Post on 20-May-2019

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Aziz seeks restoration ofdamaged infra in BaniExcelsior Correspondent

BANI, Feb 13: NationalConference leader and formerMLA Prem Sagar Aziz urgedthe Governor's Administrationto take immediate measuresfor restoration of snow hitdamaged infrastructure andensure basic minimum neces-sities like essentials, powerand drinking water supply inBani constituency.

In a statement, Azizexpressed concern over thelack of basic minimum neces-sities to the people and saidthe residents of Block Bani,Lohai-Lohar, Dugain andother areas were hugely suffer-ing due to massive damages toinfrastructure related to utilityservice resulting in erratic

power and water supply. He referred to the dilapi-

dated road condition and saidnormal activity has come togrinding halt due to communi-cation breakdown and the sup-ply of essentials standsadversely hit. He also calledfor replenishing ration stocksat various depots, particularlyin the areas hugely hit bysnowfall.

Aziz urged the local admin-istration for deputing teams ofofficers of various departmentsin the snow hit areas and ensurerestoration of damaged infra-structure on immediate basis.He also sought preliminary sur-vey of damages caused to theproperty and release of earlyrelief to the sufferers.

Oral & Maxillofacial SurgeonDay celebrated at IGGDC

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 13: TheDepartment of Oral andMaxillofacial Surgery headed byProf Parveen Lone celebratedNational Oral and MaxillofacialSurgeon Day today in IndiraGandhi Government DentalCollege (IGGDC) Jammu.

On the occasion, a lectureregarding awareness of servicesprovided by Oral andMaxillofacial unit was deliveredby Prof Parveen Lone.

Dr Roopav Nagotra, DrVarun Salgotra, Dr Sanjay andDr Israr, House surgeons, besideother staff members participatedin the function.

On the occasion, dentalexamination and treatment offemale students of 'DrishtiChatrawas' Pounichak were donein the Department. Samples ofdental pastes and brushes weredistributed among the students.Health talks on importance oforal hygiene were delivered. A

poster making competition washeld for dental graduates and aseminar on OMFS Day wasorganized. Besides, banners andposters were displayed for publicawareness to prevent facialinjuries as incidence of facialinjuries in this region is on rise.

The Day is celebrated annu-ally on February 13 to increasethe visibility, presence, aware-ness among general massesabout the services provided byIGGDC Jammu. TheDepartment of Oral andMaxillofacial Surgery at IGGDCJammu deals with facial Trauma,deformities of face, pathologiesof jaws, TMJ problems etc inaddition to minor oral surgicalprocedures.

IGGDC is delivering emer-gency services for victims ofmaxillofacial trauma round theclock, besides performing rou-tine minor and major oral surgi-cal procedure in local anesthesiaon OPD basis and general anes-thesia for indoor patients.

Students and faculty of IGGDC Jammu posing for a groupphotograph.

Retd officers demand technocratfrom JKGAS as Director AgriExcelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 13: Retiredofficers of Agriculture/Horticulture / Floriculturedepartments have condemnedthe posting of a non-technicalofficer as Director AgricultureJammu and demandedGovernment to revoke the orderand posted a technocrat fromJ&K Gazetted AgricultureServices (JKGAS) as DirectorAgriculture Jammu.

SN Sharma, Retired DirectorAgriculture, speaking in a meet-ing with the office bearers of theAgriculture Employees Co-ordi-nation Committee (AECC) saidthat the Planning commissionand Indian Council ofAgriculture Research (ICAR)have issued clear guidelines formanning and heading of theAgriculture Department by thetechnical experts.

Dr GA Dar, Retired DirectorHorticulture, said the implemen-tation of various farmers welfareprogrammes including doubling

of farm income more efficiently.He said that the technocrats havespecialized knowledge and wellversed with the technologicalaspects of various crops andfruits plants.

JL Sharma, Retired DirectorHorticulture, KK Sharma,Retired Director Floriculture, DrSS Jamwal, Retired DirectorAgriculture, AK Malhotra,Director (retd), Des Raj Bhagat,Retired Joint DirectorAgriculture, Virinder KumarMoza, Retired Joint DirectorAgriculture, DN Mehta, RetiredDistrict Officer, spoke on theoccasion and condemned theGovernment order for posting anon-technical director.

Pradeep Sharma, Chairman,AECC, presented the details ofthe memorandum presented tothe Government to revoke theorder of posting a non-cadreofficer despite availability of somany eligible officers of theGazetted Agriculture Service inthe Department.

Excelsior Correspondent

REASI, Feb 13: Continuingits drive against the illicit liquorand narcotics, Reasi Police todayapprehended two drug peddlersfrom different areas while an ille-gal liquor kiln was also smashedbesides arresting two womenof a family, who were operatingthe same.

