Cover Letter, Resume, & Interviewing Tips · Cover Letter, Resume, & Interviewing Tips Rinda...

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Transcript of Cover Letter, Resume, & Interviewing Tips · Cover Letter, Resume, & Interviewing Tips Rinda...

Cover Letter, Resume, &

Interviewing Tips

Rinda Kieffer

Cover Letters

• One page introduction to an employer

• Normally accompanies a resume• Helps employers understand your skills, abilities, interests, &

communication skills

• Specific to position you are applying for

• Opportunity to market or “sell” your job skills & abilities• Opportunity to insert some personality

• Getting started

– Research

– Match skills to needs

– Use formatting basics

• Writing

– Paragraph 1: Intro – introduce yourself, clearly state why you are writing, and tailor the letter to the specific organization

– Paragraph 2 – 3: Body – explain WHY you are a good fit for the organization, site specific examples of your experiences, skills, and accomplishments related to the position

– Final Paragraph: Closing – Remind the reader of your interest and strong candidacy, state your desire for an interview, and ensure your contact info is included


How to Write a Cover Letter

The Purpose of a Resume

• To market what you have to offer an employer and to create a positive first impression of you!

• To summarize the education, work experiences, and skills you have to offer the employer.

• To serve as a tool to help you get the interview.

• Proofread –Be sure there are no typos / grammatical errors

• Be specific

– Interviewer needs to understand your qualifications

– Put most important info first.

– Reverse chronological order

– Use Job Description as resource for qualifications – Make is relevant to the employer

– List specific job duties that you performed

– Don’t get too wordy

• KISS (Keep It Short & Simple)

– One Page

– Use a clean format that is easy to read/scan – Be consistent with font style/size

– Bullet Lists, rather than paragraphs

– It’s important for a manager to be able to scan your resume for key aspects.

– Don’t use “I” or “me” – example: Don’t say “I managed 20 employees.” Instead: “Managed 20 employees

General Resume Tips:

• Specialized Resume –

– Make a specific resume for each job you apply for:

– Change objective and achievements to reflect certain position

• How do I rise to the top?

– Find a way to set yourself apart from others.

• Resources


General Resume Tips:

• Not necessary for all resumes

– Could use Summary

– Sell yourself

• Be specific to a certain position

• Don’t be wordy, but catch our attention

• Get to the point

• If you are looking for an accounting position, tell us that in the objective.

– Example: To secure a position with a well established organization with a stable environment that will lead to a lasting relationship in the business field.

– This example is too open and needs to be more job specific.

– Example: Accounting position where I can effectively utilize my expertise in payroll & payroll budgeting.

– This example is job specific and is not too wordy.


• Education is different than achievements & experiences.

• Education

– Education & Academic Training

– Certifications (MS Office) and Licensures

– Endorsements

• Know and list the full name of your school.

– Is it Lincoln High School?

– Is it Lincoln Jr./Sr. High School?

• Achievements include:

– Certificates of Acheivement

– Awards

– Special Recognitions: Eagle Scout? 4H? Scholastic All Conference?

– Scholarships

– Perfect / Good Attendance

Education / Achievements

• List all jobs & be prepared to answer questions about gaps in employment

• If you have not had a job, you can title the section as “Experience” and include items mentioned below:

• Experiences include:

– Clubs you participated in

– Teams you were part of

– Athletic

– Band / Choir

– Math / Academic

– 4-H, FFA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts

• Leadership Roles and Responsibilities?


Work Experience / Experiences:

• Not required on original resume

• Make it a completely separate document **New Trend

• Most likely asked for on application

• Take them to interview

• Do not list:

– Mom

– Dad

– Brother / Sister

– Uncle

– Boyfriend / Girlfriend


• Do list:

– Employers (Past / Present*)

– Supervisor (Past / Present*)

– Teacher / Coach / Leader

– Ask permission to list

– * Make sure they are aware you are looking for a job.

1. Appearance:

– Dress for success – Dress professionally

– Making a good first impression is keen

– Cologne / Perfumes

2. Be Punctual:

– Be on time and awake for the interview

– Make sure you know where you are going prior to the day of interview.

– Quote to live by:

If you’re early, you’re on-time; If you’re on-time; you’re late;

3. Prepare for Interview:

– Research the company – history; products; services; etc.

– Research position you applied for

– Read and become familiar with the job description

General Interviewing Tips:

4. Body Language:

– Confidence

– Your body language can often speak louder than your words.

– Smile & Be Friendly

– Treat everyone as if they are your interviewer (receptionist, people passing through office area, etc.)

– Firm handshake

– Direct eye contact

– Be Yourself – Know Yourself

5. Ask relative questions

– Company Growth; Bonus; Production Standards; Benefits; Schedules; Tuition Reimbursement;

6. Be prepared:

– Turn Cell Phone / Ringer Off

– Bring pen & paper

– Bring copies of portfolio & resume

7. Write a “Thank You” Note to interviewer

Interviewing Tips

• Review work experience

– Dates of Employment / Gaps

• Attendance at work & school

– Good / Perfect tells a lot about you.

• Behavioral Interviewing Process:

– Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.

– C.A.R.

– Give specific examples

– Question:

– Tell me about a time that you took responsibility for a mistake that you had made because it was going to impact the company in a negative way.

– Tell me about a difficult encounter with a customer & how you handled it.

– Describe an event where you have had to deal with change. Tell me about the challenges & how you adjusted.

What to expect: