E NE W YO IIK II[ERA...th: \TALI\J. oovz.KOHcl nuttjunufIMTRLUfiEfCX. InltntllkK from Wuililnglnni...

t h : \TA KOHcl LI\J. oovz. nuttjunuf IMTRLUfiEfCX. InltntllkK from Wuililnglnni Ot'B SrEC'IAL TSLKO Its I'll !C CokREsrONDKtOK. Wuhi ro*. July 27, 1850. Mr. Kwing will be sworn lu a Moudsy, who, with r.hs Massachusetts Senator 'tis expected, will mike two additional rotes iipsiust the Compromise. The preat hope of Mr Clay >«< to hurry the bill through 'before three Senators arrived. It »a« the last cbauoe Now the rare appear* to be hopeless again. Perhaps it may hare another new move by Monday. Mr llulwer offlclally denies that Knglond has any designs upon Costa Rica. Secretary Corwin has appointed James W. Morshead, of Pennsylvania. late p*y clerk to the House, to a rlerki hip in the Trea-ury. Mr. llatee will certainly be Secretary of the Interior. TIllRTl'PUliii'r CONUUKSM. FIRST SESSION. Henste. Waiiiisutos, July 27, 1850. After the reading of the journal, < KKUt iSTIALS OK MM IWISS, Mr. Dtui. of Mars, prossntsd tho credentials of Hon. Tho*. Uwlng, of Ohio, to take the place of Thos. Orwln. Alter tfce presenting of memorials and report*, raurosiTioN or * new mile. Mr. Douglass offered a resoluHsn making the previous question, when demanded by a majority ot tha member* present, a rule of the 8enate. cutting off all debate, amendment*, its Mr. Atchison moved to postpone it indefinitely, but as the resolution was not under consideration the motion could net be nlertained and the resolution lies over under the rule*. death or wa. aiao, or Massachusetts. A message was then received from the House of Representatives. announcing the death of one of the members, Daniel P. King efMa>.-achusett* Mr. Davis delivered a euloglum. giving a succinct statement of the publle services of the deceased, aad offered the customary resolutions, after which, the Senate adjourned. House of KcpreseiitaUvea. Washing ton, J uly 27, 1850. DEATH Or MB. KINO, OF MASSACHUSETTS. Mr. Rockwell, of Massachusetts, announced th* death of bis colleague, Hon Daniel P. King, which took plaoe on Thursday last, the 23d instant, at his residence, in Danvers, Massachusetts. After passing a enlogy on the character of Mr K., he offered resolutions expressive of ihe deep sensibility with which tha intelligence has been received, and to wear tho usual badges of mourning for thirty days. Mr. Winthsop spoke of the Integrity of the deceased as aprirats cltlsen. his derotlon a public servant, and his moral and religion* character Mr. Chanhleb, who mee.-ed with Mr. King, also delivered an eulogy, in the rcurae of which he pointod So the deceased as a beautiful illustration of the Christian gentleman. The resolutions of Mr. Rockwell were agree*] to and, as a further maik of respect, the House adjourned. The New Senator for Haaanchuaetta. Bo«tok, Jnly 37, 1850. The Governor ami Council met tbl* afternoon, and appointed R C. Wlnlhrop United Slate! Senator, in place of the Hon Daniel Wrbeter. PrOgrtM or the CbeUra. AT CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, July 27, I860. The Board of Health for the twenty-four hour*, endtag yeeterday. reported 49 death*, 36 of whioh were firem cholera, and 34 of other dleeaiei. The weather U inteneely hot. AT LOUISVILLE. Lotmii.t*, Jnly 27. I860. The Interment! daring the twenty.fenr honre, ending Thnrtday evening, were 47, of whkoh 33 were cholera eeeei. Important froiu Teiae. New OeLaan!, Jnly 24. 1850 Qalveeton papere of the 30th lnat. pnblUh letter* from Governor General Andernoa to theTezai aeaatore and repreeentatiree, requiring them to Inform the I'raeideat, that Teiaa d«nice the right tf the general government to continue to rseralee civil or military authority over Santa Ke and demand that the inetruo tlraa heretofore given te federal oflloeri be revoked, and that a complete and (eenre jorUdlction may be .guarantied Ho nth em PoMUral Meeting, Ac, 8atannah, July 34, I860. h hum meeting of the eHiieae of Savannah and ita vicinity, wee held yeeterday. at wbleh revolution! were untnimnmli endnrilne the nroeewdinei of the Nashville Convention. and la lavor of the Missouri Compromise Hoe CopUla Merchant, of the United State* Army, re- «i'Otly wonndrd In on engagement with the Indlone In Tegas, arrived In thl* elty yesterday. flnrnlng of the Hark Charming, at Hen. Pini.*DKi.rHi*, July IT, 1U0. By the brig William from llahlo, we learn tbot the bark Charming, of Bangor. from New York for Ban YraacUeo, waa burnt at *eo. 300 mile* oontheaat of Bahio, on the night of the *34 May. The oaptaln and of»w took to the boat* and were fared. Kanoral lolrmnl|lN. Khnmowd, July U, 1164. The corporate antkorltle* and ettlaeaaot Blohmond. kaen designated lb* 10th day of Aifoat. for the parpoee of poylno n suitable tribute of leepeet to the memory Of the late Preeldrnt. The leathern Mall, Ac. H*i riaoan, July *7.10.10. The Southern mall baa com* te hand, bat farnUhM BO Intelligence of importance There t* no change to report In tho Baltimore Irtnrnna rtna Treat**.-The following, from on board the C.I schooner Flirt, we And In the In*arele Vetrltr of the Idth lost «>a ih» 14th and llth Marsh last a rery never* and distressing Are ooeurred t Lagan a. Yucatan, by which hundred* of famlllw* hare been deprived of a home, by the work at an la- cendlary The Are of the 1Mb war the severest the heartleea en irbea took advantage of a strong wind, sweeping through the beet and moat wealth# part at the town, to P0*et their dtebelleal object The loan ef property at thl* Are la estimated at about 600.004 to Wifl 000 dollar* about two hundred house* were burnt Many wealthy pereeue are redneed to almost ablest poverty, there being no Insurance.everything is a total lose Among the public building* destroyed are the rbtirrh of Bt Mary de Hnadalonpe. the Mualeloal }1 »wr Market koii*. tha Amerlraa, lyaaltk, end other Coaeular houeee and almort a eery mercantile bouee the late Kngllrb l onxl l houae (Mr Johnaau. who died reaeatlj. rery ad.tealr ) «»a the Mh of Jane, tha aratehee. not aa'. Irked with tnalr work of lalantty, I again aat flea to another parttaa of the town, and euc eeedad la destroying about forty houaea. making alto (ether about two bnadrad aad etity or eerent y houaea, and, to add to the dtetreeeea at the lahabltaata. they anticipated the cholera Bualaeaa la at a eland, owlag to tha quarantine lawa helag eafbreed agalnat the mail reexle which trnn«p«rt logwood from tha ranrhea §< reral f ranch barke aad othar foreign Tea aela are la) log la port waiting f >r wood. At I'aaapeaehy the people are re alartrcj that they quarantine reaaela from aar port without regard to elaaa or alekly Mlia of health, from twenty to forty daya At Campearhy thare ware ten deaertera from the Cnha atpedftlon In quarantine; they deaerted when the oateneiMe motlre aftbe expedition waa made kaowa. aad »ad" their way to Steal from there ta ram peachy The Amerleaa t'oaaal would not afford thrm any at alatanee. be lotting reelgacd hie Consulate entae time rerlena Th.fa waa ant aa American Coaanl la all arataa, aad aa Amtrlraa rltn«n la the ah war» of aa armed forae. haa ao protection whaterer Tha aowardlyaad Imbecile wretehe* boaet largely am <>wt theaneieee hut let any foreign reaael of war rlaft them, their hombaat aad b««tleg remlada naa of " hob Aerea "--they generally are fonnd wanting Tna Krrrcre or lianniaa . Wa learn that Derld Oakley, a >< aug man Ik yearn of age. rertdiag la Hoy- alma while engaged la dreeing In hay. war Instantly hllWd he lleh'nine ttaklee wu on the ton ol a I red of bay ohcr» ho ha.l born mg*«*d in loading A m*n. who wn by Ibr »lrt* of ih* load, anl »t«»dy} tag It with hi* y it,-h fork. on th* way to ibr barn « I *u<l<1«-nly »ttnoh to tl>r ground. Mr Bingor. hi* naay)ny*l pr mp'l) nlnl him to hi* foot and -ntrr-.i no injary. r*nrytii»g th- Iwm <1 *t*ht fbr n fbwmlnato*. It w%» thru dl'rotoroti that th- nor*-* onrr both laying on th* gronnd. and ih*t tti" I »<l of hay w** on gro Tba yaiafal roa*irtlon ih*> Oabl j war.lr# I in*t«ntly Ba< hrrf nyon th* nil* I * of tbn«r yrooont. A I vMe- *d obialard <n ttrat l»>t» but brl >r» hi* IIV|»*# r*m»ta« roald htrtnxfl froni tb* h*f bi* rtoth»* oa<t «hin *rrra oon*'d-r*My burnril It'aypoarod. Irmn tnnlnation thai th* otrrlnr fluid fa«*ad dooii lb r t tt aid* of thr f*. n (toon the rifM l«* tnartag *F"o th* hoot *1 th* right toot. Th* ttorio* »rt* r-*Mi..i by rattlntt »ho hnrtir**, and th- » <* oar badly in- jurad Krharo th« harHteg hay tonid h* J*rkp > f |A »') OnhTtrr, J-ug W E NE Oar IJurnos Ayrca Correspondence. hi> t a Plat*. Moptkv mro. May 22.18c0. .Imrriccn Iniereite in Montevideo.Arrival of a French f'liiajion and Men.The Condition (if Montevideo, 4*'"1 pretutue, in addressing yen on a question which claims universal attention, from its tedious duration and the various diplomatic phases it has undergone, I am writing to one already well versed in the political intrigues of the Hirer Plate, and fully awaru of lis incalculable importance, in a commercial point of alow, to the great commercial country ol the United States of America. Lord l'aliner.iton's pt lent soft-solder most hare thrown dust into Jonathan's eyes, or he never could hare looked on so calmly for seven long and bitter years, and beheld unmoved the universal ruiu accruing to the citizens and mcrchaute of his country domiciled in this portion of the world. Would that we had a "gam g||ck'' in Montevideo, to enlighteD the darkness ot your enterprising countrymen mud to draw the attention of Congress to ths extensive market Hritieh and French maladministration he* a'most closed agaiustthem It is needless to recapitulate a series of events, which must le wearisome - as an oft-told tale." to all who read the leading journals of Kngland and France. I will.therefore, login my correspondence with the new political drama shout to be acted iu these waters and announce to you the arrival of the Archimedes steamerof-war front Kruno", on the 6th Inst., bringing despatches to Admiral I.e Predour. the result of the late long anil stormy discussions in the French Chambers, on the 8th ult. Phn was followed by the transport Aenobte. in 62 days from Toulon, hsviog on board 400 marine soldiers. A few dsys passed, when the whole of the expedition anchored on the port, with an efficient forc>» of 1 mtn. At present wo are completely in the dark a< to the intention* ot France.a short period mart develop* it* ulterior view* In the meantime, a thousand report* are in circulation, unworthy ot credence, siuce I hey are deetitute of auy eure foundation. One party argue* that Rosa* will be conciliated, and that the Frrnch force is to put down and disarm the garrison of Montevideo; other* contend the contrary, and that the Governor of Bueuoa Ayrea la about to receive the chastisement his inaolenee has so long merited. It 1* Impossible to decide which is most likely. I repeat, a ftw weeks will solve the mystery. 