Final feedback analysis

Post on 05-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Final feedback analysis


Q1 – GENDER?Overall I received more feedback from females than males which

ultimately made the feedback very gender sided and I felt that I wasn’t getting a male voice for the short film. This was a problem

as the film wasn’t just suited to one gender – instead it was suppose to be suitable for both-, however saying that it doesn’t

mean the short failed to draw in the target audience – it could just be that females had more enthusiasm whereas the male viewers

didn’t. Next time I should make sure I ask 10 males and 10 females to make the results fair.

Q2 – AGE?Yet again I did the same problem as question 1 – I didn’t split the feedback. I should have chosen 5 people from each age group to make the feedback fair and also so that I got the opinion of each different age group. This question gave me the chance to know

what people thought according to their age group.


Johnny Word of mouth Through Johnny Facebook! From the Director Through facebook Facebook You facebook Media blog

facebook You You put it on Facebook Friends Facebook Through you twitter school My cousin told me about it on your fb facebook

Overall I received more feedback from females than males which ultimately made the feedback very gender sided and I felt that I

wasn’t getting a male voice for the short film. This was a problem as the film wasn’t just suited to one gender – instead it was

suppose to be suitable for both-, however saying that it doesn’t mean the short failed to draw in the target audience – it could just be that females had more enthusiasm whereas the male viewers

didn’t. Next time I should make sure I ask 10 males and 10 females to make the results fair.


I was intrigued to find the results of how people got to see my film – Even thought I asked around and shared it a lot on Facebook I wanted to find out how many people

actually watched it because I asked them or due to other reasons. It was interesting to see that some people watched the film due to hearing good reviews on it, but also

some people watched the film due to my other work which is photography.

Q5-DID THE VISUALS WORK WELL ALONGSIDE THE NARRATIVE?I was so surprised that not one person said my visuals didn’t work well. I am actually

so pleased with this result and just by reading this I know that one major aspect of my short worked perfectly. I was very worried that it wouldn’t work for some people

maybe due to the different ways people interrupt things but I guess it wasn’t the case.


On this question It was a average tie with 4-5. Yes I slightly saddened that it wasn’t fully 5, but I think one of the main reasons could be due to me not planning more

shots. It got to a point where I had to work with what I had. Maybe if I planned more shots it would be a different answer.

Q7-SOUNDTRACK [PLEASE RATE EACH ASPECT OF MY SHORT FILM.] 1-5The soundtrack aspect was a little different thought. I knew that this song fit perfectly in my opinion and that is why I choose it and most people agreed with me however a

few people didn’t necessary dislike It but rated it a 4. This could be due to their musical taste/background but other than that I don’t really know. In my eyes it’s either

the song works or it doesn’t.

Q8-NARRATIVE [PLEASE RATE EACH ASPECT OF MY SHORT FILM.] 1-5Narrative was also rated 4-5’s majority being 5 – This was strange to me but as I step

back and think of it most of the respondents for the questionnaire were Media Students, some could be rating a bit below just as they feel they could be feeling a bit

generous or they simply could think it doesn’t work through their point of few.

Q9-WHAT WAS YOUR FAVOURITE ASPECT OF THE SHORT?This question clearly illustrated the differences between people – some people

focused more on the message where as some focused on the creation. This could be then due to me choosing more media students to do my questionnaire more than

everyone else, as we were all on the same boat we all did each others. This could then lead to students rushing there answers though. I could definitely tell those who wrote

2-3 sentences really went deep into the short.


Yet again this was a question just so I could find out the impact and strength

of the short film and how people reacted after the short film. Some

happy some sad – but this could be due to different family background and

culture. Just having a read through each one really enlightens me, all my hard work and creation has paid off

and people actually received my message. Short films are powerful,

with 5 minutes I was able to send out a message that affected peoples lives –

maybe not dramatically but still something. Never know maybe people

called old family relatives after to remind themselves.


This question was one I was dreading – I didn’t want anyone commenting on what they didn’t like. We have a mind set when we create something and when someone goes and says points they dislike you get upset as all your hard work seems to be gone. But I did not take any of it to heart. I know some were just either their personal opinion and some were just due to different personalities. Also as most of my respondents were media students we were all on creative mode! We were all creating different content so some might of just answer the question as what parts didn’t you like

and what would you have done? But it’s not their short, it’s mine and it’s done in my style.

Q12- ANY FEEDBACK YOU COULD GIVE BACK TO JOHNNY?Most replies were either nothing to be added or about cinematography. The issue behind this is that I agree. Some of my shots are a

little shaky and some do have problems within them but the problem that I had compared to the rest of my fellow students was that I couldn’t re-shoot anything as my location was in a complete different country. I learnt so much more about filming techniques when I

finished recording and began watching my own recordings. I work from errors. Some of the edits I did such as the introduction was more of a personal taste so some viewers may of done it different, but that’s the beauty of film. I mean if we all did the same film and had the

same style would watching films still be as fun?


A question all at the highs of 10,9 and 8. I am over the moon that people enjoyed my short film and that people understood my message and I hope that they take something from this short and do something with it. Maybe talk to an old relative or cherish their families. The best thing about creating a short about my family was watch them praise our family and realize how lucky we are, and even with all the

fights we all have each others back – one way or another.

Families are like fudge, mostly sweet with a few nuts.