Content Marketing Secrets from Modern Marketers

Post on 01-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Content Marketing Secrets from Modern Marketers

Content Marketing Secrets from Modern Marketers

A collection of content marketing advice from experts LQ�6FULSWHGȇV�Content Influencer series.

The Current State of Content

Content marketing has become one of the most popular marketing buzzwords to

date. Whether content marketing is a fad or not is unclear, but one thing is for sure:

high quality, original content is vital to any marketing strategy.

Original content can help brands improve their credibility, raise awareness, create

trust with customers, drive traffic, and ultimately generate high-quality leads. At

Scripted, we believe at the core of any marketing strategy is relevant and quality

FRQWHQW�ZKLFK�LV�ZK\�ZHȇYH�VSHQW�WLPH�interviewing Content Influencers about


curated the most valuable secrets from this select group of marketers. Enjoy!


On thought leadership

Dayna Rothman

Director of Content

The eBook Process Ȋ:KHQ�I write eBooks I make them as easy to understand as possible ȃ headings, lists,

bullets ȃ then do multiple rounds of editing. If a subject matter expert is used, I will send the ebook to them to make sure I have the content right, then send it to design. Then once

LWȇV�GHVLJQHG��Ζ�UHYLHZ�WKH�GHVLJQ��WR�PDNH�VXUH�DOO�WKH�LPDJHV�DUH�ULJKW��WKH�GHVLJQ�PDNHV�sense and the ebook is templated properly. Lots of review is the key to success�ȋ

ȊΖ�like to create a wide funnel to attract people through thought leadership. By covering general marketing topics like content marketing, demand generation, and inbound marketing, I can help marketers be better at their job, in hope that they will trust us and eventually become a customer. It is also important to map content to your funnel so that you have content that is applicable to your customers at each step in their buying journey�ȋ

Content from Captora:

Captora Blog

Captora Content Marketing Resources

Atomic Reach

On connecting with your audience

Ira Haberman

Director of Marketing

Ȋ)RU�our audience it really is around content that speaks to them about making their content creation experience better. We do a lot of things around how to create better audience centric content. How to write to the level of sophistication of your audience? How GR�\RX�XVH�HPRWLRQ�ZKHQ�\RXȇUH�ZULWLQJ"�7KH�themes of our thought leadership position on content marketing, blogging, audience and content creation all resonate with our audience�ȋ


have too much content, instead of ȆGR�we have enough content"ȇ�)RU�PH��LWȇV�DERXW�

honing in on the appropriate content for the audience�ȋ


Content from Atomic Reach:

Atomic Reach Blog

Atomic Reach Resource Hub

42 Floors

On content for lead gen ȊWe have an education center in which case we get a good chunk of our content from brokers who voluntarily ask to write articles to be in the education center. We give them exposure and linkage, and how to show their domain expertise in commercial real estate. It also helps build RXW�FRQWHQW�DURXQG�OLNH��Ȇ+RZ�GR�\RX�UHQW�office space? Should you go with a broker, should you not go with a broker?

Bernard Huang,

Growth Hacker

What defines rentable square feet footage as opposed to available square footage? How do you negotiate your lease? What things you have to look out for if you're trying to build out your space versus getting the landlord to build it out�ȇ

Content from 42 Floors:

Real Estate Education

42 Floors Blog

That content is a lot more commercial real estate specific, in which case, we've had

that around for a while. Our current plan is to expand that and make it into an e-book which we can use it as a lead-generation tactic."



Carries Sloan


On the most valuable content for readers ȊΖWȇV�WKH�personal stories of seeing how other people are struggling with money, or KRZ�WKH\ȇUH�PDNLQJ�SURJUHVV�RQ�PRQH\��3HRSOH�ZDQW�WR�NQRZ�KRZ�RWKHU�SHRSOH�GLG�it. The other thing that I can point to is FRQWHQW�WKDW�OHWȇV�\RX�FRPSDUH�DQG�contrast��)RU�H[DPSOH��ZH�GLG�D�VWRU\��Ȇ:KDWȇV�\RXU�UHWLUHPHQW�QXPEHU"ȇ


Content from LearnVest:

Learnvest Life & Money Blog

Learnvest Knowledge Center


On the future of content

Monica Norton

Senior Director of Content Marketing

Ȋ:HȇUH�still hyper-focused on quality. We feel comfortable publishing less, as ORQJ�DV�LWȇV�KLJKHU�TXDOLW\��YDOXDEOH�content. Especially now that I feel like ZHȇYH�UHDOO\�KLW�RXU�VWULGH��:H�KDYH�D�ORW�RI�really good content, evergreen content out there already�ȋ

Ȋ:H�have an analytics team in marketing, which is really helpful, so they can help






Analytics and Content

Content from Zendesk:

Zendesk Resources

Zendesk Blog


On your customers ȊWe talk to customers every single day.