1 much fear Knot lit r tedious mission to France w ill ho the result of the pending nsgoilation. However England ha* betrayed a good cause, any ebauge must benefit Montevideo, and ameliorate, in some degree, the disastrous state in which she has lingered so long; and. believe me. sir, succor does not reach us too soon may God hasten it onward, for the suffering and misery existing in this unfortueate eity . are incalculable; the exemplary patience and resignation with which they have been borne. ought to have hurried on the dilatory and procrastinating Intrigues of our detested foe, Lord Palmerston Many wealthy families are enduring the severest poverty; many, wbase talents and enterprise would bare led them on to fortune, have their hands tied hopelessly. The former suffer from the Inability of tenants to pay their renta. fco the latter, becaose the long protracted war has robbed them of their legitimate field for exertion. Such men behold a faintly springing up aroond them, feel the necessity of being up and doing, sad curs* the cruel diplomacy which has created their children's present privations, and ruined their future prospects. There are many who would willingly depart from this country and carry their enterprise to other lands, but their all has been dwindled away, and they are doomed to remain imprisoned here. Gentlewomen take In needlework, and exeeuta it for n mere trifle, to ebtaln a few penco from thoae mora fortunate than themselves I am told there are msny families of b'gh respectability, who support life by one meal per diem, consisting of a " mate" (tea) and a piece of bread. This cruel state of things has endured too long; and if France, after all. bring us peace, and a consequent revival ot trade, many will bless her for the deed. But I frar the end is still distant; and if so, the result will astonish Europe, and open the eye* of the United States of America. Wo bsve dates from Buenos Ayr** to the 18th Inst. Report says, LePredour had no chance of concluding angulations with Koaa# A COSMOPOLITE. Our Caratas Cwrreapwndance. Cabacas, June 10,1850. JTrw l.aw for Dehtort and Creditore.Soau jftcewl of the Propt§ed Law. The contlgnity of the British West Indies render the number of British subjects on ths Spanish Main vary large, while that of citisena of the United States is comparatively limited. What will be ths raanlt of Venetnelsn legislation on the subject of the " Ley da Kspera." It is yat impossible to say. We can only hope that she will neae unscathed through the trying and disgraceful orueai she has Imposed npon hers-.tr end be once again what a republlo should be. Uongrees does net seem inclined to second the wishes of the executive; end should It not be repealed, the ruin of the country seems inevitable. To give yon some idea of tha u Ley de Kspera".or stay law. aa yon would term it.I will bristly show yon Its action A debtor has the right of citing hi* creditor before a Judge, and after giving them a state meat Of his property and liabilities, to demand that a delay of payment be granted him which delay can uerer ha Ires than el* years, unless the debtor wishes. and may be made nine at tlm discretion of theiadge, and ao matter what opposition mar eilet on the part of the creditors and should they be ananimoua is their oppor itioa yet their citation Is reduced to an Idle form, itsstnu :h as the judge ean In defiance of them all, flee lilt decision in tne debtor's favor No Interest ran be claimed for the interim the principal is waited or. and the dehtot trades with the capital of hie creditor. Truly. " II tueh actions shall hare passage free. Pondrnien n>d statesmen shall our Judges be " In a word, the Vcnesuelen " Ley de Kspera" Is founded. not like thet of the United fltatcs. on the surrender of the debtor's property for the benefit of his creditors, but on the compulsory surrender of the creditor s rights end property for the benefit of his debtors. All proeesdlngs. sod even Judgments In egeeuttoo against debtors, are stayed by the fact alone of n debtor applying for the" Kspera;" and In no ease, nor under any pretext rsn a debtor renounce his right to claim the benefit of the ' Kspera;" all each renunciations being by this law declared ipse/arte null and toid Thare is ne provision la the law to prevent a debtor fretn selling bis property while availing himself of the " Kspera;" and la the ease where lands and houses hare been mortgaged, the money can neither be ealledin. nor has the creditor any assurance that tba land shall be kept In raltlTUttoa. or thefcoaeee la repair. In conclusion, than, on this subject the creditor Is entirely at the merry of his debtor, for the present, nor has he any gaaraaty that at the rad of the Kspera he will and again be subject to a renewal of the same The precedent established by England is a valuable ens for your government to follow, and I trust It will not he slew la doing so PI9TCJ. Oar Psnianhsce Correspondence. Ow Rosen Recants Oolisn, st Asrnea is > ResixvssD er P*a**Mes.ce, June It, 1HM1. | 7Vr Pti e(r af <A» Celled Pil sssstei e ~jl Hobday Tier* Ms Iditob .Not kaewlag whether you had a correspondent oa board this steamer or not, I take the poet upon myself, to giro yon on Imperfect sketch of our company and voyage to this place and at the nm till*, to pat th# blama (if aay thorn bo) for aot gottlng oa faotor upon tha propor prnot. Flrat, oar romptn; U oompoood M follow*Orogory Thomaa aptaln (a vatl known Nov Tork pilot) Ooo k Iroaoido. krot sou sad aalllng maotrr. Ooo It Bohoark. tufxnd mato, R B Ironotdo. M D oarfooa, J > J l.yddnn. M P wiiMait oorgoon, Edward Palm»r. fltot oaglnaar: W tlllaai Patty aoaoad do B. F. Wyma a elork; law D Hull, aad B. U Wytnan rarpoa tar* Wo aatlod from Row York, oa tbo 17th of April, tor Baa Franrirro. Calltaraia with MO toaa of aoai oa board, hat vhoa Ihtrtooa day* oat, found wo had bat two da ya tool. and tka w oath or had booa Moat dHight fal, to wa had to hoar away for Harbadooa to ropWntah whoro wo arrivod at «P. M at May lat A ft or lyiag at Barbadooo oight day*, aad hariag takoa la ldutonaof anal, aot aall aad thapod aor aoarao lor Marar>ham: hat had not booa oa oar aonroo morothaa thrao day*, whoa aar oapUla nrdorod tbo calling >< to run la ohnroand tha oagiaoor reported that tho faol woo (for Itoo low. Bo. to oar chagrin I aotaad at rrachtag Maranham wa had to pot lata Payaaao ; aad hora I would rowiark that all roaacla tram tha tat** going to Cayoaao. ohoald tako Ragllah aornralgni with thorn lootoad of oilror. at thoy pnao thora for tho fhll ralno of Rd laotoad of pd *4. with ut At Oayoaaa took tn liny toaa of roai. aad atartod again aad In Bra daya r*anhod Maranham. whom wa took In a haadrrd tona mora. Bailod agala oa tha 4th Jntto; and aa wo loft. m*t tha t'onBdaaro going la, ihlrty-two daya from Haw York. Wa aaohorod la thlaporton tbo 11th. at I F M.; baring mod» tho ran from Maranham la ait and a half daya -tho ohortoot known. Tho Ccafldoaro falling la with na roaaad oar good oaptaln and ho told Mr Palmor that tho " Holmh '' had goo* fa*tor. ranld. and ohonld go faotor. Farthor, ho ordrrod thoooooad onglnoar to uoo hi* owa jodg m»nl and opan h»r whan na mongni gropnr; wm aaaonnta far onr aipadltlona ran from Maranhaoi I poa o«f arrltal barn. « Iraraari to oar atonlAantlna, thai tha ' Onrral W arraa " bad Wn h»r» and (pi«« all dnya. Ib> arrtrad bar# la thirty-fonr daja froi Nam Yorb I will ana glrn yon a akalab of Mnranbnm. and thl« plaa*. tiartiag tbat It may ba tufaraatlag to »nm» "f jour rradara Maranbam l»auH fully attaaiad. and Ma barbnr la rbaltnrrd from galaa rf wind by tho btghlanda ntrriinding It IHa tova ttaalf la alta«ta.| upi a billa. *lih lia airaa'a running np and d>»a lh*lr aldaa tba hoaraa baaa tka appaararaa n< aoaifort and aaataara. It baa tblrtaan abnrahaa ba-id*' a oatlM (rat Tim day ahar an artirad. bring a batyday. (».ba l«ad of IJorpna ItarMli all haada. of tha aflar guard," ra. palrad on aboya la aaatba pfr »aaaloa of prlaata tfonba, aad llllary. la honor nt tba day It wsa a vary Ira po-lng alp lit; aartnlnly. ona aalanln'ad ha aboa tha marr >aa aaalth <d tba I'atbollo abnrrh, hat ta tba ayaa of ona, banngbt op la tb« Cb'lrd It bad tha opmarnnra <«i making a mo, *. ol r-l'#lon Tba aUrata 'hr -ngh aSi.'b tba pro««mlva |>« t, »,ra W YO SUNDAY MORNINC guartied on either side by trowps, who. as th.