Issue No 107 December/January 2013 - Saltford · 13 Lighting of the Christmas Tree 7.30pm 2013...

1 Saltford Community Association News Issue No 107 December/January 2013 COPY DEADLINE FOR FEBRUARY/MARCH EDITION OF SCAN: 10 JANUARY 2013 Copy sent by email to [email protected] will be very welcome.

Transcript of Issue No 107 December/January 2013 - Saltford · 13 Lighting of the Christmas Tree 7.30pm 2013...

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Saltford Community Association NewsIssue No 107 December/January 2013


Copy sent by email to [email protected] will be very welcome.

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Christmas Market - Saturday 1st December 2012, 10am to 3pm.Saltford Hall is the venue for this lively, sociable annual Christmas event where you can meet neighbours and friends and partake in our cafe with a warm cup of mulled wine, crusty roll filled with Newton farm bacon, warmed mince pie covered in brandy cream or just tea, coffee and cake. Walking through the foyer, main hall and UPSTAIRS you will find treasures for your home and presents for friends and family. A talented band of craftspeople will run a range of creative stalls. Bookings are being taken now. Contact Diane 01225 874986 or email [email protected] (only a few tables remaining) December 1st is definitely a date for your diary. You will get the chance to support the Scouts, Brownies, Cancer Research and Lions at their fund raising stalls, visit the Real Father Christmas in his Grotto and take time out to browse the Bookstall.


November 15/16/17 Saltford Drama Club Production – Farce ‘N Food 7.30pm

December 1 Christmas Market 10 – 3.00pm

8 Saltford Village Choir - Christmas Concert with food 7.30pm

13 Lighting of the Christmas Tree 7.30pm


January 26 Bath Spa Band 7.30pm

February 23 Caribbean Evening 7.30pm

March 2 Jumble Sale 10 – 12pm

14/15/16 Saltford Drama Club Production 7.30pm

April 13 Ladies Pudding Night 7.30pm

June 8-16 Saltford Festival Various

September 28 Blue Notes Jazz Evening 7.30pm

November 9 Sports Evening with xxxxxx 7.30pm

21/22/23 Saltford Drama Club Production 7.30pm

30 Christmas Market 10 – 3.00pm

December 14 Saltford Village Choir - Christmas Concert 7.30pm

For more information please

e-mail [email protected]

or ring the Booking Office on 01225 874081


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Bath Spa Band - Saturday 26th January 2013, 7.00 for 7.30pmWe once again welcome the Bath Spa Band who will start our New Year by entertain-ing you with a programme of traditional Brass Band and Big Band music. Tickets £8.00 available from the Booking Office on 01225 874081 or via e-mail at [email protected] , Saltford News, Bath Road, Saltford Post Office (after 1st January) or Mr John Thomas on 01179 863869.

Donation AppealThe last SCAN included our annual appeal for donations and we would like to thank residents who have responded for their generosity. Its not too late to donate and if you’ve lost your envelope then more are available in the foyer of the Hall or we’ll drop one in.

An Update On The HallAt the Trustee meeting at the beginning of November we approved the installation of new exterior entrance doors in white UPVC, to create a small entrance area and further smarten up the appearance of the Hall. We hope these will be installed before Christmas.We also approved the costly but much needed installation of a new fire alarm system. Also, as some of the regular users of the Hall will have noticed, an area of the front car park has been dug up. For many years now the area below the stage has been suffering from water ingress and occasional flooding and we are now committed to getting this sorted. Initial investigation revealed a gas pipe to the Sports Club had been burrowed straight through the middle of one of the drain pipes and this has now been repaired. However, its going to be a much bigger job to seal the outside of the building to stop further water getting in, but this will be undertaken over the next few months. Our thanks to John Blake for his advice on this.As mentioned in the last SCAN we will also be looking to get the roof of the stage tower insulated inside to cut down on our fuel bills.None of this work is possible without the donations you provide, the money we make on fundraising events and the income we derive from hiring out the Hall. In whichever way you may contribute, thank you so much for your support over the last few years which is now allowing us to tackle some of these long needed jobs.

Comedy Night - Saturday 27 October

Our thanks to everyone who turned up and made this evening a great success, particularly Nathan Sheppard!! As well as the MC there were 6 comedians who entertained the audience until 10.30pm, with a break for the beef curry. This was all washed down with real ale and large amounts of Magners!! As well as being a hugely enjoyable evening, the event raised an excellent £700 for the SCA.

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Mon to Fri 9.15am “Here We Grow Pre-school Avon