Acting on a tip off regardingthe manufacturing of illicit liquortaking place in village Jambri,under the jurisdiction of ReasiPolice Station, a police teamincluding women officials, ledby I/C PP Talwara SI TribhawanKhajuria raided the area.

A woman and her daughter inlaw were caught red handedwhile manufacturing illicitliquor. Police team smashed thekiln and destroyed approximately200 liters lahan, which was keptin 15 tins and buried alongsideriver Chenab. Apparatus, pipesetc of kiln were seized.However, son of one of theaccused women and husband ofthe other, managed to flee beforethe Police team reached the spot.

The accused were identifiedas Sansar Kour, her daughter-in-law Gurjeet Kour and sonRajeev Singh. In this regard, acase FIR number 32/19 U/S48(b)(d)(e) Excise Act has beenregistered at Police StationReasi. The operation was carriedout under the direct supervision

of Dr Nikhil Gogna, DySP HqrsReasi.

Meanwhile, Katra Policearrested a drug peddler andseized 100 TramadolHydrochloride Capsules and 100Alprazolam Tablets from his pos-session.

The accused, identified asMangat Ram son of Krishan Lalof Dansa, Jammu, was appre-hended near Auto Stand BanGanga by patrolling Police teamof PP Banganga when he wascoming from Chintamani Katratowards Ban Ganga. On his per-sonal search, banned drugs,including 100 tablets ofAlprazolam and 100 capsules ofTramadol Hydrochloride wererecovered.

In this connection, case FIRnumber 39/2019 U/S 8/21/22NDPS Act was registered atPolice Station Katra.

In another success, anotherdrug peddler was arrested todayduring patrolling at Bus StandRansoo. The accused, identifiedas Rattan Lal son of Surmu ofPora Jagir, Tehsil Pouni, wascoming from Bus Stand Ransooand carrying a bag in his handwhen Police apprehended him.During the search of his bag,800 gm of poppy straw wasrecovered and seized.

In this regard, a case FIRnumber 3/2019 U/S 8/15/ NDPSAct has been registered at PoliceStation Ransoo.

45 encroachers evictedfrom State land

Excelsior CorrespondentPOUNI, Feb 13: On the

directions of DeputyCommissioner Reasi Dr SagarD Diofode , Tehsildar Pounievicted 45 illegal encroachersfrom 475 Kanals and 5 Marlas ofState land in various villages ofTehsil Pouni in district Reasi.

Deputy Commissioner Reasihas categorically directed allSub-Divisional Magistrates andTehsildars during revenue offi-cers meeting to make lists of allsuch illegal encroachers whohave encroached upon State,Kahcharai and common landand evict them after followingdue procedures and laws.

Taking cognizance of thedirections, Rajesh Baru,Tehsildar Pouni directed NaibTehsildar Pouni and Ransoo toprepare lists of all such encroach-ers who have either encroachedupon State Kahcharai and com-mon land or managed illegalentries in the Revenue records inrespect of Tehsil Pouni.

Naib Tehsildar Pouni MohdSadik after perusal of respectivespots and relevant revenue recordshas recommended 38 Assamiwisecases for eviction of illegalencroachers from State land invarious villages of Tehsil Pouni.

Tehsildar Rajesh Baru, underSection 133 of Land RevenueAct, Svt 1996, based on the rec-ommendations of field staff andafter providing due opportunityof being heard to all illegal occu-pants within the provisions ofthe Land Revenue Act, issuedorders for eviction of all 45encroachers from State land invarious villages of Tehsil Pouni.

Man sentenced to 4 years rigorousimprisonment in rape case

Excelsior Correspondent

UDHAMPUR, Feb 13: Alocal court today sentenced aman to four years rigorousimprisonment in rape case ofunsound mind girl.

Principal District andSessions Judge SanjayParihar awarded the sentenceto 60 years old Mani Ram,son of Sarvan, resident ofSunetar, Ramnagar after con-victing him under Section451/376 /511 RPC .

On February 18, 2017,the victim's mother KrishniDevi had approached thepolice, saying that when shehad gone to Ration depotof village Suneter in tehsilRamnagar and on reachingback home she came toknow from her family mem-bers that accused Mani RamChowkidar had entered intoher house and forciblycommitted rape with herunsound mind 30 years oldgirl . The woman said hethreatened her of dire conse-quences if she narrated theepisode to anybody. The vic-tim's mother statement wasrecorded and an FIR was reg-istered against the accusedunder Section 452/376 RPCat Ramnagar Police Station.