< line lui »id by them kne<UJ, with uncovered head*, and siu.e rnK»"J. The procession was led by a troop ot ycnllis, fr> 111 ton to eighteen years of ag>. dressed In tin- garb ol priests, whose duty it appeared to bo to e ium- those who stood iu the streets to km'i'i. and do bnuiaga to a sliver cross, borna by a lu«tv n»gro AtU r them, cauie a number of triara of the Franciscan order, iu wbite robes aud with shaven er< «o«; thru, about siity priests, surrounding the bishop who bore a chalice containing the Holy Kucharift or Couimuntco; the bishop walked, under au immense canopy, borne byl) oiniuiaao Friars, in brown robes; b* hii.d the bishop came the Governor ot the place, with hla auite; the whole being guarded by Urge numbers of troops; the rear of the linn was brought up by about one hundred boya, averaging froiu ten to twenty year* of age, who, I waa informed, were foundi ling.", brought up under the aauction of the Uratilian gbvt lonjeut. and are made soldiers The regulatioua of the port are very atrict; we were cuueiau'ly surrounded by guard boata, and when going on shore, or returning to the veasel, had to uu dotgo a atrict search we tent eome clothes on shore to be washed, and before reaching the laud, ing they were overhauled, piece by pieos, by three guard boata; and when taking provisions on board, we bad to render to the guard boats, au aecouut of the number of oranges, pumpkins, or whatever else we happened to have in the boat The roadstead ol Pttnsuibuco is beautifully situated It is about oue bundr< d and fifty yurda wide, extending the whole length of the town It is protected by a natural ledge «f rock, running its whole length; and I must say, that the Brazilians are behind the age.for a more beautiful site tor storehouses is not to be found anywhere. It this port was in the possession ot the Yankees, they would have the whole ledge built up with substantial sea walls and storehouses. The city of 1'ernambuco is made up of three distinct villsges, vii Shu Antonio, Boa Vista, and tilinda. The streets of which communicate with each other by bridges, thrown across a stream, which divides the front or business portion from the rest of the city. The houses are Ave and six stories In height; the streets are irregularly laid out aud very dirty. The day after our arrival, was a holyday. (the feast ot riau Antonia.) the morning was ushered in by the discharge ot all sorts of firearms and fireworks; a procession, similar to that we witnessed at Msranham paraded the streets during the day. and in the evening there was a grand display of fireworks; on one of the bridges was ereoted an altar, beautifully decorated; upon which was placed an image of the "Virgin" with the Infant Jesus," the head of either was surrounded by a silver ornament, representing rays of glory. The poor benighted inhabitants, would approach the altar, kneel a bitting upon the altar, and kits the feet of the luiage and retire, to make room for othar devotees. I attended a church where the bishop. priests and mouks, were offering up tbelr prayers. consisting of chaunts, aided by an excellent orchestra; at the door stood a table upon which was an image of San Antonio, and the oongrt gallon, In passing out. did homage to it, by kneeling and kissing the feet, at the same time putting into the plate a piece of money, and receiving in exchange an engraving r«presenting the Saint, in honor of whom the fete was held. The festivities of the day terminated by a flight of paper balloons, to one of which was attached a small figure, upon enquiring ef my cicerone, (an intelligent Portuguese, who spoke Kugluh.) the meaning of it, he replitd that it was Intended te represent the transportation of "Saint Antonio" to heaven, after he had flulshcd the work which he had been eent upon earth to perform. Oar Jamaica Corr«n|.oD<lence. Kiismt**, (Ja.) July l»-» P. M. The Crtttrni City.The LegitUlurr.Extraordinary Election.Obcohitm. Death of the Deputy Poetmtelar Central. Trade, #e., J-c , #x. The favorite eteamship Crescent City arrived here irom Cbagree lata thia evening, taking ouveitlsene quite by surprise by the announcement Immediately made, that she would leave at four o'clock to-morrow morning. Thete short notices, however neoessary for the proper working of steamer* within given times, are neTrithelt as annoying and Inoonvenlent to our good people, particularly those in mereantlle clrelea, who generally avail themselves of timely notice to prepare their correspondence for Koglaad. and which usually reaches there in advance of the British Wool India (learners. This, however, is not likely to ocour so frequently whin the new arrangements about to be made by the British West Indian line shall be completed and I learn that they wlU be carried out about October next. 1 n tbe shape of news, there is not mneh to communicate to you by thia opportunity. Our Legislature dm ClOPf'U A Tfrj qum BfMlon. wdicqodij IMUM1 flfQl or ton daye. There were bo port y equal, bice and little or no evidence of political MmMMdieting; but tha eeeeton wa» railed lor a epeetal parpoaa. aad thia. ao doubt, areoaata for it. The ordiaarj period for their HIacting I* Or to bar when 1 hare no doubt party dlfferracaa *UI bo revived. and there will ba long aad torny debate* again, aboutretraocbaaaatin tin public aipeaditaro; but I an pretty confident that ao actloa oa tba queetion will ba takea. far Utara ara atroag re aeon a for auppoatag that tba "o >aaervatlre" or -retranebnent" party will ba eoaeiderably waakaaad by tba retirement of >omo membera from tha lloua. aad I think 1 nay add. tha daaartioa of other* from tha coaaereatlTa' ranke One of tha moat spirited alaetiona which hac eeer takea placa In thia Island, cam# off la Falmouth, la tba pariah of Tralawaay. on the Mb luet It waa for ona representative. la tha roon of Saaual Maffaoaa, Kaa who raaigoed hla seat Tha eaadidataa war* William Hmitb Keq of tha Jamaica Railway t'ampaBT. and (Jeorga l.yoaa. Keq Coroner for tha peri«h Throughout I bo day aalther gautlemaa waa mora than two or ihree ahead of tha other, and in the afternoon the poll waa eloaad. declaring Mr Smith tha victor, by a majority of ona.tha numbera polled being 151 aad wbnt la quite etrangp to relate, la. that had the poll barn kept open one minute longer, there wr tiId litre en a tie. aa another rote appeared for Mr. l.yoaa the.moment the poll waa aioaed. Mr. Hiatth ie a gentleman of aubetanea. and mere than ordinary talent for Jamaica' and I ahall be disappointed IX ha i* art tha Infrodurer of aalutary reform" la meav ol oar IncUtutioa*, whera rafurm U certainly much required Tba dlrgofting prartioea of ObeeMem I regret elurerely to »»y. are at ill oa tha iarraaae. Thia great aril baa called forth obaerratloaa from tha pulpit tba judicial teat aad tba preae. and I bare a atroag hope that ooe of tba Bret lawe Introduced neat re«elou will ha of n etringrnt character, rlaliiag tha author* of three precUeea with very earere puaiahmeut. Thia aided by edueat i«a will. Ian eaagalae. do much towarde remedying a load-trying eri I I do not think I have yet noticed la tha iinald tha death of tha lion John Wilaon Daonlr I'oet tnaaiar t»#n»ral ob tbla Maad for many ; «« lit bad atlaJnrd Ma rlgbtteth yar HI* ailualioa will W fill* d. temporarily by Mr PairtM. lb* Iwaa;or of PmI Oflwa. wbo la at proaaat la Jamaica. II la a t»ry lurratlr* appotatmaat. and aprrmlatloa* ar* rifl* whether It will a* flll<-d la lb* "Coloar or from bom* » I am ant wrj ap**alatlr*. a* I faal pretty *ur» it Is tow food a thing for a Jamaieaa to bo farmed with. iM Cmi»T*'t Jfrrron/il* InltUigrmttr. fmm wblrb I generally floaa my Idformallow map- rtiaf lb* aarhet*. will aot b* pabllahnl. I ball***, fur tbla *t*ani*r A* fhr a* I am ablo to report la lb* aboaae* of that na*tul Hill* paper. tbora la ao a*w faatnra la lb* mar k*t. With lb* *s**plloa* of a f*w arUoto* perhap*. lb* aupply la pretty lair, aad praw a lltll* la adraae* of r**»at quotation* ar*gtroa. Tb* w»atb*r I* not by any oi**aa a* plaaaaal aa I eowld wtab WbU* now I writ* ww bar* *<>n»* fair abawarr arronip*al*d by rirM llfblaiaf but tb* b«at I* aad baa b**a for aom* day*. !at»l*rabi* I ball b* moot happy If I am *aahl*.| la my aval to IPport a fbrnrabl* rhang- bat I olmnat dnaat It. Tb* ' l'ba«r** mania " whlnb baa rwf*<l r«ry fu rioaaly within tb* laat f*w mrratba. I* faatly awbatdlng aad m*a ar* baftaalnf to f*»l tb* tratb of tb* aid aayli< ratb*r b*ar tbo** III* w* bar* tbaa fly to oth*r* w* ka< w not of." Only tbla erealag. a lara* naabt of Jamataaa*. ab' wt IT. rwtumed la tb* Or**o*at City. On* of tb*m laft h*ra la tb* aam* raoaol a w**k Mr* Tb* arrounta whlnh ar* fr*qa*wUy pnblUh»d b*r* will. I am aallaflad dofWr maay from bornmlaf mad adrraturer* W* look for tb* Cb*r*k»* about tb* Iflth or 1Mb I flat aat Pb* I* adr*rtl**d to l«*r* ob<at tb* ADtb. Tbo Kmptr* City w* tball boforw. If ab* tomb bor* oa haw way to CIHM Tb*r* I* nod anything of awfleWat Important* to ladur* m* to attend tbla l*tt*r. aad a* It moat b* plated oa board t«-al«bt. I *lno* at oar* L. Tm* Canmaaia Bwioaaara. Oarar >»«»u.iTt .A omapondaat of tb* St Lowla drpntMraft. of tb* 1Kb Inat writing Una Port l.araml*. uad*r data of Jan* ITtb. any*:.Th» brary tld* of t'allfumla "migration I* paaatng tbla po*t at tbla llm* A boot lotmo bar* p*a**d within tb* laat paat foot or Ar* day* Tb* wbol* aumbrr r<-glat*r*d b*r* a* ha ring p****d tbla aprlnf atond aa AHInwa:- M*n. IOWI, w im»n tb, rblldr n MS, Tb* ooabrr of wagoaa. T.I IS; bora**. lt> AAA, mtil** fl.471 or*a. ItAM Tb* r*fl*trattoa la, la lAo train *o*r**t. aa tb* HIl**r* tab* great pala* la endearnrtng tn mab* It eorrwrt thnagb aom* trala* bar* paaaad without r*gfat*rlng th*lr aam** At aawr a* t bar* b*»a abl* tn ratlmat* tb* anmbwra. I think OB* half tha emigration la from tha ital* of Ml*aonrt Poring Ik* peat artk bar* wttaeaaed a great amonat of *l*kB*** and dl*tr*a* la different train* la (art,! hat* not y*t hnrf of a train that haa eaeapad atrkaara and. la nearly all. tha aioaatar Daath haa takaa oaa or aara rtrtlm* Ta glaa yon aoaia Idea of tha rlckn*** na tha plain* thla jrtr I Bill only m*o tloa a haw aaaaa that hara aom* na.ler my obb potaocal nlarrritloa I tlaltod a train «a Tnaoday laat. 01 tha aataetaaa maa aoatpoalag It. algtaaa wra at<-k Another train I paared burled rati at oaa time Ira at alt mora aiek. and oaa dring a* f pamod fa two In-tarn ra 1 hara paaaad train* waora all hat on* had died la oaa ln-tanr*. I ana. at an aartmpaient. aao tant la ft atandtng and too* har drank,*'hat laying on tha ground: al«o a barrel of tracker* enteral blanket* an *r eight pair of haata. hat* aoala. ahlrta. he he and aaar hy. kta grata* hatetnl gentlamen hat* paanad a* nko left knrt Raarny fnnr day* after n* did. and on* ha* ronated IMI grata* hot ha aegltttad t* take aaatt* Proa all f eaa learn. I hat* a* do«l>t that at l**a« UO emigrant* bat* <it*d wtthla tha laat fifteen -lay* betseea hara amd Flam freek thna far I eaa bear of but oaa daath among *ar M I ml* prxf.le I. r M**an and I b-ittte *nr tta'g bnMa-i nil iha raat from an* e4»f, IIK II 3, JULY 28, 1850. The WuterlitR Place*. OUR FASHIONABLE CORRESPONDENCE. ClIIIIH Si .411.8 llotlL. S4KATOII*. J ulj '."1,18V) Burglars %1boul -Quilt an Unutual f'.xrilrmeul. Coming I and Goingi.Tlu Heat uj the Staton. n u uau a grauu iiare-up >uu riciu mi'ii 01 quue an unusual ktnd,li"re, a day or two ago; nothing less than the advent of a couple of regular built burglars. They feok advantage of the dinner hour, aud entering the room of Mr. Kyrie, (brother