E NE W YO IIK II[ERA...th: \TALI\J. oovz.KOHcl nuttjunufIMTRLUfiEfCX. InltntllkK from Wuililnglnni...

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Transcript of E NE W YO IIK II[ERA...th: \TALI\J. oovz.KOHcl nuttjunufIMTRLUfiEfCX. InltntllkK from Wuililnglnni...

  • t h :\TA KOHclLI\J. oovz.

    nuttjunuf IMTRLUfiEfCX.InltntllkK from Wuililnglnni

    Ot'B SrEC'IAL TSLKO Its I'll !C CokREsrONDKtOK.Wuhi ro*. July 27, 1850.

    Mr. Kwing will be sworn lu a Moudsy, who, withr.hs Massachusetts Senator 'tis expected, will miketwo additional rotes iipsiust the Compromise. Thepreat hope of Mr Clay >«< to hurry the bill through

    'before three Senators arrived. It »a« the last cbauoeNow the rare appear* to be hopeless again. Perhapsit may hare another new move by Monday.Mr llulwer offlclally denies that Knglond has any

    designs upon Costa Rica.Secretary Corwin has appointed James W. Morshead,of Pennsylvania. late p*y clerk to the House, to

    a rlerki hip in the Trea-ury.Mr. llatee will certainly be Secretary of the Interior.


    Henste.Waiiiisutos, July 27, 1850.

    After the reading of the journal,< KKUt iSTIALS OK MM IWISS,

    Mr. Dtui. of Mars, prossntsd tho credentials ofHon. Tho*. Uwlng, of Ohio, to take the place of Thos.Orwln.

    Alter tfce presenting of memorials and report*,raurosiTioN or * new mile.

    Mr. Douglass offered a resoluHsn making the previousquestion, when demanded by a majority ot thamember* present, a rule of the 8enate. cutting off alldebate, amendment*, itsMr. Atchison moved to postpone it indefinitely, but

    as the resolution was not under consideration the motioncould net be nlertained and the resolution liesover under the rule*.

    death or wa. aiao, or Massachusetts.A message was then received from the House of Representatives.announcing the death of one of the members,Daniel P. King efMa>.-achusett*Mr. Davis delivered a euloglum. giving a succinct

    statement of the publle services of the deceased, aadoffered the customary resolutions, after which, theSenate adjourned.

    House of KcpreseiitaUvea.Washing ton, J uly 27, 1850.

    DEATH Or MB. KINO, OF MASSACHUSETTS.Mr. Rockwell, of Massachusetts, announced th*

    death of bis colleague, Hon Daniel P. King, whichtook plaoe on Thursday last, the 23d instant, athis residence, in Danvers, Massachusetts. After passinga enlogy on the character of Mr K., he offered resolutionsexpressive of ihe deep sensibility with whichtha intelligence has been received, and to wear thousual badges of mourning for thirty days.Mr. Winthsop spoke of the Integrity of the deceased

    as aprirats cltlsen. his derotlon a« a public servant,and his moral and religion* character

    Mr. Chanhleb, who mee.-ed with Mr. King, also deliveredan eulogy, in the rcurae of which he pointod Sothe deceased as a beautiful illustration of the Christiangentleman.The resolutions of Mr. Rockwell were agree*] to and,

    as a further maik of respect, the House adjourned.The New Senator for Haaanchuaetta.

    Bo«tok, Jnly 37, 1850.The Governor ami Council met tbl* afternoon, and

    appointed R C. Wlnlhrop United Slate! Senator, inplace of the Hon Daniel Wrbeter.

    PrOgrtM or the CbeUra.AT CINCINNATI.

    Cincinnati, July 27, I860.The Board of Health for the twenty-four hour*, endtagyeeterday. reported 49 death*, 36 of whioh were

    firem cholera, and 34 of other dleeaiei.The weather U inteneely hot.

    AT LOUISVILLE.Lotmii.t*, Jnly 27. I860.

    The Interment! daring the twenty.fenr honre, endingThnrtday evening, were 47, of whkoh 33 were choleraeeeei.Important froiu Teiae.

