Effective Use of Excel

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Effective Use of Excel

CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

Dadar East CPE Study CircleDadar East CPE Study Circle



� Checking spreadsheet prepared by others

� Taking control of file prepared by others� Taking control of file prepared by others

� Import from other packages to Excel

� Data Analysis (Pivot)

� Export from Excel to other packages

� Automation of Routine Tasks (Macro)

� Standardisation of Data� Standardisation of Data


� Rows - 1,048,576

� Columns - 16,384

� Column Width – 255 Characters

� Row Height - 409 Points

� Page Break – 1026 Horizontal & Vertical

� Cell can contain – 32767 Characters

� Characters in Header or Footer – 255

� Unique Cell Formats / Styles – 64,000� Unique Cell Formats / Styles – 64,000

� Fill Styles – 256

� Line Weight & Styles – 256


� 1,024 global fonts available; 512 per workbook

� Number Formats - 200 to 250

� Scenarios - 251

� Sort references – 64 sort in single sort

� Undo levels - 100 Undo levels

� Number Precision – 15 Digits

� Cross Worksheet dependency – 64000 worksheets

� Date Range – 1-1-1900 to 31-12-9999� Date Range – 1-1-1900 to 31-12-9999

� Data Series in Chart – 255

� 256 Users can open and share a shared workbook


Office Button

Excel Options


Popular Customize Add-Ins


Proofing Save



ResourcesProofing Save Resources


� http://www.office.com/redir/AF010186429

� Add Ins available to activate Classic Menu in 2007 and 2010 Menu

Press ALT. Get Classic Menu

8CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

Home Review View


Page Formulas

Data Developer


LayoutFormulas Add-Ins

9CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

Home Insert Page Layout FormulasCliboard Tables Themes Function LibraryCliboardFontAlignmentNumberStylesCells


ThemesPage SetupScale to FitSheet OptionsArrange

Function LibraryDefined NamesFormula AuditingCalculation


10CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

Data Review View Developer Add-InsGet External DataConnections


Workbook ViewsShow / Hide


Sort & FilterData ToolsOutline


Show / HideZoomWindowMacros


11CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� When you receive spreadsheet from others, most of the time, people send file which is most of the time, people send file which is finally required; but don’t sent all files from where links are borrowed

� When you revert with problem of links, next file you receive is Paste Special, i.e. all values pasted, no link or formula

Even if they send other precedent files in next � Even if they send other precedent files in next email, we don’t know location of each file and fail to connect those files

12CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� To check link structure of any file – Alt+E+K

� If links are not important, Click Break Link� If links are not important, Click Break Link

� If you know file to be linked - Change Source

13CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

Option Remarks

Update Values To update file with existing links

Change Source To change source file to some new sourceChange Source To change source file to some new source

Open Source Open source file from where data is coming

Break Link Break links. Last updated value will be pasted as value instead of link

Check Status Check Status of Link; whether working

Options for Alert

Start up 1. User to decide whether he wants alert or notStart upPrompt

1. User to decide whether he wants alert or not2. Don’t prompt and don’t update3. Don’t prompt and update

14CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

15CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Open one workbook; standardize◦ Column size; Fonts for file; Name of each Tab;◦ Column size; Fonts for file; Name of each Tab;

◦ Tab colour; Page Layout; Page Size; Margins

◦ Centre across Horizontal / Vertical

◦ Customize Headers / Footers

� Save As this workbook as “Book” with format

“Excel Macro-Enabled Template”

� Save this Template into XLSTART folder of� Save this Template into XLSTART folder ofMicrosoft Office

� Next time, when you open Excel, you will get filewith all your preferences

16CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Same way, when you want that each worksheetinsert, should have standard features

Open new workbook� Open new workbook

� Standardize its name, page layout, page size,margins, fonts, header / footer

� Save this workbook as “Sheet” in format

“Excel Macro-Enabled Template”

� Save this Template into XLSTART folder of� Save this Template into XLSTART folder ofMicrosoft Office

� Now every new sheet that you insert will be of yourpreference

17CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Automation of some of Routines

� At higher end, one needs to know visual basic� At higher end, one needs to know visual basic

� One can simply copy macro from Google to Your Excel

� Click on

� View – Macro

– Record Macro– Record Macro

18CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Be clear, what task you want to record,because once you hit Record button,because once you hit Record button,whatever key strokes, mouse clicks youperform, all will be stored in Macro

� Give Proper Name to your Macro

� Assign Short Cut to Macro [ensure that youdon’t mix up existing Excel Short Cuts]

After pressing Record, do step by step� After pressing Record, do step by stepprocedure of your routine, which you want torecord. Once done, Immediately press Stop

19CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

20CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Uniform Names to Files / Folders