of Capt. Ityrie of the Cunarder* ) looked the door on the inside, and commenced fumbling and rummaging among the baggage. Portunately, however, Mr. Rjrle was engaged to dine with a private party an hour later than the regular dinner, and went to his room for the purpose of arranging bis toilet. Finding the door locked on the inside, he inquired who was there, and after aomt time the door was opened, (the key in the meantime being Flipped out.) aad our two fancy gents were discovered titivating themselres at the glass, arranging their hair, fee. Upon being questioned as to how they rime there, and what tbey were about, they said tbey bad just arrived, and had been shown to this room tor the purpose of dressing for diuuer. Mr. Ityrie, however, not being green enough to be aaught with such chaff, caught one of the tellows by the shoulder, the other slipping out and making hit escape from the house While Mr. Kyrie led his man to the office, however, the other was caught in the grounds and brought In, aud both pilloried iu a corner tor the inspection of the crowd of guests who had now assembled. After being duly exhibited, they were taken to a magistrate's olloc and atter ixu.mii.aUou. regularly committed for burglary, aud conveyed to tde jail at itallston One ot the men gave bis nurte as Jackson and is, I believed a well known cracksman from Philadelphia; the Other railed himself Hull but it subsequently appeared that bis name was Pish lie is rather uudervixed. dark complexion, blaek hair and eyes, and a man of great shrrwdness and intelligence. They had been bere stveral days, and put up lit the " Treaont House.''where they had considerable baggage, and a horse and wagon, which stood ready harnessed for Instant (light, in case of a successful haul Upon their persons was found f 1.1)01) in hundred dollar bills of the butchers' and Drovers' and Merchants' and Traders' Banks: and their trunks centained many skeleton keys. hies, chisels, be bo showing that they bad made ample preparations for the summer's campaign Tbere were also found among their baggage several packagea of lace handkerchiefs, gloves, embroidered lace capes, bo., bo., together with an entire piece of Uce. all containing the private marks of the dealers from whim thry had been stolen. which I girt you. as furnishing. perhaps. your New York police a alue to the gang to which these two baloog. The marka on the goods were aa follows " $m. 8i x oc .. u m a x N n Ju. on " Within the laat few days, thearrirala here hare bean tremendous, and there isn't, at this moment, a spare earner in Saratoga; yet tbey keep coming in every train, and we keep stowing them away, somehow and somewhere. Among the latest arrivals at tbia hotel, are Hon. John Slldell, of New Orleans, late minister to Mexico, with his magnificent Creole wife, now in her third and culminating season of Saratoga heilehood. There are many lovely women here, but none who can ie with her At the Congress Hall they have Theodore Sedgwick and wife; Capt. Stoddard, of the steamshin Crescent City; Mrs. Maria I. Child, the poetess, with a party of the Lerlngs from Boston, and Bheriff Carniey. of New York, who has almost recovered from his recent indisposition, under the cooling shades, Invigorating breezes, and health-Inspiring waters of Saratoga, and is almost " as good a man as ever ha was." The weather Is perfeotly delicious AVATKCB. U WIT SO Br 4TIS Horn, ) StsaTooa Sraiwos, July !£i, 184*) j Seesaw/er Strangers.fiiitrri at Saratoga. The season hae thai far opened brilliant in the extreme. Fashion and extravagance reign triumphantly, and snch a display as occurs hare in famous Saratoga, Is weU worthy of note. Silks and satins rustle in every direction; lewnsand laces are attractive; while dasxllng jewelry, fancy gaiters, and quaint contrived head displays, are all the go. Sir, moustaches are In full bloom, white hide are likewise, while high collars tower round many a dandy 's elephantine ear. In a manner Utile thought ot In Broadway. Blips and striped sock" look well; and M for attractive wards, gay smiles, handsome leaturoa. bewitching curls and glances. Saratoga la the noted spot ol ground. Now. one whisper In regard to that charming word beauty. You are well aware that on any occasion. In short In any department, female beauty and loveliness la more than two-thirds the battle. Well, at the Unites* Mates there are a few; at Congress llall. likewise, t"* earns; while at Union llall there are many H you are awars of It or not. this bouse, last mentiseaa outstrip all Saratoga for tho display of beat at .-* The eights to be teen about the front plasaa M the I'alted Mates Hotel, at aay faahlonable hour Is s seen# which my pen cannot dossiibe Impartially home promenade as though tha wealth of a nation was at their command, some as the** belle 1 'as bow ad to be:" some as though Ibsy kaew what others did nor eould not know; while the entire ot tho lea tea act. la fact, their part Dandies are as thick as Ueas la Syria Belles are as scattering as the gold actually foand la 7a iuoc dream, while the pu&iog put forth by all hands bests everything. It Is a fine sight to see what a host of pohlla and private carriages are areayed la front of the l*nltad States Hotel, day after day. Yaur New Yorkers come In style, for they bring their own Undoubtedly you have tlready observed a change, or a thinning down, in Broadway In regard to aristocracy. When tha Ibonght strikes you again, yonr mind must rsvert to Saratoga If money Is scarce In Wall street, it Is not here. Among the many of the to* ton now stopping st tho l/nlled Mate» Hotel, from the slty of New V ork ere . Wooodbnry Langdoo. and his accomplished lady; R. V bilmore. do dodge ltd ward" the Mlasns Zimmerman.Miss Mary ilysiop, Robert Uyelop, Jr., C II and A I Cuehmaii, W H. Jonas and lady, the two Minos Hall. Mrs. Isaao Jonas aad daughter. Miss Dash, from Philadelphia the wealthy Mrs Rush Is here; likewise, the c harm lag aad beautiful Miss Pefktas. of a. The following in now it Ootpwi Hall: NtiYwk * II Aator. J R Pitm ill family. Ju II Titae linll;. A. Tmliril. Tbo« it«l|*iol and lankly Dr Wiley. Captain gloddard and lady (»tr I rrN'it City), John A 0. (Iray and party of Ire and «« otkm Roitoi 1I J Hindu Mr*. I I l.-aia, Mtaa LeaU Mtai Robinson, T W Ward and lady IV. t'aitun and lady. Mra Cbarlee Hmitb Mr tt tlkin*. Mr Coring aad lady D « Williams. Mies Lnrlag I) a ranport and Rrtdg'-i. sod COO others Philadelphia-John Uara I'aaall and lady. W It ray and tady. . Hocht >a and lady Delaware llobarl Polk and lady Raltlmora joka Bplar and family. Cot W 0 Abott. tlao B * bttnora and famly Amnagtba many. lion. J "bo V. Bpeneer, Hon. Judge Walton The following nan ba found at I'alon Hail Pn m Maw 1 orb City David Learstt, r « j and family Thnmae T Reed and atatrr. Ilugb Mat-all aad family. Robort Mat'aabay aad family. lease Meeker aad family. Jueioh Macy aad family. AugaHua i> reborn aad family, (it-aeral l.amb aad family, C. W. Hon. Ra<] and family, I) Palia, Kaj , aad family, Morrta Ketrbum aad fhmily. R L. Ptaart aal family. Jamaica Tba Lard Rtahnp of Jamslrs Philadelphia II M Rarroaghs aad thmlly, J.H. Wllliaaaaoa J. M Tbrnckmnrtoa and family. Mr Shackrlfn-d aad family Albany A D. I.anting aad fhmily T. 'at Trghten aad family, and -100 otaara. If eaer cbampagna cnffered at aoy fashionable placa of Pcaort, It doee bcra ( hot*# ligaora go Iraoiy and bone nrrnrrrory other night flcantlnia, I am yowra. J D f aairaoa, Tnoaday. P M , July M. Idi« KititrrI ml Rorafefw etrapfa# /ram fAc CM«r< ml '*« Wrtt TVifftif Ihfrlto Ttimil .ffMR aad.fxti mf IA« riHNI /.</« fa Smrmlmgm I mat tbla morning, si Oongtiai Springs an aid fHasd from Cincinnati abo baa boa la tba maraaatlla buetoeea tbaaa twanty ysara. Ila baa branght bl* fbmlly an t# apaad tba rammer at tba lotted State* Ha glrra a deplerabl* aaeonnt of tbs raragaa of tba ehotara at that place, and ataUc that It la of a different typo from that a bleb premlled last year, aad mora fatal It I# called, by the phytlelaaa. coageatlro ebolero My frtsad aeeurea ma that tba number of death* ore arcing dally waa sat laaa than claty. aad embraerd all elaaeec of coeletr. altbnnah the nonere do not report bat abo at half that MMbar. II* l*ft tk* latt»r y*rt of l**t a*»h, ah*n nearly *U lb* p*a»l* ah* roald efort to tan Ik* ill;, vwt my l*( yr*yaratina* to in *o. Tk* wkota iltj vh la * it*t> n(iiyr«M4>*M i»il»tf t roabl* i«l roiMn. Tk* Ilwtn af**t*d < kabtt*. a* a»n a* thorn aho a»r» piittM«r>4 JUaolot* H* arntloaod tkl* ra»* HI* wit door neighbor, a a»althy and r**y»>tabt« qaakor. an I hlnM*lf. a*r* holding a familiar ehat. at tk* hoam of tk* for an at ! o'clock la tk* *r*al*f: at It hi* a*lghb*r aa* attacked altk ipvaa I* tk* bn*«l*; att A M k* aa* la a *tat* rl roll*am aa l at k* »u a aory* AH thta or*arr*d attbla ela* boar* H* aar a kal*. healthy aiaa of *r».d kabtt* Tb*rr*aaant taeaythlag later. or more anibentt* Ibm the yo»»o City of tk* W**t" tkan tkla. aad a trrribta aacaat tt I* T* a*a hi* oaa ranrraatoa, all klad* of bn*la*** aa* ha*r b*d la tk* krad ' Tk* trnttlag mar** at Aaretnge la dotag a (nod banana* tkl* Muna Tiff* ar* la* trottlag iaatob*a r*ry a*|. **a*rally la bora*** Th*r* ar* aowm la* a*|a la_ tk* «t*M*« of »lr*_»ry*at, *a*k a* H.tay | niirr.uimi HMK IIKMTI* «. II m talM that M tlM fKtwt trUltaf Wm* la th« rivaatry will fc» Hara la A Wfwat »4 rara »F*** I# «l»'l>4 Him af tba tnilkra ifWUBrt hara arrl»»Hat tk. ITattaA IMataa Natal, th^r Ma4 <|aart*ra, an* a ^iiMmWi ataaMtloa « «* «» aa»ka» la *wt. <1 »r*t wa.* 9*f »»4 *f«* *«*t* * . [ERA | knrd tmttinx aome Hplendld hl_;h low, jack mora- meats before the summer is over. Tlic gentleman who »»« robbed of hi* pocket book, containing a considerable turn ot money, at the depot, on Fnclay evening, has received no tiding* of the when ahouti of the Ihiet. A* it wa* all the money he had he leela like a man who had been married a month, and tailed In business Traveller* cannot be too cnreful of their vralleta and poeket book* at this time, for it Is the *c a.