Evaluation q3

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation q3

How did that feedback help you make your three artefacts better?

I gained audience feedback throughout social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to answer the question, I also gained audience research at the beginning of my researching into genre types to gain insight into what was associated with different genres. We gained insight from unknown interviewers and discovered that there were specific elements associated with different genres and there was a pattern in what people said were associated with each which we were able to use and link to our genre and fit the stereotypical conventions.

Whilst gaining feedback from my audience it made my digipak and poster alter quite a lot as what we first assumed could be associated with this genre was not to the majority’s taste and the products were then altered and then put back on my social networking sites in order to see if the updates had improved.

Initial designs

Our initial designs were very basic and simplistic and limited colouring and we found that the audience differed in their view and they wanted it to stand out more and have more colours and have more posed pictures to reinforce the personality of the artist.

Our edited products reinforced what people expected with the genre and were more bold text and more posed pictures reinforcing the artists personality and were all made so they could easily be linked together and can be easily differentiated from other albums in this genre.

Edited products

Youtube was also used to gain insight into our music video but the feedback was generally positive throughout and they believed we established the concepts of the genre well and fit them into a story linking to the narrative.

The audience liked Levi Strauss’ binary opposition of the settings being in colour and the artist being in black and white which worked well as we wanted some differentiation to other videos in this genre in order for it to be remembered.

One criticism was that our settings was repetitive but as the scenes were portrayed to show the artist and friends as enjoying themselves doing activities we wanted to portray things that the audience of this genre music could be able to do and we were limited with timing and also with money as we had to fund the activities ourselves but if the task was able to be redone we could of expanded where the artist was and also have a bigger variety of costume changes showing the lavish lifestyle associated with this genre.

The feedback was useful in helping me understand that the media is very general in what they want and you have to apply your products in order to be able to apply to a wide audience which is difficult but can be done with audience research and also with a lot of changing existing products making little edits.

It allowed me to make sure my products I was making into ones of high quality and also allowed me to see what I could change if I could ever perform a task like this again and could take onboard the constructive criticism.

By using social networking sites I was able to easily access them through my phone, college internet, at home and also in public wifi places which allowed me to keep up to date with the comments that were posted.

How useful was the feedback in general (methods, comments, how you used it)?