Mondays 9.45am Jazzercise Class Hall

1.30pm Saltford Short Mat Bowls Hall

2.00pm Whist Club Avon

4.40pm Dance Factory & Zumba Hall

7.30pm Saltford Scrabble Club Kelston

(in season) 7.30pm Saltford Drama Club Avon

7.45pm Saltford Badminton Hall

Tuesday 10.00am Tuesday Morning Badminton Hall

10.00am Art Class Kelston

6.30pm Taekwondo Class Somerset

(1st & 3rd only) 7.00pm Saltford Parish Council Avon

7.30pm Avon Badminton Hall

7.30pm Saltford Village Choir Wansdyke

Wednesday 9.45am Wednesday Morning Badminton Group Hall

1.30pm Saltford Short Mat Bowls Hall

3.30pm Keyford Dancing School Somerset

7.30pm Belly Dancing Class Wansdyke

7.30pm Saltford Sequence & Old Time Dance Club Hall

Thursdays 9.45am Jazzercise Class Hall

10.00am Baby Massage & Play Kelston

2.00pm Painting for Pleasure Avon

6.30pm Pilates Class Hall

6.30pm Kick Boxing Classes Wansdyke

7.30pm Keynsham AA Group Kelston

8.15pm Bokwa Class Hall

Fridays 10.00am Saltford Wind Chamber Group Somerset

10.00am Hatha Yoga Wansdyke

(some) 1.30pm Saltford Short Mat Bowls Hall

4.45pm Flutter Feet Tap Class Somerset

6.15pm Taekwondo Class Somerset

6.30pm Saltford Short Mat Bowls Hall

6.30pm Saltford Shu-Ko-Kai Club (Martial Arts) Wandyke

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Interested in learning new skills

or have existing skills that you

want to put to good use?

The SCA are keen to train up a couple of people to become familiar with the lighting and sound systems in Saltford Hall. Do you have existing skills in this area or want to develop new skills in this area?

If so, please get in touch with the Hall on 01225 874081. Training will be given and you will get to occasionally see future shows for free!! We will obviously provide the necessary training.

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Please note:- Dates, times and venues may change. Please check with the contact named elsewhere in this newsletter, and note that these are booking times - event times may differ.

First Monday

(usually) 10.00am Beading Course Wansdyke

Second Monday 7.30pm Saltford Quilters Somerset

First Tuesday 9.30am Saltford Ladies Gardening Club Wansdyke

Second Tuesday 7.30pm Saltford Women’s Institute Avon

Fourth Tuesday 2.00pm Saltford Floral Club Hall

Second Thursday 9.45am Saltford Morning Townswomen’s Guild Wansdyke

Second Thursday 8.00pm Book Club Kelston

Second Friday 7.30pm Keynsham & Saltford Wine Circle Avon

First Saturday 7.30pm Saltford Sequence & Old Time Dance Club Hall

One Saturday per month

10.00am Farandole Dance Club Please contact June Simpson

for exact dates on 01225 872586 Wansdyke

Fourth Saturday 2.30pm Historical Model Railway Society Wansdyke

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Saltford Library10.15 Friday, 7 December Coffee and mince pies. “Surprise” library bookexchange.10.15 Friday 4 January, 2013.Musical morning - to ring in the New Year.David Cox with his mouth organ - “sing-a-long”Alan Carder with his guitar and demo of mouth organs. Mulled wine and nibbles mid-morning for a donation. All welcome.10.15 for coffee, Friday, 8 February.Author’s talk: “Cycling full circle” by Astrid Domingo- Molyneux., who recently cycled alone around the world for two years. Books for sale in Bath Abbey. Booking now £2 minimum, for two charities Leprosy and Deafnesss-. from Cynthia Wilson 01225 874259. Followed by optional lunch at Elstons.Pick up a flyers in the Library to tell you allabout what is going on in Saltford Library.

Keynsham & Saltford Local History SocietyKeynsham & Saltord Local History Society con-tinue their programme of illustrated talks through the winter. The next meetings, detailed below, will appeal especially to those who know Bristol. All meetings are held on the third Monday of the month and the venue is The Key Centre, Victoria Methodist Church, Charlton Road, Keynsham. The Society is always keen to see new faces; you can attend any meetings that appeal to you as a visitor, or become a member of the Society and enjoy free admission. The talks start at 7.30pm and admis-sion for non-members is £2.50.

The next meetings are :Monday 17 December; The Old Snuff Mills, Staple-ton ; Speaker – John Bartlett

Monday 21 January; Around Bristol by Tram Speaker – Peter Davey

Full detail of the Society can be found on the web-site at

Saltford Brass MillIt has been a very successful season with over 300 visitors during the National Heritage event in September when we welcomed members of the Art Trail, whilst during B&NES Heritage in October/

November there were 208 visitors. Now we look forward to group bookings for May - October 2013 when groups of 15 or more are welcome on an day/time mutually convenient. The Work Party continues to be in the Mill during the winter on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month 10am - 1pm. www.brassmill.comemail – [email protected] 872954

Saltford Festival June 8th -16th 2013The committee have already received some very good ideas for the festival next year.One of which is a Scarecrow Competition.It will involve displaying a Scarecrow in your garden or front of houseduring the week of the festival....possible prizes!! so get your creative juices flowing,further details will follow.We do need lots of other ideas.........Anyone able to give a short talk on their favorite subject?We also will need helpers for many of the events we hope to put on.These range from Tea parties,dances,Beetle drives,Country markets,Exhibitions,Competitions and much more.Contacts are : Jill-01225 872489 Eileen -01225 873224also please visit the Festival Website will keep you up to date with developments.Look forward to hearing from you.

Avon Wildlife Trust, Saltford and Keynsham Branch All talks at 7.30pm in the Baptist Church Hall, Keynsham. Entrance £2.50, children £1 Bring and buy bookstall. Coffee. All welcome Fri14 Decem-ber “Members Evening. 5 x 15 minute talks by members, - Rita-Canada; John-Local Wildlife; Philippa-Elm Farm, Burnet; Dave- River Dipping in Keynsham; Kathy-Wildlife Film-making.Fri11 January Bird Watching and Bird Conserva-tion in France, Ken Hall. Ken is our UK representa-tive for Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux.Fri 8 Feb. Butterfly Britain, by Oliver Smart A return visit of this splendid speaker on what makes these little inspects so uniquely special.