-ou when pickpockets. thieves and burglar* are holding high jubilee on all the public roads, and at all the turhlonable watering places. Saratoga, doubtless, has her <| 11 kutuui of lhu«e precious eoulsand will have more betoru the lashlonable etasou is over. The untuccesefnl attimpt made on Saturday, at the trilled State*, to rob Mr li>rie, of Liverpool, brother ot Captain 11}rie. oi the steamer Niagara, is much talked about b* cause the iuteniled victim had a narrow eicape. and it was by a mere mira:Ie that tbe thieves were detected. They had eutered his room when the boarders neie all at dinner. Mr. Kyriu had been absent frem lb- hotel since eight o'clock in the mornlug. and return ug about three went to hie room to wash bis hand* He touud the ke}bole obstructed by a key turned in the inside lie knocked twice, and the door was opensd to him by two fashionably dr* ssed young gemlemvn, both strangers to him lis questioned them.they prevaricated He then attempted to lock the dour, to secure them until assistance could be obtained, but they both rushed by him, down stairs, into the street. Ue followed tin in One escaped and the other was pursued uutil he was taken, a short distance ftom the main entrance to the grounds of the (jotted Slates, uear the railroad track. Hy-aud by the other was taken, and both were carried before a magistrate, when Mr. Ityrie told his story In the course of the examination some queer developments took place 11 is as ,'ertained thai, during the chase, one of the thieves. (Fish) said to be a New Yorker, and a most notorious thief and plokpocket, threw away two skeleton keys and a chisel lie and his associate in Iniquity, (.lackson) put up at the Tremont Hotel: their bed and truuks were searcned, and in and under them wvre found a hunch of twenty skoleton keys, several chisels, gouges, flies, and other instruments of roguery; besides some twelve or fifteen pairs of ladies' while kill gloves, a considerable quantity ot valuable thread lace, and some other plunder. These stamp the character of the men. Fish has about bis person nearly $1,00U la good money, and amoDg his papers a curtitlcate of deposit for (l.UOO on a bouse in t-an Francisco, showing that he had been in California Altar a patient bearing of saveral Lourn. and argument* of counsel. the prisoners were both hound ml for trial and at half paat ton o'clock at night, ware aent down to the jail lu Uallsnot by an extra train. It ia aaid the trunk of Mr. Ryrie contained $4,600 In gold He had ju»t returned trom a tour through the douthern and Western states and wea an hi* way to New York and lioeton. to embark for Liverpool. It he leaves tx-fore the trial of Yinh and Jackson eomea off, they will probably escape, but if he is detained as a witness, the court will doubtless show thi-m to Sing Sing for a year or two, for burglary, although they hud stolen nothing To lift a latch in a dwelling house, with intent to steal, is considered burglary by the law. of New York The book-keeper at the United States informed me, this morning, that the number of boarders at that magnificent establishment exceeded seven hundred. This is a pretty little family to take rare of, but an addition to it of three hundred Is expected by the flrst of August To do the cooking, and make the pastry and confectionary for this house- three separate departments- requires about forty hauls; to wait upon the tablet, some sixty, or more, lletide* these, there are a tcore or two of other servants, private waiters, porters, ko.. and about forty chambermaids, in all not tar troin two hundred. It must take a fortune to support this numerous corps of operatives, for they generally contrive to feed on the beat the market affords, if thi re It any of that quality about the house, and then their combined wages, for four months, must amount to at least ten thousand dollars But with these and all the other heavy expense* of the United States Hotel, it la believed that Marvin k Co will clear from thirty to forty thourand dollars, the present season. There are. at this time, lease splendid equipages hert from New York.a doirn. or more- the hand meet of which as I think is that of Mr Whlttemore. who mado quite a display, yesterday afternoon. In riding out with his four young children, hi* lady mounted on a spirited cream-colored charger, dashing along the road in advance ot him. with her attendant. I can easily concelva, trlend Bennett, why tba New Yorkers are devotadly attached to Buratoga. There la no other place lika it in thia country. none so easy of acnes* to them, and not one which afforda so many oxrrllent drive* for their eoetly and beautiful equipages There are several pairs of horses in the stables at Saratoga, which coat from $$00 to $1,000 ea?h. an I all belonging to New Yorker*, who have their drivers and attendants dressed in livery sad make a display that cannot be excelled There are about two hundred of tbe uv-town aristocracy of your eity bare, and amoug tbeiu some of the most elegant women that we have They Bake i:k»i dieplay Id the ball room. once or twice a week. but they look lut*rwtla|l; bwuUful at all timer. God blear tha lad Ice ! Therw la a large n»"'«r of fbahlonabl* Now Vorkan 4 t'ongrrvi (tall alto, and alow at Union llall. The firmer oatablUhment, under I to prevent proprietor Mr Brown I* foot regaining It* old popularity Von and I r< member, air. when It waa tha moat popular bouea in Saratoga It la now aacond only to tha Called State* Mr Brown, although a young man. baa boon attai n year* in the baainaaa. and underatanda hlmeelf well. Ha kaepa an eioelleat table, and good wlnaa P. I I bare tbla evening had a eonvaraation with the lawyer who la connaol tor tba young nan In Jail at allaton. flab and Jaekaon. of New York, on a charge ot burr lary lie haa jnat returned from tba Jail, where be bad a long baainaaa Interview with tba prtronere Ila haa moved for a writ of iairai rarpat. and tbey will be brought before Judge Booker. In tbla village, on Friday nest. and. probably, admitted to bail I now learn that tba amount id money tbey bad about them, divided nearly iqnallr between tha two, waa about |1 MK). principally In tlOO bill*, on tba New \ ork ctty banka, ard a few »<> piece, of gold currency, la addltian to tbla, and the eertiOcate ot depaalte tor fl too, tbey hava at the Tretneat atabla a borae and wagon, and hetneea, which are eallmaled to be worth over I SCO There young era tope are certainly well provided for. Malum* Ilot'tc, Care lat.avp. July 24,1IM 7%a Garerwar tf /Vnnepitawui a/ f'ape JilaaJ -i/ii Re- r'flinn Thi CnhUH" / Ona.Eirfast re Butt § i\« UmltJ Statu Rarly ob Tuesday moralag certain 44 amblgnoua glrlnga oat" war* turned adrift upon tbo sen of curaiiaa. to the effect that Ooreroor Johnston had lafl tha capital, and waa aipaetad to arrlra on tba Island, by tha Philadelphia boat, la tba erealog Rmrybody looked knowing and yat nobody at -mad poatad up la tha aialtar of " thick aiming avaata".aaory faoa yoa mat vera aa eipreaslnn whloh vac lataadad to aay. " Tea won't aarprtea ma.I m la tba neerator » It a all vary wall bat I barn been rnosalted " At tha Columbia Uoaaa. a rary email committee of dieiataraatad patrlota. roaalatlng of a eaatom bonne nfll-er or two. and a military geatlamaa or two of reaova, ware grouped together la myaterloaa rear lam looking thing' unutterable under tba burden of aoaH> Important diplomatic^ agency A child of AfHe. la a whlta Mb. waa qalably despatched, with a real whita billet, to tba eottaga of a gentleman, with tha iataat of electing a loan of bla prlrato canlaga. the moat aaparb Trklrla oa tba Ulead. to be aeed oa an oeeaatoa of Immanao magnlt ode Tba gentleman declined and tba committee ware Indignant Between two and three n clock In tba afternoon, a small wagoa and a pair of Jersey nags ware aaea lumbering though tba aaad. towards Dig bee a landing. " solitary and nJuae *' Toar correspondent aa la daty bound, followed to the beach, where the Ohio waa seen rounding to at the long ptar A moment mora, and a tall, portly gentle, man with a aaagnlaa completion was fed up the Intel <41noble board walk. Hat la tba arm embrace of tba renew nod t'nl Chambers Tbo drrom waa oat Oa«»f Mir JolihilfiB hbJ arrived, but tn eh.ru L in Km me- toiM to bl« hot*l br OoJ Chamber* who had p«r poaely delayed bta departure from tb* taland la ord*f to git* Ik* Ki«rill?a t dttlngaaJ proper r***ptloa Th* UtTMnoi wa» latllod to »t*p Into tb* B"la<t ait *u laaatbtai; foilvwed tj hla fri*ad. th* Cnleaet * mor* ait *w*y th*y Want. I oiling and (teo'rlug h»1' threwgh th* mad. altboat » aolltar* about or other manlfcetattoa of th* MmtM *f tb* dl*tln(iil*h*d head and front of th* (>ld K*y«toa* a faahloaahla watering plar* I a bri»f tb* mail party lata* tin* brought up at the Columbia. »h«n tb* < ot-a*! Immediately pr..r»*d*d to tb* bar room and addreeaed th* nourteoaa attendant a* follow* -*>tr I am aid to tb* Oitrnmar I waa appointed air, I art n a. m*r without aolinltattnw <*n my part nhil* I war ab'aat at th* Haraloga Spring* Mow. aa aid to tb* Oooeraop I u|*b It to no di*t tartly ua dervtood that my frtead Wm f John(to* la tn bo t**d*r*d lb* bo»t IW,uoT* In your rharg* whenever may call for a drlak Am I understood etr'" Tb* man la *"ffte* n*dd*d aa affirmant* Th* Colonel than troeeeded to tba eereanta' ball, aad tb*r* d*llr»r*d lmr*lf of a a*at aad appropriate *p***h airing th* wondering inaa *l Ethiopia m aad*r*taad that b**a* ' aldtoth* flovernor an l that b* wt*b*d th*in to r**p**t him noeordtrgly Th# fare* waa e«*tlnn*d antll evening mneh to th* thagrl* rl tb* Kieeutlva. (Obn.at ear*. *nmpr*h*ad*-l in niiriiM* loaoyi.m ot ID* «ll|ti*.) *l>*a IftM r*rr1< 4 to an »n InMr* full h*IJ at th* lalt*4 fftato*. la hoanf of bla »» tfnii Ik* I«l*n4 I will 41aial»* thl* alUIr by lb* a*a»rtloa that It *m a* rtrh a hurlaaqa* a* kaa ***r tall*a ua4*r my antlo* lha maa*(*r* ant Mag a' I* to pat * polka qiiadrlU* up >a th* innt without th* al4 of pr*rlou* Jn*»alllt* ft la pr**nai»4 th* play will h* *oatla**4 aatll N*w<l*p. with a rkang* of *hara*t*rt Th* It'll ara Imply th*** Whan It wai (lr*t latl >at»4 that lha Hororwn* antlrlpatal altltlag Cap* Map ha waa haalagul hpa rortata *ia** af wallllct, at a tlai* wh*a th* I*laa4 wa* thr -ag»«l with ht« p»r *a«l M«a<i* A* aa laataar* of th* «»lfl»l( frallag by whl*h thl* iwall ntgaalfatlon wa* **twat»4. I wonl4 tat* that th* powag wiaw <4 th* tlaaalra Moaa* pro pa**4 at th*lr owa agpaaa*. to h<«* a |la* af aarrt aara pro***4 to th* loaning oa