Facebook presentation

Post on 13-Nov-2014

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Basic presentation to Resident Assistants about utilization of Facebook as a tool in their positions.

Transcript of Facebook presentation


A Key to promoting and building community…

First things first…

Personal “Pro”file…

Using your Facebook profile is great to give your residents a personal side of you.

Show interests Maybe books and movies you like If you want to recruit people to clubs

discuss what kind of activities you enjoy Think of it as a get to know your new RA

bulletin board!!!

Good methods to promote yourself!!

And… Again…

…..Still more…..

Cons to Facebook Profile

Personal information… Pictures can lead to negative image… Contact information… Addition of chat to Facebook can lead to

“too much connectivity”

Example of “What not to do”


Facebook is not just one way…

You can see residents… Building community is often about being

able to reach out to residents in times of need.

More residents will type their emotions on their “status” than be open to someone they just met…

Ironic isn’t it?

Other ways to promote community…

Create a group for your floor!!

Benefits of making these groups..

People from one end of the hall, can get to know others in a comfort area

You can build a group dynamic and sense of belonging

You can promote floor events and start floor conversations that those not readily available can participate in

Downfalls of groups…

Groups often need to be monitored, on occasion some people will abuse the group, or post things that are insensitive

A group cannot and should not be all you do to build community, interpersonal communication has not rival

If they are neglected, often members can feel neglected also

Creating Events…

With the world going technological promoting programs should keep pace

With groups you can now link events to groups

Making a floor group and building group and linking events will make SURE that people see them, no more poster blindness

Closing thoughts…

Facebook is a tool for building community it is not the end all be all.

There is no ONE formula on how to use this platform, be creative, but be responsible

Share the tips about profiles with your residents, often times harassment can take place when a person posts every form of communication.