Got Life - November/December 11 New Life Temple Church Newsletter

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A newsletter for spiritual enrichment for the Body of Christ

Transcript of Got Life - November/December 11 New Life Temple Church Newsletter


Nov/Dec 1

Got Life

Don’t Celebrate Your Haters, Pray for Them

How many times have we heard the phrase, or even said it, “My haters...”? Yep, I’m guilty too.

However, sometime back I became rather put off by the phrase as I continued to see it constantly spewed across various social networking sites.

Then it hit me! Why do we celebrate people “hating” on us? It’s almost like we get this twisted kick out of people “hating on me”. Some people even use it as a means to make their wrong right.

“See, everybody be hating on me. But wait till I make it, then they gonna be sick! Yea!”

“I’m gonna shout right in front of my haters! You talked about me, but look at me now”

Wow! Really?

I can’t help but start to laugh at how...well, childish that sounds. And I’m not trying to point fingers, because I’ve been guilty of being caught up in the My Hater’s cult.

But if we really think about it, dancing in front of my haters is not the Christ like behavior that God wants me to display.

Let me reword it to show you what we really are saying.

“I’m going to shout right in front of all the people who have been jealous of me, and who have been backbiting and lying on me. I’m going to give them something to be jealous about, something to gossip about when I get my blessings! Nah!”

Why, as a Christian, would I want my brother or sister in Christ to be jealous or continue to sin due to me being blessed?

Does someone else’s jealousy towards my blessing make me happy?

One day while thinking about a resent event, I realized I don’t want anyone to ever be envious or jealous of me. If they are jealous of my blessings, my calling, my anointing, my opportunities in life then they are missing out on the ones God has for them.

continued on page 6

A newsletter about spiritual enrichment for the Body of Christ

Knowing The Time

An address from the Senior Pastor.Page 2

Words From Our Ministries.Page 6

What’s Going OnThe monthly calendar, birthdays and anniversaries, and Daniel’s Fast resource information. Page 3

Church InformationNLTC ministry staff, service information and statement of faith.Page 12

A Monthly Newsletter Nov/Dec ’11

The Lite SideBiblical principles through humor Page 9

The Lite



2 Nov/Dec


My goodness, where did this year go! I guess where all the years before have gone.

As I look back at 2011, there are moments that seem a distant memory. But other “months ago” events seem to have just happen a few weeks back. Truly, time is flying by.

I can’t help but wonder how many times this year I have rushed the days or weeks so that “special hour” would hurry and come, only to say later, “man, I can’t believe it’s already over!”

There were trips I couldn’t wait to take, annual festivals I looked forward to, the change of season, and those things I couldn’t wait until they were over and done with.

Now those minutes, hours, and days are gone forever. I can’t ever recapture even one of those rushed minuets.

It’s funny, because even now I have that feeling of, “I can’t wait until the holiday season hurries up and get here!” But what will each of those minutes leading up to my anticipated moment bring? In their own way, they can be special.

In fact each one of these days leading up to the holiday season and the new year are moments I can use to do what I didn’t do the other 10 months of 2011.

So before we rush the rest of the year away, what is it that we can get done in these last weeks of 2011 that we promised ourselves we would do?

In other words, forget about waiting until the new year to make those horrible resolutions. How about looking at what you can still do in 2011.

Do you need to adopt a healthier lifestyle, spend more time with your family, build up your relationship with God, visit that special person, research what school offers that area of discipline?

Make use of the “now” time, and end this year well.

O Taste and See that the Lord is Good1Peter 2:2By Bishop Brenda K. Perry

Psalms 139:14, “I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvelous are your works, and that my soul knows very well.” How God forms us is awesome. Romans 1:20 tells us that God has shown His greatness, awesomeness, and power by the things we see every day, and we take it for granted. God gives us the natural so we can attain, or grasp, that which is spiritual. He does this because He wants us to grow in the grace and knowledge of who He is. As we grow, we can become less dysfunctional, and become more functional in the spiritual ream.