lb* arrival af lb* l!i**wt|*a ao*oaapaol*4 bp Aaf**w>u a Mlrtaa* ba*4. aa4 lltui Wat*w arowrt*oua*a4 a*np»r oanll«la'laa ofaalrOw Th* ptopptiUph f*u 4 MM lha *P 11 n iii nrt ^i mm i--'* mn ^ LD. TWO CENTS. proval of tha self constituted committee and ao the affair came off a* abore described. Tbere are now about five thousand visiters at Cap# Island. a greater number than has ever been upon tha i-land at any one time -the hotel*, cottages, atablea, barn* and sheds. are all full to overflowing There 1h no dlrguiaing the fact that, in a tew ycare. Cape Inland will be the meet papular aud faahiouable waterlog place in the world. The aecond grand invitation '' hop," at the Mansion Iieuse, wua the gem of the eeaeon. both in point of nutubera and fashionable attendance. Particulars in future.Truly, INGLKi. Lake Mauorac, Pctwam Ooi'Wtv. N. T., » July 25,1850 > Sumtnrr *4mittrmcnti.Dining an Woodtork . Thr (tarn* Law <\J Putnam County.TViaii and Treating.Spirit of Lav and Lav of Spirit. Kncwiug the Interest that yon and your legion of readera take in matters occurring at the different watering places, I batten to give you a brief aooountof m most ludicrous affair, which lias been the cause of much excitement among that portion of the gay anil futhionable wr rid now rusticating at this place. Oa Tuesday last. Mr. Win. O'li'"', a well know Wall street operator, was arrested on the charge ot violating the game laws of Tutnam county, by purchasing a ffne lot et woodcock causing the same to be properly cooked, and regaling himself and friends with the interdicted luxury The prisoner was admitted to bail on hie owe recognisance, and the trial appointed for to-day, at tea o'cl-ck A. M at which time the defendant, attended by a nnmsrous tetinue of friends, appeared to answer. The court was held in the store of Mr. J as Ga Nun, of this place, and all his chairs, counters, ike werw P A11»- fi Infn rniillialf inn f A eoenmm/olaia #Hsa A. * crowd. Tbc Judge anil prosecuting attorney haying arrived eecorted by the celebrated Semi. Berry, K«<i., of Carmnl the complainant, who call* himself Jar via Cole he stated hie charge, and called lor nummary v«nfenure on the accused. At thle stage of the proceedug». the defendant, who in the absence of hie counsel eoi ducted bin own case. propoaed an adjournment for (litem minute*, and the court prosecuting attorney, U J. B Ksq of Camel, and several friends, proceeded at his invitation, to Baldwin's Hotel to wet their whistles. The potency of Baldwin's A No 1 bad a soothing influence on these wis* ministers of the law, and. as the exhilarating spirit entered their stomachs, the milk of mercy sprung up in their bosoms and suggested ideas of compromise and settlement. In fact, they bad understood that the defendant intended to ank for an adjournment, in order to have time to gat his legal adviaers on the spot and test with them the Justice and rlghteousueas of the law. The utmost hilarity and good feeling prevailed and after the third drink all around, the prisoner was iulormed. that if hn would treat again and pay all expenses Incurred thus far the matter should drop, which condition the prisoner. alter consulting with his friends, concluded te adept, and thus the inountalu in labor was delivered. I regret that tlma will not permit me to give you a more extended description of the whole scene Hoffice it to say. that the game laws of Putnam county have been maintained. Justice has triumphed, and woodcock must remain unmolested. CLlFfOllD. Our Sardinian Correspondence. Turks. June 30, ISM. Tht Pop* at Romt.TK* Condition of Sardinia.T\a Turkiih *1mbatiador on Board lb* " Erit," ft., fc. The European Herald la only read in this country, and is regarded as the only authentis source of Information in all matters appertain lag to the ' Model Republic " 1 have arrived in this place In time to bo In the midst of lb* excitement upon the Cuba question The Intelligent of all parties regard the affair In its true light.favoiahie to the Lulled fitstee, but other* oooeldrr It u I premeditated encroaohment, a lib a dliact Tina to annexation Tba Pop* U In undlaturbed occupation of Rome, tbla look! aall lor tba peace of Kurope. The element* of clril war ere now la Sardinia, bat rhould war take place. It will be local la It* character. Tba King I* dlepoaed to eoaleece allb the National Gnarda and ultra*; chould he perelet la thlf movement. It all! end la ble abdication and rala. Sardinia U tit only for Bcorerameul like that of Kagland If eho nould be like the CattedBtatee, ehe niuet »»p*rate tho Church from the State, and educate the people. The itare-ahla ' Brie " lent Genoa; ehe Irarae. inn fra dare, for home. She takei, a* paecengere. th# Tarkleh Ambaaeadnr and eulte. The frigate Oooetltutlon le hunad on a eruiee to the eoaet of France and Spain. Thin »hip. I am Informed, eaitaia* her firmer reputation for Balling, and ehe la. moat certainly la admirable order; bar otfleer* and crew In a high atata of health and dlaoipllne. She baa producad a (natation. where rer ehe haa been farorable to the Amerieaa ebarecter. The gorernment on board te Arm but mild. The eruiee ot thl* ferortte chip le nearly at an end. and abe will retarn to the United State* an evidence ibat the Nary haa tort nothing of lie character, edrlency or diaclpline A III Kb A R> waeaaet Peaaa er a Mawiew, le not.ced by tba Trtnian Trw* . Imrrttmn aa baring oceniTWd at Bordantown yraterday morning The loeomotire which waa to brlag the morning train fhom Bordeutown to Trenton waa rnlieej and the englnoere p roc a red aeotber. W bra they tcaehed Treat..n they dleeorerwd the mlatiagoae feat la the cwitehoe. blowing off alarm nt a great rate. When they came to It tber found a man trying te rebuild the Are. wad the water end cindrr* a lilac bloc orer him and the naiaa Ik rermr that craiy man hailing from Vow 11"pa. Pa, had coma km from Harden town on M onday evening and raturaad in tho anm* train. P> tnc tlani' during tha night, or early In tho m >rnIt k thla madman had gen» to lha angina, kindled a hie put on on# of tb* | »mpi which had b*en tokan iff nnd, not finding tha oil. had malted tallow, with which ha (reared ail tho apparatno. and potting on tha rtram. rama up to thla «Ht Ilka n etreoi ot gr<a»ed lightning " The angina had baen managed aary wall, aa It waa not at nil Injured but It la ruppoaed be did not know bow to bark It whan It got la tba rwltrher hara. which wara locked. We understand ho murt bare paaoed ono or two awltehoa bafom r«aching thlo nation Ho aald ha look the engine to eeo how foot It aoaJd be modo to go. He war taken bark to Bo'dentown and aent thence to kla Yt-nda. Hie a*capo from deetrnrttoo waa eery Inoky Iter him Tartarian orrwtea Smarm LinnriiLD awn PaOi rrana W a earan.- Agreeably to a pTorloooly or pr reel 4 wtih on the part of l*mfeanr>r Weh-ter. Mr l.lttlegeid netted klm in blr eel) yeetarday noon Mr LltUwSald war accompanied by jailer Andrews, nnd waa cordially recrlted The taterrtow lasted aboot an hnnr We learn from another mom. that Pred mor Wabater .eeme perfectly resigned nnd vary penitent Ho ioji that he ha- made his peace shore and la prepared to dte His only am ion la concerning hit nafortanate family The nMoera of tho jolt bars no approben el. n that be a.II commit ratelie Neae is permitted to htm oaJeeo Iher bold n permit ftem tho rbertfl We aa<lerntaad that Mra Little flrld will rlaM the freheer to-day It te not the tenet tngnlar feet among ail the etroumrtaneee of thla affair that Webetrw bae not yet rwfllgned hie -1 wing Profeeenrehtp of f'bembrtry and Miner-.lngy in llarar-l I nt»»r»Ur neither bae bo been remoeed. nor baa another been appointed In Ma place eoneeqaently be to rtlll a (toll Pr-'fi «rer sad It lo a fail rrofs«o<.r la the Bret eemleerr ef i-ernler la tho I'attad Platan. who Will ha n Prldar A ucaad Ah anlaaa ha aaMalpatoa hi* Anna by aalalda An « /> )'* Timn July M fnt urtH« Diiiii P Arm, » <(«.- Mr King *M a nat laa of Itanrnra H*|n4aiMitlUrnr4i'i|. I»f» la tha elnaa of 11X1. ohtehSwaa a >mp aa4A>f K»» Pamaal H OfaarBa (lata paatnr of tha old Ronth '"h'trah. Ponton); Pra Wtn P. I.aat of Qatar y f ratraink A Pamnar. R*>| Tbnaaa W Dorr, of Rhrd- Maa4 *ad atfcara At »a aartr ooatampl.'nd tha atady of tba lav bat ahaadonnd It, »a4 abort ly iHaf baalaa tradaatnd ha waa marrtad to Parab P*«« daarhtrraf llatrktnh Flint of Daarara. ahara apoaa lira iah«rt» 4 by bla Vila, knlanmmanaad tka anraatt of forming la IMA 1 Mr King aaa a mam bar i tka Maaaahaaakaa lloaaa of Irprriiatallrn InlAM* ha iu a a«a bar of tka Paaata. an4 waaratarnad ifila to tkat body In 1(40 an4 okoaaa to am aa IU araatdln( adtonr la lMJk**ua|ali a mambnr of tka II' uao aal aaa alnetad Pynnkar on tha fourth day of tka aaaaloa aftar aiaay antwotnonfal hallntlnfa by oaa majority tha yama aa atartad Mamaa Mottoa (triraar tka aaaia yaar Tka rota atood 174 to 171 Whlla (Ulna tkla rttaa. kta aam* »ai hrnagkt forward aa a candidal* Xrprmalallti to fongraaa ffoa tha llacowd l.'«rrraalnaal ftlatrlnt. and ha oaa alaatad by a aaiall majority la tha month of .(ana Pino# tbtn ha hat haaa twlaa rarltatad by larga majorltla* Urtfaa Jmmnml, J <.ly » Dnminaltr Mlaaallany. Tka Nawfonadlaad tanl (abwry of thla aanton haa fwanltrd lb abundant rataraa (aala to tka ralaa of ISiOIlM in in* Mtf rarad at It John aloaa. and tka arrtrala Into tha dlffarant porta Bra mmpatad at 1(00(0 A oktta land maanfortary la bow la operation ad btmhrntlllr i»Mo, whlrli yroAnro n* nonarro « c* pOf <«T WllliaM Toabnrg. an ranapaA totfM tmai Krataoky. but born «rrrrtr<1 at Albany, on two ahargro of bartlary fir will ho tatra hark to Krntnrky Bo kmka Jail at Albany hot oar roaaptarrA. An titration nnpo aaA bairgtng flartory. at Lailag|ro Mo waa rorrntly ArrtmyoA by ti*. la roaaoui.rnra of baring bona rtrnrk by Hgbtalag Uoaa, »t« «tm A bgbt ooaaroog at Katrhra Mlm na tba Ittb I not, botorra O brawn ai l J llarfto. la wblob both aora Mortally rtahhoA A J»wl«b byaagagar to bo aonaoamtoA at Baffblo, «a tba l»'b It rt Man lot bar brorrannr, C. B. Coaimlaatnaor to tba bankwlrb ftlar Aa. wl|| >all tor flonolnlo *m» I Am. oa tbo lotb of Aacaat. yf*tla« I l«n«» OrUa 'hat tba Mirtinnt of follow «mhr rn»t»r|o<l thia foaf Iwoii u mutually ff'tt Altnoat tll>- wbolo laaaMf of-'-ujid vh »; oaco «r tor Sifiai

