Grange Solar time Boomtown Black codes Great plains Vigilante Buffalo soldier Reservation

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Transcript of Grange Solar time Boomtown Black codes Great plains Vigilante Buffalo soldier Reservation

1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy

2. Parliament – The English law making body

3. Zenger Trial – established Freedom of the press4. Middle Passage- terrible journey slaves took across the Atlantic Ocean 5. slave codes- rules restricting the freedoms of slave (reading, writing, travel )6. apprentice- when one learns a trade from an expert. (blacksmith, printer, cooper )7. triangular trade – trade routes used to transport good and people during the Colonial Period (1607-1776). Rum, Cod, Slaves, sugar , etc.

8. Salem Witch Trial - 1692in Salem Massachusetts, 20 were hanged, one pressed to death!9. mills- a place where grain is crushed10. League of Iroquois- five Indian tribes that banned together to promote peace between their tribes and to ensure safety in case anyone of the tribes were attacked

• . Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy

2. Parliament – The English law making body

3. Zenger Trial – established Freedom of the press4. Middle Passage- terrible journey slaves took across the Atlantic Ocean 5. slave codes- rules restricting the freedoms of slave (reading, writing, travel )6. apprentice- when one learns a trade from an expert. (blacksmith, printer, cooper )7. triangular trade – trade routes used to transport good and people during the Colonial Period (1607-1776). Rum, Cod, Slaves, sugar

• 7. triangular trade – trade routes used to transport good and people during the Colonial Period (1607-1776). Rum, Cod, Slaves, sugar , etc.

8. Salem Witch Trial - 1692in Salem Massachusetts, 20 were hanged, one pressed to death!9. mills- a place where grain is crushed10. League of Iroquois- five Indian tribes that banned together to promote peace between their tribes and to ensure safety in case anyone of the tribes were attacked

• Grange

• Solar time

• Boomtown

• Black codes

• Great plains

• Vigilante

• Buffalo soldier

• Reservation

• Sodbuster

• Homestead act

• Wounded knee

• Geronimo

• Sitting bull

• Transcontinental RR

• Standard time

• Battle of little big horn

• 11. Albany Plan of Union- Ben Franklin’s proposal to unite the colonies in 1754

12. Join or Die- cut up snake political cartoon by B. Franklin encouraging the colonies to unite.

13. French and Indian War 1756-1763- War between France and Brittan to control land in North America. 14. Battle of Quebec- Helped British win French and Indian War

15. Proclamation of 1763- forbid the colonist from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains

16. Stamp Act- British Tax on all paper products (newspapers, books, legal documents, playing cards)

17. Son’s of Liberty- group that promoted independence from Brittan. Sam Adams was leader.

18 .Townshend Act- taxes on paper, paint, tea, glass

19 Writs of Assistance- like a search warrant used to enter into business during the colonial time period.

20. propaganda- information designed to persuade a person toward a particular belief. 21. Boston Massacre – Five people were killed


• 22. Boston Tea Party- 342 chests of British tea were dumped into the harbor, this was upsetting to King George the third!

# 23

• Intolerable Acts-

• closed Boston Harbor

• Shut down colonial assemblies

• Sent troops

• Soldiers accused of capital crimes were to have trial in England


• Loyalist- wanted to stay connected to the British

• Patriot- wanted to start a new cournty

#26 Battle of Bunker Hill

• First BIG battle between militia and British

• In Boston 1000 British people were killed or wounded, 400 Americans people were killed or wounded


• Declaration of Independence

• July 4, 1776

• “ We hold these truths to be self evident…


• Valley Forge- Terrible winter for the New Continental Army 1777/78

• Lots of me deserted


• Battle of Yorktown

• Last major battle

• American victory

• No doubt

• I mean redout!

This is a Redoubt at Yorktown


• Treaty of Paris end the Rev. War 1783

• #30 Articles of Confederation- the new nations constitution. Did not work well. Remember when Daniel Shays got out of hand! The states had too much power. It got dumped at the Constitutional Convention.

• 30. Treaty of Paris- ended the war in 1783

• 31. Articles of Confederation- new constitution 1781. we had no president, and a weak national government

• 32. Northwest Ordinance- rules governing the NW. MI, OH, IN, WI, IL . No slavery, freedom of religion, trial by jury

33. Weakness of A. of C. - the national government was weak. Difficult to make laws, could not regulate trade between states

34. Shays Rebellion – Shays led a rebellion in Massachusetts . People realized the need for a strong national, unified government

• 35. Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, 1787

• 36. Checks and Balance- the ability of each branch of government to exercise controls over the other branches Page 242

• 37. Federal System- the sharing of power between the Federal and State governments

• 38. Precedent- the example for others to follow

• 39. Tariff- taxes on imports

• 40. Capital- in Washington D. C. (also, items used for business like computes, trucks)

• 41. Strict Construction- law makers can only do what the Constitution defines

• 42. Loose Construction- Law makers can do anything that is “necessary and proper”

• 43. Whiskey Rebellion – Pennsylvania Farmers rebelled over the whiskey tax. Remember the movie.

• 44. Political parties – group of people that try to influence the government.

• 45. Alien and Sedition Acts- Laws that restricted freedoms to criticize the government

• 46. Barbary Pirates- North African pirates demanded tribute (bribes) from American ships. T. Jefferson sent ships to end the demands. We won but it took many years

• 47. Louisiana Purchase – 15 m from France

• 48. Lewis and Clark 1804-1806 explored Louisiana Territory

• 49. War of 1812 – the rematch! We won but it was close. We were upset with British impressment of our sailors (about 6000)

• 50. Impressment- kidnapping sailors by British

• 51. Embargo Act of 1807 – American ships could not sail out of the harbor. T. Jefferson wanted to eliminate impressment

• 52. War Hawks- those who encourage War!

• 53. Blockade- Naval ships that stop the use of harbors.

• 54. Battle of Lake Erie- American victory, during the War of 1812, on Lake Erie. Gave us control of the Great Lakes

55.Marbury v. Madison- established the power of Judicial Review

• 56. Judicial Review- the power the Supreme Court has to strike down a law (because it does not agree with the Constitution)

• 57. Monroe Doctrine- President Monroe said European countries are no longer welcome to settle in the Americas

• 58. National Road- first major East – West road built by tax dollars

• 59. Erie Canal 1825- Albany to Buffalo

• 60. Industrial Revolution- Marked the time when products were no longer made by hand but by machine.

• 61. Sam Slater’s Spinning Mill in Pawtucket Rhode Island- first factory in AMERICA!

• 62. Clearmont- first steam power boat. New York to Albany – Robert Fulton

• 63. Cotton Gin- Eli Whitney , 1793 , machine cleaned cotton

• 64. Nat Turner- 1831 slave rebellion

• 65. Indian Removal Act 1830- all Indians East of the Mississippi River must move to the West of Mississippi

• 66. Doctrine of Nullification- idea that a state had the right to nullify a federal law they felt was unconstitutional

• 67. John C. Calhoun- War Hawk, Secessionist, South Carolina Senator, VP under Jackson

• 68. temperance – those who would like to see alcohol made illegal

• 69. Abolitionists- fought to end slavery in a variety of ways