Post on 13-Jan-2017

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GRADE 8 INTERIOR DESIGN TUTORIAL: KITCHEN ISLAND1. Open Google SketchUp. If your file contains a person standing on the ground near the origin, click the Erasertool and erase him.

2. This project begins with a circle on the “ground.” So from the main SketchUp menu, choose Camera /Standard Views / Top. You should see the word “Top” at the top left corner of the SketchUp window.

3. Draw a rectangle similar to this one.

4. Click the push/pull tool. Pull the rectangle up about 5’.

5. Orbit so that you are facing the rectangle head-on, and click the second corner of the rectangle so that it looks something like this.

6. Use the Line tool and draw 3 lines inside of the rectangle, starting somewhere along the top. Be sure to click only when you see the “On Face” popup, otherwise you might make lines that stick straight out from the face.

7. Erase the unnecessary sides.

8.Use the select tool and select all 4 sides at the top of the rectangle. Then, click the follow me tool and click the cross-section face


9. After using the follow me tool, your rectangle should have a mantel on it.

10.Use the push/pull tool and push in the back about 0.5’.

11. Change the camera views to top. Erase the rectangle located on the top.

12. Go to the paint bucket and design your island however you like!

13. Go to the 3D Warehouse and add chairs to your island if you want to.

14. You’re done! Save to your user space.