God gracefully allowed me the honor to see Naomi Renee Troncoso come into this world. But what caused me to be at awe, or amazed with God, is how He designs us so that the baby needs its Mother, yet it can survive without her. However, for the child to receive its benefits, it would do well to stay with the Mother. God has design the mother in such a way that in the long run the child will be blessed greatly. It is very discomforting and sometimes painful to the Mother, but still there are many benefits for the Mother and the baby.

When we look in the spiritually realm and when it comes to bringing forth new babies in the Lord, it sometimes become discomforting and inconvenient when feeding them in the grace of the Lord. It takes skill

and compassion for the Mother to lead that newborn to the breast, and get them to suck to obtain the substance that will bring nutriment for growth. Likewise the body of Christ must have the word of God in us so that we are able to nurture new born babies in Jesus. II Timothy 2:15 reads, “Study to show thyself

continue on page 4

A Cheerful Heart (Be Happy, Learn to Laugh)John 14:1-Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me.

Matt. 5:3-11

By Minister Isaac Bazile

When I look at the world and all of the tragedies seen in the news, and the current state of our nation’s economy, it’s very difficult to be a Christian, let alone have a cheerful heart. How can we find laughter in anything today, when our attitude toward life is so negative? The question has been asked, “What is happiness? How do we find it?” We can find it in the word of God. The word of God encourages us not to let our hearts be troubled in John 14:1. It is becoming more and more difficult to be happy or have a cheerful heart, if we determined happiness by what we see day to day. A recent poll was taken and the results tell us that 63% of Americans believe that happiness is a worthy goal for life. Sixty-three percent. If you want to discover a formula, or the secret for happiness, then I think you have to look at the beatitudes. It is here Jesus said, "Blessed" or to be congratulated or to be happy and He gives us the formula

continue on page 4


Nov/Dec 3

Looking AheadPlease mark your calendars for the upcoming events for November & December

NOVEMBER3-5 Annual Staff Planning Retreat8 Leadership Prayer11 Veteran's Day13 Deacon’s Holiday Dinner24 Thanks Giving Day25 Office Closed

DECEMBER4 Senior Connection Annual Christmas Dinner Fundraiser10 Leadership Prayer & Staff Meeting14 Church Celebration Pot Luck Dinner23-26 Church office closed for Holiday25 Christmas Day31 New Year’s Service

Birthdays & Anniversaries

Monthly birthdays and anniversaries of NLTC members. If your birthday is not listed, email the church office.

Nov 1! ! Phelisia Shepard

Nov 4! ! Ray Dodd, Jr

Nov 10! ! Nicholas Sword

Nov 12 !! Marrissa Davila

Nov 14! ! Kija Colemon

Nov 17! ! Dell Powell

Nov 20! ! LaNeil Alexander

Nov 21! ! Steve Stephens

Nov 23! ! Jasia Smith

Nov 27! ! Kevin Bates

Nov 30! ! Thomas Clark


LaNeil & Delesa Alexander Nov 3

Raymond & Capricious Wright Nov 4

Samuel & Margaret Darden Nov 17

Darnell & Gladys Simmons Nov 20

Dec 3! ! Armsted Chambers, Sr

Dec 4! ! Madell King

Dec 6! ! Brian Conner

Dec 8! ! Larry White

Dec 10! ! Ruth Knox

Dec 10! ! Sonja Blouin

Dec 10! ! Phoebe Roquemore

Dec 11! ! DeLesa Alexander

Dec 11! ! Kristina Davila

Dec 12! ! Eldora Christian

Dec 13! ! Margeret Brown

Dec 15! ! Lela Chambers

Dec 18! ! Pam Clark

Dec 19! ! Danielle Hardiman

Dec 20! ! Floyd Patterson

Dec 23! ! Winifred O’Conner

Dec 28! ! Marva Coney

Dec 30! ! Clara Britton

Dec 31! ! Katie Alimon!

