Dating advice 7 dating tips

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Dating advice 7 dating tips

Dating Advice

7 Dating Tips

Tip #1 Pace Yourself

Have fun but make sure, you take the time

to feel someone’s vibe out.

Tip #2 Don’t try too hard.

Relax and be yourself

Don’t be uptight. Flaunt your sense of

humor. Even if it’s a bad date you could at

least said it was laughable.

Tip #3 Have a sense of Humor

Tip #4 Chill with the complaining

Don’t complain too much.

Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Tip#5 Chivalry is Alive

Ladies, don’t be afraid of chivalry. Real men

still open doors, like to hold your hand while

taking nice walks, and love to give you


Tip #6 Try New Things

Love may find you at unexpected places.

So always keep your mind open to try new

things and go to new places. Let’s get away

from our comfort zone.

Tip #7 Enjoy your life

Don’t make dating the center of your life.

You’ll meet the right one when it’s time.

Until then continue enjoying life. Life’s too

short to waste it waiting for Mr/Mrs. Right to

drop out of the sky.

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