Awarding judgment,Judge said that rape orattempt of rape are crimes

against the body of awoman which is her owntemple . "Such offence suffo-cates the breath of life andsullies her reputation.Accused convict herein hap-pened to be the Chowkidarby profession .Thus wasguardian of the people whofell in his Chowkidari vil-lage. Prosecutix being oneof them and a helpless sub-ject beside was a person ofunsound mind who has fallenprey to his lust. Accuseddoes not deserve to beextended any sympathy orleniency in awarding of sen-tence. As such accused hasbeen held guilty of commis-sion of offence under section376/511 RPC is thereforeconvicted and sentenced toundergo rigorous imprison-ment of four years and fineof rupees one lakh and foroffence under Section 451RPC simple imprisonment ofone year and fine of Rupees5000 ," he declared.

However, both the sen-tence will run concurrently.Out of fined amount, Rupees90,000 shall be paid as com-pensation to the victim andbalance amount of fine shallbe remitted in favour of State. Public Prosecutor NavneetGupta appeared for the Statewhile Advocate Anil Vijayappeared for the accused.

SC grants 4 more weeks to UP Govt to submit vision document on Taj Mahal

NEW DELHI, Feb 13:

The Supreme Court onWednesday directed the UttarPradesh Government to submit avision document for protectionand preservation of the TajMahal in Agra within fourweeks, saying it was difficult toproceed in the matter without it.

A bench comprising justicesS A Bobde and S K Kaul alsoasked the Centre to place beforeit in eight weeks time a report ondeclaring Agra a heritage city.

The vision document isbeing prepared by the DelhiSchool of Planning andArchitecture for the UPGovernment.

On September 25, 2018, theApex Court had extended tillNovember 15 the time for theUttar Pradesh Government tocome out with the vision docu-ment on protecting the 17th cen-tury monument and had asked itto consider declaring a portionof the area surrounding it as 'her-itage'.

But as the State Governmentdid not file the vision document,the Apex Court on Wednesdaysaid it was difficult to proceed inthe matter and granted it fourweeks to complete it.

The Apex Court had earlierasked authorities to take a largerperspective on issues of pollu-tion and green cover whilepreparing the vision document,

saying there will be no secondchance to preserve the TajMahal.

While observing that theTaj Mahal would "of course bethe centre piece" of the mattersto be considered, the ApexCourt had said other issues likevehicular traffic, pollutionfrom the industries operatingin the Taj Trapezium Zone(TTZ) and the water level ofthe Yamuna river should alsobe looked into while preparingthe document.

The TTZ is an area of about10,400 sq km spread over thedistricts of Agra, Firozabad,Mathura, Hathras and Etah inUttar Pradesh and the Bharatpurdistrict of Rajasthan.

Environmentalist M CMehta, the petitioner in the caserelating to the protection of TajMahal, had told the court thatgreen cover in the area hasreduced and there wereencroachments inside and out-side the Yamuna flood plains.(PTI)

Excelsior CorrespondentKATHUA, Feb 13: BJP

today cautioned the peopleagainst those elements who aremisleading the public opinionand spreading canards againstthe Narendra Modi led UnionGovernment as well as StateBJP leadership.

The BJP district president,Prem Nath Dogra while address-

ing a press conference here,today allayed fears aboutShahpur Kandi Project and saidthat the same was not in the itin-erary of Prime Minister,Narendra Modi's recent visit toJammu as the work on the proj-ect is going on with full pace. Hesaid some disgruntled opposi-tion parties are misleading thepeople that PM did not lay foun-dation of the project. Whenwork has already started on theproject there was no fun of lay-ing the foundation stone, headded.

He said that during last overfour and half years a recordnumber of developmental proj-ects were started in Kathua dis-trict as well as Kathua,Udhampur, Doda Constituencythe credit of which directly goesto Union Minster and local MP,Dr Jitendra Singh.

He said people of Kathuacompliment him for startingwork on Highway Village nearKathua, flagging off DMU fromJammu to Pathankot, taking thedecision on Ujh Project, con-struction of Kerriyan Gandialbridge, Seed Processing Plant,Biotech Park at Ghatti, Rs 42crore road from Lakhanpur toThein, Rs 37 crore road from to

Hatli Gunni,declaration ofDayalachak toChalla road asN a t i o n a lHighway andRs 37 croreChadwal toPaharpur road.

The BJPleader also lam-basted the NCand PDP leadersfor not muster-

ing courage in calling AfzalGuru and Burhan Wani as terror-ists and stone pelters as antinationals. He accused Congress,NC and PDP for enactingRoshni act to change demogra-phy of Jammu.

He said these parties deniedthe rights to West Pak refugeesduring last 70 years whilebrought Rohingyas to Jammuand settled them over here.These parties even did not spokea word when over four lakhKashmiri Hindus were forced toleave Valley.