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SALTFORD HALLFor more details of the facilities onoffer, room hire prices or how to

book, visit our website

Alternatively email us [email protected]

or telephone 01225 874081(mornings only Monday-Friday)

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Saltford station campaign makes formal request to B&NES for consultation

Following the second public meeting held on 25 October 2012 concerning the proposed

re-instatement of Saltford station where a range of views was expressed by residents,

the campaign has put a formal request to B&NES Council’s Cabinet.

The campaign has asked B&NES Council for a detailed information sheet on the facts

and issues surrounding the proposals with a consultation to be put to the residents of

Saltford. The Saltford station campaign wants residents to be as fully informed about

the proposed new station as is reasonably possible and for all residents to have the

opportunity to give their views to B&NES Council. B&NES Council has indicated that

it will agree to a consultation process and that this is to be confirmed in writing at the

November meeting of the B&NES Council Cabinet.

Chris Warren - Saltford Environment Group

For the latest information on the work of the Saltford Environment Groupincluding the Station Campaign, go to

“Keeping it Local”Business Directory – News – Events

[email protected]

SCA is on Facebook!


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D.W.BOWENPlumbing & Heating

Gas Safe Registered Installer

Registration No: 95352

2 Montague Road, Saltford

Tel 07778 776568

Monday –Saturday Breakfast 10 – 12pm * Lunches 12 - 2.30pm

Daily Special 2-course lunch £8.95Sunday Lunch 12 - 3.30pmEvery Evening 6 - 9.30pm

LIGHT BITES available Saturdays & Sundaysfrom 12 – 6pm

* * * * * Our Chef’s Special Supper … Tuesday 31st Jan ‘12

“CHRISTMAS” LUNCH & DINNER Mon 26th November – Fri 21st December

CHRISTMAS DAYBar open 11–1.30pm

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Save money - compost at homeBargain compost bins and water butts offer 2012-13. Buy one, get second onehalf priceTo help you garden more sustainably in your garden and on your allotment we havesome great offers for residents on compost bins and water butts to get you started.Compost converter bins start at £16 for a 220 litre bin or £19 for a 330 litre bin*.Other types of compost bins and compost accessories are available on the websitebelow. No room for a compost bin? Why not try a wormery for your uncooked kitchenwaste. See offer details on website below.

Installing a water butt will provide water for your garden or for washing your car, andcan help you reduce your bills if you have a water meter. Two sizes of water butt kitsare available at £28.95 for a 100 litre butt and £38.95 for a 190 litre butt*. Kitsinclude the water butt, stand and diverter kit.* plus delivery charge of £5.49 per order.

And this year, if you buy a compost converter bin or a water butt, youcan buy a second for half price (on the same product).Order your bin online now at or call the Order Helpline on0844 571 4444. For more information about how to compost at home

Missed bincollection, faulty street light, potholes,overgrown footpaths - contact

Council Connect.

Email, telephone and web enquiries


Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01225 39 40 41

Text (SMS): 07797 806545

The Council Connect contact centre is open for telephone enquiries:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8.00am - 6.00pm




on Saturday 8th December 2012 at 7.30 p.m.


Tickets £8 which includes a supper. Children £5

Tickets available from members of choir

or phone 01225 873224

Bar Available.

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Temporary closure Bath Recycling CentreMidland Road, Bath BA1 3AT

Closed for essential works from 8 October reopening on 3 December 2012

We need to close Bath Recycling Centre for approximately eight weeks to carry out essential repair work. The repairs will be carried out and the site reopened as quickly as possible.

We need to carry out structural repairs to the wall and floor areas at the waste transfer station and Recycling Centre.

The weighbridge will still be open for businesses to bring in their waste and recycling.

You won’t notice any difference when the site reopens, but this work is necessary to keep the sites working in the longer term.

Please see over for recycling advice while this centre is closed. We thank you for your patience.

For latest news please visit



Keynsham Bypass





Ashmead Road



World’s End Lane


To SaltfordTo Keynsham


To BristolA4



Keynsham Bypass





Ashmead Road



World’s End Lane


To SaltfordTo Keynsham


To BristolA4

While Bath Recycling Centre is closed we advise you to:Use your other two Recycling Centres

Opening timesMonday to Friday: 8am – 4.15pm

Weekends: (Until Sunday 28 October 2012) 9am – 3.45pm

Weekends: (From Saturday 3 November until Sunday 31 March 2013) Saturday: 9am – 3.45pmSunday: 9am – 1pm

Bank holidays: 8am – 4.15pm

CLOSED: 25, 26 December and 1 January

Keynsham – Pixash Lane, BS31 1TP

Old Welton – Wheelers Hill, Midsomer Norton BA3 2AA

Details correct at time of going to print 10/12

• Use your kerbside green box, blue bag, food waste, garden waste and rubbish collection fully.

• Use the recycling banks at:

Morrison’s supermarket car park, London Road (for paper, cans, plastic household packaging, glass bottles and jars and food/drink cartons).

