Creating for people - UX for MBAs

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Creating for people - UX for MBAs

Creating for people User Experience for MBAs


*slides will be posted J (with all sources)

the  mango  tree  story  

We are tool makers.

Tools augment our abilities as humans.

We make tools to improve our lives.

Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO (2005)

"Where you innovate, how you innovate, and what you innovate are

design problems.”

Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO (2005)

design SOLUTIONS  


Design Management Institute, 2014

“over  the last 10 years design-led companies have maintained significant stock market advantage, outperforming

the S&P by an extraordinary 228%.”

Design Management Institute, 2014

Innovation. Shaping the future.

If you want the world to be better, you have to help shape it.

Shape your future instead of reacting to it.

That’s where User Experience comes in.

Designing experiences is basically understanding people and helping them.

Making the interaction between a person and a product feel natural.

That’s great user experience.

The medium may change from a large screen,

to a small screen, to a voice interface

But the way we experience a product remains the same.

We are still human.

Adap0ve  Path,  2012  

Designing with a whole human in mind

is, well… really hard.

But really exciting!

Don Norman, 2014

“Design  is the practice of intentional creation to enhance the world. It is a field of doing and making, creating great products and services that fit human needs, that delight and inform. Design is exciting because it calls upon the arts and humanities, the social, physical, and biological sciences, engineering and business.”

Dan Saffer, Kicker Studio, 2008

easy.  math is

hard.  design is

Jeffrey Veen, VP of Products at Adobe

Good news!

UX follows a process:

Human Centered Design

A process means…

simplifying complexity through a method

the people

who will use the product  

User centered design focuses the process on  

Human Centered Design



Design  Experiment  


1. discovery

observe & talk

understand the user

diary / photo Study online surveys

competitive analysis

understand the field

research at chegg

2. ideate

create potential solutions

Brainstorm ideas Participatory DesignStoryboard Concept Map

Ideation at meebo

participatory design at essential

3. design

visualizing reality

Task Flow Sketch Wireframe

user tasks and sketching at chegg

4. prototype and experiment

*quickest way to learn whether you are right or wrong

paper prototyping remote testingwith static mocks usability test participatory design

*MVP = Minimum Viable Product = minimum effort to create

paper prototype example

usability study example

Tomer Sharon, Google, 2014

“You design something, learn about it, make it better, learn again and so on. There is no room for people who are afraid to put their creations on the line for testing”

Tomer Sharon, Google, 2014

Things can be better.

Problems = opportunities

Serve your fellow human being as you design.

This is a great field.

Career Tips: 1. Do what you love to do 2. Take calculated risks 3. Pursue something that makes the. world a better place


*slides will be posted J (with all sources)

at 5PM