle Ward, resident (info from Mr Murphy)

Re : Site Allocations Plan – highlighted land for development for 2 storey dwellings at back of 34 Coleshill Road

For action/ reply

11 7.7.16 E Tom McGrath,Smiths Wood Firs FC

No longer require use of football pitch (expressed interest June)

For info

12 7.7.16 E Mr Tyler, The Paddock Further request for letter of support, responded not in remit of Council

For info

13 6.7.16 E Jim Rowe, WCAVA Local events and updates For info

14 6.7.16 E Rural Services Network Rural Services Bulltin - circ For info

15 6.7.16 E Robert Smith, Cembre Job vacancy adverts – agreed to place on website and noticeboard

For info

16 6.7.16 E Elizabeth Glover, Manby Bower Solicitors

Case closure and satisfaction survey - completed

For info

17 5.7.16 E Robert Beggs, NWBC North Warks Community Partnership Plan 2016/17

For comment.

18 4.7.16 E John Crossling, WALC NALC document ‘Working across all levels of local government’

For info

19 3.7.16 E Cllr Reilly, Lea Marston PC Version 3 of draft House of Lords Evidence from Lea Marston PC

For info

20 1.7.16 E Dave Harris, NWBC Planning & Devt Board Agenda – 11

th July 2016

For info

21 1.7.16 E Warwickshire PCC Monthly update from Police & Crime Commissioner - circulated

For info

22 1.7.16 E Cllr Reilly, Lea Marston PC Biomass Gasification Plant – Hams Hall – request to M Williams at Warwickshire County Council for more information for Parish Councils regarding associated risks and benefits to communities.

For discussion - planning

23 1.7.16 E Dave Harris, NWBC Planning & Development Board – Agenda 11

th July 2016

For info

24 1.7.16 E HMRC Authority for online tax code – code activation sent to Select Payroll for action

For info

25 1.7.16 E Warks Police & Crime Comm Monthly update July 2016 - circ For info

26 30.6.16 E Sharon Donnelly Young onset dementia café launch - circulated

For info

27 29.6.16 E Jim Rowe, WCAVA Local events and updates For info

28 29.6.16 E Rural Services Network Spotlight on older people - circ For info

29 28.6.16 E Cllr Vaughton, Coleshill Civic Society

Copy of objection to planning application for Crida House

For info

30 27.6.16 E CSW Broadband Broadband update - circulated For info

31 27.6.16 E Rural Services Network Newsletter circulated For info

32 24.6.16 E Emma Humphries, NWBC North Warks community Partnership Agenda 30.6.16

For info

33 23.6.16 E Rural Services Networth Rural Vulnerability Service – rural transport – June 2016 circular

For info

34 24.6.16 E Cllr Joan Lea Copies of planning responses to Crida House and 2 Breeden Drive

For info

35 23.6.16 E Cllr Reilly HS2 Railhead Working Group – Community engagement. Follow up meeting 21

st July at Lea

Marston Hotel

For info

36 22.6.16 E Grant Thornton Ack receipt of annual report – req for copy of Inspection details, bank reconciliation and statement of variances

For info

37 22.6.16 E Emma Humphries NWBC Full Council 29th June 2016 For info

38 22.6.16 E Jim Rowe, WCAVA Local events and updates For info

39 22.6.16 E Grant Thornton Ack receipt of External audit annual return

For info

40 21.6.16 E Jenny Price, NWBC Community and Environment Board – 29

th June

For info

41 21.6.16 E Rural Services Network Weekly digest - circulated For info

42 20.6.16 E John Crossling, WALC Flying flag for Commonwealth Day 2017

For info

43 20.6.16 E Warks County Council Update : Mental Health & Wellbeing Hubs. Tender won by Mind commencing 1

st July.

For info

44 20.6.16 E Richard Walden, SLCC News Bulletin from SLCC – new edition of Charles Arnold Baker with 20% discount through SLCC

For action

45 17.6.16 E Cllr Vaughton Severn Trent Water Ltd Manhole cover dislodged – Glebefield junction/ Coleshill Rd. Ref 2002592050 - dangerous

For info

46 17.6.16 E Myles Thornton, CPRE Warks AGM 8th Sept, Sutton

Coldfield Town Hall 5pm. Speaker Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP

For info

47 15.6.16 E John Crossling, WALC Updates to legal topic notes 41 (Landowner info) and 60 (planning) – circulated and on WALC web

For info

48 15.6.16 E Andrew Ross Crier being delivered too late, Article re Defib. should have included Yvonne, Craig Tracey listing.

For info

49 15.6.16 E Jim Rowe, WCAVA Small Charities Week For info

50 15.6.16 E Jaki Douglas, NWBC Annual Play Inspection reports – Category A matters

For action

51 15.6.16 E R Kibilski,PIRMS Due to weather postponed installing bushes, on annual leave and will do upon return. Will look at adult equipment. Quarterley inspections offered £71 each

For consideration

52 15.6.16 E Richard Walden, Association of Local Council Clerks

Complimentary ALCC membership for SLCC members

For info

53 14.6.16 E Jaki Douglas, NWBC Play area inspection – Category A matters

For info

54 14.6.16 E Open Spaces Society Open Space Summer 2016 - circ For info

55 14.6.16 E John Crossling, WALC Star Council Awards For info

13.6.16 E Cllr Vaughton – J Pritchard PC has de-whiskered 6 lime trees at low level in Glebefields (between 20 and 26), opposite church island between Glebefields and Kingsbury Rd. Request for WCC to collect brash. Also to stock out and resurface a 20m lengthof metalled footway that bisects the grass.

For info

56 8.6.16 E Select Payroll Online tax coding activation For info

57 8.6.16 E Alethea Wilson, NWBC Leaving NWBC, new contacts : Parks, recreation grounds, play areas or allotments, safety inspections – Jaki Douglas or Simon Powell. General grounds maint eg grass cutting on verges – Lorna Palmer or Richard Doggs Tree maintenance – trees@northwarks.gov.uk

58 30.6.16 L NWBC Planning Public consultation on revised Statement of Community Involvement – comments by 12


August 2016

For consideration

Letter received from HSBC notifying the Parish Council that the Coleshill branch will be closing. Changing rooms – water leakage from ‘away team’ toilets For circulation :

The Clerk magazine

LCR magazine.