Co-op supermarket cark park, Keynsham (for paper, cans, plastic household packaging, glass bottles and jars).

• Store non urgent items until the Bath Recycling Centre reopens.

To find out more and for latest updates please visit Connect 01225 39 40 41 Text SMS 07797 806545 [email protected]

If you need this leaflet in large print, Braille, audio format or your own language please contact us.

100% Get the free mobile app athttp:/ /

Newton St Loe Registered Members Club

Newton St Loe Village HallBar, skittles alley, darts, pool table, film nights, quiz nights, sport on big

screen plus more....

“Come and join us and bring the family”

Open: Friday and Saturday nights 8.00pm – 11.00pm

Sunday Lunchtime 12 – 2.00pm

Sunday Nights 8pm 10.30pm

For any information or queries find us on Facebook or email

[email protected]

Membership - £3 for a single membership or £5 for a family

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Saltford Parish Council NewsSign up for our e-newsletter at

Thank you to all who came to the public meeting about the re-opening of Saltford Railway StationFor those who missed it, the Hall was filled to the brim and a full cross section of views were articulated, many with some passion!

Housing development public meeting

We are prepared to host a public meeting about the Manor Road housing development

currently being suggested by Crest Nicholson. When this major planning application

is received, we plan to call a public meeting at short notice to allow the expected large

numbers of the public the opportunity to be present and voice their opinions, before the

Parish Council formally considers the application at its meeting. Details of the meeting

will be posted on our website and our noticeboard

outside Saltford Post Office.

Bus service changes affecting Saltford

Bus operators have notified B&NES of some changes to bus services which came into

effect on 4th November 2012. First bus services 337, 349 and 649 have been withdrawn

and a new 338 service (Bath - Keynsham - Bristol) introduced to replace these. Services

X39 and 339 have some minor timetable changes, but the overall frequency of the ser-

vices is unchanged. For full details see or phone 0871 200 22 33.

Financial Assistance Grants

There are still some funds unspent in the Parish Council’s current budget for financial

assistance grants to groups whose activities benefit Saltford. This budget runs until

March 2013. If you are involved with a group working for the benefit of Saltford and

its people, it’s not too late to apply for financial assistance. See the Council Respon-

sibilities page on our website, where you can also

download an application form.

Tricia Golinski, Parish Clerk, Saltford Parish Council Office* Saltford Library, 478a Bath Road, Saltford BS31 3DJ( 01225 873300 8 [email protected]

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Looking for a newhobby with

Some exercise amongfriendly folk?

Come and try thegreat game of

Short mat bowlsAt Saltford Hall

Everyone welcome - No equipment neededto start

Ring Joan on 01225872389

for further information aboutSaltford short

mat bowls

Saltford Tennis Club

The Tennis Club is holding afree taster day on SundayOctober 14th between 2 and 4pm. Childrenand adults of all abilities are welcome tocome along and have a go.Within the friendly atmosphere of the club,there are opportunities for juniors andadults to play in club tournaments, leagueteams or just play socially on our clubnights or with friends. Coaching isavailable for all levels. Recent success inthe Avon Summer leagues has resulted inour men’s 1st team being promoted toDivision 2.With the help of the LTA, the club now has3 floodlit courts and is able to offer yearround activity for all abilities.

For more information on membershipscontact Kate Lamb [email protected]

Supporting disabled children, youngpeople and their families Charity No: 106882


COME AND JOIN USA few hours a week can make a world

of difference to the life of a youngperson

For further information please contact:Sarah King - Area Co-ordinator

Time2Share 0117 941 5868 / [email protected] for onlinevolunteer application form


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I, the undersigned, being the Returning Officer at the election held on Thursday 15th November 2012, DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that the number of votes cast for each candidate at the election is as follows:Names of Candidates Votes Recorded (E) : ElectedBURT, MERVYN 279HANCOCK, CLIFFORD (Known as Cliff) Independent 165TAYLOR, ROBERT 336 (E)

(a) Want of Official Mark(b) Voting for more candidates than the voter was entitled to(c) Writing or mark by which the voter could be identified(d) Being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty 4(e) Rejected in partThe Number of Ballot Papers rejected was as follows: 4


AND I HEREBY DECLARE that ROBERT TAYLOR has been duly elected.

V. F. Hitchman, Returning Officer Bath & North East Somerset Council, Guildhall, High Street, Bath, BA1 5AW


A Business network group for everyone in Saltford, look up someone local to carry out any work you need doing, go for a drink/meal, or buy something you need! Lets all support each other.

Have a look at the ‘Business Directory’ page, just a couple of examples there at the moment so this email has gone out to invite around 150 other businesses to register with us or to join the network.

On the ‘How to Join’ page you can see that there is no cost to register with us and that will get you the FREE basic listing. For £20 per year you can join the network and amongst other benefits that will give you the opportunity to have an enhanced web-site entry.

Opportunities for businesses to network with each other informally at our bi-monthly social events, last Thursday in every other month from January 2013. These dates are subject to change depending on availability of the venue, if you are a member you will receive an email nearer the time reminding you or notifying you of any change.

31st January from 7pm The Crown28th March from 7pm The Jolly Sailor39th May from 7pm Saltford Sports Club25th July from 7pm The Golf Club26th September from 7pm The Bird in Hand28th November from 7pm The Riverside Inn

We look forward to welcoming you to our network and meeting you at an event.

