Empowering The Next Generation

Post on 11-Nov-2014

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SJTA Talk on Empowering The Next Generation in your jewelry store.

Transcript of Empowering The Next Generation

Empowering The Next Generation

Michael Schechter Digital Marketing Director

Honora Pearls

The “Next Generation” employee has no idea how to dress, no idea how to talk to people. They seem entitled, like the world owes them

something and they just don’t seem willing to put in the hard

work that has made this business what it is today....

I Know What You’re Thinking...

The Next Generation Employee...

What made the business what it is today isn’t going to be what makes the business what it is

going to be tomorrow.

And taking the time to both train and empower the Next Generation

will help you get there.

But Here’s The Thing...

We (and by we, I mean the Next Generation) have a LOT to

learn, but maybe... just maybe that underdressed, poorly

spoken kid who spends WAY too much time on Facebook can

help grow your business!

But the thing is, both of us are going to have to change.

The Bottom Line

So Where Does That Leave Us?

So How Do We Get Here?

There are some real challenges here. The Next Generation are

inexperienced at the start and they tend to be unfocused. There often

feels like there is a real impatience and that their attitude

can border on unprofessional.

Let’s Break Things Down...

Each one of those challenges brings with it a unique set of

opportunities that can be leveraged if you decide that it is

worth your time...

But All Is Not Lost!

The Challenges

• Inexperienced

• Unfocused

• Impatient

• Annoying?

Let’s Break Things Down...

The Opportunities

• Plugged In

• Always On

• Less Fearful

• Collaborative

• Leaders

Let’s Break Things Down...

This emerging generation cares WHY they do WHAT they do

more than ever before.

They don’t want a JOB... They want a CALLING!

What It Really Comes Down To...

A Few Facts About Gen-Next

Courtesy of Rains Media - http://slidesha.re/hrfews

A Few Facts About Gen-NextBoomers INVESTED time in

work, millennials SPEND time.

A Few Facts About Gen-Next

Those who are able to empower and leverage these skills, especially

the Next Generation’s understanding of technology will be better prepared for the future.

The Real Opportunity...

At the end of the day, it really comes down to one thing...

Are you looking for EMPLOYEES or are you looking for TALENT?

Should You Take This Seriously?

What do YOU want to be?

Are you going to be an OWNER or are you a LEADER?

Should You Take This Seriously?

This isn’t about meeting your employees in the middle.

It is about finding the right imbalance that allows younger

employees to make a meaningful contributions to your business.

What This ISN’T About!

This is about change.

This new employee represents the change that is coming our way.

It is about steering your business towards the future.

So What Is This All About?

How do younger employees currently factor into your operation?

What opportunities are you creating for younger employees?

Are you setting goals and providing the tools for success?

The Next Generation Employee

Because the Next Generation employee leads us into a very

important topic of conversation regarding your business...

The Next Generation Consumer

Why Should I Change?

The Next Generation Consumer

This newer, younger consumer is vastly different than the types of

buyers you’ve had walking through your door.

It is essential that they feel comfortable in your store and

having employees they can relate to will help.

The Next Generation Consumer

They Have Different Concerns

• Versatility

• Sustainability

• Customizable

• Price

The Next Generation ConsumerThey are VERY different...

• Far More Casual

• Used To Costume

• Extremely Price Savvy

• They Are On Demand

• They Are Consumers!

There are so many new opportunities available to the Next Generation Consumer

• E-tailers

• Group Buying Sites

•Local Jewelers Online

They Have So Many Options

What Products Are You Bringing In To Appeal To This Customer?

What Experiences Are You Creating To Catch Their Interest?

Would Your Kid Be Comfortable Walking Into Your Store?

The Next Generation Consumer

The Generation Gap

We are at a time where two VERY different generations are

working side by side.

How are you bridging that gap and ensuring that BOTH generations

leverage each others skills?

The Generation Gap

The opportunity lies in getting both groups together, along

with management, to really try to DEFINE and then REFINE the culture of your business.

Get Them On The Same Page...

A “this is the way we have always done things around

here” mentality is not going to take your business where it

needs to go.

Things Are Changing Fast!

It’s Time To Slaughter Some Sacred Cows...

But Which One To Kill?

This Guy Looks Good!

Work with your staff to decide which practices stay and which

should go.

If they are a part of creating the process, they are far more likely

to enforce it.

What Do You Want In Your Store?

How can generational differences become operational opportunities?

How can you remain true to your core while looking to the future?

How do you get all of you staff and management on the same page?

Bridging The Generation Gap

What Can Happen...

Visit http://bit.ly/GNJFrame to download

The Next Generation Framework document.

Download The GNJ Framework


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