Harnessing the power of social media in disaster response

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Slides from the Master of Science in Business Continuity Management webinar entitled "Harnessing the Power of Social Media in Disaster Response Marketing". This webinar was held on Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 1:00 PM EDT. The presenters were: John Orlando, Harvey Betan, and Gerry Lewis. When disaster strikes, people around the world look for ways to help. But until recently, most people had no way to contribute. Social media has changed all that. To view this webinar, visit http://businesscontinuity.norwich.edu/webinars.php

Transcript of Harnessing the power of social media in disaster response

Master of Science in Business Continuity Management businesscontinuity.norwich.edu

Master of Science in Information Assuranceinfoassurance.norwich.edu

John Orlando, Ph.D

Hal Newman

Harvey Betan, CBCP MBA

Gerry Lewis, Ph.D

Andy Carvin--http://tedxnyed.com

Texting to direct firefighters• RV club blogged to find RV housing

Information sharing More relevant More accurate Regular media uses social media

“Most of the news media … are utterly clueless about anything in rural areas. They constantly gave out bogus information, like locations and directions that made no sense at all.”

“national news websites were completely worthless as they ignored everything except the comparatively minor Malibu fire which burned near some celebrity homes.”

“the only way we all have to get good information here is for those who have it to share it. We relied on others to give us updates when they had info and we do the same for others.”Backchannels on the Front Lines: Emergent Uses of Social Media in the 2007 Southern

California Wildfires

Established an SMS Short Code (4643) Sent to all cell phones in Haiti

Collected 6,000 distress messages300 actions

10,000 people assisted

Posted Requests for help Offers of help

“Studies of evacuation at times of crises have now been undertaken for the last 50 years. They have consistently shown that at times of great crises, much of the organized behavior is emergent rather than traditional. In addition, it is of a very decentralized nature, with the dominance of pluralistic decision making, and the appearance of imaginative and innovative new attempts to cope with the contingencies that typically appear in major disasters.”– “Who Was in Charge of the Massive Evacuation of

Lower Manhattan?”

Confuse USE and CAUSE: Social media use in disasters IS NOT

social media caused disastersFallacy of Infallibility

Regular newsources ARE NOT infallibleAssumption of Control

Assume that limiting information channels controls information flow

• Questions• Comments• Examples• Suggestions

Create a social media platform for your organization Connect employees to one another Ask for assistance Share information



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