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SALTFORD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION - Affiliated Organisations 2010/111st Saltford Scout Group. Sue Hutchings 01225 873153Avon Badminton Club Tony Dicker 0117 330 8510Avon County Rowing Club Penny Senior 0117 986 7934Craft & Natter Club Daphne RahnFarandale Dance Club June Simpson 01225 872586Grace Bible Church Steve Greedy 07901 601232Here We Grow Yvonne Goodall 0117 973 1862Historical Model Railway Society Mr Gerry Nicholls 0117 973 1862Keynsham & District Tangent Club Mrs Sue Cooper 01225 872132Keynsham & District Twinning Association Carole Duckett 0117 986 5350Keynsham & Chew Valley Rotary Club Rob Hales 01225 872456Keynsham & Saltford AA Group Tony Williams 01225 340964Keynsham & Saltford Wine Circle Alan Dummott 01225 873493Keynsham Light Opera Group Mr Steve Drew 07557444364Keynsham Rotary Club John Griffiths 07581 202264Lions Club of Keynsham Ron Skudra [email protected]. (S.W. Area) Mrs Sue Gaskin [email protected]. Teachers (SWA) National Auricula & Primula Society Roger Woods 01455 272 377N.E. Somerset Conservative Assoc. Mrs Margaret Brewer 0117 987 2313Painting for Pleasure Mrs F. Sheppard 01225 873773Saltford Afternoon WI Yvonne Watson 0117 986 8842Saltford Badminton Club Vend Waterman 01225 345169Saltford Business Network David Hewitt 0117 944 4949Saltford Day Centre 07505178520Saltford District Guiding Laine Willis 01225 873852Saltford Environment Group Ben Eve 01225 345178Saltford Floral Club Mrs Eve Hessey 01225 873380Saltford Golf Club Mike Penn, (Secretary) 01225 873513Saltford Intergenerational Group Lyndsey Harris 01225 874279Saltford Ladies Gardening Club Mrs Debra Jewell 01225 872450Saltford Lawn Tennis Club Mo Smallwood (Sec) 01225 400164Saltford Morning Townswomen’s Guild Mrs Audrey Lewis 01225 873434Saltford Orchestra Carol Mills 01225 837972Saltford Parish Council Tricia Golinski, Parish Clerk 01225 873300Saltford C.of E, Primary School PTA Andy Butterworth 01225 872185Saltford Scrabble Club Mrs F. Sheppard 01225 873773Saltford Sports Club Mrs Jo Ball 01225 874804Saltford Tuesday Morning Badminton Club Andrea Cooper 01225 872402Saltford Walkers Miss Helen Gilroy, 0117 986 8794Saltford Whist Club Malcolm Pearce 01225 872555Saltford W.I. Mrs S. Dando 01225 873917Saltford Wind Chamber Group Liz Harvey 01761 462208St. Mary’s Church Rev. G.R.W. Hall 01225 872275Wednesday Morning Badminton Group Caroleann Gratton 01225 873898

Saltford Hall web site address.Visit for information about events and activities in the Hall,

look at past issues of SCAN, or download the latest issue. You can also viewphotographs on our Facebook pages or join us on Twitter.

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Wansdyke Scouts’ Open Afternoon

The Annual General Meeting of Wansdyke Scouts took on a very different format this year. During the Open Afternoon, Scouts, Explorers and Network members gave short presentations about their experiences in Scouting. The meeting heard how 17-year old Explorer Scout Alex had learned to sail when he was a young Scout, initially in small Toppers, but now was crewing an ocean-going 60-foot Clipper Class sailing boat. Other presenta-tions included a report from 17 year-old Emma who had represented Wansdyke scouts at the world Jamboree which was held in Sweden last year, Saltford’s success in the national Scout archery

competition, and the activities of the newly-formed South Wansdyke Network for 18-25 year olds.Guests of honour included Jacob Rees-Mogg MP and Councillor Rob Appleyard, Chair of B&NES Council. Some of the guests were presented with badges after completing challenges involving health and fitness, science, and mini-pioneering with marshmallows and spaghetti.District Commissioner Janet Turner congratulated the leaders and lay supporters for a successful year which saw a healthy numerical growth in both youth members and adult leaders. She also said, “We are keen for strong links to be forged with our local communities as there are potentially so many ways in which we can help each other and it also brings about a strong community spirit in our young members.” She went on to present Chief Scout’s Long Service awards to Roger Lewis, chairman of Radstock scouts (15 years) and John Mander, district secretary (40 years).

Explorer Scouts Invest EightArgus Explorer Scout Unit based in Chelwood Road, Saltford, goes from strength to strength; they recently invested eight new members. Ex-

plorer Leader Mark Smee said “The challenge set was to build a structure capable of safely holding all forty of us for the investiture ceremony. It’s really great to see so many young people enjoying themselves and all getting on−the true spirit of scouting.” Argus has big plans for the future with several camps and D of E expeditions being organised. Especially exciting is a trip to Kandersteg, the In-ternational Scout Centre in Switzerland next Feb-ruary. Mark Smee said: “Kandersteg is an amazing place. We enjoy a week’s great skiing high in the Swiss Alps and get to meet other scouts from all over the world.”

