Final music video producion evaluation

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Final music video producion evaluation

Music Video Evaluation

For this task we had to work in a small group or pair to put together a music video. My partner was Nicole and she gave us

the idea of doing it fitness related, we then chose the song ‘Robert Miles – Children’ and she explained how she we could video her dad and his Thai Boxing group for it, then I told her

how I could use my friend Michael to do some shots in the gym or lifting weights and doing bodybuilding training. Our ideas

then came together pretty neat and after completing all our pre-production which involved storyboards and mood boards

piecing each detail together, we then started to film our music video. The footage we recorded is in good quality; however a

couple of shots could be to a better standard so they were more clear and detailed. Whilst recording we also experienced difficulty as Nicole’s dad, one of our main characters, sprained

his ankle so we were unable to film his training meaning we didn’t manage to capture all the footage we needed which is

why the outcome of the music video doesn’t exactly match our storyboard; but we did try our best to make up for this in the


When I uploaded the footage and put it onto the software, I began to put it in the correct order and I also tempered with the speed of some clips to make sure everything was in time with

the music. I cut out parts of the song that weren’t needed instead of filling it with more clips so it didn’t look like it was

dragging, however when I did this I had to use a fading effect on the music to make sure there was no dead air or sudden

change of tune/beat.

I tried to make my music video look as professional as possible so I did a lot of investigating with the colour schemes to see

what kind of effect would match the theme and music. At first I

thought I was going to go for a black and white effect but I couldn’t find any reason it would relate to it and it didn’t look

how I imagined it to. So, I continued to experiment with brightness, different colour effects and especially contrast as I

think this really manipulates the video well. I tried various different things and reset it and started again numerous amount of times, editing the colours was the biggest challenge for me, but in the end I ended up going for a cool kind of effect which

brought out a bit of blue but also highlighted the red in my videos which I wanted because red relates to energy and that’s

what the footage was packed with as the characters are obviously working hard and putting a lot of effort in. I brought the brightness down a bit to show the exhaustion behind the

video and I increased the contrast levels to show the outline of all the different colours, especially the blacks as they look very


Here are some examples of this:

Also, here are some examples of different shot types we did including long shots, close up shots, mid shot, etc:

Overall, I am pleased with the outcome of my final production of my music video but I feel like with a bit more time I could have

completed it to perfection. I have tried m hardest to be organised and put in a great amount of effort into the shooting

and editing of the footage. I think it would look that little bit better if the footage was sharper and clear, also if we had all

the clips we intended to film on our storyboard.