! Anniversaries

Warren & Robbin Green

Dec 13

Elmer & Catherine Powell

Dec 23


4 Nov/Dec

O Taste continued from page 2

approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” The Bible tells us to be able to give answers to all that desire the “hope” that lies within you. Nothing is as terribly bad as to think someone that has been saved for a long period of time, and not able to give what is needed to help bring growth in a new born.

The Mother produces in the breast a substance that is called “colostrums.” This substance is very concentrated and full of nutrient, antibodies, and high protein. The milk of the mother is developed a few days later because there a need for “colostrums” to help move that which is call “meconium.” The first stool (poop) that the baby has is “meconium”. That’s the black and tar looking stuff. If this is not removed from the baby “jaundice” will set in. This is the yellow discoloration that babies get because they are not getting rid of “bilirubin” fast enough. “Bilirubin” is a substance found in the blood. The more the baby feeds, the more they peep and poop and release the “bilirubin.” Going under the phototherapy lights also helps them to get rid of this. If the problem isn’t taken care of it can eventually lead to irreversible brain damage.

This is a very deep and long study. However, it is a subject that can give light and spiritual insight of God’s holy word in showing how very

important it is to instill the Word of Life in a new born baby.

We know in Psalm 138 that His Word is above His name, and Hebrew 4:12, “For the Word of God is quick (living) and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” There are many more scriptures that can be added in showing how the Word of God cleanses and sanctifies the spiritual person. Psalm 51:5, “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me.” Roman 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Sin is death, black, dark and no light or life can be found in it. So we that are spiritual, and save by God’s amazing grace, should have these spiritual “colostrums” in them to help put spiritual nutrient in that new soul. You can tell how the old man is being destroyed and leaving their life by their testimony, their desire for the Word, and the things of the Lord. They have set their face like a flint. Philippians tells us, “Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

I Peter 2:2, “As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby.” When you read the scriptures above verse two we see that Peter was exhorting saints of

God to godliness. In verse one, chapter two, Peter exposes the hidden darks which takes the pure Word of God to destroy. Jesus said except you become like a child. Jesus and Peter did not tell us to become a child, or a new born baby, but to desire, hunger for the Word. Have that child like faith that will allow the power of the Word of God to take hold and destroy that which is not pure. No matter if you are a new born in Christ, or a mature Christian in him, we will never be able to stand against the wile and hand of the enemy. God’s word is light to my feet and a lamp to my path way; my rock that I stand upon, and my sword that defeats the enemy. Most of all, God’s word is where I have learned of who He is, and built my faith upon. God’s word is sweeter than the honey comb, and more precious than silver and gold.

Cheerful Heart continued from page 2

for happiness there in the very familiar opening words of His Sermon on the Mount.

The culture in which we live believes the way to happiness is a direct opposite to what Jesus presented in the Beatitudes in the opening introductory words of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus says this is the way to happiness. But we look at the world today, and they have taken the Beatitudes, and reversed them. They've turned them wrong side out.

Continue on page 5


Nullam arcu leo, facilisis ut 5

Matthew, Chapter 5, verse 3, Jesus said, "Blessed or happy are the poor in spirit..."Is that what the world says today? No, the world says happy are those who are independent; those who are proud. Verse 4, "Happy are those who mourn..."That's not what we see in our world, is it? We say happiness comes from through laughter. Verse 5, "Blessed are the gentle or the meek..."We'd say, "Oh no, blessed are the tough-minded." Those who are firm. That's the standard of our society, is it not? Verse 6, "Happy are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness..."Humph! No, we wouldn't buy that happy are those who hunger and thirst after pleasure. That's where our world is. Verse 7, "Happy are the merciful..."Oh, no. We say happy are those who hold their ground. Blessed are the pure in heart? No, happiness comes to those who have all sorts of dreams, and all sorts of fantasies, and all sorts of evil imaginations."Bless are the peacemakers..."Oh, no. We say blessed are those who refuse to give in when they're faced with conflict. That's the business standard; that's the world's standards. Verse 10, "Blessed, happy are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake..."Oh, no. Happy are those who fight back when someone deals unjustly with you or me.