1st Saltford Scout Troop Summer Camp

This year Saltford Scouts took thirty-three of its members to Cleavel Point, a delightful campsite right on the banks of Poole harbour. This was the first camp for many years when they had perfect weather all week and no rain. A great time was had by all that attended, and during the week the Scouts took part in a good mixture of activities, giving a blend of traditional Scouting combined with gaining some knowledge of the local area, and trying out some new adven-turous activities that were arranged by a local activity centre.

Emma & Alex with Jacob Rees-Mogg MP

Argus Explorers welcome 8 new members

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Saltford Afternoon WI

At the October meeting the group had their first AGM and all Officers were re-elected, and looking forward to an enjoyable year ahead. We had a very good quiz set by Jill Brennan and then re-freshments, which had been provided by members who had cooked their favourite recipe. Members were able to buy the recipe for a small donation.Our November meeting was a demonstration by Kathryn Smeaton on how to Rubber Stamp and create greeting cards. This was very interesting and we all were intrigued how the art of Rubber Stamping made such wonderful Christmas cards. Members were shown how to shrink a Father Christmas with a certain type of material, hot torch and skill. The December meeting will be a “Get into the festive mood” with entertainment , quiz and Christmas tea, and we look forward to seeing all members for an enjoyable afternoon.NOTE for your diary – we are holding a Soup/Ploughman’s lunch on Saturday 19th January 2013 - 12 noon until 2.00 - £5.00 per head and all welcome. Tickets will be available soon.

Saltford Women’s Institute

Our October meeting was our AGM and after the usual business our retiring president, Ann Mol-lard presented a cheque to Yvonne Knight from Keynsham Seals to help towards the purchase of a wheelchair for Holly. She also presented a cheque to Rodney Stone in aid of “Tools for Africa” based in Kingswood.

After the refreshments we had our AGM. Seven members retired from the committee and 6 new members were elected. A vote was taken and Sue Cooper was elected president for the next year. Ann Mollard, Valerie Thomas and Sylvia Dando were presented with plants and the remaining retiring members received a thankyou card.

At our November meeting the speaker gave an indepth account of his career in the Police force and the many changes that have occurred since the days of the Bobby on the beat. It proved to be a

very interesting and very amusing – at times – life story. A power cut at the start of our meeting only added to the evening’s atmosphere.

Forthcoming EventsSkittles: Saltford Sports Hall Friday 2nd December 2 - 4 pm Friday 4th January 2- 4 pm Social

Next Meeting: Main Hall, Saltford Hall Tuesday 11th December, 7.30 pm,

Christmas Party: Avon Room, Saltford HallTuesday 10th January, 7.30 pm, Speaker - “Avon Wildlife Trust”

Saltford Craft & NatterWe have had two successful craft days during September and October at which we made Christ-mas decorations, ideas for more will no doubt be forthcoming at our November meeting on 26th. If you are interested in any craft ( and a natter) do come along, we meet the last Monday of each month ( except December) in the Kelston room at Saltford Hall between 10am and 3pm

Saltford Orchestra WorkshopWe meet twice a term on a Friday morning in the Main Hall.We play major Symphonies/works under the baton of guest professional conductors.Competent upper strings are very welcome.

Saltford Scrabble ClubThis is a very friendly Club that meet once a week to enjoy a game of Scrabble. We can now take on a few new members and there is a warm welcome for anyone who would like to join us.We meet on Monday evenings at 7.30 pm in the Kelston Room, Saltford Hall or ring 01225 873773.

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St. Mary's

Pram Service10.30am, monthly on third Fridays,except August. Next meetings on 19th

October and 16th November. A shortservice in church followed byrefreshments in the church hall.All pre-school children and theirparents/carers are welcome.

Coffeeshop10.00 - 11.30am every Friday at HintonClose Meeting Room.All are welcome. Hot beverages andbiscuits only 30p!

Children and Youth GroupsFirst Steps – for 0-3 years from 9.30 –10.40 in the Church Hall, each Sunday(except 1st Sunday). We want even thesmallest children to be taught about theLord in a loving, safe and welcomingenvironment.Climbers and Scramblers (3-7 yrs)Explorers (7-10 yrs)9.30 - 10.40 a.m. in the Church Hall on2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month.

Pathfinders (10-13yrs)9.30 - 10.40 a.m. in the Church Hall on 3rd

and 4th Sundays of the month. 2nd Sundayin church.

On first Sundays our 9.30am service is forall ages so children and young peopleworship together with adults in church.

St. Mary’s After-School Club (7-11 yrs)3.15 – 4.45 pm weekly in term time onWednesdays in Saltford Primary School.This new after-school club is open to allchildren from Saltford School aged 7-11and includes Bible stories, crafts, games,snacks and prayer. Contact: Sue Cooper– tel: 872132


Teen Church11.15am on a 1st

Sunday in St Mary’s Church Hall, forteenagers. For more information follow thelink on our church website.

