District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971 ... · District 9465 Western Australia...

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Transcript of District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971 ... · District 9465 Western Australia...

District Governor 9465


Brian Eddy



Team 2014-15


Mike Nella Secretary

Brian McCallum Treasurer

Bob Cooper

Attendance this week

Total Members 26


Apologies 3

Make-up 4

Attended 18

Honorary Member

Guests 2



81 %

Facts & Figures

Raffle Mike N & Eric B

Heads & Tails

Lorraine L


Lorraine L 27th


Edd & Ann S 27th

Club Anniversary: John W June 1


If you had any we hope

you had a good day

Meets Monday

6 for 6.30pm

At Rotary Hall

Brownell Crescent, Medina

Visitors always welcome

President Mike

The Rotary Club of Kwinana District 9465 Western Australia Chartered: 22 April 1971

Coming Events May 2015

Aus. Rotary Health Month June 2015 Mon 1st No Meeting Public Holiday Mon 8th Visit to Perth Hindu Temple Mon 15th Club Meeting Mon 22nd Club Meeting Induction/Partners Night Mon 29th Club Meeting July 2015 Mon 6th Club Meeting Sat 11th Changeover Night @ Darious Wells Mon 13th No meeting

Attendance Officer: Greg Williams 9419 5834

Apologies by Saturday pm please

Good meeting tonight, we welcomed along Cassandra Lake and Alisha Benzi

from the West Australian Symphony Orchestra to tell us about the school

program they are running at 3 Kwinana primary schools.

We are close to moving into the last month of this current Rotary year, we have

enjoyed a pretty full-on year, President Mike Nella has kept most of us busy

most of the time. PE Max Bird has already introduced a number of progressive

reforms and no doubt will continue that format during his year as our President.

Congratulations to Ed and Ann Samut who celebrate their 43rd


anniversary this week.

On June 11th

Rodger and Judy Hamilton will celebrate their 60th


Wow! that is an achievement, Our congratulations to you both.

Another significant milestone will be reached on June 1st

PP John Wallhead will clock-up 30 years’ service to our Rotary Club,

congratulations and a massive thank-you.

No 39 25th May 2015


Rotary International President

Gary C.K. Huang

Rotary Club of Taipei


President Mike Nella

President’s Pen

Club Meeting 25

th May 2015

President Mike welcomed everyone along to our meeting with a special welcome to our

guests from WASO, Cassandra Lake and Alisha Benzi who are to talk to us about the

WASO School Program here in Kwinana.

Directors and Project Managers I need your annual reports to be completed and an electronic

copy sent to PP Ian Critchley, we need this to be done by 30th

June please. PP Eric Blogg

will be preparing our Annual Report booklet.

The board meeting scheduled for Wednesday 27th

has been cancelled.

I am pleased to inform you the

2017/18 District Governor for RI District 9465 is

Bruce Lynch of the Rotary Club of South Bunbury.

A number of us attended The District foundation fundraising dinner at the Agni Indian

Restaurant, great night with approx. $16k raised, great result.

Just confirming details for our visit to the Hindu temple on Monday 8 June.

As we are expected at the temple at 5.30pm, we need to be assembled at Rotary Hall by

4.45pm for departure.

The cost of the evening will be $10 for transport, plus cost of dinner purchased at temple


A reminder to you all regarding the dress code:

- Ladies need to be wearing a skirt of knee length; no low-cut blouses.

- Shoes and socks (or stockings) need to be removed prior to entering the temple.

The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the ability to reach it.

Time is what keeps things from happening all at once.

I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not too sure.

Secretary: PP Brian McCallum

Inward Correspondence

The Returned Services League of Australia. Thank you letter for supply of “Gun

Fire Breakfast”

Sea Lanes. Invoice for Rotaract.

Communities & Industries Forum. Meetings of Meeting 3rd

March 2015.

Australian Rotary Health. End of Rotary Year Donation.

E-Mail from Inner Wheel Club. Request for use of Rotary Hall for Changeover 5th

July 2015.

Outward Correspondence

Letter of acceptance for Unconditional Absence of Leave for PP Rodger Hamilton.

E-Mail to Inner Wheel Club confirming use of Rotary Hall for Changeover 5th



Would members please note that any correspondence received or posted by yourself, please ensure a copy is forwarded to your Secretary.

Treasurer: PDG Bob Cooper

Bills paid, money in the bank

Make sure when you provide me with your banking details for a

payment or whatever that the details are correct!!

I can handle pain until it hurts.


May 2015

Re Club service


June City Centre Markets


June Vocational Visit


June Wellard Markets


June Bendigo Bank Share Holders Meeting


June Board meeting

1. Rotary manuals for all avenues of service are in folders and are available from the hall to all club

office bearers and any other club members that are interested in riveting bed time reading. Please

when you finish with them put them back in the folder for others.

2. Dome markets are going well Bettina Gall is doing a great job unfortunately we had to cancel the

last market. But we now have in excess of 20 confirmed bookings for the 6th


3. District foundation fundraising dinner (Agni Indian Restaurant) Mike Nella, Genevieve &

Damien Carr and Diane and myself had a great night with great food and company, on the night

approx. $16,000 was raised

4. 27th

May Rotary club of Fremantle has invited President Michael and me to a dinner meeting

with the other clubs in our District zone to discuss a combined project; this is a proposed program

involving children ear problems in remote areas.

5. 8th

June Vocational visit to the Hindu Temple thank you Geneviève

6. Club changeover is now set for the 11th

July and invitations are in the process of been sent out 37

people have already accepted and registered their invitations

7. 8th August the ladies are invited to the Hyatt hotel for a presentation on the Strength of woman

flyers have been sent out

8. With the opening of the Kwinana Community Bendigo Bank, the Bank they will be having a

share Holders meeting on the 15th

June and as most of our members will be either officiating or be

invited guest we need to look at shifting this meeting or incorporating it into the launch

Re: International

The international Committee has carried out the following

We are now consecrating in getting GG 15262296 that was submitted in January 2015 approved

and paid into our account

Have had a long talk to Ern Dawes from Doncaster and given him a list of materials that

hopefully East Timor roofing can supply for the Timor-Leste work program in September / October


Still waiting on Southern Districts to Confirm they are joining the project


June 2015 I will be the guest speaker at Booragoon

The Rotary Clubs of Fremantle, Willetton & Cockburn have also shown a great interest and I

will offer to speak them as the Guest Speaker in the near future

Max Bird

PE 2014/15

President Elect 2014/15 Max Bird

Rotary Club of Kwinana; Club Service Director

Kwinana Rotary Club International Manager

Project Manager for RAWCS 21-2011-12 project

Club Projects Director

PP Ian Critchley

PP Bob Thompson

Foundation Dir.

PP Genevieve Carr


PDG John Iriks


Project Director’s Report.

Sheila Mills is now officially a member of our Rotary club

Her induction will be held on the 22nd

June 2015.

Our club changeover will be on Saturday 11th

July 2015 at the

Darious Function Centre.

The next Wellard Village Markets will be held on Sunday 14th

June 2015.

The WVM has moved to their new location, the Town Centre.

So far very positive feedback from all concerned. Due to her commitments as PE after June 2015, Wendy wishes to

relinquish the Wellard Markets position, would a suitable member

please volunteer to take on this role.

City Square Markets

The next scheduled City Market day will be Saturday 6th


About 20 stalls confirmed.

Safety Coordinator Ian C will ensure traffic signs and road closers

are in place by 7am.

Plan was to have at least 5 restaurant meetings during 2014/15

Next was scheduled for 15th

June 2015 has been cancelled.

Bowel Scan project underway, kits available at local pharmacies.

Lee D reported that kits are selling slowly, PP Greg commented,

“Because Rotary’s BowelScan has been so successful, other

organisations are now offering a similar option”

Our attendees to RYPEN have returned with glowing reports of

their experience.

Monday 7th

June, visit to the Hindu Temple all arranged, we will

hire the KCC bus, information will be circulated with times etc.

Visit your club webpage. http://www.clubrunner.ca/Portal/Home.aspx?accountid=8106

or type Kwinana Rotary Club into ‘Google’

PE Max Bird


Lorraine Lucas


PP John Brennan


PP Chris Oughton

Public Relations Dir.

Guest Speakers: Cassandra Lake and Alisha Benzi


WASO comes to Kwinana schools

The sound of music flowed through the halls of three Kwinana schools this term thanks to the

introduction of a new West Australian Symphony Orchestra program.

About 100 pre-primary and Year 1 students from Kwinana Christian School, Medina and North

Parmelia primary schools took part in WASO's pilot El Sistema-inspired music education program.

WASO community engagement executive manager Cassandra Lake said the El Sistema program was

internationally recognised as a life-changing program for children living with disadvantage.

"It is about using music as a tool for students to learn life skills they will carry with them for the rest of

their lives," she said.