Verse 11, "Happy are those when men cast insults at you..."Oh, no. We want popularity. Happy are those who are popular. And everybody will speak a good word about them.

Jesus is either wrong or our culture is wrong. And the problem we have, Brothers and Sisters, is that you and I, we are a product of this culture because there are so many books that are written to support the standards of this culture. I say, that Jesus is always right.

The bible helps us to learn how to be happy in our hearts and in life even though the world is finding other ways to be happy. We must learn to laugh. The Bible teaches that a relaxed, happy attitude actually lengthens a man's life, and uncontrolled negative emotions shorten a man's life. It is approaching life with a happy heart. Laughter is not a luxury. It is essential for a balanced life and healthy well being. According to the Bible, a happy heart serves the rest of the body acontinual feast. Laughter is better than taking steroids or popping pills. It provides a natural high and a lasting lift for the entire body. Laughter lifts us emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Be happy, learn to laugh.

Minister Isaac J. Bazile serves as director of the men’s ministry of NLTC

Continue from page 1

Jealousy means there is hurt, unforgivness, bitterness, low self esteem, and the list goes on and on. So how could I celebrate or dance in the face of my brother or sister who is suffering with such weights?

When a person is in a place where we would call them a “hater”, they are in a dangerous place. They are spiritually vulnerable and open for offenses, mistrust, rebellion and sin.

When we look at it from this angle, getting excited and pointing the proverbial finger at our hating brother or sister in Christ just seems unloving and caring.

Instead of celebrating those who “put their mouth” on you, or are jealous of what God has or is doing in your life, pray that they will loose focus of you and gain sight of what God has purposed for them.

A hater is simply a person who no longer has sight of their purpose so they enviously focus on yours.

And while that may make some twisted individuals happy, most of us have to be moved to pray for that sort of person.

The next time you go to celebrate your hater, pray for them to regain focus of their purpose.

Mel A. Perry serves as Global Relations Director and Assistant Pastor of NLTC


6 January

We are looking for ministry writers to represent ministries here at NLTC. Each month leaders or ministry members are welcomed to submit an article for the “ministry section” of Got Life.I f you would like more information about submitting articles, once or on a monthly bases, please email

Outreach Ministry


Genesis 16:1-2 reads “Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. And she had an Egyptian maidservant whose name was Hagar. So Sarai said to Abram, “See now, the Lord restrained me from bearing children. Please, go into my maid; perhaps I shall obtain children by her.” And Abram heeded the voice of Sarai.”

I once read an illustration that said, “A friend went to visit the great preacher Phillip Brooks and found him pacing the floor like a caged lion. His friend asked, what’s the trouble, Dr. Brooks?” He replied, “The trouble is that I’m in a hurry and God is not.”

Abraham could have identified with those feelings. God had promised him a son but, from a human perspective, time was running out. In fact, with Abraham nearly 86 and Sarah 76 years old, most people would have said that time had already run out. Obviously God needed help. In the Ancient Near East, it was acceptable for a barren woman to give her maid as a substitute to bear children for her, so Sarah suggested Abraham take Hagar and let her bear his child. In his hurry, Abraham ran ahead of God and the consequences are still felt in the Middle East today. The Arab nations (descended from Ishmael, the son of the maid servant) and Israel (descended from Abraham's legitimate heir, Isaac) continues to be bitter enemies.

I’m afraid many of us can also identify with the illustration. We often become anxious when the petitions we placed before God hasn’t materialized according to our time frame. Statistics tell us that that about 10%, or 27 million people, is taking

some type of anti-depression as a result of anxiety.