ServicesYou are welcome to come to any of ourservices. We meet at the followingTimes:First Sunday8.00 a.m. Holy Communion9.30 a.m. Family Service6.30 p.m. Evening PrayerSecond Sunday8.00 a.m. Holy Communion9.30 a.m. Family Communion6.30 p.m.Third SundayEvening Prayer9.30 a.m. Parish Communion6.30 p.m. Evening PraiseFourth Sunday9.30 a.m. Parish Communion

Special ServicesSunday October 7th 9.30amHarvest Festival Family Service6.30pm Harvest Festival Even-songSunday November 4th 6.30pm All SoulsEvensongSunday November 11th 10.55amRemembrance Sunday Service


Our Bottle Auction raised £200 in September and the members decided that this amount should go the The Rainbow Centre in Knowle, which is a charity giving support to traumatised young people.

In October we had a tasting of commercial wines presented to us by our friend Vernon Groves. On this occasion he selected wines from the old world, e.g. France/Spain and asked us to compare them with those from the new world, e.g. Chile/Australia. So we had two whites, a rose and two reds for comparison and finished up with a Rose Port.

The Annual Wine Competition was also held this evening enabling the members to match their wines across the classes. The first prize winners were:

White Table Dry Wine: Betty Haynes

Red Table Dry Wine: Percy Mellor

Rose Medium Dry Wine: Percy Mellor

White Sweet Wine: Percy Mellor

Dry Aperitif Wine: Betty Haynes

White/Golden Dessert Wine: Jim Haynes

Red Dessert Wine: Alan Dummott

Aperitif Sweet Wine: Angie Dummott

Medium Dry White Wine: Angie Dummott

Sloe Gin Angie Dummott

The overall winner, gaining most points in all classes, was Alan Dummott.

The judges, Peter and Carol Coombs and Marg

Gittins were thanked for their hard work and they were presented with a bottle of wine each.

We continued tasting in November, when Martin from Keynsham Homebrew Centre brought along five ciders and a Perry. One cider was his own (this was excellent), the rest of them were from the Bristol Cider Shop. Martin’s obvious enthusiasm in what he was doing and the quality of the ciders he was presenting, were very well received by his audience.

We are now looking forward to tasting our Mem-bers’ Recipes in December’s competition and also some Christmas cake as well as Port/Baileys.

The year will be rounded off by our Christmas Dance on Saturday 22nd December with dancing to Sound Company, a three piece band with lady singer, Colette. Entrance is by ticket only, there are still some tickets available @ £7 each. Please phone 01225 873493 for availability.

The season’s greetings go out to our members, their families and friends wishing them a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

If you would like any further information regarding the Wine Circle, please contact Alan Dummott on 01225 873493

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SALTFORD Short Mat Bowls ClubWe sometimes submit copy for inclusion in SCAN, but I wonder how many people know what Short Mat Bowls is. Even Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman of ‘Pointless’fame didn’t! We have short mats (45 x 6ft) stored at Saltford Hall. We unroll them on most Monday and Wednesday after-noons, and Friday evenings, to play bowls. The main noticeable difference from what the general public is aware of is a wooden block placed in the centre of the mat. We have some members who come along and enjoy the social aspect i.e. pleasant roll-up, tea and biscuits and a chat. Some play more competitively and are included in our teams, the Scallywags, Scamps and Sorcerers who play against other clubs in the Bristol and District League. Then we have those who are really keen and have been chosen to represent Avon playing in Inter-county matches. We have eight players (you may have seen their photo in the last edition of ‘Keynsham Voice’, very smart in their blazers ) who yesterday played against a team from Herefordshire in Bris-tol. So a comprehensive mix of abilities and we all play happily together at the Hall. We are always looking for new people to come and enjoy our sport. We offer an encouraging approach and coaching. No equipment is needed to start (just clean socks). Why not come along a give it a try. If you ‘phone our Secretary, Joan Hamblin on 01225 872389, she will arrange for some-one to greet you and guide you through the initial stages. Look forward to seeing you.

Association & Other NewsSCA is a Registered Charity—Number 222157

SALTFORD HALL BOOKING OFFICE01225 874081 E-mail: [email protected]

List of S.C.A. ContactsHon Chair SCA Steve Johnson 01225 872025Hon Vice Chair SCA Peter Dando 01225 873917Hon Treasurer SCA Chris Essex 01225 873878Hon Secretary SCA Sheila Bateman 01225 873474SCAN Distribution Stan Hamblin 01225 872389SCAN Editor e-mail: [email protected] 07770 750327Hall Manager Christopher Pope 01225 874081e-mail: [email protected] of Sectional Organisation ContactsSaltford Drama Club Liz James 01179 863530Saltford Short Mat Bowls Joan Hamblin 01225 872389Saltford Village Choir Julie Latham 01225 872336

NEW SCAN DISTRIBUTION COORDINATOR NEEDEDAfter many years of doing the job, Stan Hamblin is looking to pass the baton on to someone new and dare I say it younger! This rewarding role, needs just an hour or so every other month. When copies of SCAN arrive back from the printers, they usually arrive in bundles of 25 or 50. The coordinator needs to ensure that the correct number of copies are passed on to the next 5 distributors who in turn then distribute them out to each of their street delivery volunteers.If you would be interested in taking on this vital role, please ring the SCA Office on 01225 874081 or Stan on 01225 872389.Our thanks again to Stan for doing this job for many years.