Transcript of E NE W YO IIK II[ERA...th: \TALI\J. oovz.KOHcl nuttjunufIMTRLUfiEfCX. InltntllkK from Wuililnglnni...

  • t h :\TA KOHclLI\J. oovz.

    nuttjunuf IMTRLUfiEfCX.InltntllkK from Wuililnglnni

    Ot'B SrEC'IAL TSLKO Its I'll !C CokREsrONDKtOK.Wuhi ro*. July 27, 1850.

    Mr. Kwing will be sworn lu a Moudsy, who, withr.hs Massachusetts Senator 'tis expected, will miketwo additional rotes iipsiust the Compromise. Thepreat hope of Mr Clay >«< to hurry the bill through

    'before three Senators arrived. It »a« the last cbauoeNow the rare appear* to be hopeless again. Perhapsit may hare another new move by Monday.Mr llulwer offlclally denies that Knglond has any

    designs upon Costa Rica.Secretary Corwin has appointed James W. Morshead,of Pennsylvania. late p*y clerk to the House, to

    a rlerki hip in the Trea-ury.Mr. llatee will certainly be Secretary of the Interior.


    Henste.Waiiiisutos, July 27, 1850.

    After the reading of the journal,< KKUt iSTIALS OK MM IWISS,

    Mr. Dtui. of Mars, prossntsd tho credentials ofHon. Tho*. Uwlng, of Ohio, to take the place of Thos.Orwln.

    Alter tfce presenting of memorials and report*,raurosiTioN or * new mile.

    Mr. Douglass offered a resoluHsn making the previousquestion, when demanded by a majority ot thamember* present, a rule of the 8enate. cutting off alldebate, amendment*, itsMr. Atchison moved to postpone it indefinitely, but

    as the resolution was not under consideration the motioncould net be nlertained and the resolution liesover under the rule*.

    death or wa. aiao, or Massachusetts.A message was then received from the House of Representatives.announcing the death of one of the members,Daniel P. King efMa>.-achusett*Mr. Davis delivered a euloglum. giving a succinct

    statement of the publle services of the deceased, aadoffered the customary resolutions, after which, theSenate adjourned.

    House of KcpreseiitaUvea.Washing ton, J uly 27, 1850.

    DEATH Or MB. KINO, OF MASSACHUSETTS.Mr. Rockwell, of Massachusetts, announced th*

    death of bis colleague, Hon Daniel P. King, whichtook plaoe on Thursday last, the 23d instant, athis residence, in Danvers, Massachusetts. After passinga enlogy on the character of Mr K., he offered resolutionsexpressive of ihe deep sensibility with whichtha intelligence has been received, and to wear thousual badges of mourning for thirty days.Mr. Winthsop spoke of the Integrity of the deceased

    as aprirats cltlsen. his derotlon a« a public servant,and his moral and religion* character

    Mr. Chanhleb, who mee.-ed with Mr. King, also deliveredan eulogy, in the rcurae of which he pointod Sothe deceased as a beautiful illustration of the Christiangentleman.The resolutions of Mr. Rockwell were agree*] to and,

    as a further maik of respect, the House adjourned.The New Senator for Haaanchuaetta.