Unfortunately, we too often exercise the world’s microwave type mentality. We seek fast food restaurants, shop for foods that can be quickly cooked in the microwave, and look for the express line in the stores. This same mentality we have brought into our walk with God. We expect drive through breakthroughs. At some point our anxiety says, “Help God out. If you do this, or if you do that, things will come together much faster.” Sounds familiar?

God not only has a divine will, He also has an eternal timetable. Just as the apostle Paul reminded Christians that in "the fullness of time" God sent His Son (Gal. 4:4) and "in due time Christ died for the ungodly" (Rom.5:6), so God has a schedule for everything in our lives as well. We certainly don't want to lag behind God's agenda, but it's equally disastrous to run ahead of it.

As you seek God's will for your life, seek His timetable as well. Don't let your impatience carry you ahead of God. To do the right thing at the wrong time makes the right thing the wrong thing.

Wisdom says to keep in step with God's time as well as His will.

Elder Johnson, Outreach Director

New Life Temple MinistriesWords from our ministries



Nov/Dec 7

There is Much Work To Be Done....

and We Need YOU!

Kingdom Building In Progress

Connect With A Ministry Todayserve as a ministry worker or take part in the fellowship

Men of the Tower, Ladies of the Light, Young People On Fire, Children With Purpose, Marriage, Music, Sunday School, Outreach, Maintenance, Hospitality, Audio/Video, Communications, Senior Connection (NLEC)

We need your help in completing the Kingdom Work Project

For more information on ministries, please call 713-991-5972 or email


8 Nov/Dec

Guest Writers Wanted

If you would like to share a thought or an article with our readers, we invite you to

contact us at

or 713-991-5972 for more information.



NLTC - For family

NLTCNews - For NLTC friends

NLTC Got Life


Blessed Holidays & Merry Christmas

Holiday Family Enrichment Weeks

November 21 - 26December 19 - 24

Enjoy your family during this holiday season. Week Day services are canceled during these weeks


Nov/Dec 9

Recently I was hanging

out with some girlfriends in

Chicago. You know when ladies get together there is

bound to be some crazy laughter.

When we get together, there are no topics that are off the table, including Relationships.

Now you have to know my girls Gigi and Shanida. They are PKs, who grew up in the church, and stayed in the church. And like me laughing, is what keeps them sane. So when they open their mouths to talk, if you don’t like to laugh, o’ well.

As the 4 of use, my BFF included, moved about Chicago we exchanged stories about any and everything.

Some how we got on the topic of church duds who like to be supper spiritual. And it was Shanida who had the story that Trinetia and I would talk about well after that day.

My girl Shanida once went on a date with one of those deeply spiritual guys. I’m sure you have crossed paths with those kind of people. They border on the spooky side, yea that type. Just kidding.

Now rule number one: if you are on a date, this is not the time to show how spiritually deep you are. Like for real dud!

Anyway, the guy leans over to her and says, “Have you ever just sat and listened to the wind to hear what God is saying?”

I don’t know what comes to your mind when you read this, but I’m thinking along the lines of Edgar Allen Poe’s The Raven.

The guy was supper serious. But still that is like the date killer for real!

My mother didn’t allow us to watch scary movies. But for some reason the thought of a guy saying he sits around listening to the wind to see what God is saying, just makes me want to hid under the covers until the boogie man is gone. Uh, dud that’s what the Bible is for. LOL!

We laughed the whole day about that one. To be honest, Trinetia and I laughed for days about it. Poor guy!

This brings to mind an even more recent conversation I was having with a couple of girlfriends over breakfast at one of my favorite Saturday breakfast hangouts.

One of the ladies asked what is with all of these new churchy phrases? To be honest I have no idea how or who comes up with these spiritual church clichés.

For some reason we create these terms that we hear one person say while they are preaching, and we make them the new catch phrase. It’s like if I say them I will catch something anointed and it will oooz all over me.

But what do they all really mean?

My friend asked what does the “Oil” mean? “I keep seeing it on twitter, the ‘oil’”.