    New OeLaan!, Jnly 24. 1850Qalveeton papere of the 30th lnat. pnblUh letter*

    from Governor General Andernoa to theTezai aeaatoreand repreeentatiree, requiring them to Inform theI'raeideat, that Teiaa d«nice the right tf the generalgovernment to continue to rseralee civil or militaryauthority over Santa Ke and demand that the inetruotlraa heretofore given te federal oflloeri be revoked,and that a complete and (eenre jorUdlction may be.guarantied

    Honthem PoMUral Meeting, Ac,8atannah, July 34, I860.

    h hum meeting of the eHiieae of Savannah and itavicinity, wee held yeeterday. at wbleh revolution! were

    untnimnmli endnrilne the nroeewdinei of

    the Nashville Convention. and la lavor of the MissouriCompromise Hoe

    CopUla Merchant, of the United State* Army, re-«i'Otly wonndrd In on engagement with the IndloneIn Tegas, arrived In thl* elty yesterday.

    flnrnlng of the Hark Charming, at Hen.Pini.*DKi.rHi*, July IT, 1U0.

    By the brig William from llahlo, we learn tbot thebark Charming, of Bangor. from New York for BanYraacUeo, waa burnt at *eo. 300 mile* oontheaat ofBahio, on the night of the *34 May. The oaptaln andof»w took to the boat* and were fared.

    Kanoral lolrmnl|lN.Khnmowd, July U, 1164.

    The corporate antkorltle* and ettlaeaaot Blohmond.kaen designated lb* 10th day of Aifoat. for the parpoeeof poylno n suitable tribute of leepeet to the memoryOf the late Preeldrnt.

    The leathern Mall, Ac.H*i riaoan, July *7.10.10.

    The Southern mall baa com* te hand, bat farnUhMBO Intelligence of importanceThere t* no change to report In tho Baltimore

    Irtnrnna rtna Treat**.-The following, fromon board the C.I schooner Flirt, we And In the In*areleVetrltr of the Idth lost «>a ih» 14th and llthMarsh last a rery never* and distressing Are ooeurredt Lagan a. Yucatan, by which hundred* of famlllw*hare been deprived of a home, by the work at an la-cendlary The Are of the 1Mb war the severest theheartleea en irbea took advantage of a strong wind,sweeping through the beet and moat wealth# part atthe town, to P0*et their dtebelleal object The loan efproperty at thl* Are la estimated at about 600.004 toWifl 000 dollar* about two hundred house* were burntMany wealthy pereeue are redneed to almost ablestpoverty, there being no Insurance.everything is atotal lose Among the public building* destroyed arethe rbtirrh of Bt Mary de Hnadalonpe. the Mualeloal}1»wr Market koii*. tha Amerlraa, lyaaltk, endother Coaeular houeee and almort aeery mercantilebouee the late Kngllrb l onxl l houae (Mr Johnaau.who died reaeatlj. rery ad.tealr ) «»a the Mh of Jane,tha aratehee. not aa'. Irked with tnalr work of lalantty,I again aat flea to another parttaa of the town, and euceeedad la destroying about forty houaea. making alto(ether about two bnadrad aad etity or eerent y houaea,and, to add to the dtetreeeea at the lahabltaata. theyanticipated the cholera Bualaeaa la at a eland, owlagto tha quarantine lawa helag eafbreed agalnat themail reexle which trnn«p«rt logwood from tha

    ranrhea §< reral f ranch barke aad othar foreign Teaaela are la) log la port waiting f >r wood. At I'aaapeaehythe people are re alartrcj that they quarantinereaaela from aar port without regard to elaaa oralekly Mlia of health, from twenty to forty daya AtCampearhy thare ware ten deaertera from the Cnhaatpedftlon In quarantine; they deaerted when the oateneiMemotlre aftbe expedition waa made kaowa. aad»ad" their way to Steal from there ta ram peachyThe Amerleaa t'oaaal would not afford thrm any atalatanee. be lotting reelgacd hie Consulate entae time

    rerlena Th.fa waa ant aa American Coaanl la allarataa, aad aa Amtrlraa rltn«n la the ah war» ofaa armed forae. haa ao protection whaterer Thaaowardlyaad Imbecile wretehe* boaet largely am wttheaneieee hut let any foreign reaael of war rlaftthem, their hombaat aad b««tleg remlada naa of" hob Aerea "--they generally are fonnd wantingTna Krrrcre or lianniaa . Wa learn that Derld

    Oakley, a >< aug man Ik yearn of age. rertdiag la Hoy-alma while engaged la dreeing In hay. war InstantlyhllWd he lleh'nine ttaklee wu on the ton ol a I redof bay ohcr» ho ha.l born mg*«*d in loading A m*n.who wn by Ibr »lrt* of ih* load, anl »t«»dy}tag It with hi* y it,-hfork. on th* way to ibr barn «