We have regular conversations on Skype,

which is a big part of my role. I try to talk to

as many customers as possible to

understand what they like about us, what

WKH\�GRQȇW�OLNH��Ȋ Sofia Quintero

Growth Firestarter

What are the stories around the product, how we can help them in different ways?

Ζ�WKLQN�LW�LV�LPSRUWDQW�WR�FUHDWH�FRQWHQW�DQG�FRQWLQXRXVO\�DVN�\RXUVHOI��ȆIs this going to be helpful for anybody, is it going to be insightful, is it going to change



Content from Geckoboard:

Geckoboard Blog

Geckoboard Resources


On the importance of


took a page out of 8SZRUWK\ȇV book. They do

this 25 headlines exercise and they brainstorm 25 headlines for every post. So we do the

same. We meet every Friday and throw out

ideas for upcoming posts, webinars and

eBooks. The first time it took forever�ȋ

Hana Abaza

Director of Marketing


Number one: Figure out your goal and what you want to try and get out of it. Most

companies know they want to use it as an acquisition channel.

Be realistic. In the first six months of launching you should write the most DPD]LQJ�FRQWHQW�WKDW�GRHVQȇW�WDON�D�ORW�DERXW�\RX��EXW�\RXU�DXGLHQFH��<RXȇUH�JRLQJ�

to attract visitors and retain them�ȋ


Content from Uberflip:

Uberflip Hub

Content Marketing Hub

Creative Market

On advice for growing

traffic for your blog Ȋ7KHUHȇV�QR�VLOYHU�EXOOHW�WKDWȇV�JRLQJ�WR�

start driving traffic to your blog right

away. Start out by building relationships with other bloggers and writers in your space. Ask them

to mention your site or content on their

blog. See what you can do to write on

their blog or ask them to write on your


ȊFinally, optimize the content in the

body of your post so that when people

read the headline and view the shared

image in their feed, they are compelled

to re-share it. Over time, if you are

carefully monitoring your experiments


your hard work and your traffic will

compound and grow�ȋ

Zack Onisko

Chief Growth Officer

On the biggest challenge ȊI think the challenge is coming up with

fresh, new, interesting content. I think at






Content from Creative Market:

Creative Market Blog


On making your content

stand out Ȋ:H�keep it fun, personal and passionate, as

well as helpful. :H�GRQȇW�QHHG�WR�VHOO�people, but simply provide the LQIRUPDWLRQ�WKDW�WKH\ȇUH�ORRNLQJ�IRU��ΖWȇV�



in the content and product to make it easier�ȋ

Tristan Pollack,


2Q�DGYLFH�RQ�ZKDWȇV�PRVW�LPSRUWDQW Ȋ7KDW�ZHȇUH�DEOH�WR�WHOO�RXU�RZQ�VWRULHV�ȃ stories of our members and how they have

evolved. When we launched the Storefront site in March of 2013, we had renters and

space owners, but they were in a different place.

Now we can share how our members have used Storefront to sell their products

better, connect with their customers, and growth their business. Ȋ

Content from Storefront:

Storefront Blog

Storefront Success Stories


2Q�EORJJLQJ�DV�D�OHDG�JHQHUDWLRQ�VWUDWHJ\Ȑ ȊOur blog content is, in essence, lead generation for our paid online courses. We capture email addresses on the blog and provide opportunities for users to click over to relevant paid courses.

We look for a three month pay back on our blog content. Basically, three months after we publish the blog posts we want the leads we capture from our blog posts to cover the cost of creating the blog posts.