    Bo«tok, Jnly 37, 1850.The Governor ami Council met tbl* afternoon, and

    appointed R C. Wlnlhrop United Slate! Senator, inplace of the Hon Daniel Wrbeter.

    PrOgrtM or the CbeUra.AT CINCINNATI.

    Cincinnati, July 27, I860.The Board of Health for the twenty-four hour*, endtagyeeterday. reported 49 death*, 36 of whioh were

    firem cholera, and 34 of other dleeaiei.The weather U inteneely hot.

    AT LOUISVILLE.Lotmii.t*, Jnly 27. I860.

    The Interment! daring the twenty.fenr honre, endingThnrtday evening, were 47, of whkoh 33 were choleraeeeei.Important froiu Teiae.

    New OeLaan!, Jnly 24. 1850Qalveeton papere of the 30th lnat. pnblUh letter*

    from Governor General Andernoa to theTezai aeaatoreand repreeentatiree, requiring them to Inform theI'raeideat, that Teiaa d«nice the right tf the generalgovernment to continue to rseralee civil or militaryauthority over Santa Ke and demand that the inetruotlraa heretofore given te federal oflloeri be revoked,and that a complete and (eenre jorUdlction may be.guarantied

    Honthem PoMUral Meeting, Ac,8atannah, July 34, I860.

    h hum meeting of the eHiieae of Savannah and itavicinity, wee held yeeterday. at wbleh revolution! were

    untnimnmli endnrilne the nroeewdinei of

    the Nashville Convention. and la lavor of the MissouriCompromise Hoe

    CopUla Merchant, of the United State* Army, re-«i'Otly wonndrd In on engagement with the IndloneIn Tegas, arrived In thl* elty yesterday.

    flnrnlng of the Hark Charming, at Hen.Pini.*DKi.rHi*, July IT, 1U0.

    By the brig William from llahlo, we learn tbot thebark Charming, of Bangor. from New York for BanYraacUeo, waa burnt at *eo. 300 mile* oontheaat ofBahio, on the night of the *34 May. The oaptaln andof»w took to the boat* and were fared.

    Kanoral lolrmnl|lN.Khnmowd, July U, 1164.

    The corporate antkorltle* and ettlaeaaot Blohmond.kaen designated lb* 10th day of Aifoat. for the parpoeeof poylno n suitable tribute of leepeet to the memoryOf the late Preeldrnt.

    The leathern Mall, Ac.H*i riaoan, July *7.10.10.

    The Southern mall baa com* te hand, bat farnUhMBO Intelligence of importanceThere t* no change to report In tho Baltimore

    Irtnrnna rtna Treat**.-The following, fromon board the C.I schooner Flirt, we And In the In*areleVetrltr of the Idth lost «>a ih» 14th and llthMarsh last a rery never* and distressing Are ooeurredt Lagan a. Yucatan, by which hundred* of famlllw*hare been deprived of a home, by the work at an la-cendlary The Are of the 1Mb war the severest theheartleea en irbea took advantage of a strong wind,sweeping through the beet and moat wealth# part atthe town, to P0*et their dtebelleal object The loan efproperty at thl* Are la estimated at about 600.004 toWifl 000 dollar* about two hundred house* were burntMany wealthy pereeue are redneed to almost ablestpoverty, there being no Insurance.everything is atotal lose Among the public building* destroyed arethe rbtirrh of Bt Mary de Hnadalonpe. the Mualeloal}1»wr Market koii*. tha Amerlraa, lyaaltk, endother Coaeular houeee and almort aeery mercantilebouee the late Kngllrb l onxl l houae (Mr Johnaau.who died reaeatlj. rery ad.tealr ) «»a the Mh of Jane,tha aratehee. not aa'. Irked with tnalr work of lalantty,I again aat flea to another parttaa of the town, and euceeedad la destroying about forty houaea. making alto(ether about two bnadrad aad etity or eerent y houaea,and, to add to the dtetreeeea at the lahabltaata. theyanticipated the cholera Bualaeaa la at a eland, owlagto tha quarantine lawa helag eafbreed agalnat themail reexle which trnn«p«rt logwood from tha

    ranrhea §< reral f ranch barke aad othar foreign Teaaela are la) log la port waiting f >r wood. At I'aaapeaehythe people are re alartrcj that they quarantinereaaela from aar port without regard to elaaa oralekly Mlia of health, from twenty to forty daya AtCampearhy thare ware ten deaertera from the Cnhaatpedftlon In quarantine; they deaerted when the oateneiMemotlre aftbe expedition waa made kaowa. aad»ad" their way to Steal from there ta ram peachyThe Amerleaa t'oaaal would not afford thrm any atalatanee. be lotting reelgacd hie Consulate entae time

    rerlena Th.fa waa ant aa American Coaanl la allarataa, aad aa Amtrlraa rltn«n la the ah war» ofaa armed forae. haa ao protection whaterer Thaaowardlyaad Imbecile wretehe* boaet largely am wttheaneieee hut let any foreign reaael of war rlaftthem, their hombaat aad b««tleg remlada naa of" hob Aerea "--they generally are fonnd wantingTna Krrrcre or lianniaa . Wa learn that Derld

    Oakley, a >< aug man Ik yearn of age. rertdiag la Hoy-alma while engaged la dreeing In hay. war InstantlyhllWd he lleh'nine ttaklee wu on the ton ol a I redof bay ohcr» ho ha.l born mg*«*d in loading A m*n.who wn by Ibr »lrt* of ih* load, anl »t«»dy}tag It with hi* y it,-hfork. on th* way to ibr barn «

    I *u arrtrad bar# la thirty-fonr daja froiNam Yorb

    I will ana glrn yon a akalab of Mnranbnm. and thl«plaa*. tiartiag tbat It may ba tufaraatlag to »nm» "fjour rradara Maranbam >« l»auH fully attaaiad. andMa barbnr la rbaltnrrd from galaa rf wind by thobtghlanda ntrriinding It IHa tova ttaalf la alta«ta.|upi a billa. *lih lia airaa'a running np and d>»a lh*lraldaa tba hoaraa baaa tka appaararaa n< aoaifort andaaataara. It baa tblrtaan abnrahaa ba-id*' a oatlM (ratTim day ahar an artirad. bring a batyday. (».ba l«adof IJorpna ItarMli all haada. of tha aflar guard," ra.palrad on aboya la aaatba pfr »aaaloa of prlaata tfonba,aad llllary. la honor nt tba day It wsa a vary Irapo-lng alp lit; aartnlnly. ona aalanln'ad ha aboa thamarr >aa aaalth t that at l**a« UO emigrant* bat* aand lady Delaware llobarl Polk and lady Raltlmorajoka Bplar and family. Cot W 0 Abott. tlaoB * bttnora and famly Amnagtba many. lion. J"boV. Bpeneer, Hon. Judge WaltonThe following nan ba found at I'alon Hail

    Pnm Maw 1 orb City David Learstt, r « j and familyThnmae T Reed and atatrr. Ilugb Mat-all aadfamily. Robort Mat'aabay aad family. lease Meeker aadfamily. Jueioh Macy aad family. AugaHua i> reborn aadfamily, (it-aeral l.amb aad family, C. W. Hon. Ra*M i»il»tft roabl* i«l roiMn. Tk* Ilwtn af**t*d <

    kabtt*. a* a»n a* thorn aho a»r» piittM«r>4 JUaolot*H* arntloaod tkl* ra»* HI* wit door neighbor,a a»althy and r**y»>tabt« qaakor. an I hlnM*lf.a*r* holding a familiar ehat. at tk* hoam of tk* foran at ! o'clock la tk* *r*al*f: at It hi* a*lghb*raa* attacked altk ipvaa I* tk* bn*«l*; att A M k*aa* la a *tat* rl roll*am aa l at k* »u a aory*AH thta or*arr*d attbla ela* boar* H* aar a kal*.healthy aiaa of *r».d kabtt* Tb*rr*aaant taeaythlaglater. or more anibentt* Ibm the yo»»o City of tk*W**t" tkan tkla. aad a trrribta aacaat tt I* T* a*ahi* oaa ranrraatoa, all klad* of bn*la*** aa* ha*r b*dla tk* krad 'Tk* trnttlag mar** at Aaretnge la dotag a (nod banana*tkl* Muna Tiff* ar* la* trottlag iaatob*ar*ry a*|. **a*rally la bora*** Th*r* ar* aowm la*a*|a la_ tk* «t*M*« of »lr*_»ry*at, *a*k a* H.tay |niirr.uimi HMK IIKMTI* «. II mtalM that M tlM fKtwt trUltaf Wm* la th«rivaatry will fc» Hara la A Wfwat »4 rara »F*** I#«l»'l>4 Him af tba tnilkra ifWUBrt hara arrl»»Hattk. ITattaA IMataa Natal, th^r Ma4 Importantdiplomatic^ agency A child of AfHe. la awhlta Mb. waa qalably despatched, with a real whitabillet, to tba eottaga of a gentleman, with tha iataatof electing a loan of bla prlrato canlaga. the moataaparb Trklrla oa tba Ulead. to be aeed oa an oeeaatoaof Immanao magnlt ode Tba gentleman declined andtba committee ware Indignant Between two andthree n clock In tba afternoon, a small wagoa and apair of Jersey nags ware aaea lumbering though tbaaaad. towards Dig bee a landing. " solitary and nJuae *'Toar correspondent aa la daty bound, followed to thebeach, where the Ohio waa seen rounding to at thelong ptar A moment mora, and a tall, portly gentle,man with a aaagnlaa completion was fed up the Intelath* innt without th* al4 of pr*rlou* Jn*»alllt* ft lapr**nai»4 th* play will h* *oatla**4 aatll N*w

    Sumtnrr *4mittrmcnti.Dining an Woodtork. Thr (tarn*Law rnItk thla madman had gen» to lha angina, kindleda hie put on on# of tb* | »mpi which had b*en tokaniff nnd, not finding tha oil. had malted tallow, withwhich ha (reared ail tho apparatno. and potting ontha rtram. rama up to thla «Ht Ilka n etreoi otgr