He said the works initiatedby Dr Jitendra Singh in hisConstituency will show resultswithin years and will provegame changer for Jammu. DrNarindera Singh, Shashi PalSharma, Anirudh, Dalbir Singh,Rajesh Mehta and SanjaySharma were other BJP leaderspresent in press conference.

BJP leaders at a press conference at Kathuaon Wednesday. -Excelsior/Madan

Army takes Sarpanchs,Ex-Servicemen on tourExcelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 13: Armyorganised a capacity buildingtour for 20 Sarpanchs and ex-ser-

vicemen from Rajouri andPoonch districts to Pune,Chennai, Pondicherry and NewDelhi which started today andwill remain there till Mar 1.

The tour was flagged offtoday by the General OfficerCommanding, Ace of SpadesDivision from Rajouri District.

The flagging off ceremonywas attended by officials of civiladministration and by local popu-lace of Rajouri District includingfamily members of the partici-pants. Army officials addressedall the participants of the tour and

wished them Bon Voyage.During the course of the tour,

the participants will visit themodel villages of Hiware Bazaar

& Ralegaon Sidhi, wherethey will witness imple-mentation of Self-Governance conceptthrough Panchayati RajSystem.

A close interactionwith Anna Hazare is alsobeing planned. The nextleg of the jaunt will takethe participants toChennai where theUnmukt workshop willbe held.

This event will givethe participants an oppor-tunity to learn self-sus-tainability skills throughgroup discussions andactivities.

They will further bevisiting Sustainable

Livelihood Institute inPondicherry, where a smallworkshop regarding Rural Self-Governance model will be con-ducted.

The tour will conclude atNew Delhi where the partici-pants will be accorded the privi-lege of meeting senior militaryand civil dignitaries to includethe Chief of the Army Staff.They will also be provided aninsight into the rich heritage ofcountry during visits to the well-known monuments like IndiaGate and Raj Ghat.

General Officer Commanding, Aceof Spades Division meeting Sarpanchsand Ex-Servicemen at Rajouri onWednesday.

BJP cautions people againstOppn parties’ false propaganda

Mouni Jee Maharajattains Maha Samadhi

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 13: ShreeShree Mouni Jee Maharaj one ofthe revered saints attained MahaSamadhi today at 3.28 pm in hisJammu Ashram near DhouhthlyWater Works.

The news of his Nirvana wasa big shock for his thousands ofdevotees who thronged theAshram to have his last darshan.He belonged to Bairagi Cult ofSadhus and was well knownthroughout the country as MouniJee Maharaj. He kept Moun Vratfor 24 long years of his life.

As per a press release byNeeraj Sharma, president of theAshram, the Antim darshan (last

glimpse) of his holiness for thepublic can be from 10-00 am to12 -00 noon tomorrow at hisAshram. As per the wish ofMouni Jee Maharaj the finalMaha Samadhi ritual will startfrom 1 pm onwards tomorrow inthe Ashram.

Drive against illicit liquor, drugsleads to arrest of 2 women among 4

Biodiversity awarenesscamp held at Manda

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Feb 13: A biodi-versity awareness camp wasorganized by Department ofZoology, Government PGCollege for Women GandhiNagar, Jammu in collaborationwith Wildlife ProtectionDepartment and Department ofEnvironment & Remote Sensingat Manda Zoo.

Students from GovernmentPG College for Women GandhiNagar Jammu participated inlarge number. Shahzaad

Chowdhary, Wildlife Warden,Jammu briefed the studentsregarding facilities for the res-cued animals and veterinarytreatment available at Manda.Working of the WildlifeProtection Department givingdetail of challenges and meas-ures being taken was explainedto the students by WildlifeWarden, Amit Sharma.

The exposure trip was fol-lowed by a symposium at NatureInterpretation Centre (NIC) ofWildlife Protection Departmentin which a number of students

presented their views regardingbiodiversity and wildlife conser-vation.

Chief Guest of the occasion,Suresh Kumar Gupta, ChiefWildlife Warden, J&K advisedthe students to plant at least onesapling on every important occa-sion and spread the message withregard to wildlife and biodiversi-ty conservation in the society. Heappealed the students to spreadthe messages that wildlife ani-mals like monkeys should not befed by the people.

The programme was attended

by Dr Satinder Kour, Head,Department of Zoology,Government PG College fromWomen along with the facultymembers, Dr Savi Behl, DrSanjeet Kour, Dr AnupamaPandotra, Dr Ashma Gupta andDr Niha Antal.

In the symposium 1st prizewas bagged by Minakshi Thakur,2nd prize was won by ArushiSingh and 3rd prize was sharedby two students namelyHaripriya and Mehnaaz.

Dr Satinder Kour presentedvote of thanks in the end.

Students and faculty of Government PG College for WomenGandhi Nagar, posing after conclusion of a symposium atManda Zoo in Jammu.