� Data always capable of Sorting…. …� Data always capable of Sorting…. …

� Dynamic Linking (No to Static Links)…. …

� Lesser External Links…. …

� Data division only by Columns

� No Static Link between Rows / Columns

� Whenever linking files, ensure that all files, to � Whenever linking files, ensure that all files, to the extent possible are stored in same folder

� Whenever files transferred, ensure that they are transferred together

21CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� F5

� Removing extra space, non print characters� Removing extra space, non print characters

� Standardizing Rows and Columns

� Removing Unnecessary Headers

� Data in Excel should be always Sort able

� Reducing File Size

22CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Row Difference

� Column Difference� Column Difference

23CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

24CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Pasted Value

� Normal Link � Normal Link

� Dollar Link

� Dynamic Link

� Defined Link

25CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Duplicate Voucher / Cheque (True / False)

� Double Payment, Missing Cheque No.� Double Payment, Missing Cheque No.

� Trend Analysis

� Cheque Timings

� Comparison of Sales / Purchase Price

� Verify Sale Rate during Particular Period

� Generating Random Number for Sample� Generating Random Number for Sample

26CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Web

� Tally (Through Export or ODBC or Open� Tally (Through Export or ODBC or OpenDatabase Connectivity)



27CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Click on Data Ribbon; Click on “From Web”

� Web will open in pop up window in Excel� Web will open in pop up window in Excel

� In the Address, write name of Website fromwhere you want to import Data

� Surf on Website and go to particular pagefrom data to be imported

� All data table will have Yellow Box at left� All data table will have Yellow Box at lefthand corner

� Select table which has relevant data

� Click on “Import”

28CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

29CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

30CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Start Tally and keep required Company open

� In excel, click on Data – From Other Sources � In excel, click on Data – From Other Sources – From Microsoft Query

� In Choose Data Source, select TallyODBC

� Depending upon type of Tally Installations, file name will slightly vary

� Query Wizard will open, wherein you can � Query Wizard will open, wherein you can select area from where you want to import data

� Return Data to Microsoft Office Excel

31CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

32CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

33CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Often we need different views from same file

� Hide / Unhide Row / Columns as per need� Hide / Unhide Row / Columns as per need

� Click on View – Custom Views - Add

34CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

35CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Sumif

� Conditional Sum� Conditional Sum◦ It’s Add Ins

◦ When you want to get data, which fulfills more than on conditions

◦ Slightly Tricky when comes to writing / copying

◦ Formula – Conditional Sum Wizard

36CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Insert◦ Name◦ Name

� Define, Paste, Create, Apply, Label

� &text Command

37CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Goal Seek

� Scenario

38CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Name your Database

� See that Data is Standardized� See that Data is Standardized

� No Blank in Header Rows

� Define your Output Report

� Rest… Left to Magic of Excel

39CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Hlookup (Horizontal Lookup)� Hlookup (Horizontal Lookup)

� Vlookup (Vertical Lookup)◦ To find Value matching to Criteria

◦ From Database Table

◦ Criteria Data to be always in First Column

◦ Database Table to be Sorted on Criteria

◦ Importance of “True”, “False”◦ Importance of “True”, “False”

40CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Convert Number into Words

� Extra in Pivot Table� Extra in Pivot Table

� Editing Multiple Cells

� What not….

� But risky… (Built in Macro, may hamper your system, if Source not reliable)

41CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Moving within Excel Sheet

� For going to Source Data – Ctrl - [� For going to Source Data – Ctrl - [

� For going back to destination data - F5

� Editing Multiple Sheets in One Go

42CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Default Book Type

� Page Setup� Page Setup

� No. of Sheet in each Book

� Default Directory

� Default Number Style

43CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Time taken to Check your File is always lessthan time taken to Prepare your Filethan time taken to Prepare your File

� One should be able to check your file in Print

E. g. Dep. Register

� No Formulas / Parameters in Cell itself

44CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Input

� Processing� Processing

� Output

Always in Difference Sheets

45CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Auto Save

� Manual Save� Manual Save

� Read Only Recommended

� Save and Create New Files with Time Factor

� When working on some important file, keephabit of sending email of file to your own idat some definite frequency, so that you willhave backup of various version with timehave backup of various version with time

46CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Protecting Cell

� Protecting Sheet� Protecting Sheet

� Protecting Files

� Protecting Folders

Ideal Password should have

� Special Characters

� Capital Letter� Capital Letter

� Numbers

� Minimum 8 digits

47CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� For designing Forms

� Controlling Input� Controlling Input

� Directing Data Filler

� Restricting Choice of Data Filler

48CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� Use of Keyboard – Short Cuts (to the Max..)

� Curiosity – Mother of all Invention

� Last but not the LeastGooooooooooogle

49CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda

� To download excel and other files related to this PPT, copy this link to your Chromethis PPT, copy this link to your Chrome


50CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda


51CA Sanjay Visanji Chheda