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The Bath Spa Band

Saturday7.30 pm

Tickets £8.00

[email protected]



Saturday 1st December 2012

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Nov 28th The Panama Jazz Band

Dec 5th Roger Wells Dixie Hotshots

Dec 12th Dave Martin’s Jabbo Five

Dec 19th The New Society Jazz Band

Jan 2nd No Meeting

Jan 9th The Wonderland Band

Jan 16th Henry’s Hot 6

Jan 23rd Cass Casswell Allstars

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St. Mary’s Saltford Service10.30am, monthly on third Fridays, except August. Next meetings on 21st December and 18th January. A short service in church followed by refreshments in the church hall. All pre-school children and their parents/carers are welcome.

Children and Youth GroupsFirst Steps – for 0-3 years from 9.30 – 10.40 in the Church Hall, each Sunday (except 1st Sunday). We want even the smallest children to be taught about the Lord in a loving, safe and welcoming environ-ment.Climbers and Scramblers (3-7 yrs)Explorers (7-10 yrs)9.30 - 10.40 a.m. in the Church Hall on 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month.

Pathfinders (10-13yrs)9.30 - 10.40 a.m. in the Church Hall on 3rd and 4th Sundays of the month. 2nd Sunday in church.

On first Sundays our 9.30am service is for all ages so children and young people worship together with adults in church.

St. Mary’s After-School Club (7-11 yrs)3.15 – 4.45 pm weekly in term time on Wednesdays in Saltford Primary School. This new after-school club is open to all children from Saltford School aged 7-11 and includes Bible stories, crafts, games, snacks and prayer. Contact: Sue Cooper – tel: 872132 Teen Church11.15am on a 1st Sunday in St Mary’s Church Hall, for teenagers. For more information follow the link on our church website.

Advent Soup BowlIf you’re at home on a Monday lunchtime, come and join us for Soup and Cheese – Cost £1 – at the Guide Hut, Lansdown Road – 12.30 – 1.30 p.m. on Monday’s: 3rd, 10th, 17th and 24th December. Profit goes to Christian Aid.

Christmas ServicesNativity Play at 9.30a.m. and Pre-Christmas Praise at 6.30p.m. on Sunday 2nd December.Christingle Service at 4.00 p.m. on Sunday 9th December and Carol Service at 6.30 p.m. on Sunday 16th December.Blessing of the Crib Service at 5.00 p.m. on Christmas Eve and Midnight Communion at 11.15 p.m. Christmas Day – Parish Communion at 9.30 a.m. and Family Service at 11.00 a.m.

Advance Notice Charity Coffee Morning in Saltford Hall on Monday 11th February 2013 from 10.15 to 11.30am. Proceeds to Dorothy House and Macmillan Cancer Care.

ServicesYou are welcome to come to any of our services. We meet at the following times:First Sunday Third Sunday8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion9.30 a.m. Family Service 6.30 p.m. Evening Praise 6.30 p.m. Evening Prayer

Second Sunday Fourth Sunday8.00 a.m. Holy Communion 9.30 a.m. Parish Communion9.30 a.m. Family Communion6.30 p.m. Evening Prayer

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We are a warm- hearted bible believing Church and would be pleased to welcome you at any of the following meetings.

SUNDAY SERVICES11 am - Family Service for all age groups. We believe church should be enjoyed NOT endured.Junior Church (ages 3 upwards) including a variety of bible based crafts & stories.6.00 pm - Teaching Ministry open for anyone to at-tend who want a slightly more serious bible study.Both services are followed by refreshments and friendly fellowship in an informal atmosphere.(Crèche facilities available during both services).

Other weekly meetings include:MONDAY - FOOD FOR THOUGHT 1ST Monday of the month12:30pm - 1:30pm - Offering a variety of soups, cakes and fresh coffee or tea, for any adults (50+) join us for friendly conversation over lunch, includ-ing a 5 minute thought from the Bible

TUESDAY - MUMS & TODDLERS and SALTFORD UNDER 3’S 9.30am - 11.30am - Mums and dads, grandparents and child minders - why not join us for a cup of tea or coffee while your children play in a safe and friendly environment.

WEDNESDAY - PRAYER MEETING & BIBLE STUDYA more in depth study of the bible and related matters, including vibrant discussion and practical application. We firmly believe that prayer works and unashamedly pray for our community and the needs of those who attend and others.

FRIDAY - CHILDRENS CLUBSRocket Kidz: 6:30-7:30pmAimed at 4-8 yr olds, fun and games, crafts and signing followed by refreshments with a Bible story. So come along meet Rocket and start col-lecting your points for prizes.

REGENERATE: 6:30-8:00pm (New Time)Designed for 8-15 yr olds to have fun; including traditional bible teaching, refreshments and games (table tennis, table football or snooker) and for those who like it quieter, we offer crafts and com-puter games. The evening ends with a brief Q&A session where relevant issues are discussed.

So for either club why not have some peace for a while, drop your children off, and let us do the rest! (Contact forms required prior to attending)-------------------------------------------------------------CHRISTMAS EVENTS;

Carols by Candlelight: Sunday 16th December 2012 You will be warmly welcomed to join us for our friendly service including many of your favourite carols and after to stay for hot mince pies, cakes and refreshments.

Christmas Day Service 10:30Please come and join us as we thank God for the greatest gift we could ever receive and celebrate the birth of our LORD and Saviour.-------------------------------------------------------------Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:“Glory to God in the highest,And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2:10-14)

Please contact Steve Greedy on 07901601232 or 01225 874520We do not charge for any of our meetings or activities.

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