On driving ROI ȊAny content PDUNHWLQJ�ZHȇUH�GRLQJ�GULYHV�sales and drives users��:HȇUH�WDNLQJ�D�YHU\�52Ζ�approach to how we think about our content development. For instance, we might write a piece of content about Excel formulas. I want to JLYH�LW�WR�SHRSOH�ZKR�DUH�VHDUFKLQJ�IRU�Ȋ+RZ�WR�XVH�([FHO�EHWWHU�ȋ�EXW�DW�WKH�VDPH�WLPH��ZHȇUH�DOVR�able to promote our content, our long form courses for pay. Ȋ

Archie Abrams

Director of Growth

Content from Udemy:

Udemy Blog

Andy Smith

On defining quality content

ȊEvery audience has different goals or different

definitions. It's a danger to try to apply the rules of

one audience against another.

Quality can be one of those things where people

can spend a lot of time delivering too high quality

content to an audience that doesn't go appreciated.

Maybe they aren't able to deliver enough content.

Andy Smith


The Dragonfly Effect

Top 10 lists, generally people

click on them. There's

something in there. I find,

probably, one every couple of

days that I actually bookmark.

The fact that people have this

almost pre-chewed content

out there, that doesn't make it

poor, by definition. It's a

question of how you present it,

and how you blend it�ȋ

You can overemphasize quality, but each

publisher would do well if they try to understand

-- just as they understand what their audiences'

needs are, in terms of problems that they solve -

- what their expectations are for the content they receive.


Content from Andy Smith:

The Dragonfly Effect


On B2B companies

SXEOLVKLQJ�H%RRNVȐ� Ȋ&RPSDQLHV�DUH�writing about their industry or

their market to boost their own profiles and

generate leads. Publishing a book makes

someone an expert in their field. One thing we

see a lot is people using a book as a lead generation tool, so when you type in a topic, it


Amazon result for your book. People find the



Ash Davis,


On the future of self-SXEOLVKLQJȐ ȊΖ�think LWȇV�VRFLDO. I think the entire publishing model is going to be flipped around. It


then get rejected, and then have small commissions for someone else to sell your


<RXȇOO�start publishing the day you start writing. People will start reading and following


Content from Tablo:

Tablo Website


2Q�2XWEUDLQȇV�FRQWHQW�VWUDWHJ\ Ȋ2QH�RI�WKH�PRVW�VXFFHVVIXO�WKLQJV�ZHȇYH�launched is an email newsletter called


trending and different aspects of the content marketing industry.


VD\��Ȋ%X\�2XWEUDLQ�ȋ�EXW�UDWKHU�ZHȇUH�sharing really interesting industry trends,



On trends in content

distribution ȊOne trend is that consumers really are embracing this notion of discovery at the

bottom of the article. I think the second

major trend, is that a lot of publishers are

starting to look at content marketing

outside of the historical Outbrain widget, so

folks like, they have a really


pervasive than simply at the bottom of the


Greg Freishtat

SVB Strategic Alliances

Content from Outbrain:

Outbrain Blog


On leveraging content

as education

Zach Kitschke

Head of Communications

Ȋ0RVW�of our marketing is centered around education. There are a lot of

people who want to learn graphic design,

and are keen to improve their social

media skills. Sharing tips and tricks that

are useful to users helps to get Canva

out into the world, but also provides

great value to our users�ȋ

We also invest a lot of energy into our weekly design tutorials and blog content. We write about topics that interest our

audience, including social media, marketing and graphic



Content from Canva:

Canva Blog


On building a community

Kaitlyn Ellison


Ȋ:H�are always trying to create content that can continuously be circulated for the inspiration or education of the community. We want designers to be referring one another to blog content for help Ȃ in our support of GHVLJQHUV�ZH�XVH�LW�DV�D�NLQG�RI�ȊKHOS�SDJHȋ�ourselves, as well. We also want the designers we feature on the site to feel excited and proud of their own work and participation on the site, so any time a designer we featured gets excited or shares their article with friends, WKDWȇV�GHILQLWHO\�D�VXFFHVV�ȋ

Ȋ2XU�strategy is about figuring out what our on-site community needs most, and creating it for them. We have almost 300,000 designers on the site so naturally there are a lot of different kinds of designers with different levels of experience. Our goal is to provide them with educational resources and inspiration regardless of what OHYHO�WKH\ȇUH�DW��:H�DOVR�XVH�WKH�EORJ�WR�FXUDWH�DQG�SURPRWH�WKH�EHVW�XVHUV�LQ�RXU�FRPPXQLW\�ȋ

Content from 99designs:

99designs Customer Blog

99designs Designer Blog

/HWȇV�FUHDWH�original content.

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