Because I’m a silly person, I just laughed. Now seriously, what does “the oil” mean? For some reason just saying “the anointing” has become to hard, so we have now termed it “the oil”. “That sister has the oil! Shama!”

Yea, I’m sure a few of you reading this just chuckled, against your will.

The number one modern church spiritual phrase of the 21st century is, “taking me in” or “took me in”. I’m cracking up just thinking about it.

“That sister had the oil all over her! That song just took me in! My Gawd!”

Why do you need a song to “take you in”? I mean really. We get caught up in saying things that sound ubber spiritual,

but may not actually be biblically sound. Yep, Ive done it too!

When I think of it, this may be part of the problem in our modern Sunday services. We need the right song to take us in. When in fact,we should have come to church already entering into the presence of God.

Is the richness of my morning devotion, or personal time with God, predicated on the right song taking me in?

I do believe there are times when we will hear a song and it will minister to us and excite us to just stay in the presence of God. Or while spending time with God we will play some songs of worship as we continue to minister unto God.

But we should experience more of God taking us in than a song or a person taking us in.

When we have a relationship with God, He will take “us in” in our sleep. You can be in the bathroom and He will take you there!

My point? No matter how supper spiritual we want to come across as, no matter how many church clichés we use, the depth of our relationship with God 1. is based on your realness and time with Him 2. does not mean we have to be churchy when we are out enjoying friends 3. should not spook others out.

In truth, church clichés will always be with us. And no, they are not necessarily wrong to use, though they don’t always make sense. But if you use them, give them a break every now and then. And no, I really don’t want to know about your wind ministry, lol.

On a serious note, though. God can use anything to speak to us. He can use the sound of a train, the rustling of the trees, the rush of the wind or the stillness of a moment.

Just make sure you know the proper time to share that with others. A first date probably is not the right time.

The Lite


“Who Comes Up

With This”


10 Nov/Dec

NLTC Ministry Leaders

Bishop Brenda K. Perry, Senior Pastor

Pastor Steve Stephens, Associate Pastor

Pastor Elmer Powell, Associate Pastor

Donna Ross-Powell, Administrator

Karen Watson, Financial Manager

Mel A. Perry, Global Relations Director

Deacons Roy & Veronica Seivwright, Head Deacons

Pastor Elmer & Cathy Powell, Marriage Min.

Minister Isaac Bazile, Men of the Tower

Donna Stephens, Ladies of the Light

Towanna Thompson, Perfecting Light Ministry

Elder Edna Johnson, Outreach

Statement of Faith

We believe in one eternal God; infinite in power, holy in nature, attributes and purpose, as well as omniscient and omnipresent.

We believe this one true God, who revealed Himself as Father in Creation, as Son in redemption, and as Holy Ghost in regeneration.

We believe that - in Him (Jesus) dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. For it pleased the Father that in Him should all fullness dwell.

We believe in the death, burial and resurrection.

We believe in being born again of water-by immersion in the name of the Lord “Jesus” Christ for the remission of sins, and in Spirit baptism of the Holy Ghost - speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.

We believe in divine healing, communion and foot washing.

We believe in presenting our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God.

We believe in expressions of praise with lifted hands, hand clapping, playing of musical instruments, voice of praise and dancing.

The purpose of New Life Temple Church is to instill the faith of Jesus Christ into the lives of all people, bringing them into spiritual perfection with a spirit of excellence.

Weekly Service Schedule

SundaySunday School! ! ! 9:00amSunday Worship ! ! 10:00am

WednesdayPastoral Bible Study! ! 7:30pmYoung People On Fire! ! 7:30pm

ThursdayMusic Ministry! ! ! 7:30pm

Saturday! ! !Intercessory Prayer! ! 9:00am

*Senior Connection Monday - Friday 10:00am - 2:00pm for all seniors 60+

New Life Temple Church

4828 Almeda Genoa Houston, TX 77048