The program originated in Venezuela as a free singing and orchestral music program aimed at

improving attendance and student engagement and has spread to 55 countries.

WASO's program helps ensure children in low socio-economic schools have the chance to engage with


Cassandra said the first stage of the program was vocal and creative.

"There is a lot of physical movement, we include listening time, we're teaching them new songs, and

actions that go along with the songs and they have been really fantastic," she said. Kwinana Christian

School teacher Tenae Brockhoff said aside from integrated music within the classroom and private

lessons, the school did not have a music program.

"We jumped at the opportunity to take part," she said Mrs Brockhoff said her students had shown great

excitement towards the lessons and had grown in confidence. "It gives students another opportunity to

explore and be creative," she said. "One of our students was reluctant to participate at the start, but now

he is much more engaged and wants to be a part of it and interact with the program … his confidence

has definitely grown."

Principal Robert McArdle said the school was grateful WASO was engaging its students in music.

"The program follows students all the way through primary school, so in six or seven years we will

have every single class in the school part of the program and it is not something we could provide in the

same capacity," he said.

"It is tremendous."

Cassandra said she was delighted with the success she had seen with the pilot and the enthusiastic way

the students had approached the lessons.

"For a lot of these kids, it is their first introduction to music and group music, but on the whole, we

have been really delighted with their response," she said.

"They have been so open to the music lessons and participating."

Cassandra said in this age of technology, it was important students were engaged in creative play and

stepped away from screens now and then.

In addition to the weekly lessons, children receive visits by WASO's Echo educational chamber

orchestra and attend full symphony concerts at the Perth Concert Hall.

Text sourced from an article in the West Australian.

Fine Session Sergeant PP John Wallhead

Deputy: PP Stephen Castelli

Stand-in Norm Mc.

John B: Sergeant reminded John that he did possess a watch!!!

Ian C: On the ‘Port’ early tonight.

James S: Handing out lollies and didn’t give Brian one.

Ed S: Close shave around the head area again.

Pres. Mike: Forgot to introduce our ladies from WASO:

Sergeant fined for his vigorous use of the bell to start our meeting.

Chris and Norm fined for not sitting in their designated places.

Greg W: Ed fined Greg for being the ‘Snorer of the week’

James S: Expected to be fined judging by the amount of money in front of him.

James S: All dressed up and nowhere to go:

John B and James S played golf at Rockingham the other day, the course has a

plentiful supply of bunkers and James managed to find most of them.

Polio this week 20th May 2015

Ministers of Health from around the world are meeting in

Geneva, Switzerland, this week for the annual World Health

Assembly. The Ministers will discuss a number of topics related

to public health, including polio eradication. The Global Polio

Eradication Initiative has prepared a status report for

delegates. The report and an accompanying resolution are

expected to inform the discussions.

The 11th

report of the Independent Monitoring Board has been

published this week, reporting on progress towards polio

eradication and making recommendations.

Polio staff continue to offer support to the humanitarian response

to the devastating earth quakes in Nepal

Liberia and Sierra Leone have both conducted polio and measles

vaccination campaigns during April and May. These are the first

campaigns conducted in these countries since 2013 (due to the

Ebola outbreak). Polio staff in these countries continue to assist

in the Ebola outbreak response efforts




Not much has


Makeup opportunities

Rockingham: Monday 6pm for 6.30 Ocean Clipper Inn

Palm beach: Wednesday 6pm for 6.30 Ocean Clipper Inn

Cockburn Thursday 7.15am for 7.30 Cockburn Seniors Centre

Fremantle Wednesday 6pm for 6.30 Villa Roma 12 High Street Fremantle

Byford & Districts Monday 6.15pm for 6.45 Byford Tavern, South W Hwy

Rotary Club of Kwinana Inc Contributions welcome: eblogg@bigpond.com

Retirement is the best thing that has happened to my Dad. "I never know what day of the week it is," he gloated. "All I know is, the day the big paper comes, I have to dress up and go to church." An elderly shopper at our supermarket used a cheque to buy such items as cotton balls,

cotton swabs, powder, and tissues. On the butt, she’d written, "Repairs."

Recently I sat in a restaurant watching two older men go at it. It quickly grew heated as

one of them declared, "I’m so mad, I’m taking you off my pallbearer list!"

My nine-year-old daughter walked in while I was getting ready for work. "What are you doing?" she asked. "Putting on my wrinkle cream," I answered. "Oh," she said, walking away. "I thought they were natural."