    I *u arrtrad bar# la thirty-fonr daja froiNam Yorb

    I will ana glrn yon a akalab of Mnranbnm. and thl«plaa*. tiartiag tbat It may ba tufaraatlag to »nm» "fjour rradara Maranbam >« l»auH fully attaaiad. andMa barbnr la rbaltnrrd from galaa rf wind by thobtghlanda ntrriinding It IHa tova ttaalf la alta«ta.|upi a billa. *lih lia airaa'a running np and d>»a lh*lraldaa tba hoaraa baaa tka appaararaa n< aoaifort andaaataara. It baa tblrtaan abnrahaa ba-id*' a oatlM (ratTim day ahar an artirad. bring a batyday. (».ba l«adof IJorpna ItarMli all haada. of tha aflar guard," ra.palrad on aboya la aaatba pfr »aaaloa of prlaata tfonba,aad llllary. la honor nt tba day It wsa a vary Irapo-lng alp lit; aartnlnly. ona aalanln'ad ha aboa thamarr >aa aaalth t that at l**a« UO emigrant* bat* aand lady Delaware llobarl Polk and lady Raltlmorajoka Bplar and family. Cot W 0 Abott. tlaoB * bttnora and famly Amnagtba many. lion. J"boV. Bpeneer, Hon. Judge WaltonThe following nan ba found at I'alon Hail

    Pnm Maw 1 orb City David Learstt, r « j and familyThnmae T Reed and atatrr. Ilugb Mat-all aadfamily. Robort Mat'aabay aad family. lease Meeker aadfamily. Jueioh Macy aad family. AugaHua i> reborn aadfamily, (it-aeral l.amb aad family, C. W. Hon. Ra*M i»il»tft roabl* i«l roiMn. Tk* Ilwtn af**t*d <

    kabtt*. a* a»n a* thorn aho a»r» piittM«r>4 JUaolot*H* arntloaod tkl* ra»* HI* wit door neighbor,a a»althy and r**y»>tabt« qaakor. an I hlnM*lf.a*r* holding a familiar ehat. at tk* hoam of tk* foran at ! o'clock la tk* *r*al*f: at It hi* a*lghb*raa* attacked altk ipvaa I* tk* bn*«l*; att A M k*aa* la a *tat* rl roll*am aa l at k* »u a aory*AH thta or*arr*d attbla ela* boar* H* aar a kal*.healthy aiaa of *r».d kabtt* Tb*rr*aaant taeaythlaglater. or more anibentt* Ibm the yo»»o City of tk*W**t" tkan tkla. aad a trrribta aacaat tt I* T* a*ahi* oaa ranrraatoa, all klad* of bn*la*** aa* ha*r b*dla tk* krad 'Tk* trnttlag mar** at Aaretnge la dotag a (nod banana*tkl* Muna Tiff* ar* la* trottlag iaatob*ar*ry a*|. **a*rally la bora*** Th*r* ar* aowm la*a*|a la_ tk* «t*M*« of »lr*_»ry*at, *a*k a* H.tay |niirr.uimi HMK IIKMTI* «. II mtalM that M tlM fKtwt trUltaf Wm* la th«rivaatry will fc» Hara la A Wfwat »4 rara »F*** I#«l»'l>4 Him af tba tnilkra ifWUBrt hara arrl»»Hattk. ITattaA IMataa Natal, th^r Ma4 Importantdiplomatic^ agency A child of AfHe. la awhlta Mb. waa qalably despatched, with a real whitabillet, to tba eottaga of a gentleman, with tha iataatof electing a loan of bla prlrato canlaga. the moataaparb Trklrla oa tba Ulead. to be aeed oa an oeeaatoaof Immanao magnlt ode Tba gentleman declined andtba committee ware Indignant Between two andthree n clock In tba afternoon, a small wagoa and apair of Jersey nags ware aaea lumbering though tbaaaad. towards Dig bee a landing. " solitary and nJuae *'Toar correspondent aa la daty bound, followed to thebeach, where the Ohio waa seen rounding to at thelong ptar A moment mora, and a tall, portly gentle,man with a aaagnlaa completion was fed up the Intelath* innt without th* al4 of pr*rlou* Jn*»alllt* ft lapr**nai»4 th* play will h* *oatla**4 aatll N*w

    Sumtnrr *4mittrmcnti.Dining an Woodtork. Thr (tarn*Law rnItk thla madman had gen» to lha angina, kindleda hie put on on# of tb* | »mpi which had b*en tokaniff nnd, not finding tha oil. had malted tallow, withwhich ha (reared ail tho apparatno. and potting ontha rtram. rama up to thla «Ht Ilka n etreoi otgr